Forum Replies Created
“in the supermaket in jersey city , the attack was stopped by the thankfully swift arrival of ARMED law enforcement.”Not quite. It was stopped after a several hour long gun battle. It is a bit silly (at best) to think It took the police hours to stop the bad guys. but if I had a gun it would have ben over right away
“in the mosey attack, tha attack was not stopped untill the murderer decided he had enough.”
and you want to make it EASIER for him to have had a gun????
“the attack ended 6 seconds later when an armed citizen in the room”
from what I understand he was a security guard. Is this not the case?” However, look around a vast majority of places with gun control. People get attacked,”
This is not true and has been studiesd over and over.
On the national level, on the state level more gun control (generally) leads to less gun deaths. sure there are exceptions like Switzerland but when you deny facts you weaken your positionJanuary 2, 2020 8:20 pm at 8:20 pm in reply to: shalom mordechai is OUT…..BARUCH HASHEM! Its Zos Chanukah #1817371ubiquitinParticipant” I wonder about those who were not joyous since it was not a rational moment”
You wonder why there are rational people?
ubiquitinParticipantCT rebbe you must have been sitting in some isolated section
In most of the stadium your numbers are way off.Lets start with the obvious Most chasidim speak yiddish as their primary language but are comfortable (though not neccesarily “just as comfortable” with english
You have this group as being 2.6% of the attendance .
Pictures are widely available. you can identify the chasidim by their long peyos (sidelocks) and fur lined hats (allegedly made of beaver fur hence their name though there are some other chasidik modes of dress but I dont want to confuse youHere are some pictures, I’m curious if you think only 2.6% are chasidim were 2 different programs
At Metlife Everything was live. Nothing was broadcast from Barclays
At Barclays much of it was live (obviously with different presenters) but some was broadcast from metlife (Like Rabbi Frand)
January 2, 2020 9:37 am at 9:37 am in reply to: Siyum Hashas – Inclement Weather – What Happens? #1816096ubiquitinParticipantNext siyum Hashas June 7 2027 . what are they going to do if their is inclement weather. time to start worrying about it
December 27, 2019 8:45 am at 8:45 am in reply to: shalom mordechai is OUT…..BARUCH HASHEM! Its Zos Chanukah #1814664ubiquitinParticipantLol Joseph, never stop.
you are fantasticDecember 24, 2019 9:19 am at 9:19 am in reply to: Broke Bochurim Going to Friend’s Weddings #1813499ubiquitinParticipantWhere did this expectation come from?
when did it start?This was not the case 15 years ago.
“I would like your thoughts”
The premise is absurd. There should be no “expectation” of anything. If it is long distance and involves airfare it is nice for the Chosson to contribute (especially if he wants people to go)
but to start making cheshbonos for every person’s gas and tolls? Your car gets 25 miles per gallon, and you drove 30 miles + x number of tolls on the turnpike, but you could have saved 37 cents by getting on an exit later so thats on you…. preposterous!The people getting a ride should contribute a token amount to their driver and zehu. Go because yo u want to be mesameach your friend
Lol you are of course correct, I hope no patient I advised so poorly misunderstood…ubiquitinParticipantGaiva is very powerful
ubiquitinParticipant“It requires you to avoid risks that a normal person with a spare kidney can afford to take.”
Source please. I have never counseled a patient to avoid any risk that a “normal person” with a “spare kidney” can partake in.
What should they avoid?
ubiquitinParticipant“It’s a major step that will limit your options for the rest of your life,”
What option does it limit (other than the ability to donate in the future) ?
” what part of huju’s comment is factually incorrect?”
Both parts for example
” Life with only one kidney is dangerous, as you may lose the one kidney in an accident or illness.”
The odds of an accident or injury affecting one kidney is rare. Far to rare to call it “dangerous”(that isnt to say there isnt an increased risk of kidney disease and hypertension in the donor, as there is)
Bottom line is discuss it with people who know what they are talking about
ubiquitinParticipant“ALL who testified said there’s NO quid pro quo. ”
I must have missed those
Anyway we already know there was a quid pro quo, as mentioned. the transcript is available and Mulvaney publicly confessed“He says just because other presidents were not impeached for similar offenses,”
ike all trump supporters you are using contradictory talking points, that makes you sound silly. which is it, do all Presidents commit this offense or Did Trump not do it?
Like the guy who broke the vase he borrowed., and argues that 1) He never borrowed it, 2) It was broken when he borrowed it ans 3) It was fixed when returned” because many people are voting for him only because they see the stupidity and obvious”
Thats how much Democrats stand for truth, they will give up an election just to do whats right! wow!ubiquitinParticipant“Reb Eliezer sums up the entire Democrat’s argument. ”
No he doesn’t and that isnt the argument.
