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  • in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1787282

    “Killing a million is not worse than killing one PER EACH INDIVIDUAL KILLED .”

    Hitler never killed anybody

    “The gemarahs question by Moloch was how can adding more volume of the same sin clear the sinner from punishment.”
    I’m not sure what you are adding .
    As I understnd your position currently:
    Aveiras are judged based on theri punishment, unless we have an explicit source telling us that this aveira is worse although the punishment is less (Do i have this right)

    so my question from Molech was how do you know sacrificing all children is worse, do you have a source?
    Your response was, Rashi tells us it is worse.

    This is the PERFECT example of our discussion. to me the question is crazy. Of course sacrificing all chidren is worse. Aye why doesnt it get a punishment, ok that needs a teritz.
    Your position is wow sacrificing all chidren is obviosuly not as bad, from the fact that it doesnt have punishment, aye there are exceptions. We cant lable exceptions on our own . wait never mind Rashi says all chidren is worse, so ok this is yet another exception

    “Oh and BTW, the lor who wiped my yeshiva plate clean without knowing me at all,”
    That was the kaf zehus we came up with
    the other possibility was that you never thought about/realized how severe rape was or that you did and were trying to downplay it

    “Is he the one who I am still waiting for sources, from, from our last thread?”
    no more sources, the argument hifted a bit since we started, and as things stand now “Only in today’s dor can anyone even have such a hava amina, i dont even think in sedom they would pose such a question”

    “I should just take his opinion, anonymous as it is, on faith?
    no no no no of course not. I did not mean to imply that, (which is why I only posted the comment here I think youll find it funny, you probably feel the opposite) that was more for me than for you. I am having a hard time understanding how a person can have a tzad that Killing one child is worse than all, unless I can PROVE otherwise. similarly that having an arm cut off is worse than hitting. let alone outr original topic.
    I find it cathartic falling back on its not your fault
    you are one hundred percent free to argue. I did not mean to mkae some kind of argument from authority.
    I’m not sure if any rabbinic figure told you stealing was worse than rape (I hope not) if they did they are 100% wrong. I did not mean that you have to agree with me becasue of any Rabbi, let alone an anonymous one.

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786952

    “There are many sources that doing the same sin multiple times is worse than doing it once.”

    Again so if not for the sources you’d be unsure.
    Killing one is as bad as 10 or six million. All get the exact punishment.
    On second thought Hitler (Godwin’s law is another brilliant law of the internet, better than Poe’s law) never killed anyone. I guess his evil is overrated. Stealing a pen makes you worse than Hitler correct?

    You don’t have to answer. I’m worried you won’t find a source and will be unsure

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786935

    “Call your lor for practical application”

    I did, he is the one who says you never went to yeshiva.

    “First off I’m not sure that someone Who performs an abortion is not חייב מיתה”

    You should be. There is no shiya that I’m aware of that holds that regarding a Jew.

    Regarding #1. So if not for Rashi you would be unsure, you’d havecahava Amina that sacrificing all children is better.
    Your answer to #2 settles the conversay if your not sure whether being hit or having a leg cut off clearly we are operating in different universe s
    Your dodging the question in #3 makes me feel a little better

    Your comment regarding the Bunyan tziton is really upside down. Clearly punishment is not the some determinant. And as to your comment YES! Nailed it All other poskinm argue on the Bunyan tziton and cadaveric donations are routinely done and aren’t even halachicly controversial. Brain death on the other hand….

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786728

    KY apologies
    my numbers got jumbled

    21 should be רַגְלַ֥יִם מְ֝מַהֲר֗וֹת לָר֥וּץ לָֽרָעָה
    24 is hitting someone (gets malkos whereas maiming someone doesnt)

    “Number four is In rashi”
    I’m sorry I’m not sure which Rashi you are referring to.
    IT is a Gemara Sanhedrin 64b if that helps .

    And again to be clear, I’m not asking why it doesnt get a more severe punishment. I’m asking how do you know it is a worse averia (assuming it is)

    Here are my current questions again for ease of reference

    1) Which is a worse act sacrificing all chidren to moilech, or some, and how do you know?
    2) whcih is a worse act hitting someone in a light way (where there is no tashlumin so he gets malkos) or maiming someone (where he pays and deosnt get malkos) . and how do you know?
    3) Is a girl who says steal my money but dont rape me, over lifnei iver because she is causing her assailant to do a worse aveira? what about a bystander who makes the offer ?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786702

    Plus you suggested that the reason a Beulah has no punishment is because it’s so bad one can’t get cleansed so “easily ””

    I suggested that as a a possibility. I don’t know the reason. and that is ok.


    I’m confused according to the ranking of punishments, for a JEw to perform an abortion theres no misah, nor kareis nor malkos, theres a fine. Presumably if the woman requests it there isnt even a fine. Just so I understand yo u correctly, are you saying for a JEw to perform an abortion (at the mothers request) is less of an averia than “stealing a pen” ? (I’m not disputing the point I just find it surprising that that is your position and looks like we may have uncovered yet another exception,)

    (as an aside, tzoras is a punishment,”
    Not in this sense see the Rambam Avos 2:1 for the list that we generally follow, you’ll note tzoras isnt there)

    I am genuinely trying to understand your view. I find it fascinating

    I still have a few questions.
    2 where in my last post that went up the same time as yours .

