Forum Replies Created
November 5, 2018 7:07 am at 7:07 am in reply to: Pro Vaccination Paranoia in the frum community. #1616993Uncle BenParticipant
Haimy; Your point is accurate. The situation is similar to a plane or train disaster with multiple casualties R”l which receives widespread media coverage. On the other hand all the “minor” car crashes with a couple of victims are not reported in such a manner even though in total there are thousands of more deaths R”l from these “minor” incidents.
Uncle BenParticipantJoseph; When & where do the Moetzes make their deliberations public?
November 1, 2018 2:03 am at 2:03 am in reply to: The danger of Republicans keeping the house #1614826Uncle BenParticipantWhat is it exactly that their willing to die for? The right to kill their unborn children?
Uncle BenParticipantJoseph: The Yated in America predates the American Hamodia by a nice few years.
Uncle BenParticipantCtl; Why do you feel spiritual degeneration is a despicable hate filled term?
October 23, 2018 12:17 pm at 12:17 pm in reply to: Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath #1609589Uncle BenParticipant1; It’s always easier to choose an outsider than to choose between insiders. The Badatz Eidah Chareidis has been choosing outsiders for their top position for decades for this reason.
October 18, 2018 6:24 am at 6:24 am in reply to: Looking to sell a between 100-250 used Excellent condition seforim #1606873Uncle BenParticipantThere goes KatanHadorah exposing her secularist mindset to one and all. Only someone steeped in secular culture would use the Hindu term karma.
October 17, 2018 11:57 am at 11:57 am in reply to: Which is Worse Publically Converting or Publically OTD? #1606401Uncle BenParticipantThe choices here are both bad. Can we at least spell publicly correctly?
Uncle BenParticipantTime for truth; You raise an interesting point. The entire Arab Spring revolutionary movement (which resulted in untold death and destruction) was sparked by a female Tunisian police officer who slapped an unlicensed male street vendor who in despair took his own life.
September 14, 2018 11:59 am at 11:59 am in reply to: Rabbi Miller on walking during davening #1591133Uncle BenParticipantShuttling?
Those who need to pace, let them, except during shmoneh esreh.
Zgate; Your shul sounds too rigid.September 13, 2018 8:45 am at 8:45 am in reply to: Driving German cars by ” heimish” people. #1590457Uncle BenParticipantFf; OK, I won’t hock you up about the Bosch mixer, but what about the Bosch dishwashers, ovens and refrigerators? Can I use audio equipment such as a microphone stand boom arm made by K&M in Germany? Where does this end?
August 6, 2018 12:32 pm at 12:32 pm in reply to: Attention Yeshiva Guys! Recorder advice needed!. #1569622Uncle BenParticipantZoom also has several models that work well.
Uncle BenParticipantI heard that certain Turkish kehilos of Spanish or Portuguese origin recite the Brich Shmei during Pesichah in Ladino. It begins “Bendico sunombre”, if I recall correctly.
Uncle BenParticipantהער צו! רבותי מיר וועלען בענטשען
Uncle BenParticipantAshk; I don’t know Joseph so I can’t vouch for him. I highly doubt he’s the star of my story.
July 16, 2018 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm in reply to: Two Children Caught With Radios In Catskills Interfering With Hatzolah Life Savi #1559241Uncle BenParticipantFerd that story you linked to is from 3 years ago
Uncle BenParticipantIs there any evidence, anecdotal or otherwise that suggests that women’s facial lines etc. are due to cosmetics use?
Uncle BenParticipantThe problem is it’s difficult to ascertain if a driveway is illegal. I’m referring to NYC. There is no central online database for it.
June 29, 2018 12:05 am at 12:05 am in reply to: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the frummest of them all? #1549196Uncle BenParticipantObviously the OP is just trying to mock those who he imagines are frummer than him. Nonetheless a legitimate topic has been raised. The halacha that I’ve heard is that one cannot ask someone to do something that he/she holds is assur for him/her to do at that time. Benefiting from that action according to the Biur Halacha in Hilchos Shabbos who is discussing where a bona fide melacha was done is only mutar when the melacha did not transform the item into a usable condition, such as Hotza’ah.
