Forum Replies Created
RW: Pennies will remain legal tender for all debts, pubic and private, indefinitely.
ujmParticipantYO: You’ve been fooling us all along?!
January 4, 2022 9:32 am at 9:32 am in reply to: 🦠😷Raise Your Hand if You’re in Quarantine!😷🦠#2047959ujmParticipantThey let you out so fast?
Where do I file a complaint?
ujmParticipantThe penny is far from gone.
ujmParticipantYO: Don’t be so humble. We all recognize you as the greatest Sefardic voice we have.
ujmParticipantAnyone become closer to their siblings in adulthood or later in life than they were during childhood or even young adulthood?
ujmParticipantI just counted the tznius threads in the coffee room. In the over 13 years the coffee room has existed, there is less than one thread per year, on average. And a larger than proportional representation are from over 10 years ago. If, literally, less than one tznius discussion per year is too much for you, the problem lies within. Why are you afraid of discussing this uncomfortable-for-you topic?
This is one of the least discussed topics and yet perhaps the one that needs the most attention, given the abysmal state modern society finds itself on this issue.
There have been more than 10 times *each* as many discussions about shidduchim, cholent, elections, corona, Shabbos and Trump, among others. I haven’t heard you complain about there being too many discussions about the elections or about cholent.
ujmParticipantI wonder whether those folks who downplay pritzus or mock those who adhere to Halacha and promote encouraging others to follow the letter of the law on this topic, also mock and downplay Mechalel Shabbos and eating treif.
ujmParticipantAre you sure you’re human?!
ujmParticipantA true Kollel family is where neither the husband nor the wife own or have access to a smartphone.
ujmParticipantN0m: You used Rav Brudny as your proof. Your proof was absolutely false.
ujmParticipantIf you were driving on a rural road and unexpectedly passed your wife or mother or daughter, you wouldn’t have noticed who she is and would have simply driven right by her?
Even if she was crossing the street in front of your windshield while you were braking to let her cross?
ujmParticipantN0m: I *do* have an excellent idea of what’s going on. Which is why I shared the accurate information with you in my previous comment, to respond to your erroneous point prior.
ujmParticipantSo you wouldn’t even realize whether the pedestrian who crossed in front of your car, while you waited with your foot on the break watching them pass, was a man or a woman. Interesting. How do you know when you can move your car again without running him/her over?
Would you have known the difference whether it was an indecently dressed woman or a horse from the NYPD stable on street patrol that passed in front of your eyes while you patiently watched and waited for her/it to pass?
ujmParticipantN0m: Halacha has what to say regarding selling land in EY to non-Jews. Or to bring them from outside to EY for permanent residency, for that matter.
ujmParticipantN0m: The Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush, where Rav Brudny is Rosh Yeshiva, elementary and mesivta decidedly did NOT use Zoom.
ujmParticipantThey should expel all the Goyim who immigrated to Eretz Yisroel, whether because they descended from some Jewish grandfather, or they had a fake conversion or however else they got there.
ujmParticipantHas anyone heard of a shul that banned a frum Yid from shul at all, let alone for such a petty infraction?!?
ujmParticipantN0m: Do you cross the street or drive through intersections with your eyes closed?
What are you talking about “preferred”? Preferred as in what compared to what else, for example?
ujmParticipantN0m: Yes, you’re confused. It was the younger more modern Yeshivos that permitted zoom.
ujmParticipantHere in London our Federation Beis Din has “ShailaText” (texting only) for shailos:
Text: +44 7403 939613
It is available internationally.
ujmParticipantN0m: in response to the recent CW tragedy, just in the last week alone I’ve seen many choshuve and prominent Rabbonim and poskim insist that people should only use therapist as the same gender of themselves or their child.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Rambam paskens a Beis Din can execute 100 people a day, if the situation warrants it.
ujmParticipantAre there any others that haven’t been mentioned, or newer services?
ujmParticipantHang signs all over the walls imploring people to return Seforim to their correct shelf, immediately after use.
ujmParticipantIMHO, with a stress on the “H”, the reason for all the unnecessary stress people experience in shidduchim is because the tzibbur has moved further and further away from how Yiddishe shidduchim have been done for time immemorial. When Tattes were Tattes and when kinderlach were kinder, two Tattes would get together and agree that my Yankel in Cheder is a perfect match for your Shaindel in your Yiddishe shteeb. A few years after the Bar Mitzvah we’ll make a nice little chasuna, with the Seudas Mitzvah on Friday night after Shabbos davening.
