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  • in reply to: Chinuch in 2021 #1948509

    Freilichen Purim!


    Harris is more impeachable than Trump was.

    Impeachment is merely a political process. If half the House plus one member agree to impeach an official because that official has a hair color they don’t like, they can legally impeach him.

    Democrats have turned the impeachment process into a farce and a joke. They should expect to reap what they sowed when Democrats in the White House are easily impeached.

    in reply to: How Was Vashti Killed? #1948399

    Vashti was beheaded, her head placed on a silver platter and presented to Achashveirush at the party.

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948356

    Wolf, that you’re giving everyone extra mitzvas by them answering Amen.

    in reply to: Megillas Esther Interpretation #1948207

    If Achashverus had no regard for the constitution (laws) why then was he concerned about the law prohibiting him from revoking his decree?

    in reply to: Wasting Other People’s Time #1948206

    Wolf, how about not ignoring the strong answers and only refuting the weak answers. This is a trademark of yours.

    in reply to: Talking in Shul #1947935

    Wolf: Would they complain if you abruptly stopped talking before laining ended?

    in reply to: Andrew Yang Mayor 2021? #1947888

    It’s a matter of hoping the least terrible candidate wins. There’s no viable good candidate.

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947861

    OD: New York and New Jersey have, BY FAR, the biggest death ratio in the entire United States. NY and NJ handled the pandemic far worse than any other states.

    in reply to: Andrew Yang Mayor 2021? #1947862

    Has Yang said or indicated anything about Metzitza? Does he even know what Metzitza is?

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947754

    “We had the javits center, the comfort, and even Shor Yoshuv”

    None of these were available on March 25 when Cuomo announced the poilcy

    Cuomo failed to change his murderous nursing home policy immediately after those extra hospital beds became available (thanks to the Trump Administration.)

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947753

    Ghadora: So far Cuomo acknowledged 15,000 victims died in New York nursing homes. And that count excludes victims that died after being transferred from the nursing home to a hospital. That’ll likely more than double the count, as must of Cuomo’s victims died in a hospital.

    So, yes, tens of thousands is an accurate description of the number of Cuomo’s victims. And this count isn’t even including Cuomo’s victims who weren’t in nursing homes but died due to Cuomo’s gross mismanagement of the pandemic. New York and New Jersey have the two highest death ratio from covid-19 of all US states.

    in reply to: Cuomo covered up nursing home deaths #1947626

    Cuomo is a genocidal maniac. He should be put in the dock and tried for genocide. Just seeing him in an orange jumpsuit and in chains will do a tiny level of justice to the tens of thousands of Cuomo’s victims who are no longer alive.

    in reply to: Andrew Yang Mayor 2021? #1947485

    Didn’t Yang recently promise to stop the city from interfering with Yeshiva’s and parents’ rights to choose the quantity and choice of what secular studies to offer in private schools?

    in reply to: Rav Tzvi Kaplan Yeshiva #1947287

    Why is a knapsack even an issue?

    in reply to: Rav Tzvi Kaplan Yeshiva #1947137

    What is a knapsack that it isn’t allowed?

    in reply to: Judge issues Permanente Injunction against NYS to enforce on Shuls #1947072

    Back to Minyan as usual?

    in reply to: White Pages for Frum Boro Park Community #1947071

    They’ve been printing them for many decades and distribute them house to house every year.

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946742

    First we need to hold the Democrats accountable for their encouragement and support of the Antifa/BLM insurrection and murders.

    in reply to: Gedolim who went to public school #1946648

    The public schools of the 1930s didn’t teach the kefira, nivul peh, giliuy aroyos and worse (not to mention retzicha) that virtually every pubic school today includes in their curriculum.

    And then without the above, as Avram pointed out, we lost so many neshomos back in those decades. The ones we’re talking here are the few survivors out of the many lost.

    in reply to: Sinking Inside The Box #1946400

    This is certainly one of the important issues worthwhile of discussion.

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1946397

    TLIK, would you find it understandable others may choose to decline a covid-19 vaccination for the very reasons you outlined as your own hesitations?

    in reply to: Problems with the Covid vaccinations #1946376

    TLIK, what are your personal hesitations?

    in reply to: 36 righteous #1946328

    They’re hidden.

    in reply to: Sheitels from India #1946326

    Aside from the Indian hair avoda zora issue, there’s serious halachic concerns about sheitels in general, with many mainstream accepted poskim not approving.

    in reply to: Is there a middle class frum family financial crisis ? #1946289


    Anyone who sticks to your list of “necessities” only, 90+% of frum families will not be in financial crisis.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945966

    rational, you’re mistaken on both counts. That said, if I may ask, what would you think accounts for your assumption that some readers recoil at you name?

    Again, you are missing the point. By and large those (financially) poor people you are referring to are much happier on average than the wealthy and middle class, fein shmeckers or otherwise. They’d far rather be in Kollel while financially poor than be in high-tech and raking in cash while living it up. And the distress experienced by those Kollel families is, on average, less distress experienced by their well-heeled coreligionists.

    To reiterate, the point is you’re stressing the affliction on the wrong side of the coin.

    In my humble opinion, of course.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945942

    Then I apologize. I understood him, perhaps incorrectly, to criticize Eretz Yisroel Kollel life as unsustainable and/or unmanageable.

