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  • in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2280378

    AAQ: I don’t know who he is or, better, who he is to disagree with Chazal. And whether he “had a different opinion” or not, no one else is subject to follow his “different opinion”.

    I am not focusing on community support; in fact I made no mention or reference to it. explicit or implicit, in my earlier comments. But since you raised it now, there’s no reason I see why the community might choose to not support both the hypothetical aforementioned masmidim I described.

    Regarding army service or kollel service, which in your eyes you disingenuously equate, and in fact explicitly refer to above, as simply “not working”, absolutely. Chazal are abundantly clear that in regards to Limud Torah effort is all that counts. Ben Torah #1, who as described above, spends his whole day learning and it takes him one full month to master one pasuk in Bereishis puts in 9 hours a day swaeting over his Chumash, every day, until he finally finishes one pasuk after a month. Compared to Ben Torah #2, who masters a new Mesechta with Rashi, Tosfos and all the Meforshim every month, but let’s say he “only” learns 5 hours a day, and for him its all a breeze as Shas and Meforshim come easily to him even without much effort, so he takes some extra coffee breaks and shmoozes more than Ben Torah #1 (the one who does a pasuk a month). Then Ben Torah #1 is much more worthy than Ben Torah #2 (with his mastering a new mesechta each month) and Ben Torah #1 is most definitely more worthy (than Ben Torah #2) to be in the Beis Medrash full time each day, with no army service, or as you would put it “not working”, and Ben Torah #1 is doing far more to protect every Jew in Eretz Yisroel (and elsewhere) than Ben Torah #2 (who is also doing a lot for Klal Yisroel.)

    If I could only support one of the above, my check will definitely be going to Ben Torah #1. And if I could only choose one whose learning will be a Zchus for my family’s safety, it would also be Ben Torah #1.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2280377

    AAQ: I don’t know who he is or, better, who he is to disagree with Chazal. And whether he “had a different opinion” or not, no one else is subject to follow his “different opinion”.

    I am not focusing on community support; in fact I made no mention or reference to it. explicit or implicit, in my earlier comments. But since you raised it now, there’s no reason I see why the community might choose to not support both the hypothetical aforementioned masmidim I described.

    Regarding army service or kollel service, which in your eyes you disingenuously equate, and in fact explicitly refer to above, as simply “not working”, absolutely. Chazal are abundantly clear that in regards to Limud Torah effort is all that counts. Ben Torah #1, who as described above, spends his whole day learning and it takes him one full month to master one pasuk in Bereishis puts in 9 hours a day swaeting over his Chumash, every day, until he finally finishes one pasuk after a month. Compared to Ben Torah #2, who masters a new Mesechta with Rashi, Tosfos and all the Meforshim every month, but let’s say he “only” learns 5 hours a day, and for him its all a breeze as Shas and Meforshim come easily to him even without much effort, so he takes some extra coffee breaks and shmoozes more than Ben Torah #1 (the one who does a pasuk a month). Then Ben Torah #1 is much more worthy than Ben Torah #2 (with his mastering a new mesechta each month) and Ben Torah #1 is most definitely more worthy (than Ben Torah #2) to be in the Beis Medrash full time each day, with no army service, or as you would put it “not working”, and Ben Torah #1 is doing far more to protect every Jew in Eretz Yisroel (and elsewhere) than Ben Torah #2 (who is also doing a lot for Klal Yisroel.)

    If I could only support one of the above, my check will definitely be going to Ben Torah #1. And if I could only choose one whose learning will be a Zchus for my family’s safety, it would also be Ben Torah #1.

    in reply to: Mishing on Pesach #2280029

    Chag Sameach!

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2280016

    AAQ; Limud Torah isn’t limited to abilities. A masmid who spends his whole day learning, every day, and it takes him one full month to master one pasuk in Bereishis — even before getting to Rashi — is just as entitled to dedicate his life to full time Limud Torah as the next masmid who masters a new Mesechta — with Rashi, Tosfos and all the Meforshim — every month.