    1) Which is a worse act sacrificing all chidren to moilech, or some, and how do you know?
    2) whcih is a worse act hitting someone in a light way (where there is no tashlumin so he gets malkos) or maiming someone (where he pays and deosnt get malkos) . and how do you know?
    3) Is a girl who says steal my money but dont rape me, over lifnei iver becasue she is causing her assailant to do a worse aveira? what about a bystander who makes the offer ? ( Ive asked this question a few times, If you asked it I missed the answer)

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786645

    It just occurred to me that most of those don’t prove my point.

    Most of the list are examples where a passuk/ chazal tell us that although aveira x has a lighter punishment it is worse.
    Since we have no chazal for rape I hear why you can’t apply it.

    However 2 of them #4 moilech and #21 hitting someone are examples where a aveira we know on our own to be more severe (killing all children or maiming someone) gets a lighter onesh. Chazal don’t tell us killing all children is worse (correct me if I’m wrong) but “obviously” it’s worse we know it based on seichel it doesn’t need a rayah. Ditto for maiming someone and ditto for rape

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786620

    The exceptions

    Generally a worse punishment indicates a worse aveira.
    However, we have uncovered many exceptions. I.e. cases where an aveira does not have sucha severe punishment, yet it is worse than other aveiros with more severe punishments:

    (in the order we presented them over the two threads on the subject obviously some are stronger texamples than others) )
    1) Being a Zionist (very big aveira in your view but no punishment)
    2) sinas chinam (no classic onesh, yet worse thn gimmel chamuros Yoma 9b)
    3) hashcasa zera (no classic punishment yet seforim talk about how serious it is)
    4) Sacrificing all kids to Molech (doesnt carry misah , yet obviosly worse than sacrificing some )
    5) being boel goy, (no onesh, other than kanoin pogin if caught in the act)
    6) Kiruv to Erva ( is yeharog veal yaavor yet no onesh)
    7) The situation around an act makes it worse, liek stealing from poor vs rich yet onesh is the same (Shmuel 2:12)
    8) murder (is worse than chilul shabbos have to give life for murder not shabbos)
    9) Lashon harah (no earthly punishment but sichas mussar says frok the fact that it gets tzoras see it is more serious)
    10) embarrasing someone (better to jump in fire “keilu horgo”))
    11) swearing fasley (same as #9 gets tzoras)
    12) Gasos ruach (ditto)
    13) gezel (ditto)
    14) stinginess/tzaros ayin (ditto)
    15) treating bnos yisoel “kalos/lightly” (sanhedrin 75 b says better person died than talk to girl)
    16) Destroying anothers property (BK 60b according to Rashi cant destry property to save life)
    17) Nivul hames (Binyan tziyon 170 can’t take deceased’s organs to save life)
    18) עֵינַ֣יִם רָ֭מוֹת (passuk Mishlei one of the worst aveiros lists it with יָדַ֗יִם שֹׁפְכ֥וֹת דָּם־נָקִֽי yet no onesh in the classic sense )
    19) Lying (same)
    20) לֵ֗ב חֹ֭רֵשׁ מַחְשְׁב֣וֹת אָ֑וֶ (same)
    21) same
    22) פִ֣יחַ כְּ֭זָבִים עֵ֣ד שָׁ֑קֶר (same)
    23) מְשַׁלֵּ֥חַ מְ֝דָנִ֗ים בֵּ֣ין אַחִֽים (same)

    As a reminder the list of onshim to determine seveity is : Sekilah, sereifa Hereg, chenek, Kares, misha bidei shomayim malkos Rambam Avos 2:1

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786547

    “Whereas you have them listed A besulah A married woman A beulah”

    I provided no such list

    “Your contention that you want to use to codify the situation, that the rule only applies between man and creator but not between man and his fellow man, seems bizarre to me.
    Why would /should that be so?”

    Because it makes sense.
    If I ask you what’s worse eating cheilev or neveila, it makes sense to say well none of them seem surprised to me let’s check the general.
    On the other hand if I ask what’s worse hitting it maiming, it’s strange to say let’s look it up.

    Molech was mentioned earlier. As you know, if a person sacrifices all his children El he doesn’t get miss. I assume (correct me if I’m wrong) that this is yet another exception to the rule.
    Fine no big Kasha we already have nearly 20 explicit exceptions what’s one more (after shabbos I’ll list them).

    But, and I think this is a good one. How do you know this is an exception? Maybe it’s better to sacrifice all, and tellingly he doesn’t get Missy. (to be clear I’m not asking how we know he doesn’t get Missa I’m asking how do you know his act is worse, assuming you believe it is?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786486

    “. The rule and it’s exceptions are really all a single expression of the rule makers will. ”

    ah but you are forgetting a piece.
    As we discussed in the very beginning there is also an innate sense of morality that the ribono shel olam put in the briyah. Even if He didnt command us not to kill we would still be expected not to. Moroever., even not knowing isnt an excuse. granted for beis din to kill you need hasraah, but this is by a Jew. If a goy kills he would be killed without hasraah,
    what would you tell the goy if he asked “but how was I to know killing is wrong?” ?

