Forum Replies Created
I can’t speak of any other SNs, but all I know is that this one was never used by Joe.
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi, can you expound on how Yeshiva administrations during Covid demonstrated more than their usual selfless dedication to Chinuch under pressure?
ujmParticipantchiefshmerel: Is it anti-Christian to blame Trump, Bush or Reagan for everything you don’t like? Then Democrats must be almost universally anti-Christian.
ujmParticipant“And if those two rabbis had accurately reflected the Torah perspective, I wouldn’t be either.”
Charlie: Just to reiterate, if the Torah supports slavery, then you don’t support the Torah.
December 19, 2021 10:42 am at 10:42 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2043056ujmParticipantRW: Who said the Rambam said that?
ujmParticipantAAQ: So if I’m keeping good count, you’ve got OO, Lev Tahor, Shuvu Bonim, Brisk, Peleg Yerushalmi, Neteurei Karta, Satmar, Lubavitch and Ponoveze included in the achdus but Conservative affiliated people are out.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Why are you excluding OO, while including all the other groups? Where is your line being drawn — why is OO excluded? If you exclude OO, how can you object to others excluding other Orthodox claiming groups?
ujmParticipantAAQ: Jewry presumably includes OO (which was founded by a YU rabbi and it identifies itself as part of MO), Lev Tahor, Shuvu Bonim, Brisk, Peleg Yerushalmi, Neteurei Karta, Satmar, Lubavitch, Ponoveze and even Conservative Judaism.
Are you similarly upset those Yidden were not included in the achdus of the event you’re discussing?
Reb Eliezer: Open Orthodox claim they’re Orthodox and uphold the mesorah. Other groups also claim to be Orthodox and follow a mesorah. Who should judge which Orthodox-claiming groups are really Orthodox and correctly observing the mesorah versus which are Orthodox claiming but really anything but, and thus excluded from your call for achdus?
ujmParticipantCA: Are you trying to say “Love the sinner, hate the sin”??
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, is Open Orthodox enough Orthodox? If not, when is it enough?
ujmParticipantSoros is a lowlife scumbag. Anytime anytime criticizes or mocks that fool, the far left in the media and politics falsely call it antisemitism.
ujmParticipantAchdus with whom? Conservative? Reform? Open Orthodox?
ujmParticipantYseribus, why are you opposed to the Torah and the Torah’s authorization of having Eved C’na’ani?
ujmParticipantNo one knew there would be trespassing. The official plan was to head to the Capital for a legal protest outside on public grounds.
ujmParticipantOther aspects of nature that changed are there used to be extremely tall people, people at one time could live hundreds of years, etc. Historians, archaeologists and all the secular professionals deny these facts.
ujmParticipantP.S. The moon landing doesn’t count.
Completely agree with the OP, Zaphod Beeblebrox. The claim that the moon landing really happened has been so thoroughly discredited that it is a bore to keep hearing about the conspiracy theory that a man actually went to the moon.
ujmParticipantAAQ, there’s no need to try to feel superior. We are superior.
HaLeiVi, if you are making no gender distinctions then we are in agreement.
ujmParticipant“George Washington is probably rolling in his grave at the total lack of slaves and the fact that Jews can be part of the government.”
George Washington was an Oheiv Yisroel.
ujmParticipant“Do you think that the concept of slavery as it existed in the US 200 years ago resembles our concept of Eved C’na’ani?”
If it wasn’t then it should have been modified and corrected to bring it to the proper standards required by the principles of Eved C’na’ani.
ujmParticipantChanges of nature that occurred during Yaakov Avinu’s lifetime aren’t documented by contemporary historian’s accounts. Another example is that there was kishuf (“magic”) by Pharoh’s time (which is after Yaakov Avinu’s time) and there was magic still in the world in much later times of world history, yet professional historians are in denial over these (and many other) facts.
ujmParticipantAvi, did he go to the Mikva, too? Was he makpid on Cholov Yisroel?
ujmParticipantIt’s literal. It was “medically accurate” before the time of Yaakov Avinu.
December 16, 2021 10:44 am at 10:44 am in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2042343ujmParticipantDemocrats are hypocrites. What else is new? This has been the case for the last 75 years, already.
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi, now you’re singing a different time, one I agree with you on. No one implied or suggested, that I know of, that anyone not hold the door open for everyone/anyone and, rather, let the door “slam shut” (as you described it) in the next person’s face. Of course hold the door for everyone. The issue only is when one makes gender-based distinctions on whether to hold the door or on which gender should hold it for the other.
We can be honest, the door holding discussions invariably revolve around the issue of gender. Whether it is being discussed in the context of shidduch dates or more generally. Rarely is it being discussed in the sense that everyone should be holding the door open for anyone in front or in back of them, regardless of their and the other party’s gender.
If you failed to see that fact then you’ve been running around with your eyes and ears closed.
Syag, why would you find an insertion of a Chazal into the conversation as “odd”?
