Forum Replies Created
November 11, 2020 12:40 pm at 12:40 pm in reply to: When will reach “Iacta alea est” (the die has been cast) #1918964ujmParticipant
The military lawfully only responds to the orders and appointments of the Commander-In-Chief of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
There is no second way. Attempts otherwise result in court martial and imprisonment for treason.
ujmParticipantThe Democrats have a long history being masters of election fraud. Famously they stole the 1960 election with LBJ fraudulent producing votes late in the count in Texas and illinois to put JFK over the top. They tried to steal 2000 but were successfully stopped. State and local elections all over the country they have routinely committed fraud in over many decades.
They think when they and their media allies keep repeating the mantra “fraud is rare” over and over again, they’ll get people to forget their history and believe that.
November 11, 2020 7:25 am at 7:25 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918739ujmParticipantENS: If you think Biden supporters and/or blue states will declare civil war secession if in a turn of events Trump wins a majority of the electoral college constitutionally, even if through an untraditional chain of legal events, then rest assured that the President, like President Lincoln before him, is well equipped to put down the insurrection.
November 10, 2020 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918682ujmParticipantAmil: What I’m relating is basic constitutional law. It may be trivia since it isn’t invoked often, but neither is it anything other than widely acknowledged (in constitutional law) straightforward legal facts.
November 10, 2020 4:52 pm at 4:52 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918622ujmParticipant“The Supreme Court has no role here.”
Exactly, correct.
“It is the *Governor* who certifies the electors, not the legislature.”
Normally by LAW, correct. But the legislature has the CONSTITUTIONAL right to assert the power of declaring who the state electors are. And constitutional law overrides statutory law.
“It takes separate votes of BOTH houses of Congress to reject the Governor’s certification.”
Correct, but irrelevant. Because that’s only applicable if the presiding officer of the joint session of Congress, which is VP Pence, on January 6 presents the governor’s certification. Then it would take both houses to override it. But if Congress receives more than one certification from a state, VP Pence will only recognize the constitutional certification from the legislature to present to Congress while ignoring and not recognizing the second certification from the governor, since the legislature has constitutional priority for this purpose.
“The Supreme Court, even with 3 Trump justices, will quickly rule that such an action is illegal.”
The Supreme Court has no role in reviewing the January 6 electoral count in Congress. The constitution assigns that role exclusively to Congress. Another coequal branch of the government (either the executive or judiciary) are not part of this constitutional process.
On January 6 Congress will declare the final vote tally of the electoral college. Following that the issue is finalized and settled. Vice President Pence, as President of the US Senate and constitutionally the presiding officer of the joint session session, is the final arbiter with his declaration.
November 10, 2020 3:06 pm at 3:06 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918574ujmParticipantENS: Laws cannot restrict or change constitutional powers.
Again, if the legislature asserts its constitutional power and now appoints electors, the only recourse available to anyone disputing their ability to do so would be to dispute it in Congress in January. There is no other remedy than Congress’ decision.
It is easy to threaten civil war if you don’t get your way. The other side could similarly threaten civil war if you steal the election via fraud, as that would negate democracy. But either way we know how the last civil war turned out.
ujmParticipantWho do you think votes more intelligently, Torah Jews, who voted overwhelmingly for Trump, or the black population, who voted overwhelmingly for Biden?
November 10, 2020 12:40 pm at 12:40 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918536ujmParticipantThe federal Constitution unambiguously permits the legislature to appoint the presidential electors in any manner of their choosing. Which includes changing their method from whatever it was previously set as. There’s no restriction in the Constitution. This is very clear. In any event, if the legislatures now do directly appoint electors, the only recourse for anyone disputing that would be to take it up in Congress on January 6.
November 10, 2020 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918531ujmParticipant“The American Government system is divided into three branches with supposedly equal separated powers. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. If the legislatures of the states certify a winner, the courts will be loathe to set those certifications aside.”.
I’ve been making this exact point.
November 10, 2020 11:59 am at 11:59 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918508ujmParticipant“direct vote by state legislature which was deliberately not authorized by the constitution”
Actually, the constitution not only specifically did authorize state legislatures to appoint electors in any manner of their choosing, but historically in the early years of the United States state legislatures did directly appoint presidential electors without any public election.
“If you read the rest of that section and the analysis of it, the underlying facts as to who is an elector has to be based on election day.”
The constitution says nothing about election day. You’re confusing the constitution with legislative laws. And laws cannot override constitutional provisions.
