Forum Replies Created
“Thousand have already taken Hydroxychloroquine for Corona and none of them had a heart attack. ”
The risk of HCQ isn’t a heart attack. A major risk is cardiac arythmias, an irregular heart ryhm that can be fatal. Many many covid 19 have this. Is this related to HCQ? Probably not ? To their underlying disease process? More likely but without data who knows.
Further more keep in mind HCQ is an immmunosupressent (that’s why it’s used for autoimmune diseases like lupus and RA) it is possible that it makes things worse.“That’s why you’re a kidney doc and don’t know critical care.”
My medical education included ust as much about covid19 as the most advanced critical care program as the most advanced institution. Sure in secret graduade school where they teach secret supreme court cases they may have taghut it but not in most schools
ubiquitinParticipant” Sorry for the harsh words, but it needs to be said.”
Absolutely no apology necessary. you have no clue what you are talking about, and your post is riddled with emotion devoid of fact or logic. I understand completly where yo uare coming from.
“Stupidest argument, because you can say it by any patient who gets better after taking medication (perhaps he would have gotten better)”
Yes of course we could and we do!. thats why we do studies
Are Ace inhibitors good for Hyperteinsives with proteinuria? Studies how they are. What about Arbs,? studies show they are. LEts combine them for a super medication seems like a no brainer? Wrong! studies show combining them leads to more harm.Does HCQ help Pts with Covid19? Maybe some anecdotal reports say yes other say no. Lets study it. Whats the harm in giving it? So for some youre right there is no harm as IVe said several times ) for most harm likely outweighs the benefit.
Maybe schmear butter on their heads, it cant hurt. My neighbor did it to all 9 of hr children and they are al fearing fine. Anybody who doesnt schmear butter on their heads is evil. Negating her treatment because of lack of available tests is foolhardy. sorry but it had to be said
i’m not sure why it logged in under that silly screenname (I barely remember making it)I wrote the following:
“Assuming at least 550 of them actually had Coronavirus, there normally should have been at least 50 hospitalizations”
This is incorrect.
If you take a RANDOM SAMPLE you’d expect x number of hospitalizations. but if I select 550 patients with mild (or no) symptoms I wouldnt expect many (or even any) hospitlizations
ubiquitinParticipant““Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said that in 699 COVID-19 cases, there was a 100% success rate.”
that isnt a study. He is an outpatient physcian. He (by definition) sees the walking well. A “study” that tells us 100% of coronoavrius patients who arent sick don’t get intubated doesnt tell us much of anything if at all.
similarly say I saw 699 patients all of whom took HCQ + zinc + z pack and most have unfortunatly passed . would that be a reason NOT to take it ?
of course not. those patients were much sickerPut another way what would have happened to those patients if they didnt take his regimen? Keep in mind the vast vast majority of those infected do just fine (which is part of the problem ironically ) who is to say that they (like most patients) wouldn’t have done just as well?
“promising and if a patient is dying,what is the risk in prescribing the drug?”As Iv e said, The patients that IVe seen are apretty much all on HCQ. As I said in my first post “That said for a sick patient the benefit (possible survivial) outweighs the risk so might as well give it.”
ubiquitinParticipantI hear
I’m not convinced but I hear
thanksubiquitinParticipant“Have you used it with the z-pack and zinc?”
Yep used it with everything can think of – (to be clear I’m usually not the one ordering it )
but again, I see the sickest patients (I’m a nephrologist I get called when multiple organs ie kidneys are shutting down) . so that has zero bearing on healthier patients. thats why we need studies
“even though it is working throughout the country ”
I haven’t found it to be working. That said I see the sickest of patients so I have a biased sample. the doctor in KJ is seeing the healthiest of patients (he is outpatient) so he too has a biased sample.
there are currently > 300,000 postive cases of Coronavirus in the US. There isnt enough HCQ for all of them. not to mention I took take care of pt with Lupus where we know it does help.
That said for a sick pateitn the benefit (possible survivial) outweighs the risk so might as well give it. For healthy patients, the vast majority, the benefit doesnt outweigh the risk. For more moderate patients is questionable, I’d err on the side of giving.
ubiquitinParticipant“A tzibur is a corporate entity, not an ad hoc minyan. It has a continuing existence, ”
Mehichi teisi?
Or in modern parlance, source please.
I don’t find that mistaber at all, if you have a source I would defer to it. But to me it would seem If the tzibur didn’t gather there is no tzibur
ubiquitinParticipantAs mentioned on a previous thread, it isnt clear that te Remah (and presumably the MB who is commenitng on on him, is analagous ot our case.
