Forum Replies Created
GHadora: The Israeli rabbanut has posted statistics saying that about 50% (slightly more if I recall) of those refusing a Get are women.
ujmParticipanty_s: No, I won’t. Because Klal Yisroel’s business IS my business.
ujmParticipantPhilosopher: Halevay all Yiddishe maidelech today dressed like your great-grandmother. That would be a vast improvement.
ujmParticipanthuju: NYC is hardly a two party democracy. And Hitler wasn’t stupid. His electoral opponent was less intelligent. But would have been a better Chancellor. No need to invoke Godwin’s Law since I’m not comparing Adams to him. I’m just pointing out the incorrectness of your statement.
With that all behind us, Sliwa would be as far better Mayor than Adams. But like a non-communist in China or Cuba, he has no chance.
ujmParticipantAbba: Al Pi Halacha an ex-wife is not entitled to alimony. If she forces him to pay monthly alimony via a non-Jewish court ruling kneged halacha then she’s a thief. A wife who stole from her husband is not supposed to be given a Get (even if she would otherwise be entitled to it) until she pays him back. See Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rav Elyashiv’s and others teshuva on this subject.
As far as her wages and earnings, they belong to the husband until she makes a formal declaration to him that she discharges him from being obligated to support her. Any earnings of hers after that declaration belong to her. And he’s no longer obligated to support her.
Child support is the husband’s obligation Al Pi Halacha up to a certain age. (It is less than 18.) But he’s not halachicly obligated to give the child support money to his ex-wife. He can choose to spend it on his children directly.
Using any non-Jewish court for rulings on child support, alimony, assets separation (halachicly virtually all martial assets belong to the husband unless the wife owned it prior to their marriage) or any other disputed matter is strictly against Halacha. ALL disputes MUST be adjudicated in Bais Din only. If any party utilizes arkaos (secular court) then they lose any rights they otherwise would have against the other party.
ujmParticipantAAQ: if there’s caffeine involved then, presumably, there’s activity.
ujmParticipantPhilosopher: Avira pointed out what you’re saying in his most recent comment prior to yours (in the section he addressed to GH). That being said, if the wife declared that, it becomes effective from the time she made that declaration to her husband, but it doesn’t retroactively affect any wages she earned before the formal declaration.
ujmParticipantWho certifies food products that simply have the letter “K”?
ujmParticipantMr. Joseph Rosenberger brought shatnes awareness to American Jewry. Prior to his heroic efforts, American Jewry was largely ignorant of the prohibition.
When you hear all the nostalgia expressed by some for the time when American Jews didn’t have mechitzas at chasunas (and other various issues where Yiddishkeit was practiced with defects), remember the prewar American Orthodox Hamon Hoam were largely ignorant even as late as the 1950s and 1960s of large elements of proper Judaism. It was only after the postwar European Jewish influx into America when things started really to change. (There was some European rabbonim who arrived in the interwar period that also started getting things fixed in America.)
ujmParticipantAvira, he’s giving an acronym to Trump Derangement Syndrome.
ujmParticipantTizku L’Mitzvos.
ujmParticipantHalacha describes what age one must marry by. No need to reinvent the wheel. Simply follow the Halacha.
ujmParticipantA husband doesn’t have to give a divorce (Get) if he doesn’t want to if he wants to remain married to his wife. Even if she wants a divorce. That’s the rule and law in the Torah and as codified as Halacha in Shulchan Aruch.
There are a very small number of exceptions where she’s entitled to a Get upon request, when the situation meets one of the few exceptions specifically listed by Chazal stating so. But as Avira pointed out even in those exceptional cases he’s not obligated to give a Get unless and until a bona fide Beis Din that both parties agreed to its jurisdiction over their case rules he’s obligated, after conducting a full Beis Din trial and reaching a Psak Halacha whether an obligation exists or not.
ujmParticipantShows how much I know.
ujmParticipant“@ujm, and who said thats a bad thing?”
Hashem in His Torah.
ujmParticipant5T: If we’d follow your absurd advice, huge swaths of Yidden would c’v remain single indefinitely.
ujmParticipant5T: To be honest, I only know of 42 because it used to be an insider’s joke when this coffee room first started.
Just ask Moderator-42.
ujmParticipantThere are only three posters. You, me and the moderator who posts as everyone else.
ujmParticipantAvira, de Blasio also was not a known radical leftist before he became mayor. He proved himself that only once in City Hall. In fact, he previously represented the frum Boro Park coming in the City Council.
