Forum Replies Created
pekak: Of course not. R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich would likely have made the beautiful lyrics something like this:
שלא עשני אשה
שלא עשני אשה
אט די ברכה טוט מען מאכן אלע טאג אזוישלא עשני אשה
שלא עשני אשה
יעדן טאג דארף מען זיך פרייען זייער פיל אזויטאטע געטרייער
דו ביסט דאך ביי אונז טייער
שווער צו געפונען
ווי אזוי דיר אפצודינעןנישט דא קיין געדאנקען
כדי דיר צו דאנקעןאכט טאג ביים ברית ווי שיין און פּרעכטיג
א קליינע זיסע איד
די ערשטע מצוה עס מאכט אים לעכטיג
,ווייל יעצט איז ער א איד
ביי דריי יאר די פּאות די האניג אפּלעקן
און אויסזען ווי א איד
לויפן אין חדר אויך אָן א שטעקן
.כ’האב ליב צו זיין א אידCHORUS:
שלא, שלא, עשני אשה
זאגט א יעדער מענטש אזוי
שלא, שלא, עשני אשה
זינגט א יעדער מענטש אזוי
אפילו ווען ס’איז שווער
די תורה דאך מ’היט
אלץ אזוי זאגט ער
“!איך בין שטאלץ צו זיין א מענטש”ujmParticipanthuju: Truth Social has a cherry-picked Board by The Donald (consisting of his son and loyal members of his Presidential Administration) and they are specifically permitted to waive the six month waiting period for him.
April 3, 2024 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm in reply to: Does anyone’s mind change, or is it argue for the sake of argument? #2274327ujmParticipant“Myself included. I’m referring to when your trolls go off the rails.”
Allow me to address the so-called “trolling” you refer to. Sometimes I’ll utilize humor, witticisms, irony, deadpan, satire or absurdism to creatively highlight a point.
April 3, 2024 9:20 am at 9:20 am in reply to: Does anyone’s mind change, or is it argue for the sake of argument? #2274292ujmParticipantSeveral times people have thanked me for helping them change their perspective of the issue being discussed.
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi: Hopefully you’re not making a brocha of shelo asani isha every day of your life. Otherwise there’s good reason to believe you’re proud of being born male.
Is it okay, in your humble opinion, for a Kohein to be proud he was born a Kohein? (Is it okay to be proud that you were born with your Zaida being Rav Chaim Brisker?) Can a freeman be proud he wasn’t born an eved?
ujmParticipantI heard that Mordechai Ben David comes here once in awhile. Hopefully this will get his attention.
April 2, 2024 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm in reply to: Does anyone’s mind change, or is it argue for the sake of argument? #2274187ujmParticipantI’ve changed people’s mind.
ujmParticipantThe singers who composed tunes for a song to shelo asani goy should do the same for shelo asani isha.
ujmParticipantThe common denominator we can all agree to is to daven for the peaceful dismantlement of the State.
And Moshiach establishing a Jewish Kingdom under the Davidic Dynasty.
ujmParticipantRabbosai, it looks like huju might have had a point. The Donald’s “wealth” (to use huju’s scare quotes in context) has gone down $1 billion in net value just today, as the value of his DJT holdings are now “only” worth $4 billion instead of yesterday’s $5 billion.
Anyone who so rapidly lost $1 billion in so short a period is worthy of our Tzedaka. Please donate to The Donald’s presidential campaign to cover his expenses.
Or simply buy up a lot of DJT stock with your favorite online brokerage firm.
This way DJT will go up again, allowing President Trump to cash out a few billion dollars to reinvigorate his presidential campaign, as candidates are legally permitted to put as much money into their presidential campaigns as they want to.
Tizku L’Mitzvos
ujmParticipantJust go to any Jewish cemetary. Many tombstones for women will list her first quality as having been a Tzanua.
ujmParticipantCS: “Similarly, throughout history, when communal standards fell in a certain area, even very important areas such as sota and murderers, the response was Sanhedrin shutting down, not executing however many Jews were unfortunately involved. Same with the Rambam I just mentioned.”
The Rambam writes that if a Beis Din needs to execute 100 people per day, they can and should do so.
ujmParticipantCS: You don’t realize that a woman dressing non-tznius in public is far worse than someone else who sins in private? Like coffee addict pointed out, she is being חוטא ומחטיא while the other is just a חוטא. She is causing hundreds of people who see her, even inadvertently (let alone advertently) to sin every day. She will be punished for the thousands and thousands of other she caused to sin.
ujmParticipantLF: Are you still in touch?
ujmParticipant“Most people would say it’s a great development for the Jewish people, if not for being predisposed not to like it.”