The Rema is quoting an Ohr Zarua. the case there is where the Tzibur got together on shabbos but didnt lain. This is not our situation. Assuming Krias Hatorah is a chov on the Tzibur which I beleive is the common view) Thus even if a Tzibbur who got together, (thereby having a chiyuv but not fulfilling it) , that they have to make it up, We who’s tzibur sadly did not get together therby never was a chiyuv we MAY not have a chiyuv to make up even according to those there who require it.
“By that time we’ll be off from Israel beacuse the second day of Shavuos, they’ll be laining NAso in Israel,”
Why wouldnt they lain Bamidbar? (assuming they arent making up all the parshiyos or if they follow shitah that dont combine Seforim) What reason is there NOT to lain (just) Bamidbar. then they can be in sync with Chutz laaretz combining chukas and Balak and still fulfill Devarim before Tisha Baav. They gain an “extra ” PArsah – Bamdibar , with no down side (that I can see) other than it being a tad confusing
ubiquitinParticipantwouldnt moshiach coming before PEsach make the seder more besimcha?
ubiquitinParticipant“The Mishna Berura actually brings down …”
Its not so clear. The MB is commenting on the Remah who quotes the Ohr Zarua. The Ohr Zarua is discussing where there WAS a tzibbur that didnt lain. So they had a chiyuv krias haTorah that they have to make up.
It does not necessarily hold for us where there was no tzibbur that got together, thus likely no chiyuv krias Hatorah that needs to be made up
I’m worried you arent following the flow, especially since other comments get added later so here is a brief recap:OP – “Mandatory DNRs for COVID patients?!?!,,, Is our community okay with this?”
Ubiq- no we arent ok with it but what choice is there.
Then to illustrate how severe things are I posted a description by an MD2scents “The doctor that posted this does not subscribe to the notion of sacrificing older patients so there are more resources for younger more viable patients.”
(now I assume this was in response to my comment , in which I acknowledged that there was no choice with regard to unilateral DNR’s and not a brand new topic)so I replied: That of course he supports unilateral DNR’s (the topic of the thread) though he and I wouldnt necessarily describe it as “sacrificing older patient”
Then you said “Of course he chooses who he thinks is more likely to benefit [from his time] Is absolutely NOT an example of sacraficing older patients…”
I acknowledged again that he/I woudlnt describe it that way, and I have no problem if you disagree with that description. but by giving your limited time to save one patient over another you are sacrificing one for the other.
but again if you dont think that that is an example then fine, if you dont think it is relevent to this thread (I posted it to show how serious the situation is) fine this topic is about DNR’ against the patients wishes.ubiquitinParticipant“You’re doing it again.”
doing what?
” I don’t disagree with any of what you write”
Great. that is ok. People dont have to disagree. I’m not sure why that is a problem.
” but it is NOT an answer to the claim you are tying it to. ”
I’m not sure what claim you think it is tied to. (I posted it in repsonse to ” whats the big deal?”) This is a thread about DNR’s against patient’s wishes (see the OP) . My point is that By choosing one patient over another, then by definition you are making the patient you don’t tend to DNR even against his/family wishes.
“. You cannot make a comment that a doctor subscribes to letting old people go to save the resources for young people based on a situation that does not in any way illustrate that point”
It depends on how you define resources. If time is a resource then it is an example. If not not you dont have to agree with said example. Again though that wasnt what this thread is about if you dont think time counts as a resource fine then this isnt an example.
. You are bringing “supporting evidence” that describes an in the moment need to address two individuals, viable and not viable, and chosing viable with deciding to leave supplies in the storage room just in case a younger person happens to need it. ”
Sadly it isnt “just in case” It is for a certainty. See The Teshuva by Rabbi Shechter .
“For example, viable vs non viable (your scenario) does not mean old vs young.”
Without question this is true. though in tends that way. but you are of course correct.
” There was no such young person there at the time.”
I’m sorry to hear about that unacceptable incident. but is not the situation we face today.
“THAT is an example of letting the elderly go to save resources for the young.”
This thread is not about ” letting elderly go to ave the young ” it is about making a patient. DNR against their wishes. My quoting Eli was NOT to say he was “letting elderly go to save the young” ( again that isnt the topic of this thread) I quoted him to dispell this notion that blood is being banked for later, and items being “left in storage” there are 2 cardiac arrests an hour tending to those alone would leave no time for anything else. There is no room in the ER, patients are kept in chairs. Yet some people are under the impression that they “leave supplies in the storage room just in case …” THAT was what I was trying to dispell.
