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  • in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2355342

    “this geula is not just for Lubavitchers by Lubavitch, but here for the average joe.”

    CS: Do you mean, by this, that the average Joe is on a lower level than Lubavitchers? (But even so, they’ll still get the geula.)

    Otherwise, why did you find it necessary to point out that non-Lubavitchers will get the geula?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2355087


    Do you have any response to my follow up question (or not)?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354955


    As you openly admit, above, that you would consider it an illegitimate and invalid position if any other Yid held that their Rebbe or Rov or Rosh Yeshiva (whether currently among the living or not) is Moshiach, why then are you upset or disappointed or angry when others consider who you believe to be Moshiach to be an illegitimate and invalid position?

    in reply to: AI response to my question on Trump Lies #2354836

    You have four full years to let out your hate on Trump.

    No need to let it out all at once.

    Take it one day at a time. That’ll way you can split it up 365×4.

    in reply to: Warning you will regret not reading very word. #2354079

    Can I give you kvittelech?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354045

    Do you consider another Yid who believes that the Bobover Rebbe is Moshiach or that Rav Shach is Moshiach or that Rav Malkiel Kotler is Moshiach, to be as legitimate and valid a position as a Lubavitcher’s belief that the Lubavitch Rebbe is Moshiach?

    in reply to: Overuse of the word “neis” #2353898

    The Internet and its anonymous amaratzim has become the go-to place for answers regarding chinuch?

    in reply to: 7th Hour Kiddush During Permanent DST #2353427

    SR: People *do* avoid the hour for making a Chupa.

    in reply to: 7th Hour Kiddush During Permanent DST #2352606

    Based on the secular system of counting hours/time or based on the Torah system of counting hours/time?

    in reply to: Trump – Unconditional Discharge #2352367

    John Kennedy and Bill Clinton (especially Clinton the rapist) were much worse. Hopefully anyone here would have voted for Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush and Bob Dole, if you were eligible to vote in those elections. And not have voted for Hillary the rapist enabler and defender.

    in reply to: Trump – Unconditional Discharge #2351394

    B”H the Venezuala-style political persecution, lawfare and witch hunt came crashing down on the heads of the evil Democrats who attempted to use the Justice system for their political benefit. With the American People wisely giving them the biggest potch in political history with the amazing historic greatest comeback in American political history of President Donald J. Trump, an Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence who clearly has the Ribono Shel Olam’s support, being re-elected for the first time in over 150 years in a non-consecutive term, only the second time this happened in American history.

    This second Trump Administration will be the most powerful second presidential administration in American political history, with President Trump having had an extra four year interlude to fully prepare all the things he will do in his second administration.

    He’s essentially taken over as soon as the election was over, even before Biden was taken out by his old age political operatives, with world leaders over the last month plus already dealing with President Trump instead of with the irrelevant Biden.

    G-d Bless America!

    in reply to: If Trump becomes president, I'm moving to Canada… #2351350

    Daas, I need your new address in Canada.

    in reply to: If Trump becomes president, I'm moving to Canada… #2351349

    Mods, please move this thread to category DECAFFEINATED. Thank you

    in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348602

    Neville: You shouldn’t assume just because “people use it” that it is therefore okay for us to use the yearly numbering system. (Forget about the AD/CE question altogether.)

    Many frum Yidden will *not* use the years counting from the Christian Avoda Zora. (Even if it is inaccurate by a few years, that’s what it tries to honor by counting from.)

