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  • in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2332711

    Kuvult: Reform and Conservative do not have Shuls. They have some kind of Chapel that is closer to a Church than to a Shul. They have nothing to do with Judaism.

    in reply to: Day of Tefila Today from the Moatzos Gedolei Hatorah #2332646

    AAQ: We Jews don’t decide “according to your view” (our view); we do as the Gedolei HaDor (such as in this Kol Korah) and our Rabbonim shlit”a instruct us.

    in reply to: Tutoring in Yeshivot in EY – A LOSE/LOSE DEAL #2332644

    Why wasn’t the wealthy bochor paying you per session (rather than a small one time tip at the end of the zman)?

    in reply to: One more cheeseburger, and we have J.D.Vance as president #2332361

    Vice President-Elect J.D. Vance will be an excellent future President of the United States.

    in reply to: Disciplining Your Kids #2332317

    The Torah answers this question. Dovid HaMelech, in Tanach, told us what to do. Halacha also, explicitly, addresses how to discipline your children. It can be learnt anywhere you have a Shulchan Aruch.

    in reply to: Israel Seminary – Pros, Cons Etc. #2332176

    Go to a local seminary.

    in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2332173

    The main thing is that you shouldn’t talk during leining. Everything else is commentary.

    in reply to: Adopt a dog. It’s a chesed. #2331686

    The Wolf: Why isn’t it possible currently?

    in reply to: Imagine if ALL of Klal Yisroel acted this way #2331451

    CTL: Why is it any less appropriate than discussing the weather, the crime rate, health foods or sports?

    in reply to: Kosher Bovine Collagen #2331430

    Melech: What is the issue regarding meat that people who are not someach on OU for are concerned with, that’s also applicable to this product?

    in reply to: President-Elect Donald J. Trump #2331167

    OpenLabs, a Democratic data firm, produced a “first look” analysis of the results and found that counties with bigger shares of Jewish voters swung at a greater rate toward Trump.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2330522

    Menachem: Was it Chabad ‘s minhag to remove shoes already in prewar Europe?

    in reply to: Trump’s presidency #2330521

    Former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani should be appointed by President Trump’s new Attorney General as an independent Special Prosecutor in the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute all government officials within the Department of Justice and all other government agencies and officials who abused their government positions for political purposes beginning with the Russia Hoax in 2017 through the politically motivated persecutions of Donald Trump by federal, state and local officials.

    This newly created Special Prosecutor’s office led by America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani should be open ended, with no end date, to follow all leads these investigations and prosecutions lead to.

    in reply to: Imagine if ALL of Klal Yisroel acted this way #2330518

    The Trump supporter in this story sounds like the average Yiddishe Trump supporter.

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330514

    Hopefully Dictator Trump will round up all the leftists and other anti-American self-hating cranks and deport them all to Guantanamo Bay on Day One of the second Trump Administration.

    Following that, we expect Dictator Trump to outlaw the Democrat Party and dissolve all far-left extremist groups such as Antifa, J Street, the ACLU and anything related to George Soros.

    in reply to: Polling #2330431

    Multiple generations.


    AAQ: European Jews never dressed like the local gentiles. (I’m not as familiar with Sephardic attire, but I believe the same can be said for them.) Not even like the upper-class goyim. The Jews *always* dressed differently, obviously excluding secularized Jews.

    in reply to: Polling #2329404

    The 2020 polls were badly mistaken. They overestimated the Democrats.

    Agreed that polling in general has overestimated Democrats compared to the election results. This has been the case for a long while, already. Especially the non-final polls; IOW all the polls until the last one was really skewered in favor of the Democrats. By time their final poll before election day comes out, and they know that’s what they’ll be judged on, they become slightly more honest. Which is why you’ll usually find in the last polls before the election Republicans usually see improvements.

    BTW, how did polling do any better before telephone landlines became almost universally owned by Americans? As far as today, I understand polls started calling mobile telephones over the last number of election cycles.

    P.S. I believe the polls will, for the third time in a row, prove to have under-counted Trump voters; and he will have a convincing win on election day (especially in the Electoral College, but he’ll most very likely win the popular vote as well.)

    in reply to: Maasar sheini today #2329403

    You could ask similar questions regarding Shmitta.

    in reply to: Should Women Have the Right To Vote? #2328780

    While IQ tests are standardized to have an average score around 100, the true average may fluctuate slightly due to variations in the testing population and updates in test design. Changes can occur when different versions of IQ tests are recalibrated, or when averages are recalculated based on large sample populations. In specific populations or over different time periods, it might slightly deviate (for example, between 97 and 103).


    Y’all saw the signs on the stores; “No shoes, no service.” Now we need our own signs saying “No hat, no quorum.”

    in reply to: Whats a minyan factory? #2328342

    How do out of towners manage without a minyan factory?

    in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2328341

    Neville: I was thinking of answering him, as well, but I realized (as usual) it wasn’t worth the effort. Since you addressed his nonsensical comments, you could also point out that when he wrote “men wrote seforim about what they want women to wear” is that he must be under the impression that G-d is a man or that men are G-d, because the Gedolei Poskim who write the Shailos U’Teshuvos seforim on Halacha do not pasken “what they want women to wear” but rather the pasken what Hashem wants women to wear.