Uncle BenParticipantCS; That was written up in Zman magazine about 6 years ago. The security situation in the vast Xinjiang region has intensified in recent years making it highly unlikely that they will be reached anyone soon. When Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita was asked how is it possible in today’s world that we don’t know where they are, he answered מסתירים אותם מן השמים
June 26, 2018 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm in reply to: Orthodox Rabbi Takes Job at LGBT Synagogue – Discuss #1546911Uncle BenParticipantSounds like a NYC subway tranfer station. “Transfer here for the LGBTQ, stand clear uh da closin doors”!
June 26, 2018 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm in reply to: Orthodox Rabbi Takes Job at LGBT Synagogue – Discuss #1546935Uncle BenParticipantWhat about BLT?
Uncle BenParticipantRY: Great logic! Now let’s see you get a shark for your fish tank!
Uncle BenParticipantHuju: Ever notice that when you follow a Naturopathic Doctor that the underlying condition is cured and you don’t have take unhealthy and dangerous side effects causing drugs for the rest of your life?
Uncle BenParticipantApushateyid: Whoever took and posted the video doesn’t look like the one who made the tumult.
Uncle BenParticipantDivided as on all issues.
Uncle BenParticipantMidwest: “Some supplements can put you in the hospital, and some vitamins can make you very sick if you take too much.” Well that makes them safer than drugs, since many drugs can put someone in the hospital and all drugs can make one sick.
Personally I use certain supplements that I have found helpful. Primarily herbs or amino acids with limited vitamins. As with drugs everything has to be used in the proper dosage. Even too much water in too short a time period can be fatal.Uncle BenParticipantFor all those hoping for the US Supreme Court to allow polygamy based on religious freedom, don’t forget that this can work both ways. Women will demand the right to marry multiple husbands. See what a can of worms will be opened.
Uncle BenParticipantAvi K;
An even bigger mitzvah may be safeguarding one’s ruchniyos by not enlisting. The Rav you quote is clearly a daas yochid. None of the recognized Gedolei Yisroel hold like that.
I heard from a son of Rav Boruch Kaplan z”l (husband of the famous mechaneches Reb. Vichna Kaplan) that his father related how he witnessed as a talmid in Chevron Yeshiva in the 1920’s, Zionist activists provoking the Arab population which led to the infamous riots of 1929. The point is that mostly secular Zionists instigated and eventually established the state. Therefore it is their obligation to protect it, not to force everyone to do so. To proclaim it a “milchemes mitzva” which was deemed by Neviim is preposterous.
Additionally since the holocaust tens of thousands of Jews have perished in wars and terror attacks in Israel R”l. How many have perished elsewhere? I am not a supporter of neturei karta or even the Satmar shita rather I’m an Agudist and just trying to put this in perspective.May 23, 2018 12:33 am at 12:33 am in reply to: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones? #1524075Uncle BenParticipantAnyone who has a smartphone without a good filter such as Netspark, Gentech or similar is guilty of giruy hayetzer at least and avizrayu d’arayos and avodah zarah/kefirah at worst. Ayin roeh, lev chomed vklei maaseh gomrim! Vehamayvin yovin.
Uncle BenParticipantOops! To late now!
Uncle BenParticipantWC; Yes. He has several married children of his own already. Now let’s not get any ideas here people. They’re lucky it worked out but don’t try this at home!
May 17, 2018 11:52 am at 11:52 am in reply to: WE SHOULD PUBLICISE PHOTOS OF NETR+UREI KARTA FOR POSTING IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS #1522071Uncle BenParticipantBenK; Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is? So go ahead and print them out, who’s stopping you? You probably expect “someone else” to do the dirty work, don’t you?
In any case, they’re highly unlikely to show up in your community or shul. These people are a small fringe group who have their own little shul in Monsey and maybe London.Uncle BenParticipantYears ago a bochur was learning in Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. He came to a “bashow” with a a girl from a Yerushalmi family. After a short time of meeting the girl and parents, all of a sudden many relatives began arriving and wishing them Mazel Tov on their engagement! The father had apparently arranged a fait accompli! The bochur was American and on his own and was too embarrassed to protest or escape. They’re still married and have a large family.
I know him personally and he is still embarrassed until this day. I only heard about it from an older person who helped me with my shidduch.May 15, 2018 10:50 pm at 10:50 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1521289Uncle BenParticipantDorahleh; You totally misinterpreted my post. You don’t know what ma yomru hagoyim means?