If you read the full text of Bush v. Gore (2000), you will see the Supreme Court explicitly stated that state legislatures have the unimpeded constitutional right to directly appoint the electoral college. In fact, the Florida state legislature almost did exactly that in 2000 before they litigation was resolved.
And once the state legislatures act and directly appoint electors, any party wishing to dispute that fait accompli only has recourse in Congress, not the judiciary.
November 10, 2020 9:25 am at 9:25 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918486ujmParticipantse2015: If fraud is found and the courts nevertheless cannot rectify it, the legislatures have standing to act.
The federal Constitution takes precedence over state laws. This is a fundamental legal principle. Given that the United States Constitution give direct unambiguous authority to the state legislatures alone, state laws purporting to limit that constitutional right are effectively void. And since once the legislature acts only Congress can challenge it, the courts have no standing or ability to interfere with the official act of a coequal branch of government, the legislative branch, as a matter of separation of powers.
ujmParticipantGHD: Is what you’re trying to indicate that when Mr. Biden today held a news conference with a huge sign behind him saying “OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT-ELECT, JOSEPH BIDEN” it was all just a show-and-tell P.R. act, much like the media’s constant use of that title for him?
November 9, 2020 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918343ujmParticipantIf someone thinks that the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, PBS, AP, Reuters, etc. are something other than left-wing propaganda outlets, than he has his head deeply buried in the sand.
ujmParticipantThe electoral college is certified on December 8 (by each state), votes on December 14 (in the fifty state capitals) and is counted on January 6 (in Congress.) Those are the dates that officially make one candidate the official winner and President-Elect.
November 9, 2020 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918311ujmParticipantIn addition to the Pennsylvania Legislature, as mentioned earlier, the Michigan Legislature is also holding a rare emergency session to investigate election irregularities. All this is the beginning of the various state legislatures leading up to taking action to directly appoint electors supporting Trump.
November 9, 2020 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918292ujmParticipantjackk, you forgot about the election in 2000. It took 37 days to resolve.
Have some patience.
November 9, 2020 12:53 pm at 12:53 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918199ujmParticipantENS:
1. This constitutional procedure is not illegal. It is a process outlined directly in the Constitution of the United States.
2. The joint session of Congress counting the electoral college on January 6 is presided over, as directed in the Constitution, by the President of the US Senate. The President of the US Senate is a gentleman by the name of Michael Pence. The presiding officer V.P. Pence has the authority to decide which certificates of electoral college received is recognized and announced by him in the joint session. If he doesn’t present a certificate there’s nothing to challenge.
3. The Presidential Succession Act only is relevant if no one received a majority of the electoral college. If Vice President Pence announces, per the electoral college certificates received from the state legislatures, that President Trump received a majority of the electoral college, that is the end of the matter. President Trump is reelected.
Furthermore, even IF the Presidential Succession Act had come into play, there’s a legal dispute whether the Speaker can become Acting President, since the Constitution specifies only an “Officer” of the government can assume the powers of the presidency. In legal terms an Officer is only a member of the Executive Branch. Pelosi is only a member of the legislative branch, thus arguably unqualified. So how is this legal ambiguity resolved, you ask? The Justice Department can issue a legal opinion stating the three Speaker isn’t qualified. It is binding. And the head of the Department of Justice is a gentleman by the name of William Barr.
Amil: You’re simply not following this discussion. It is going over your head. I refer you to Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution. This has nothing to do with districts. Any state legislature can decide how to assign their state electoral college. There’s nothing to litigate. They can change the process at any time, to anything they decide.
November 9, 2020 9:49 am at 9:49 am in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1918102ujmParticipantTSC: If the thugs riot after Trump wins, the President will send in the National Guard and the U.S. Marines to quell the rioters and arrest the insurrectionists.
November 9, 2020 7:25 am at 7:25 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1918037ujmParticipantAmil: You completely missed the point. Any state legislature has the constitutional authority to directly award their state electoral votes, even now after the election, to any candidate of their choosing.
November 8, 2020 10:16 pm at 10:16 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917998ujmParticipantThe state legislatures directly awarding the state’s electoral votes to Trump is the Democrats nightmare scenario because they know it is fully in line with the constitution and the Republicans control the levers of power to effect this maneuver, with the Democrats being helpless to stop it.
Which explains the leftist media’s burying discussion of this constitutional process, so that they can pretend when it happens that it was such a big shock as they hysterically will throw a tantrum with their Democrat politicians providing the convulsed quotes fit to print.
November 8, 2020 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917936ujmParticipantjackk, let’s talk on December 8th.