The argument for impeachment is simple and staright forward. ALL FOUR of the constitutional experts *testified that the alleged crimes are grounds for impeachment. There is ample evidence that said crime was commuted, including his chief of staff publicly admitting it at a press confrence.
You are making the argument AGAINST impeachment which is far harder, ” other presidents were not impeached for similar offenses,” which isn’t much of an argument. Try telling a cop or judge “yes I was speeding but lots of people speed and get away with it, why shouldn’t I”
* including the Republican one who said ““The use of military aid for a quid pro quo to investigate one’s political opponent, if proven, can be an impeachable offense.”
ubiquitinParticipantCorrect me if I’m wrong,,,
you are wrong.
both are acceptable as can be easily verified by a google searchubiquitinParticipant“Just as with the Russia hoax, even if the allegation were true there would be no crime.”
“Furthermore, does the president need to commit pre-established crimes to be impeached, ”
Again, Don’t forget the constitutional expert brought by the Republicans (Turley) disagrees with these staments (obviously the three experts brought by the Democrats do too)
Except that is not what Tuley saidhere is the key quote “The use of military aid for a quid pro quo to investigate one’s political opponent, if proven, can be an impeachable offense.””
Turley said he didnt beleive that happened, but a. That wasnt what he was called to testify on, and b. We already know it happened we all saw the phone transcript, and the white house (ie Mulvaney) acknowledged that the quid pro quo took place
“Part of the problem is that Trump has so lowered the bar for what is considered “normal” behavior, its hard to get too excited about Ukraine in comparison a lot of his other “stuff”,”
This I agree with complelty, given Trumps behavior this hardly seems like a big deal. but The Republican’s own witness testified that IF it took place it is an impeachable offense
ubiquitinParticipantThanks shatzmatz
I stand corrected . Although January 1st was known as New years, not all countries started the year January 1st. although many of them switched to starting in January even priro to accepting the Gregorian Calendar. In Spain in the !300’s (where the Avudaraham lived) January was no the start of the Year.
Thanks again, fascinating
There is always a 2 day difference between the day of the week when the tekufa is and the day of the week that we start saying vesen tal
for example if the Tekufa was Sunday then vesein tal is At Maariv for yom revvi (what we call Tuesday night which is the start of yom revii)This year the Tekufa was Tuesday (halachickly) so vesein tal is begun 2 days later in the week, at the start of Friday ie Thursday night
in 2021 The tekufa will be Thursday so vesein tal is begun 2 days later in the week at the start of sunday ie Motzoei shabbosshatzmatz
Your first paragraph is correct.
I have a questionon your second paragraph . do you have a source that the Julian calendar began March, I was under the impression it began in January . And even if they did the word “היה” still doesnt fit well.
My thought was that maybe he means if this year IS a goyish leap year, ie 5780 has an extra day in February, thoug hthis explanntion, even if more accurate, still suffers the same flaw. as היה doesnt quite mean “is” though perhaps this is better than “will be” which it clearly doesn’t meanubiquitinParticipantReb eliezer I dont know the answer to your question on the Beis yosef. It is clearly a mistake I didnt see the avudraham inside Iwonder wha tit says there.
“ubi, you are contradicting yourself in two posts for Dec 5 . Meno is correct i.e.. Thursday night and maariv the previous day???”
no contradiction. (though a typo is possible someplace, please point it out) I grant it is confusing. i’ll break it down slowly:
There are two ways to say when we start vesein tal umatar.
This is true for any Jewish day.
Say someone asks when is chanuka this year? There are two possible answers you could correctly answer Monday Dec 23 ( ie the first day of Chanukah is Monday Dec 23) Or you could correctly answer Chanukah starts Sunday Dec 22. This isnt a contradiction, both are true. As you know Jewish days begin the night before so they are referring two 2 different things.The start day of vesein tal umatar is no different.
We start 60 days after the Tekufas Tishrei (according to Shmuel, not according to scientists), with the day of the tekufa being day #1.
Tekufas Tishrei this year was Monday October 7 at 9 PM. Halachicly this is Tuesday (October 8). (much like halachikly Friday night is Shabbos)
you now count 60 days with day #1 being Tuesday Oct 8. If you do this correctly you will find Day #60 to be Friday Dec 6.
Thus Friday (Dec 6th) is the first DAY we begin saying vesein tal umatar.
Friday begins thursday night at maariv (when your calendar says Dec 5th) So we start on Dec 5th2021* the chesbon is as follows:
Tekufas Tishrei in 2years will be Thursday October 7 at 9 AM.
you now count 60 days with day #1 being thu Oct 7. If you do this correctly you will find Day #60 to be Sun Dec 5.
