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  • in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933883

    ubiq — The Electoral Count Act specifically addresses the problem of their being multiple sets of electors submitted to Congress coming from the same state. Because that act was passed by Congress in response to that exact problem having occurred just a few years before the act became law.

    in reply to: President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel #1933862

    Reb Eliezer, are you thankful to the Trump Administration for having listened to your call to ease up on Pollard’s penalty?

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933844

    ENS: You left your thinking cap far away. No part of my discussion was anything other than January 6 — which has NOT been litigated altogether.

    in reply to: President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel #1933825

    besalel, it is normative Justice Department practice to extend the parole of convicted spies, upon expiration. Check previous cases at your convenience.

    Furthermore, as a side point, it was widely reported in November when Pollard’s parole was not extended that the Trump Administration decided not to extend it “as a favor to Israel.”

    in reply to: Stop being weak pathetic losers #1933805

    You forgot that we are in golus.

    Once you remember that your entire premise falls apart.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933802

    “In 2000 Al gore (then vice President) could have just chosen himself as President?”

    If Florida had submitted two opposing set of electors in 2000 (they didn’t) and Gore only recognized the Democrat slate submitted (and ignored the Republican slate), members of both houses of Congress could then either accept or reject that (Democrat) slate (by each house voting separately.) If both houses didn’t agree to reject it, Gore technically could have counted Florida for himself, giving himself a majority of the Electoral College and thereby the presidency.

    in reply to: Summarize Donald Trump #1933742

    To huju: The Ribono Shel Olam rewards me for expressing his H Hakoras Hatov on His children’s behalf.

    in reply to: President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel #1933702

    Reb Eliezer, Donald Trump and his father have a proven history throughout their lifetimes of selflessly helping Yidden. Not only as President but even in business and personal life before he ever entered politics.

    in reply to: Summarize Donald Trump #1933691

    A Shliach Hashem.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933688

    “If congress made an internal policy that no Jews can sit in congress, you can bet the court can stop them.”

    You’re absolutely incorrect. As egregious as such a policy would be, ONLY Congress could change that. No court.

    in reply to: Working bochurim #1933663

    “80% of the bucherim will go to work in something other then chinuch or klay kodesh”

    What’s wrong with that??

    in reply to: President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel #1933610

    The US Parole Commission normally rubber stamps the Attorney General and Justice Department’s request to extend the parole of convicted spies.

    The Trump Administration made a special decision to permit the parole to expire.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933604

    No court can tell Congress how to handle its internal policies, regulations and/or legislative rulings. Passing laws is a different thing that involves multiple branches of government.

    in reply to: President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel #1933577

    Yidden have been begging presidents since Bill Clinton through George W. Bush through Barack Obama to ease off Pollard’s punishment. All have refused. It took a Donald Trump to have the courage to overrule the “intelligence community” and help a Yid.

    Just as The Donald has done for numerous other Yidden.

    in reply to: President Trump Releases Jonathon Pollard From Parole to go to Israel #1933550

    Attorney General William Barr could have extended the parole and was expected to do so. But the President and Attorney General decided to end the parole.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1933520

    To huju: The only payment I accept is from the Ribono Shel Plan for following His command to express Hakaros Hatov to the friends of Klal Yisroel.

    in reply to: Summarize Donald Trump #1933519

    The greatest President since Lincoln.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933515

    ubiq: A FUNDAMENTAL principle of American constitutional law is that the three branches of the government, the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial are each COEQUAL to each other. It is an undisputed and basic principle of constitutional law that no court can order Congress to act in any way.

    The Vice President of the United States is constitutionally the presiding officer of the United States Senate and of the Joint Session of Congress that is constitutionally tasked with making the final count and determination of the winner of the Electoral College.

    As presiding officer, Vice President Michael Pence’s rulings in the Joint Session are final and unappealable.

    All of this is basic constitutional law.

    in reply to: Working bochurim #1933521

    It isn’t true. Sincere Bnei Torah working bochorim are looked up to and sought after.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933428

    ENS: Your reading comprehension needs a lot of improvement. I did NOT say Biden will be removed/convicted after being impeached. In fact, I clearly said he would not be.

    in reply to: I voted today. Tell me about the fraud. #1933306

    Orech: Democrats have adamantly opposed any form of voter ID requirements EVERY time its every come up.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933302

    Pence might just declare Trump the winner when he constitutionally presides over the Joint Session on January 6. His ruling is that final ruling and cannot constitutionally be judicially reviewed.

    in reply to: I voted today. Tell me about the fraud. #1933206

    Orech: Why aren’t the Democrats opposed to ID to buy alcohol, enter a government building, obtain welfare money or get on a flight for “distinct populations”?

    By all means add state-issued student IDs to the accepted list. And make them easily obtainable when requiring them to cast a ballot.