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #2348182

    Reb Eliezer: The thread is probably not in the category “Decaffeinated Coffee”, so you don’t see it on the main page.

    in reply to: New Year #2348137

    Schnitzel: It would be better for you to disregard the so-called year count of 2024/2025 and let January 1 be more meaningful, than for you to give any credence to the yearly numbering system of 2024/2025, which was setup to count the years since the Christian Avoda Zora leader they worship, but disregard the date of January 1 — which is far far less problematic than the year count.

    in reply to: New Year #2347596

    B”H, it’s always a pleasure meeting a fellow Jewish Supremacist who isn’t afraid to point out the fact that we are incomparably far better than them.

    in reply to: Joseph vs squeak Nittul Nacht Chess #2347153

    Dr Pepper: I’m holding out for squeak to come out of his cave on the Julian nittel.

    in reply to: Zos Chanukah #2346752

    Soon it’ll be Zos Chanukah and we will, once again, be celebrating our own modern day Zos Chanukah miracle of the pidyon shvuyim release of Reb Shalom Mordechai.

    in reply to: 20% Done! #2344482

    You’re writing it yourself?

    in reply to: Sharing the burden of Torah #2342671
    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2340002

    Unless I’m mistaken, I think OpenDNS can easily be evaded by any user switching to (or similar).

    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2339392

    Chaim: It was mentioned above that there doesn’t exist any effective free filter. That being the case, it would seem impossible to provide something for free if it doesn’t exist.

    in reply to: Origins of Muslim Anti-Semitism #2339391

    The reason for *all* anti-semitism, whether Christian, Muslim or left-wing anti-semitism is very clear. It is because we are in galus. And until we leave golus with Moshiach, it will continue.

    That being said, Christian and European anti-semitism has been far far worse and much much much more violent and spilled far far far more Jewish blood than Muslim or Arabic anti-semitism, by a very very long-shot.

    The numbers do not lie.

    Whereas Jews were constantly facing Crusades, burning of the Talmud, blood libels, black death scapegoating, pograms, Tach V’Tat, numerous expulsions (England, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, etc.), Inquisitions, Dreyfus and most recently, and notoriously, the Holocaust of 6 million, the Jews in the Arabic and Muslim lands, by comparison (and that is key) were living mostly peacefully and safely despite sporadic exceptions.

    in reply to: What if it was the other way around? #2339334

    L95: Rav Schach *never* said anyone who isn’t in learning should join the Israeli army. He never said anything remotely close to advocating for *anyone* to enlist.

    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2339287

    Regarding iOS, specifically, I recall reading that it’s possible to effectively lock it up without any filter at all, using its internal password/PIN functionality, by either giving the code only to someone other than the user or by splitting half the password with someone else.

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2339278

    ubiq: Thank you. (I forgot that fact.)

    in reply to: What if it was the other way around? #2339277

    Dorah: If the relationship between the first Yishuv and the local Arabs hadn’t been interrupted by the Zionists starting with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and continuing their agitation to take control of Palestine ever after, the relationship between the Jews and Arabs could have continued as it was until then, until now.

    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2339271

    *You get what you pay for. The only decent ones cost money.”

    Are there any that only entail a one time cost, with no subscription fee?

    If not, which has the lowest subscription fee, that is effective?

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2338817

    In chutz l’aaretz doesn’t the change occur on Dec. 5 (instead of Dec. 4) on a secular leap year? 2024 is a leap year.

    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2338816

    Are there any free filters that are effective for Windows, Android and/or iOS?

    in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2338615

    DaMoshe: Would you object to a Shul who didn’t permit someone to come in wearing a bathing suit and a bathing robe?

    Coming in without a hat and jacket is also disrespectful.

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2338558

    The change is merely psychological.


    DaMoshe: Rav Chaim explicitly said to daven with a hat and jacket b’yechidus if you won’t have the hat and jacket at the minyan.


