Uncle Ben

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  • in reply to: Mussar Yeshivios #1518716
    Uncle Ben

    Mik5; Nice suggestion, but you are not answering his fundamental question. What about if he decided to learn Novardok or Chabad or Breslov seforim? Would his Yeshiva be happy with that? I’m not recommending any mehalech in particular, just wondering why the Yeshivos don’t address this on their own.

    in reply to: Seasonal Allergies Acupuncture #1517820
    Uncle Ben

    How much does each session usually cost?

    in reply to: Seasonal Allergies Acupuncture #1517774
    Uncle Ben

    Need Info: Apparently you find that this treatment helps. How often does it have to be done?

    in reply to: About Ribbons Front Real human hair Wigs #1517552
    Uncle Ben

    Translation please.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Bachur and his sister- Maras Ayin? #1517207
    Uncle Ben

    Takes2; The Gemara that I referenced and the Rambam that Rso quoted referred to a Talmid Chochom. Does the Rambam you quote also do or is it speaking about a husband as you write?

    Uncle Ben

    Moshe Dovid is right, long term Kollel is not for everyone. It’s important to learn for a year or two to establish Torahdig home. Girls shold be taught that frum boys are worthy marriage candidates even if they are not planning to learn for long term or even not at all in Kollel
    One thing that always puzzled me was that boys who were in their upper twenties and already had their 5 years of learning would still insist on 5 years of support! Hello! You had your 5 years already!

    in reply to: Yeshiva Bachur and his sister- Maras Ayin? #1516920
    Uncle Ben

    Jdb; Did you learn the whole shas?
    What is mentioned in the Gemara is that a Talmid Chochom shouldn’t walk in the market with his wife so people shouldn’t think he’s walking with a woman who’s not his wife. Based on this Gemara many Yidden have a minhag to walk several feet in front of their wives when in public.

    in reply to: The Roman Artichokes #1516538
    Uncle Ben

    Winnie; “When in Rome…” is a quintessential goyishe hashkafa. A Yid is a Yid wherever he/she may be.

    in reply to: Teshuva for Retzicha #1514410
    Uncle Ben

    Retzicha can R”l be more commonplace than one would think. Vehicular manslaughter has happened in our communities by members of our communities. Often it’s unclear who was at fault. Nevertheless the driver caused someone to be killed.
    One method of teshuva may be to support organizations such as C.R.I.B., A-Time or Bonei Olam who help bring new neshamos into this world.

    in reply to: Neurotypicals who don’t like loud noises and bright lights #1514322
    Uncle Ben

    My father, he should be well, told me that he remembers that the music at weddings in the pre late ’60’s era was not amplified. It seems though that shockingly those Kiddushins & Nisuins were nontheless chal and the couples were Halachicly married! I believe that if that was tried nowadays, doubt would be cast on the validity of such a marriage.

    in reply to: Using Air Conditioners Is Assur #1513126
    Uncle Ben

    Ivecharisma: The troll will go very far if he can keep pushing everyone’s buttons. Except AC buttons of course!

    in reply to: Navel Pastrami #1513132
    Uncle Ben

    Which pastrami cut has less fat?

    in reply to: Carlebach niggunim #1512366
    Uncle Ben

    Tlik: Where did I advocate imposing my hashkafos or emotions on others? The coffee room is about expressing opinions.

    in reply to: Carlebach niggunim #1512073
    Uncle Ben

    Tlik & GC; I don’t approve or disapprove of anyone’s behavior, Hashem and his Torah may though.
    One of the definitions of a min/apikorus is not accepting even one mitzvah of the Torah.
    I am not disagreeing with Rav Moshe zt”l or any other Posek chas veshalom as I am not even a Rav. I’m just pointing out a hashkafic or emotional aspect. If he had eaten pork in public in order to bring lost souls back to Yiddishkeit, would all his defenders feel the same way? What is the difference? Could he have used the same vacuous pikuach nefesh excuse?

    in reply to: Using Air Conditioners Is Assur #1512063
    Uncle Ben

    Shouldn’t this thread be listed under Humor as opposed to Rants?
    Unless it qualifies as a humorous rant!