Most Jews would say it’s great that Jews can get a cheeseburger at McDonald’s on their drive to work on Shabbos.
“You can’t ignore the Gemara in Sanhedrin 98 that אין לך קץ מגולה מזה, that the land is bearing fruit and it is a clear sign of the impending Geula. Oh, and that’s a good thing.”
The land was bearing fruit before 1948 at an increasing rate.
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi: How can you subscribe to “2”, considering the fact that Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria were never given to the State of Israel by the UN resolution or any other international or national authorization?
In fact, the UN and the world has consistently and always stated that Israel has no right, and never had any rights, to continue to occupy any areas outside of the Green Line.
And regarding your last point, you seem to imply that you think the State is a “great thing” Why?
And, as mentioned other times, the RBS”O also wanted to happen and allowed the Holocaust, Tach Vtat, the Crusades, the Churban, the Inquisition, multiple expulsions and blood libels. The fact that “it happened” doesn’t demonstrate that we’re happy about it and it’s great.
ujmParticipantAnother day, another billion. Truth Social rose 15% today, Wednesday, and is now valued at $8 billion. That means The Donald’s 60% ownership portion of the now public company is valued at $5.2 billion, making The Donald worth over a billion dollars more than his net worth as of yesterday.
ujmParticipantDemocrats support Hamas.
ujmParticipantAnother day, another $2 billion. The Donald’s stake in Truth Social has risen in value from $4 billion on Monday to $6 billion on Tuesday, with today’s debut of Truth Social on the NASDAQ stock exchange where Truth Social rose 60% in value, all in one day’s work.
ujmParticipantBetween Friday and Monday the value of The Donald’s portion of Trump Social has risen by $500 million, from $3.5 billion to $4 billion.
One man, half a billion richer over one weekend. Not shabby at all.
ujmParticipantThe Donald is about to become about $3.5 billion richer, just about today or Monday, with his Truth Social going public. The $3.5 billion will be his portion of the ownership.
Even if he was “only” worth $3.5 billion, he’d be super rich (and could more than payoff any lawsuits.) But, of course, with his existing real estate and financial holdings, he’s already one of the wealthiest Americans even before his new $3.5 billion windfall.
ujmParticipant“Of course it’s important, just not something you exclude someone from a community for, any more than say lashon hara which is actually an explicit lav. There is no section of Gemara or anywhere else discussing tznius dress, whereas forbidden speech is.”
CS: So if a Chabad Shulcha regularly goes shopping in non tznius clothing, they’d be no consequences and she’d be allowed to continue representing Lubavitch? What if she regularly ate in public chicken-and-cheese sandwiches? There’s no explicit lav against eating chicken-and-cheese. What if she regularly drove to her Chabad House on Shabbos?
Where are you drawing the line? Why a bathing suit no but a short dress TMI in public when she sits, walks, edited or perhaps even when she walks has no repercussions regarding her representing Chabad?
all bold are edits for the benefit of those who are/should be careful with their ears
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi: Huh? Are you misdirecting your comment intended for someone else? I have no idea what you’re referring to. I have constantly been unambiguously polite with everyone
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi: In fact, the oaths were — and continue to continuously be — unambiguously violated. Even if you want to discount everything else, you have to acknowledge the fact that the Zionists occupied Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria without ever having received any “permission” to do so from Goyim, the Brits, the UN or the world. Indees, they all have always been opposed to this occupation and continue to remain opposed to its continued Israeli occupation in violation of the oaths.
ujmParticipantLerntminTayrah: The Satmar Rebbe never changed his position even one iota. His public protests against the State of Israel always were organized by himself and always only had Yidden attending them. He never once joined any protests by Goyim.
Furthermore, your little maaisele regarding HaGaon Rav Hunter ztvk’l being upset with HaGaon HaRav Miller ztvk’l (or having anything to do with the changing of the guards as Mashgiach in Chaim Berlin) over his writing the advertisements for Satmar to place in the New York Times is completely inaccurate and with no foundation. In fact, the Satmar Rebbe and Rav Hunter were very close with each other. Indeed, it was Rav Hunter who asked the Satmar Rebbe to write his Psak against artificial insemination to oppose Rav Moshe ztvk’l’s Psak on that topic.
ujmParticipantHowever, the Maharal is misquoted. You can find it in נצח ישראל סוף פרק כד. He writes that even if we are being killed we still shouldn’t try to break out and go against the oaths. (Not a question of Pikuach Nefesh, since it won’t help.) This was misquoted and mistranslated as if he saying that even if we are being forced, under pain of death, we still should hold strong and not violate this sin, hence those must be akin to the three cardinal sins. Check Rav Hartman’s footnotes there.
