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  • in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943814

    Reb Eliezer, did you miss my question?

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943657

    Reb Eliezer, if you knew with 100% certainty that a certain man or woman was an Amoleki, would you slay them; and if so, would you do it happily? (Assuming you knew there would be no legal consequences from any non-Jewish government.)”


    Which? Where?


    There is however, some dispute as to what age the Chazon Ish was referring to when the proper tznius guidelines should be instituted. Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky opined that until age five, there is no doubt that there is no issue. After that, he maintained that it is not clear-cut and it would depend on each individual girl; he posited that one should therefore be stringent from age five. However, most poskim estimate that the Chazon Ish meant age 6 – 7, depending on the individual girl.


    aoish: See the Mishna Berurah (Biur Halacha 75 s.v. tefach, quoting the Shulchan Shlomo ad loc. 1) regarding that they are required from age three. The Chazon Ish (Moed – O.C. 16, 8 s.v. Kasav b’Mishna Berurah) maintains that they are not required until a girl’s body starts to mature, which Rav Wozner says is by age seven at the latest. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo on Tefillah Ch. 20, 9) says that even ‘yereim l’dvar Hashem’ do not have to follow the Mishna Berura on this point, but rather to be lenient and follow the Chazon Ish’s ruling.


    Holding the hand to cross the street you can do for an old lady, too. But anything you cannot do with a 28 year old lady an uncle (or any non-relative) cannot do with his niece (or any girl) once she is three years old, according to the Chofetz Chaim. The other shitta is from the Chazon Ish who holds it is no later than when she reaches age seven, but may be an earlier than that age if she’s bodily more mature beforehand.

    in reply to: United States – No Unity after an Insurrection #1942986

    The Democrats and the Lefts acquiesce, acceptance and support of the insurrection and riots by BLM/Antifa burning Portland, Seattle, Chicago and numerous other American cities, targeting federal buildings, police stations, police officers and other targets, including murdering and maiming police officers and citizens as well as causing billions of dollars in property damage, is quite telling.

    It was far far worse and lasted much much longer than the three hours trespassing of the Capitol. And far more people were hurt and killed and property damaged.

    The Democrats and the Left “only” support the “correct” kind of insurrection committed by their own people.

    in reply to: Is it good for the Jews to have a president who’s good for the Jews? #1942839

    huju: If you weren’t a victim of the media, believing the lies they repeatedly spew, you would’ve known that none of your points is applicable.

    in reply to: United States – No Unity after an Insurrection #1942828

    Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was a Trump supporter.

    The Democrats have not apologized and admitted they were wrong to support the riotous insurrectionists during the BLM/Antifa uprising burning multiple cities across the United States, by thousands of left-wing criminals killing and injuring scores more people over many months then the three-hours one time riot by a couple hundred people in DC.

    It is also noteworthy that when police officers killed black violent criminal thugs engaged in malicious activity the BLM/Antifa/left-wing rioted and were supported by Democrats because the dead criminal was engaged in violence but unarmed. On the other hand, when a white unarmed non-dangerous U.S. veteran woman engaged in non-violent trespassing in the Capitol building and was shot dead for the high crime of attempting to go through a broken window, the Democrats and the Left had no complaints over her being killed by a police officer.

    in reply to: Riots in Israel #1942392

    The clips aren’t necessarily representative.

    in reply to: virus in Israel #1942363

    Israel is one of the worst hit countries with covid-19 illnesses.

    in reply to: Is being “eco-friendly” a value that means something to you? #1942362

    Avram, of course. I don’t think too many folks would disagree. But two points to consider is that the environmental wackos 1) want to prohibit useful activity for humanity and 2) under the guise of science claim that certain activities are harmful when the evidence of such is very weak.

    in reply to: Riots in Israel #1942360

    CS: I wasn’t referring to the highly unusual burning of a bus. Bus burnings are hardly a regular occurrence. According to YWN that protest had outsiders who aren’t chareidim or even Frum come to Bnei Brak to stir up trouble.

    in reply to: Riots in Israel #1942318

    A “riot” in Israel usually means burning the garbage and blocking streets. Anywhere else that would be considered a peaceful protest using civil disobedience.

    in reply to: Media “explains/justifies” Israeli law enforcement only when.. #1942193

    The leftist media, including the AP, Reuters, the New York Times, BBC, Washington Post, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, PBS, etc are anti-Semitic in addition to being far left media outlets.

    in reply to: Is being “eco-friendly” a value that means something to you? #1942046

    The world was created for the use of it by humanity.

