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this has not been my experience at allI dont think IVe ever not seen group ask if one was a kohein (then defer to him to lead) or if for whatever reason someone else is honored they ALWAYS say “Bershus kohein/kohanim (sometimes without actually asking reshus)
I don’t think IVe ever NOT seen it done
ubiquitinParticipantWow Just discovered something that blew my mind a little bit
the Yiddish word נאר may not stem from the Hebrew word נער. The German word “narr” means fool, the Yiddish is likely from the German
This is a better explanation than the one I offered as to why it is spelled with an alefubiquitinParticipantWhen I was much younger, I was frum, I had of course heard of the Golem. I was travelling some of Europe and went to visit a friend near Prague. I got locked out of the room where I was staying so I looked for a place to sleep. Earlier that day I had gone to see the old Shul and the Maharal’s kever. I noticed that On the outside of the Shul there is another door, and two windows set far apart. But the door is very high up and there is on direct way to reach it. There are metal rungs in the wall below the door, but even those rungs begin about 4m from the ground. Anyway, I came back that night with a ladder from the caretaker. I used it to reach the rungs and climb up. That door was not locked so I went in locked it so no one should come bother me and went to sleep , A few hours later there was some banging on the window. I CLEARLY saw a samaller human figure looking through the window and shining his flashlight (torch in UK) then quickly climb down ta ladder Isaw another figure at the bottom holding a ladder But I am positive what I saw.
ubiquitinParticipantJuly 10, 2023 11:07 am at 11:07 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2207068ubiquitinParticipantN0m
I reread the thread
In your first comment you wrote
“We don’t ever use bitul after we intentionally created an issur. דבר שיש לו מתירים”You mixed up two things
As smiler pointed out (I missed his comment) “He meant אין מבטלין איסור לכתחילה”(That said even if you had it right it still wouldnt ” suffice to eradicate every possible retort.” we can quibble on whther it is a case of ein mevatlin (unlike davar sheyesh lo matirin which it certainly isnt) though again it ptrobably wouldnt be batul for toehr reason, Kal kavua and davar shebeminyan)
July 10, 2023 11:02 am at 11:02 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2207057ubiquitinParticipantN0m
1) “I understand them the same. Maybe I’m wrong. ”
If you understand Ein mevatlin issur lechatchila and davar sheysh lo matirin as the same (which I suspect you are mixing up) then you are wrong. They are completely different ideas.
2) sources for what?
If you want sources for Davar sheysh lo matirin its its own siman in Shulchn Aruch YD 102
If you want sources for Ein mevatlin issur lechatchila its a few seifim in YD 99: 5-6Again they are completely different ideas
July 9, 2023 10:50 am at 10:50 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2206660ubiquitinParticipantN0M
“But If it was sold, what could use bittul? It’s all heter.”
THe OP doesnt believe the sale is valid, he views sold chometz as issur
2 more points
1) “I understand that it needs to be accidental because rov is only a matir of a mixture.”no it needs to be accidental, becasue ein mevatlin issur lechatchila. You can’t create a situation of bitul. This has nothing to do with davar sheyesh lo matirin
2) “The concept yesh lo matirin means that rov can be matir when the only problem is the issur within the mixture.”
Thats the Ran’s understanding of Davar sheyeh lo matirin.
The more common understanding is that of Rashi, namely why eat it beissur and rely on bitul if you can just wait (or do a minor act) and eat it beheter.
In this case I don’t think the OP’s case is davar sheysh lo matirin. according to either approach a. Chometz sheavar PEsach is issur (again he views sold chometz as issur) so it should be batul in non-chometz shevar al Hapeshac which is heter.
b. Can’t say wait until its heter becasue chometz shear al Hapesach will never ever become heter.July 7, 2023 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2206434ubiquitinParticipantN0mesora
I’m not sure what you are saying
by definition a davar sheyesh lo matirin will become muttar . Thats literally the defitnion. (Its a machlokes if the heter has to happen automatically, or if a minor act like kashering will also qualify as it will become mutar)
If it won’t become muttar then it is not a Davar sheyesh lo matirin, by definition.