Sliwa, while once made an unfortunate reference to our community (Eisav Soneh L’Yaakov is pretty universal), overall he has a decades-long history of friendly and helpful interactions with the frum community.
All this said, Adams is a shoe-in to winning the election in this one-party city.
October 7, 2021 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #2013473ujmParticipantbenignuman: How do you like Montreal?
ujmParticipantThe general rule is Democrats are a disaster. And Republicans are clearly much less bad than the Democrat candidate.
Despite all the sophistry the leftists use when trying to sell you a bridge. Actually give away the bridge for “free”.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, many chasanim are mature and do get married before age 21.
ujmParticipantUntil 4 years ago, the minimum are for marriage in the State of New York was 14, for both groom and bride
ujmParticipantGHadora: You seem, uh, a bit too familiar about where exactly all the prutzas head down the runway to show off their guf.
ujmParticipantL’maaisa, if the Sanhedrin were around, which they soon will be, the punishment they implement (as described above by the Chazon Ish) would quickly eliminate these kinds of problems after only one or two incidents. Afterwards the rest will quickly fall in line.
ujmParticipantAvira, ich farshtay. I wanted to raise a more relevant and consequential discussion on a tangential issue.
ujmParticipant16 or 17. By 18 Chazal say he should be getting married already.
ujmParticipantA large segment of women are following the shmutzdik styles spit out from Paris. They’ll modify it a bit to make it appear less goyishdik, for example by adding something to barely cover what is supposed to never be uncovered, but the general idea is coming from Paris.
October 7, 2021 12:06 am at 12:06 am in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #2013100ujmParticipantIn frum lingo, the “town” is New York City, Greater Lakewood and Greater Monsey.
ujmParticipantDo you remember when people traveled to Eretz Yisroel by ship?
ujmParticipant“Anyone knows more on this?”
AAQ: Rabbi Tendler met his future wife in the New York Public Library, as you mentioned. Her father, Rav Moshe, had nothing to do with facilitating, approving or putting the shidduch together in any way.
ujmParticipantWith the Chazon Ish saying that the Sanhedrin would’ve executed women wearing pants in public, קל וחומר those wearing short skirts.
ujmParticipantWhichever one has better shrayim.
ujmParticipantWhen the coffee room first started there used to be a handful of highly active high school teenage girls posting here.
ujmParticipantmbachur: Wolfish, squeak and the venerable CharlieHall still swing by.
ujmParticipantJuno was liked since it was originally a pure email only service that you could dial in directly to Juno’s servers with your modem, and there was no other internet access.
October 5, 2021 1:58 pm at 1:58 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #2012484ujmParticipantDaMoshe, most Chasiduses (other than Chanad) are pretty similar to each other. Give or take certain dress or minor minhagim differences.
ujmParticipantGentlemen, here are the missing comments:
ujmParticipantAnyone old enough to remember when NYC had trolleys?
ujmParticipantDid you have a rotary dial phone in regular use during your youth?
Did you have a pen pal that you communicated with via postal mail?
Do you remember paper food stamps?
Do you remember when calling out of state cost 25 cents a minute and calling Israel cost $3+ a minute? (Still in the early and mid ’90s.)
Do you remember the nuclear threat from the Soviet Union?
Do you remember the G & Sons store in Brooklyn or Alexander’s in Kings Plaza?
Did you ever use CompuServe, Usenet, IRC or Gopher?
Do you remember when pizza and the subway cost a dollar?
Do you remember using tokens when driving through the toll booths?
Do you remember when very few people knew about the Internet and very few people had a cellphone (or “car phone”)?
ujmParticipantubiq: The chilik being that in your Yeshiva Olomeinu was considered to be a divrei chol, whereas by Yseribus it was deemed a divrei kodesh.
ujmParticipantWe should struggle to fulfill Hashem’s commandments for us even if we were to get no Gan Eden at all.
ujmParticipantYseribus: At least you’re not old enough to remember when the boys and girls used to dance together in the Young Israel social halls.
ujmParticipantHow ’bout we all guess each other’s ages.
October 4, 2021 12:06 am at 12:06 am in reply to: Where can I post to hire a night seder Zoom Chavrusa? #2011967ujmParticipantSyag is 100% correct My chavrusa learns with me for free. And there’s never been a thought of him being underpaid.
ujmParticipantRead the Seforim Hakedoshim.
ujmParticipantShimon: people will still have the same spouses after Techiyas Hameisim.
October 3, 2021 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #2011935ujmParticipantI’m not aware of a Chasidish community in Passaic.
ujmParticipantAAQ, a man will get all his wives back. (Non-Jews aren’t coming back.)