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Can we stop wearing a mask in public immediately after taking (both doses of) the vaccine?
ujmParticipantTo huju: if you weren’t honest you’d call yourself honest.
ujmParticipantGhadorah: It ain’t over till the fat lady sings. That’ll only happen on January 6.
December 14, 2020 3:14 pm at 3:14 pm in reply to: Did Trump cut off vaccine shipments to Israel? #1928531ujmParticipantPresident Trump, being the great friend of Israel he is, sent an expedited shipment of vaccines to Israel.
But many Israelis are refusing to take the vaccine until it is proven by seeing the results of millions of people who took it first.
ujmParticipantTo huju: The 50/90 year old reputations of the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC, and of more recent vintage, CNN, PBS, NPR and their ilk is of lying and falsehoods, covering up for nazism, blaming Israel, cursing America, hating caucasians, acting as the public relations arm of the Democrat Party, opposing morality and families and pushing far-left politics.
ujmParticipantThe Democrat Party is today the modern version of the American Communist Party.
ujmParticipantBenny, there is no bipartisan backlash to gerrymandering. The backlash is only coming from partisan Democrats. The Supreme Court of the United States has recently clearly upheld the legality of gerrymandering.
The system isn’t any more broken today than it was 60 years ago. The only difference is that 60 years ago the Democrat Party controlled most redistricting, especially in the South, and gerrymandered districts to their great benefit. That lasted many decades. Today, since about ten years ago, Republicans reversed that and gained the same control of redistricting that Democrats used to have. Democrats, of course, hate that. So they now decided it has become anti-democratic — since they are no longer in charge. It was good, though, while they ran the ship.
It may be true that today, due to micro level data on election districts by the block level and using sophisticated software algorithms gerrymandering can be done much “better” than could be done 20+ years ago. But it wasn’t due to Democrats lacking effort while they were in control to gerrymander to the most of their ability decades ago.
So it is the Democrats loss. They’ll have to live under this new regime. Not because I said so, but because the Supreme Court has so ruled.
ujmParticipantBenny, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Democrats had no problem with gerrymandering for many many decades when it benefited them. They’ll now have to live with many years of gerrymandering advantageous to Republicans. Suddenly becoming johnny come lately’s against gerrymandering when it no longer suits their purposes won’t cut it. The Supreme Court has upheld gerrymandering and that settles the issue.
ujmParticipantTo huju: I don’t want to be accused of racism. As you well know, being a card carrying party member, that any criticism of a black person constitutes racism in the world of today’s Democrat Party and their media cronies.
Ghadorah: Considering that the Republicans won across all down ballots, against all odds, under Trump and the president himself gained millions of voters over the last election, the Republicans realized that Trump must have down many right things these last four years.
Common: Teddy came in third.
December 7, 2020 3:47 am at 3:47 am in reply to: Was Every Married Guy Perfect when they Went Out on Dates? #1926473ujmParticipantThe way it works is that the non-perfect guys marry the non-perfect girls. The trick for non-perfect guys when dating is to look for less than perfect girls.
ujmParticipantWho ruined the Democrat Party – Johnson, Carter or Clinton?
They each built upon the ruins of their predecessors.
December 6, 2020 4:10 pm at 4:10 pm in reply to: The REAL Logic Behind the Election Fraud Dispute #1926301ujmParticipantRE: Most democracies in Europe, the Americas and elsewhere have much tighter election security than the United States.
ckk: Absolutely, yes! As soon as President Trump assumed office in 2017 he appointed an election integrity and fraud commission to investigate exactly this. The Democrats forced it to close down because they oppose secure elections that might prevent them from cheating.
December 4, 2020 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1925961ujmParticipantNote that for years Democrats and their media cronies were yelling that “voting fraud is rare”. That lie has morphed today into “there wasn’t enough fraud to change the outcome”.
December 4, 2020 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1925941ujmParticipantFrom a historical perspective we know it is a fact that there’s been multiple instances of electoral fraud that have likely changed the results of the election. Examples are the fraud Democrats LBJ/JFK committed in the 1960 election that Nixon rightfully won. The Chicago Daley Democrat machine was notorious for committing electoral fraud for decades. So was the Tammany Hall Democrat machine in New York notorious for their electoral fraud.