(Even if it will spoil before becoming muttar it isnst a davar sheyesh lo matirin accoridng to Mechaber )
Chometz shevar al hapesach will never become muttar. There is nothing yo ucan do to make it muttar, you cant sell it now cant kasher it is assur forever. IT doesnt matter that could have prevented the issur that is a not a “matirin” . Right now after Pesach is there a way to fix it? NO
Thus it is NOT a davar sheysh lo matirin, and WILL be batul in the proper circumstances.Of course all other rules of bitul apply, cant be davar shebiminyan, berye, chaticha rui lechichabed, cant intentionally create bittul (ain mevatlin issur lechatchila). Kol kavua etc
The fact that something WAS avoidable doesn’t change anything. Issur neveila WAS avoidable by shechting. nontheless if I intentionally create neveila and it ACCIDENTLY gets mixed up with kosher meat it is batul (again barring the exceptions to bitul mentioned above).
there are a few lines of yours I dont get either. Though I agree the Distributror who didnt sell chometz cant mix up his product, but that isnt because davar sheyesh lo matirin (again there is no matir for chometz shevara PEsach) ratehr becauase ein mevatlin issur lechatchila
Also the thread is not about a distributor who refused to sell, nor an assimialted Jew who sold. Rather a Tayereh Yirei Shomayim who went to the Gadol Hador and sold through him
and akuperma’s comment was wrong. They did not rule on narrow federal government groundsJune 15, 2023 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2200195ubiquitinParticipant“The way I look at it is that people know that the Mechira is not that good and it would definitely not hurt to be machmir”
chas veshalom to say such a thing about frum yidden.
All frum yidden view the sale as perfectly good. The Chasam Sofer writes (OC 113) anyone who questions the sale should be yelled at.
Chas veshalom to say it was “questionably sold” You are besmirching Gedolei Achronim and the greatest poskim today ALL of whom orchestrate mechiras chometz,sure there is a hanhaga not to sell chamutz gamur. But that is not the discussion at hand we are not discussing you selling your chometz.
You cannot find any teshuva backing up your mistaken shitah. True Maaseh RAv does say that the Gra did not buy chometz sold over PEsach this was addressed in my 2nd comment in this thread
June 14, 2023 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199823ubiquitinParticipant“Speak to Rabbonim in the parsha and they can sadly inform you what’s going on.”
I have, thats why I’m convinced such a support system is necessary.
“Most otherwise frum men with SSA do not engage in mishkov zochor. And, likewise, most otherwise frum men with a taaiva for eishes ish do not engage in that.”
Exactly! nailed it
thats why the two aren’t comparable. The former struggle/have issues whether they engage or not
the latter not so much.“But this Chazal isn’t even necessary to consider to accept my preceding points.”
Ive already accepted your point
“but ok, I’m convinced if they do they do start the club”
No need to convince me further.If you think its needed go for it. Start it
June 14, 2023 1:40 pm at 1:40 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199709ubiquitinParticipant” This Chumra needs to be most carefully re-evaluated.”
Always !
I reevaluated, it is appropriate here
“For some reason, when it comes to other people’s even baseless Kulas … On the other hand when someone has a not even so baseless chumra…, ”
the question though is which is this thread an example ofThough I’m not sure what you mean by “live and let live”
I’m not stopping you frm doing whatever you want . I’m sharing my thoughts on the matter same as you.I’m skeptical that the point of this thread was an honest to goodness quest to find such a store in Lakewood. (more than 2 months after Pesach nuch der tzi !) There are much more efficient ways to find that information , ask people in your shul, ask likeminded people who share this “chumra” ask your moreh hora’ah who presumably recommended you follow this “chumra” The point of this thread was to get people excited with an exciting topic . And I delivered I too find it exciting
June 14, 2023 10:13 am at 10:13 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199608ubiquitinParticipantCA
.. then you reevlute your “chumra” to see if it makes sense
A chumra has to make sense
If I have a “chumra” I dont eat from a fridge that was running on Shabbos. I am very machmir on Lo sivaru eish I want the fridge powered down. Therefore I only buy refrigerated items from Goyim
You would most likely say that chumra was inappropriate, doesn’t make mush sense and is borderline Tzedoki in nature.I can call it a chumra from today until tomorrow that doesn’t make it correct.
