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  • in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2291129

    What does hospice entail?

    Regarding the financial issues, why would avoiding extraneous expenses be problematic in any way?

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2291128

    aIY: I did not say that *all* of the members of the classes I cited are exempt; but certainly some members are exempt for being a member of the named class.

    And if I erroneously included a class, the point still remains regarding the others.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2290898

    DaMoshe: Where did your Modern Orthodoxy alleged mesorah come from? Moses Mendelsohn?

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2290369

    Simcha: Every country, including Israel, exempts multiple classes of people in society. Including, but not limited to, judges, elected politicians, legislators (MKs), university students/educators, certain entertainers, journalists, conscience objectors, Arab Israeli citizens, etc.

    Those who learn Torah are more qualified for an exemption than any and all of the above.

    Especially as we all agree that the army is not short personnel, as they are demonstrating today in the current war they are not suffering losses due to a lack of soldiers. It’s well known that the IDF has long had too many people, not too few.

    in reply to: Another (Baltimore) response to the tuition crisis. #2290224

    Chaim: How will you calculate the value for Medicaid?

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2290194

    uno: They can manage well calling up the reservists as needed, including a second tour if necessary. As such, given that need it’s fulfilled successfully in that manner, they do not need additional personnel. The IDF are well staffed.

    And even the necessity of recalling reservists in this manner is only necessary in times of a major war such as this. Even that much wasn’t necessary for many decades until Oct. 7.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2290193

    DaMoshe: I know nothing about the Chasidus you’re describing or whether any of your claims are accurate or not.

    But I do know that Modern Orthodoxy has no mesorah and MO started many new things. Including many things against the Torah. So how is it that not only have you no complaints against MO, but you actually self-identify as one?

    in reply to: Dems vs Repubs on this site #2290191

    The problem with immigration began in 1965 with the new immigration law.

    in reply to: Another (Baltimore) response to the tuition crisis. #2290190

    Chaim: How do you think participants in government assistance programs should be assessed regarding income, for a program such as the one described here?

    in reply to: Clarence Thomas – A Supreme Court Justice who lacks any Ethics #2289826

    Dorah: There is absolutely nothing wrong with a Justice being very close friends with someone who is a “passionate advocate for many of the policy issues coming before the court”.

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2289793

    The IDF does not need additional soldiers. They aren’t short personnel.

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2289792

    The IDF is long notorious for znus.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2289485

    DaMoshe: Are saying that Rabbi Bender sins at times?

    in reply to: Another (Baltimore) response to the tuition crisis. #2289484

    If a family with seven children in school is earning a combined $90,000, the tuition for the seven children will be capped at $18,000?

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2289456

    Wolf: You should have a Refuah Shelamo Bmheiro.


    DaMoshe: The State of Israel doesn’t believe in Hashem. Israel is an atheist state. The state started with communists. Israel is officially Mechallel Shabbos with public transportation, entertainment and much worse. The army has a long reputation of znus. Israel officially supports the eating of treif. Even their leader is an atheist treif fressing mechallel Shabbos.

    in reply to: Applying FDR’s Germany stance for Gaza #2289137

    Japan surrendered unconditionally.

    America letting the Emperor retain his title while stripping him of all power, was out of America’s good will; it was not required under the terms of Japan’s unconditional surrender.


    The current peace plan that Biden announced originated from Netanyahu, not from Washington.

    Israel always to a greater or lesser extent licks up to Washington’s demands since if America dropped Israel as an ally Israel is up the creek.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2289011

    DaMoshe: Did any set of your grandparents ever live in Lita?

    in reply to: Applying FDR’s Germany stance for Gaza #2288848

    akuperma: Japan did surrender unconditionally.

    Regarding Hamas, they do not seem inclined to agree to end the war if they have to give up control of Gaza.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2288751

    yytz: A majority of today’s so-called “Litvaks” are of Chasidic heritage.

    Including Reb Shraga Feivel. (Although he preferred to be called “Mr. Mendelovich”.)

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2288430

    Ex-CTLawyer: Please allow me to be the first to congratulate you upon your new name.

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2288429

    I can understand why one would change the second part of the username, but there is nothing embarrassing about being from Connecticut.

