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  • in reply to: The greatest financial supporter of Torah Jewry in the world #634041

    If only people had listened to the Gedolim…

    If only people had listened to the Gedolim…

    All these troubles could’ve been avoided…

    History has proven the Brisker Rav, the Satmar Rebbe… right…

    in reply to: Mitzvah Tantz, what the prob’ exactly? #620382

    FWIW, Reb Ahron Schecter holds the Choson & Kallah hold hands from the chupa to the yichud room (even though Reb Ahron doesn’t hold from the Mitzva Tantz.)

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #626009

    feifun, the comment mentioned examples of modern views i.e. hallel on israel independence, no jackets and hats, etc.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620703

    Whats the heter for not wearing a jacket and hat during davening, as required by mishna berura?

    in reply to: The greatest financial supporter of Torah Jewry in the world #634040

    The government in Israel takes more money from frum Jews than it gives to frum Yeshivas. Break the relationship like Brisk (and Satmar and others) does. Don’t take their dirty money and don’t pay them taxes. We’ll be better off.

    in reply to: Whats wrong with a convert?!?!?! #622275


    Sorry if SHULCHAN ORACH offends you. But that is plain black and white Jewish law. Now sometimes a Rav may for extenuating circumstances make an EXCEPTION. But the rule is a Gers former-life family no longer has shaichos to the Ger except as any other Goy – mere acquanintances.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620621

    A Yirei Shmayim wears a hat and jacket.

    A Yirei Shmayim doesn’t seek excuses, its too hot, etc. too daven without kavod i.e. by not wearing a hat and jacket.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620606


    No hat is needed in shul because you don’t need it for the President, and no jacket is needed in shul because you do need it for the President!? Very smart.

    Can you conjure up any other methods to throw out minhugim?

    in reply to: Being able to Fargin; Nature or Nurture? #619971

    mosherose, is that the name of the same person who made the comment here?

    in reply to: Obama vs McCain #621138

    I don’t mind so much that Obama shtams from a Muslim father, but the jerk is a neophyte and inexperienced. He has nothing in his resume to position him as President and Commander-in-Chief.

    He has no track record on major positions. And he keeps flip-flopping on the positions he has taken.

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #625970

    Pushut, Who are YOU to go against SHULCHAN ORACH and call anyone in your way kanaim? What azus! What chutzpa! What rishus!

    (Yes, if you want to know where you went against shulchan orach reread your words in this section. Any reasonable ben torah can see it.)

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1086208

    Pushut Yid, Neither Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, nor Rav Ephraim Wachsman, nor Rav Mattisyahu Solomon said anything of the like. So who are you to spit in Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rav Ephraim Wachsman, AND Rav Mattisyahu Solomon faces?

    Answer this:

    How can you stand opposed to Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rav Ephraim Wachsman, AND Rav Mattisyahu Solomon on your own two legs? WHO ARE YOU TO STAND AGAINST THEM?

    in reply to: Stealing your neigbours cleaning lady! #1154648

    Stealing your neighbors lady!? Gevalt! How could you even ask…

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1086186

    Poshit, You just worry about getting your own wife and daughters dressed appropriately instead of trying to make sure everyone elses wives and daughters are dressed inappropriately for your benefit.


    nameless, tsuz shver tsu zain ah yid. Yes, its hard to be a Jew. But one must persevere and succeed nevertheless.

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1086185

    Tznius MUST be enforced by ALL means available as the crime is not victimless. The victims of the purveyors of pritzus are the innocent men in her path. Yes, INNOCENT men who will undoubtable see it unwillingly and to their great constenation. And the farce about the goyim are dressed like that anyway is boneheaded, as people stick to and notice their kind.

    in reply to: Why Yidden are the BEST! #1166277

    Mr. Poshit Yid, Why are you soo allergic and antogonistic to the truth that Yidden are superior?

    in reply to: Blogs and Forums- Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons? #670837

    blogs are used by several reshoyim to malign and attack the Torah and its servants – Rabbonim and Talmidei Chachomim.

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #625942

    Baruch Hashem for the great display of Ahavas Yisroel and intellectual honesty by YW that they even allow posts by Jews so far off the derech that they openly and brazenly congratulate each other on who is the biggest (self) Sonei Yisroel!

    (Now no one can say that the (self) anti-semites are denied a forum in the Yeshivish community where they can make their boneheaded arguments and be disproven on the merits.)

    in reply to: Tzinius Awareness #620544

    Thank you so much. This is a beautiful message to all of Klal Yisroel!

    I have already printed out many copies and posted it for public consumption.

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #625918

    Hey Pashuteyid, don’t sneer. torahis1 is a charter member of the YW apikursus club. I remember still from before your time when he and the old (now long gone) Moshe Fox would wave their banner against the YW masses!

    in reply to: Why Yidden are the BEST! #1166239

    torahis1 – WE Yidden are the CHOSEN NATION. We are incomparably better than the umos haolam. We have kedusha. They have tuma.

    in reply to: Protecting our children #990525

    yoshi, so it truly is purely coincidental that you “and” yossiesiegal:

    1) both purportedly live in lakewood

    2) yossie pops up for the first time on yw backing yoshi up

    3) remarkably similar screen names

    4) both accounts registered on the exact same day

    you didn’t “put him up” now, did you?

    Like new york lotto says, hey you never know – anything is possible!

    in reply to: Protecting our children #990521

    Is it merely “coincidental” that besides yossisiegel having a strikingly similar name to yoshi and they registered their yw account the exact same day as each other, that one is highly complimenting the other?

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