Forum Replies Created
R”LujmParticipantReb Eliezer, how did life in Hungary change between 1945 and 1956 compared to Jewish life in Hungary before World War 2? And how did it change after 1956?
ujmParticipantArranged marriages have a higher rate of being happier and working out better. Compare the secular world or the MO world.
ujmParticipantThere’s no contract when you buy a book or CD.
ujmParticipantWhat if they put in the fine print on back of the CD cover “Purchase of this product executes an agreement between you and the publisher that you agree to pay an annual fee of $500 for the next ten years.” You notice this when you open the CD. What is the halachic deadline for you to submit your first (of ten) $500 payment?
ujmParticipantA good goy is an oxymoron.
ujmParticipantWhy do some places call their school for younger children “Cheder” whereas others do not?
ujmParticipantaposhiteyid: You’re 100% correct. It irks me to no end when some divorcees say their marriage was a mistake or it should never have happened. Are they saying that their children were a mistake?!
October 27, 2021 12:15 am at 12:15 am in reply to: vax mandates just shooting themselves in the leg #2021197ujmParticipantujm,
“People who recovered from Covid do not need the vaccine”
Maybe if they had sufficient antibodies the argument might make some sense. Just because someone had covid in the past does not make them immune, there are a lot of people that got covid twice.
Getting Covid twice is rare.
Based on your argument (not mine), you shouldn’t vaccinated since people can get Covid despite being vaccinated.
For those rare cases of getting Covid a second time (or a first time after vaccinating), the symptoms are very rarely severe.
Indeed, European countries accept proof of having recovered from Covid as a basis to not vaccinate and still be permitted in places where otherwise only vaccinated people are permitted.
America refuses to do that only for political reasons.
ujmParticipantShould poor people never marry if they grew up poor and remained poor until age 45 and beyond? Lacking financial stability was never a heter to delay marriage.
On the same vein, being poor is not a heter to eat non-kosher if kosher food costs a lot more.
ujmParticipantHow can Yidden catch up on the latest news if we don’t talk in the Mikva??
ujmParticipantNapoleon asked his advisors what the best way he can find out what’s going on in the country with regular folks. After much thought they advised him the only place to find out what’s going on is to go to the Mikva. They prepared him well, trained him how things work there and dressed him like a nice Yiddele.
Napoleon comes to the Mikva on an Erev Shabbos. After his seventh dunk he asks the others with him “vus is nays”? So they immediately reply, “You didn’t hear? Napoleon is coming to the Mikva this week!”
October 26, 2021 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm in reply to: Bargaining for a Lower Price: Proper or Improper? #2021071ujmParticipantFinancial advisors recommend to always try to negotiate a better price than offered, proposed or listed.
ujmParticipantOnly Beis Din is permitted to administer corporal punishment.
October 26, 2021 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm in reply to: vax mandates just shooting themselves in the leg #2021067ujmParticipantPeople who recovered from Covid do not need the vaccine.
ujmParticipantHe doesn’t need to be vaccinated.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, they use ורעיתו by non-Chasidim too.
What do you do once you had the screening and calculation?
October 26, 2021 11:36 am at 11:36 am in reply to: Bargaining for a Lower Price: Proper or Improper? #2020865ujmParticipantWhat’s the commercial custom for a computer technician or for a plumber?
ujmParticipantSyag, huju is simply attempting to convey how much wiser he is than everyone else here.
ujmParticipantKlal Yisroel doesn’t follow feminist trends.
ujmParticipantThere’s no expressly agreed terms when you pay for a book or CD at the supermarket.
Or when you borrow a book or CD from the library or a friend.
ujmParticipantOther times they are very comfortable and happy to discuss the niftar’s illness.
ujmParticipantHaLeVi: Are you suggesting that’s a basis for such matches to not be consummated in the first place?
ujmParticipantPotatoes haven’t been around for that long, relatively speaking. They’re an American discovery. Wait till the next best thing comes out and displaces it.
ujmParticipantGilda: There’s nothing wrong about asking regarding the niftar’s illness.