    Lets take this a step further. There is no lav “though shalt not rape”
    Yet you acknowledge that it is wrong, for us and for a ben noach. The entire city of shchem was killed for this aveira. but again how were they to know? what azahara did they have?

    “What means in essence that each time, you evaluated the two sins, and decided, yes , since the one with the greater punishment seems to be a greater sin (or the greater sin has the greater punishment, same thing) i can follow the rule stating that greater punishment equals greater sin.
    But in reality you haven’t followed the rule at all, because you have already arrived at that conclusion yourself, before you are willing to accept that rule.”

    not at all. I have no idea why cheilev is worse than nevilah. It isnt “logical” to me, SO when deciding which is worse, chazal tell us how to determine it. Driving on shabbos doesnt seem that terrible, so chazal say look at the onesh. But if I ask you whats worse getting hit with 1 psi of force vs 10 psi . Would you say well they are equal since both get malkos ?
    what about getting hit or having an arm cut off?
    Well, obviously hit is worse since it gets malkos, however when an arm is cut off r”l it is nosein letashlumin so there is no malkos. (the hitting in this case was not in public so no boshes, tzar was less than a shava peruta no ripui, sheves or nezek either)
    Putting aside the sheer illogicality of maintaining that hitting someone is worse than maiming them (I know yet ANTOHER exception)
    My point is the whole exercise of evaluating these aveiros in this way is strange. Is thatreall y how you think aveiros are evaluated?

    In fact, I lost track of many of the wonderful marei mekomos we both brought , did any of them weigh severity of bein adom lechaveiro based on punishment (Not agadata punishment, I mean the classic halachic punishment of misas besi din, kareis, misah bidei shomayim etc ) ? We had many many that didn’t , do we have any that do?

    If I say ” I’d rather get hit than maimed ” Does that make me a heretic ?
    Is the girl who says “please don’t rape just steal my money” a heretic because she isnt following this rule?

    (If you are saying that SHE can prefer to be robbed, but WE can’t prefer that she gt robbed, you’d have to clarfiy the difference)

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1786498

    “Despicable Middos of our Hero”

    your title makes no sense. By definition a person wit despicable middos isn’t our hero

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786420

    “mods delete posts”
    Yes, plus today was a glitchy day. thanks for powering through, and sticking with me.

    “if we allow our own “critical thinking ” to decide whice are exceptions, then in essence it is always our “critical thinking “deciding which is worse.”

    Thats a variant of slippery slope. It isnt logically compelling.

    “according to your logic, the reason , possibly, that a penuya has no onesh is because its the worst… sound weird to me but hey!”

    Oh totally sounds weird.
    But you grant that your position that theft is worse than rape is baffling to (I didnt go back to check but I believe in the first thread you indicated that while you felt this was correct, it was hard to understand)

    SO both of us are stuck with a hard to understand position, is mine so much stranger than yours?

    “when society devolves to a point where murder is permissable would you then , using your critical thinking….”
    No 2 reasons (dont get caught up on the order)
    1) We’d use our critical thinking to realize why murder is worse and that society was wrong
    2) We have the Torah to follow and the torah tells us murder is yehraog vela yaavor. so even if worms seemed worse. We are mevatel our daas to the Torah.

    in reply to: National Anthem Protocol #1786421


    It always made me uncomfortable too

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1786092


    “Had the torA outright said use a thorn bush though, you don’t see the gemarahs saying, nah, that can’t be. It hurts to much”

    Oh absolutely!
    but the Torah DOESNT say stealing is worse than rape. YOU are.

    And before you say that the Torah does say it based on the rule that worse punishment = worse aveira.
    you acknowledge that the rule isnt absolute there are exceptions “I agreed there are exceptions. Provided there is a good basis for it.”

    you just don’t think there is a “good basis” to say that rape is worse than stealing. You don’t view what we all think/see is not a good basis. You are looking for a Passuk to say that it is worse. You are unwilling (or unable) to think critically and say wait, obviously it is worse.

    “A פסוק במשלי is about as good of a basis that I can ask for in my book”
    I’m not sure what you are trying to show from Mishlei?
    Absolutely! and it practically tells us that severity of an act is NOT determined based on onesh

    “I was just looking to show that לשה”ר is basically worse than a homely bunch of sins”
    So Lashon harah is worse than say chilul shabbos.
    Of the 7 avieros listed (gaiva, lying, murder, thinking evil plans, running to do evil things , testifying falsely, and causing fuights עֵינַ֣יִם רָ֭מוֹת לְשׁ֣וֹן שָׁ֑קֶר וְ֝יָדַ֗יִם שֹׁפְכ֥וֹת דָּם־נָקִֽי׃ לֵ֗ב חֹ֭רֵשׁ מַחְשְׁב֣וֹת אָ֑וֶן רַגְלַ֥יִם מְ֝מַהֲר֗וֹת לָר֥וּץ לָֽרָעָה׃ יָפִ֣יחַ כְּ֭זָבִים עֵ֣ד שָׁ֑קֶר וּמְשַׁלֵּ֥חַ מְ֝דָנִ֗ים בֵּ֣ין אַחִֽים׃. SIX! dont have an onesh in the classic sense

    Interestingly these are all bein adom lechaveiro which fits my paradigm nicely (that greater punishment = greater sin applies to bein adom lamakom)

    I’m not sure how you deal with this growing list of exceptions.
    Why doesnt the Gemara yoma (or other places the general rule is listed) ask this question?

