Forum Replies Created
Reb Eliezer, the Arizal was an Ashkenazi.
1. How do you explain the poskim that oppose accepting their claims to being Jewish?
2. How do you explain even those that are accepting, still demand they undergo a formal conversion?
3. How can you know that the contemporary group known as Beta Israel has any viable connection to any historical group of Jews that lived in Ethiopia many hundreds of years ago?
4. How can you ascertain the veracity of any historical writings of Ethiopian Jews that you reference?
P.S. Your EB quotation didn’t make it into your comment.
ujmParticipantCTL: What’s so shlecht about Waterbury?
ujmParticipantIf you daven Nusach Sefard then you’re Chasidish. You just need to understand that.
ujmParticipantThe obligation to get drunk on Purim
The obligation to have available the use of corporal punishment for child discipline
The contemporary Mitzvah to kill Amaleikim
The order to save the lives of a Cohen before a Yisroel, a Talmid Chochom before another person and a man before a woman
The obligation to give Tochacha
Jewish superiority
The mitzvah to mock apikorsumujmParticipantBenignuman: Where are you obtaining your information regarding how the other Ethiopian tribes treated the Beta Israel or that they “sacrificed for thousands of years”? Their history is hardly documented anywhere remotely close to that long. And from what little history is documented and known, there’s no documented time that they had the original Torah Shebksav or that they ever practiced authentic Judaism. I’m not sure where you found that they were killed in large numbers, but either way we know that Christians and other religions have had religious wars between themselves and/or otherwise willingly dying for their religion.
From what is known, they were treated the same bad ways all the many African/Ethiopian tribes treated other tribes during their never-ending wars and persecutions of each other, depending whenever whichever tribe has power on a local or regional level, in the areas.
Additionally, it should be noted, that European Jewry were persecuted for thousands of years far far more than any other (real or purported) Jewish group and heroically laid down their lives rather than surrender their Torah.
Please note that throughout history, from ancient times down to our own contemporary times (Hello Black Hebrews in Manhattan) there have been numerous gentile groups claiming to be Jewish and practicing some form of crypto-pseudo Jewishness.
Regarding your comment on the DNA analysis, you appear to be arguing that the at-large Ethiopian non-Jewish population is as much genetically Jewish as the Beta Israel, since the rest of the surrounding Ethiopian population of tens of millions also has (an equal) amount of Jewish heritage. That sounds quite fantastical.
ujmParticipantThe so-called Beta Israel have little to do with Karaism. They simply practiced a completely different religion, with no Torah and not even any Hebrew.
That said, even the actual Karaites (from Europe, Egypt, etc.) are an issue because they never had valid Gittin, so there’s mamzeirus that’s now untraceable (due to the passing centuries). Aside from that, the Karaites at different times in history accepted converts, who halachicly remain Goyim, that they intermarried with.
The Falash Mura outright practiced Christianity.
ujmParticipantCS: Have you ever seen a comment that isn’t a troller?
November 15, 2021 9:38 am at 9:38 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2028430ujmParticipantThey Lubavitcher Rebbe was definitely one of the top three in Kiruv.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, do you know what the Barditchiver chose?
ujmParticipantThis is a despicable question and thread. Is the next thread going to be if you kidnapped your neighbor’s baby, what would you do with him?
ujmParticipantWhat do you attribute their practicing a religion different than Torah Judaism, missing parts of the Torah, not knowing Hebrew and rather only using holy books in a foreign language, among other large variances greatly differentiating their practices from Judaism?
And their marriage regulations weren’t limited to only marrying each other — they married outsiders as well. They didn’t have any “halacha” counting only maternal descendants as part of their tribe.
ujmParticipantRabbosai, it is easy to start a new thread. You folks are offering lots of ideas… go for it!
Like Foggie would tell you, there’s a “Create New Topic” option on bottom of the main CR page.
ujmParticipantA generation ago there used to be disposable cameras; one-time use, develop the film and zeh hu. They weren’t really a wise economical choice despite their relative low cost. But there were always decent low-cost 35mm and 110 cameras. Once digital got rid of film cameras, this seems to have evaporated.