Also your post can be misunderstood to read that Rabbi Wolowik runs the Chabad house in 5 Towns together with the 2 galochim! That is obviously not what you meant. Reread your posts before hitting the submit button.
Re the awkwardness, I once heard an interesting story from Rabbi Manis Friedman. He was asked to speak to a Jewish woman who wanted to convert to Christianity. He asked her why she wanted to convert. She said that she discovered such beautiful scripture there. He asked her, such as? She said, like Psalms!!! She had no idea it was from our Tanach! So if the galach quotes Tanach it should be off limits to us? By the way I was proud that President Bush quoted Tehillim when he addressed the nation after the Sept 11 attacks. He quoted from the mizmor ledovid we sing at seuda shlishis. גם כי אלך בגיא צלמות לא אירה רע כי אתה עמדי. Even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I am not afraid because you are with me.Uncle BenParticipantDorahleh; Why are you bothered by the publishers trying to help more Yidden? Re the type size, I already had to get “progressive” lenses, probably would be more suitable for you😏! If you’re not nearsighted as well, then you could always get a pair of reading glasses attached to a band which can hang down. This would look better when you’re knitting Afghans for your einiklach on your rocking chair.
May 15, 2018 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1521222Uncle BenParticipantSeems Take 2 is not responding so I will. The main chillul Hashem is doing an avairah bifnay asarah meyisrael! Not ma yomru hagoyim; why didn’t that Jew stand up when our savior cheese-us was invoked.
Uncle BenParticipantDorah; It would be nice if you gave an example of a real accommodation as opposed to some mindless Purim Torah.
Chumras; I agree with you about the irritating arbitrariness of the varying font sizes. I find the uniformly small font size of the Artscroll siddurim irritating as well.Uncle BenParticipantHow about a “shafer” instead of a shaver. Also known as a shofar.
Uncle BenParticipantJoseph; “anyone else”?
Uncle BenParticipantRY & Meno; You guys crack me up!😂
Maybe she should say over some good jokes from Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky! Or if she can do a good southern accent she can say how “seminarah has totally changed ma laf”!Uncle BenParticipantDorah; Not sure what your post has to do with this thread.
May 14, 2018 12:23 pm at 12:23 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1520274Uncle BenParticipantI guess since it’s on an ad hoc basis it’s mutar as opposed to an actual service in a structure dedicated to serving cheese-us.
May 14, 2018 11:51 am at 11:51 am in reply to: Why does Schmaltz Herring cost $22 a pound? (excluding the onions & oil) #1520264Uncle BenParticipantDorah; You should consider writing for the National Onion.
Uncle BenParticipantJoseph: Your comments re: potential jury members are inaccurate. A homeless individual would not receive a jury summons. An obvious drunkard would not be allowed to serve. What is your objection to one who is unfortunately unemployed?
Uncle BenParticipantIaskern; That’s an old sugya (in Yevamos?) known as “I am my own grandpa!” Of course that’s when both of those couples have children. That’s when you need to have a bottle of Tylenol ready when you read through the ensuing family tree.
Though not qualifying for your extreme example, reading a description of the intertwining marriages of the Skverer Twersky’s and the Vizhnitzer Hager’s would require the bottle of Tylenol at hand as well.May 11, 2018 12:01 pm at 12:01 pm in reply to: “Headlines” Indian hair episode: is it biased or activist? #1519349Uncle BenParticipantHaleivi; I’m awaiting your response to my profound question! 🌝
I now have another question. Should we throw the sheitlach into the 🔥 or just the advertisements for the Headlines show?Uncle BenParticipantLesschumras; A Yehudi is a Yehudi! There, are you happy now? Or will you say I’m biased against the Aseres Hashvatim and should say Israelites?! By the way I bet my Edot Hamizrah havarah impersonation could pass for the real thing! 😏
Those Romans, are they the same ones who destroyed the Bais Hamikdash? Nice of them to save the Jews or as you would say the Romans who “happened” to be Jews!Uncle BenParticipantDaMoshe: Who says they can’t choose? As seen in many large kehillos such as Satmar, Bobov, Viznitz, Lelov etc. they have chosen.
Oyoy: 13th ave??May 10, 2018 11:37 am at 11:37 am in reply to: “Headlines” Indian hair episode: is it biased or activist? #1518959Uncle BenParticipantHaleivi: Where does lehavdil the inyan of bitul hayesh figure in this muddled morass or better in this knotted entanglement?