November 8, 2020 7:29 pm at 7:29 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917915ujmParticipantThe leader of the State Senate in Pennsylvania and the Speaker of the State Assembly have held a news conference announcing their intention to “audit” the vote-counting process.
The process has begun. Buckle your seatbelts, friends.
November 8, 2020 5:05 pm at 5:05 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917856ujmParticipantHow will the Democrats react once the constitutional process is completed and the legislatures give Trump the electoral college votes he needs for reelection?
November 8, 2020 3:14 pm at 3:14 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917824ujmParticipantAmil: The President isn’t a doctor. Meanwhile, the United States is doing as well or better in the fight against covid as other countries in Europe and the western world.
November 8, 2020 11:32 am at 11:32 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917790ujmParticipantcharliehall: If the state legislatures now directly appoint the presidential electors, it has no bearing or legal effect on the local and state down ballot elections.
The beauty of this upcoming plan for the state legislatures that is now being formulated when it comes into fruition as likely, IY”H, before December 8, is that the Republican legislators in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia are from red local districts that voted for Trump and whose voters will appreciate and reward their representative for having reelected President Trump, and rectified the fraud perpetuated against him.
ujmParticipantThere’s a trend:
Bill Clinton pressured Israel into Oslo and otherwise was heavy handed against Israeli settlement policies.
George W. Bush laid off Israel on settlements and otherwise was supportive of Israel.
Barack Obama condemned Israel at the UN and otherwise opposed Israeli policies.
Donald Trump was the most supportive of Israeli policy in American history, recognized Jerusalem, the Golan, moved the embassy and numerous other favors for Israel.
Is Biden coming from the Bush/Trump school of thought or from the Clinton/Obama school of thought?
You decide.
November 8, 2020 9:26 am at 9:26 am in reply to: Could someone explain it to a non American please…? #1917727ujmParticipant1 & 2. The media is leftist. Their election polls, exit polls and reporting of vote tallying is designed to make the Democrat Party numbers look better than reality.
3. They are not. But they pretend to be. And the left pretends with them. But it is of zero legal effect or meaning.
ujmParticipantBill Clinton refused for 36 days to allow George Bush to begin transition of power in 2000, until Al Gore completed all legal proceedings against his loss. Biden should expect no better. Let him wait to the completion of all legal proceedings.
November 8, 2020 1:21 am at 1:21 am in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917644ujmParticipantThe focus of the fraud was in the swing states where it mattered.
The Democrats have a long sorid history of voting fraud. They famously stole the 1960 election, with LBJ manipulating ballots. They tried to steal 2000, with Broward County in Florida miraculously turning to new ballots with every recount, against all statistical probabilities. Chicago and the Daley political machine was always famous for bringing out the dead to vote.
No wonder Democrats fight against purging voter rolls of the dead and those that moved. And fight against requiring photo ID to vote. (You can’t even get into a government building or on a plane or purchase alcohol without photo ID.)
And mail-in ballots make fraudulent voting so much easier. Especially when you automatically send out live ballots to all registered voters, dead or alive, without request.
ujmParticipantThe Orthodox Jewish community voted for Trump in even greater percentages than the above numbers indicate. Since there are non-Orthodox and non-Jews living in the same areas as the Orthodox Jews, when you see that an Orthodox neighborhood election district voted, say, 85% for Trump, the other 15% is mostly non-Orthodox/non-Jews voting. So well over 90% of the Orthodox voted for Trump.
November 7, 2020 10:43 pm at 10:43 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917590ujmParticipantAmil: The poll watchers were kept 20+ feet away from the counting to prevent them from being able to see and challenge invalid ballots with late postmarks, mismatched signatures, etc.
Republicans never agreed to that distance, which was too far away to “observe” the count, as the law specifies.
November 7, 2020 9:33 pm at 9:33 pm in reply to: State Legislatures Should Give Trump Reelection Win #1917581ujmParticipantjackk: There are exactly zero states that voted for Trump and have a fully (both houses) Democrat-controlled state legislature. As such, there’s absolutely nothing Democrats can do to stop the fully legal and constitutional plan I explained in the OP.
And, yes, this is Plan B of Team Trump if the fraud is left otherwise unresolved. The state legislatures of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia are as of now all still considering this option.
November 3, 2020 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm in reply to: A Vote for Biden is a Vote Against Israel #1916418ujmParticipantThe Jerusalem Post has a story today that the Palestinian Authority and Abbas are in touch with the Biden campaign.
ujmParticipantThe frum vote straight line Republican. The exception to that rule is if the local candidate has a relationship and works with the frum community. In such a case they’ll vote for him even if he’s a Democrat.
