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  • in reply to: Tznius Standards #651068


    I accept your tochacha and publicly thank you for giving it to me.

    But how should I have addressed her here?

    PS Another thing I agree with you is that she is “a strange woman.”

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620787


    so kindly don’t be so afraid to quote the MB and S’O that was provided to you. you still haven’t done so because you are afraid of what it says.

    in reply to: Tzinius Awareness #620563

    saythatagain, were not teens here. and cherrybim has a very sordid and checkered history behind him. if any police detective investigations are needed around here, cherrybim will be suspect number one. perhaps because you are new here you are lucky enough to not be familiar with it.

    in reply to: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha #621354

    cantoresq & berliner,

    To be intellectually honest, please advise everyone here what exactly the TRUE meaning of Emunas Chachomim (and Daas Torah) mean to you.

    AND also please cite a SUSTAINED example from a time in Jewish history that it was actually looked at and practiced in the way you describe it.

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621233

    Mr & Mrs yossi yoshi, yes it is so babyish to use something over 3000 years old, like say the Torah, isn’t it? Well you’ve already made that point loud & clear with your sad commentary. Obviously (c’v) shulchan orach is “ignorant and not an intellectual comeback” in your intelligence, to quote you.

    Oh, and btw you SLIPPED UP! You said “no intellectual comeback to provide US.” US! US yoshi & yossi. Sorry for blowing the cover.

    in reply to: Tznius Standards #651053

    ChanieE, When someone starts comparing tznius, which comes from the Torah, to the Taliban, burqas, etc. it sure shows what they think of the Torah.

    Which posek disagrees with any of these very basics of tznius? And which of these core basics, pray tell, is even disagreeable about?

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621211


    others have responded to you. I agreed with them and added my analogy of your views.


    can’t break the law. if the law is hes first, he gets saved first. even harboring thoughts of murder as you profess (out of anger, obviously, at the the law having been expressed to you) is treason, which will get you and your yoshi stringed up. so you two would never make it.

    in reply to: Tznius Standards #651047

    These are just the basics. Many poskim hold of additional stringencies than listed here.

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621206

    yoshi – When you are on the Titanic, they’ll let you fend for your strong willed self, as the others are put on the rescue boats. Let us know the view from the bottom of the ocean.

    jphone – Is a taxi driver uncourteous for not walking you to your door? Does your brother walk you to your door after dropping you off, after giving you a ride?

    Darkened lounge? I dunno what your religious affiliation is, but if thats where dates are going in your circles…

    Dignified Billiard rooms? Sure; and there are “dignified beaches” as well.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620780

    PYid – “the minhag of a large portion of the klal today” is to dress not tzniusdik also. So while minhugim are being added at an alarming rate, perhaps we can give it a marketing slogan of “A new minhug a day, will make the Yetzer Tov go away!”

    jphone – In Brazil the minhug for politicians as well as most of the rest of the populace is to dress in a lot less than merely being sleeveless. Forget them not owning a jacket; do they know what pants looks like?

    in reply to: Yeridas Hadoros, prime ex: Kibbud Av v’Em #620538

    Jent1150 is absolutely right.

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621199

    Illini07, Oh how offensive to bring up such “ancient” halachas that offend our 21st Century liberal American sensibilities! How controversial! What will the shkutzim think of us now? I think we all better hide under our desks (after quickly locking the offending gemorah or shulchan orach in the closet)! Maybe we can all simultaneously issue an apology for harboring such pre-historic (i.e. before the feminist movement corrected all our age-old errors) ideas.

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621198

    smart, disregard #4 response. I thought you meant eating off each others plates (as you are eating.)

    in reply to: Tzinius Awareness #620556


    the evidence is in the pudding. just skim thru your comment history.

    Is motzi shem rah something YOU have an exemption from?

    in reply to: Tzinus – Both Views are Correct #622441

    mdlevine, Emes! Though I haven’t seen anyone here be mechalek on the second type you mention.

    in reply to: Divorce Crisis #697198

    willi, that is the contemporary liberal American thought-process, to divorce early and divorce often. But most divorces are avoidable and would have been better without a divorce. People divorce too quickly. Then they often end up in a worse state, with no prospects for a better mate than they gave up.

