Uncle Ben

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  • Uncle Ben

    KH’s usual Hellenistic pap directed to my supposed penname Binyamin is not even worthy of a detailed rebuttal. It so reeks of her customary apikorsus, I don’t even want to get close to it. All her usual Hellenistic buzzwords are there; rational, wisdom etc. Hopefully the bor she put herself into is not the one from “moridin velo ma’alin”. That would be truly sad. I was referring to bor as in boring, same old same old boring apikorsus.

    in reply to: Is the Meningitis vaccination required for boys living in Yeshiva dorms? #1452828
    Uncle Ben

    Lightbrite; Someone who consistently mocks Daas Torah by not only her silly posts but by her username as well needs to be called out, consistently!

    in reply to: Is the Meningitis vaccination required for boys living in Yeshiva dorms? #1452706
    Uncle Ben

    Katanhaboring: As a practical matter what puny apikorus mind would deem a Rav rational or irrational unless the consensus of Rabonim made such a decision? And if there was such a pathetic little arrogant mind it should quickly do teshuvah and not put it’s neshama at risk!
    Oh, and my name is not Binyamin no matter how many times you write it, Katanhador!

    Uncle Ben

    In NY State it used to be voluntary. Recently they made it mandatory as I found out when my son’s Yeshiva called me. I told them he received enough vaccinations in his life so just send me the religious exemption form and so they did. Now I just have to fill it out and email it back but I’m too busy typing important comments in the YWN Coffee Room!

    in reply to: Bar Mitzvah Cost #1449336
    Uncle Ben

    Wolf; Why do you call yourself an apikorus? Do you wear red shoes or something?πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Can a live person be soulless? #1449337
    Uncle Ben

    On galus: Soul is not mentioned in the Torah?! What about, “Vayipach be’apav NISHMAS chaim”???

    in reply to: Names that are used for both boys and girls #1449317
    Uncle Ben

    I spelled ameratzus phonetically as it is colloquially pronounced.
    In any case my name is not and never has been Binyamin!
    Come on it’s cold out there get busy knitting those afghans, your einiklach are cold!

    in reply to: Names that are used for both boys and girls #1449086
    Uncle Ben

    Could have fooled me! So what’s with the lashon nekaiva of dor”ah” ? Stam ameratzus?

    in reply to: Names that are used for both boys and girls #1448938
    Uncle Ben

    RebYidd: Katanhaborer is not being serious, as usual she erroneously thinks my name is Binyamin. So instead of sitting on her rocking chair and knitting afghans for her einiklach she fantasizes about naming her imaginary parakeet in my supposed honor!

    in reply to: Names that are used for both boys and girls #1447557
    Uncle Ben

    KatanHadorah: “If we want to be machmir on naming children with only β€œJewish” names than one should only use a name that appears in the Torah or the Neviim.”
    Actually, I believe that is the shita of Rav Chaim Shlita, a real Gadol Hador. Though I believe most Rabonim, Rebbes don’t seem to agree with him.

    in reply to: How to prevent dental illness #1420704
    Uncle Ben

    Slominer; The answer to your question is that there is a small percentage of the population (1 or 2%) that has a very strong Parotid gland that nourishes the teeth better than the other 98%.

    in reply to: Mechi Teissi #1417681
    Uncle Ben

    I think he’s Meydad Tasa’s long lost cousin!☺

    in reply to: What’s a good setup for a Chanukah holiday pic of my dog? #1417324
    Uncle Ben

    Your dawg! Oh, just give him a dreidel shaped dog biscuit!

    in reply to: I will explain Chabad messianism 101 #1413516
    Uncle Ben

    DY; I believe the lashon of the Brisker Rav after reading the Rebbe’s first Maamar, Basi Legani was “Der mentch red zich ayn, az er iz Moshiach”

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1412110
    Uncle Ben

    Sechel; Just curious, if Lubavicher chadorim don’t have limudei chol, where did you get such an excellent vocabulary and writing skills?

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1409856
    Uncle Ben

    Chabad Shlucha; You totally misunderstood the poster who mentioned the story of the Lubavicher putting on Tefillin late. He was just responding to the opening post of that thread regarding who people refer to as chasidim. His daughter responded to his response by saying ” no it wasn’t a chasid, it was a Lubavicher” He then commented that if you told that to a Lubavicher it would be highly insulting as they are of course chasidim! He wasn’t encouraging anyone to actually do that purposely to insult them.

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1409579
    Uncle Ben

    Put down the gun; I was just responding to an earlier post where it was mentioned. I was trying to show why he has no shaychis to the current discussion.

