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The lace is parted and the lace is not lined, therefore you can see the woman’s real hair beneath the lace sheitel.
Hence, this sheitel doesn’t fully cover her hair. Lace wigs aren’t different than walking in the street bareheaded.
ujmParticipantMen or women?
ujmParticipantThe lace is parted and the lace is not lined, therefore you can see the woman’s real hair beneath the lace sheitel.
Hence, this sheitel doesn’t fully cover her hair.
ujmParticipantYaakov: Can you tell the difference between someone wearing a sheitel versus someone bareheaded?
ujmParticipantYabia: Why do you follow the Christian calendar? We Jews are in year 5781. You are far far behind.
ujmParticipantTznius has gone out the window in many places.
ujmParticipantLostspark: Why don’t you simply tell them “no”? Or tell them you’ll need to charge them a fee.
September 5, 2021 11:40 am at 11:40 am in reply to: Time to start davening Rosh HaShsnah morning #2005990ujmParticipantCS, we’re obligated to worry about yenem. Both materially AND spiritually.
ujmParticipantLostspark: Do you say the same about people who informally ask for help from a doctor, lawyer or computer expert they daven with, live near or are friends or family with?
ujmParticipantGHD, don’t be such a fein-schmecker and simply buy an older car.
ujmParticipantLoatspark, I can easily testify that doctors very frequently get asked for medical advice and assistance during off hours.
And they help. Without charge.
My lawyer friends tell me they, too, get asked for legal advice after davening. And they don’t bill the mispallel or neighbor or friend or family member.
September 3, 2021 11:32 am at 11:32 am in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2005763ujmParticipantDaMoshe, while you’re enjoying your Hebrew National with your MO community that you believe you must eat to avoid din vcheshbon since Hashem must’ve gaven it to you to enjoy, all I can relate about your comment is that a Baal Nefesh is, lchol hadeios, on a higher spiritual plain and on a higher level of frumkeit than a non-Baal Nefesh.
And that’s all I’m saying. Nowhere have I defined what a Baal Nefesh is or what one must do to reach that lofty status. (Other than quoting Rav Moshe.)
September 3, 2021 9:43 am at 9:43 am in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2005704ujmParticipantrational: You’ll need a Jewish education to understand the conversation; improving your English will only go so far.
ujmParticipantMy mechanic does all this already.
September 3, 2021 12:54 am at 12:54 am in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2005684ujmParticipantNu, according to Rav Moshe a Baal Nefesh is machmir on only Cholov Yisroel. A Baal Nefesh surely constitutes a higher level of frumkeit, which makes this germane to this thread and discussion.
September 2, 2021 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2005478ujmParticipantL’maaisa, it is much worse than pritzas geder for someone from a community that holds non-Cholov Yisroel is pure Cholov Akum, and hence utterly assur no differently than milk from North Korea, such as virtually the entire Chasidish velt (i.e. commonsaychel with his Rebbishe stock) and others (i.e. Oberlanders), than it would be to eat non-glatt by someone from the MO world (such as DaMoshe, even if he tries to taaina that Hashem made available the wonderful foods from Hebrew National) and various other communities. Since even by the latter we acknowledge that m’ikur hadin non-glatt is kosher whereas by the former they pasken that what others refer to as Cholov Stam is actually Cholov Akum mamish.
ujmParticipantAnchorage, Alaska
September 1, 2021 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2005263ujmParticipantHow about eating kosher non-glatt meat? Someone machmir to only eat glatt will not get any more schar in Olam Haba than if he chose to spend his lifetime eating non-glatt (but kosher)?
I’m referring to the real halachic distinction between glatt and non-glatt.
How’s the above and different if you replace glatt with either a higher standard of Kashrus or, for that matter, Cholov Yisroel?
September 1, 2021 5:46 pm at 5:46 pm in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2005046ujmParticipantDaMoshe, are you equally worried that when giving your din v’cheshbon, you won’t be asked, “Why didn’t you enjoy the wonderful foods from Hebrew National that Hashem made available to you and Rabbi Ralbag certified?”
ujmParticipantBuffalo, NY
September 1, 2021 2:17 pm at 2:17 pm in reply to: Is it proper to blame your parents for your problems in life? #2005055ujmParticipantFNY: Do you say the same about our relationship with Hashem? Hashem explicitly defined our relationship with our parents.
September 1, 2021 12:48 am at 12:48 am in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2004873ujmParticipantCS: Please stop referencing your Rebbishe ancestors in an attempt to kasher your modernized hashkafos that have no bearing on how your holy ancestors conducted themselves. You aren’t the first whose Yeridos Hadoros was blatantly obvious.