November 2, 2020 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1916204ujmParticipantThere’s a solid conservative majority even without Roberts.
November 1, 2020 9:32 pm at 9:32 pm in reply to: Halachic Ramifications of Killing Whilst in the Military #1915851ujmParticipantAAQ: In the first volume of Michtav Me’Eliyahu Rav Dessler says the concept is that “emes” is not “truth,” but whatever furthers the will of Hashem. Thus, in a situation where it is proper to say an untruth, one isstill saying the “emes” (but not, of course, the “truth”). [Torah I blatantly lifted from elsewhere.]
Can an Austro-Hungarian Jewish soldier c’v engage in an action that will possibly, likely or certainly result in the killing of a Russian Jewish soldier? Or of a Russian Jewish civilian.
ujmParticipantWM: Have you ever c’v had to say Kaddish for someone halachicly required of you? If not, are you even allowed to say Kaddish for someone not halachicly required of you?
If you c’v had to say Kaddish for someone halachicly required, would you be asking the same question you ask in your OP? Why would it be less applicable?
November 1, 2020 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm in reply to: Halachic Ramifications of Killing Whilst in the Military #1915769ujmParticipantAAQ: Murder is a whole ‘nother level than lying (is that even against halacha?) or even stealing (assuming it is stealing, which is unlikely.) Violating Shabbos when working for a police department in a non-pekuach nefesh situation is indeed forbidden.
But whatever you think of any of the above, comparing it to murder is out of line.
November 1, 2020 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm in reply to: Halachic Ramifications of Killing Whilst in the Military #1915665ujmParticipantAnd what does he psaken?
ujmParticipantWith us being almost on the eve of Election Day, as strongly as I pray and hope that Trump wins, my intelligence tells me that will not be the case, most unfortunately. I also think that the Republicans will lose the Senate. This second prediction, if correctly combined with the first, will result in a completely disaster for the United States and its citizens over the next (at least) four years, much moreso than if the Republicans lose the presidency but retain the Senate. That said, while losing the Senate is likely I believe, it is less certain than losing the presidency.
I say all this not from desire, as I very much hope I’m wrong on both accounts, but out of analysis.
October 30, 2020 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915309ujmParticipantThe next goal of the left abortion supporters is the legalization of doctor assisted suicide. As GHD above describes his support of abortion, it being illegal for doctors to assist in suicide (no less than doctors assisting abortion) is a “violation of personal liberty”.
ujmParticipantN95 is supposed to be 95% effective (hence its name), not just 88%.
October 28, 2020 3:56 pm at 3:56 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914499ujmParticipantWhen general society has immoral laws, it certainly affects the Yidden in their midst. Even the Shomer Torah uMitzvos Jews. All the more so the Jews who utilize the immoral laws.
Even before Roe v Wade mother’s whose lives were endangered were permitted to abort to save their lives. Reversing Roe v. Wade would not change that.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Better to give up a percent of economic growth (especially as even with the lower economics we’re still the richest nation without becoming impoverished) if the upside of doing so is having more moral laws and policies (i.e. legal proscription and/or disapproval of toeiva, abortion, improper gender roles, etc.)
ujmParticipantAbsolutely “A”. Morality is more important than better economics. Even assuming the economic program was worse than his opponent, supporting more moral national policies and laws is far more vital.
ujmParticipantGoldstein caused Jews to be murdered in revenge for his attack.
If BLM has a first amendment right to mass protest, Jews have a first amendment right to mass religious prayers and mass religious schooling.
Tischler is an idiot. But from a legal perspective he has a first amendment right to publicly protest Kornbluh by jeering him as a moser and to protest him outside his home.
September 24, 2020 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #1904426ujmParticipantLet’s all be michel one another. I hope you all can be mochel me.
Gmar Chasima Tova
April 17, 2019 1:13 pm at 1:13 pm in reply to: How much did you pay for your hand shmura matza? #1716756ujmParticipantHow many pounds/kilos of handmade shmura matzos does everyone here buy for their family to cover the eight-day Yom Tov?
ujmParticipantThe survey is voluntary, self-selected and web-based, so it is highly doubtful it is scientific or representative of anything.
April 17, 2019 1:12 pm at 1:12 pm in reply to: Amazon Automatic Shipment of Chometz Received on Pesach! #1716752ujmParticipantAre you koneh it if your dog brought the package in from the front porch?