These are just some examples of known cases of fraud by Democrats. For every known cases there’s likely a dozen more unknown cases where they weren’t busted.
And there was electoral fraud by Democrats in New Jersey local elections just two years ago. As well as many more cases.
ujmParticipantBenny, you woke up too late. From the 1950s until 2010 the districts were gerrymandered in strong favor of the Democrats. The House, electoral college and state legislative districts were skewered in the Democrats favor for 60 years so that even though Republicans often got an overall majority of the vote the Democrats still got a majority of the representatives.
Similarly with the Senate, the Democrats overall got less votes but more senators since they owned the South due to their civil war history of supporting the Confederacy.
It was good for them then with no complaints about it being bad for democracy. Well, we can keep the current Republican advantage for sixty years too.
In 2070 lets reassess whether to even the playing field.
ujmParticipantSenile folks are often polite.
ujmParticipantBenny, hopefully and likely with the upcoming redistricting the Democrats will be reduced to a smaller minority of public office holders on that local, state and federal levels.
ujmParticipantThe GOP is stronger in 2020 than it was in 2016.
ujmParticipantTrump remade the GOP into a better and stronger party that doesn’t content itself in only doing what Democrats say they may do and no more.
ujmParticipantThe Pope changed the solar calendar 400 years ago. Why did we change our calculations for VTUM based on the Pope’s decision?
December 2, 2020 8:41 am at 8:41 am in reply to: Shmiras Shabbos is the answer to Climate Change. #1925220ujmParticipantThe climate changes every day. And has for thousands of years. There’s nothing wrong with that as it is completely normal and how Hashem created the world.
The far left first tried in the 70s and 80s to sell to the world that global cooling would destroy the world. When that petered out as demonstrably false they switched the narrative in the early 90s to that global warming would destroy the world. When that fell flat and hacked emails from these pseudo-scientists exposed it as a hoax they switched to selling their sky-is-falling story to climate change is destroying the world.
ujmParticipantIt’s mamish ah shanda that we use the goyishe calendar to decide when to change our davening.
ujmParticipantakuperma: Don’t forget the Reagan Democrats and the Trump Democrats.
ujmParticipant“Peace for our time” as Neville Chamberlain said.
ujmParticipantWithheld: Polls were broken long before 2016 and 2020. 2016 got worse than before and 2020 got worse than even 2020. However true this was for the presidential races, and it was very bad and especially bad for state by state polls of the presidential contest, this was especially even more true for non-presidential races such as Senatorial, Congressional and gubernatorial elections, where the polls were very often a sad joke.
ujmParticipantmusser: The current members invite new members.
ujmParticipantThe newer members are Rav Hillel David, Rav Shlomo Miller, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rav Aharon Dovid Goldberg, Rav Yosef Chaim Frankel and Rav Shimon Yehuda Svei (in no particular order.) Rav Elya Brudny also joined about a year or two ago.
November 28, 2020 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923976ujmParticipantVirtually all the so-called “fact checkers”, whether Snopes or others from the mainstream media outlets, are far left-wing falsifiers attempting to discredit conservative facts and give credibility to leftist falsehoods.
November 26, 2020 10:46 pm at 10:46 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court opinion supports freedom of religion #1923567ujmParticipantCuomo lied. The restrictions in fact are still in place in some areas of Staten Island, Queens and upstate. They are now null and void thanks to SCOTUS. And Cuomo cannot now reimpose them elsewhere.
Cuomo doesn’t want to broaden the restrictions to include businesses since that’ll inhibit economic activity. So he targeted religious institutions. Now he cannot do so anymore.
November 26, 2020 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923566ujmParticipantThere’s no doubt that this site lazily reposts unedited syndicated/wire stories from the AP, Reuters, NY Times and other mainstream media left-wing fake news outlets.
November 26, 2020 9:58 pm at 9:58 pm in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923545ujmParticipantAPY: 1) What conservative news stations are your referring to? 2) Which of those offer a syndicated subscription to other websites?
ujmParticipantAny Rov in the world or any man who himself already received smicha, regardless of how recently or how long ago, can give smicha to other people.
