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  • in reply to: Review of “Use of Force” & “Lethal Use of Force” Laws #1976045

    As a practical matter of common sense and intelligence (and without discussing what the law ought to be), it is very wise to retreat from a fight or threat of violence if you are able to successfully retreat to avoid harm.

    Even if one’s ego might think otherwise.

    in reply to: Israel is the safest country for Jews #1975794

    Amil: What’s Mr. Zola’s screen name?

    in reply to: setting up kiddush during mussuf #1975504

    It depends what they serve for kiddush. Is the food good, at least?

    in reply to: The CDC’s Secret Weapon #1975274

    Who was paying any attention to the CDC, anyways.

    in reply to: Israel is the safest country for Jews #1975139

    Amil: I’m pleased you chose to live there, too. Though, I’m uncertain what that has anything to do with the discussion. The physical threat to Jews by Proud Boys and their nutty ilk is miniscule, to the extent of their diminutive membership and history with Jews. OTOH, the threat from members of minority/POC communities is real and significant, in relation to the great extent they reside near Jews and have both a current and a historical record of randomly assailing individual innocent Jews for no reason other than us being identifiably Jewish.

    in reply to: Israel is the safest country for Jews #1974920

    Amil: The minority (POC) population in and near Lakewood (and NYC for that matter) is a far far larger threat to the Jews than any Proud Boys (to whatever little extent they even exist in Jewish areas) or their ilk ever were.

    in reply to: Israel is the safest country for Jews #1974903

    The largest threat of physical violence to American Jews, who largely live in the major Jewish metropolitan areas, is threats from POC/minorities who have long standing issues of antisemitism and violence. The Proud Boys types are virtually non-existent; and to the extent they exist they’re hardly the greatest threat to Jews. Violence against Jews largely comes from the left; both verbally and physically.

    All that said, even the left-wing violence against Jews here pales in comparison to the much much greater threats to the Jews in Israel emanating from the local Arab population and the neighboring Arab populations.

    in reply to: Yiddish Language Control Board #1974557

    99% of the words are the same.

    in reply to: Yiddish Language Control Board #1974527

    France (and French) is an outlier. That is not the norm. The French aristocracy are a bunch of foolish nationalists that get offended that English words such as email. hot dog, sandwich and weekend have become the default common terms in France.

    Yiddish is determined by how the millions of Yidden use it in real life. Especially the hundreds of thousands of Yidden who speak Yiddish as their first language.

    in reply to: Hebrew Goes to Spam #1974506

    Were these posts you found in spam new threads that were started or were they posts in existing threads? Were the posts all Hebrew or were some of the posts a combination of Hebrew and English?

    After approving week(s) old posts, do those newly approved posts appear on the bottom of the thread or do they get placed above newer posts (that were approved weeks earlier)?

    in reply to: Nice Guys Finish First #1974497

    It’s self-explanatory. Vus iz shver?

    in reply to: why should i take the the vacccine if i had the virus already ? #1974367

    “Ask your doctor. Period.”

    huju: What if your doctor tells you that you don’t need the vaccine. But then some government bureaucrats decree that unless you take the vaccine you are prohibited from doing X, Y and Z.

    in reply to: Israel – acting rashly? #1973246

    There’s little doubt Netanyahu’s actions in this crisis are influenced by what will benefit him politically in the ongoing negotiations for a new government.

    in reply to: Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration #1972955

    n0mesora: I take it from your comment you’re okay with those who kidnap children to sell into immoral slavery since, as you said, at least they’re not killing those children. Much like you’re okay with killing unborn children if, at least, he’s not gunning down civilians.

    That all said, America cannot be the World Policeman that sends our soldiers into action every time the Hutus and Tutus are killing each other and anyone else not part of their African tribe.

    Furthermore, Americans were definitely not aghast at the US not doing anything about Yugoslavia. In fact, the Serbs were right in that conflict and the Bosnian/Muslims/Croats in the wrong. If Bosnia and Croatia had the right to secede from Yugoslavia, then the Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia had the right to secede from Bosnia and Croatia. Additionally, the Bosnians and Croats were committing atrocities and genocide against the Serbs in equal measure to what they were getting. And all that is not to even mention that whereas the Serbs were helping the Jews against the Nazis, the Bosnian Muslims and Croats were allied with Hitler in exterminating the Jews.

    in reply to: Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration #1972769

    n0mesora: If someone (ie Biden on abortion) supports evil which isn’t the greatest evil, he’s okay for being evil or supporting evil since there’s another greater evil he perhaps isn’t necessarily supporting?

    in reply to: Biden omits the word ‘God’ from national prayer declaration #1972735

    Biden is senile. He’s simply a puppet with others pulling his strings.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #1972503

    Dov: So why do any of the frum families choose the goyish owned homes rather than the frum ones?

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Without A Rov? #1972500

    Dov Rosenblum: Excellent post.

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Without A Rov? #1972208

    CTL: $400 an hour 20 years ago? Keineinehora. What’s her rate today?

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Without A Rov? #1972179

    DY: It it fair to say that “rebbetzin” has simply become to (almost) be used as another way of saying “wife” or “Mrs.”?

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Without A Rov? #1972034

    CommonSechel: That’s probably a tznius gender, as one shouldn’t refer to someone else’s wife by her first name.

    Reb Eliezer: Vashti is a very bad example for us to follow.