    And both the aforementioned masmidim ‘s Limud Torah are equally effective at protecting every Jew across the world from any harm.

    in reply to: Rewarding Failure by Rabbi Chananya Weissman #2280017

    Mr. Weissman isn’t the smartest cookie on the block. Years ago he used to (infrequently) post here in the coffee room the same narishkeit he posts to his blog.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2280019
    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2279783

    Avira, in fairness, I know of some very big Rebbes/Tazadikim who made their minyan (i.e. at least 9 people besides themselves) very much outside the normative zmanim.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2279492

    Dofi: We have just as much right to being disgusted at soldiers for taking a few weeks off duty, as they are disgusted at Bnei Torah leaving Yeshiva for a few weeks bein hazmanim — when the Bnei Torah are anyways still learning Torah even outside the Yeshiva.

    But in reality the chilonim are disguised at Bnei Torah for being *in* Yeshiva; not at them taking a few weeks *off*. They demand Bnei Torah leave the Yeshiva altogether to join the zionist army whose reputation throughout the world is of its mixed gender immorality and carnal depravity.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2279062

    Dofi: According to you, the Chareidim who are dedicated their entire lives, morning, noon and nights learning Torah Hakedosha every day, to defend Jews against bloodthirsty terrorists have no right to be critical of the chilonim who are not doing so. They should somehow realize that their efforts are really accomplishing nothing and only the chilonim’s army service is worth anything, despite their taking time off duty and going on furlough.

    Rocky: Please correct me if I am wrong but you seem to imply that —

    1) Limud Torah is just a silly invention like studying Egyptology created by the Chareidim to dodge the draft and is not really necessary at all since the people who are in the army are all the protection we need

    2) The Chilonim owe zero hakoras hatov to those who dedicate their lives to Limud Torah because they had no business becoming full time masmidim anyways (refer to point #1)

    3) Having a full Kollel is not really a form of hishtadlus or at best it is overkill. After all who needs more than one security guard to protect a bank vault or more than one person to study Egyptology?

    4) Jews learning in Kollel is just some 20th-century Chareidi creation. We do not see anywhere in Jewish history that Jews learn Torah so much. And if they did they were bad people who should have been in the Czar’s Army or whichever Army that was protecting the country they were living in.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278788

    “The existence of Eretz Yisroel is a daily neis.”

    Eretz Yisroel has existed, continuously non-stop, for the last 5,784 years.

    “The last 75 years have seen less Jews killed than any other time in history since the first Beis Hamikdosh.”

    In chutz la’aretz that’s true. But in Eretz Yisroel more Jews have been killed in the last 75 years than in any time in history since the Churban Bayis Sheini.

    “More Torah and yeshivos than ever before.”

    This is also true in chutz la’aretz. However much exists in Eretz Yisroel is zero thanks to the zionist anti-Torah government. Orthodox Jews in Israel pay more money to the State in taxes than they receive in Yeshiva funding. The State gives far far more funding, both in real dollars and in percentages, to secular universities than to Yeshivos. The Yeshiva system we do have in Eretz Yisroel (as well as in chutz la’aretz) is exclusively because of the efforts of Gedolei Yisroel.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2278624

    Rocky: Your logic highlights one major flaw in the message put out by the chiloni world. Just because you have a certain belief and appreciation of the military, having an elitist and disconnected mentality will not draw the other person closer to your way of thinking. Your argument goes something like

    “Why don’t the Chareidim appreciate our military? Don’t they know that military protects the Jews?!
    No, they don’t. They value enlisting in the military as much as a security guard protecting the bank vault.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278127

    HaLeiVi and all: You do agree, don’t you, that it was a Neis that America defeated Iraq twice, first in the Persian Gulf War and then again in the Iraq War in 2003, and that it was a Neis that America won the Korean War (stopping the North from taking the South) and Panama (Operation Just Cause) were all great Nissim.


    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2278045

    DaMoshe: I asked two people who were at that Agudah convention. Both said it is a complete bubbe maaisa. One of them actually started laughing when told this “story”.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2278003

    Sechel: What intention? He doesn’t know what a mitzvah even is and his knowledge of Tefilin is what he saw on television.

    Half of those saying they’re Jewish aren’t even Jewish.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2277994

    “Wouldn’t that also send a message to the chilonim that the Bnei Yeshivos are taking this war (and sharing the burden) seriously?”

    Let the chilonim first send a message to the Torah community that they are taking this war seriously and sharing the burden by spending some time in the Beis Medrash.