Using this “chumra” to then justify not buying from yidden or to justify baal taschis in throwing out perfectly kosher fine food makes it even worseJune 14, 2023 10:13 am at 10:13 am in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199605ubiquitinParticipantMTUGT
yes that was obvious from the start
among (otherwise) frum men? Yes I think so. nobody has an inborn inherent yetzer harah for specifically eishes ish, even if there are a few such people definitely less than for mishkav zachar.June 13, 2023 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199508ubiquitinParticipantujm
I doubt thats true (wouldn’t be the first tiem you made something up in this thread alone)
but ok, I’m convinced if they do they do start the clubJune 13, 2023 9:36 pm at 9:36 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199507ubiquitinParticipantMentsch
Well put
You said it so much better than I can.
June 13, 2023 3:08 pm at 3:08 pm in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199367ubiquitinParticipantujm
That taiva has an outlet (chulin 109b)
June 13, 2023 2:14 pm at 2:14 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199310ubiquitinParticipantSmile
you are most welcome“You only have a Mitzva to buy from a Yid if the Yid wants your business.”
The yid wants your business. Don’t blame tyour misplaced “chumra” on him He looks to his Rav for guidance and follows all the instructions his Rav gives him.
If thats not good enough for you as you said “The “machmirim” also have the option to choose where they want to shop.” this is true from a legal standpoint although perhaps not halachik.
you say “”However, there are some Yidden that do mind buying Chometz that was sold.””
There are all sorts of yidden some kep Shabbos some don’t
Its not too late to do teshuva become a real machmir without the quotes. buy from yiddenJune 13, 2023 10:35 am at 10:35 am in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199261ubiquitinParticipantujm
lol your’e wrong take was wrong then it remains wrong today.
“Has there been any organized recognition of the fact that this is likely worse than anything the Open Orthodoxy ever did? ”
Nopenot sure why you limit it to 2 things neither of which is correct
The correct thing is it simply is not an condoning any issurim. You can say it again and again it won’t suddenly become trueJune 12, 2023 8:05 pm at 8:05 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199110ubiquitinParticipant“If I (and my Rabbeim) disagree with getting the best tasting and cheapest snacks that still would not allow me to disrespect… ”
What? Of course it would
“When the Chachamim made the Knas they did not make an exception for if he “meant well” the halacha is that even if it was באונס the Knas would apply. ”
True“, he will need to convince all his customers that it is Lechatchila.”
Why? He followed the practice of generations he followed his rabbanim. Why does it have to have been lekatchila?“The way the Knas works, in reality, is that the business that keeps Chometz over Pesach will lose customers as they will go to other Yidden or to Goyim. ”
Clearly not, otherwise there would be no need for this thread
“The better the heter is, the fewer customers will be lost.”
In thst case mechiras chometz is rock solid!Of course we don t need to rely on this capitalistic lomdus. We rely on gedolei acharonim such as the chasam sofer who told us the sale is Rock solid and criticized those who imply otherwise
June 12, 2023 4:39 pm at 4:39 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199064ubiquitinParticipantSmile
agreed completely#2
I (and my Rabbeim) disagree that this is improved kashrus. In which case the “chumra” is inappropriate.As you put it so well “or intentionally trying to circumvent the Knas/boycot that the Chachamim made to deter them from avoiding proper biur chometz” What knas? he’s a frum guy he went to his Rav. You name him I’m sure he sells chometz. The store owner listens to Rav Forcheimer, Rav Miller Rav Heineman or whomever sold his chometz , why should he get a knas?
disagree that its an unnecessary expense.Your comment indicates a lack of understanding of point of kiddush. The point isnt to “help them make it home” anor ” for their shabbos seudah.”
The point is to instill a sense of camaraderie of chavershaft among the kehillah. Especially if yo u discourage talking in shul their isn’t much time for socializing which is vital to humans.Of course one can disagree as to whether this is a worthwhile endeavor, but if you didn’t even understand the purpose I’m not sure you’d have much more to add
June 12, 2023 3:01 pm at 3:01 pm in reply to: Is YU officially a modern-Orthodox institution? #2199036ubiquitinParticipantLol aderaba
Are the wrong people still pretending that this club is going to lead to more gayness?
