Forum Replies Created
Are R: Where do you see a “klal” that an Achron who doesn’t quote an earlier source isn’t followed or that we ignore Achronim if you find a Rishon who says differently?
ujmParticipant“Especially nlwas6, as AAQ wrote – the pitfalls of batalah mayviah lidei znus/shigaon are worse than the chisaron of being “out” a lot.”
One of the primary reasons halacha mandates women not be out of the home a lot, is to reduce znus.
ujmParticipantA Harry is never Chasidish.
ujmParticipantYou’re late to the Bar Mitzvah, Health.
ujmParticipantPost-Covid worldwide.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, Rav Moshe paskens (in multiple teshuvos) in the Igros Moshe that making a Bas Mitzvah party is kefira derived from the Reform/Conservative movements.
ujmParticipantWhere did you previously mention there being an audience, as a factor in consideration?
ujmParticipantReminder for ubiq: Tis the season to be shopping, for your Chanukamas presents. Chap your discounts on Black Friday, lalalala lalalala.
November 9, 2021 9:13 pm at 9:13 pm in reply to: Klal Yisroel Needs an Official Central Yichus Registry #2026507ujmParticipantymr: Did you really completely misconstrue and utterly misinterpret akuperma’s comment or did you purposelessly misstate it to suit your anti-frum agenda?
ujmParticipantGoldilocks: You don’t have a Keasuba? If you do, then speak to your husband, not to us. He agreed to exactly that.
ujmParticipantDoes anyone know whether in prewar Europe there was a general age gap? I would tend to assume that both the Choson and Wallah were generally teenagers about the same age.
ujmParticipantThe fact that we have music in the Beis Hamikdash and Dovid Hamelech, Shlomo Hamelech, were musical, demonstrates there’s Jewish music.
ujmParticipantThe entire corpus of halachic Seforim *explicitly* define Kol Kevuda Bas Melech Penima as meaning that a woman’s place is at home and that she shouldn’t leave it too much. Shulchan Aruch and Rambam, the foundations of Psak, say so. This isn’t in dispute.
ujmParticipantThere’s never been a protest anywhere where the majority of the population came out to the protest. Virtually all protests are participated in by less than a majority of the population. So your point about a minority isn’t relevant or provable.
ujmParticipantAre R: You seem to be subtly making some presumptions. A) How can this even be accurately determined? B) Is it a given that in the Jewish community more boys are born? C) Perhaps the Jewish death rate is no different between the genders (the male non-Jewish world suffers from drug overdoses and other ailments rare in the Jewish world) D) Perhaps there are more “unmarriageable” girls than boys? E) Perhaps the greater OTD rare is by girls? F) Perhaps more male BTs than females? G) Boys have a halachic obligation to marry whereas girls do not.
ujmParticipantHow tall are you?
ujmParticipantYidden always had Jewish music that is and always was specifically Jewish in tune and in song. It may be that non-Jews copied some of it, but there always was and is very specifically Jewish music.
ujmParticipantubiq: Your letzanus is duly noted.
ujmParticipantAmil, check out how the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and many other localities and jurisdictions *lowered* physical standards to become a firefighter, specifically in order to facilitate enrolling female firefighters.
November 8, 2021 10:52 pm at 10:52 pm in reply to: Klal Yisroel Needs an Official Central Yichus Registry #2026192ujmParticipantMaran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zt’l said not long before his petira, when he saw the real-world problems with invalid gittin (me’usa), that Klal Yisroel may come to a point where a central Yichus Registry will be necessary to be established.
ujmParticipantThe reverse issue by the Chasidim is to a far lesser extent than what the Yeshivish experience in the other direction, from everything I’ve heard and understood on this nekuda.
ujmParticipantAvira, non-white button-down shirts were still quite common in the heimish and to a slightly lesser extent even in the Yeshivish worlds 15 years ago.
ujmParticipantCan you imagine the idiocy of fire departments being forced to lower their physical standards to accept women firemen? Imaging, heaven forbid, a woman trying to carry out a large unconscious man from a raging fire! All the the name of feminism and equality they lower standards to the point of literally costing lives.
The same applies to women soldiers, policemen and many other such positions.