November 26, 2020 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923507ujmParticipantBecause there’s very little if any original reporting. And the services that resell news wires and media outlets are virtually all left-wing. So they lazily repost mainstream media fake news. The decision here is economic not ideological.
November 26, 2020 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court opinion supports freedom of religion #1923439ujmParticipantCuomo was crying today at his news conference about how terrible the new conservative Supreme Court is.
ujmParticipantrational: don’t be foolish. The secular, who are completely unsheltered and exposed to the outside world, get into far more trouble on this issue and so many other terrible issues than culturally sheltered Jews.
November 26, 2020 9:36 am at 9:36 am in reply to: Jews are way too comfortable in America ! #1923291ujmParticipantThe Meshech Chichma lived his entire life in Lithuania. His reference to Berlin was regarding the Reform throwing out waiting for Moshiach and deciding they’ll never be a Geula and thus becoming more German than the Germans.
November 25, 2020 10:12 am at 10:12 am in reply to: Jews are way too comfortable in America ! #1922967ujmParticipantrational: Nothing will make Moshiach come faster than increasing the amount of time we spend learning Torah.
November 24, 2020 9:30 pm at 9:30 pm in reply to: Jews are way too comfortable in America ! #1922812ujmParticipantVery true. The same applies to most Jews in Israel. We need to remember we are in golus everywhere.
The places where the most and best Torah emanated was from Jewish communities in financially poor regions.
ujmParticipantBottom line: polling in America is dead. Good riddance to them.
ujmParticipantThere’s a nonzero possibility that Trump will prevail between the courts, legislatures and Congress and still win. Not much above zero but certainly the likelihood is nonzero.
If indeed Trump wins the left-wing will riot, loot and burn the blue cities.
ujmParticipantCTL: Incorrect.
President Trump WILL be submitting the final official figures to Congress for reapportionment. This is fully within his control, as he will order the Census Bureau to have the figures on his desk before the end of December. Furthermore, it is statutorily required by federal law that the figures be submitted to Congress before the end of December, and as such the President is simply fulfilling the legal requirement to do so.
Additionally, the Census Bureau always has made estimations in its figures and will be doing so again now under President Trump to determine that numbers of illegal aliens counted and to exclude those illegal aliens for three purpose of the figures President Trump will be submitting to Congress for reapportionment.
ujmParticipantBlue states like California and New York will be losing congressional representation and electoral college votes while red states will be gaining.
That’s good for America and good for the Jews.
As a bonus, President Trump will be submitting to Congress final census figures that will exclude and deduct illegal aliens from counting towards congressional apportionment.
ujmParticipantWhatever fraud and/or irregularities are uncovered before the electoral college votes, will only represent a small portion of the actual fraud and irregularities in the voting and counting. In such a constrained and short time frame between election day and the vote certification deadline, it’ll be impossible to weed out all the fraud.
ujmParticipantAmerica has a lower or same per capita death rate than most European countries. We’re doing better or as good in the fight against covid-19 than Europe.
ujmParticipantThe United States is doing better or as good in that fight against covid-19 than most western/European democracies.
America came out with a covid-19 vaccine in a historically record timeframe.
Thank you President Trump!
ujmParticipantse2015: If Biden is sworn into office after a majority of the electoral college votes for him, despite any fraud the Democrats committed, it will be a legal fact that Biden is legally the POTUS will the full powers that entails.
But an illegitimate, even if legal, president nonetheless.
ujmParticipantENS: False. The Democrats spent FOUR YEARS undermining democracy by falsely claiming the Russians elected Trump, rather than Trump won fair and square.
What goes around, comes around. Eat what you sow.
ujmParticipantCTL: You may have a better command of written language than the poster, but I have better command of understanding the intent of an imperfectly construed statement.
As far as the law is concerned, I have a rather very good command of it. And my English comprehension is, wadr, in the top percentile.
ujmParticipantCTL: You misconstrued Ben Levi’s comment. He said that IF the courts rules in Trump’s favor and as a result the election is called for Trump, that effectively means the court rulings demonstrates that the networks called it wrong based on invalid ballots counted prior to final vote certification.
ujmParticipantjackk: Bookmark the thread in your browser.
And don’t forget how well the Democrats and the left accepted their loss in 2016. And how they promised impeachment before Trump was even sworn in as President.