    I certainly don’t disagree with this sentiment, but, of course, if one had the choice of highlighting their New York affiliation or their Connecticut affiliation, certainly any reasonable person would tout their New York credentials.

    in reply to: Michael Cohen #2288101

    “could someone here clearly articulate how a jury could convict Trump?”

    It’s very simple. It was preordained from the get-go. It was deliberately a cherry-picked jury in the most left-wing zip codes in the country, chosen for its location.

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2287989

    Wolf, how are you? It’s been ages since you last treated us with your wisdom. You need to come by more often.

    How is your health coming along?

    in reply to: The Gaza War of 2023-2024 #2287993

    Apparently the State of Israel, led by Netanyahu, is about to accept an American peace deal that leaves Hamas ym’s intact.

    What was all that noise from Netanyahu, until now, saying he won’t stop the war until Hamas is gone?

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2287987

    Reb Wolf makes an excellent point. You CAN change your existing username. Go to:


    Add a “Nickname”. Then switch your Display Name to the Nickname you just chose. Then click Update Profile on the bottom of the screen.

    One thing to keep in mind is that doing this will also change your display name on all your old posts.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2287750

    “their current leadership is a lot less controversial and definitely to the right of who and what it was forty years ago.”

    Surely you jest. You can’t seriously believe that today’s YU is more to the right than it was under Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik.

    All the homosexual rights started in YU in the late ’90s, when YU officially recognized and funded YU homosexual clubs. This was shortly after RJBS passed away. Since the ’90s it has gotten much worse; in the 2000s even the YU mashgiach Joseph Blau himself was defending the homosexual movement.

    in reply to: Until we meet again with a new user name #2287749

    Mazal Tov!!

    Username NYLAWYER is still available…

    OTOH, I have a few spare usernames available for your perusal, if you’d prefer to disassociate with your previous persona.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2287583

    Something that may motivate Modern Orthodox adherents to return to traditional Orthodoxy can be considered to be a Baal Teshuva movement helping Jews come closer to Torah and Mitzvos.

    MO is a newfangled 20th century American movement, that while still mostly observant, has no mesorah and was designed for minimal observance while modernizing their religion.

    in reply to: Memorial Day #2287182

    Rav Avigdor Miller zt’l always encouraged flying the American flag on July 4th.

    in reply to: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy #2287047

    Ari: Much as JTS moved to the left far enough to leave Orthodoxy, YU too has consistently moved further and further to the left, with the passage of time, that some of them already have a toehold outside of Orthodoxy.

    Let’s not forget that Avi Weiss, founder of the newest non-Orthodox movement, was not long ago a YU rabbi and teacher.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2287039

    AAQ: Joining the Nachal Hareidi is the greater evil compared to geneiva. Rav Shteinman clearly and explicitly wrote that even bochorim who are weak in Yiras Shomayim should NOT join Nachal Hareidi, since the IDF is much worse.

    Only “bochurim who are mechallelei Shabbos and actually committing other grave transgressions for which the punishment is kareis” can be possibly considered to join Nachal Hareidi or the IDF if the “father wants to save the boy and to save the street from enduring damage that we do not have the power to withhold him.”

    “But for sure it is an unforgivable sin if he were to persuade or entice in any possible way which might cause anyone who is not a mechallel Shabbos or committing other chayivei kerisos to be placed there” in Nachal Hareidi or the IDF.

    Above quotations are Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman’s own words.

    in reply to: Trump Verdict #2286923

    In America murderers like OJ Simpson and Lemrick Nelson are acquitted of the murders they’re guilty of whereas actually innocent people are often convicted.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2286924

    opinionated-2: Hashem, our Creator, gave us a blessing we are commanded to say everyday of our lives thanking Him for not making us a woman; isn’t that much much better than a National Men’s Day? (We already have Women’s Month every year in March in America.)

    Unless you hold it against HKB”H for giving us this Brocho to recite seven days a week, all year?

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2286691

    Rocky: That’s a complete falsehood. Rav Shteinman was OPPOSED for any normal person to join the so-called Nachal Hareidi or any other part of the IDF. He was ONLY in favor of a Mechallel Shabbos who would otherwise be on the streets to join Nachal if that was the lesser of the two evils.


