Forum Replies Created
PI: There’s no heter to violate Yichud.
ujmParticipantPI: Do you understand the definition of “INDIVIDUAL”?
ujmParticipantMy little sleep is taken in catnaps. As I’m learning I sometimes doze off. I usually wake a litter bit later and continue learning where I left off.
My earlier comment was an approximation of my average total sleep time per day.
ujmParticipantAAQ: And people who over-eat should, per your argument, be charged higher insurance and forced to pay for medical expenses resulting from obesity.
ujmParticipantymr: You missed my point. No one is obligated to take any medical injection in order to improve the health system.
ujmParticipantI can only share jokes that aren’t funny.
ujmParticipantHow are you so sure that it isn’t around today?
ujmParticipantThree hours. On a wooden platform. With no pillow.
ujmParticipantymr: No one is obligated to put chemicals into their body for the good of the national healthcare system.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Is it not okay to tell people that “Hechsher X” I do not consider reliable?
ujmParticipantMendel was niftar close to ten years ago, I think. You could always find him hitching rides.
ujmParticipantThere’s an article about Boro Park in the New York Times 14 years ago, titled In the Land of Black Coats, that mentions David Sondik.
ujmParticipantWhen was Yankel Feferkorn niftar??
ujmParticipantTLIK: That seems reasonable. Especially if the pop-in always occurs at a random time during every (opposite gender) session.
I’d still say it much preferable to use a same gender therapist. But if that’s impossible, the setup you describe seems sufficient.
Unfortunately I don’t think most therapists use what your friend does.
ujmParticipanthello99: WB. It’s been a very long time…
Triangle-K isn’t accepted in regular frum homes.
ujmParticipantSo we are back to square one: there appears to be no heter for a therapist and patient to have Yichud. Often there’s no one else in the waiting room; and even if there is a secretary or another patient, everyone is aware that no one may enter the closed (even if not locked) door with the therapist and opposite gender patient.
ujmParticipantI’d also like to thank n0m for having accepted (based on his Shtika K’hodaah) my last comment on this thread in our discussion of a Titanic-like situation. N0m, if you at any time in the future have any follow up questions or comments on that discussion, please start a new thread with a proper descriptive title (rather than this off-topic tangent) so that I’ll notice your question or comment, that I’ll likely miss noticing in this thread.
ujmParticipantBritain just left one union; it seems rather doubtful they’d soon join another one, on the other side of the pond — to boot.
ujmParticipantRebbe Meir was correct and proper for testing Bruria (a test that she failed.) The Gemorah is nothing but complimentary of Rebbe Meir. If there had been any reason to be critical of Rebbe Meir for, the Gemorah would have voiced such criticism. There was none.
ujmParticipant“and other members of staff may enter at any time.”
That could work by a physical doctor. But a therapist generally don’t allow anyone to enter the room with them patient in therapy.
In fact, many of the above guidelines work with a physician but are inapplicable by a therapists where often there usually isn’t even anyone in the waiting room. And even if there is a secretary or someone, they know they cannot enter the room with the therapist and the patient.
ujmParticipant“and other members of staff may enter at any time.”
That could work by a physical doctor. But a therapist generally don’t allow anyone to enter the room with them patient in therapy.
In fact, many of the above guidelines work with a physician but are inapplicable by a therapists where often there usually isn’t even anyone in the waiting room. And even if there is a secretary or someone, they know they cannot enter the room with the therapist and the patient.
ujmParticipantThere are two very different hechsheirim in Eretz Yisroel that use the name Chasam Sofer.
ujmParticipantGadol: If there’s a lack of Gedolim, I’ll reluctantly accept the yoke of that title and responsibility. Just give me a few days to prepare myself…
ujmParticipantAAQ: The Gemorah derides Bruria’s mistaken notion that she could overcome women’s natural tendencies.
ujmParticipantAAQ: Please share the “solutions” you speak of.
ujmParticipantAAQ: In NYC the BMT and the IRT use different and incompatible railroad track car sizes.
Also, post-Brexit Britain is returning to imperial measures.
ujmParticipantYou don’t have the right to have a statement of Chazal to mean to you something other than what Chazal meant by making the statement.
ujmParticipantIf people know they are not permitted to enter the room, the door being unlocked does not change the fact that it is still Yichud.
ujmParticipantN0m: You’re suggesting a therapist see an opposite gender patient behind closed doors, that the expectation is no one else will open even if unlocked?