Sunday (Dec 5th) is the first DAY we begin saying vesein tal umatar.
Sunday begins Motzei shabbos (Saturday night ) at maariv (when your calendar says Dec 4th) So we start on Dec 4 thMeno is correct “I believe this year we start on Thursday night, December 5.”
This is because Friday (Dec 6th) is the 60th day after the tekufa so Friday is the first DAY of vesein tal umatar. Friday starts Thursday night Dec 5th so we start Thursday night Dec 5thSo in short your rule “can’t we say everytime Dec 4 except before a leap year Dec 5” is true
*I skipped 2020 becuase there is a twist, but the premise is true:
Next year the chesbon is as follows:
Tekufas Tishrei next year will be Wed October 7 at 3 AM.
you now count 60 days with day #1 being Wed Oct 7. If you do this correctly you will find Day #60 to be Shabbos Dec 5.
Shabbos (Dec 5th) is the first DAY we begin saying vesein tal umatar.
Shabbos begins Friday night at maariv (when your calendar says Dec 4th) So we start on Dec 4 th (of course we dont say vesein tal umatar at maariv Friday night but thats a side issue, and interesting question arises, if someone says the wrong shemoneh esrei and realizes during baruch alinu, the halcha is he finishes the beracha, should he say vesein tal umatar Friday night ? On the one hand thats the start point, on the other hand klal yisroel didnt start yet? IIRC IShei yisreol says he says vesein beracha because klal yisreol didnt start yet)ubiquitinParticipant“Ubi, I think when you say preceding you are making a mistake when It is Dec 4,…”
What is “it” in that sentence? when what is Dec 4?
“Why can’t we say everytime Dec 4 except before a leap year Dec 5”
We can! and we do! I’m just explaining how those dates are derived. But that is absolutely the rule for the 20th and 21st centuries
“and now I don’t care if 2100 is a leap year.”
I’m not sure what you mean, by “don’t care”
in 2099 we will recite it Dec 5th although 2100 isnt a leap year on the Gregorian calendar.Then going forward the rule will change to: we say everytime Dec 5 except before a leap year Dec 6 until 2200 when the dates will shift to Dec 6/7 nd then 2300 it will be Dec 7/8 in 2500 it will switch Dec 8/9 (note 2400 is a leap year so the dates wont change)
As an aside:
The date is moving forward 3 days in 400 years (or 1 day in 133.333 years). allowed to proceed long enough the start date will be in January then February etc eventually it will be in April. Of course the date of Pesach is moving ahead as well but at a slower rate ~1 day in 217 years (*see below) whih means at some point we will using our current rules we will start vesein tal umatar after Pesach! Of course a sanhedrin will be reestablished long before that, and will no doubt fix this bimheira beyameinu.*Our calendar assumes 19 years = 235 lunar months. Thus an average Jewish year ((235 x 28-12-793)/19) is 365 days 5 hours 997 chalakim 48 regaim. This is known as tekufas Rav Ada. It equals ~365.2468 days
A tropical year is 365.2422 days
Thus our calendar is moving ahead 0.0046 days relative to the seasons. Which is ` ~1 day in 217 yearsubiquitinParticipant“google 2019 automn equinox”
why? does google use tekufas shmuel?
“Simply check the automnomal equinox for the year.”
your method is simple and it does often work but not always the equinox for 2039 will be September 22 yet, as it is a year before a leap year vesein tal will be said on Dec 5th (your method leads to Dec 4th)I’m not sure what you are showing from the Rambam.
the relevent osurce is tefila 2:16
There the Rambam says
אֲבָל בְּשִׁנְעָר וּבְסוּרְיָא וּבְמִצְרַיִם וּבַמְּקוֹמוֹת הַסְּמוּכוֹת לְאֵלּוּ וְהַדּוֹמִין לָהֶן שׁוֹאֲלִין אֶת הַגְּשָׁמִים בְּיוֹם שִׁשִּׁים אַחַר תְּקוּפַת תִּשְׁרֵי:The machabar says the same
ברכת השנים צריך לומר בה בימות הגשמים ותן טל ומטר ומתחילין לשאול מטר בחוצה לארץ בתפלת ערבית של יום ס’ אחר תקופת תשריThe Rema brings ויום התקופה הוא בכלל הס’
and the mishna berura elaborates
כלומר יום שנפלה בו התקופה מחשבים מכלל הס’ אפילו אם התקופה נופלת בחצי יום או אח”כ רק שיהא קצת קודם הלילה ולעולם ב’ ימים בין התקופה להשאלה דאם התקופה ביום א’ השאלה בתפילת ערבית השייכה ליום ד’:In 2006 and 2002 the equinox was September 23 yet the vesein tal umatar was begun on Dec 4th (your method would lead to September 4th)
ubiquitinParticipantReb eliezer I have an easy way to remind you that October 7 is the tekufa
As you may recall In 2009 We said Birchas Hachama
This was on Erev PEsach ( remeber the fuss, how this is the first time since nes Purim, ( never mind that Purim which wasnt during birchas hachama, and it was Erev PEsach in 1925)
At any rate IT was April 8. and iyh in 2037 it will be April 8 and so on for the remainder of the 21st century.Birchas hacham is when the Tekufas nissan is at the start of Yom revii ie 6 PM on april Tue 7 then birchas hacham is recirted that day ie Wed April 8.