    Recently Released Letter By Maran HaRav SHteinman To Hagon HaRav Don Segal Regarding Nachal Charedi

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2286261
    in reply to: Can we please fix the Coffee Room? #2286260

    What’s wrong with the CR?

    in reply to: Do you honestly believe that Moshiach WILL be here within 12 months #2286077

    Sadly, Moshiach didn’t come last week as we hoped and expected

    But he WILL be here this week!


    Yid1818: HaRav Moshe Shternbuch shlita.

    in reply to: Tax Exempt Judaica #2284589

    I only wear religious clothing.


    Today we have a stark contrast in the differences between Iran and Israel. Today Iran’s President was involved in a helicopter crash. What do the leaders of Iran do? They ask the whole country to pray for his safety. What happens thereafter? Iranians across the country flock to Mosques and other places of worship to pray for their leaders safety.

    What would happen if Hamas captured Netanyahu? It is unimaginable that one of the first reactions of the secular zionist leadership of the State of “Israel”, that falsely purports to be a so-called “Jewish State”, would ask the whole country to engage in prayers for Netanyahu’s safe return. When Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had a stroke and became incapacitated the Israeli zionist leadership was not clamoring for national prayers. Nor was their any major outpouring of Israelis running to Shuls to daven for Sharon. The same reoccurred when the current hostages were taken. The national leadership, including Netanyahu, didn’t make a major plea for prayers across the country. Nope. They said this is war and we will win this with our own power and military.

    Unlike Iran.


    Happy new year: Halachic Eretz Yisroel extends past the Golan Heights?



    At the end of Shmiras HaLashon (Hilchos Rechilus 9:15), the Chofetz Chaim writes that the prohibitions against Lashon Hara and Rechilus do not apply to reshaim and kofrim and that it is, in fact, a mitzvah to mock such persons:

    “מצוה לפרסם דעתם הכוזבת לעיני הכל ולגנותם, כדי שלא ילמדו ממעשיהם הרעים.”

    “It is a mitzvah to make their false opinions public before all, and shame them so that others do not learn from their evil deeds.”

    “החפץ חיים בהלכות לשון הרע כלל ח’ סעיף ה’ – אומר: “אותם האנשים שמכירם שיש בהם אפיקורסות מצווה לגנותם ולבזותם בין בפניהם ובין שלא בפניהם”.

    ובהמשך- “אפיקורוס נקרא הכופר בתורה… ואפילו הוא אומר כל התורה כולה מן השמים חוץ מפסוק אחד…”

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2283764

    Chaim: Why aren’t you equally vocal and outspoken in your, presumed, opposition to Jews shopping in Macy’s, Kohl’s, Target, Walmart, Old Navy, etc., where they have terrible pruste images plastered all over the store and on their websites, and where employees and shoppers milling about in the store are dressed horribly?

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2283658

    Imagine The Donald cashing out just 17% of his holdings in Truth Social today. (The Board of Directors, which he controls, could authorize him selling early.)

    That would mean $1 Billion in cash. He’d still have another $5 Billion in Truth Social shares after cashing out $1 Billion.

    And then he can pump that $1 Billion into his 2024 presidential campaign.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2283526

    Truth Social has been having some beautiful rallies on the market in the last few weeks. The Donald’s stake, alone, is now worth $6 Billion. That’s not accounting for the billions he’s worth outside of Truth Social.

    As far as the short sellers of Truth Social are concerned? So far this year they’ve lost $216 million.

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2283362

    Chaim87: Have you ever gone around the internet posting comments demanding all Yidden working in goyishe workplaces immediately quit, since they are around shiktzas dressed immodestly?

    You should also be demanding that Yidden never attend professional sports games as it isn’t permitted to be meschaber and join goyim who don’t observe to Torah, as you put it.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #2283311

    Shelo Asani Isha should be made with the same simcha, with the same kavana, with the same intensity, with the same love, and with the same thankfulness as you make on Shelo Asani Goy and Shelo Asani Eved and on every other brocha during Birchas Hashachar.

    in reply to: Netura Karta Protesting at College Campuses #2283189

    “When will Jews get SERIOUS about stopping this very dangerous evil?”

    First get serious about stopping the Open Orthodox.
    First get serious about stopping the Reform.
    First get serious about stopping the Conservative.
    First get serious about stopping the Reconstructionist.
    First get serious about stopping the secular.
    First get serious about stopping the Avoda Zora worshippers (in churches across the country).

    All of these are much more very dangerous evils than that of which you worry yourself about.

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