N8LA, I don’t see anything less than $100 of Canon’s refurb site. DY, thanks. I’m wary of Vivitar as the company went out of business and the name was bought by a low cost outfit.
ujmParticipantAAQ, if you can recall that, you must be a longtime AARP member…
ujmParticipanthuju: Putting aside genetics for a moment, even if we’re to only consider race, how can it be that all segments of Klal Yisroel are essentially the same race, but one group that at best has a very tenuous claim to Jewishness, despite not having practiced authentic Judaism, is of a completely different race than virtually all other Jewish groups?
ujmParticipantThe Sukkah thread was pinned due to an odd technical issue that prevented it from appearing on the main CR page even when it had new comments.
Avira, nu, redt mit ah bissel Yiddish.
ujmParticipantIt’s for children. They aren’t getting a smartphone.
Thank you N8LA. Will look into that.
And still open to suggestions.
ujmParticipantAJ: There’s a number of them. But here’s just a cursory quote:
“A study of Lucotte and Smets has shown that the genetic father of Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) was close to the Ethiopian non-Jewish populations. This is consistent with the theory that Beta Israel are descendants of ancient inhabitants of Ethiopia, not the Middle East.
Hammer et al. in 2000 and the team of Shen in 2004 arrive at similar conclusions, namely a genetic differentiation in – other people in the north of Ethiopia, which probably indicates a conversion of local populations.
A 2010 study by Behar et al. on the genome-wide structure of Jews observed that the Beta Israel had similar levels of the Middle Eastern genetic clusters as the also Semitic-speaking Ethiopian non-Jewish Tigrayans and Amharas.”
ujmParticipantGenetic studies show shared ancestry between all the groups I mentioned, other than Ethiopian Jews.
ujmParticipantI’ve searched online and come up, pretty much, empty handed. Perhaps you can share what you’ve found for this.
ujmParticipantAvira, please start a thread on it. I’m interested in your opinion on the subject.
ujmParticipantHere are some kosher pastimes ideas:
Coin collecting
Stamp collecting
Candle making
Card playing
Doll collection
Drawing, painting, art
History studyingNovember 14, 2021 12:15 pm at 12:15 pm in reply to: Newspaper coverage of Rav Shaul Alter’s visit #2028094ujmParticipantIs the American Hamodia completely different than the Israeli Hamodia, in the same way that the American Yated is completely and radically different than the Israeli Yated (to the point that they have extreme disagreements and different viewpoints in virtually every subject)?
ujmParticipantThe U.S. used to have a half-cent coin.
Another consideration America has had discussions over the last few years is to eliminate the $1 bill and replace it with the $1 coin.November 14, 2021 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm in reply to: Klal Yisroel Needs an Official Central Yichus Registry #2028085ujmParticipantNo one should imagine that faking Jewishness, like this story, is a one-off:
LISTEN TO IT: Interview With Muslim Lebanese Man Who Deceived Syrian Jewish Girl Into Marrying Him
ujmParticipantIf you choose Passaic, send regards to squeak; if you choose Chicago, send regards to Syag.
ujmParticipantIs the name “Gil” a secular/non-Hebrew name (perhaps short for Gilbert) or is it an Israeli-Hebrew secular name (as the secular Israelis have a habit of coming up with names heretofore unused) or is it a Jewish name that’s been in common use over the last number of centuries?
ujmParticipantThe medical term is “Long Covid”.
ujmParticipantDaas Torah and secular studies were also well covered in the early years.
Infallibility is a straw man and red herring. No one claims it. Authorship of the Zohar is firmly established by the close to unanimous acceptance.
You mentioned how everyone outside saw *your* community split as both sides acting badly. Yet you then immediately make the same assumptions about *others* communities split.