    Chop down those trees.

    in reply to: Is being “eco-friendly” a value that means something to you? #1942024


    in reply to: Is it good for the Jews to have a president who’s good for the Jews? #1942013

    The best is a got who is a friend of the Jews. Having a Jewish politician is bad any way you cut it.

    in reply to: ami or mishpacha #1941668

    Both magazines are mostly proffering modern orthodox hashkafas despite being marketed to charedi families.

    in reply to: Trump to Jews, good, also complicated #1941468

    Trump has been a blessing for the Jews. Trump has eschewed and rejected the tiny number of extremist and antisemites who tried to latch unto him despite his lifetime and presidency of being a best friend to the Jews, going far out of his way to help Jews despite it having no personal or political benefit to himself.

    in reply to: The Silver Lining of the Trump Loss #1941193

    jackk, no need for mechila as I never held anything against you. In fact I virtually never take anything online personal. To whatever extent you think it’s needed it’s gladly given. I do, though, appreciate the sentiment you expressed.

    in reply to: The Silver Lining of the Trump Loss #1941096

    jackk, yasher koach for your approbation. When I saw on the main page that your comment was the first response, I wrongly braced myself for a strong critique. I was very pleased to read your feedback.

    in reply to: Trump to Jews, good, also complicated #1940843

    That’s a canard peddled by the MSM.

    in reply to: Trump to Jews, good, also complicated #1940833

    Shalom, there were some decent folks at the rally. Even if the idiots got the spotlight from the MSM while the MSM failed to report the presence of the good people.

    in reply to: Trump to Jews, good, also complicated #1940801

    Shalom, his reactions were entirely correct and appropriate. The MSM lied about the facts.

    in reply to: Who should get priority for vaccines? #1940717

    AAQ: How did Israel’s next door neighbors in the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Lebanon do better than Israel? As far as statistics, if you’ll notice, my comment with statistics was a response to the previous comment with statistics.

    in reply to: Trump to Jews, good, also complicated #1940714

    The President had nothing in the slightest to do with Pittsburgh or Charlottesville or Poway. Stop believing every lie the MSM media spoon feeds to you.

    in reply to: Thank You Donald Trump, the Jews’ Best Friend! #1940669

    Reb Eliezer: Are those Biden folks mechallel Shabbos? Has he appointed any Shomrei Shabbos?

    in reply to: Who should get priority for vaccines? #1940667

    Israel Number of Corona deaths per million: 450.66

    Jordan Number of Corona deaths per million: 412.8

    Palestine Number of Corona deaths per million: 371.59

    Denmark Number of Corona deaths per million: 315.54

    Lebanon Number of Corona deaths per million: 294.64

    Turkey Number of Corona deaths per million: 291.6

    Norway Number of Corona deaths per million: 98.17

    rational: please get you zionist friends in touch with the Arabs. Or with Denmark or Norway. Even Abbas can teach them a thing or two how to deal with the pandemic better.

    in reply to: Trumps pardon list #1940568

    Trump has been Klal Yisroel’s best friend in the White House ever. It isn’t even close.

    in reply to: Who should get priority for vaccines? #1940486

    rational: It’s time to overcome your zionism. Israel messed up nationally on covid-19:

    Israeli Hospitals Collapsing: “Soon We’ll Have To Decide Who Will Live & Who Will Die”

    in reply to: Going postal over postal deliveries #1940266

    For the last few weeks I’ve been getting first class mail overnight — the day after it was mailed.

    The USPS has markedly improved.

    in reply to: The Eldest Oyster: Herd Immunity vs. Herd Mentality #1940263

    “I understand the concern, but isn’t covid a concern too?”