A tekufa is 91 days 7.5 hours. ( a quarter of 365 days 6 hrs)
Tekufas tammuz 2009 was Wed Jul 8 1:30 AM
Tekuffas Tishrei 2009 was Wed OCt 7 9 AMShifting gears adding a 6 hours
Tekufas tishrei 2010 was Wed Oct 7 3 PM
Tekufas tishrei 2011 was Wed Oct 7 9 PM (<- halachickly thursday)then there is an extra day in february 2012
so tekufas tishrei 2012 was Wed Oct 7 3 AMetc but it is always on OCt 7 (during this and last centuries)
see you at the next one in under 17 years!
ubiquitinParticipantReb Eliezer
“October 6 + 60 = Dec 5”the first day is counted (it (almost?) always is in halacha, eg Milah is on 8th day birth is day 1, bris is 7 days later)
October 7 is day 1
There are 24 days left in October (31 -7) Oct 31 is day 25
November has 30 days nov 30 is day 55
Dec 5th is Day 60 so at the start if Dec 5th (ie maariv the previous day) we say Vesein tal umatar“Equinox Tekufas Tishri = Sept 23”
i’m not sure where you got that.Beis yosef OC 117
וכתב הר”ד אבודרהם ויום ס’ יבוא בכ”ב מנובי”מברי (ד’ דעצעמ’) אם היה אותו פיברי”ר מכ”ח יום אבל אם היה פיברי”ר מכ”ט יום תהיה השאלה בכ”ג נובי”מברי (ה’ דעצעמ’) כי תקופת תשרי לעולם שבעה ימים קודם (ד’ או ה’ אקט”ברי)Tekufas Tishrei occured on September 24 pre advent of Julian Calendar 60 days before Nov 22 (including the first day)
This corresponds to Oct 7 on the Georgian calendar (add 13 days as you correctly pointed out )
The dates added in in the tur were in the 1800’s when Nov 22 julian = Dec 4 gregorian.
since 1900 when the Gregorian calendar skipped another leap year nov 22 Julian = Dec 5th GregorianAlso note and this is what further confuses people. The Beis yosef is telling you the 60th day of the Tekufa in his day Nov 22 or 23 . but this means that Vesein Tal umatar was said the night prior ie Nov 21 or 22
Its as if you tell your friend PEsach this year is Thursday April 7. This usually means that the Seder will be Wed night April 6. this can be confusing if you’re not clear.
ubiquitinParticipantMeno is correct
as this year is a leap year, we start on Dec 5th, ie Thursday night.The reason for this is as follows:
Vesein tal umatar is said (in chu”l) 60 days after tekufas tishrei
for this calculation we use Tekufas Shmuel, that takes the year as ebing 365.25 days (ie 365 days 6 hrs)
There are 4 tekufos (seasons) each is a quarter of a year ie 91 days 7.5 hours. TekufasThus a season begins 6 hours later each year than in the previous year
Tekufas tishrei is always on October 7. however it moves up by 6 hours ever year2015 Oct 7 9 PM
2016 Oct 7 3 AM
2017 Oct 7 9 AM
2018 Oct 7 3 PM
2019 Oct 7 9PM
2020 Oct 7 3 AMNow, in 2016 and 2020. instead of the tekufa moving forward by 6 hours, it moved back by 18 hours. This is becasue there was an extra day in Feb 2016 and 2020 (leap years) thus the following October’s tekufa moved “back” a day add the 6 hours that always moves forward so net is moved back 18 hours.