    Then we can talk.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2277921

    AAQ: Why do you think that citing an open Chazal in the Gemorah is “shtuyos”? Just because you disagree with that Chazal doesn’t make is shtuyos.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277920

    Did any of the tziyonim here yet acknowledge that they were peddling a bubble maaisa about Rav Yaakov saying at the Agudah convention that he changed his mind from supporting the Satmar Rebbe’s view to opposing it in response to what the “askan” Itchie Meyer Levin said?

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2277699

    AAQ: The Gemorah says one of the reasons was because the woman went outside non-tzniusdik.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2277674

    How is putting Tefilin on random people in the streets of St. Louis, New Orleans, Winnipeg, Albuquerque or even Manhattan, who may possibly be Jewish, “kiruv”?

    These random folks on the street are doing it for the “experience” or fun, with no intention of doing anything more in the future.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2277645

    Big deal. Trump is worth multi-billions more today, as a result of Truth Social, than the multi-billions he was worth before Truth Social.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277575

    Reb Yaakov held very highly of the views of the Satmar Rebbe.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277504

    Don’t forget that it was the Zionists who *lost* Jewish access to the Kosel in 1948. Until 1948 Yidden were able to go to the Kosel.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2277477

    Simcha: Just as you can’t force secular soldiers to spend 1% of their waking time, instead of 0%, in a Beis Medrash, you can’t force those that spend 90% of their waking hours in the Beis Medrash to spend 95% of their time there.

    in reply to: The open miracles of the Iranian bombardment and the war in Gaza #2277472

    The CIA predicted the Israeli victory in ’67 before the war started, almost to a tee how it played out.

    in reply to: Israel’s choices #2277299

    mdd: The Romans managed to defeat us, destroy the Beis Hamokdash and build great bridges, roads and other infrastructure throughout their empire, making Rome the world power. Was that, too, siyata dishmaya on their part?

    in reply to: Israel’s choices #2277288

    Keep in mind that during the Gulf War, when Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was shooting scud missiles into Israel, Israel did not retaliate at all.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2277286

    Why aren’t you at least as worried, and as demanding, that all Israeli soldiers have their leave curtailed and, instead, all soldiers be mandated to spend one full week in the Beis Medrash — a place most of them never yet entered in their life.

    in reply to: OJ died #2277284

    HaLeiVi: It sounds like you are alluding to what Chazal say in the Gemorah regarding the birth of a boy versus the birth of a girl.

    in reply to: OJ died #2277253

    AAQ: King Henry VII rightfully executed two adulterous wives.

    in reply to: Israel’s choices #2277252

    AAQ: The “key decision makers” in the Israeli regime are well known for making terrible choices. Not particularly the current regime only, but virtually all past Israeli regimes as well.

    in reply to: OJ died #2277164

    There’s absolutely nothing jaw dropping whatsoever in that quote from Rav Miller. Yes, Rav Miller would suggest a benign King, preferably an Oheiv Yisroel, such as King Fredrick II of Prussia, King Mohammed VI of Morocco, Emperor Franz Jozef of Austria-Hungary, King Cyrus of Persia, King Christian X of Denmark, King Gustav III of Sweden, etc.

    in reply to: OJ died #2277001

    AAQ: The glitches are far more than occasional. Every day innocent people are convicted and guilty people are acquitted.

    in reply to: OJ died #2276783

    coffee addict: Thank you.

    Avira: I’m not c”v looking for any such. I think my point is a very good one.

    in reply to: OJ died #2276764

    Jackk: Thank you for, again, quoting HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Miller zt”l. It’s always a pleasure reading and recounting his holy Torah thoughts. Since you brought Rav Miller up, it is worthwhile reiterating how often Rav Miller implored everyone to vote Republican and vote conservative, because he repeatedly explained how evil the liberals are and how destructive, anti-American and anti G-d the Democrats are. Rav Miller zt”l encouraged people to write to President Nixon expressing the Jewish People’s support for him and explained how Democrat McGovern and the entirety of the Democrat Party was out to spread immorality and destroy anything good. He strongly and publicly held this position from, at least, the 1960s through his petira in 2001.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2276736

    The OP is a less than zero to publicly berate the Gedolei Roshei HaYeshivos and to give them instructions on how to run their Yeshivos. Does he seriously think the Gedolei Roshei HaYeshivos didn’t ever think of his brainstorm?

    It would have been half an issue if he suggested this to the Gedolei Roshei HaYeshivos privately; but who the blazes does he think he is to give a public reprimand or even public collective advice to them on how to conduct their Yeshivos?

