Forum Replies Created
We are required to die rather than to convert.
Avira, you’re saying it was more than 50%?
ujmParticipantWe already have a couple of firsthand stories, just by the less than tiny number of people in this very thread, of Goyim who become “Orthodox” and married real Jews.
How many more there are that others (not in this thread) are aware of. And how many untold thousands more there are that haven’t yet been discovered (and may never be discovered), that are halachic Goyim, many of them female, married to frum Jews and giving birth to more Goyim who will intermarry frum Yidden, and no one realizing.
ujmParticipantYO, 50% of the Sephardim converted to Christianity in the 15th century. You don’t consider that to be worse?
ujmParticipant‘”One may wonder; if one jewish child will be deprived of Torah, isn’t it worth the wasted resources on a few others who are not actually yidden?”
If you bring non-Jews into Orthodox Judaism you run the real risk of inadvertent intermarriage, among many other serious problems. (Yayin nesech would be one of the “smaller” ones.)
ujmParticipantDonald Trump’s new social media company, Truth, has already raised over $300 million from stock investors.
ujmParticipantNew York’s minimum age for marriage was 14 until four years ago.
ujmParticipantYaakov, most states will marry 16 year olds. If one happens to live in another state that doesn’t, you can easily marry in a state which permits it.
ujmParticipantThe Christians who become fake frum Jews is a completely separate issue (and a much much smaller problem quantity-wise) from the very real problem of halachic Goyim who think they’re Jews (descended from Conservative/Reform maternal “converts”, paternal descent, etc.) and then become Orthodox Jews even though they’re gentiles.
ujmParticipant“There were probably always people not interested in observance, but they often did not have any good options”
That was much better and the proper way. People should have no options to quit observance.
ujmParticipantWolf is too busy programming databases.
ujmParticipantThe issue of non-Jews (who may consider themselves to be “Jewish”) being mekareved and becoming “frum” is a real phenomenon.
ujmParticipantmentsch1: If the girl decides to get married at 16, you’ll still be in favor of letting her decide? Or you’re only in favor of letting her decide to get married later but wouldn’t let her get married younger?
ujmParticipanthuju: rabbi j is at an age where he could be either a bochor or a yungerman.
ujmParticipantGirls should get engaged and married while in Beis Yaakov or very shortly after graduating. Otherwise they lose their ideals.
ujmParticipantThis is the OPs second post. His first, and previously only post, essentially the same as this one, was made 13 years ago. He hasn’t uttered a word in 13 years until now. The multiple threads that you see in his history are all from 13 years ago, and all on the exact same date. Due to a CR software error the threads duplicated.
ujmParticipantThis year is an off-cycle election.
ujmParticipantWhat about someone like Caspar Weinberger?
ujmParticipantWoW is Reform. He’s defending WoW.
ujmParticipantAll need to keep in mind YO’s support of the Reform WoW movement whenever he comments on any other topic here.
ujmParticipantHas anyone gotten QSL cards lately?
ujmParticipantLittle Froggie, are you trying to hint to us that you (unlike your brother shlita) live a carefree life, with little work and lots of play??
ujmParticipantC’mon, it took you this long to realize this?? This has been obvious for over half a century, already.
ujmParticipantYO, are you also a supporter of the toeiva people and believe that the death penalty is an unfair punishment for that sin?
ujmParticipantLittle Froggie: Where’s your brother? Shlep him back here. No excuses.
ujmParticipantfeivel doesn’t come by often enough. sam4321s missed. squeak hasn’t shown his face in too long. I Can Only Try has been gone too long. PM/hello99 is a choshuve Rov (in the full sense) who freely shares his halachic expertise. mdlevine is loved by all. Kapusta, smartcookie and Lilmod Ulelamaid always have much wisdom to share.
There are too many others in our friends and CR family list who equally deserve recognition to be mentioned. Consider yourselves included and rejoin the discussions ASAP! No more excuses for being AWOL.
And special mention to itzik_s/600 Kilo Bear Z”L who never failed to make excellent points others overlooked and always did so with his signature humor. We will meet him again with Moshiach bimheiro byomeinu.
ujmParticipantㅤㅤㅤㅤfarbycoffe, don’t forget to take your hydroxychloroquine.
ujmParticipant“should I save up for a camcorder.”
Yes, save up for a camcorder.
“anyone know what the options are for taking professional videos?”