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1409550
    Uncle Ben

    There is a vort that I heard which is attributed to either the Sfas Emes of Ger ztl or the Ahavas Yisroel of Viznitz ztl on the posuk ” B’achris hayomim ho’emes nederes” which should be told to all Lubavichers and anyone else with a hashkafa superiority complex.
    “Yeder Tzadik bakumt a giluy fun himmel az zayn derech is di richtige derech, a kluger Tzadik farshteit az yeder Tzadik bakumt di zelbe giluy” ! Every Tzadik receives a revelation from shomayim that his path is the correct path, a wise Tzadik understands that every Tzadik receives the same revelation!

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1409549
    Uncle Ben

    DaasYochid; re your earlier post that “So the Rebbe declared himself Moshiach on day one”
    You have an excellent point there. When the Brisker Rav zt”l was shown that maamar Bosi Legani, he said “Der mench red zich ayn az er iz Moshiach”

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1409546
    Uncle Ben

    SMF63; Shabsai Tzvi openly declared or accepted the declaration of Nosson of Azah that he was Moshiach. He was initially accepted by wide swaths of klal Yisroel. When he later openly was over isurei kares and then converted to Islam it was clear to all that he was a moshiach sheker. There exists until this day in Turkey a group called the Donmeh who still believe in him. Because of certain secret rites they engage in, they are pesulei kahal and are lost to klal Yisroel.

    in reply to: Seeking advice of tooth removal #1407744
    Uncle Ben

    This assumption that you have to have your wisdom teeth extracted is false, especially if they are not impacted. Hashem did not create us with any vestigial organs! Do your own research. I had mine (impacted) removed as I was unaware of other options at that time. I only had local anesthesia but had only 2 done at a time, first one side then the other. This allows you to eat on the other side while recuperating. The post procedure pain was such that it took a year for me to have the other side done! I assume the poster above who described the screaming was being facetious. If that was true that was gross malpractice. My oral surgeon was suprised that I even felt a pressure when he did the extraction.

    in reply to: Proper etiquette for bochor speaking to girl’s parents #1400995
    Uncle Ben

    I remember years ago one time they had some orange juice on the table and I didn’t want to get heartburn so I asked for some water. The girl herself went to get me some which actually made a nice impression. As it turned out she wasn’t my bashert anyway.

    in reply to: I am superior to you because of the coffee I drink. #1388158
    Uncle Ben

    Wijnstokken; A true coffee snob would use Kona beans from Hawaii at $43 a lb!

    in reply to: I am superior to you because of the coffee I drink. #1388157
    Uncle Ben

    CT; How many of the 20 hours are spent commenting in the YWN coffee room?
    By the way, you are over simulating your adrenal glands with all that caffeine. I’ve read that heavy caffeine consumption has deleterious long term effects on the adrenals.
    What about the jitters? How do you stay calm pumped with all that caffeine?

    in reply to: Free Textbooks for Parochial Schools πŸ“šπŸ• #1356301
    Uncle Ben

    Just curious, how much was it? My daughter’s school charges a $20 non- refunded fee. For the high school it includes a locker also.

    in reply to: Free Textbooks for Parochial Schools πŸ“šπŸ• #1356213
    Uncle Ben

    Do they still charge a book fee?

    Uncle Ben

    I’m sure the atmosphere at Yekkishe weddings was a lot more restrained than what is commonplace at our Simchos. I’m sure they must have had a mechitza for the dancing. Rav Breuer is not around now to see our current weddings, we don’t know what he would say now. We have to rely on the Rabonim of our generation and I haven’t seen anyone quoting them in favor of mixed seating for singles or couples. Unfortunately many married women dress more provocatively than the singles; long and or attractive wigs, high heels, tightly fitted/short/striking clothing. These halachos restricting kalus rosh etc. between genders are clearly spelled out in Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer and are not modern day chumros.

    in reply to: loud music at weddings #1354236
    Uncle Ben

    Joseph; Your suspicion is correct. My father who is in his upper eighties amv”s, told me that until the hippies in the sixties started using amplifiers the music at chasunos was unamplified! Apparently even without brain-jarring ear splitting “noise” the Chuppos V’Kiddushin were still valid!!

    in reply to: loud music at weddings #1354013
    Uncle Ben

    RebYidd; Are you saying a guest at a goyishe wedding would call the police to complain that the music is too loud? If so what can the police so about it if it’s not disturbing the neighbors?

    in reply to: Feud between Chabad & Breslov #1352901
    Uncle Ben

    770Chabad; Does anyone force them to be frum?
    Chabadgal; So how would you define Shlichus?
    Messengers? To do what? Which Mitzvah?

    in reply to: Feud between Chabad & Breslov #1351991
    Uncle Ben

    Yytz; What are the Chavakuk types?

    in reply to: How to remain a ben Torah after leaving Kollel #1326440
    Uncle Ben

    Gefilte; your words imply someone in Kollel is not a practicing Ben Torah. You imply that that can only be achieved by leaving Kollel!
    Disclaimer: I myself have never been in a Kollel.