I don’t see a practical difference even with your correction regarding the Maharal. Either way, the Maharal is saying not to violate the oaths even if we are going to get killed, otherwise. Which clearly indicates the oaths are binding and they were violated by creating the Zionist State. And, arguably, are continuing to be violated.
ujmParticipantLerntminTayrah: That isn’t much of an “admission”. If a mamzer is born, you can no longer do anything to unborn him.
ujmParticipantAAQ: The original one are still in Yerushlayim. NK is Litvish, Nusach Ashkenaz, founded by descendents of Talmidei HaGRA.
ujmParticipantDear EnglisherPolished: Is it at all plausible that all of which you speak may, at best, only be applicable to what might be referred to as the “modern Yeshivish”, to the exclusion of, perhaps, what you might call the “shpitz Yeshivish”?
ujmParticipantLerntminTayrah: I’m not sure what stira you’re imagining. The Satmar Rebbe asked Rav Avigdor Miller zt’l to write up some of the advertisements against the State of Israel that he put in the New York Times. The Rebbe himself attended protests against the State. All this is in the public record and can be attested to by the multitudes of those who were around during the Rebbe’s lifetime. He never changed his shitta one iota.
Also, he was never against Neteurei Karta. In fact, the founder of NK – Rav Amrom Blau shlita – was very close to the Rebbe. The clowns today who call themselves NK and attend demonstrations organized by Goyim are not the original or even the real NK; they just usurped the NK name. The Rebbe didn’t speak against the NK; he spoke against clowns who acted inappropriately. And the Rebbe organized his own protests against the State of Israel that were only attended by frum Yidden; he never joined, or authorized anyone to join, any protests setup by Goyim (like the clowns you’re referring to do.)
But he certainly did want to the Goyim to know that the Orthodox Jewish position was in opposition to the State of Israel and the State’s policies, actions and public positions. That was the very purpose of his newspaper advertisements and public protests.
ujmParticipantUnfortunately, the response to these complaints have been weak. In truth, trying to formulate logical and mathematical explanations for any moral rule will sound out of touch. Murder is worse than just inhibiting someone’s right to live. Can you explain why?
The answer is quite simple. The reason for any and all moral rules is simply “because that is the will of G-d.”
Whatever G-d wants, is moral to do. Whatever G-d prohibits, is immoral to do.
ujmParticipantAvira, you write: “It is true that the brisker rov and his talmidim did not stress rhe shvuos; they focused more on how twisted nationalism was, the עקירת הדעת that it champions, its “new” jew who is not a galus yid, its high casualties in terms of deaths…
But rav chaim soloveitchik said repeatedly that zionism is indeed avodah zara. Rav elchonon wrote that many times too.”
But all this doesn’t apply anymore.
HaLeiVi: Of course it still applies. There’s no reason it would have stopped applying. The Zionists are still around. The so-called religious Zionists are still around. And they both still advocate everything they advocated before the State (other than creating a State). The State exists, but the reason Gedolei Yisroel called Zionism as being Avoda Zora was hardly only because they wanted to establish a State.
ujmParticipantLerntminTayrah: The Satmar Rebbe ztvk’l regularly paid for advertisements in the New York Times to state Orthodox Jewry’s opposition to the State of Israel. He also multiple times organized protests outside the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan as well as other protests against the State of Israel.
ujmParticipantDear EnglisherPolished: I was wondering if you could help me understand some of the terminologies you threw around in your OP:
1. Why do you think Americans look down on the English? I’ve always had the impression Englishmen are looked upon with sophistication.
2. What are a couple of prominent examples of what you refer to as “most good things come from America”?
3. Can you define in simpler terms what a “circus tent” hat is?
4. Please share what are Cole Hann shoes, Swiss shoes, what is the difference between them and what are Lululemon pants and how they’re different than non-Lululemon pants.
Thank you in advance for the education.
ujmParticipantCS: Are you trying to say that violating Tznius is not as bad as violating Shabbos? Do you agree that both are equally bad?
ujmParticipantHow old was Vashti when her head was chopped off?
March 14, 2024 12:16 am at 12:16 am in reply to: The End of the Ashkenaz Community in Flatbush #2268961ujmParticipantThe reality on the ground is that a larger percentage of frum Jews in America are consolidating in centralized areas such as the greater Lakewood area, the greater Monsey area and the greater NYC Metropolitan area. Lakewood, especially. But even the frum Flatbush community was growing until about 15 years ago or so. Nowadays it is mostly Lakewood and Monsey.
