Forum Replies Created
Bored Teen: Thank you.
Now brace yourself to be called a sock puppet and misogynist (like you said) by the folks who cannot believe there are sane folks out there who don’t subscribe to their feminism.
ujmParticipantThat was popa’s most precise comment in the CR, ever.
ujmParticipantI just moved to Provo, Utah, to continue my shlichus from a new locale.
ujmParticipantAvira, Yasher Koach. Sometimes I can relate the Emes but can’t explain the details as well as you.
December 28, 2021 1:36 pm at 1:36 pm in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045711ujmParticipantTLIK: EXCELLENTLY stated. On the button and 100% correct.
ujmParticipantCS: we can follow all shittos by having an 8 oz piece of kokosh hot out of the oven with a cup of cold milk
ujmParticipantCheese blintzes and cheese latkes probably came directly from Har Sinai, considering how good they are (if done right).
ujmParticipantA Yid shouldn’t be a foodie.
That said, agreed, farina is delicious.
I’ll pass on sushi.
ujmParticipantOkay, then, let me say my point:
If you have inside information about this case take it up with the bais din
ujmParticipantAvira, isn’t 1/5 and 1/10, in mathematical terms, considered to be a percentage? I’m saying the same percentage for everyone. But that means the rich (individually) pay more real dollars than the middle class. And proportionally so.
ujmParticipantShe did not say that. She thought the mod comment was yours
ujmParticipantThe underlying issue is our kehilos’ inability to enforce a taxation on all Yidden, including gevirim based on their income.
ujmParticipantTry google
ujmParticipantEven with the context of what this thread is discussing, Syag is dead wrong. She openly admits above that the case against him isn’t certain (she says “there is less than 5% chance of it being false report”; the likelihood is much greater than she’s willing to admit, but her admission is sufficient.) Yet she’s willing to publicly condemn him as guilty by calling him a potential pedophile in an open forum and even goes so far to condemn anyone else who dares to defend the reputation of a man she admits may be innocent.
ujmParticipantCA, after my last post I checked some other sites and found what this thread is about. Prior to this I hadn’t heard the news.
ujmParticipantSyag, what in heaven’s name are you ranting about? This is a generic conversation not regarding any particular case. If this is discussing a specific situation, I have no idea which one. Nothing indicated it was.
ujmParticipant“I doubt you have any idea how many more people have committed suicide as a result of being the victim of such crimes than as a result of having been accused of them.”
And that gives you the right to potentially falsely accuse in the public arena?
ujmParticipantN0M: If I start wearing a yellow jacket, purple pants with orange socks and a maroon Yarmulka, the majority will acclimate and appreciate my style, and perhaps follow suit?
ujmParticipantLet’s all pray that Biden lives until January 20, 2025 and that his dementia doesn’t become too much worse that the communist socialist far-left Harris gets anywhere near any real power.
ujmParticipantDaunte Wright’s absence from this world is no loss to civilized society.
ujmParticipantMike Pence would certainly make an excellent candidate and superb President. I should have included him.
Scott Walker is also excellent.
December 26, 2021 10:03 pm at 10:03 pm in reply to: Why aren’t autistic people that are orthodox open about their diagnosis #2045060ujmParticipantThere are Asperger’s people all over the place. 1/3 of them don’t even know they have Asperger’s, 1/3 of them know but don’t care or do anything about it and the last 1/3 runs around getting treated.
The very idea that Asperger’s is part of the autism spectrum itself is relatively newfangled.
ujmParticipant“A possible case may be made that trade will make life of Cuban people better”
That’s really the entire case. Sanctions cause that innocent civilians to suffer. Usually the regime is living in luxury despite the sanctions. And sanctions have historically NOT effected regime change. That much is proven. So what exactly IS gained with the sanctions?
ujmParticipantR: Cruz, Desantis
D: Joe Manchin
ujmParticipantTo huju: Congress codified sanctions against Cuba into US law. The president is powerless to discontinue them. Congress are mostly non-experts.
December 26, 2021 12:50 pm at 12:50 pm in reply to: Why aren’t autistic people that are orthodox open about their diagnosis #2044892ujmParticipantAsperger’s is normal. There’s no more reason to share that he or she has Asperger’s than he would share that he’s colorblind, has an ingrown toenail, a toothache, he’s a lefty, he’s underweight, he had his gallbladder or wisdom tooth removed, etc.
December 26, 2021 7:15 am at 7:15 am in reply to: Why aren’t autistic people that are orthodox open about their diagnosis #2044781ujmParticipant1. It isn’t limited to Jews or Orthodox. Non-Jews with the condition don’t usually purposely wear it on their sleeves.