As I said “Though he (and I) probably wouldn’t describe it that way)”
Sadly though (arguably) it is sacrificing. Time too is a finite resource. In the regular world even if there is a remote chance of survial doctors will try (to an extent) to revive patients. Worst case time was spent “for nothing” nu nu so the doctor goes without luch that day small price to pay for a chance at saving someone.
Here we are in a whole other world as he said (At least twice an hour we hear the call overhead that somebody upstairs is in cardiac arrest; To put that in context in regular times it isnt even daily – though of course depends on hopital).
Now it isnt lunch time that is being given up to try to save a patient who will most likely not make it. It is a nother patient who has a chance. Time spent trying to save one will have to be sacrificed to try to save the other.
How do you decide who to save , is an important question
you can flip a coin?
make a judgment call who is more likely to survive?
make a judgment call who is more likely to gain?
kal dalum gvar?
whoever pays you more?
first come first serve?
Give precedence to societal factors (a kohein more choshuv a talmud chochom) ?but somehow a decision has to be made who to save and who to leave (“sacrifice?”)
ubiquitinParticipant“The doctor that posted this does not subscribe to the notion of sacrificing older patients so there are more resources for younger more viable patients.”
My family knows him quite well.
And Of course he does. Though he (and I) probably wouldn’t describe it that way)
When he has 2 patients crashing at once one has been on vent for past 2 weeks and getting worse the other just showed up and had been stable until now.How does he decide who to help?
Does he flip a coin ?
Of course he chooses who he thinks is more likely to benefit whether consciously or subconsciouslyubiquitinParticipant“so I would say that if they admitted to 10-15 reinfectivity it’s probably higher”
probably not because based on our understanding of biology that doesnt make sense.
Again the whole point of vaccines is to build immunity against the virus. If people who had the ACTUAL virus dont have immunity, then a vaccine will obviously not help.
(Sure a few for whatever reason wont have or maintain anitbodies, much like some get flu vaccine and yet get the flu. but for thae VAST VAST majority once you’ve had it you shouldn’t be able to get it again .ubiquitinParticipantyid
“, you just repeated what i said.”when I typed my comment yours wasn’t up yet
” whats the big deal?”
i’m not sure what you are referring to
But as to the big deal
here is a report from a frum emergency room physician
“I spent 24 of the last 36 in my ER.
It’s an absolute nightmare.
I personally intubated 3 patients in just under an hour.
We have over 400 patients admitted with coronavirus- 82 of them on ventilators.
To put things in perspective, My ER which is built to have about 80-100 patients, had 172 people ADMITTED with covid 19- crammed into spots, corners and crevices. And all of our ICU and step-down units together can usually handle 50 patients. We are managing ventilators in hallways.
In 22 years of medicine, I’ve never seen the staff look this tired- physically and emotionally drained. At least twice an hour we hear the call overhead that somebody upstairs is in cardiac arrest. This acutely exacerbates our distress. People that we were caring for are dead 12 hours later.
30 year olds. 50 year olds. 70 year olds. Nobody is spared.
We are at the breaking point .
We are out of space in our hospital.
We are out of space in our emergency room.
I was caring for a woman with an oxygen level at 64% and I had to have her sitting in a chair for an hour until I could find a stretcher.
Multiple doctors in the hospital are out sick with the virus.
I’m caring for patients in their homes and as long as their oxygen level is above 90% I’m trying to keep them from going to the hospital.”I can attest to every word.
This is a very big deal
ubiquitinParticipant” because in China there was a 20 to 30 reinfectivity rate,”
source? If that is true then we have much bigger problems than sukkos. If immunity wears off that quickly then how would a vaccine help?
By sukkos things will likely have returned somewhat to normal. don’t forget the point of all this , to prevent overwhelming the hospital system. the hospitals I work in are struggling but largely holding they expect to peak in a week or 2 once things peak hospitals will be busy but able to mange the steady (not rising) inlfux of patients, hopefully help as many as can be helped
ubiquitinParticipant“Is our community okay with this?”
no of course not! who could be “ok” with any of this?
that said we and they don’t have a choice.Please everybody keep doing your part, stay home as much as possible. I’ts hard to describe what is going on in NYC hospitals
March 29, 2020 1:03 pm at 1:03 pm in reply to: Chicken for the seder – I need advice, fast! #1844260ubiquitinParticipantchicken marsala
March 28, 2020 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm in reply to: China’s “Manufactured” virus succeeded Big-Time #1844074ubiquitinParticipantReb Eliezer
“סיג לחכמה שתיקה”Lol, there is no chochma in this thread.
