Uncle Ben

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  • in reply to: Slavery in NY School? #1742443
    Uncle Ben

    Many (if not all) of these employees are earning minimum wage so by requiring these extra hours they are forcing them to work for below the minimum wage under threat of losing their jobs if they don’t like it.
    I believe they are doing this because they had a problem with a lack of employees in the summer.

    in reply to: Slavery in NY School? #1742389
    Uncle Ben

    DY; They are paying the hourly wages of the 10 months of Sep thru June divided by 12 over the 12 months Sep thru Aug. They are not paying extra for the 2 or 4 weeks required work in July or August.

    in reply to: Are you makpid on ע ? #1741632
    Uncle Ben

    Actually as one who has prayed at many Syrian, Egyptian & Lebanese kenesiot, I am capable of pronouncing the ayin as well as the ghimel, het, t’et, sadiq, quf etc.
    Of course that doesn’t cover the Teimanite (& Iraqi) Wav or is it Waw?
    Also there is the difference for a ג without a דגש betwen the Syrians/Iraqis & the Teimanites, with the former pronouncing it ghimmel & the latter jimmel.

    in reply to: Self checkout #1741394
    Uncle Ben

    Captain; I’m surprised Stop’n Shop hasn’t been accused of racial profiling yet!

    in reply to: Unacceptable Grammar #1739911
    Uncle Ben

    Rif; You’re dikduk point is correct however we do have more than one Torah as is written in Parshas Bechukosay, ” Hatoros”.

    in reply to: Getting haircuts is bad for your health (T) #1739174
    Uncle Ben

    RY23; There are many natural poisons.

    in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1738481
    Uncle Ben

    HaLeiVi, I second Joseph’s motion!

    in reply to: YiddishKite Under Attack!!! #1736274
    Uncle Ben

    Some of it, is the gas mains being replaced. The other is just regular construction, renovation etc. that’s been going on non-stop for the last 40 years or so.
    I recall being in Boston once for Shabbos and it was pleasant not to see even one pebble of construction anywhere. However that’s not a sign of a growing community.

    Uncle Ben

    Yabia: Is it possible that there is a chest of gold buried underneath your house? If there is, should everyone who doesn’t know about it refer to you as a millionaire?

    in reply to: U.S. government #1735885
    Uncle Ben

    Neville; Why do you think a party with 5% of the vote has more say than a larger party in a coalition government?
    In the current Israeli coalition debacle, any party of 5 seats or larger would of had the same “say” had they decided to exercise it.

    in reply to: A Study in Trolls: Updated #1733948
    Uncle Ben


    Uncle Ben

    Yussel; Which other ages have you lived in that you can compare with?

    Uncle Ben

    Joseph; “shluach”? Now that raises an interesting question about your background.
    It would seem that you are not a Yekke but rather of Polish, Hungarian, Romanian etc. descent and are assuming that shliach is pronounced by Yidden from other countries as shluach. Similar to shkuah instead of shkiah.
    Or it could just be a mere typo as I just now noticed that the letter u is right next to the letter i. I guess I’m not such a professional typist.

    in reply to: Is Harry Potter kosher #1732651
    Uncle Ben

    NCB; What is a “normal” Yeshiva?
    By the way, in Lashon Hakodesh there is no word for normal!

    Uncle Ben

    On that note was Chabad Shlucha also blocked or did her husband tell her it’s pointless to debate these dour snags?

