Forum Replies Created
November 28, 2021 10:58 am at 10:58 am in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2035042ujmParticipant
The world always had income inequality. There’s nothing wrong with it. And it will always exist.
ujmParticipantAAQ: The zionist law *prohibits* them from working for anyone, anywhere, remote or onsite, if they didn’t serve in the zionist army.
ujmParticipantWhich Nittel? There’s December 25 and there’s January 6.
ujmParticipantThe Chasidim figured out the solution. Copy their shidduch system.
ujmParticipantHow long should one sit Shiva for someone who r”l intermarried or shmadded?
ujmParticipantHaGaon HaRav Shimon Schwab ZT”L was the heir and successor to HaGaon HaRav Samson Raphael Hirsch ZTL’s position and leadership of his community. There is no one better suited to speak as to what Rav Hirsch intended, or would’ve acted in different circumstances, than Rav Schwab.
ujmParticipantn0m: If you vanished without posting the “correct” interpretation of the Chazon Ish that you promised, why would you expect a response. The Mishnah/Gemorah and Rambam/Shulchan Aruch are clear and explicit regarding that Halacha.
ujmParticipantAJ, same. You are choosing to assume that putting out colorful lights, red stockings and giving presents under a tree is Christian practices. Whereas others see it as secular practices. Do you want to stop such Jews from putting out a cute tree, lights and presents?
ujmParticipantAJ: Do you say the same about those who seek to assur Jews from celebrating Christmas? Y’know, trees, presents, etc.
ujmParticipant*The reality is that for the last 400-500 years the seat of the Torah world and the vast majority of Torah scholarship has been in the Ashkenazic world.
(the few missing words from the end of my previous comment)ujmParticipantI think the Sephardic trauma from the Inquisition, Expulsions and forced conversions to Christianity hasn’t yet abated. The reality is that for the last 400-500 years the seat of the Torah world and the vast majority of Torah scholarship.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Can you please elaborate on Rav Hirsch’s praise of Shiller not aging well?
ujmParticipantAbolish the State.
ujmParticipantShould women be permitted to drive
ujmParticipantOh, wait, that wasn’t a typo of a missing space and you actually meant asocial? NM. I skim too quickly, sometimes.
ujmParticipantCA: asocial is the opposite of social; meaning you’re avoiding social interaction.
ujmParticipantChess is only muttar on Nittel Nacht.
Which means I must soon be prepared to continue my game with squeak… (See the game thread.)
November 25, 2021 8:53 pm at 8:53 pm in reply to: Why is there so much demand for scam degree programs #2034183ujmParticipantCTL, as a lawyer you know that the vast majority of private sector jobs are “at will” employment, where the employer can fire employees for any or even no reason (other than a discriminatory/protected minority basis). As such, a fake degree might land a job otherwise the applicant had no chance of, whereas if he’s later fired he only lost what he otherwise wouldn’t have ever had. As far as unemployment, my understanding is that most states will not deny it based on a pre-employment claim. But even to the extent that they might, the now former employee likely gained a lot more in the months/years he was employed than losing a few months of unemployment.
As far as unions are concerned, they rarely represent the vast majority of private sector employees in the first place.
Gadol: It’s difficult to believe that the firms you reference will be calling the universities of all the hundreds of applicants or dozens of potential interviewees for each and every of the many hundreds of positions they fill each year. That would take quite a huge amount of resources. How, exactly, were they verifying every interesting applicant’s resume they receive.
All the above, of course, is no excuse to fib on a resume despite the fact that it is well known that a large majority of resumes are quite inflated in their claims compared to the reality. This is merely in response to the original point here.
ujmParticipantAJ: That’s akin to arguing that since Christianity has the “Old Testament”, therefore Christianity has a Jewish connection.
ujmParticipantI met someone from this site for lunch. He brought his copy of that morning’s New York Times (which was his bible, lhavdil) and I showed him all the lies in any story of his choosing.