    “I quoted a gemarah
    You stated that’s a prime example of warped thinking
    To which I responded I sound to have the gemarahs warped, your call, logic”

    I dont know what gemara you are reffering to. you dont have ANY proof on your side*. Granted, I dont have an explicit Gemara that says rape is worse than theft either . Our discussion is whether I need one.

    your argument is that without a gemara/passuk we cant know things.
    My argument is unless a Gemara/passuk etc says the oppsoite of what we see, we can (and must!) rely on our critical thinking

    * as a reminder don’t get confused. Your argument is NOT that we always follow greater punishment, as you grant there are exceptions. nor is the argument if we generally follow greater punishment, because that was never in dispute

    And if you dont mind just so I have this clear, If a single girl is being raped r”l . IT is wrong for her to let the assailant rob her instead since that would be lifnei iver causing him to do a worse aveira. correct?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785989


    “Do I agree this is an exception? No. Why would I?”

    got it thanks
    The “why would I” is very telling as is EXACTLY what I was referring to in my orignal comment.

    “Yes as I said before As bad as you feel rape is, and it is, לשה”ר is worse.
    Why does that bother you?”

    It bothers me becasue it isnt true. Ask someone who has had both done to them.

    “Simply because we all are נכשול in לשה”ר constantly so we’ve lost our sensitivity to it.”
    So if you heard of a society that was perfect in lashon harah but was nichshal in rape, that would be a better society than ours?

    and you are stuck saying to the girl who told her rapist “Take my money leave me alone”
    that she was wrong, she should have let the person be meanes her since stealing is worse.
    (Again, this is your position right?) Something that absolutely makes no sense

    This idea that you cant use your mind or senses to evaluate things is foreign to Judaism.
    The Gemara asks regarding “anaf eitz avos” if it is some other min, and syas it cant be that becasue they are posinous and has thorns and דרכיה דרכי נועם

    The Gemara does not then say, so we see that it isnt poisonous and the thorns dont hurt?
    That question would make no sense. We see that it is and they do.

    And I’m not sure what you are proving from the chofetz Chayim.
    either way it is a rayah against your narrow position.
    There he says Rechilus is worse than murder.
    Yet murder has a worse punishment

    So either it is yet another exception
    Or it isnt literal (If only it was literal, could you imagine there were only 7 things Hashem hated? things would sure be easier)

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785886

    “pps if a worldview shaped by clear (to me) rayoos from multiple georahs plus an explicit rambam that another poster posted her, is warped, im proud to have such warped thinking.”

    Wowah easy slow down you are confusing yourself. Or me.

    I missed any of the rayaahs you brought to your view. True you brought some raayahs that generally we judge based on severity, though I wouldn’t call them raayahs its an expliocit gemara. But that wasnt the discussion. The question was whether it was absolute.

    (I’m also not sure which poster that mentioned a Rambam you are referring to)

    and shame on you for calling a Gemara warped. If it seems warped that is your chisaron, work on understanding the Gemara/Rambam. OR submit that you dont understand it. but that doesnt make it warped

    At any rate, I was under the impression that you (now?) agree that there ARE exceptions to the general rule.

    Our dispute is if this is yet another exception or not.
    Do I have these last two lines wrong?
    “we need not debate “slippery slope” ”
    I’m glad, it isnt much of a debate. . Ive found that “slippery slope” arguments are an illogical desperate argument made in a last ditch effort to support an untenable position. It can be (and has been) used to support any and every position imaginable.
    Or put another way, slippery slope arguments are a slippery slope towards justifying absolutely anything you want to do.

    “i’ll stick with trying to accept hashems opinion wether or not i understand it.”
    Lol thanks that made me laugh (א ביטערע געלעכטער). Its totally ratzon Hashem that if Ploni rapes a penuya and olmoni tells others about it. We should view olmoni as the biggger rasha

    Before ending this wonderful discussion though. If you dont mind my summarizing just so that I have your position clear:

    You grant that there are exceptions to the general rule that severity of averia is judged by the severity of the punishment. However you do not believe rape is such an exception.

    Do I have that right?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785848

    “pps if a worldview shaped by clear (to me) rayoos from multiple georahs plus an explicit rambam that another poster posted her, is warped, im proud to have such warped thinking.”

    but slow down

    I missed the raayaos. True you brought rayyos to the general principle, but that was never being debated
    Our discussion was whether it was absolute (particulary regarding bein adom lachaveiro) .I’m not even sure rayyos is the right word its an explicit gemara in several places that severity is based on onesh

    and I”m not sure what Rambam you are referring to. The Ramabm says explicitly in several places that there are exceptions

    At any rate I was under the impression that you (now) agree that there ARE exceptions.
    Just that this isnt one of them.
    Is thes last line of mine mistaken?

    “we need not debate “slippery slope””
    We definitely don’t, so thank you for not going there . Ive found that slippery slope is a last ditch argument made to support an untenable position. It can be (and has been) used to support or oppose absolutely anything on earth .

    Before leaving though, if you dont mind responding to my above questuion, just so that I have your psotion absolulty right, because it seems to be shifting a bit. (that may be my poor memory)

    Here it is again
    you agree that there ARE exceptions. to the general principle
    Just that this isnt one of them.