2. You could ask the exact same question about lack of “openness” regarding those diagnosed with schizophrenia, depression, bipolar, psychosis, anorexia and any number of other conditions.
ujmParticipantTwo more days, popa.
ujmParticipantCA: What does that mean?
ujmParticipantBecause BLM demanded Democrats go soft on crime and handicap the police.
ujmParticipantAre you anti-Torah and anti-nature? Both dictate women should not be placed in a position requiring they be armed.
ujmParticipantJack, when you utilize rhetoric such as “the blue wall of silence”, you display an antagonism towards law enforcement and opposition to law and order.
Let us not forget the fact that this deceased individual was a criminal who was resisting arrest at the time of his death, thereby bearing a large portion of responsibility for his own demise.
ujmParticipanthuju: Your misplaced sarcasm is duly noted.
Women shouldn’t be in any position that requires arms. This is independent of how effective or ineffective they may be in a fight with a male.
ujmParticipanthuju: Sanctions are imposed by politicians, not by diplomats, high-ranking armed forces personnel, or even by foreign policy experts. Politicians on both sides of the aisle crave for the Cuban-American vote (to take one example.) The Cuban-American man on the street demands sanctions. He is no foreign policy experts and neither are the vast majority of the 535 Congressmen and Senators who coded the Cuban sanctions into US law.
Politics wins over the best foreign policy any day of the year.
ujmParticipantPhilosopher, you’re a bit over five years late in your welcome. Indeed, sparkledout hasn’t even shown back up in this neck of the cyber-woods in over five years.
Getting back on topic, can anyone share what sort of topics are found on the site discussed in the title here?
ujmParticipantAAQ: What third-rate product would you expect from Ukraine?
ujmParticipantCommonsense1, my apologies, I mis-remembered. The other fellow I was thinking of uses the screen name “commonsaychel”; so I don’t think there’s a conflict with your name.
ujmParticipantWhat kind of posters does the site attract?
ujmParticipantWomen have no business being police officers.
ujmParticipantCommonsense1, what happened to the old commonsense?
ujmParticipantIt does not work. Cuba has been under US sanctions for the last almost 70 years in order to attempt to get rid of the Castro regime. Total failure. The same with North Korea. And virtually all other examples.
ujmParticipantAAQ: If there’s a third, fourth, fifth, etc. set of witnesses, Beis Din still accepts the last set of witnesses.
So if there’s a fifth set of witnesses, Beis Din will execute (all 4 people of) the fourth and second sets of witnesses.
ujmParticipantCan Beis Din execute Edim Zomemin as soon as they receive testimony that they were, in fact, Edim Zomemin, without even giving the alleged/accused Edim Zomemin the opportunity to rebut the testimony against them?
December 20, 2021 12:00 pm at 12:00 pm in reply to: America should trade Taiwan for North Korea #2043409ujmParticipantBeijing and Taiwan both claim to be the legitimate government of China. In fact, while Beijing calls the country the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan calls itself the Republic of China. They both agree that Beijing and Taiwan are part of the same nation and country.
ujmParticipantI remember in camp one of the popular theme songs was “Alef!, Ches!, Daled!, Vov, Suf!, we’ve got Achdus and that’s more than enough!!”
ujmParticipant“Not you or me, that’s for sure.”
So if the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah decide to make a Torah world event (Siyum, Asifa, rabbinic meeting, protest or whatever else) unifying the various segments, kehilas and communities in Klal Yisroel including Litvish, Chasidish and Sefardic, but there’s no official MO leadership participation or invitation, then we can presumably assume the Tzadikim on the Moetzes made an informed decision resulting in the inclusion that was selected.
December 19, 2021 10:55 pm at 10:55 pm in reply to: America should trade Taiwan for North Korea #2043299ujmParticipantThe US has no national interest in spending significant American blood to defend Taiwan. Taiwan and Beijing both agree they are part of the same nation. They only disagree who should govern it. This isn’t America’s fight. Just like we’re not going to send American troops to defend the Ukraine from Russia, we shouldn’t pretend we’re going to go to war with a nuclear armed China to defend Taiwan.
ujmParticipantAnd who judges the level of adherence to Halacha of the community’s Rabbi?
ujmParticipantI don’t keep up with the antisemites. But all the attacks on Soros I’ve seen have been well deserved and not antisemitic.
I’ve seen the left and media describing non-antisemitic attacks on Soros as antisemitic. It is one of the left’s tactics. They do the same things by falsely accusing their political opponents of racism.
ujmParticipantCS: All the well deserved attacks on Soros, and they are all well deserved, are because they are well deserved and not because he is Jewish.
Just like the Democrat and left-wing attacks on Trump, Bush, Reagan, Limbaugh, etc. (Except, in those cases, they are mostly not well deserved.)