I don’t know if we can get all the way back to that ideal, though that should be the goal certainly, but surely we should move back as close to the above scenario as practical and feasible.
ujmParticipantWould it be fair to say that (more often) males are closer to their brothers and BILs than to their sisters and SILs whereas females tend to be closer to their sisters and SILs than to their brothers and BILs?
ujmParticipantVideos can have highly inappropriate content. Once you permit “kosher” videos, you lose a large degree of controlling/stopping emails from containing non-kosher videos.
ujmParticipantYou’re very very far from the only one. Many people are in the same shoes.
ujmParticipantAny Jew qualified for public benefits should accept every penny he’s legally entitled to. Regardless of his employment status.
ujmParticipantIt seems to me that the OP’s scenario is not significantly different than if a guy is very interested in the girl from around the corner but he becomes aware that the interest isn’t reciprocal.
ujmParticipantReports on the death of books and paper are greatly exaggerated.
ujmParticipantSwallow and move on.
ujmParticipantDaMoshe: Did you ever get an answer from your Rabbi for Avram’s question?
December 30, 2021 11:39 pm at 11:39 pm in reply to: 🦠😷Raise Your Hand if You’re in Quarantine!😷🦠#2046829ujmParticipantTake it easy, Biden reduced your sentence to only five days.
ujmParticipantN0m: What’s your comment have to do with my point or address it in any way? There will be good and not good therapists regardless if they service both genders or only one gender. But if they service only their own gender, they’ll have less opportunity to sin or have Yichud.
Your example of the male therapist specializing in troubled girls makes my case. If the community wouldn’t tolerate opposite gender therapists, he would have been denied the ability to have inappropriately acted as you described.
December 30, 2021 10:50 pm at 10:50 pm in reply to: The world should take action on Israel’s treatment of charedim #2046813ujmParticipantN0m: Yes, the statement is a blanket one.
ujmParticipantn0m: I don’t see any coherent rational in your comment why if our communities had firm expectations that male therapists would only service males and that female therapists would only service females, how that would entail any significant loss, while its benefits, whatever their limitations, are clear.
December 30, 2021 7:43 pm at 7:43 pm in reply to: My Poasts/Comments are not getting Approved. #2046782ujmParticipantn0m: how old be you?
ujmParticipantYseribus: You’re blinded to the serious dangers of opening up the Pandora’s Box known as the Internet.
December 30, 2021 6:39 pm at 6:39 pm in reply to: The world should take action on Israel’s treatment of charedim #2046752ujmParticipanthuju: Mechalel Shabbos, treif fressers, are not included in being considered our brothers in Klal Yisroel, and the associated benefits and considerations that entails.
ujmParticipantn0m: Why not?
ujmParticipantRomain, what you’re describing is called “fat fingers”.
ujmParticipantAbout that controversial topic, n0m, I had submitted several days ago a very pareve response to your Titanic-type scenario, on the old thread. But the mods apparently, in their infinite wisdom, deemed it insufficiently feminist to even permit the halachic thought to see the light of day.
ujmParticipantVery simple solution:
Jewish male therapists should only take male clients, if individual privacy is required for sessions, and Jewish female therapists should only accept female clients.
And, then, they can all be therapists. There are enough of both genders to cater to each one.
Problem solved. Next topic, please.
December 29, 2021 8:37 pm at 8:37 pm in reply to: The world should take action on Israel’s treatment of charedim #2046334ujmParticipantfollick2: the irreligious authorities don’t carry the benefit of being considered part of Klal Yisroel.
ujmParticipantMy birthday only occurs once in four years. And sometimes not even once in four years.
December 29, 2021 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm in reply to: The world should take action on Israel’s treatment of charedim #2046321ujmParticipantBravo! The OP, Romain, is 100% correct.
The US should put sanctions on Israel for its human rights violations against Chareidim.
December 29, 2021 1:10 am at 1:10 am in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045938ujmParticipantN0m: Would therapy in a glass see-through office/conference room that is completely sound-proof to the outside, that has people milling about outside able to see but unable to hear anything, be convoluted? It would seem the privacy is preserved.
ujmParticipantB_T OP: You’re 100% correct.