    “i’ll stick with trying to accept hashems opinion wether or not i understand it.”
    youre funny

    Before leaving though, if you dont mind responding to my above question, just so that I have your position absolulty right, because it seems to be shifting a bit. (that may be my poor memory/understanding)

    Here it is again
    you agree that there ARE exceptions. to the general principle
    Just that this isnt one of them.


    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785777


    (My last comment was posted before yours)

    “yes if the punishment for stealing is worse than the punishment re a penuya then in my worldview it means hashem thinks its worse.”

    Even though that is complelty illogical, and goes against what we can see with our eyes (I dont mean literally obviously), even though you concede there ARE exceptions to your worldview. So its not like the “rule” forcing you into this logically untenable position is absolute.

    “at the end i think our positions once again are closer than we thought originally”

    I couldn’t disagree more I think your position is morally twisted., and an example of lack of critical thinking prevalent in the community I grew up in all disguised as false tzidkus (“simply because i choose to have my morals dictated to me by hkb”h rather than trying to decide myself.”)

    I was CERTAIN that by getting you to concede that there were exceptions to the general rule of judging a sin based on severity, (which wasnt easy but I persisted) , you would grant that maybe this was another exception.

    I was wrong.

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785646

    “I meant that if one sins with a married women there is a punishment, equals cleansing, but if she is single there is none. That would make according to your logic, sinning with a single girl vastly worse than sinning with a married women.
    That is the position for which I cannot fathom the logic.”

    IF thats the question stoping you from considering rape worse than theft. LEts come up wih a sevara.

    Maybe a married person sint as bad , because her life is less destroyed, presumably her husband won’t leaver her ? while a single person will have a hard (impossible?) time getting married.

    OR maybe we keep him alive so that if she so chooses she can at least marry him.

    I grant none of these are particularly compelling.
    But surley both of those are more logical than concluding that theft is worse?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785513


    “No. לשה”ר is much worse. It gets צרעת”

    where does tzoras rank on the order of onshim?

    “So which is worse גסות הרוח or neveila?
    גסות הרוח.”
    So If a person has a choice between being haughty or eating neveilah, youd tell him to eat the neveila?

    “In his specific instance, he was beyond love struck. His talking to her was just a cover to having a mental connection to her. Ie. Fulfill his fantasy. In that case חזל said it’s אבוזריהו דארייות ויהרג ועל יעבור”

    sooooooo, severity of onesh does not ALWAYS translate to severity of aveira.

    “This one seems so easy you must have a trick up your sleeve.
    חילול שבת-סקילה is much worse
    ניבול המת I’m not sure there is any עונש down here for it.”

    No trick,. though the defintion of “worse” is getting a bit muddled.

    If a person is dying, and to save him we can either be menavel a mes or be mechale shabbos. Accordign to the Binyan Tziyon he should be mechalel Shabbos.
    why would you do the worse averia, when we can do less severe one?

    “To be clear, I’m obviously not saying it can NEVER be learnt from the onesh. Just that it can’t always be learnt from the onesh

    Well well well
    Once you go there we are not really arguing anymore.”

    hold up, I said that from the get go!
    Its a beferish gemra in multiple places.

    I mentioned several times, that perhaps there was a distiction bein adom lemakom vs bein adom lacheveiro (Though Nidah/goyha doesnt fit well, maybe we can borrow your distiction

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785532


    “I assume the punishment is a barometer of severity unless told otherwise,
    You assume, what? That it’s random? Just a Hodge podge of punishments randomly assigned to sins? Help me out here.

    furthermore you got me to rethin another position, that is tangentially related to this, namely does every halachic position need “proof” or are some obvious.

    Many are obvious, and don’t really NEED proof.
    But they must all be provable”


    now this is the crux of our disagreement, and what I meant by lack of critical thinking.

    when faced by a question “what is worse stealing or rape? ” there are 2 approaches:

    1) Obviously rape is worse! what kind of question is that, aye why isnt there a worse onesh? good question, I’m not sure. Maybe it is yet another exception, to the general rule. but as they say fin a kasha shtarbt men nisht, perhaps the question is better than the tereitz . But that doesn’t change the reality.


    2) well stealing gets a worse onesh so its worse. Aye Im pretty sure anybody would rather the former? I’ not even sure what the response is? Theyre wrong they should prefer the latter . This approach leads to really absurd conclusions that are logically untenable.

    I mean should a penuyah submit to prevent her attacker from taking her money? could a thinking person even have such a hava amina?
    again, I dont have PROOF that she shouldn’t.
    do I need to provide proof?
    Are you unsure?

    ” You assume, what? That it’s random? Just a Hodge podge of punishments randomly assigned to sins? Help me out here.”

    i’m not sure how to answer that. I dont understand what exactly it is about cursing a parent that warrants speciifly stoning vs hitting that warrants chenek. . that doesnt mean I think it is random.

    “”I assume the punishment is a barometer of severity unless told otherwise,”

    yes generally true. but what if it just cant be otherwise?
    Unless you are saying that yes it is possible that stealing is worse than rape.
    Is that a position you can accept?