Now to determine when you say vesein tal umatar count 60 days from October 7 (with Oct 7 being #1)
And you get December 5th.
however the halachic day begins the previous night. Thus last year Dec 5th was Wed, which halachicly begins Tuesday night (when our calendar day is still Dec 4th so in a typical year we start Maariv on Dec 4th.However every 4th year, the tekufa occurs on Oct 7th at 9 PM. This occurs in years before leap years. such as this year 2019. This year the Tekufa Tishrei was Oct 7 9 PM Halachikly this was Tuesday (although your calendar said Monday) 60 days after Tuesday (Oct 8 on the calendar) is Dec 6th. Thus this year 60 days after the Tekufa is Friday Dec 6th, we begin Vesein tal umatar at the start of this 60th day ie Thursday night when our calendar reads Dec 5th.
(The above holds true in the 20th and 21st centuries. in the 22nd century ie after 2100 chaneg all the date move up one the tekufa will occur on OCt 8, and Vesein tal umatar on the nights preceding Dec 6 and 7 (ie on Dec 5th and 6th)
Int eh 1800’s subtract a date, the tekufa was on OCt 6th and vesein tal umatar started the nigths preceding Dec 4th and 5th (ie on Dec 3rd and 4th)hope you dont mind the arichus, this is a topic that interests me and people often don;t have it quite right . I beleive this is the accurate, if perhaps technicla and wordy explanation.
please let me know if there is any errorNovember 29, 2019 6:59 am at 6:59 am in reply to: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)? #1805784ubiquitinParticipantMillhouse
“In such a case you are not killing the baby,… ”As I said I’m not asking for your pesak, most poskim agree with you (though not all for a nice list of marei mekomos see Feldheim’s Ecncylopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics) but in practice, in all cases I am fmailiar with you are right the Rav allowed the abortion. Though again, in ALL cases that I’m familiar with period, the Rav allowed an abortion even in cases that were not strictly speaking “pikuach nefesh” by the literal definition
” In such a case even lehavdil the Catholic church permits it.”
The catholic church does NOT permit it in such a case. Years ago when I was at a catholic hospital, there was no question the hospital wouldnt do it, there was a bit of an argument among the ethics board, whether they could even refer her to a place to treat her.
“The same people whose job is to decide whether any killing is justified”
what if their standards are different than ours?
The comparison to murder falls apat on a simple analysis. Do you know of anyone who had a sheila whether he could killl a live person? And that in that situation the pesak differed from the law?“We Yisre’elim are not to charge each other interest not because it’s somehow wrong ”
LolNovember 28, 2019 8:01 am at 8:01 am in reply to: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)? #1805448ubiquitinParticipant“A baby who is attacking its mother and putting her life in danger is killed exactly like anyone else who is doing the same thing. ”
Ah simpelton*, but what if the baby isnt attacking the mother? What if cancer is attacking the mother and chemo would kill the baby.
Note, I’m not asking for your pesak, I am sometmes involved in these cases and I now how they are paskened. My point is WHO should decide You? the state legislature? congress? Or the patient and their Rabbi?
“How many mass murders have there been in America the past 3 years?
No more than is normal, given the US’s demographics. ”This is by far my favorite quote. how cheap can human life be to you that mass murders are “normal” how depraved have we come that in order to support your party of choice, you downplay mass murder? and this is the party that calls itself pro life? Ah nechtigen tug.
* If you call people who care about others evil, “simpelton” is a bit of a compliment for you.
And watch yourself, the Torah is more socialist than capitalist. The Torah opposes Ribbis, selling property, unfettered competition, price gouging, it supports mandatory support for the poor. That is not to say it is fully socialist, but it is closer to socialism than free market capitalismNovember 27, 2019 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm in reply to: Any of the 2020 DNC Presidential candidates 100% against abortion (aka murder)? #1805282ubiquitinParticipantAre things really this bad ?”
They are much worse. I saw a poster insinuate that Trump had any morals . while granted, it was obviously a troll post, since it included demonstrably absurd simplifications like “I think we can all agree that abortion is murder.” nonthelss other posters agree
“Aside from President Trump, does no one have any morals?”
when a man who built his persona on bullying and demeaning others. Who took pride in his shmutz filled life (until it was less politically expedient to do so) who lies more than any politician ever has, to the point where calling out his lies seems silly, I mean which lie do you choose, and even his defenders grant that he is a liar but dismiss it as oh thats just Trump.
support him gezunderheit whther because he is more por israel, or because you feel his party is more anti abortion. but T ohold up Trump as a paragon of virtue?
Yes things are that bad.
ubiquitinParticipantThe number of published works is not a good gauge
A better gauge would be percentage of Jewish Published works that were in Yiddish then vs English today
In other words, obviously there are more published English works than there were Yiddish works but there are also much more Hebrew works (today) than there were Hebrew works (then) .
ubiquitinParticipantThank Joseph
I have been looking forward to this post for months. As you may recall there was an argument over the summer as to whether you were a troll or if you believe the things you said. some naively said that you were sincere. Here we have proof positive, in case there ever was any doubt that you are a troll.