March 27, 2020 4:49 pm at 4:49 pm in reply to: China’s “Manufactured” virus succeeded Big-Time #1843937ubiquitinParticipantthey already have
Each virus has a bult in remote control directing it driven by a chinese personubiquitinParticipant“That in it of itself would be suspicious to suddenly remove it all. ”
Lol! so let me get this straight. Removing video – suspicious
posting the video – suspicous (thats what tipped you off after all)“Why is it so hard to believe that the virus was made in a lab?”
Its not at all. But based on what? the fact that disease experts who have studied pandemic and have had several conferences discussing potential pandemics discussed one?
“Theres also a reason why Bill Gates “conveniently” stepped down from Microsoft”
You lost me, whats the reason?
ubiquitinParticipant” seeing the rules get changed for the virus?
The schools closing is one thing. But nomore minyanim, per the rabbis rules. Davening biyichidus is now the way to go”
The rules arent changing
There is one rule to do ratzon Hashem .A person never skips a day of tefilin should he weat tefilin on Shabbos? when he is an onen? Of course not.
But what abotu about the rule of tefilin?The same boorei olam to whom we daven said we shoudl follow doctor’s advice and care for our lives.
“vThe worst danger is if this turns out to be unnecessary.”Still with this stupidity? Are you still unsure? At thsi point no reasonable person who values life can say these distancing wasnt neccesary . You say “t is quite possible that almost everyone will be exposed to COVID 19, and 80% will develop immunity without getting so sick ”
How do you still not get this. Of course it is possible. THAT is PRECISELY what we expect to happen.
But 20% of “almost everyone” is a lot of people. in NYC 20% is 1.6 million people sick. If a quarter of them need ha hospital that is 400,000 people for 23, 000 beds (most of which are full before this started) we need to slow down the surge yes most will get it hospitals are already strainedubiquitinParticipant“so how did they “know” about the “next pandemic””
becasue thats their job. They have been warning of it for years. There is a reason why the CDC had a pandemic office that Trumop got rid of since it hadnt been used. NOBODY in the medical/scientific community was surprised by this. Pandemics happen. IT wil happen again this is a certainty maybe in a year, a decade or a century but there will be another pandamic at some pointAt some fool (who obviosuly isnt a conspiract theorist) will say “look ubiquitin was behind it he predicted it back in 2020 on ywn” .
question for you though ? why would they film this event and release it cant thaey use their powers to shut down the internet? or at least suppress the evidence if they can shut down the world economy why cant they shut down a video?
ubiquitinParticipantAbba S
do you really have that low an opinion of him?
his job id to be President to ALL Americans even those who didnt vote for him and even the bullies.
do you really think he would use his office to further his own ambition, putting self above country?ubiquitinParticipantThe truth.
” its a kulah to daven btzibur?!”100%
It is a big kula to take risks wwith people’s lives for a minyan. I am not a posek, so I’m not telling you its assur. but now is the time to be machmir, try to be mehader in your avodas Hashem. The Mitzvas hayom is to protect life. Look for hiddurim in being as safe as you and they can be.” its a ZECHUS not to daven btzibur?!”
no, its terrible not to daven betzibur. how this comment fit in
ubiquitinParticipant“How many first borns out there realized they may not have a siyum to attend this erev pesach? 😬”
Hopefully none. Its still early Start horiyos can do a blatt a day and still have wiggle room .
I’m not sure why anyone would think you need a minyan for a siyum
ubiquitinParticipantTheres a lot of confusion on this thread.
“Can Chometz be sold virtually? ”
No, a sale requires a kinyan, mot kinyanim require both parties (He might be able to do a chazaka on karka aquiring chometz with kinyan agav alone)
now, most of us don’t sell our chometz. We appoint the Rav to sell for us. That appointing of a Rav, pashtus DOES NOT require a kinyan, sure in most yeas we can be “mehader” to appoint the rav wit a kinyan, but as most poskim do’t require that , the Rav can be appointed virtually.
ubiquitinParticipantNo is not the time to be looking for kulos. Sure some modernish might be maikel and alow for such minyanoim, but now is the time, to be mehader in our avodas Hashem look fo the bigger chumra show Hashem how you take Lo saamed al daam reiecha and venishmarten seriously, and arent trying to look for kulos.