    Uncle Ben

    Wow, RGP & Neville both agree on something! But you’re both wrong. Nobody switched from Hamodia to the Yated in America, since in the US, Hamodia began publishing ten years or so AFTER the Yated!

    in reply to: Lag Baomer Events In Brooklyn – Anyone? #1731116
    Uncle Ben

    Joseph; Perhaps Rebecca is looking for the traditional Hilula bonfire as opposed to the modern day parade innovation?

    in reply to: When did Chabad become a Kiruv oriented Chassidus? #1729891
    Uncle Ben

    Chosid; If you don’t know how to spell or type English you shouldn’t post. You come out saying the opposite of what you intend.

    in reply to: Who is RGP ? #1728130
    Uncle Ben

    Mod-29: Oh, I hear.

    in reply to: Who is RGP ? #1728055
    Uncle Ben

    YW Mod-29; Why would a mod add that?
    What’s so bad about Rebbetzin Golden?

    in reply to: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro #1727743
    Uncle Ben

    RGP; I’m no Lubavicher, but an argument can be be made the other way. If a Yid does an aveira (Lo Saase) in this world he can get a kapara for it in the next. However if a Yid did not perform a Mitzvas Aseh in this world there is no way he can perform it in the next world!

    in reply to: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro #1727729
    Uncle Ben

    TAS; what is the source of your Halacha?
    What does on “hides” mean?

    in reply to: Did Rebbitzin Golden Pick Sponsor an Article Just to Troll? #1726922
    Uncle Ben

    Neville; Nice logic, however Rav Moshe Weiner wrote the sefer Hadras Ponim Zoken 40 or so years ago. If he actually wrote this new kuntres then your argument falls apart. If he didn’t write it them you may have a point.
    I’m sure someone can verify if he wrote it.

    in reply to: Acharon Acharon Chaviv? #1724513
    Uncle Ben

    No such luck on this thread Dorah!

    in reply to: How Much for Mechiras Chametz #1718223
    Uncle Ben

    $20 for the average Yankel, $50 & up for Mizrach vant Yidden.

    in reply to: Simcha: Boy or girl’s name? #1714793
    Uncle Ben

    Thank you Rebbetzin Golden, I have a close male relative named Simcha and this issue has bothered me for some time.
    I remember when he was a bochur, a shadchan with a sense of humor wanted to redt a shiduch for him with a Yemenite girl also named Simcha!

    in reply to: How Shidduchim became a beauty pageant contest. #1707747
    Uncle Ben

    When did this picture business start? I never saw a picture of a prospective shidduch before meeting.

    Uncle Ben

    For this you have to go further back in time to the era of the Chazon Ish who convinced Rav Yaakov Landa zt”l to become the Rav of Bnei Brak. Rav Yaakov was a chosid of the Rebbe Rashab of Lubavich. Rav Yaakov in his tzavaah wrote that Rav Moshe should replace him. At that time the Mayor of Bnei Brak, Moshe Irenstein was Chasidish and pushed through the Rabonus of Rav Moshe despite the opposition of the Litvishe tzibur. It is my understanding that Rav Moshe zt”l was not so involved with the last Lubavicher Rebbe until he visited New York in the early 80’s. Despite the opposition to his Rabonus, Rav Moshe harbored no ill feelings to those who opposed him. As a relative I know this firsthand.
    Boruch Hashem there is now an agreement between the Litvish & Chasidish communities as to the future Rabonus of the city.

    in reply to: Where to live that is not socialist? #1701750
    Uncle Ben

    Hong Kong

    in reply to: Joining Sephardic #1699205
    Uncle Ben

    Actually in Morocco the Spanish Jews maintained separate kehillot for hundreds of years and didn’t intermarry with the original Moroccan Jews

    in reply to: Debating with a Pakistani scammer #1698295
    Uncle Ben

    Not Commenting; quasi is spelled this way, but pronounced the way you spelled it.

    in reply to: Debating with a Pakistani scammer #1698158
    Uncle Ben

    Whitecar; I doubt these scammers are Pakistani. They are usually Godless Pagan Indians not Muslim Pakis.
    Usually when I get these calls I pretend I’m playing along until the part where they say; what do you see on your screen now? Then I say, it says Congratulations, you have been scammed!

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1696788
    Uncle Ben

    Another troll thread?