A good option would be to hire a professional videographer.
ujmParticipantIt used to be worse. When it started in 2008 it was full of Beis Yaakov girls chatting up a storm about every narishkeit imaginable and unimaginable.
ujmParticipantSame as with plumbers.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Of course. That goes without saying. Both the husband and wife would need to be on that madreiga.
ujmParticipantI know some graphic designers who are multi-millionaires.
ujmParticipantIvrit isn’t the same as Loshon Kodesh.
ujmParticipantI’ll take Avira’s disdain for those philosophies that believe you can throw off the yoke of Torah and Mitzvos, any day, over commonseichel’s disdain for Bnei Torah, Talmidei Chachomim, Rabbonim and anyone he considers to be too farfrumpt.
ujmParticipantMesivta Bachor: The link is that if someone is on that madreiga (and no one is saying that this nekuda applies to most people) then, as he won’t be looking at his wife anyways, there’s no concern about how he’ll react to her baldness.
ujmParticipantSome people cry for attention.
ujmParticipantNo problem.
October 19, 2021 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2018499ujmParticipantYseribus, Powell was a leftist who endorsed Obama both times, then Hillary Clinton and finally Biden. To him, a moderate/centrist like John McCain was “too right-wing”. No true Republican would’ve selected Obama over McCain or Mitt Romney. He couldn’t tell the difference between the political right and the political left.
ujmParticipantYasher Koach Avira and Philosopher for putting it very well and correctly.
ujmParticipantOr better yet, CS should focus his criticisms on mechalleli Shabbos rather than on Shomer Shabbos.
ujmParticipantSyag, you have a strong tendency, many years in the making, of putting words and thoughts into others mouths where they don’t and never existed. Indeed, in my EVERY COMMENT HERE I specifically, clearly and directly only referred to those that “REJECT the Torah”, in those verbatim words! Yet, you syag, nevertheless, falsely attribute my comment to referring to anyone that didn’t reject the Torah.
This is an old habit of yours. You do this to anyone you disagree with. Just yesterday it was Reb Eliezer that you did this to. Everyday you find another victim.
ujmParticipantThe greatest quality of women is being tzanuah.
ujmParticipantWhy are some girl schools named “Yeshiva”?
ujmParticipantSyag, wrong.
You wrote “Everyone has heard how the chofetz chaim treated the yid who broke shabbos.” That bochor didn’t “reject the Torah”, which is the term I carefully used. In fact, that bochor was in Yeshiva learning Torah. He sinned on Shabbos for reasons of taaiva, not lhachis. Of course we love such people. And try to teach them to add help them to teshuva.
But someone who holds the Torah is man-written, non-binding or changeable and REJECTS it as written by G-d and compulsory as such, him we do not love.
October 19, 2021 7:44 am at 7:44 am in reply to: David Amess (fatally stabbed by Islamic b) accused the BBC for anti-Israel bias #2018334ujmParticipantThe Moda B’Yehuda says those who read the Rema as permitting shituf for Goyim are misreading the Rema as the Rema only permits a Goy to swear for a contract using as such. But the Noda B’Yehuda states that the Rema does not permit belief in shituf even for Goyim.
ujmParticipantFroggie: Do you use the Hebrew edition or the English edition? (I won’t ask if you use the French edition.)
P.S. So that we stay on topic here I must also ask you, are you a Yeshiva bochor?
October 18, 2021 11:20 pm at 11:20 pm in reply to: David Amess (fatally stabbed by Islamic b) accused the BBC for anti-Israel bias #2018269ujmParticipantThe Noda B’Yehuda explicitly rules that shituf is pure Avoda Zora when practiced by a gentile.
ujmParticipant@tothepoint — Thank you for this essential advice. Can you please, specifically, advise me how to save my money, exactly what prudence I should engage in as well as what I should do with my overpriced real estate and stocks/bonds.
Yasher Koach!!
October 18, 2021 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2018231ujmParticipantThis OP/thread may have set a record in covering such an extensive set of diverse topics (right in the opening post itself). Namely — vaccinations, Shabbos Goys, Covid, US cabinet positions, affirmative action, ingrates and military leaders.
October 18, 2021 9:20 pm at 9:20 pm in reply to: Shabbos Goy Colin Powell Dead from COVID-19 #2018222ujmParticipanthuju: Please identify what you imagine Powell gave Republicans. Certainly not any even minimally significant voting base.
Offhand, some better candidates would have been Richard Perle, Richard Armitage or Paul Wolfowitz.
Appointing unqualified people to important positions is a Democrat specialty. Republicans sometimes make stupid appointments, but Democrats rarely make a non-foolhardy appointment.
ujmParticipantI was about to post a comment when I noticed that Syag already posted exactly what I was about to say.