In this zechus may we all have a yeshua
ubiquitinParticipant“Again, I’ve only asked questions; I’ve at no point implied anyone’s”
You must be very concerned that your comment was misunderstood , myself, Yserbius , mammale , GH and others so misunderstood your comments.
BTW, I was notified that I should expect to work in the emergency room, I am not an emergency room physician and have never trained as one. We are reaching that point.
This does not happen every flu season. (or nay flu season)ubiquitinParticipantjoseph
” I’ve expressed none whatsoever.”
You’re intentionally spreading confusion that everyone is over reacting and that this is no different than the flu.
My questions were also geared to akuperma, who has said this explicitlyRav Shternbuch, Rav Uremn Reich, Rabbi Oelbaum among others are al on the record saying that this is pikuach nefesh, and to avoid minyanim etc . Are they all mistaken? (Note, thye dont make this pronouncement during flu season)
ubiquitinParticipant” Are you saying that if one year there were 50% more seasonal flu hospitalizations that normally that the US hospital system world collapse?”
I’m not a epidemiologist, but i’m fairly certain they all showed up within a short time period, yes I’m pretty sure. how many empty beds do you think hospitals keep lying around ?
The hospital I work in’s ICU is full. critically ill pts are bein managed on regular medical floors .
I’m curious what’s formulating your opinion, is there a single doctor that says its no worse than the flu? You claim to believe in daas Torah at thsi point, even Daas torah is no longer “poo pooing” the situation?
At any rate, how many deaths would you say, ok this is more than the flu ?
Because this is in ADDITION to the flu. And those deaths are spread out over the country and over ~8 months, not all at once, and yes in the height of flu seasons some hospitals do exceed capacity.I don’t really understand people like you and akuperma, do you not read accounts of what is going on in Italy?
At any rate, how many deaths would it take for you to reconsider?
“Coronavirus also is anticipated to become a seasonal virus.”
sure, but by then we will have immunity and iyh a vaccine , Th spanish flu killed millions (was that serious enough for you?) , now it too is a seasonal virus (H1N1) with a vaccine availableubiquitinParticipantBh. Let’s keep it that way!
“Yet when there is merely a fear that someone will get sick we close our shuls and schools? ”
No that isnt the fear.
This was explained on another thread :The fear is of overwhelming the healthcare system .
If the virus spreads unchecked lets say half the people in NYC get it. (one of the lower estimates)
There are 8 million people, that means 4 million people get it.Of those the vast majority (80%) don’t even realize they have it or have very mild symptoms.
That means 800,000 people (20% of 4 million) get fairly sick . Lets say a 10th (a low estimate) of them are very sick and need hospitalization.
that’s 80,000 people .
There are about 50,000 hospital beds in NYC (and many of those are obviously being used by those already there or who have other acute conditions unrelated to Corona, Heart attacks, strokes infections etc)
THAT is the problem.
Not to mention that Of those who get very sick from corono-virus many need ICUs or vent. There are about 3,200 ICU beds and 5,000 vents in the city . IF 80,000 people show up w/ respiratory issues many needing vents and there are 5000 vents (many already being used) hopefully you see the catastrophe.Since then YWN reported that cumoo said there are 600 available ICU beds in NY STATE !
The key is to slow the spread yes half the city might still get it, but not at once, spread out over time Most will be asymptomatic or close to it. but the reality few who get very sick will have beds, vents, not to mention doctors to take care of them .
“I for one will continue to go to shul and pray for those sick with these disease”
Just make sure nobody says amen to your berachos, ain ze mevarech elah menaetzubiquitinParticipantYou see Joseph
Klal yisroel loves Hashem Batei medrash and shuls are packed to the brim with people on top of ech other. This is obviously a beautiful thing.
Unfortunately when there is a disease spreading this is a bad thing.On the other hand Klal yisorel has no inteest in restaraunts, these places are always desolate , פיסט און ליידיג so there is no reason to close them .
Though, at any rate as far as I’m aware restaurants (at least in my neck of the woods) are open for takeout only. they ARE closed for dining, Is this not the case where you live?
ubiquitinParticipant“verses the chance of dying from Covid-19”
that is not what needs to be weighed.
THe chance of dying from covid-19 is (relatively) small. for a younger healthy person the chance is almost negligible.