    Besalel: In your examples, those women do not act in a pastoral or pulpit roles.

    in reply to: Unemployment rate and job numbers #1971905

    This website blindly reposts mainstream media news articles that always carry their hard-left wing bias and untruths, thereby this site unintentionally carrying that same leftist slant.

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Without A Rov? #1971826

    Part 2:

    Can someone not be a rebbetzin if her husband is a Rov?

    in reply to: Shidduch references #1971299

    All references should be checked out and cleared BEFORE the first date.

    in reply to: Pashkevil #1971200

    Baruch Hashem, large segments of the klal have no online access. Of course we also have people driving around the neighborhoods with a loudspeaker announcing the message, but that is usually less effective than well placed pashkevilim.

    in reply to: Anyone else waiting for Tax Refund longer then usual? #1969983

    Call the IRS.

    in reply to: Thank you! #1969475

    Wolf, how many photography blogs do you have?

    in reply to: Why do yeshivos give off or end early on Lag Baomer #1969441

    I don’t know which Yeshivos you’re talking about, but the ones I know only skip English/secular studies. They have Limudei Kodesh on Lag B’Omer. And they learn about Rashbi, they sing Lag BOmer songs, they get a bow and arrow, etc.

    All that does not negate that there SHOULD be Yeshiva on Chol Hamoed.

    in reply to: Why do yeshivos give off or end early on Lag Baomer #1969437

    Yeshivos shouldn’t be giving days off for family vacations. If that’s why there’s no Yeshiva on chol hamoed then it’s time to have Yeshiva on Chol Hamoed. No excuse.

    in reply to: Census 2020 #1969427

    Kneidel: You missed the point. The Democrats appointed ON THE COMMISSION will sabotage the commission from producing ANY redistricting plan by refusing to sign off on any. Therefore the commission will produce nothing, thereby allowing the Democrat legislature to fully make their own non-independent plan.

    CTL: You still have failed to legally justify counting illegal aliens while at the same time NOT counting tourists and foreign businessmen in the United States on April 1, 2020.

    in reply to: Census 2020 #1969386

    CTL: You have failed to legally justify why to count illegal aliens in the census but NOT count tourists and foreign students who were in the United States on April 1, 2020 in the census.

    Kneidel: The NYS “independent” commission is a joke. The Democrats ON THE COMMISSION will refuse to agree to any plan. Then when the commission fails to produce a redistricting plan the Democrat legislature will produce a highly gerrymandered plan of their own from scratch.

    in reply to: not admitting someone else is right #1969387

    Alternatively, you might have thought you came up with a good catch or something irrefutable. But in reality it is anything but. And it was already disproven. So your interlocutor didn’t waste time responding to points that are silly, off point or merely rhetorical that don’t disprove anything at all.

    in reply to: Why do yeshivos give off or end early on Lag Baomer #1969371

    Lag B’Omer is a Yom Tov.

    You could also ask why there’s no Yeshiva on Chol Hamoed?

    in reply to: Census 2020 #1969217

    CTL: As others noted, tourists in the United States are whole persons.

    in reply to: Census 2020 #1969107

    As a New Yorker, I’m very satisfied New York lost a seat in Congress (and an electoral college vote). That’s one less Democrat to do damage in Congress. (As far as redistricting is concerned, New York Democrats would have gerrymandered whether they lost a seat or not.)

    And it was a close call. If New York had counted another mere 87 people in the census (yes, 87), New York would have gotten another seat in the House. Baruch Hashem we didn’t get that seat.

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #1968893

    We ought to create a yichus registry to insure the kashrus of all members of the community.

    in reply to: Census 2020 #1968817

    Republican states gained House seats and electoral college representation whereas Democrat states overall lost.

    in reply to: Life without Parole for Youths #1968790

    “Someone walks on my property , i can blow their heads off. Someone abuses me for 16 years , I get the death penalty for killing them. Makes sense.”

    Like it or not, that’s both the law in many states in the United States as well as Torah law.

    Besides, in your example was the allegation of 16 years abuse ever result in a court conviction of the alleged person?

    in reply to: Gadol vs. Rebbi #1968749

    CTR: Emunas Chachamim isn’t merely a “phrase”. It is a Torah obligation.

    in reply to: Life without Parole for Youths #1968741

    Abuse doesn’t carry a death penalty. If someone murders someone they allege abused them they deserve the same death penalty as if they killed anyone else.

    Anyone 18 or older should be subject to capital punishment.

    Supreme Court precedents can be, and historically have been, overturned.

    in reply to: Hazolah in Florida #1968617

    Hatzalah was operating in Florida until now by driving an ambulance with critically ill patients while driving at regular traffic flow, stopping at lights and not speeding?

    in reply to: My gezeila error #1968618

    Most countries (including the United States) grant their own postal service a legal monopoly on delivering letters.

    in reply to: Gadol vs. Rebbi #1968609

    If someone has the seichel to ask a shailah if he is ready for shidduchim, the answer is that he is.

    in reply to: Hazolah in Florida #1968584

    How was Hatzalah of Florida operating until now, before this new law?

    in reply to: Gadol vs. Rebbi #1968582

    CTR: Emunas Chachamim.

    in reply to: Where can I buy a kosher Zohar? #1968387

    To decorate your bookshelf?

    in reply to: Where can I buy a kosher Zohar? #1968241

    Are you at least 40?

    in reply to: Are we too welcomimg #1968244

    AAQ: Not every born Jew can learn gemorah.

    in reply to: The party’s over #1968184

    Switch parties.

    Which is exactly what many Jewish Democrats did after the party became anti-religion and anti-Orthodox.

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