That is Yichud.
ujmParticipantN0m: Very many do.
ujmParticipantAfter following my prescription from my last comment, Republicans should double the size of the federal circuit courts, triple the size of the Appeals Courts and enlarge the Supreme Court to 15 members. Then fill all those hundreds of new judicial positions in quick roll-call votes in the Senate, completed all within a couple of weeks with any Democrat obstruction quickly overruled by the newly appointed Republican Senate parliamentarian.
ujmParticipantN0m: An unlocked door that everyone knows you may not enter anyways, barring an emergency, does not alleviate the fact that it is still Yichud. Even if there’s someone in the waiting room. And if there’s no one else there, you’re doubly in violation.
ujmParticipantN0m: Are you really disagreeing with Chazal?!
ujmParticipantN0m is the king of contradictions.
ujmParticipantIn principle I’m strongly in favor of getting rid of the filibuster. Politically, I hope the Democrats fail to get rid of it (just like Trump couldn’t get rid of it). And when Republicans control all three levels of government again, the Republicans get rid of the filibuster, all while gleefully telling the Democrats that 49 out of 50 of you leftists supported getting rid of it a couple years ago so take your hypocrisy elsewhere. And then Republicans pass on party-line votes 75 years worth of Republican desired legislation, including reversing all Democrat programs since FDR.
ujmParticipantWolf: Are you diabetic?
ujmParticipantNashim Da’atan Kalos
ujmParticipantN0m: The Torah prohibits Yichud. The Torah doesn’t give an exception for therapists/patients to have Yichud.
ujmParticipantReb Eliezer, what are you doing this Nittel?
ujmParticipantHopefully squeak will soon be back here to make his move, now that we’re almost two years into Covid.
ujmParticipantOP, you are bringing some facts and mixing in a lot of opinions that you’re calling facts. Many of your points are wrong.
ujmParticipantBrought to you by the DailyKos.
ujmParticipantYRockStar: I think you should trade positions with Rav Kuber; you should call yourself a Rov and start giving hadrocha to people and give yourself the right to give your deios to Klal Yisroel. While you’ll give your colorful clothing to Rav Kuber and teach him a thing or two about being singing rock songs for his new day gig.
ujmParticipantGadolhadorah: The last time you agreed with my you said that it was “the first time and probably the last time.”
Are we starting to see a pattern?
It looks like my shlichus in the CR is starting to bear fruit.
ujmParticipantGodol is a relative term; it means someone who stands out among his generation in greatness, which is measured in terms of Torah knowledge, and righteousness. There is no measurable threshold beyond which you are categorically a “godol”, like there is when a person gets a medical degree and becomes a “doctor.” Being that the term is relative, different people apply it to different levels for people, and even among those who are commonly referred to as Gedolim, they are not all the same. Rav Shach was a Godol, but he was not the Chazon Ish, for example.
You will not find the phrase “posek hador” used anywhere in any meaningful way. The Tzitz Eliezer uses it all over the place in his titles, and either the Teshuvos Maharshal writes it among the titles to the Ramah, or the Teshuvos Ramah about the Maharshal. I forget. But in any case, the title connotes no halachic status.
Rav Moshe isn’t always the final word in America either. Roshei Yeshiva and Poskim, such as Rav Hutner, Rav Eli Meyer Bloch of Telz, the Debreciner Rav, the Chelkas Yaakov and others, sided with the Satmar Rebbe over Rav Moshe regarding the obligatory size of a mechitzah in a shul, and/or the permissibility of artificial insemination, which were the two big disagreements that those Gedoim had in halacha. It was indeed Rav Hutner who approached the Satmar Rav asking him to write a refutation to Rav Moshe’s psak about the Mechitzos.
ujmParticipantAAQ: The Torah/Halacha already gives an order of triage in prioritizing whose lives you save first. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel and offer your own order (i.e. weight, size, etc.)
ujmParticipantPlease define the meaning/definition of your close relationship.
ujmParticipantN0m: After the Titanic sunk, the U.S. Congress held hearings on why any men (other than those needed to row the lifeboats) were saved, when there were still women on board who did not make it to a lifeboat and went down with the ship. In other words, the august body of lawmakers in Washington were angry that any men were saved before every woman could be saved.
Getting back to the original point, if a ship is sinking but it is very clear that there is sufficient time to organize a triage of prioritizing certain passengers to be saved first, and still save the maximum number of passengers possible given the fact that there are insufficient space in the lifeboats for everyone, do you then still insist on disagreeing with following halachic priority of who to save first (i.e. the men before the women, etc.) and would you still insist, despite the clarity that there’s time to triage in the halachic order and still save the maximum number of lives, that the halachic order of saving lives be disregarded?
ujmParticipantWhat’s a “skip”? Clear out what? Which “winter holidays”?
ujmParticipantThey’re not taking them out of circulation; nor are they changing its status as legal tender. Businesses are and will remain legally obligated to accept pennies for payment.