It has been explained multiple times in several threads why you were are mistaken. But you dont reply nor retract, no that isnt the Joseph way, you double down in your ignorance, like only a true joseph woul in all of his glorious josephness (in this thread there is a bit of substance, but that is becaus you werent using the moniker of Joseph” in the years that followed you made sure to remove any vestige of thought from your posts on this topic) . you have no interest in responding nor learnig, you are happy being an am haaretz as long as you can have your fun .don’t worry I dont need the reminder all the Jewish newspapers will have their ads out soon. (dont worry no women or girls chas veshalom)
looking forward to your annual mocking of selling chometz which is just a few months away. don’t forget please don’t let me down
November 21, 2019 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm in reply to: Is it better to be Chassidish or Litvish? #1803192ubiquitinParticipantJoseph is correct.
In Chasan sofer they taught what you would call “chasidshe havarah” with the exception of tzeiri that was pronounced as in play not as in high
The Maosdorfer Rav z”l pronounced it this way too ((i’m reffering to Rav Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld z”l not his father z”l)
The sugya of nason hee veamor hee was very confusing
November 21, 2019 12:59 pm at 12:59 pm in reply to: Is it better to be Chassidish or Litvish? #1802978ubiquitinParticipantBest is to be a Yeksfardichasid
that way you only have to wait 3 hours after meat, you can eat kitnyos during pesach and and never sa y tachanun
ubiquitinParticipant“Whataboutisms aside,”
You missed the boat. This isnt a whataboutism
The term ok boomer, is a DIRECT response to years and years of millennial bashing, and being told that our opinions don’t matter. And no problems are their generations fault .
“Back in my day I worked waiting tables and covered my rent and college and I had enough for a down payment, why cant you millennial do that, youre just lazy and entitled” (almost a verbatim quote)“OK boomer” is a direct response to that
From an excellent washington post oped “The United States, challenged all over the world, is receding and turning inward. The economy still hasn’t recovered fully from the financial collapse of 2008, the worst since the Great Depression. The federal debt is out of control, and inequality is worse. Boomers expanded entitlement programs that are wrecking the nation’s finances; they failed to act on global warming; they presided over declining faith in virtually all institutions, from religion to the Supreme Court; and their children may be the first generation with dim prospects of doing better than their parents did.”
ubiquitinParticipantWhere was the outrage and angst when millenials were subjected t oyears of”millenials are so lazy” “so entitled”
millenials ruined… (google the phrase millenials ruined… or millenials killed…Now that we are finally answering back, suddenly ” using it in a dismissive, disrespectful way to show the contempt in which you hold an entire generation is offensive.”
Cry me a river
ubiquitinParticipant“The event should be exclusively in English to be available for all Jews.”
You clearly have not read this thread. Perhaps may neighbor Aizik can explain. his words follow:
Ello, I am not spik or rite english so good, but I vant yoo to understand zis eezy gedank. I em very looking toward di siyum hashas. I not understanding english good, but most people do so most speeches vill be in english. makes sense. But I vould like to understand some speeches also, in farshtayt zich the rest of my shil, who speak even fewer english then me also vant to go.
why can’t you fargin a few speeches in yiddish so ve all can enjoy.
Yoo mention Ladino and Arabic, are there anyone who only speeks ladino and arabic and not english? If yes then of course they shood be included, if not mai inyan shemita eitzel har sinai? .Best vishes and kol tuv
AizikubiquitinParticipant“I don’t get how someone can use the word love for pizza. Enjoy, like, prefer are fine”
So. this may surprise you but “love” (like many words) has more than one meaning. If you look up the word
“love” you will find “ or enjoy very much.” You are confusing it with another definition “1.feel deep affection for ”What I find most striking about pizza, is that people don’t seem to get borded of it. There was a point in my life when I had pizza 4 times a week (sunday, Thursday Friday and Motzei Shabbos) and it was still exciting*.
I’m not sure any other food would maintain its appeal like that
T o answer the OP, I cant stand cold** (or even cool) pizza
* To be clear, funny bone I don’t mean “produce a state of increased energy or activity in (a physical or biological system).” I mean “cause strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness ”
** ie “of or at a low or relatively low temperature” not “unemotional”
November 13, 2019 4:05 pm at 4:05 pm in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1800460ubiquitinParticipantTLIK
It’s about neither of those things.
