Forum Replies Created
CS: Can you translate your comment into English?
ujmParticipantYseribus: They weren’t ketanos halachicly. And kishuf falls into the same general category as Avoda Zora, even if it isn’t necessarily Avoda Zora. Kishuf, in its own right, is assur for Goyim.
Salem isn’t being defended. We’re discussing technical halachic points.
ujmParticipantDo Non-Moshichists Lubavitchers believe that the Rebbe is not Moshiach?
ujmParticipantIs that because the New York metropolitan area is home to a disproportionate percent of high income families?
P.S. Make sure you don’t delegate bringing up your children to the Polish (or Spanish) cleaning lady.
ujmParticipantAvira, I was only addressing Yseribus’ narrow point about about the gentiles right/obligation to try capital cases. I considered adding to the comment that this case in particular may have been a gross miscarriage of justice. (It sounds like it was, from those here with better knowledge of Salem.) But, technically, they did judge and convict actual not just suspected guilt.
ujmParticipantYseribus: Gentiles are obligated to have an established court system. And to try cases for idol worship, witchcraft and other (capital and non-capital) sins/transgressions. Technically, in this case they were tried and convicted of a capital offense.
ujmParticipantLook what you did to your brother. He was gone for over a year, you invited him back (*cough*cough*), and now he has been posting incessantly for almost a week already.
ujmParticipantIt isn’t the Security Council that’s the main problem. The United States has a veto there, which they routinely use to veto anti-Israel resolutions. The General Assembly is much more of an issue. And the UN (so-called) “Human Rights” Council devotes most of its time on Israel whilst ignoring North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc.
WB Dr. Hall!
ujmParticipantYou’re probably missing something.
ujmParticipantAAQ: You might consider asking yourself why you’re more sympathetic to her than you are to the other case. L’maaisa, aside from sinning herself she’s causing untold thousands of others to sin, both unwillingly (they saw her unwittingly) and willingly (they took a second look, when if not for her they wouldn’t have.) It is unrealistic to impossible to expect society at large to close their eyes when crossing the street or to otherwise not notice.
ujmParticipantIt’s like becoming Jewish. Once in you can’t leave.
October 31, 2021 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2022874ujmParticipant“I have found that when those who don’t have children in the public schools try to take over a local school board it is often an attempt to keep expenditures down and local property taxes down.”
CTL: I’m sure you heard of the good ‘ole American saying “No taxation without representation.” If you want to tax the people, those people have a right to be represented and a say. They had a right to seek to reduce expenses. If you don’t like that, then don’t tax them.
October 31, 2021 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2022843ujmParticipantCTL: In NYC and many other municipalities the parents and taxpayers are given no opportunity at board meetings to have any influence over the curriculum.
ujmParticipantA nekudah on our attitudes: I mentioned to kids a story of Bernie Madoff.
One asks: Was he frum?
We settled that one can only ask: was he “frum”?AAQ: I’m sure if the kid asked whether a woman who was dressed in a skirt which didn’t always cover her knees and above whether she was frum, you’d similarly conclude with him that you could only ask whether she was “frum”.
ujmParticipantAll countries in the world are members of the UN, except the Vatican.
ujmParticipantPhilosopher, there are very few countries in the world that aren’t part of the UN.
ujmParticipantYseribus, gentiles do not receive any benefit or consideration as being a tinokos sheshiba.
ujmParticipantThis is a famous question.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Was Rav Moshe zt’l your friend, that you’re on a first name basis with him?
1. No sovereignty isn’t, prior to Moshiach.
2. The zionist government protects, defends and encourages toeiva, r”l, in their state.
The spiritual live in Eretz Yisroel, which predates the existence of the State, is despite the best efforts of the State to interfere with it.
And don’t bother with the false premise of money distributed. The money received is a) less than the communities tax burdens and b) less than the money the State distributes to secular universities.
ujmParticipantWhat are the actual halachic and what are the actual hashkafic issues in regards to taking in the Mikva?
ujmParticipant“It’s a matter of historical record that there was actually one witch in Salem, a slave named Tituba. The other four people accused of working with her (three women and one man) denied any involvement and the only proof against them was the word of a couple of little girls.”
Yseribus: Are you trying to say that Tituba was actually guilty?
ujmParticipantHaLeVi, Avira: Rambam writes that Beis Din can execute 100 people a day, if it were necessary. I don’t know that if there was a widespread violation that they’d necessarily run away from a Hiroas Shaa.
ujmParticipantYseribus: If the State removed army service as a condition to permitting citizens to become employed, Chareidim would be in the official workforce in huge numbers.
ujmParticipantHaLeVi: Please explain what the halachic issues allegedly are and what the hashkafic issues allegedly are.
ujmParticipanthuju: A woman in the army is akin to placing an elementary school student as your local firefighter. That your woman friend pays taxes makes her no different than any other taxpayer. And her employees make her like millions of other small businessmen.
