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There’s little doubt Netanyahu’s actions in this crisis are influenced by what will benefit him politically in the ongoing negotiations for a new government.
May 11, 2021 8:57 am at 8:57 am in reply to: Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration #1972955ujmParticipantn0mesora: I take it from your comment you’re okay with those who kidnap children to sell into immoral slavery since, as you said, at least they’re not killing those children. Much like you’re okay with killing unborn children if, at least, he’s not gunning down civilians.
That all said, America cannot be the World Policeman that sends our soldiers into action every time the Hutus and Tutus are killing each other and anyone else not part of their African tribe.
Furthermore, Americans were definitely not aghast at the US not doing anything about Yugoslavia. In fact, the Serbs were right in that conflict and the Bosnian/Muslims/Croats in the wrong. If Bosnia and Croatia had the right to secede from Yugoslavia, then the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia had the right to secede from Bosnia and Croatia. Additionally, the Bosnians and Croats were committing atrocities and genocide against the Serbs in equal measure to what they were getting. And all that is not to even mention that whereas the Serbs were helping the Jews against the Nazis, the Bosnian Muslims and Croats were allied with Hitler in exterminating the Jews.
May 10, 2021 10:55 pm at 10:55 pm in reply to: Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration #1972769ujmParticipantn0mesora: If someone (ie Biden on abortion) supports evil which isn’t the greatest evil, he’s okay for being evil or supporting evil since there’s another greater evil he perhaps isn’t necessarily supporting?
May 10, 2021 8:40 pm at 8:40 pm in reply to: Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration #1972735ujmParticipantBiden is senile. He’s simply a puppet with others pulling his strings.
ujmParticipantDov: So why do any of the frum families choose the goyish owned homes rather than the frum ones?
ujmParticipantDov Rosenblum: Excellent post.
ujmParticipantCTL: $400 an hour 20 years ago? Keineinehora. What’s her rate today?
ujmParticipantDY: It it fair to say that “rebbetzin” has simply become to (almost) be used as another way of saying “wife” or “Mrs.”?
ujmParticipantCommonSechel: That’s probably a tznius gender, as one shouldn’t refer to someone else’s wife by her first name.
Reb Eliezer: Vashti is a very bad example for us to follow.
Besalel: In your examples, those women do not act in a pastoral or pulpit roles.
ujmParticipantThis website blindly reposts mainstream media news articles that always carry their hard-left wing bias and untruths, thereby this site unintentionally carrying that same leftist slant.
ujmParticipantPart 2:
Can someone not be a rebbetzin if her husband is a Rov?
ujmParticipantAll references should be checked out and cleared BEFORE the first date.
ujmParticipantBaruch Hashem, large segments of the klal have no online access. Of course we also have people driving around the neighborhoods with a loudspeaker announcing the message, but that is usually less effective than well placed pashkevilim.
May 3, 2021 7:25 pm at 7:25 pm in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1970645May 2, 2021 12:27 am at 12:27 am in reply to: Anyone else waiting for Tax Refund longer then usual? #1969983ujmParticipantCall the IRS.
ujmParticipantWolf, how many photography blogs do you have?
April 29, 2021 11:33 am at 11:33 am in reply to: Why do yeshivos give off or end early on Lag Baomer #1969441ujmParticipantI don’t know which Yeshivos you’re talking about, but the ones I know only skip English/secular studies. They have Limudei Kodesh on Lag B’Omer. And they learn about Rashbi, they sing Lag BOmer songs, they get a bow and arrow, etc.
All that does not negate that there SHOULD be Yeshiva on Chol Hamoed.
April 29, 2021 11:23 am at 11:23 am in reply to: Why do yeshivos give off or end early on Lag Baomer #1969437ujmParticipantYeshivos shouldn’t be giving days off for family vacations. If that’s why there’s no Yeshiva on chol hamoed then it’s time to have Yeshiva on Chol Hamoed. No excuse.
ujmParticipantKneidel: You missed the point. The Democrats appointed ON THE COMMISSION will sabotage the commission from producing ANY redistricting plan by refusing to sign off on any. Therefore the commission will produce nothing, thereby allowing the Democrat legislature to fully make their own non-independent plan.
CTL: You still have failed to legally justify counting illegal aliens while at the same time NOT counting tourists and foreign businessmen in the United States on April 1, 2020.
ujmParticipantCTL: You have failed to legally justify why to count illegal aliens in the census but NOT count tourists and foreign students who were in the United States on April 1, 2020 in the census.
Kneidel: The NYS “independent” commission is a joke. The Democrats ON THE COMMISSION will refuse to agree to any plan. Then when the commission fails to produce a redistricting plan the Democrat legislature will produce a highly gerrymandered plan of their own from scratch.
ujmParticipantAlternatively, you might have thought you came up with a good catch or something irrefutable. But in reality it is anything but. And it was already disproven. So your interlocutor didn’t waste time responding to points that are silly, off point or merely rhetorical that don’t disprove anything at all.