    Of course there is a time for everything and sometimes it is unavoidable unfortunately.

    in reply to: What makes someone a Charadi? #795558


    That is a brand new (to me) sub-category you mention. “Charidal”? Please elaborate.

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621188


    1) Like you said in your follow-up, there is a tznius problem. Additionally playing pool is not an activity engaged in by a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel.

    2) Not tznius to talk to a female (non-family) about her clothes.

    3) Opening door for your female date is a pure liberal American shtus. This “chivalry” business has no basis in Yiddishkeit.

    4) Germs (and doesn’t pas for a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel)

    5) I misunderstood your point. I take no position.

    Certain elements will call me a “fanatic.” I’ll happily take my punches for whats right.

    in reply to: What makes someone a Charadi? #795554

    A Chareidi is someone who fully follows the Torah.

    in reply to: Yeridas Hadoros, prime ex: Kibbud Av v’Em #620535

    The terrible lack of Kibud Av V’Eim in our generation is appalling.

    in reply to: Thanks For The Venting Space #620799

    Why not consider strengthening (everyone can) your Avodas Hashem?

    in reply to: Divorce Crisis #697193

    Stop all the intermingling going on, would certainly be a good first step.

    in reply to: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha #621330

    Anyone who has the AZUS to besmirch a Gadol B’Torah like HaRav Belsky Shlita, needs their head checked out.

    in reply to: PHONY CALLS #623158

    Refer this individual to a kallah teacher (giver her a #)

    in reply to: Dating Dilemmas #621186

    1) Inappropriate for a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel

    2) Inappropriate for a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel

    3) Inappropriate for a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel

    4) Inappropriate for a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel

    5) Inappropriate for a Ben Torah/Bas Yisroel

    Its a confusing world out there.

    in reply to: Tzinius Awareness #620552


    My sincere apologies that you find the Chofetz Chaim’s take on tznius objectionable.

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #626042


    Because if they say koiferdik things about the Torah, or say loshon hora, or attack Rabbonim, or a whole host of reasons it may be not allowed to even hear what they say.


    This topic should be made sticky/pinned.

    in reply to: Why Yidden are the BEST! #1166336

    I agree wholeheartedly!

    in reply to: New Sefer on Shmiras Haloshon #620810

    Everyone on these forums should such a Sefer.

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1086314

    Fighting pritzus is where there is a problem? No one can fight it since someone calls it untzniusdik?? Fighting pritzus is a mitzvah for every man AND woman.

    in reply to: People Who Can’t Write Properly #665846

    rabbi yanky, google the following sentence and look at the first result:

    One of the questions we are asked frequently is whether a comma should go before the conjunction “and” in a series of three or more items.

    in reply to: People Who Can’t Write Properly #665839

    rabbi, it took mariner as long as it takes to hit CTRL-C (copy) from getitwriteonline.com and CTRL-V (paste) to TheYeshivaWorld.com.

    in reply to: Being able to Fargin; Nature or Nurture? #620079

    cantor, that must be a rare case indeed.

    in reply to: Thanks For The Venting Space #620791

    Glad you feel better. Now back to your pritzus. Advising you that its wrong is the right thing to do.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620760

    As repeatedly pointed out and discussed multiple times on this thread, the cited Mishna Berura is very clear that a JACKET is needed when davening in Shul. cherrybim may not like this and try to fardrei Mishna Berura as being “too complex too understand” since it is not to his liking, but it remains what it says in black and white.

    in reply to: Mitzvah Tantz, what the prob’ exactly? #620463


    1. Yeshiva Chaim Berlin, Rav Hutner ZTV’L, and Rav Ahron are no Chasidim. They are Litvaks.

    2. If you can pasken that hand-holding post-Chupa is not only permissable but mandatory, like some Litvaks do (and Chaim Berlin isn’t the only Litvish Roshei Yeshivos that hold this), then you have no taaina on the Mitzva Tantz. Arguing one is a “bigger madreiga” assur, is like arguing something is “partially Jewish.” Its all the same concept. Bottom line is, both are not only kosher but minhug k’halacha, so mandatory. So you lose. Period.

    3. The Machzor Vitri IS where the minhug of the mitzvah tantz, as practiced today, comes from. It is based on Keitzad as specified in the machzor and includes alle minhugim as practiced byom hazeh.