If she became frum, Klal Yisroel would win regardless of where in the world she lived. If she is replaced by a Torah observant Jew, then the world wins.
ujmParticipantAh, so Chabad of Lakewood is alive and well.
ujmParticipantAh, so Chabad of Lakewood is alive and well.
ujmParticipant“whereas in America many if not most jobs are closed to anyone who is at all frum (defined as Shomer Shabbos, Shomer Kashrus) either because the job requires work on Saturday, or the job requires living in an area where there are no frum shuls or schools).”
akuperma: What on earth are you talking about? The vast majority of jobs in America are available without needing to work on Shabbos and have kosher food in the area. Indeed, most if not all major American cities, where the majority of good paying jobs are located, have frum communities in town.
ujmParticipantSatmar is famous for hachnosas orchim. Perhaps Satmar of Lakewood can help.
ujmParticipantBy the way, just as Shimon Ben Shetach utilized the Sanhedrin’s extrajudicial authority to carry out mass executions without trial during that horaas shaah of so many practicing witchcraft, which is a Biblically ordained capital offense, so too we can extrapolate that were the Sanhedrin around today (as they soon will be), they would similarly treat issues that are a capital offense that R”L enjoy widespread practice, such as those engaging in mishkav zochor.
As we discussed in a previous recent thread, the Chazon Ish even applied the Sanhedrin executing those publicly dressed grossly indecently, which isn’t an official death penalty crime. Sanhedrin has the right to carry out executions even on offenses that don’t normally carry capital punishment.
Your excellent point about Salem and its incomparability to the 80 Jewish witches who were rightfully hung, is well taken. Admittedly, I’m much more an expert on Chazal than on Colonial America. One thing I should point out is that the “trial by water” for suspected witches was utilized in centuries prior to Salem but it was in fact not done to the Salem suspects.
Btw, similar to your relating the false scare promoted by elements of the media regarding witchcraft, similarly in about the same time frame you mentioned there was a false scare based on similar “rediscovered memories” of having been abused as children. Innocents were prosecuted and convicted, only years later to be exonerated.
One part of your comment stuck out as out of order. You wrote: “There’s no record that they denied it and were therefore required to undergo a din Torah.” Even if the witches had been brought to a Din Torah on a capital offense, the accusers would have to prove their case regardless of any lack of denials. Beis Din can’t even accept a guilty plea in a capital case. As your later comment pointed out, though, of course Shimon Ben Shetach used the Sanherdrin’s extrajudicial powers, without trial, due to the fact that the witches would have been able to use kishuf to escape had they been brought to Beis Din.
Where have you seen that the Egyptian Jewish community suffered from a notable number members who were practitioners of witchcraft during Rambam’s time?
And which authorities argue that sleight of hand isn’t included in the prohibition? Obviously Rambam’s (and other concurring authorities) ruling that even sleight of hand carries the death penalty associated with “machsefa lo sichayeh” raises very serious issues about contemporary “frum” magicians.
P.S. If you can fetch the mekoros on what you referenced about a migdar milsa, I would appreciate it.
ujmParticipanthuju: Your friend would do far better for both herself and for Klal Yisroel by living a Torah observant life in the Philippines than by living a secular life in Israel.
ujmParticipantsmerel: Where in the sugya do you see any suggestion that Shimon Ben Shetach convened the Sanhedrin for this matter? Additionally, how do you understand what criteria he utilized to determine their guilt (especially given the fact that the 80 women were offered no opportunity to present a defense)?
ujmParticipantIs there anywhere (other than Kiryas Yoel and New Square) that lacks a Chabad house?
ujmParticipantVote No to all the proposed constitutional amendments in NY.
P.S. This is a general election open to all. It isn’t a “Democrat” primary.
ujmParticipantThe day is properly called Erev Shabbos.
October 28, 2021 9:22 pm at 9:22 pm in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2022121ujmParticipantContemporary public schools indoctrinate their children with secularism, antireligion and left-wing dogmas.
ujmParticipantWhat evidence did Shimon Ben Shetach have? He hung the 80 women without trial.
ujmParticipantTLIK: And who do you think is best suited to make that decision of yay or nay?
ujmParticipantNo. No.
You really knew all that, right?
ujmParticipantMBD also used goyishe tunes.
ujmParticipantAnother episode of the Health-ubiquitin squabble! Pass the popcorn and enjoy the show.
Regularly scheduled commercials will resume in sixteen days, following the ending of this fun-filled part.
ujmParticipantNovelty, what was the “little bit of an interesting family history”?
ujmParticipantThis website has no method or ability to connect strangers.
ujmParticipantThere’s a big Sopron kehila in Williamsburg.
Did Yiddishkeit survive in Hungary until 1956 and after ’56 the frum left the country?
ujmParticipantWB Reb Wolf. It’s been ages since you last graced us with your presence.
ujmParticipantThe zionist government has been beating frum Jews mercilessly since 1948.
ujmParticipantTLIK: More often than not the fighting between exes after a divorce is more bitter than it was when they were still married. And after divorce they are far far more likely to be using the poor innocent children as their pawns in fighting with their ex than they ever did while still living together.
Divorcing to “spare the children” from the fighting is typically a foolhardy course of action that is counterproductive. All that is “gained” is now the children are no longer living with both their parents, having traded that in for a broken home with a missing parent who they’re lucky to see once a week instead of seven days a week.
Growing up without both full time parents causes far more harm than acknowledged.
ujmParticipantCS: Are you a broken record?