But what is happening out of towns is that many frum communities OOT are either shrinking outright or stagnating. This is because the young frum (chareidi) couples from out of town are moving to Lakewood in significant numbers shortly after their weddings.
ujmParticipantWhy did the government stop considering the number of children in college for FAFSA?
ujmParticipantBesalel: No one is rooting for things to go poorly. It is just noting where things are. The point being, it was very predictable to reach this state.
ujmParticipantYankel: While the British controlled Eretz Yisroel they NEVER authorized the establishment of a Jewish state. And the reason the British quit Eretz Yisroel is because the Zionist terrorized them with maiming and killing British soldiers (as well as Arabs.) The Zionists were fighting the controlling authority of Eretz Yisroel, in violation of the Shavuous, in order to establish their state.
ujmParticipantMissing a Pesach getaway in Abu Dhabi is so terrible? Greece and Cyprus are still open for business.
ujmParticipantYankel: The British proclaimed Balfour while the Ottomans controlled Eretz Yisroel. After the British took over they didn’t declare further support of that declaration. But even more importantly, it is 100% absolutely indisputable that the British never ever authorized the creation of a Jewish state while they controlled Eretz Yisroel. They opposed the creation of a Jewish state in the land they controlled, while they controlled it.
And the only reason the British quit Eretz Yisroel was because they were terrorized out by the Zionists who were murdering and maiming and otherwise fighting the British and the Arabs while the British controlled Eretz Yisroel.
So it absolutely clear that the Zionists were going against the Shavuous by fighting the controlling authority of Eretz Yisroel. And the only reason the controlling authority quit was because of the militant actions of the Zionists.
ujmParticipantHaleivi: “But it happened, one way or the other. And Hashem was aware of it, I’m told. No, we didn’t outsmart His Galus plans.”
The Holocaust, tach vtat, the crusades, the inquisition, blood libels, etc all happened one way or the other. And Hashem was aware of it, I’m also told. No, just because it happened doesn’t mean we’re happy about it.
ujmParticipant1. The Balfour Declaration was made by the British before they controlled Eretz Yisroel. The Ottomans were still in charge at the time. It would have been no different than if Russia had declared support for a homeland. The declaration doesn’t help regarding the Shavuous.
2. By time the British took over Eretz Yisroel from the Ottomans, the British no longer supported establishing a Jewish homeland. So that also demonstrates no support from the Goyim for a Jewish state.
3. During British rule Zionist terrorists were murdering British soldiers to pressure the British to allow a Jewish state. This demonstrates they were already violating the Shavuous by fighting the Goyim, who opposed their state, to form a state.
4. The UN never controlled Eretz Yisroel. The only reason the UN had a vote on whether to authorize a Jewish state, was because the Zionist terrorized the British into abandoning Eretz Yisroel. And local Goyim of Palestine opposed the formation of a Jewish state.
So even though in my first comment on this thread I explained many multiple reasons why the Shavuous were not, and could not be, abrogated, even on the Zionists on convoluted terms trying to farnagle an excuse why the Shavuous could be ignored due to the Goyim being okay with it, it doesn’t work and falls squarely flat on its face.
ujmParticipantchiefshmerel: Zionism was founded by Nathan Birnbaum in 1883, before Leon Pinsker. Birnbaum is the one who actually recruited and influenced Theodore Herzl to become a Zionist. Birnbaum was elected the first Secretary-General of the Zionist Organization (WZO) at the First Zionist Congress, which he helped organize.
In the 1910s Birnbaum became a Baal Teshuva. He completely renounced Zionism and became a very vocal anti-Zionist. And he was appointed as the General Secretary of the Agudas Yisroel.
Which is the very reason why the Zionists wrote Birnbaum, who founded Zionism, out of the history of Zionism. What could be more embarrassing to them that their very founder became a Baal Teshuva, an anti-Zionist and a leader in Agudas Yisroel?
ujmParticipantIt took Communism about 75 years after they took power to fall in the USSR. Perhaps it’ll take about the same time frame for Zionism to fall.
ujmParticipantchiefsmerel: The difference between the various Zionist factions was about the same as the differences between the different communist factions, such as between the Bolsheviks, the Mensheviks, the Anarchists and Socialist Left Revolutionists.