October 25, 2021 12:45 am at 12:45 am in reply to: Bargaining for a Lower Price: Proper or Improper? #2020355ujmParticipantYseribus: Is it perfectly okay and normal for me to try to bargain a discount from my local grocer or local hardware store (non-chain/owner operated)? What about from my handyman, tailor or barber?
ujmParticipantOP, shouldn’t mentally ill Yidden feel free to be open to the public or at least to their friends and family about their illness, no less than physically ill Yidden may be about theirs?
ujmParticipantIs the OP suggesting that mentally ill drug addicts who beat their wives should be public about all that?
ujmParticipantAAQ: Do we need a 20th/21st century rabbi to quote whether and/or when we can wear shatnes or is a Psak Halacha from 200+ years ago that Klal Yisroel accepted as authoritative still good today without a new for a modern re-evaluation of shatnes? If Halacha on shatnes is still good unchanged, why does the Halacha on marriage need a 20th/21st century reform?
ujmParticipantAvira, marriage is a whole different ballgame than anything else. That’s the case by almost everyone and every group. Rabbonim seek to marry their children to children of Rabbonim rather than the working class. Rebbe’s with Rebbishe families. Sefardim with Sefardim. Rich families with other wealthy families, etc. Sure, there are exceptions. But this was always the case thoroughout history.
ujmParticipantThe Christian missionary fake Jews are examples of real symptoms of this problem. But quantity-wise they are a tiny subset of the issue. The far larger issue is with the Reform/Conservative, where a large percentage of their members are gentiles.
ujmParticipantHaLeVi: Please thank you brother, on my behalf, for bringing you back here.
ujmParticipantTLIK:Vus vilstu? You asked me to quote the Halacha, so I did so for you. You wrote to me “If you have one, share the reference. If someone is not marriage material, regardless of any age, there is no posek that would push for marriage.” Pru urvu is the posek that makes it mandatory al pi Torah to get married. Yes, getting married is mandatory. I gave you the Gemorah and Shulchan Aruch that there is a halachicly required age deadline.
You don’t like the Halacha. It’s it 21st century, it is America, things are different. The Torah is from 3000 years ago, the Gemorah is from 1500 years ago, the Shulchan Aruch is from 500 years ago. Times are achanging. I’ve heard it all. But what do you want from me that you ask ”
And if it “is not pshat in the Gemora.”, pray tell please how does the Gemorah (and Shulchan Aruch) mean something other than the very simple, basic and straightforward words it clearly says.
And your maaisala of Rav Jenkins is completely twisted out of shape from what he in fact said, which was in regards to his disagreement with the Tzadik Hador, the Satmar Rebbe ZT’L, regarding shidduchim.
Regarding the Roshei Yeshivos and their talmidid, did you completely miss my citation of the shittos that anyone learning Torah full time has a dispensation to get married by later than before their 24th birthday? Of course, anyone not a full time learner is subject to being married by 20.
Again, I’m just relating the Halacha as it is stated in the Gemorah, Shulchan Aruch, etc. As you requested. I didn’t make the Halacha. Speak to Hashem with any complaints, please. I don’t take kvittelech.
ujmParticipantThe Gemara in Kiddushin says the maximum age for marriage is 20. The Shulchan Aruch in EH says a person should be beaten if he doesn’t get married by then. Beis Din can force Reuven to marry Dina if they are refusing to marry by the age.
Some shittos (Maharshal) hold that if he’s learning Torah full-time then he must get married by 24.
ujmParticipantPhilosopher: The UK is very accommodating lately, with few restrictions on personal freedoms. Perhaps that’s up your alley?
ujmParticipantPhilosopher: Australia might be a good choice.
ujmParticipantCA: America is also totally dependent on Hashem. Everyone is.
ujmParticipantYO: Jewish.
ujmParticipantChazal give age deadlines to get married by.
ujmParticipantWhy does Israel need billions of dollars in American military aid every year?
ujmParticipantCS: The Satmar Rebbe ZT’L brought Teimani Yidden to Kiryas Yoel.
ujmParticipantIt’s better to do a whole year without music. But if one isn’t strong enough they should only listen to Yiddish music.
ujmParticipantInvest in art.
ujmParticipantI know of a set of brothers marrying sisters. One set remained childless.
ujmParticipantQuite a few states have no minimum age for marriage, altogether.
ujmParticipantI see the company’s stock price on the NASDAQ more than doubled on Friday. So the company’s new net worth is actually in the multi billions of dollars now.
ujmParticipantThe new company, Trump Media and Technology Group, has more than quadrupled in value since the merger last week made it a NASDAQ listed company. It is now approaching a net worth of $1 billion.
ujmParticipantAs far as the comparison, 99% of today’s non-frum Jews were born as non-frum. If it is unfair to blame the Spanish and Portuguese conversions, in which case they effectively chose to convert rather than to flee the country (an option they were given in Spain) or to even die (as they were required to accept rather than shmad), then today’s Reform and Conservative Jews are less to blame than the 15th century converts.