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  • in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2018116

    L’maaisa, the man is now getting much more schar in Shamayim for being a Shabbos Goy than for being a Secretary of State.

    in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2018029

    Regarding YWN looking for editors and journalists to write articles for the site and soliciting submissions thereof, the above OP is my official example.

    Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to get Reb Eliezer’s vote.

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2018017

    Avrohom Avinu never looked at Sara Imainu.

    in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2017985


    (i) His endorsement of Obama in 2008, alleging that John McCain was “too right-wing” (!! don’t laugh too hard) is a prominent example. That after everything the Republicans did for him throughout his career. Suddenly he made an endorsement based on race.

    (ii) Obviously evidence will, by definition, not be left visible, nevertheless an educated analysis clearly points to that based on the party’s need to have black cabinet members, military leaders, etc. to mollify the false accusations of racism. As well as the number of much better candidates passed over in favor of Powell.

    in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2017987

    Despite all his well earned criticism, it much be acknowledged with great appreciation that he was an excellent Shabbos Goy for the Bronx Jewish community.

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2017991

    As Rav Moshe and Chacham Ovadia Yosef found it necessary to issue a teshuva on this question, and they didn’t typically get shailos from Chasidim, it demonstrates this question was relevant to the Litvish and Sefardic communities as well.

    in reply to: Planes over Jerusalem #2017992

    Of course an “air show” is quite vital to the security of Klal Yisroel.

    They should have better used their time to daven or learn Torah, rather than put on an air show to show how big and powerful they think they are.

    in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2017931

    “He had cancer so the COVID created the finishing touch.”

    Why didn’t his full vaccination help?

    in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2017920

    RE: Iraq was probably the only thing he got right. At least the second time. In the first round, in 1991, he forgot to take out Saddam. Which is why America needed a round two to take down that genocidal dictator.

    in reply to: Want $50.000? #2017898

    “why are there duplicate of old posts like 5 times and whya re the replies always gone?”

    A CR software (bbPress) upgrade, about 6 years ago, went haywire.

    in reply to: Planes over Jerusalem #2017897

    Ah, so the Zionists buddied up with the Amaleikim.

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2017896

    All the Seforim throughout the ages that discuss the point clearly say that Ahavas Yisroel doesn’t extend to those who reject the Torah. Including the Chofetz Chaim.

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2017895

    All the Seforim throughout the ages that discuss the point clearly say that Ahavas Yisroel doesn’t extend to those who reject the Torah. Including the Chofetz Chaim.

    in reply to: Ivermectin…? Proofs, risks? #2017892

    Kollelman: I’m comparing it to the new medicines specifically designed to treat Covid. Not to the vaccines.

    in reply to: Ivermectin…? Proofs, risks? #2017285

    Kollelman: HCQ and ivermectin don’t have “decades” treating Covid.

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2017283

    Ahavas Yisroel does not extend to those who reject following the Torah.

    in reply to: Ivermectin…? Proofs, risks? #2017271

    Kollelman: Most importantly Molnupiravir, as well as Ronapreve and PF-07321332.

    Of course there’s also good ‘ole remdvisivr.

    in reply to: Ivermectin…? Proofs, risks? #2017268

    Philosopher, in that case, in the future how will you ever know whether a medication is safe or not?

    in reply to: Singers Zelle or PayPal #2017244

    “Tautology? As halakha does not generally recognize breaking common laws …”

    Dinei mamonus are governed by Halacha rather than by secular law.


    AAQ: Muslims are goyim. The difference between them and Christians, is that they are not baalei avoda zora whereas Christians are. You can daven in a mosque but you cannot even enter a church.


    AAQ: Muslims are goyim. The difference between them and Christians, is that they are not baalei avoda zora whereas Christians are. You can daven in a mosque but you cannot even enter a church.

    in reply to: Ivermectin…? Proofs, risks? #2017252

    There are brand new drugs that treat Covid that were just released to the market by the FDA. As such, why would you even need to consider drugs like Ivermectin?

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Baselessly Attack Biden? #2017246

    There are so many basis for warranted and justified attacks on Biden, that it is completely unnecessary to utilize any baseless attack.

    in reply to: Planes over Jerusalem #2017224

    farb, those reshoyim abused the word in falsely using it to describe themselves.

    in reply to: Planes over Jerusalem #2017223

    farb, those reshoyim abused the word in falsely using it to describe themselves.

    in reply to: Singers Zelle or PayPal #2017222

    **Mod**, you posted the last comment. It seems you didn’t intend to approve it’s pubic visibility

    in reply to: Singers Zelle or PayPal #2017200

    “if those actions are not per se recognized as “ganavah” under halacha and there is no liklihood of being caught so therefore “no chilul hashem”. Or are you saying exactly the opposite which I think is what you meant (i.e. ganevah is ganevah).”

    It isn’t geneiva if those actions are not per se recognized as “ganavah” under halacha.

    in reply to: Planes over Jerusalem #2017143

    Probably the Zionists putting on a show of how strong they are.

    in reply to: bums? or finding their own path? #2017142

    Do we expect more from a Prince?

    Or can the king’s son acts no differently than the commoner on the street selling hot dogs on the corner in his stand?


    tuna: to the point that we’re not allowed to even drink wine with goyim.

    in reply to: Singers Zelle or PayPal #2017096

    YouTube is known to strictly police copyright violations. If it is on their platform, presumably the artists permit it to be on YouTube.