September 1, 2021 12:48 am at 12:48 am in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2004870ujmParticipantThe real question is, in Europe did frum Yidden ever go around bareheaded?
What happened in America when there were few frum Yidden, and what did exist was always shvach, is no example.
September 1, 2021 12:47 am at 12:47 am in reply to: Is it proper to blame your parents for your problems in life? #2004869ujmParticipantGreat comment, philosopher.
Blaming one’s parents for one’s own difficulties, is passing the buck. Your parents did far far more good for you, that you forever owe them an unrepayable hakaras hatov and appreciation, that far far outweighs any mistakes they made in your upbringing.
September 1, 2021 12:47 am at 12:47 am in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2004863ujmParticipantAvira, in your opinion, if a person takes upon himself the chumra of only eating Cholov Yisroel, and henceforth forever forgoes ever eating Cholov Stam, will he be rewarded in Shamayim for that kabala?
If not, why would anyone switch to only eating Cholov Yisroel?
(Recall, that in his teshuva giving a heter to eat Cholov Stam, Rav Moshe writes that a Baal Nefesh should stick to only Cholov Yisroel.)
August 31, 2021 6:17 pm at 6:17 pm in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2004797ujmParticipantYou can thank, surprisingly, the Satmar Rebbe for this generational change. When he came to America virtually no one walked the streets in highly distinctive Jewish garb. Yet he dressed publicly in America no different than he did in Europe. I’m full Chasidishe regalia from bekishe to shtreimal. In the early years many people were afraid to walk near him in the street. Others were simply embarrassed to see this old country Jew walking around like it was 100 years back. Yet today the streets of America are full of people who look like how he dressed in public when it was unheard of.
August 31, 2021 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2004790ujmParticipantAAQ: It is indeed very sad that you think Bein Adam Lamakom is chopped liver, “unbalanced” and “maintaining your own status”. Very sad, indeed, as Bein Adam Lamakom is as important as Bein Adam L’Chaveiro. Furthermore, it’s quite disappointing that you fail to recognize that not dressing provocatively in public is very much a Bein Adam L’CHAVEIRO issue. To do the opposite is to cause your brothers to sin unwantingly. Nothing, whatsoever, about “maintaining your own status”.
August 31, 2021 1:46 pm at 1:46 pm in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2004614ujmParticipantSome potential examples of a higher level of observance might be keeping Cholov Yisroel, maintaining generally a higher level of Kashrus, a higher level of Tznius, more Limud Torah, a higher level of Shmiras Shabbos (adding time before/after, acting more Shabbosdik), Davening more rigorously/properly, avoiding halachicly/hashkaficly questionable venues (places with improperly dressed people or images, improper language, improper ideas, not watching movies/television).
Would those maintaining these higher standards be rewarded in Gan Eden? If you maintain not, why would anyone uphold the higher standards?
August 30, 2021 8:01 pm at 8:01 pm in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #2004409ujmParticipantMochel Loch, Mochel Loch, Mochel Loch.
ujmParticipantSyag, the correct answer is that if someone doesn’t know how to give tochacha, he should learn how to give it. Just as it someone doesn’t know how to fulfill any other obligation, he should learn how to. Not discard it.
ujmParticipantIt says in Sefer HaChinuch perek 239 that you should give someone tochacha privately and in a nice way; but if they don’t listen to you, then you should embarrass them in public so that they will do teshuvah.
ujmParticipant“Except people who are not capable of doing tochacha right, which probably includes most of us.”
Do you say that about other chiyuvim and Mitzvos as well? If you don’t know how to keep Shabbos, don’t keep it. If you don’t know how to learn Torah, don’t learn. If you don’t know how to bring up your children, send them to foster care.
ujmParticipant“don’t go problem solved this isn’t some aaveira that requires your tochacha”
ubiq, tochacha is a chiyuv regarding any aveira. Your being able to ignore the aveira by simply not engaging in it, doesn’t absolve you from your chiyuv to give tochacha. And the obligation is upon every Jew.
“when your perfect worry about others”
CS: The obligation to correct others isn’t only applicable to perfect people. It is equally applicable and obligatory for imperfect people.
ujmParticipantThey didn’t do this in Europe and they didn’t do this in the Sephardic lands. In fact, they didn’t do this even in America until relatively recently. So where did this start and by which Gedolim’s haskama?
August 28, 2021 9:51 pm at 9:51 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003756ujmParticipantHave we yet had a discussion advocating Ahavas Yisroel by those in YU/the MO community for those in the Chareidi community?
ujmParticipantWelcome back Feivel!! It’s been a very looong time! How do you do? How are the einekelech?