    4. At least most of those minhugim you mentioned, LONG LONG precede the Besht.

    5. And these customs ARE from CHAZAL ZTV’L.

    Finally, I’m not sure which mon and pop MT you’ve been to, but any true MT does not include making choizek. Indeed its all about holiness that the badchan talks about at the MT.

    And if a Shul has a MINHUG to wear a Gartel, they have EVERY RIGHT to insist that any Shliach Tzibur in the Shul wears one.

    in reply to: Whats wrong with a convert?!?!?! #622322

    cherryboy, For you unfortunately all doubt has long been removed regarding your tipshish.

    in reply to: Whats wrong with a convert?!?!?! #622320

    cherrybim, “preys” on whom? His ex-son, the convert? If he preys on Jews I would tend to think anyone should keep away from him, not just his ex-son. In fact, preying on Jews would be one of the worries regarding a coverts EX-parents.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620756

    CHERRYBIM, alleviate your amaratzus I’ll re-point to you the Mishna Berura that requires a JACKET during davening that has been mentioned previously on this thread:

    S’O Orach Chaim Hilchos Tefiloh, siman 91, sk 12 (megulah) [sk 4, mb 12 ?]

    Mishnah Berurah 8:4, citing the Ba”ch, requires two head coverings. (Shulchan Aruch O”Ch 282:2)

    Please learn it and report back!

    in reply to: Whats wrong with a convert?!?!?! #622318

    CHERRYBIM, alleviate your amaratzus I’ll re-point to you the Mishna Berura that requires a JACKET during davening that has been mentioned previously on this thread:

    Shulchan Orach chaim Hilchos Tefiloh, siman 91, sk 12 (megulah) [sk 4, mb 12 ?]

    Mishnah Berurah 8:4, citing the Ba”ch, requires two head coverings

    in reply to: Being able to Fargin; Nature or Nurture? #620052


    What kind of Rabbi are you? Pulpit? Or did you just use the title as a nice screen name??

    Also, r u from the TIDE school of thought (as in kaj)? Is that what the Berlin (i.e. Yekkish) signifies?

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620745

    As discussed here previously, the Mishna Berura is quite clear that a Jacket is REQUIRED by davening, talis or no talis. Those here trying to fardrei an excuse why they don’t do what they are supposed to, may justify it in their mind, but certainly have no excuse al pi din AND altz Kavod HaTorah.

    in reply to: Whats wrong with a convert?!?!?! #622309

    cherrybim, The Torah makes quite clear (aside from the issue of Geirim) that we Yidden must keep our distance from the goyim. This point seems to give you heartburn and indigestion. I suggest you re-evaluate your priorities.

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #626037

    Pashuteh, Your logic in that is so faulty in that comment, it is unworthy of a respectable response.

    And pashuteh, you then wonder why people don’t respect your comments, when you use subtle language to attack others? This is a constant theme of yours.

    I submit that Jesse Jackson, the punk you refer to, is in your league.

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1086278


    And if you admit you are doing something wrong it becomes okay? (Hey I kill people… but I never deny it! ) Bowzer, please take a step back, close your browser and keep it that way.

    I don’t expect to see any response.

    in reply to: What makes someone a Charadi? #795545

    What makes someone a Chareidi? But of course – one must be approved by the Chareidi Board of Governors as a Jew-in-good-standing! Otherwise the person becomes a mere modern orthodox.

    (Watch as Feif, Pashuteh, and lesschumras take this seriously and get all offended.)

    Feif – Btw, if someone dresses like a traditional jew as opposed to dressing modernly, that is better dressed. Apologies in advance if such things offend you.

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #626029

    So mdlevine, you are neither pro-freikeit nor pro-frumkeit? A middle of the roader you say?

    You know what happens to those in “middle of the road”? They get hit from both sides!

    in reply to: Tznius: a woman’s issue #623817

    Look at YW’s archives. There were 2 asifas. Both men and women. Both have audio copies.

    in reply to: Daveing with Crocs #620725

    And whats the excuse for those lacking a JACKET by davening? NONE.

    And this is especially problematic during SHACHRIS when some yodles put on a talis without any jacket.

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