    Health, part of our religion is not to assimilate.

    in reply to: mesivta bochurim #2017064

    Goldilocks, these days you can become anything you want. 🤣

    in reply to: Singers Zelle or PayPal #2017017

    AAQ: What “contract” did you sign when you bought a book in Barnes & Noble or a CD in your neighborhood supermarket?

    Dina Dmalchusa doesn’t necessarily apply to issues between Yidden.

    IP in halacha doesn’t have a straightforward answer.

    in reply to: ADHD can be an expression of the creative mind #2017013

    Philosopher, all the same points can be made regarding someone labelled as “austistic” or “asperger’s syndrome”.

    in reply to: goyishe books #2017011

    The Rama 246:4 rules explicitly that it is absolutely prohibited according to Halachah to engage in a curriculum of secular studies. To read secular studies now and then, is permitted, he says. The source of the Rama is the Yerushalmi Sanhedrin.

    in reply to: Short Skirts #2016935

    Maivin: Thank You.

    AAQ: Are you comparing Rabi Shimon Ben Shetach’s simultaneous hanging of 80 women to the French revolutionaries??

    in reply to: Singers Zelle or PayPal #2016934

    YouTube music has heimishe singers?

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2016933

    Philosopher, in fairness to barlshwartz1, barlshwartz1’s comment does cite various sources.

    in reply to: Short Skirts #2016889

    The Gemorah, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch and sh”ut seforim from ancient times down to modern seforim all talk about and discuss the obligations of women and what is and isn’t appropriate regarding dress, behavior and many other matters, on a wide spectrum. And all are authored by men. These halachic requirements and obligations are taught, learnt and discussed in yeshivos the world over, all populated by male rebbeim and male talmidim. It has been this was 2000 years ago through today, with no pause in between.

    Men bear the halachic responsibility and obligation to to insure and enforce that their wives and daughters are always in compliance with these Torah and halachic obligations that they, as women, are duty-bound to adhere to. When a wife or daughter fails in these regards, it is the husband and father who rightfully bears blame.

    The very idea that men aren’t supposed to discuss women issues and the laws relevant to them has no basis in Torah, Yiddishkeit or Halacha. It purely comes from modern Westernized thinking of the post-feminist movement. The pro-abortion arguments, in fact, are fully predicated on this modern foreign idea.

    If Jewish men would abdicate their responsibility to insure that Hilchos Noshim are known and followed, compliance would undoubtedly go down 25 notches. Which is why rabbonim the world over keep impressing in their droshos to men (including often and importantly regarding tznius) the necessity to know and follow these obligations.

    in reply to: Short Skirts #2016876

    AAQ: This hasn’t to do with our visions of the Sanhedrin. Forget than neither of us are anywhere on the madreiga of the Chazon Ish. But Rambam himself writes that Beis Din can execute 100 people per day, if need be. And above I brought the story from the Gemorah where Rabi Shimon Ben Shetach, the Nasi of the Sanhedrin, hanged 80 women in one shot.

    in reply to: ADHD can be an expression of the creative mind #2016859

    Some of our most amazing community members, entrepreneurs, askanim, rebbis, menahlim, teachers and talmidei chachamim are also using their autism properly to make the world a better and more interesting place.

    in reply to: Short Skirts #2016842

    “If we can guarantee that Sanhedrin would do exactly what Chazon Ish says, we do not need a Sanhedrin.”

    AAQ: That’s the same point I made. After one or two executions the problem would be solved and the rest would fall in line.

    “Of course, if all members of Sanhedrin will vote that way – then there is no death penalty, of course because deliberation is ot valid if there is no diversity of views … something to keep in mind in discussions”

    If the Sanhedrin decided to execute such a woman, they’d be utilizing their extrajudicial powers rather than their normal judicial authority. Much like when Rabi Shimon Ben Shetach, the head of the Sanhedrin, hanged 80 women for practicing witchcraft. He did so without any formal convening of the Sanhedrin or Beis Din to try those women. And he used a method of execution outside the normal four methods of Beis Din. As such, I don’t think they unanimity concern is at issue in such a case.


    huju: What does your comment have to do with the obligations to follow Hashem’s commandments?

    in reply to: ADHD can be an expression of the creative mind #2016799

    Isn’t the same argument presented regarding autism? That autistic children are simply living their own unique individual life, and don’t need to be changed, and should be accepted as is, being their own normal selves.

    in reply to: goyishe books #2016676

    Some people don’t care if a book is prohibited by Halacha to be read. If they want to read it, then the heck with Halacha.

    in reply to: Women Learning Gemara #2016478

    RE: what water?

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2016480

    “Cutting hair short was definitely a widespread custom.”

    Among those that didn’t shave completely, cutting short was the norm, standard and default. Anything more than short was certainly the exception.

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2016394

    Avira, your citations of the Maharil Diskin, the Baal HaTurim, Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, etc indicates this mesora was the minhag in Lita and elsewhere, not just places such as Hungary. Do you know how extensively this was practiced by the Litvish and others?

    in reply to: Married Women Shaving Their Hair Off #2016302

    Back to the Beis HaLevi. He lived in Lithuania. As he wrote this was the practice of married women, obviously this was much more extensive than just in Hungary.

    How widely has this been practiced in the past? And how widely is it practiced today? Do any non-Chasidish women follow this currently? And how widespread is this among the Chasidish kehilos?

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