Perfidy and Hecht is and was exactly as Avira described above.
ujmParticipantYankel: At best, the State is like a mamzer. We don’t kill a mamzer.
ujmParticipantsmerel: that’s nonsense. Hecht and Perfidy is merely a footnote among the Gedolim and others who express the crimes of zionism. His book might contain various truths, and this might be mentioned sometimes, but he is very very far from being central to anyone.
ujmParticipantFirst, The Oaths are quoted L’Halachah in numerous sources, including but not limited to: Piskei Riaz (Kesuvos 111), Responsa Rivash #110, Responsa Rashbash #2, Megilas Esther on Sefer HaMitzvos of Rambam Ramban (Maamar HaGeulah #1 regarding why all Jews outside of Bavel – the majority of Jews at the time – did not go to Eretz Yisroel at Coresh’s call), Rambam (Igeres Taimon – warning peple not to violate the Oaths or else face grave danger), Maharal (Netzach Yisroel 24) writes that even if the Goyim try to force us to take Eretz Yisroel for ourselves during Golus, we must allow ourselves to be killed rather than take violate the Oaths, as well as other places.
Second, Rabbeinu Tam writes that you DO pasken from Agadita unless it is against Halachah.
Third, the Oaths are NOT Agada. By definition, Halachah means when the Gemora tells you it is forbidden to do something, which this does. In fact, it says You may nto do this, and if you do, you will die. That makes it Halachah. Thats the definition of Halachah. (Similarly, the Oath of Naaseh V’Nishmah is also used by Chazal as Halachah, as in Shevuah chal al Sehvuah etc.)
Fourth, even if it is not Halachah, it still represents the Ratzon Hashem, meaning, negation of Halachah would merely relinquish us of any obligations in regard to makign a State. But the Gemora clearly says that doign so will cause the deaths of Jews, like animals in the field. Even if that does not create any Halachic obligations, it surely tells us that the State is against the will of Hashem and that its existence causes deaths of Jews.
The Oath that G-d gave us not to rebel against the Goyim was NOT for the sake of the Goyim, but for our OWN sake, that we dont end Golus early. It says this in every single interpretation in the commentaries about the Oath. It was not for the sake of the Goyim but for us. So just because the Goyim violated their Oath and hurt us does nto mean we can violate another one and hurt ourselves more! Shevet Efraim left Egypt in violation of the Oaths. Egypt surely violated their Oath when they tortured Jews for centuries. Yet Ephrain, Chazal say, were all hunted donw and killed in the deset for violating their Oath by leaving Egypt early.
The Oaths are brought down l’halachah in Rishonim and Achronim as viable and very real. This, despite the fact that the Goyim have been violating their Oath for thousands of years.
The Rambam in Igeres Taimon warns the Jews not to violate the Oaths, or else. He writes there that the Jews are suffering an evil, persecuting government that commits atrocities and wars against the Jews, and therefore the Jews should watch out not to violate the Oath by rebelling against them. It’s clear that even though the Goyim violate their Oath we cannot violate ours.
The Medrash Aichah says clearly that the Romans violated their Oath, yet the generation of Bar Kochba was punished Chazal say because they violated the Oaths.
The Maharal writes that even if the Goyim force us wuth torturous death to violate the Oath, we should rather submit to torturous death than violate them.
And the Gemora itself disproves the idea, since the Gemora says that the reason Chazal commanded us not to go from Bavel to Eretz Yisroel is due to the Oaths, even though Bavel violated their Oath for sure with the atrocities they committed during the Churban (The Shulchan Aruch writes that the Brachah of Vlamalshinim was enacted to praise Hashem for destroying the evil kingdom of Bavel).
The Gemora then asks on R. Zaira who says that the Oaths only include not taking Eretz Yisroel forcefully, but the Oath not to rebel against the nations is nto included. The Gemora could easily have answered that Bavel violated their Oath and therefore our Oath of rebelling against them is null. But the Gemora says no such thing.
R. Avrohom Galanti (Zechus Avos) brings a story of the people of Portugal who wanted to defend themselves against the government by making a rebellion. The government then was making forced SHmad and all sorts of persecutions. They asked the “shem hameforash” and were told not to do it because it would violate the Oaths.
And besides all this, the second Oath, nshelo yaalu b’chomah has nothing to do with the Goyim, and woud not be dependent on the Goyim’s Oath anyway. The Maharal and R. Yonason Eyebushitz write that even if the Goyim give us permission to take Eretz Yisroel we are not allowed to do it. Better we should die than take Eretz Yisroel, the Maharal says.
What I wrote above is not rocket science. It’s pretty obvious. Takes no genius or encyclopedic knowledge to understand it. Anyone who learns about the Oaths is immediately confronted with the reality that they Goyim violate dtheirs but we still cannot violate ours.
It’s just plain dishonesty that would make people come up with this.