    Or put another way. Both of us are stumped.
    Of course rape is worse. I have no idea why it doesn’t get a worse punishment

    Of course stealing is worse, it has a worse punishment! I have no idea why rape seems so bad?

    What is pushing you to prefer the 2nd approach, especially when you concede that there are exceptions to the general rule ?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1785509

    “As no one addressed my above point regarding intermarriage versus nidda, it is fair to say that everyone agrees with it.”

    Lol you didnt make a point (you rarely do)
    And using your “logic” since you didn’t address ANY of my points, you agree with them. Interesting, I wouldnt have thought

    regarding intermarriage vs Nidah,. I hear your point but you are dodging mine. Granted I said “marry” but my point holds for any union. In my experience we are more opposed to a Jew living with a goy than with a non-frum Jewess. Do you perceive it differently?
    I don’t think it is merely the “technicality” that by a Goy the very union is wrong, while non-frum it is other aspects. But again, I do hear your distinction and perhaps this “rayah” that was already weak to begin with since I dont really have a mekor for it, is even weaker.

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1784763


    Even if that were true (trhough I’d argue the opposite since most people oppose taking the law into your own hands, so it seems doubtful that the court said “well you put up arms so we better rule in his favor), it certainly can’t be used to PROVE that armed uprisings work

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1784736

    “The guns helped them. They only went to jail prior to court date(s).
    Not one court found them guilty.
    GOT IT?!”

    I got it, but your thinking is muddled.

    I’ll walk you through it, stick with me.

    1- Dooms said “Purpose of 2nd amendment is to protect us against Tyranny.”
    2- I pointed out that this wasn’t true since an individual (or even group) can’t sstand a chance against the US government with their guns.
    3- You said “Ever hear of Cliven Bundy? He basically won against the US government!”
    4- To which You and I pointed out that he didnt win wit h his guns he won through the court, as you put it “Not one court found them guilty.”

    In fact he LOST his armed attempt, since, as you said “went to jail prior to court date”
    His gun didnt help hi win at all, Te courts did

    So how is this an example of using a gun to protect yourself against tyranny. The court protected him Not his gun.

    Where did I lose you?

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1784497

    “we don’t know any of that, we would only know if we “certify” a specific store ourselves,”

    so do it. dont be lazy. How do you think any store is certified. do you think people ask online foums “anybody know how entemans? operates? I’m pretty sure they don’t use lard anybody hear anything different” don’t ask US what goes on in a store that we can’t possibly know the metzius of (we dont even know where you live !) go to the store and ask
    you probably could’ve been enjoying your delicious muffins by now if you really wanted to

    in reply to: Whats the worst thing about smartphones #1784511

    They run out of battery and I need to charge it mid day.


    I just remembered Tosfos Gitin says that we force freeing of a slave (a lav) to allow a chatzi even chatzi ben chorin to allow because pru urvu is a great mitzvah.

    what is pshat, when the baal frees the chatzi eved. does he get an aveira? Is he over a lav?
    Are we saying go ahead do the aveira for the greater good In berachos we say for rabim too can free slave for minyan.
    Or no in that case it isnt an aveira.?

    and does this have any relevance to our discussion ?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1784498

    on second thought my Nidah “rayah” might not be one at all.

    Its very possible that although we would rather he be with nidah than goya (an assertian I am being strictly based on sevara I would love any sources on this topic) , He is doing a worse aveira., but we would rather he do worse aveira for a greater good.

    Although we don’t say חטא כדי שיזכה חברך, ( shabbos 4a) in the tzad that we did say that. Do we say the person doing the aveira still has an aveira, he is worse off for having done it , he will get an onesh/need kaparah. But do the aveira ie get the onesh, ie do the worse act, to benefit your friend.
    Or no, in that tzad, it wouldnt be the worse act, NOT doing the aveira would be worse maybe he’d even get get punished for not doing the aveira . There has to be some discussion on this, I will go hunting over shabbos bl”n. Though I’m not certain it relates to our topic

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1784493


    Yes it is generally true,

    which is worse hiring a hitman to murder a family or eating neveila?

    in reply to: Should Wedding gowns for the extended family be discontinued? #1784478

    this has nothing to do with marriage
    It affects all parts of life.

    It is our job as parents to educate our children, (and as humans to work on ourselves) that just because they do it doesn’t mean we do it.
    Is this easy? no. Life isn’t easy

    The answer isnt to shirk our duty and say ok I’ll get them to stop.

    no they shouldnt.

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1784465


    “Ok, well, what about if they just give it to you without any oven use.. I’m pretty sure they just get it off the truck and stick it straight onto those shelves.”

    Why are you still ” pretty sure”? Go to the dunkin donuts look and ask around. This isnt complicated stuff. there is no need to make assumptions. none of us know what store you are referring to, where they get their stuff from etc. Go find out it will take an hour tops .
    then reports what you find to a knowledgeable person and you’ll get your answer.

    There is no need to make random assumptions neither about the how the store operates nor the halacha

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1784168

    “Where is the source that you are allowed to eat something that you know in advance may have visible treif or basar bcholov in it ?”

    This conversation is getting comfusing.

    If it is visible, remove it.

    If it is not visible the source is Rema YD 98:1

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1784067


    “On Monday, a federal judge in Las Vegas set them free.”