August 27, 2021 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003661ujmParticipantDaMoshe, you haven’t explained how the RCA allowed apikorsus Avi Weiss to remain a rabbinic member of the RCA long after he established the non-Orthodox OO movements with all its anti-Torah deviancies. The RCA never booted him and kept him as a member for decades, until Mr. Weiss himself decided not to renew his membership merely a few short years ago. The RCA was more than happy to keep him as one of their ” rabbis” until then. And the RCA still has another OO/YCT rabbinic member in their rosters.
August 27, 2021 4:41 pm at 4:41 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003649ujmParticipantSince multiple MO defenders are defending it on the grounds that it should be viewed as, in many instances, as a “kiruv” system where it practices b’dieved (or even b’dieved b’dieved or even less) policies, okay that might be a legitimate defense depending on the circumstances. BUT, if so, then don’t thereafter attempt to portray Modern Orthodoxy as equal to those practicing traditional Orthodoxy, Torah Jews who don’t seek to put a modern before their Orthodoxy.
August 27, 2021 10:28 am at 10:28 am in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003510ujmParticipantDaMoshe, you didn’t respond to several points addressed to you.
August 27, 2021 8:53 am at 8:53 am in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003477ujmParticipantSyag, and what’s the teretz why there’s a lack of movement to stop the skirts from getting shorter?
(I would say that in real Torah communities there very much is a strong, albeit not loud with PR, movement to insure the skirts don’t get shorter. And you can certainly see differences in skirt lengths between different communities.)
August 27, 2021 1:08 am at 1:08 am in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003432ujmParticipantRebDovidFunDerHeights: AviraDeArah presented you with 25 taainas, immediately following your OP, as you specifically requested in your OP. You specifically stated that you “seek to answer–from the inside–anyone with Taanos on the YU/MO community”.
When can we expect your point-by-point answers in response, as you promised, to each of AviraDeArah’s taainas?
ujmParticipantIf a Teimani or Moroccon Jew have multiple wives, must he love all of them equally?
August 26, 2021 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003361ujmParticipantubiq, others have above amply addressed your point about business honesty, but even putting that quote from the MO rabbi aside, how could you possibly say the rabbi was right and advocate that Avira return to the sin-agogue where the “rabbi” presides over a crowded mixed mingling and hand shaking by his constituents during a “kiddush” — and when questioned about this abominable situation tells his teenage mispallel (Avira) that he should be wary of being “extreme” and that he’s “going through a phase”?
The teenager was correct and the rabbi dead wrong; there’s nothing extreme or going through a phase when questioning the wrongfulness of not adhering to shomer negia, tznius and mixed gender socializing during a shul kiddush.
August 26, 2021 7:41 pm at 7:41 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003358ujmParticipantDaMoshe: NCSY may be a kiruv organization but that does NOT give them a license to advocate giluy aroyos by insisting on “respecting choices” in sex education.
Furthermore, Avi Weiss was a member in good standing of the RCA for many decades. He was a long time “rebbe” in YU. He left both on his own volition; he was never booted. The RCA permitted him to be a rabbinic member of their organization as long as he wanted. Mr. Weiss himself decided not to renew his membership a few years ago, since HE felt they weren’t sufficiently left-wing. The RCA was still happy to have him as their member until he decided to not renew.
In any event, Mr “Ask me anything” OP has run for the hills and decided he can’t answer anything.
August 26, 2021 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003340ujmParticipant“RebDovidFunDerHeights” came here expecting some third-rate neanderthal responses in poor English that he would respond to with sophistry using the Queen’s English, looking like an MO white knight on horseback swatting away those silly yeshivishe cavemen who came across sounding like they failed third grade and can’t put together a logical response.
Then Avira came swinging with his double-barreled shotgun outlining all the MO failings and explaining himself quite well. It scared “DerHeights” so much he staggered away limping before he could mouth two coherent words in response to the real truths he either wasn’t expecting or was hoping would never see daylight.
August 26, 2021 10:19 am at 10:19 am in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003123ujmParticipantAvi and ubiq, you each attempted to rebut one point out of Avira’s 25 detailed points. Avi attempted to justify mixed gender schooling and ubiq attempted to justify minimizing the immorality of mishkav zachor and toeiva “marriage”. Not to even grant there’s any persuasiveness to your single attempted rebuttal of 1 out of 25 points, but it appears fair to say that you each conceded the strong taainas Avira presented in his other 24 points.
ujmParticipantYseribus: Every book you’ve seen says you’re obligated to love your neighbor, too. Vi shteit Al Pi Din that you need to love your wife more than your friends?
August 23, 2021 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #2002267ujmParticipantRabbosai, ich vil beiten mechila fun der gantze oilem for anything I might have done or actually did or even if it was perceived by anyone that I did or said anything inappropriate or offensive.
Bitte zats mir moichel, please.