November 14, 2021 12:31 am at 12:31 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2027863ujmParticipantCan anyone explain why Lubavitchers, whether Meshichists or non-Meshichists, believe that the last Lubavitcher Rebbe is more likely to be the Moshiach than the Rebbe Rayatz, Rashab, Baal HaTanya, the Baal Shem Tov, the Chasam Sofer, the Noda B’Yehuda, Rashi or Rashbi is likely to be Moshiach?
ujmParticipantI heard (25 years ago) that a prutah is about 25 cents. With inflation, it may be more now.
ujmParticipantTelevision, English education and Yiddish language were also discussions in early years of the CR. (You can find/revive most of those threads. Some, though, got so heated that the mods closed it for new posts.)
ujmParticipantKollel, MO, science were all major discussions, with many threads, in early years of the CR. So was feminism (which you forgot to include.)
ujmParticipantLearning Zohar before age 40. (You and me have briefly argued this point. But it wasn’t ever finalized or fully explored.)
ujmParticipantMy earlier point was that translating Seforim Hakedoshim is not a simple matter. There has been strong legitimate opposition by Gedolei Yisroel to Artscoll translations. Obviously others disagreed, as testified by the haskamos.
ujmParticipantubiq, would you pick up a dime or a quarter?
ujmParticipant1. Bloomingburg, NY
2. Passaic, NJ
3. Miami, FL
4. Peekskill, NY
5. Cleveland, OH
6. Toronto, ON
7. Montreal, QC
8. Manchester, England
9. Antwerp, Belgium
10. Melbourne, AustraliaujmParticipantIsn’t their a translation on Chabad’s website?
ujmParticipantDoes this mean no more sales for $1.99 (or $19.99)??
Will all the 99 Cents stores need a new name — and a new price?
November 12, 2021 4:18 pm at 4:18 pm in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2027616ujmParticipantSyag, please don’t text and drive.
ujmParticipantAvira, the Shach writes on that Shulchan Aruch that if the husband is not makpid, then the wife’s obligation of Kibud Av V’Eim still stands.
ujmParticipantWho said translating it into a goyish language is a good thing?
ujmParticipantLibbi: Technically (and I’m not advocating this) from a purely mathematical perspective, if all girls universally agreed they wouldn’t date/get married before age 23, that would also effectively solve the crisis.
ujmParticipantYehudis: How about you ask a Posek whether as a wife one is required to carry out the requests and instructions her husband gave her.
Don’t be shy; please do ask. I posit that no Posek will tell a wife asking that, that “no”, she isn’t obligated to carry out her husband’s (lawful) instructions given her.
Would you have any doubt that you’re halachicly obligated to carry out any orders given to you by your King? Would you have any doubt that you’re halachicly obligated to fulfill requests given to you by your parents?
I assume not. So why do you presume a husband is less than a King or parents.
I shared with you that Halacha above from the Rambam. But it is given thoroughout Halacha, from Chazal, Rishonim and Achronim. It isn’t controversial or even disputed.
You know that Kibud Av V’Eim is a fundamental obligation/mitzvah that’s one of the Aseres Hadibros (Ten Commandments, for the uninitiated.) Did you know that the Shulchan Aruch says that a wife is relieved from her duty of Kibud Av V’Eim, and has no obligation to carry out that Torah requirement of Kibud Av V’Eim — one of the Ten Commandments? You read that correctly. Do you know why the S”A says the reason a wife isn’t obligated in Kibud Av V’Eim is? The Mechaber says that since a wife is obligated to fulfill her husband’s duties, therefore she isn’t obligated to her parents. (The same is not applicable vice versa, regarding the husband to his parents.)
November 12, 2021 1:10 pm at 1:10 pm in reply to: Newspaper coverage of Rav Shaul Alter’s visit #2027572ujmParticipantAre R: Another example you might have considered using is that a great many Gedolim wrote condemnations against the Rambam and ordered the burning of the Rambam’s Seforim.
Should we emulate that now, too?
ujmParticipantBravo. Exactly correct.
ujmParticipantIs the risk increase if the FIRST pregnancy is at or over age 35 or is the increased risk if ANY pregnancy occurs over age 35?
November 11, 2021 8:52 pm at 8:52 pm in reply to: Newspaper coverage of Rav Shaul Alter’s visit #2027329ujmParticipantAre R: Because when there’s a machlokes between Gedolei Yisroel, normal people are smart to keep their heads out of the machlokes.
ujmParticipantY21: It’s sad that you feel that the Torah and Halacha, such as the Halacha I referenced above, is bigoted. The heterodox movements say the same.