    But something so obvious needn’t even be stated.

    in reply to: Should Women Have the Right To Vote? #2328334

    Hadorah: Statistically the average IQ for men is 99 and the average for women is 97.

    in reply to: Should Women Have the Right To Vote? #2327755

    Rabbi Kook was also opposed to women voting. (So if you follow his shittos on Zionism, you should be opposing allowing women to vote in Israel.)

    in reply to: please vote who you thinks gunnu win the election #2327693


    in reply to: Should Women Have the Right To Vote? #2327565

    One thing is for sure; if voting was reserved for men, America’s greatest president (since Ronald W. Reagan), Donald J. Trump, would win by a landslide.


    CA: In Sephardic countries when it was the norm to come to Shul in a turban, indeed coming to Shul without a turban would be disrespectful and warrant being asked to leave until the turban is put on.

    in reply to: Lelover Rebbe #2326574

    How do you want to it transmitted? Posting it here might not be the best idea.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2326497

    The software is buggy. Somethings are outside the control of the moderators. And the programmers don’t often update the underlying code.

    in reply to: We don’t have enough kiruv for frum struggling girls #2326407

    MadeOf: Struggling doesn’t necessarily define one as OTD or, even, at-risk.


    Who said there is any minimum shiur?

    in reply to: Not every chabadnik is meshichus and we need to see that line #2326405

    I don’t know the numbers, but from what I’ve heard from multiple sources is that the vast majority of Lubavitchers believe that the last Lubavitcher Rebbe will return as Moshiach.


    Coming to Shul without a hat and jacket is like going to a fancy restaurant wearing a sleeveless T-shirt, shorts and sandals with no socks. (Actually, coming to Shul without a hat and jacket is worse.)

    You wouldn’t complain about a dress code to come into a store or restaurant or the White House. Coming into the House of the King of King’s demands a high level of respect.

    Just because society has gone to pot, with anyone or everyone thinking dressing down is okay, does not mean a Shul needs to get with the times and welcome you with your sandals, shorts and t-shirt. They appropriately demand you dress befitting meeting the King of King’s.

    in reply to: Advertisements – Are they Appropriate? #2326261

    Use an ad blocker.

    in reply to: From head surgeon to janitor. #2326260


    in reply to: We don’t have enough kiruv for frum struggling girls #2326017

    I wonder if girls are less likely than boys to go OTD or become at-risk.


    CA: A DNA test can determine znus/illegitimacy.

    in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2326015

    Yichusdik: Close to half the DL/RZ soldiers who entered the IDF religious are irreligious by time they’re discharged.

    in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #2323859

    Asking one and all for mechila for anything or anytime one was hurt or offended.

    in reply to: Advertisements – Are they Appropriate? #2323593

    Absolutely treif.

    in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2323592

    Gadol: I very much doubt that is an accurate rendition of what Rav Hirsch shlita indicated. Nevertheless, even if it were, his Talmudic who aren’t learning may follow that advice. Whereas, the talmidim of the Gedolei Yisroel shlita that strongly state that even those not learning full time should still not serve, will follow that advice not to serve.

    in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2322531

    somejewiknow: Yasher Koach for explaining it so well.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #2322412

    IY”H soon America’s greatest and biggest Oheiv Yisroel president will, once again, return to the office of the presidency of the United States of America.


    akuperman: A safek mamzer can’t “fix” that problem with a Geirus L’chumra. Geirus L’chumra doesn’t help if the person is already (or even possibly) Jewish.

    Redleg: Who said anything about limited to only 3 or 4 generations back? Many folks have Yichus Briefs documenting back many many more generations back.


    When potentially considering a shidduch with someone who doesn’t come from a straight line of all/completely Orthodox/frum/religious descent, with no break in previous generations of any Off The Derech ancestors, how can you ever be confident the shidduch candidate is truly Jewish?


    Regarding the situation in Israel, in particular, add in the more recent issue of all the fake Russian so-called “converts”, where it has been exposed in recent decades that tens/hundreds of thousands of such (as well Ethiopian, etc.) never truly accepted the Taryag Mitzvos, and never kept a single Shabbos (including immediately following their false conversion) or kosher in their life.

    But were granted a “conversion certificate” by the State of Israel ranbanut (often dated while the signing rabbanut Rabbi was out of the country, yet signed he was in Israel signing off on having witnessed the “conversion” on said date he was overseas), for the “virtue” of the gentile having enlisted to serve in the IDF.

    in reply to: A Hashkafa Question I have no one to ask #2321869

    The husband is the “Baal”. AAQ, check the translation.

    in reply to: A Hashkafa Question I have no one to ask #2321332

    “why can’t we have all the mitzvos and still have separate jobs?”

    Kohanim and Leviim (even b’chors and other categories) have different Mitzvos than others. There’s no reason why men and women shouldn’t, also, have different Mitzvos.

    Yisroelim shouldn’t be saddened over the fact that they don’t have the same greater responsibilities and Mitzvos as Kohanim, and women shouldn’t be saddened over the fact that they don’t have the same greater responsibilities and Mitzvos as men.

    I will add a side point in that I believe the fact that this bothered you, more than a Yisroel is bothered that a Kohain has greater responsibilities, obligations, Mitzvos and receives more Kovod (honors) than himself, is primarily due to the negative influences on the world (over the last 100 or so years) from the terrible feminist/women’s liberation movement. It affects people without realizing it, even those who think they’ve been immune to it.

    in reply to: Looking for Vasikin Minyan in Boro Park #2321240

    Vasikin comes especially late in Boro Park.

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