This is before even getting to the immodesty (and worse) of it all.
ujmParticipantAvira, what kind of Shidduch Crisis do the Chasidim have? The age gap issue isn’t much of a thing by the Chasidim.
ujmParticipantThey’re both terrible.
ujmParticipantBoth are terrible.
ujmParticipantuser176: Are you comparing davening b’yechidus or smoking with going off the derech?
ujmParticipantAre R: Who is LIBBY?
If what you’re saying is accurate (never married single girls marrying divorced guys, etc), the attention brought by the age gap public relations campaign seems to have made the disadvantage girls have in shidduchim even greater.
Can you share what this “Torah B’tahara” initiative is all about and who it is targeting?
ujmParticipant> that is before they get married
Does your wife wear the pants?
ujmParticipantI think it is indisputable that the Jewish “haves” are very much supporting the Jewish “have-nots” to a very large degree. To a degree that is incomparable to any other ethnicity. Charity is deeply ingrained and strongly practiced, in large dollar amounts, throughout the Jewish world.
It is also a feature of Jewish charity to support others to the level they are accustomed to. To the point that Jewish law states that if a wealthy person becomes poor, the charity he thereafter receives should bring him back to his comfort level he was used to when he was wealthy.
ujmParticipantIt’s harder to be a good boy than to be a good girl. Boys have more expected of them. They’re expected to be on the path towards becoming a Talmid Chochom. Girls mostly have to keep out of trouble. If they know how to cook, sew and clean they’re already a top catch.
ujmParticipantNote that there’s a big distinction between a six figure family annual income, when counting multiple earners, versus a six figure salary. The original topic here concerns a six figure income earned annually by one earner. If there are two full time workers in the family, each earning $50k/year, that’ll technically be a six figure annual family income. But earning $50k with full time employment in today’s world isn’t saying much.
ujmParticipantSyag, how was he tricked into signing the letter?
ujmParticipantIf the average frum family is underwater, how do you explain that Flatbush, Monsey, Lakewood, Kiryas Yoel, Boro Park, etc. doesn’t look like a rundown neighborhood in poverty, like you might experience in ethnic minority neighborhoods?
ujmParticipantThe worst part of the upgrade was that many hundreds of threads and thousands of old posts were lost. The second worst thing was the loss of all the Hebrew words in posts. The third worst zach was that thousands of threads duplicated the OP into five new threads.
I stand by my statement. But to each his own. Bottom line, it wasn’t much of an UPgrade.
ujmParticipantAvira, the bloggers were mostly MOs.
ujmParticipantAmil: For the future, please keep in mind to change your usage to “handyperson”.
ujmParticipantYO: There’s a big difference between using the months, which has no religious connotations, and using the year, which counts the birth of their Avoda Zora.
RE: There’s no Avoda Zora connotations in the perukim.
ujmParticipantmsern: Whilst I cannot argue with your point that your spouse could’ve done better as you’re beneath her, nevertheless your more generalized comment about FFBs is laughably off base and bears no semblance to reality.
ujmParticipantAmil: Congrats on using the politically correct “cleaning person”.
Has it ever been a man?
ujmParticipantCTL: Many Russian nuclear scientists who moved to New York became taxi drivers.
ujmParticipantYO: You’re still a believer in the Christian calendar counting the years of their lord?
ujmParticipantThe husband is the halachic authority of the wife and children. Any uncertainty he has regarding a Halacha, he needs to consult with his Rov/Posek.
ujmParticipantAvram wasn’t worried whether Terach would notice that he smashed his Avoda Zora.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Perhaps you could argue that Bernie Madoff is the fault of a crooked environment on Wall Street and business schools that didn’t nurture ethics over profits.
Many short skirted folks pretend to be kosher, too.
ujmParticipantSimilarly, many convicted in that same timeframe (~1980s) of sexual abuse of children, and duly imprisoned, turned out to be false convictions based on prosecution psychologists induced false recalled memories in the children.
ujmParticipantYseribus: Salem’s miscarriage of justice isn’t any consolation to a “convict” today in a case without definitive proof where an innocent is imprisoned for life.
ujmParticipantYseribus: You make good points. Keep in mind that in American courts today, they routinely convict without definitive proof.