    in reply to: Yiddeshe March Madness… #1510738
    Uncle Ben

    Freddy; She’s a woman, that’s why. As indicated by tbe feminine ending of her pen name.

    in reply to: Carlebach niggunim #1510736
    Uncle Ben

    TLIK & GC; It’s not a matter of hating or judging, examining etc. We are talking about someone who was over averos befarhesya, the classic definition of chillul Hashem! Of course it is up to Bais Din shel Maaloh to render judgement, however the Torah gives us guidelines and defines who is an apikorus. See Perek Chelek in Sanhedrin.
    What do anonymously authored Slovakian or Russian peasant songs have to do with this topic?

    in reply to: BT vs FFB #1510649
    Uncle Ben

    Iaskern; Maybe because in the Gemara it’s a machlokes and since it’s not halacha lemaaseh we don’t pasken one way or the other even though we usually just hear one of the shitahs quoted.

    in reply to: Help: No expiration date on store bought schug #1510334
    Uncle Ben

    So BrightLight: What happened? Did you put out the schug fire in your mouth yet?

    in reply to: Questions for the experts #1510333
    Uncle Ben

    Re: the public restroom; easy one, just take the cost NYC paid for the 18th ave park restroom and divide it by 10!

    in reply to: Age discrimination in shidduchim for younger boys #1509620
    Uncle Ben

    5TownsMom: What do you know of these 2 besides their age and coffee room habits? There is the famous story in the Gemara of the matrunisa who randomly paired up her servants with disastrous results!

    in reply to: Getting a ride with someone from the opposite gender #1508950
    Uncle Ben

    Shopping: I believe that most girls who wind up in Arab relationships come from dysfunctional homes. Nonetheless, constantly greeting female neighbors or co-workers can lead to kirvah and is discussed in the Rambam.
    The concept of an office where men & women worked together was unheard of in the times of Chazal. If it was there is no doubt that they would have instituted precautionary guidelines for them.

    in reply to: Sudden Death #1508307
    Uncle Ben

    Oh no! Ubiq, you took the bait, hook line and stinker! Now we’ll have another merry go round, tit for tat endless debate on EMS vs. Hatzolah unless the wise moderators end it ab initio!


    in reply to: Private parking spaces on city streets #1508301
    Uncle Ben

    Slonimer; The problem is we don’t know which ones are illegal. We need someone to do the research manually at Dept. of Buildings and post it on a dedicated website so we can check it up on the fly when we’re parking.
    Thank you in advance.

    in reply to: Will learning Mussar help a psychopath or Narcissist? Among others. #1507979
    Uncle Ben

    Tlik; Bingo, you nailed it. A great deal of the coffee room is gibberish!

    in reply to: Getting a ride with someone from the opposite gender #1507977
    Uncle Ben

    Toi: I tell my wife to just let the men hold on to the roof rack. Why bother with the rope and all.

    in reply to: This Beer Predicament #1507973
    Uncle Ben

    Industry consolidation! The consolation is for the beer drinkers!

    in reply to: This Beer Predicament #1507965
    Uncle Ben

    I think it was mentioned somewhere that due to industry consolation the Jewish owned distributor just recently acquired a majority of the wholesale market in this area rendering it assur.

    in reply to: Will learning Mussar help a psychopath or Narcissist? Among others. #1506996
    Uncle Ben

    Jj & Avi; I should have phrased my question better. Are you advocating the death penalty even for non murderous psychopaths?
    Avi, you raise an interesting point. I read once that many CEOs and top executives are psychopaths and have taken the route you described to the top.

    in reply to: Will learning Mussar help a psychopath or Narcissist? Among others. #1506709
    Uncle Ben

    Jj2020; Are you advocating the death penalty even for psychopaths who aren’t serial killers?

    in reply to: Would you marry / let your daughter marry #1506571
    Uncle Ben

    Vague Specificity.

    in reply to: Would you marry / let your daughter marry #1506387
    Uncle Ben

    Meaningless purposefullness.

    in reply to: Ukranian Shmurah Matzah – date when baked? #1505411
    Uncle Ben

    Joseph: Most machine matza is sealed in plastic. Moat hand matza is not.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1504594
    Uncle Ben

    One reason it’s bothering me is because I subscribed to this thread and didn’t realize until now that one can unsubscribe.
    Another reason is because the thread was about Ezras Nashim and degenerated into an EMS vs. Hatzolah contest.
    Thirdly, it’s one of these unprovable debates such as vaccines or climate change.
    What do you mean unprovable? I can prove it to you right now ….!!!
    See what I mean!?