The problem is overwhelming the healthcare system .If the virus spreads unchecked lets say half the people in NYC get it. (one of the lower estimates)
There are 8 million people, that means 4 million people get it.Of those the vast majority (80%) don’t even realize they have it or have very mild symptoms.
That means 800,000 people get fairly sick . Lets say a 10th of them are very sick and need hospitalization.
that’s 80,000 people .
There are about 50,000 hospital beds in NYC (and many of those are obviously being used by those already there or who have other acute conditions unrelated to Corona, Heart attacks, strokes infections etc)
THAT is the problem.
Not to mention that Of those who get very sick from corono-virus many need ICUs or vent. There are about 3,200 ICU beds and 5,000 vents in the city . IF 80,000 people show up w/ respiratory issues many needing vents and there are 5000 vents (many already being used) hopefully you see the catastrophe.The key is to slow the spread yes half the city might still get it, but not at once, spread out over time Most will be asymptomatic or close to it. but the reality few who get very sick will have beds, vents, not to mention doctors to take care of them .
March 15, 2020 12:07 pm at 12:07 pm in reply to: Sheva Brachos in EY, under the current quarantine restrictions: No 10+ groups #1839950ubiquitinParticipantThere is no obligation for sheva berachos.
If during the week after a wedding ten men gather to celebrate with the choson and kallah., then they say sheva berachos if they don’t get together they don’t. There is no obligation to get together for this purpose.March 8, 2020 8:26 pm at 8:26 pm in reply to: Only 3 days left to vote in WZO, hold your nose & do it. #1838634ubiquitinParticipant“I have no affiliation with Eretz Hakodesh.”
Yes that was clear in your first sentence. (” Ehrlicher Yidden have been denouncing Zionism as a movement that’s anti Torah since it began & I still do.” )
March 6, 2020 9:23 am at 9:23 am in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1838199ubiquitinParticipantI dont really understand what you are adding with your last post.
“My point is only that things we think are not so bad are actually worse.”
Yes absolutely! very well said. THAT is what the chafetz Chaim is telling us Lashon Hara which we are all accustomed to as the Gemara says “hakol beavak Lashan hara” is much worse than we realize. THAT is exactly what he is telling us. Not that it literally is worse than rape Obviously not that its worse to tell people someone was raped who wasnt than to actually rape her. such a contention is absurd. He is telling us that Lashon harah is worse than we realize, not that Lashon hara is worse than rape.
Nobody would have a hava amina that to get back at someone he would commit znus (a contention that doesnt really fit your paradigm so well) so so too we should treat lashon hara.And obviously it isnt literal. since the motzi shem ra that gets an onesh is a very specific case that couldnt come up today. (We dont have naarah hamorasa’s walking around) Lashon hara never gets an onesh beis din (yes it gets tzaras but so does gassas ruach and wait for it …. gilui arayos which we learn from Paroh and SAra! Arachin 16a) By using the strict severity of punishment metric Ones gets the worst (would have to pay tzar and boshes) spreading rumors true or not , gets NO punishment listed in the Rambam’s hierarchy of determining severity. You might think (As we see in practice) that lashon hara/motzi shem ra is no big deal. So the chofetz chaim is using poetic license sayin g . NO it is horrible it like rape which you wouldn’t dream of doing , becasue we all know its horrible “יתבונן בנפשו אלו היה היצר מפתהו לילך לבית הזונות, האם היה שומע לו? בוודאי היה גוער בו: לך מעלי מלפתני בעון, שאהיה עבור זה מתועב בעיני ה׳.”
Does he say the guy says “wait I shouldnt rape because i’ll owe money” no of course he doesnt.Another point you seem to be struggling with is that circumstances change the severity of an aveira. Not all lashon hara is the same, not all theft is the same. True Beis din treats the poor man who stole bread to feed his family the same as a rich man who stole bread out of spite., but obviously they are not the same. (as we showed from Dovid Hamelech in case you need a rayah for this obvious point,) Similarly Tazadikim are held to a higher standard eg Reuvein’s getting involved in his father’s sleeping arrangement was considered very severe, the Torah compares it to one of the gimel chamuros. For us it would barely be an aveira. what onesh is there for moving our father’s bed?
Severity is not strictly determined based on onesh. Motivation, yetzer harah, intent, and the outcome all play a role . Yes beis din isnt equipped/empowered to take all those factors into account, but don’t worry the Ribon shel olam is.