He went home a convert (to real Yiddishkeit.)
ujmParticipantDear n0meso: Sew your button.
ujmParticipantChurches don’t give religious sermons on July 4 or on Memorial Day. Yet they did and do for Thanksgiving. That gives a good indication Thanksgiving has a foreign religious nature.
Furthermore, the early modern American synagogues that celebrated Thanksgiving with a sermon and other ways were clearly imitating the Churches. That was also wrong.
ujmParticipantRE, shkoyach.
November 25, 2021 12:44 pm at 12:44 pm in reply to: Why is there so much demand for scam degree programs #2033956ujmParticipantEmployers rarely verify if the claimed higher education/degree on a resume is real, before hiring.
ujmParticipantWe know that its origin included religious celebration.
ujmParticipantRE, don’t you think most people behave properly?
ujmParticipantA majority of Yidden and the world are male. So, lmaaila, it stands to reason a majority of members are mentschen.
ujmParticipantEvery Jew needs to pasken Halacha multiple times every day of his life.
ujmParticipantSend one bitcoin to the mods, and I promise you they’ll start approving every post of yours within 3 minutes, if not sooner.
ujmParticipantThree IS an issue of Avoda Zora. There is a machlokes haposkim whether it is okay to celebrate, but those who assur seem to have a better understanding of the historical context of Thanksgiving, which includes religious celebration.
ujmParticipantThen, instead of Bishops and Cardinals there should be Imams and Ayatollahs.
ujmParticipantn0m: affected, not effected. (That’s the least wrong part of your post.)
ujmParticipantor coaching?
ujmParticipantDo you mean poaching?
ujmParticipantCA: It’s impolite to point out a technical error on the part of a newbie.
November 24, 2021 10:28 pm at 10:28 pm in reply to: The most famous coffee room members are #2033555ujmParticipantmdlevine
YW-Mod72ujmParticipantIt’s part of the Biden Inflation catastrophe.
ujmParticipantEveryone should be learning the entire Torah over the course of every year even they’re Mavir Sedra — Shnayim Mikra V’Echad Targum.
ujmParticipantRE: fission.
CS: I moved away from semiconductor engineering to physics around the time of the dot-com bubble bust.
ujmParticipantIt wasn’t easy, but it definitely is doable.
ujmParticipantI think each father in York killed his wife and children, and then himself.
ujmParticipantAvira: York, England, in the tower. (Just to answer your question; nothing to do with the OP/thread.)
ujmParticipant5781: My eer-einkelech beg to differ. We come from a long rabbinic line going back, unbroken, for centuries. America, Lita, Poland and old Ashkenaz.
ujmParticipantPerhaps the most prolific is also the most famous.
ujmParticipantcommonsaychel: I dropped out to start a business. I’m mostly self-taught.
ujmParticipantI’m a nuclear physicist. A while back I used to be a semiconductor engineer, but the field is high-pressure and very competitive. In my current occupation there’s much less competitive pressures and development can be done on a much relaxed schedule. It helps with family life.
At nights, I dabble in giving Shiurim and answering a Shaila hotline.
November 23, 2021 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm in reply to: When the Coffee Room Started, George W. Bush was President #2032941ujmParticipant29, are you in the correct thread?
ujmParticipantBesalel: Brace yourself to being accused of being my sock-puppet.
November 23, 2021 3:52 pm at 3:52 pm in reply to: When the Coffee Room Started, George W. Bush was President #2032854ujmParticipantThe main site started on a blog platform in 2005, the main site moved to this current domain/platform in 2006 and the coffee room section started in 2008. Login registrations/usernames are shared between the (current) main site and the coffee room section but the coffee room profiles only show coffee room posts.
ujmParticipantYseribus: Do you have answers to the questions or do you simply believe everything you read online?
Since you claim “every Rov on the planet”who spoke about it, please name the three most chushuv/prominent such Rovs, which should be very easy for you since you can pick from “every Rov, unless of course you just made that up.
N0meso: Do you have answers to those few basic questions posted above?