    Allow me to add that “in a not good” case”, as referenced above, their marriages and families generally (on average) do better than wealthy/upper middle class families do in a not good case.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945926

    rational, not only do they in fact manage, they are happier than you’ll ever be, even with them “lacking” cars, restaurants, fancy weddings and vacations. The fact that you consider those essentials and deem those lacking that $3,000 wigs and Silver Cross carriages to, therefore, be “not managing” speaks more about your standards and lifestyle then about them.

    in reply to: Is there a middle class frum family financial crisis ? #1945833

    Lower your standards. A large percentage of spending is in non-essentials/non-requireds. Stop that spending.

    in reply to: Biden’s destructive rule re Houthis #1945834

    Biden is merely a puppet. He doesn’t know his hands from his feet. Harris and her bands of far left wing radicals are running the show. Biden is her mindless proxy.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945649

    Meno, in my opinion we should be more concerned at working at minimizing or eliminating importing non-Jewish customs into the Jewish world.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945611

    Sam, it seems to me that the idea of the guy paying for the dates is a carry-over from the secular world.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945061

    Chaim Shulem: Which part of Pru Urvu do you fail to understand? It is up to Hashem to decide how many children you have. You shouldn’t be acting to interfere with Hashem’s nature during the natural occurrence of events.

    Furthermore, the idea of mother’s being stay-at-home is directly and unambiguously codified into Halacha. The Gemorah, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch and innumerable Torah texts make very clear they should be home to the maximum extent possible.

    My suggestion of marrying rich was satirical. I clearly said that would be less worse than deliberately acting to limit the number of children and the other looney toon ideas proffered.

    in reply to: Gog Umagog #1945064

    30 years ago they said it was the Soviet Union.

    in reply to: The thing which shouldn’t be said #1945011

    America has created (and exported) a disposable culture. In the past people would fix what they have. Nowadays, if something doesn’t work as expected people have been trained to throw it out and get something new.

    This has transferred over into marriages.

    in reply to: The thing which shouldn’t be said #1944870

    Because they don’t know themselves (they’re on the receiving side of it and their spouse just picks up and leaves)

    Then he should say no to the request to divorce. He doesn’t have to agree. They remain married unless they mutually agree otherwise. If there’s no legally recognized actionable basis to demand a divorce she has no grounds to receive it. (Note to CTL: we’re discussing Jewish Law not secular law.)

    in reply to: The thing which shouldn’t be said #1944868

    I know of a few people who have gotten divorced or are in the process of getting divorced

    What do you think is the reason for it?

    The reasons are the following…

    By the first couple he likes chocolate whereas she likes vanilla. Their food incompatibilities are irreconcilable.

    By the second couple he’s a night owl whereas she’s an early bird. As such, they hardly ever talk to each other.

    By the third couple he’s a city slicker whereas she’s a country girl. It was a bad match from the getgo.

    in reply to: COVID vaccinations in New York #1944750

    Charlie, New York City itself (not just the other parts of the State) will be losing Congressional representation after the current census reappointment due to the fact that not only did NYC lose population in 2020 but the city has failed to proportionally keep up with the average national population growth.

    in reply to: corona diy tests #1944518

    They just approved the first at-home covid tests, which sends results to your smartphone in 15 minutes with 95% accuracy.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1944446

    At 18 they are men and women. They are no longer boys and girls.

    in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1944399

    This is about as dumb a suggestion as I’ve ever heard. Having more children is a POSITIVE, not a negative. That’s what we all daven for. Furthermore, this ignores SAHM (stay-at-home-moms) who observe the traditional Jewish lifestyle outlined in the kesuba of where the husband works and supports the wife whereas the mother mothers their children rather than letting the kinderlach be brought up by the Polish or Spanish cleaning lady. Are you assuming that being a housewife is out of style after five thousand years?

    Rather marry a woman from an upper middle class or wealthy family that will support you than follow something as delirious as the OP. The influence of the modern goyishe ideal of 2.3 kids and a dog needs to be kept as far away from us as all other foreign ideas.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1944139

    Shalom, would you be proud to fulfill the mitzvah regarding Amalek and wish you could? (I would.)

    in reply to: COVID vaccinations in New York #1944125

    We all ought to thank President Trump for laying the groundwork to getting the vaccine ready and available so amazingly quickly.

    in reply to: COVID vaccinations in New York #1944113

    Charlie, have you referred Letitia James yet to this 12 step program you refer to?

    in reply to: COVID vaccinations in New York #1944092

    Cuomo is an incompetent genocidal maniac. He’s singlehandedly responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes during the beginning of the pandemic.

    in reply to: United States – No Unity after an Insurrection #1944009

    Avi, it depends which side of his mouth he’s speaking from.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943847

    I understood him to mean that he’s uncertain whether he’d have the courage. Correct me if that’s a misunderstanding. So let’s modify the question to where he knows he doesn’t lack the courage.

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943841

    DY: Thanks.

    Reb Eliezer: If you never dealt with animals and aren’t a zoologist would that make you uncertain whether you’d fulfill שילוח הקן‎ if you had the opportunity?

    in reply to: Zechiras Amolek #1943827

    Reb Eliezer, sure. I would happily.

    Would you not?

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