March 5, 2020 1:51 pm at 1:51 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1838026ubiquitinParticipant“I assume your post was written before my last post”
It was .and I think I sort of hear what you are saying. Though, and here is the real kicker, by saying “Rape IS a 90 ”
you are really agreeing with my point.Our discussion began back in July when you said: “In western society, it [rape] is just one step below murder.
Most people I have asked this to seem to lean more to the western feelings on this topic and have a rough time accepting that the Torah doesn’t view it that way” (link below)you supported your claim by “And yet one only needs to pay. Whereas in American thought if there was a death penalty, they would give it”
Which is what prompted over two dozen examples proving that severity is not solely determined by the need to pay .
Accordign to your current framework. Lack of a ounishment, doesnt lower the severity of the averia per se, So rape whcih we gave a 90 severity to IS a 90 but lashon hara is worse fine.
but HOW do you know rape gets such a high score of 90? THAT was our original discussion. Its not from Torah sources which barely give it an onesh, so HOW do you know its so severe (you are right it is! dont get sidetracked) is that “Western society” talking ? Or is that a inherent G-d given morality compass talking?
“By the way
Do you mind telling me how you know when I post?”It is frustrating. Over the past few weeks the home page of the coffee room changed to list forums(decaffeinated coffee, controversial topics, etc) instead of lsit of most recent discussions. Most topics currenlty active are in “decaffeinated coffee” this is in “controversial topics”
what makes it more frustrating, is sometimes clicking coffee room goes straight to decaffeinated coffee,
an easier way to find it, may be to tag it as “favroite” then when you click your profile it comes up in favorite tabMarch 5, 2020 10:26 am at 10:26 am in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1837924ubiquitinParticipant“It gets צרעת”
Which is not in the hierachy of onshim as identified by the Rambam.“I guess we are talking different languages.”
“How else can you possibly read the words of the ח”ח ??”
Its making a point. It isn’t literal. This is not uncommon when comparing aveiros or mitzvos. As you know several mitzvos are listed as being “keneged kulam” talmud torah, Tzitizis shabbos come to mind., obviously they are not all literally keenged kulam. THe Gemara Bava EMtziah says better to be thrown into a furnace than be mevayesh someone (which doesnt even have an onesh!!! I believe this was one of our exceptions) the Meiri tells us (Berachos 43b recent daf yomi) that this isnt lteral (though most Rishonim DO seem take it literally) . The Gemara BK 119a says א”ר יוחנן כל הגוזל את חבירו שוה פרוטה כאילו נוטל נשמתו ממנו Obviosuly this isn’t literal. The Gemara says being mevazeh chol hamoed is like Ovoda zarah ( I lost track of exceptions I think we are approaching 30) Would you even entertain the possibility that if a person was on his way to work on chol hamoed he’d be better off just stopping in church worshiping oso haish? I’m sure we can come up with many more such examples.
Moreover your example Basically says what I’m saying. He takes it as a given “He is saying it’s simple that nobody in his right mind would go be מזנה just because he is angry at his friend.” Obviosuly NOBODY would think that would be the better option.
The chofetz Chayim never even entertained what you insist to be true ” מוציא שם רע is worse than raping someone.” NOBODY would rape to get even with somebody. Unfortunate we do look at motzei shem ra as “not a big deal” So to make a point he highlights how bad it is. Of course he doesnt mean it is better to be motzei shem ra
You must find this line ” אם יפתנו היצר מחמת כעסו על פלוני שילך ויגנהו בפני אנשים ויוציא עליו שם רע, יתבונן בנפשו אלו היה היצר מפתהו לילך לבית הזונות, האם היה שומע לו?” Very puzzling! Of course people would Be ones/Mefatah whatt’s his question People say Motzi shem ra all the time of course they would do the not as bad aveira!
” it’s absurd to say the fellow downgraded his evil status by actually raping the girl….”So to me it seems odd. Big deal!”. ”
Your position isnt t “odd” it is completly illogical and nonsensical. The chofetz choyim takes it as a given that NOBODY would entertain such a possibility.March 4, 2020 10:43 pm at 10:43 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1837844ubiquitinParticipant“No you haven’t given me pause.”
Im being dan lekaf zchus.
“Assuming that לשון הרע is not worse that מאנס”
Lashon harah dosnt have onesh of maamon
So the hierachy would be :
Motzei shem ra – worst
Ones umefateh – equal
Lashon harahAnd besides, what lashan hara, she didnt do anything wrong.