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi holds that it is a “Kiddish Hashem” to act in a manner that induces PETA supporters to say בריך אלקהון דיהודאי.
ujmParticipant“If you cannot differentiate between ideals that we clearly do not hold by and sensitivities that formed over time”
It is just as clear that we (i.e. Yidden) do not hold by that a man should hold a door open for a woman moreso than a woman should hold open a door for a man, as it is clear that we do not hold by vegetarianism.
You cannot makeup for yourself what “ideals that we clearly do not hold” and what “we” do. There’s nothing to differentiate vegetarianism from the other so-called “ideal” that you imagine.
ujmParticipant“ujm, thanks for straighten him out.”
If anyone ever needs to straighten someone out, that’s what I’m here for. Just give me a holler. 😂
ujmParticipantb_t: Take a 200 mile cross-state trip to Bentonville and I’ll hook you up with my executive contacts at America’s largest employer and retailer so you can be Walmart’s preferred kosher chicken supplier.
ujmParticipantCA: RE’s father married Sister 1 and had children. The Nazis ym’s murdered Sister 1 and her children Al Kiddish Hashem. RE’s father then married Sister 2 (sister of Sister 1) and had our beloved RE.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, Chasan Sofer and Vien aren’t Chasidish.
ujmParticipantThey call their partisan hackery as proof.
Biden wasn’t cured from his loss of mental faculties over the last two years
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi: He can wear kosher tzitzis, too, since he isn’t obligated in it and therefore it is carrying for him.
ujmParticipantThe “commission” are a bunch of political hacks with an outcome predictable before it even started. It’ll be meaningless.
Biden is senile.
ujmParticipant“Who does that impress? Who will say בריך אלקהון דיהודאי because of that?”
If becoming a vegetarian, to avoid killing animals, impresses Goyim who then say בריך אלקהון דיהודאי, you think that’s a Kiddish Hashem?
ujmParticipantHaLeiVi, why is it/isn’t it a Kiddish Hashem for a woman to hold open a door for a man?
ujmParticipantAvi, how will “the problem eventually go away”?
ujmParticipantWhat is “honoring freedom”? And being against racism isn’t a Torah value; in fact, au contraire.
ujmParticipantGlasgow, Montana
ujmParticipantI cannot fathom any topic or comment submitted by the gentle, considerate Talmid Chochom beloved by us all and known as der heilige Reb Eliezer ever being anything other than automatically approved as soon as the mods see who submitted it.
ujmParticipantGadol, I understand that the heavenly HVAC provider only services those who led a proper life.
ujmParticipantAsh, what you mean is a shidduch with a Ger or descendant of a Ger.
ujmParticipantLet’s restore the censored Gemorah’s to the standard Vilna Shas.
ujmParticipantRegarding the Christian/European Church censoring parts of the Gemorah, are any of the parts of the Gemorah that were forcibly deleted by the censors completely lost to us today or do we, essentially, know all the missing passages?
The question is interesting because the Gemorah originated outside of Christiandome and the Gemorah always was present outside of Christian lands. So it would stand to reason that regardless of what the Church censored, Klal Yisroel always had and never lost the uncensored version of the Gemorah.
ujmParticipantAnd a Kohein is intrinsically holier than a Yisroel? Or a Talmid Chochom than a layman?
I think the same principles apply. They all become holier through their avoda.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, Rambam Horiyos 3:7
האיש קודם לאשה וכו’: כבר ידעת שהמצות כולם חייבין בהן הזכרים והנקבות בקצתם כמו שנתבאר בקידושין והוא מקודש ממנה ולפיכך קודם להחיות
ujmParticipantRefuah Shelamo
ujmParticipantThe Russians were losing until America joined WWII.
ujmParticipantAvira, going from memory, the Rambam says they’re holier when he writes about the halacha you referred to — kadima by pekuach nefesh. Also see the Maharal, Gur Aryeh, Vayikra 12:2, beginning of parshas Tazriah, where he writes men are more chashuv and the Tiferes Yisroel 4 and 28 where he says theyare on a higher spiritual level (the opposite of what you asserted) and have more chochma. This same idea about spiritual level, made either explicitly or implicitly, can be found in the following sources: Rambam, Mishnah Horarios 3:7; Tur, Orach Chaim 46; Akeidas Yitzchak, Bereishis 6; Bartenura, Mishnah Horarios 3:7; Taz, Orach Chaim 46; Zies Ra’anan (Magen Avraham), Yalkut Shemoni, Shmuel 1:1; Vilna Gaon, Even Shelaima 1:8; Baal Shevet Musar, Midrash Talpiyos, Ohs Aleph, Anaf Isha; Rav Tzadock Rabinowitz, Dover Tzedeck, p. 119; R’ Avraham Yitzchak Kook, Olas Re’iah, Birchos Hashachar; R’ Moshe Feinstein, Igoros Moshe, Orach Chaim IV, 49; R’ Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Man of Faith in the Modern World, p. 84; Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sichos in English, Iyar-Tammuz 5744, Vol. 21, pp. 69-72; R’ Avigdor Miller, Rabbi Avigdor Miller Speaks, pp. 245-246.
ujmParticipantKuvult: Being killed because one is Jewish, even if given no choice, is certainly dying al kiddish Hashem.