The OP is not representing the organizations “losing out” by this event. he is not talking to those who paid to try to get them to give their money to something more meaningful next time. It is just hock for hock’s sake .
don’t get me wrong, I love gossiping as much as the next guy, but lets not pretend anybody is looking to fix any actual issue
November 13, 2019 8:50 am at 8:50 am in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1800217ubiquitinParticipant“Do we have the luxury to offer 5 million to an aino yehudi manhig?”
Who is “we” ? I don’t” Will this bring us a better return on the money than helping out aniyei v’tzorchei Yisroel?”
No” Did an Odom Gadol sign off on this event ”
Looks like everybody in the picture is halachicly a gadol . they are grownups and can make this decision.“or was it just another opportunity to show “Who’s Who” in the orthodox world?”
Yes. Plus a healthy dose of chanifa lemhadrin min hamadrin“. I believe the tzibbur has a right to question”
you absolutely have a right to question. and they have a right to spend their money as they please“whether such a large donation is appropriate given the many internal tzrochim the frum world has.”
Its not” I hope Daas Torah agreed with this fundraiser.”
Why would they?ubiquitinParticipantLOT11219
then we walk
(In the unlikely event that we don;t experience the snow paritng for us)ubiquitinParticipantYes
Sunday June 6 2027 .Rosh Chodesh Sivan, what a perfect way to prepare for kabalas Hatorah!
“America is very parve.”
whoa. what are you some kind of religious fanatic? Why can’t you say neutral or lukewarm, depending what you are trying to convey
ubiquitinParticipant“Your targum is a myth”
The targum is real
Devarim 21:18
אֲרֵי יְהֵי לִגְבַר בַּר סָטֵי וּמָרֵיThe remez to Mordechai in the Torah is based on targum, similarly the remez to Satmar is there as well
That said theEnglish connection is in fact a myth
“Satmar’s mesira dates from…”
lol!November 5, 2019 12:09 pm at 12:09 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797593ubiquitinParticipantYet ANOTHER exception!
Seriously though that isnt what the Gemara means, see Rashi הרהורי עבירה – תאות נשים קשים להכחיש את בשרו יותר מגופו של מעשה:
November 5, 2019 8:22 am at 8:22 am in reply to: Can you request an online purchase for delivery on shabbos?? #1797483ubiquitinParticipantThere is no reason to assume yidden are delivering or handling your package.
That said, the issue is goyim. There is an issur of amira leakum. You cant tell a goy to do melacha for you
November 5, 2019 8:12 am at 8:12 am in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797449ubiquitinParticipant“You have proponents of both positions here.
Whose “common sense” are you going to use as the arbiter for all of jewery to go by?
Do you really not see how untenable a position that is?”Just the opposite. Your example proves it is teneble. Judaism is still going strong your Rav says better to make a fuss mine follow s halacha (I couldn’t help myself) there’s nothing untenable about that.
if you find a more horah who says being meanes is not such a big deal. Definitely better than lying OK, he’s strange but the world doesn’t fall apart. Nothing untenable about that
And out of curiosity, what’s worse sitting next to an erva or being meanes a penuyah who isn’t a nidah
November 4, 2019 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797255ubiquitinParticipantI’m confused becasue your rubric for evaluating bein adom lechaveiro aveiros isnt logical.
and you’re dodging the question
If I maim him without hitting him. eg I use the sam that Rashi refers to that gets rid of tzar so it is completely painless leg removal. in that case is it less bad than hitting.
More to the point though.
Is it wrong to hold up a finger to someone in a way that society deems disrespectful?
do I need a explicit maamor chazal to tell me that it is wrong?“Severity means grade of issur not how much it hurts”
i’m not sure wha this means. we have already established that stealing a rich person’s sheep because you are hungry and have nothing to eat is the same grade of issur as stealing a poor person’s only sheep is the same grade of issur.
Yet obviously the latter did a far worse act and is a much bigger rasha than the former.
November 4, 2019 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797256ubiquitinParticipantAnother question
whats worse holding up the middle finger or the pinky?
(I’m going to take the liberty of assuming you think holding up the middle finger is worse, please correct me if I’m wrong)
Is there a maamar chazal that that says specifically holding up finger is a wrong thing to do?
or, well society views it as wrong therfore it is in violation of דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד. זו היא כל התורה כולה. If you move to a society that doesnt mind that act then it is no longer wrong .whats worse doing the above gesture or say calling a not nice name. Well it depends on society’s view of the two
doesn’t it?
November 4, 2019 1:27 pm at 1:27 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797142ubiquitinParticipantKY
“i dont see mamon on that list does he hold its not a punishment at all?”I guess not in regards to severity of aveira
“maiming is hitting plus the wounded gets nothing if the perp gets malkos”
It sounds like you are saying wounding is worse (but that this is an exception to the general rule).
now at this point, collecting exceptions isnt so interesting as there are dozens. My point though is
HOW do you know wounding someone is worse than hitting him?