    Uncle Ben

    Perhaps your father could speak to his Rabbi to clarify.

    in reply to: Advil LiquiGels #1185934
    Uncle Ben

    fnt: “Kabbalisticly, there are those that say that “timtum” may occur regardless”

    I believe it is halachicaly, I think it’s the Rosh or another rishon who holds that there is timtum halev even when it’s mutar shelo kderech achila.

    in reply to: Feinschmeckers #1186347
    Uncle Ben

    Oh; our neighbors the Feinschmeckers, such wonderful people! Our other neighbors the Feunstermachers are also great!

    in reply to: uman for Rosh Hashana #1185728
    Uncle Ben

    Abba_S; Neither, it’s in Amerikani.

    in reply to: Lev Tahor – what now? #1184422
    Uncle Ben

    The comment below is from comments to a video posted on YWN yesterday;

    Avdadekudsha says:

    September 21, 2016 at 10:17 am

    Im part of a regular orthodox community that has just taken in a family that fled this cult. It would take a whole book to describe the cruelty this cult did to this family just of the ones that we are dealing with. If their was a beis din today, the leaders and there are a few, would be chayav misa.

    – See more at: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/ywn-videos/465157/watch-this-inside-the-lev-tahor-cult-spanish.html#comments

    Uncle Ben

    Well I guess this thread calls for me to promulgate the “official” parking/driving rules for NYC and any similar congested area.

    1. It is forbidden to pull out of a parking space into oncoming traffic irregardless if said traffic is seemingly ceaseless as you are thereby “cutting off” other vehicles. You must remain parked for eternity!

    2. If you violated rule #1 and pulled out in defiance of common decency and you now arrived at your destination, it is strictly forbidden to parallel park as your will be blocking traffic and will be amply rewarded with a cantankerous cacophony of blaring horns.

    3. When driving on a two way street you can never make a left turn as you will be blocking traffic. You must only make right turns even if you will never arrive at your destination.

    4. When driving on a highway it is forbidden to change lanes even if you will miss your exit since you will be “cutting off” other vehicles again.

    5. When driving on the highway it is forbidden to drive in the left lane unless you maintain a minimum speed of 90 mph. Anything less and you will be impeding the flow of traffic and you will be brighted and/or pushed out of the lane.

    Happy Driving/Parking

    Please add any missing rules.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158982
    Uncle Ben

    We can see from this year’s election that it clearly was.

    Without it we wouldn’t be this close to electing a volcanic tempered witch!

    in reply to: Choosing a Hasidic dynasty #1154803
    Uncle Ben

    Neville was that naggia or narghila?!

    in reply to: Typical Hillary hypocrisy #1155398
    Uncle Ben

    As I see it we will have a choice in November between an egomaniacal loose cannon multi-billionaire and an evil corrupt volcanic witch!

    in reply to: Looking for nice Shavuos Davening in Flatbush #1154924
    Uncle Ben

    Cherry, he obviously meant some dancing from the simcha of kabolas htorah in addition to a hartzig lively davening. As opposed to a tired mumbled one. I would suggest a Yeshivishe or Chasidishe minyan. I don’t live in Flatbush but I’m sure there are plenty.

    in reply to: Geography Updated Version #1144187
    Uncle Ben

    Hamburg, Germany

    Birthplace and childhood home of my father

    in reply to: Geography Updated Version #1144147
    Uncle Ben

    Izbica, Poland

    One time home of the Izhbitza Rebbe contemporary of the Kotzke Rebbe.

    in reply to: Geography Updated Version #1144145
    Uncle Ben

    Middletown, N.Y.

    On the way to the country!

    in reply to: THE GEOGRAPHY GAME 2 #1141006
    Uncle Ben


    in reply to: THE GEOGRAPHY GAME 2 #1140986
    Uncle Ben

    Waddya Know my Zaidy was also! Though he moved away before WW1.

    Yonkers, NY

    in reply to: THE GEOGRAPHY GAME 2 #1140983
    Uncle Ben

    York, UK

    in reply to: THE GEOGRAPHY GAME 2 #1140979
    Uncle Ben

    Oahu, Hawaii

    in reply to: THE GEOGRAPHY GAME 2 #1140977
    Uncle Ben

    Haarlem, Netherlands

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