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1504430
    Uncle Ben

    Can we officially declare an end to this pointless “discussion”?

    in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1503590
    Uncle Ben

    Joseph: A Rosh Yeshiva is usually busy sending his talmidim out of the coffee room not spending so much time there himself.

    in reply to: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? #1502799
    Uncle Ben

    This thread has become entirely sophomoric, if it ever wasn’t.

    in reply to: Chol HaMoed Coffee Room Reunion #1502629
    Uncle Ben

    Little Froggie: Reminds me of the ad for a product that proclaimed that it was made with real people. Of course most actors are real people or are they?

    in reply to: What is normal English? #1502510
    Uncle Ben

    What excuse do you have to subject CR readers to your incessant mindless rants?


    in reply to: What is normal English? #1502509
    Uncle Ben

    Joseph; What language do you think our forefathers used for mundane speech in the time of, say Bayis Rishon?

    in reply to: Chol HaMoed Coffee Room Reunion #1502502
    Uncle Ben

    Jakob; Pizza & donuts on Pesach or Succos?
    Also how will we know who is really who and not an imposter??

    in reply to: Chol HaMoed Coffee Room Reunion #1502503
    Uncle Ben

    20goingon724; It says the moderation message for everyone.

    in reply to: every home must have a fire sprinkler system #1481979
    Uncle Ben

    In NYC I believe the law requires sprinkler systems in new construction of 3 units or more.

    in reply to: Alcohol with medication can be deadly #1477987
    Uncle Ben

    Also too much caffeine (energy drinks etc.) and alcohol can cause cardiac arrest since they have opposite effects on the heart. Use caution!

    in reply to: Litvishe chasanim wearing frocks at their chasunas #1476835
    Uncle Ben

    The chasuna where I saw it over 20 years ago was my cousins in Yerushalayim. On one side they are 6 or 7 generations Yerushalmi. They wear a regular long rekel/jacket all other times.

    in reply to: Litvishe chasanim wearing frocks at their chasunas #1476730
    Uncle Ben

    They wear it by their chasuna and then on Yomim Tovim. I don’t know when it started but it definitely is not new. I saw it done over 20 years ago. By the way the Chazon Ish wrote to Bnei Torah in his Igros; “It is proper to wear a “chaluka derabonon”. That was well over 30 years ago!

    in reply to: Big Brim Vs. Small Brim! #1470509
    Uncle Ben

    By the halachos of Atifas Talis, the Mogen Avraham says that one should wear a hat for the bracha of Li’hisatef Batzitzis. What can we infer from this for other brachos and davening?

    in reply to: Mark Zuckerberg: Is He Jewish? #1466657
    Uncle Ben

    KetanahHador; That was a very funny comment about Zuckerberg being the guest of honor at the most assur the internet asifos. I guess if I laugh at Jackie Mason (Yakov Mazza) jokes I can laugh at yours as well. Please check your spelling before hitting the post button. By the way, my name is not Binyamin, it’s Benzion.

    in reply to: How to deal with Disrespectful sons-in-law – “Bnei Torah” #1454163
    Uncle Ben

    kh; Does the azaz panim have anything to do with the azazel?

    Uncle Ben

    The answer can be learned from the following story which took place with Rav Avigdor Miller זצ”ל. In his older years he was told that he needed surgery to replace a valve in his heart. He refused to have the operation, insisting that he had bitachon that Hashem would heal him. His wife and family pressured him to undergo the operation but he steadfastly refused. This went on for a period of time, I don’t recall for how long. One day he suddenly announced that he would proceed with the procedure. When he was asked about his change of heart (pun intended) he said that as far as he was concerned nothing changed however he realized that he had no right to practice his bitachon on his wife’s cheshbon!

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