Forum Replies Created
I don’t think anyone argues that the vaccine is more protective for someone who didn’t have Covid compared to someone having recovered from Covid but not having vaccinated.
November 18, 2021 10:29 pm at 10:29 pm in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2030631ujmParticipant“who refrained from saying halel on 5 iyyar”
Avira, did you mean tachnun?
ujmParticipantWe’re in galus. Yidden are not the Baal Haboss over the land. Until Moshiach comes the Goyim are in charge.
Don’t expect Zionists to change any of that.
ujmParticipantEisav is the zaida of European Goyim. Expect them to act as Eisev.
ujmParticipantBravo. Your entire essay is entirely on point and correct.
Nothing more need be said.
Yasher Koach!
ujmParticipant“It is pretty clear at thsi point that the vaccines are indeed doing something, the vaccinated, AS A GROUP, have less infections, less symptoms, less hospitalizations and less death.”
It is pretty clear at this point that the natural immunity (without a vaccine for those who had Covid) are indeed doing something, the naturally immune, AS A GROUP, have less infections, less symptoms, less hospitalizations and less death.
ujmParticipantRestaurant or restaurantS?
ujmParticipantAAQ: I said earlier that throughout history, from ancient times until today, there have always been groups that falsely claimed to be Jewish. There have been real Jewish communities in various parts of the world where they no longer exist. Some places had ancient communities that left long ago and some had communities that lasted much longer but nevertheless left the region in more recent centuries. This is all well documented and uncontroversial.
That there was, at some point in history a Jewish community living in Ethiopia, hundreds of years ago seems very plausible if even likely, yet something of a question that still was raised with a question mark that resulted in various opinions by the rabbinic establishment over more recent centuries.
Yet, even if we accept the premise that there was a Jewish community there half a millennium ago (which is the approximate timeframe of the Radbaz, Benjamin of Tudela, and Eldad HaDani — and even back then it wasn’t a widely or universally accepted opinion), a group that about 500 years later claims to be Jewish but doesn’t have a known or demonstrated lineage to the group that a few opinions referenced hundreds of years prior, doesn’t make them Jewish.
Here’s just a partial list of other groups that also claim to be Jewish, mostly claiming to be from the Ten Lost Tribes:
Igbo Jews (Nigeria) — they’ve been claiming Jewish since the 1500s
“Jews of Rusape”
House of Israel (Ghana)
Black Hebrew Israelites (United States)
Bene Ephraim (India)
Bene Israel (Mumbai, India)
Bnei Menashe (China and India)
Banu Israil (India)
Benei Sión (Chile)
Lemba (Africa)
Yibir (Somalia)
Xueta (Spain)
Rastafari (Jamaica)
Knanaya (India)
BrutakhiAs you can see, there’s a preponderance of these kooks in Africa, especially.
And there are other groups that some claim to be of Jewish descent, including:
KurdsEven the Mormons claim to be the Israelites, although that is an entire different category.
ujmParticipantIf you had Covid in the past, you do not need to vaccinate.
ujmParticipantThe Yeshivish and Chasidish Yeshivos never recited the pledge of allegiance.
November 17, 2021 9:31 pm at 9:31 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2030065ujmParticipantDear CA, I’m not arguing with you; I’m simply asking for your explanation. I made a mistake misreading your question about men when skimming your comment. My answer to your question about men is “yes”. Are you saying, therefore, women will be davening all day?
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, who will give the mussar?
November 17, 2021 7:09 pm at 7:09 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2029997ujmParticipantCS: Jews.
November 17, 2021 7:08 pm at 7:08 pm in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2029995ujmParticipantI met a Brisker in Mecca.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, Rav Moshe Meir Weiss shlita retired?
a) What evidential proof exists that the people spoken of by the Radbaz, Benjamin of Tudela, and Eldad HaDani are the same people today calling themselves Beta Israel?
b) What references do the Islamic and Christian sources you speak of say of of the Beta Israel, what dates are these Islamic and Christian documents and by what name do they reference the Beta Israel?
c) Where can the 1850 correspondence you reference be located and read, and what is the evidence of was written by the same group today calling themselves Beta Israel?
November 17, 2021 6:31 pm at 6:31 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2029939ujmParticipantCA:
“Will the men learn all day?”
“What did the women do all day in the מדבר they didn’t need to clean, sew, or launder (the ענני הכבוד took care of that) they didn’t really need to cook (the מן) so what did they do?”
Tell me, please.
November 17, 2021 6:06 pm at 6:06 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2029938ujmParticipantCA:
“Will the men learn all day?”