    But the Democrats are ADAMANTLY opposed to ANY mandate of requiring ID before voting. Because requiring it would hamper their ability to cheat.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1933186

    Meno, *if* the person is in a higher risk category (but not on the government’s prioritized access list) AND the difference in time between getting it by waiting versus getting it now has an appreciable risk of death or severe injury.

    in reply to: Limiting Presidential Pardons #1933173

    President Trump’s use of pardons and commutations on behalf of numerous Orthodox Jews, whereas previous presidents have refused to, is another manifestation of The Donald’s ahavas Yisroel.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933171

    ubiq: After the midterms when Biden is impeached he will not be removed.

    in reply to: I voted today. Tell me about the fraud. #1933150

    The Democrats here a very long history of being master election thieves. From JFK to LBJ in Texas to Daley in Chicago to today.

    Which is why Democrats OPPOSE Voter Identification requirements even though you need ID to get a library card to take a flight or even to walk into a government building.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933149

    ENS: There were no serious calls to impeach Obama. There *were* serious calls by Democrats to impeach Bush. Impeachment has been devalued by Democrats into an everyday political weapon.

    Clinton was deservedly impeached. The Democrats effort against Trump was a legal farce.

    The Democrats and Biden will have to reap what they sowed in two years after the midterms.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1933143

    If two starving people see food that can save one of them, either person can attempt to grab it first to save themselves.

    in reply to: Limiting Presidential Pardons #1933138

    Amil: Constitutional Law 101 for you — the President has the absolute right and authority directly under the constitution to pardon or commute any federal conviction, for any reason, without any necessity to have the case go through any formal review whatsoever.

    That constitutional rule takes precedence over any technical regulations or review bodies.

    Furthermore, previous presidents have as well granted pardons and commutations outside the formal Justice Department process.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933131

    jackk: Constitutional Law 101 for you — Harris doesn’t become president after Biden is impeached.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933040

    Orech: The Democrats have devalued impeachment over the last two years. They will now have to reap what they sowed.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932983

    jackk, Biden can, should and will be impeached on a pretext just as the Democrats did in 2019. The pretext will differ from the pretext the Democrats cooked up.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932883

    Like I said, fellows, Democrats used a false pretext to impeach.

    Don’t cry when Republicans return the favor.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932865

    ubiq: They’ll impeach Biden over the same thing the Democrats impeached — he’s a member of the opposite party. Like the Democrats the Republicans will find some pretext.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932745

    jackk: When the Republicans win back the House in two years, by winning the small number of seats necessary when historically midterms the president’s party loses, and impeach Biden, you’ll eat your words.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932697

    ubiq: They clearly stated they will not give it to anyone not meeting one of the three criteria they listed as qualifiers to receive it from their clinic.

    in reply to: The Trump Vaccine for the Chinavirus Developed via Operation Warp Speed #1932677

    To huju: is your communism ideological or practical?

    in reply to: I voted today. Tell me about the fraud. #1932471

    You’re okay.

    I’m not as sure about the local version of the Daley Political Machine organizing a get-out-the-vote effort for people residing in cemeteries but still not expunged from the local voting roster.

    in reply to: The Trump Vaccine for the Chinavirus Developed via Operation Warp Speed #1932463

    CH: Dr. Fauci ultimately works for President Trump. And his clinical research for Operation Warp Speed was done at the behest of President Trump.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932459

    Reb Eliezer: An elderly vulnerable person with preexisting conditions living at home cannot get the vaccine through normal channels currently.

    Yet young Congresswoman AOC did get the vaccine. Explain that.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932440

    AAQ: Pekuach Nefesh is doche virtually everything.

    in reply to: Nittel Nact #1932431

    johnklets, the seforim hakedoshim say that after Moshiach comes Klal Yisroel will stop celebrating yomim tovim d’oraysa, like Pesach. But the occasions instituted by the rabbonim will continue even after Moshiach. As such, l’choira nittel nacht will continue to be observed.

    in reply to: Nittel Nact #1932348

    Reb Eliezer: Ada’s Yereim is Vien. Vienna, Austria is Catholic. They also use December 25.

    What is the Jewish Journal?

    in reply to: Nittel Nact #1932318

    Reb Eliezer: In America the goyim keep it on December 25, not January 6.

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932311

    I have no idea if the allegation is true. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if it is a complete fabrication. I would assume it is false or at least grossly mis-portrayed in the absence of proof otherwise.

    That said, even if it is true there are over two million Jews living just in the five boroughs of New York City. And over a million more in that metropolitan area. Probably 25+% are Orthodox. That’s almost a million Orthodox Jews in the region. There’s always man bites dog stories of those one in a million that makes the news. The issue is the media is anti-Orthodox and portrays the one in a million as routine.

    If this had been done by a black person, Hispanic, Baptist or any other group the news would not have pointed out the ethnic, religious or nationality of the offender. That antisemitism is only reserved by the media for Jews, especially of the Orthodox variety.

    in reply to: Medicating vs Spanking #1932263

    Another option is to, as our parents warned, put soap in the kids mouth.

    in reply to: Nittel Nact #1932188

    It depends if nittel is a nidcha.

    in reply to: Twitter Bans Zelenko – He Should Switch To Parler #1932151

    Charlie: common carrier laws don’t require Google to continue Gmail service to known antisemites. Thus by your own argument Google is anti-Semitic.

    in reply to: Why do girls need to learn Sifsie Chachamim inside? #1932032

    Why do you assume that there’s a vaad of Rabbonim decided on the curriculum rather than each girls school principal or teachers dream up their own curriculum?

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