    In OC in the Igros. Besides 90:28 see also 1:15, 2:27, 3:7, 4:68 and 4:91. And Mishna Brura 90:28. Mishna Brurah 90:29 says you can miss minyan if you’ll lose money otherwise. The Emek Brocha (Birchos Kriyas Shema 1) suggests allowing the possibility of going on a vacation if that’ll mean missing minyan. Halichos Shlomo (ch. 5 note 25 pg 66) citing Tefillah Kehilchaso 8:23 and Ahavas Chesed ch. 1 says you can miss minyan if necessary to welcome guests. Halichos Shlomo 5:17 says if you normally daven vasikin you should do so even if you wont have a minyan then. Rama 90:18, Mishna Brurah 90:56, Piskei Teshuvot 90:23 talk about learning full time without stopping to go to minyan. The son of the Chafetz Chaim writes about his father that when writing the Mishna Brurah he would go ten hours at a time learning without eating or even stopping for mincha. Mishna Brurah 90:56 says if giving a shiur will result in no minyan then that is fine. Halichos Shlomo 5:16 says even if missing learning with your chavrusa it is better to miss minyan.

    in reply to: Tragedy in UAE #2337506

    AAQ: Would you suggest a holy mission to appoint a Shliach in both Cairo and Amman?

    We can establish exciting Jewish communities in these Arab cities, as they have peace agreements with the State of Israel.

    in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2337505

    Rav Moshe in 90:28 says it’s permissible to daven b’yechidus at times.

    in reply to: Trump’s Two-State Solution #2336888

    Trump isn’t 100 times better than the Democrats on Israel, he’s 100,000 times better. He’s even far better than other Republicans on Israel, and almost any Republican is better than almost any Democrat on Israel.

    in reply to: Tragedy in UAE #2336598

    Lebanon: This was not one in a million. If a Jew moved to Jordan or Egypt would you be shocked if C”V something bad happened?

    in reply to: McGee Toyota #2336474


    Why not further engage with New Hampshire AutoCAP to have them force Mcgee Toyota to honor their promised 200 mile delivery (i.e. to Westchester or Monsey) *immediately*, as you’ve paid them for the vehicle. Telling you to wait months for delivery after payment is a breach of contract on their part.


    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2336473

    Another attempt to shmad.

    in reply to: A lot of DL Bashing Charedim Lately #2336222

    Chaim87: About 50% of the Daati Leumi join the IDF as religious Jews but by time they exit and are discharged they are irreligious.

    Aside from that, your historical accounting of the position of various Gedolim ‘s position on Zionism, and later on the State, is very inaccurate.

    in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2336215

    DaMoahe: Davening with a minyan is not a chiyuv.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov to the new AG Merrick Garland #2336182

    We miss the participation of our dear member “Health”. Hoping he is healthy, wealthy and happy.


    In the anxious and violent year after the Oct. 7 attacks, enough Jews, including the liberal and non-religious sub-demographics,, may have recalibrated their own notions of identity, and of what being Jewish required of them as democratic political actors, to turn much of South Brooklyn deep red, flip places like Aventura, and transform Jewish neighborhoods into some of the only real purple territory in urban America.

    in reply to: How can i set my profile? #2335301

    Froggie: Share your thread asking how to start a new topic.


    The neighborhood in New York City where Democratic turnout dropped the most in 2024 in terms of percentage change was Borough Park, the Orthodox Jewish enclave in Brooklyn that voted overwhelmingly for President Trump. While support for President Trump increased from about 22,200 votes in 2020 to 22,700 in 2024, turnout for the Democratic candidate dropped 46 percent, from about 7,600 votes in 2020 to about 4,100 in 2024.

    in reply to: A lot of DL Bashing Charedim Lately #2334693

    HaGaon HaRav Elchonon Wasserman zt”l sorry specifically made his comments regarding the DL/Religious Zionists. He also made comments directly regarding Rabbi Kook.

    AJ: His son has no bearing on his father. Do you also imagine he supported coed schools, like your wife attended? You gotta be kidding. Rav Elchonon refused to even step into the YU building when invited, when he was in the United States.

    in reply to: Day of Tefila Today from the Moatzos Gedolei Hatorah #2334453

    AAQ: We want to protect everyone, learners AND non-learners, from enlisting in the secularizing immoral army. Hence, no enlistment regardless of learning status.

    in reply to: Carlebach’s Music #2333881

    You need to learn Rav Moshe’s teshuva, in the Igros Moshe, regarding Mr. Carlebach.

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