“What did the women do all day in the מדבר they didn’t need to clean, sew, or launder (the ענני הכבוד took care of that) they didn’t really need to cook (the מן) so what did they do?”
Tell me, please.
November 17, 2021 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2029934ujmParticipantIn North Korea.
ujmParticipantYou want to throw mussar out the window for most people??
ujmParticipantBenignuman: If a heretofore unknown group living in a remote African jungle came out and related to us their oral tradition, which they say they’ve passed down generation by generation for the last 2000 years, that they’re Jews who moved to Africa at the time of the Churban, would you accept their word and accept them as Jews/safek Jews?
What evidence and documentation exists *after* the Radbaz and Eldad HaDani until 100 years ago that connects the current group calling itself Beta Israel to the people the Radbaz or Eldad HaDani speak of?
ujmParticipantUmm, AAQ, the Falash Mura’s minhag is to use a cross by prayers.
ujmParticipantBenignuman: I’ll try to go through your older comments to address additional points, but if the Church only permitted Jews to use the New Testament would you argue that we should use it since we have nothing else? I’m pointing out that the Christian Old Testament is no less heretical than their New Testament.
What history is clearly documented (not presently orally testified) about this group’s religious history and practices and identification in the one hundred years prior to the formation of the State of Israel in 1948? And where have you seen such 1848-1948 sources?
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, when’d you move to Staten Island?
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, do the bochorim in Chasan Sofer today still daven Nusach Ashkenaz? 90% of the student body today is Chasidish.
ujmParticipantIs he the fellow who recently started a heavy PR campaign for his 5 minute Daf, with the video advertisement focusing on his making some entertaining motions?
ujmParticipantRY613: Can you sponsor a copy for me?
ujmParticipantOnly if Mr. Schottenstein funds it.
ujmParticipantThe Christian Old Testament the they used as their Bible is not Torah.
Indeed, if a Jew were to ever have a copy of it, he would need to discard it.
ujmParticipantCan anyone tell me how much is accomplished by the annual Shabbaton, where the idea is to invite a frei neighbor for Shabbos? How many Reform/Conservative/secular Jews actually show up on that annual Shabbos? And how many of those become observant?
November 16, 2021 10:33 pm at 10:33 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2029476ujmParticipantCA: The women and girls will be davening all day?
PM / hello99
rabbiofberlinNovember 16, 2021 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2029394ujmParticipantPeople can and appropriately do judge which are the greater rabbonim.
ujmParticipantDr. Pepper, mbachur is now coffee addict.
I Can Only Try
Moderator 42
kapustaujmParticipantReb Eliezer, Mattersdorf/Yeshiva Chasan Sofer davens Nusach Ashkenaz?
ujmParticipantYW Editor
ujmParticipantIn Yeshiva Chaim Berlin they wear a gartel and daven Ashkenaz.
ujmParticipantPapa is still angry at me for arguing in favor of parents and rebbeim giving children petch.
And for stalking him.
ujmParticipantPopa Bar Abba
SqueakujmParticipantWB RY.
November 16, 2021 9:54 am at 9:54 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2028952ujmParticipantDaf Yomi certainly is one of the major accomplishments of modernity.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, many people are named both, like: Yehuda Aryeh Leib.
ujmParticipantYseribus: True. But the Republicans are, 99% of the time, the lesser of the two evils.
November 16, 2021 9:26 am at 9:26 am in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2028874ujmParticipant“I thought ימות המשיח we’ll have servants do everything for us”
CA: So what to the women and girls do all day?
ujmParticipantBenignuman: “although the Beta Israel believed themselves to be Jewish it is not clear whether (a) the founders of the community were actually Jews (according to one tradition they are descendants of a son of Shlomo HaMelech with the Queen of Sheba and Shlomo slaves) or (b) the conversions they conducted over the years were halachically valid.”
If it isn’t clear the founders of this community were Jewish, and we know they definitely didn’t conduct a proper halachic life, and they accepted “converts” into their community for marriage, which clearly wasn’t done halachicly, some kind of legend that they descend from the Queen of Sheba does not a Jew make.
November 16, 2021 6:33 am at 6:33 am in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2028800ujmParticipantThe men and boys will all be in the Beis Medrash learning Torah all day.
The woman and girls will be ensuring the men and boys have everything they need to learn Torah all day.
ujmParticipantAAQ, hopefully your life revolves around ruchniyus not gashmius. As such, you should be giving your wife and children direction on how to conduct their ruchniyus daily living.
November 15, 2021 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm in reply to: Where Klal Yisroel will be in 100 years from now #2028768ujmParticipantMoshiach is coming this year. No need to ask about 100 years from now.
We’ll have a Sanhedrin enforcing full Torah Law compliance.