    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1696172
    Uncle Ben

    TT; Stop the nonsense, the nusach hakoleil is the nusach that the Anshei Kneses Hagedolah were mesaken. That is the basic nusach that all Yidden daven. The 12 nuschaos of the Shevatim were long lost to us. Even official Chabad seforim write this. They just claim that the nusach of the Ari is the most “perfect” or “original” version of it.

    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1695631
    Uncle Ben

    Here we go again!

    in reply to: About Purim I do shudder #1692660
    Uncle Ben

    NCB; well said. By the way, the mitzvah of drinking on Purim is with wine, not liqueur. I highly doubt all the horror stories came from excessive wine drinking.

    Uncle Ben

    Rebbetzin Goldpick…; So you are MO yourself, apparently.

    in reply to: Wars every 28 years #1688839
    Uncle Ben

    Well every 28 years we say Birchas Hachamah which sets of all those battles over who will lead the largest assemblage.
    Happy Chodesh Adar!

    in reply to: Tom Sawyer Parties: Good or bad? #1684619
    Uncle Ben

    What is a Tom Sawyer party?

    in reply to: being late to davening #1684620
    Uncle Ben

    I hope mik5 wasn’t waiting over 7 years for the answers to his shailos!

    in reply to: Rabbi Tzion Menachem?! #1683781
    Uncle Ben

    Both this thread and the other one (link posted by ravnhw) either began in February or most of the posts are from February, Chodesh Adar! Resulting in a lot of Purim Torah especially on the other thread.
    In all seriousness, Hagaon Rav Yaakov Hillel shlita says that when a ” Mekubal” comes to town, the first thing to do it to be mechabed him to say a shiur on a sugya in Gemara i.e. Nigleh! If he passes the nigleh test, (which the fakers usually cannot) then we’ll see about the mekubal part. If they ask distraught people for obscene amounts of money or deeds to property that’s a dead giveaway right there. Unfortunately some people are so distant from real Rabonim, Tzadikim etc. that they don’t recognize this obvious charlatanism.

    in reply to: Chalav yisroel #1681896
    Uncle Ben

    The Igros Moshe refers to non cholov yisroel milk as cholov ha”companies”.

    in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1678702
    Uncle Ben

    Whitecar; Today’s spelling lesson; A gaudy Mishloach Manos that outrages some CR posters might be outrageous!

    in reply to: Shul Membership Drives #1678676
    Uncle Ben

    DovidBT; Does the neshoma that one davens at the amud for “score more points with Hashem” than if one would just daven in one’s seat?

    in reply to: Do rabbis have ruach hakodesh? #1678502
    Uncle Ben

    What are all of you talking about? You all have Ruach Hakodesh. At least all of you that say Selichos. You all say “ורוח קדשך אל תקח ממני”!

    in reply to: Should Parents Intimidate Their Kids? #1676260
    Uncle Ben

    Klugeryid; How old is the “child”?
    Some aitzos; Encourage an earlier bedtime if necessary. Pull child out of bed if he/she doesn’t get up after specified number of minutes.
    If child is depressed seek professional help.

    Uncle Ben

    Anyone notice that a certain thread just vanished into thin air recently?

    in reply to: Mishenichnas adar marbin besimcha📆🎉 #1674821
    Uncle Ben

    KatanHadorah; Thanks for the comical grandmother on the rocking chair finger wagging no drinking speech. That’ll really scare the silly teenagers out of their mindlessness.

    in reply to: Mishenichnas adar marbin besimcha📆🎉 #1674833
    Uncle Ben

    Haimy; No need to wait, the Rema writes clearly in the last siman of Orach Chaim, “vetov lev misheh tomid”.

    in reply to: Does The YWN Coffee Room Need a Mechitza #1674373
    Uncle Ben

    The purpose of a mechitza is to avoid kalus rosh between the genders. I haven’t seen that happening and even if it happened to a mild extent since posters can’t contact one another directly it shouldn’t be a problem. Unless it causes people to pursue kalus rosh in real life then it may be of concern.

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