Is there a chazal that says this? If I understand you correct, WE need chazal to explicit tell us which is worse, and if they don’t tell us we determine based on severity. So assuming you feel that wounding is worse. how do you know that?for me no question.
Obviously the guy who chops off legs for blocking a driveway is far far worse than a guy who hits (regardless of whether mamon is worse than hitting). Aye if malkos is worse why does the lesser act get it?
I don’t know. Its a chiddush . But of course maiming is worse than hitting. nobody could even have a hava amina otherwise!See minchas chinuch 595 ונוהג איסור זה לעניין שלא להכות אחד מישראל, בכל מקום ובכל זמן, בזכרים ונקבות. אבל לעניין איסור המוסיף במלקות, אינו נוהג אותו הענין אלא בזמן ישוב הארץ, שהיה לנו בית דין הראויין להלקות. והעובר (רמב”ם שם יב) על זה והכה ישראל הכאה גדולה שיתחייב לו עליה תשלומין של פרוטה או יותר – אינו מתחייב מלקות, לפי שהוא לאו שנתן לתשלומין, וקיימא לן אין אדם לוקה ומשלם. ואם הכהו מכה קטנה שאין מתחייב עליה שוה פרוטה או יותר – חייב עליה מלקות. ואומר אני שראוי לומר דין זה חידוש הוא שחדשה התורה.
The truth is this whole discussion doesnt really make much sense to me.
דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד. זו היא כל התורה כולהwho determines what is “hateful to you” ? and among various things people dont like, who determines which is worse?
November 4, 2019 10:56 am at 10:56 am in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797071ubiquitinParticipantOh and BTW KY
you said ” The Gemarah is unsure which is worse, malkos or mamon so I would have to (actively) plead the fifth to that question as I don’t feel qualified to take a position on something that the Gemarah is unsure of”
Ah, but the Rambam is sure, he tells us the order of severity of punishment (pirush to Avos 2:1) (which (generally) reflects the severity of aveira.
המדרגה הראשונה והיא הגדולה שבהם הם הדברים שחייבים עליהם סקילה. והמדרגה שלמטה הימנה מחויבי שרפה. והשלישית מחויבי הרג. והרביעית מחויבי חנק. והחמישית מחויבי כרת. והששית מחויבי מיתה בידי שמים. והשביעית מחויבי מלקות. והשמינית לאוין שאין לוקין עליהם
November 4, 2019 10:53 am at 10:53 am in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1797066ubiquitinParticipant“Even knowing that עז is the worst, why should that NECESSITATE it having the more severe punishment?
If they are not correlated so why does it follow”Because GENERALLY a worse aveira has a worse punishment, but it doesnt “necessitate” it having a worse punishment. R’ Shimon may very well hold that this is yet another exception ( I glanced at the Gemara quickly it doesnt look like the Gemara there or mefarshim on th page discuss this point. What does R’ Shimon (who holds sereifa is worse) reply? )
“Were I to have no other information to go on”
Ah, but you do have other information to go on! – common sense. Like I described above. we dont need a source to tell us a thornbush is prickly. If I ask you whats more 1 or 2 you dont need a raayah from chazal. If I ask you whats worse hitting or chopping of a leg. you dont need o look that up. similarly if I ask you wahts worse meanes or stealing. just ask a person who has had both, you dont (or at least shouldnt) need chazal to tell you that.“Unfortunately for your side, there is plenty more information, as that is the sugya of the Gemarah”
not at all. There is no gemara (that I’m aware) of that says hitting is worse.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around this so I hope you dont mind my belaboring this point, since I find your position fascinating
If I told you ” KY you know how I always hit people who block my driveway, well my kabalah to work on myself this year is that now on I will only chop of their legs no more hitting”your response would be (according to the tzad that malkos is worse punishment) “good for you thats a step in the right direction” correct?
November 4, 2019 7:32 am at 7:32 am in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1796989ubiquitinParticipant“I believe I answered you.
The Gemarah is unsure which is worse, malkos or mamon so I would have to (actively) plead the fifth to that question as I don’t feel qualified to take a position on something that the Gemarah is unsure of
I think I did say that already but doesn’t hurt to repea”Yes you said that but that isn’t an answer.
to put in perspective two guy’s drive ways get blocked. Reuben hits the guy who blocjed him. Shimon cuts off the guy’s legs. You aren’t sure which is worse.
And in the tzad of the gemara that malkod is a worse onesh then it is a worse act to hit Reuven is the bigger rasha in your view. Correct? -