    Sooooo they didnt win with guns. got it.

    don’t worry I knew that but wanted you to actually read the story as it serves to prove the opposite of what you were trying to prove.
    Their guns didnt help them, they were arrested taken to jail (“….stared down government agents in an armed standoff outside their Nevada ranch. The Bundys dared the federal government to arrest them. The government did, “)
    The court helped them (luckily it wasnt the secret supreme court I hear those judges are terrible )

    No why, do you?

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1784023

    “Ever hear of Cliven Bundy? ”

    sure did! 🙂

    “He basically won against the US government!”
    lets go through this example since you brought it up.
    how did he win?

    “How does having nuclear weapons protect from other countries having nuclear weapons?”
    I think you sat on your keyboard again . I have no idea what you are trying to say, are you sure you posted on the right thread?

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1783967


    “What does winning have to do with the right to be ready to fight?”

    Who said anything about the right to be able to fight?

    dooms said
    “Purpose of 2nd amendment is to protect us from tyrannical government.”

    An AR 15 won’t protect you from a black hawk helicopter.
    So if the purpose is to protect us from a tyranical government, does it grant me the right to own black hawks of my own?
    And if not, why not?

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1783786


    Oh my the tyranny in New Zealand, Australia, the UK etc all countries with stricter 100’s of millions killed.

    “Purpose of 2nd amendment is to protect us from tyrannical government.”

    Ive been asking these questions over and over hopefully you can answer:

    1) how does this work.? I view the government as tyranical, I pay way to much taxes, when the IRS shows up to confiscate my property do you support my right to defend my property from what I view as a tyranical government. in other words how does this work exactly?

    2) Do you support my right to own weapons that can actually be usd agaisnt the government such as jets, tanks automatic weapons etc. I’m worried that my semi-automatic just won’e cut it. Keep in mind the second amendment speaks of “arms” not “guns” or “firearms” so do I have a right to own a nucleur warhead, whci we would need to actually fight off the tyranical government?

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1783785

    just me

    “But it doesn’t seem to be treated as if taharas is worst. ”

    thats my point. Strictly speaking based on punishment Nidah is worse. Yet “obviously” we dont treat it as such, otherwise there should be a movement promoting intermarriage amount the non-frum.

    I don’t have a solid mekor for this though, and maybe yes we should promote intermarriage (or at the least not discourage it) to prevent the worse punishment/aveira



    I too enjoy our discussion.
    And youve gotten me to reevaluate and prove my position which is great.

    furthermore you got me to rethin another position, that is tangentially related to this, namely does every halachic position need “proof” or are some obvious.

    My inital inclination was that some things are obvious, but I’m less sure now.

    Incidentally do you know of any discussions regarding which is worse intermarriage or marrying someone who won’t keep taharas hamishpacha.

    Using your framework I take it you’d say the latter is worse. To me, it is obvious that the former is worse, though I concede that I cant prove it (I have some weak rayahs up my sleeve but nothing worth sharing at the moment)

    DO you (or anyone reading this ) know of any treatments on this topic?

    Looking forward to Thursday

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1783293

    Also note

    “Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment?”

    To be clear, I’m obviously not saying it can NEVER be learnt from the onesh. Just that it can’t always be learnt from the onesh

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1783266

    On second thought

    Isnt this line of the Mahrsha “אין לדון כן לענין עונש דאימא זה שעשה עבירה החמורה מזו אינו מתכפר בעונש המפורש בקלה” An explicit rayah to my position namely: That the more severe punishment does not necesarily indicate it is a more severe aveira ?

    (Of course others can argue on the Marsha but hey a discerning reader will choose which of the two he wants to go with. 🙂 )

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1783262

    In our original discussion on this topic I said “As to why the Torah didnt mandate misah, maybe being meanes is so bad that he doesnt even deserve the kaparah of misas beis din? Or “I happen not to understand it. But I think that that is my short coming””

    You didnt like that explanation (“I can’t figure out that logic.”)
    I found the mekor

    It is a Maharsha Sanhedrin 64: Inn chidishei halachos

    גמרא ומזרעך ולא כל זרעך כתב הסמ”ג לאווין מ’ ויש בזה טעם לתשובת המינים מפני שבמיתת ב”ד מתכפרין המומתין וזה עשה כ”כ עבירה גדולה שאין הקדוש ברוך הוא רוצה שיהא לו כפרה ומזה הטעם אני אומר כו’ עכ”ל ע”ש ומזה נראה לתת טעם הא דאמרינן בכל דוכתא דאין עונשין מן הדין אף על גב דק”ו מדה היא בתורה מכ”מ אין לדון כן לענין עונש דאימא זה שעשה עבירה החמורה מזו אינו מתכפר בעונש המפורש בקלה ממנה וק”ל:

    original thread :https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/a-study-in-trolls-updated/page/2

    in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1783255

    I read the piece you quoted quite well. and again thank you for providing it

    during our previous discussion if I had asked you wahts worse Lashon harah or Lying. You would have said (I assume) they are equal since the punishment for the two is the same .

    Yet here you see that there are other factors that are taken into account. Lashon harah is far more severe. although if course it doesnt get a more severe punishment than lying. (Certainly not today when there is no tzoras, though to be fair I guess there is no misas beis din either)

    Furthrmore the Gemara in Eirachin 16a says there are 7 aveiros that get tzoras על שבעה דברים נגעים באין על לשון הרע ועל שפיכות דמים ועל שבועת שוא ועל גילוי עריות ועל גסות הרוח ועל הגזל ועל צרות העין

    So which is worse גסות הרוח or neveila?