At any rate either we are speaking different languages. or you define some words differently than standard definition
or have some different understanding of yahudus, where not much makes sense and its all just some illogical chok unconstrained by reality But clearly we are on different wavelengthsLEts make the situation stranger.
If ploni says “I was neenas plonis” so if he actually did it hes not as bad than if he didnt!
If you can even entertain such a possibility then we are definiing soemting very differently
If you can entertain the possibility that telling people someone wasMarch 4, 2020 4:33 pm at 4:33 pm in reply to: Can the severity of a sin be learned from the severity of the punishment? #1837729ubiquitinParticipant“Ubiq I just now saw that you answered.”
Thats ok I was worried what you would reply.
Luckily you didn’t answer you dodged.I’m confused by your response though by saying he was meanes, why is that making him a rasha? Is int that BETTER than what you think of him (ie you think he was motzei shem rah, by your understanding isnt he saying I’m not THAT terrible (relatively speaking) I’m just a rapist ? (interesting kler, I dont want to get side tracked, Ill rephrase)
At any rate thats a dodge,
Suppose 2 eidim come in and corroborate his version? NOW is he a less of a rasha than you first thought?I’m fine if you don’t want to answer
“So then I’m not sure your position. … we generally assume that is so unless it doesn’t agree with my personal moral compass? ””
Yes I think thats fair, though I would substitute “my personal” to “our”
We proved along time ago that the Ribono shel olam instilled a “moral compass” in each of us. Eg even if we were not metzuva in shfichas damim, we would be expected to know not to do that .
Generally severity of an act is determined by the punishment. however as we have seen there are many exceptions.
when a seeming exception arises we dont necessarily assume our moral compass is off. for example Molech nobody assumes that killing all children is better than kiling one. that isnt even a hava amina . why doesn’t the onesh reflect that? good question and one that absolutely deserves an answer but that killing multiple children is better than 1 is simply an impossibility. More to the point, we don’t even need to PROVE that its worse, it is obvious or God -given seichel, our instilled moral compass tells us of course killing several children is worse than one, now we have to understand why the onesh doesnt reflect that.2 people: Revein publicizes that Shprintza is a beula (not true he was motzei shem ra)
shimon publicizes that Genedel is a beula (true because he was meanes her but not motzi shem ra)Obviosuly both are reshaim.
Is it possible that Shimon is better than Reuvein ? Do you really have such a hava amina?I note your hesitation to answer this question when previously posed , and I am happy that I seem to have given you some pause.
ubiquitinParticipant“CD they play at their purim mesiba is really goyishe songs which were popular a decade ago with the lyrics now changed to be about purim and the instruments changed to synthesizer and clarinet.”
sounds like a great cd. Do you know its name?
“But In dealing with that one specific instance I learned that unfortunately this is way more common than we would like it to be.”
Well said, and obviously this is not something that would ever be advertised. We B”h have a large community and are growing. Unfortunately that means very rare problems become more common in the aggregate.
These problems include rape, and teenagers crossing the line.“What were the underlying reason the Rov(s) permitted the abortion(s)? Why did the parents want the abortions?”
The reason the these heterim were given was combination of it being less than 40 days (“maya bealma”) with the fact that their lives would be destroyed potential resulting in physical harm to them . I don’t know of any case past 25 weeks. Most of the cases between 40 days and 25 weeks involved families with a lot odf children at home carrying a child that could not live too long , would put a big psychological strain on the mother.
If you say they are rare enough that allowing the millions of abortions to take place is not a price worth paying, I hear but I disagree.
If you say that the law can be crafted in a way to allow these exceptions, I don’t really hear that but I see why someone might think so.
but to argue that these things don’t exist in our community, doesnt make sense and won’t make them go away.“I believe דינים allows them to be more מחמיר than the Torah. Not more lenient.
Ubiq seems to disagree”Thats not my disagreement. I never said they are allowed to abort, I say thats not our (primary) concern.
And I’m not saying it “sits well with me” either.ubiquitinParticipantנו נו ברכה והצלחה
ubiquitinParticipant“I call your bluff. Name the Rov and what he said.”
I’m not sure by “what he said” he, excuse me THEY allowed (in some cases encouraged) abortion to proceed) Who doesnt matter, at thsi time If it rch”l comes up speak to a frum OB and he or she will guide you.
Until then tell yourself that it never comes up in our community, that everybody is pure nobody makes mistakes with life destroying consequences, no marriages are strained by bad news during pregnancy and I’m making it all up just so I can continue abortions on demand (as If my discussion here is of any practical consequence) -