    For a random 28 year old the concern of effects from covid-19 is very tiny.

    in reply to: The Eldest Oyster: Herd Immunity vs. Herd Mentality #1940206

    I don’t think a pregnant or nursing 28 year old with no antibodies should rush to get it.

    in reply to: senate majority leader #1940016

    The 117th United States Congress began on January 3, 2021. The United States Senate has already voted on a majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell, and Republican committee leaders.

    Frankly, if they wanted to play hardball, Republicans could refuse to have a vote to cede Leader Mcconnell’s position as majority leader. A vote is only scheduled once at the beginning of each term, which has already occurred.

    If that really wanted to play hardball, the Republican Senate majority could even refuse to seat the newly elected Senator(s) from Georgia.

    in reply to: Who should get priority for vaccines? #1939918

    rational: The State of Israel badly messed up on the coronavirus, with the country suffering one of the highest rates.

    in reply to: Re: Election Fraud, How would we know? #1939917

    Voter fraud is easy to get away with. Especially since Democrats fight tooth and nail against even *investigating” it.

    in reply to: Re: Election Fraud, How would we know? #1939859

    The current election system makes fraud easy to commit, easy to get away with, extremely difficult to detect and likely to remain unknown to have occurred.

    Most countries verify voter registration eligibility and more importantly require ID when voting. America by and large does not. Mail in vote fraud especially prone to occur without detection.

    in reply to: Why is everyone so worked up? #1939729


    1. Mishkav Zachar is NOT a mahlokes that it’s assur for a bnei Noach.

    2. Rav Moshe did NOT say what you attribute to him.

    3. Mishkav Zochor is multitudes worse than a married man being mezane (with an unmarried woman). Including for a bnei Noach.

    in reply to: Who should get priority for vaccines? #1939609

    There’s no reason a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant male should receive any lower priority than a Hispanic-Asian mixed race female.

    in reply to: Who should get priority for vaccines? #1939597

    1, 2, 9 and 11 should get priority.

    3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 should get no priority.

    7 and 8 are more debatable but I’d vote against any priority.

    11 should be limited to a small number of high government officials such as the President, VP, members of the cabinet, Congress and Supreme Court justices who should be given priority.

    in reply to: Cryptocurrency #1939483

    Jude, which is why US, European and Japanese currencies are considered safe since their governments backs up their monetary value by its reliably full faith and credit. Whereas the currencies of Iran, Russia and China are not considered nearly as safe.

    And where, between those examples, would you please cryptocurrency?

    in reply to: Cryptocurrency #1939474

    Meno, that’s true. But it is worthwhile being cognizant that one can lose their entire balance using the traditional bitcoin system. In fact, there are multiple well known cases of folks with bitcoins valued in the millions of dollars through hundreds of millions of dollars that lost access to their bitcoins due to a forgotten password.

    in reply to: Cryptocurrency #1939355

    It isn’t even muttar to talk about bitcoin on Shabbos!

    in reply to: Why is everyone so worked up? #1939354


    in reply to: Why is everyone so worked up? #1939350

    Yser: Rav Moshe was adamantly opposed to abortion. This is a matter of undisputed record. For you to falsely imply that he did “the opposite” of opposing it, is a libelous falsehood.

    There’s no machlokes that Buttigieg is clearly guilty of giluy aroyos.

    Obergefell was opposed by Republicans. But only the Supreme Court can overturn it. And Trump has appointed Supreme Court justices opposed to Obergefell.

    in reply to: Cryptocurrency #1939345

    If you forget your password to your bitcoin account, you can lose your entire balance.

    in reply to: Cryptocurrency #1939335

    “Yes, yes and yes.”

    What is the third “yes” responding to?

    in reply to: Opening Yeshivas #1939096

    The latest scientific medical knowledge of covid-19 is that children are *NOT* a major spreader of the virus.

    in reply to: Stiff Upper Lip #1938895

    Participant, does changing sleeping positions trigger greater displays of emotion?

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