April 29, 2021 9:32 am at 9:32 am in reply to: Why do yeshivos give off or end early on Lag Baomer #1969371ujmParticipantLag B’Omer is a Yom Tov.
You could also ask why there’s no Yeshiva on Chol Hamoed?
ujmParticipantCTL: As others noted, tourists in the United States are whole persons.
ujmParticipantAs a New Yorker, I’m very satisfied New York lost a seat in Congress (and an electoral college vote). That’s one less Democrat to do damage in Congress. (As far as redistricting is concerned, New York Democrats would have gerrymandered whether they lost a seat or not.)
And it was a close call. If New York had counted another mere 87 people in the census (yes, 87), New York would have gotten another seat in the House. Baruch Hashem we didn’t get that seat.
ujmParticipantWe ought to create a yichus registry to insure the kashrus of all members of the community.
ujmParticipantRepublican states gained House seats and electoral college representation whereas Democrat states overall lost.
ujmParticipant“Someone walks on my property , i can blow their heads off. Someone abuses me for 16 years , I get the death penalty for killing them. Makes sense.”
Like it or not, that’s both the law in many states in the United States as well as Torah law.
Besides, in your example was the allegation of 16 years abuse ever result in a court conviction of the alleged person?
ujmParticipantCTR: Emunas Chachamim isn’t merely a “phrase”. It is a Torah obligation.
ujmParticipantAbuse doesn’t carry a death penalty. If someone murders someone they allege abused them they deserve the same death penalty as if they killed anyone else.
Anyone 18 or older should be subject to capital punishment.
Supreme Court precedents can be, and historically have been, overturned.
ujmParticipantHatzalah was operating in Florida until now by driving an ambulance with critically ill patients while driving at regular traffic flow, stopping at lights and not speeding?
ujmParticipantMost countries (including the United States) grant their own postal service a legal monopoly on delivering letters.
ujmParticipantIf someone has the seichel to ask a shailah if he is ready for shidduchim, the answer is that he is.
ujmParticipantHow was Hatzalah of Florida operating until now, before this new law?
ujmParticipantCTR: Emunas Chachamim.
ujmParticipantTo decorate your bookshelf?
ujmParticipantAre you at least 40?
ujmParticipantAAQ: Not every born Jew can learn gemorah.
ujmParticipantSwitch parties.
Which is exactly what many Jewish Democrats did after the party became anti-religion and anti-Orthodox.
ujmParticipantArtscroll is the Gold Standard in translating Jewish books.
ujmParticipantHow do you know that he’s a Godol?
ujmParticipantYou should not be learning Zohar prior to reaching 40 years of age. (And that isn’t the only qualification.)
ujmParticipantThe larger problem is certain kiruv groups being “mekarev” goyim who joined the Reform or Conservative movements and pose as Jews after undergoing a Reform or Conservative conversion or identifying as “Jewish” based on patrilineal descent or being an offspring (child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc.) of a maternal R/C convert or of patrilineal descent somewhere along their ancestral line.
April 26, 2021 11:27 am at 11:27 am in reply to: Four shuls attacked in the Bronx over the weekend #1968085ujmParticipantWe’re waiting for our report from Charlie Hall.
ujmParticipantThe United States should have an automatic death penalty for all capital murder cases by persons 16 years of age or older.
April 23, 2021 7:40 am at 7:40 am in reply to: Seeking recommendations for sleepover camp for 10th-grade boy #1967366ujmParticipantCamp Adas Yereim or Camp Yeshiva.
April 23, 2021 7:40 am at 7:40 am in reply to: According to the Torah, was Chauvin Allowed to Kill Floyd? #1967365ujmParticipantTLIK: One of the sheva Mitzvos is retzicha. As such, regulations of what constitutes retzicha and what does not and, rather, is self-defense, is part and parcel of the halachos goyim are subject to.
huju: Jews must respect and live by civil law only to the extent that it does not conflict with Halacha. When it does, it is very clear that Halacha takes precedence.
April 22, 2021 10:27 pm at 10:27 pm in reply to: According to the Torah, was Chauvin Allowed to Kill Floyd? #1967257ujmParticipantWhy are you assuming that Halacha is the same regarding a goy as it is regarding a Yid?
April 22, 2021 1:15 pm at 1:15 pm in reply to: Seeking recommendations for sleepover camp for 10th-grade boy #1967116ujmParticipantCA: Is Camp Ohr Shraga also known as Veretzky?
ujmParticipantWas this on your photography blog?
ujmParticipantWhat prompted them to reach out?