    Now let’s have the Zionist army reduce time off for all soldiers, secular or not, and have them all spend 20% of their off time in a Yeshiva. Rather than trying to change the less than 10% of the people on how much learning they need to increase, when they’re already dedicating their lives for years of dedicated full time Limud Torah, work on the over 90% who spend zero time on Limud Torah to give an hour a day or even two weeks a year dedicated to Torah.

    in reply to: Superiority #2276734

    Anonmod: He was worried about it being demonstrably tied to him with a video/audio recording. He wasn’t worried about being unauthoratatively quoted due to the unwanted political heat it would generate. Indeed, he is happy to be so quoted. He said it in a shiur with over 150 random people; and likely in many other shiurim, as well, that I didn’t attend. The truth is the truth and he is and was happy to state this publicly.

    in reply to: OJ died #2276638

    Good riddance to a filthy murderer. Didn’t come soon enough.

    in reply to: Shabbos Mobility Computers #2276505

    akuperma: Do you turn on a television before Shabbos and leave it on the whole Shabbos so you can watch the game and whatever else interesting is running on Saturday.

    Doing so is far far far “less problematic than” riding in self-driving cars on Shabbos.

    The Reform started out by making changes that were technically not a clearcut or outright violation of halacha.

    in reply to: Trump Trial #3 – Criminal Trial for falsifying business records #2276481

    Jackk: Everyone agrees, including the hard left and including the leftist New York Times, that the New York prosecution rests on a novel legal theory that was never prosecuted before and is a very weak prosecution.

    It is clear without doubt that this is a political persecution of the prosecutor’s political opponent; the kind of thing more commonly found in Venezuala, Russia and Iran.

    in reply to: Superiority #2276140

    I was once at a shiur by HaRav Avrohom Blumenkrantz zt”l on Shabbos. During the shiur he said he’s glad it was Shabbos thereby he doesn’t have to be worried that he’s being recorded when he says

    If he was worried about it being publicized, why are you trying to publicize it?


    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2275998

    huju: “That plainly implies that his net worth is less than those judgments, which likewise implies that he is not a billionaire.”


    The majority of multi-billionaire Donald Trump’s net worth is tied into non-liquid assets, namely real estate.

    There’s no doubt whatsoever that Trump is a multi-billionaire and one of the richest men in the world.

    in reply to: Superiority #2275262

    Avira, you describe a Kohein as being on a higher madreiga than a non-Kohein. Presumably (correct me otherwise) you’d apply the same principle regarding a Talmid Chochom vs. a non-T”C (even though no one is born as a T”C), as well as regarding a Melech vs. citizens. And you’d probably say the same regarding a big T”C versus an average T”C.

    Once you are making a hierarchy between different classes of Yidden being on higher madreigas, would you apply this principle to say that a T”C is on a higher madreiga than a Kohein (for the reason that ‘coffee addict’ cited above)? And how would you place the comparative hierarchy between one category and the others, when comparing a Melech, Talmid Chochom, Kohein and any other similar or other categories of people not yet mentioned above?

    And before other posters here start getting upset over the need of any such hierarchy, in fact it is relevant and necessary as we have to know who to give kadima and honor first; we know we have to give kovod first to a Kohein and a Talmid Chochom and a Melech, etc., but between them and other relevant categories the question is who goes first.

    As far as the “why” these categories are on a higher madreiga than others, ‘coffee addict’ proffered the reason being that because he’s מחויב in more מצוות concerning a כהן. But that point isn’t applicable regarding a תלמיד חכם, who has the chiyuvim as everyone else. What are the reasons you’d explain why the other categories here (Melech, T”C and others) are on a higher madreiga?

    in reply to: Superiority #2275226

    Is a Melech superior to his citizens?

    in reply to: Superiority #2275108

    It says ממזר תלמיד חכם קודם לכהן עם הארץ so I would say no

    coffee addict: That tells you that a Talmid Chochom is superior to a Kohein. But it doesn’t tell you, as you claim, that a Kohein isn’t superior to a non-Kohein who isn’t a Talmid Chochom.

    So granting that a תלמיד חכם is superior to a כהן, would you agree that a כהן is still superior to a non-כהן who is not a תלמיד חכם?

    in reply to: Superiority #2275094

    Is a Talmid Chochom superior to a non-Talmid Chochom?