    I thought of a few more exscellent rayos that severity is not always judged by onesh (I guess you’d view them more exceptions to add on to the 5 or so that we had already)

    1) Sanhedrin 75: relates of a man who was lovestruck and would die unless he was with a woman, or saw her or or spoke to her . The Rabbonim refused although she was single (according to one man deamar)
    where does talking to a single girl rank in terms of onesh?

    and yet look how severe an aveira it is.

    2) B”K 60: Brings the story of Daovid who asked the sanhedrin if he can destroy other’s money to save his life. Sanhedrin said no (except that he was a king so HE was allowed) Rashi learns this literally. IT is assur to save your life by destroying other’s property. (tos, and the Rosh among others argue and take it as a given that you can and learn the question there as whether youd have to pay)

    See binyan Tzion 167 where he discussees this shaila lehalacha
    See also teshuva 170 whregarding using a deceased’s organ “נלענ”ד דגם ע”פ שיטת התוספ’ והרא”ש אסור להציל החי ע”י ביזוי המת וכל שכן כיון דהביזוי והניוול הוא ודאי ואם יגיע הצלה לחי עי”ז הוא ספק ושב ואל תעשה עדיף”

    So I ask you what is a worse aveira nivul hameis or chilul shabbos?
    what is the onesgh for each?

    According to Rashi whats worse stealing or chilul shabbos ?
    again what is the onesh for each?

    The unifying these among most exceptions is as I said that the gauge of severity based on onesh applies bein adom lemakom. Bein adom lechaveiro we find many explicit cases that sometimes a less severe punishment is a worse aveira. (Though The exception you provided last thread about marrying a goyah doesnt fit my rubric well which the Rambam warns you is very severe in spite of the onesh not being severe

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1783207

    “The question is whether you are safer in the USA or Mexico”

    doesnt it concern you that that is even a question? People love saying how we are “the best country in the world” (number one in mass shootings! whohoo USA USA USA!)
    Is that the benchmark of the best country?

    “Well we are safer than Mexico” Really?

    “What I am pointing out is that making something “illegal” does not translate into making it disappear or be unavailable to those that wish to attain it.”

    Yes but that is a strawman, because nobody ever argued otherwise. ANd in this thread I pointed that out no fewer than 7 times


    An excellent rayah that we DON’T look at the onesh to gauge the severity.

    Loshon harah does not have misah nor a korvon nor malkod you might think it’s not so bad.
    So sichos mussar points out no it’s terrible.

    Similarly hamlbin pnei chaveiro. There’s no onesh misah. No big deal, right? Wrong! It’s terrible keilu horgo!

    Ai why don’t we gauge based on the onesh? Because while a good gauge and good rule of thumb. It isn’t absolute

    in reply to: Audio Shiurim sites #1783154

    What seforim?

    Mp3 shiur.org has a lot of shiurim including many Rabbi reisman’ blatt shiurim as well as yoreh deah among others.

    Of course yu Torah has thousands upon thousands of shiurim on any topic

    in reply to: Should Wedding gowns for the extended family be discontinued? #1782981

    ” I do not think it is fair to tell my daughter, “Listen, sweetie, I know all of your friends and classmates are getting married in beautiful halls with gowns, etc, but we can’t afford it, so your wedding will be in the school gym with regular Shabbos clothing.””

    Its nice, shes old enough to get married, shes old enough to be mature about finances. and if not then THAT is where we should work on as a community. Just becasue some meshugenar spent x amount of money on a wedding (that he could or couldnt afford) doesnt mean all of us have to.

    You say “Think about this: The cost of a cheap Orthodox Jewish wedding today is at least $20,000. The average annual household income in the United States is just about $60,000. Does this make sense?”

    Of course it doesnt make sense. So dont do it

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1782879


    “Last I checked, all baked goods are made in a central location and sent to the store.”

    All dunkin donuts?
    and are all of thsoe central loactions kosher?

    Seems doubtful at best

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1782863


    “There is no right to make bombs so the argument isn’t comparable.”

    a. Says who?
    and b. why not?

    “The right to own firearms exists.”
    you might want to double check your text of the second amendment. It does not say “firearms”

    ” then why shouldn’t we ban bowling balls? ”
    Because bowling balls werent used to kill over 30,000 people last year . IF they were then yes they should be better regulated.

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1782608

    “How do i find out? I feel like the workers in that branch don’t actually know ”

    someone must now. speak to the manager

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1782102

    Ben Levi

    “Do you honestly think that no other country has this problem?’

    Yes, the Us has the highest rate of mass shootings among developed countries.

    “Yes it’s true in Israel they do not really have this problem you see when people are upset in Israel and the rest of the Mideast they use bombs ”

    So using your “logic” they (and we) should make bombs legal. Boms don’t kill people, people kil people. and of course drugs are already illegal and people abuse drugs anyway

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1781460

    “but the DD right near my office isn’t certified kosher :/”

    so certify it. find out where the muffin comes from, find out if the manufacturer is certified and take ift from there

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