    Is a Godol HaDor superior to a lesser Talmid Chochom?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275074

    Yankel: That claim is a complete falsehood. His Chasidim bought, and fully paid for, a train ticket out of Hungary from a Zionist Nazi-collaborator by the name of Rudolf Kastner. This Zionist Nazi collaborator was working hand in hand with Adolf Eichmann ym’s to mass murder Hungarian Jewry. Kastner knew Aushwitz was a death camp. Kastner knew Eichmann intended to mass deport Hungarian Jews to Aushwitz. Kastner never publicized these facts to Hungarian Jewry, who was unaware they were to be deported to a death camp for immediate murder upon arrival, prior to the deportations — despite his knowledge of what was about to occur. In fact, Kastner lied to Hungarian Jewry and told them they would be taken by the trains to work camps and released at the end of the war.

    Why did Rudolf Kastner help Adolf Eichmann murder half a million Hungarian Jews? Because Eichmann, who was friends with Kastner and used Kastner to keep Hungarian Jews quiet and compliant, promised Kastner that he’d get a train for him to help escape from Hungary anyone he wanted. Kastner filled up a majority of the passengers of that train with his immediate family, his extended family and his Hungarian Zionist colleagues and friends. The remaining minority of seats he sold at full price for his profit, and one of those was purchased by the Chasidim for the Rebbe.

    After the war was already over, and the Nazis defeated, Kastner testified in Nuremberg, at the Nazi war crimes trials, ON BEHALF OF NAZIS who were his friends, and succeeded in getting a Nazi officer acquitted at trial. After the war a secular Israeli Zionist killed Kastner due to his Nazi collaboration and responsibility for the murder of half a million Jews.

    in reply to: Superiority #2274953

    Is a Yid superior to a non-Yid?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274778

    Coffee addict,

    “The lady is a חוטא ומחטיא the guy looking at things on his devices is just a חוטא”

    This was addressed to Arso, but to your distinction, lashon hara is the same. And dishonesty in business. So why pick one Mitzvah one another?

    CS: How is dishonesty in business חוטא ומחטיא? Regarding L”H, he might be מחטיא the person he’s telling the L”H to (if the person doesn’t stuff his ears), but a woman walking down Eastern Parkway the same way she goes for a swim, is being מחטיא hundreds and hundreds of people every single day, day after day. It is far worse, even simply in terms of quantity, and she will be punished for every one of those thousands upon thousands of people she caused to sin day after day for years and years.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2274720

    Trump is a multi-billionaire. That’s even before his new stock ownership made a multi-billionaire quadruple his previous multi-billion net worth. Trump is one of richest Americans; in fact one of the richest men in the world.

    It’s okay for you to be jealous of his wealth – as long as you stop trying to hide or deny your jealousy.

    Regarding his stock in DJT, the Board consists of his son and former members of his Administration. If he wants to sell some of his stock today, all it will take is a phone call to his Board members to authorize him to sell it early.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2274442

    pekak: Of course not. R’ Yom Tov Ehrlich would likely have made the beautiful lyrics something like this:

    שלא עשני אשה
    שלא עשני אשה
    אט די ברכה טוט מען מאכן אלע טאג אזוי

    שלא עשני אשה
    שלא עשני אשה
    יעדן טאג דארף מען זיך פרייען זייער פיל אזוי

    טאטע געטרייער
    דו ביסט דאך ביי אונז טייער
    שווער צו געפונען
    ווי אזוי דיר אפצודינען

    נישט דא קיין געדאנקען
    כדי דיר צו דאנקען

    אכט טאג ביים ברית ווי שיין און פּרעכטיג
    א קליינע זיסע איד
    די ערשטע מצוה עס מאכט אים לעכטיג
    ,ווייל יעצט איז ער א איד
    ביי דריי יאר די פּאות די האניג אפּלעקן
    און אויסזען ווי א איד
    לויפן אין חדר אויך אָן א שטעקן
    .כ’האב ליב צו זיין א איד

    שלא, שלא, עשני אשה
    זאגט א יעדער מענטש אזוי
    שלא, שלא, עשני אשה
    זינגט א יעדער מענטש אזוי
    אפילו ווען ס’איז שווער
    די תורה דאך מ’היט
    אלץ אזוי זאגט ער
    “!איך בין שטאלץ צו זיין א מענטש”

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