Hows the club doingJune 12, 2023 1:12 pm at 1:12 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198988ubiquitinParticipantSmiler
“I personally try to buy from Yidden even when the quality and price are worse, but if they refuse to supply the Chumras that I want, that’s when I stop feeling obligated to patronize them”
I don’t get this
So you’re a meikel stam to make yourself feel good. Isn’t that worse than a meikel who is driven by yetzer harah for money?June 12, 2023 1:10 pm at 1:10 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198971ubiquitinParticipantsmiler
You mean 99
Though I’m still not sure the relevance. That wouldn’t allow you to buy the chometz intending to mix it and create bitulJune 12, 2023 9:34 am at 9:34 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198874ubiquitinParticipantNom
Of the ten possible reasons bitul wouldnt apply you gave an incorrect one
chametz shevar al Hapesach is NOT a davar sheyesh lo matirin. IT will never become mutar. In fact if you mixed up (after purchasing so no longer kavua) chometz shevar al hapesch it WOULD be batul (if not davar shebeminyan, chatichha arui lhiskabed etc)
Davar sheyesh lo matirin doesnt apply if the matir is retroactive. We dont say neveila is davar sheyesh lo matirin becasue you could have shechted it.
June 9, 2023 8:12 am at 8:12 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198233ubiquitinParticipantPity
I would have like to see the Gra.
Only reference I’m familiar with is Maaseh RavJune 7, 2023 10:51 pm at 10:51 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2197796ubiquitinParticipantAvira
“The issue the Gaon had was with selling it while it remains in the jews house/store.”
I’m not sure how you know that. As Far as I know the Gra did not write anywhere opposing the sale, including in his comments to Shulchan Aruch (448:3) where sale is mentioned.
Masseh Rav does mention that he avoided buying from Chometz that had been sold, thoughg it does not say why.Do you have a source indicating that he was “very, very against it.”?
(To be clear I’m not saying he wasnt agaisnt it, (though “very very” seems like a stretch) I am saying that just becasue he was agasint it does not mean this is something that people should follow today for all the reasons I shared from Rabbi Reisman in previous post)
June 7, 2023 12:25 pm at 12:25 pm in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2197545ubiquitinParticipantAvira
Because this isnt about not relying on the sale
This is not allowing others to rely on it.Rabbi Reisman is very very very* opposed to this “Chumra”
buying from a yid is a mitzva deoraysa.
chamatz shevar al Hapesach is a knas derabanan. It is absurd (his words) to suggest that Chazal would issue a knas agasint this fellow who follows all Gedolim who allow mechira. He goes to his Rav sells his chometz and surprise chazal issue a knas???Aye the Gra?
Ok so if you are very medakdek on following the Gra, maybe it makes sense. but if not to adopt this chumra is “absurd”
As to why the Gra held it. Who knows
1) not all things in Maaseh Rav are reliable.
2) Maybe he thought the mechira wasnt done well in his locale
3) Practicly it wasnt the same people didnt have storehouses with product as much as today.
4) furthermore might be better off buying from yid today. You know he sold his product, it is deffinitly NOT chometz sheavar al Hapesach when buying from goy you don’t know who he bought from over yom Tov could be a Jewish distributor*I use all those verys because I heard it from him many times and he used strong language. Do you have a source that the Gra was “very very against it” Maaseh Rav says he didnt buy
June 6, 2023 9:40 am at 9:40 am in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2196355ubiquitinParticipantsmiler
It is hard to imagine how such a store could exist .
Please do teshuva for throwing out perfectly fine food purchased from ehrliche people who follow halachaubiquitinParticipantFake
I have the same problem with local Pizza store, its open from morning till night every day (not Shabbos)
Kids always want Pizza, creates way too much pressure
how many days a week and to how many hours do you think the store should be limited to?“is it unreasonable to not want multiple ice cream trucks contesting the development per day”
to answer your question, it isn’t unreasonable not to want it. IT is unreasonable to think there is something you should be allowed to do about it as far as controlling/limiting them
You are wrong
The Ramabam says His Sefer is synopsis of Torah Shebal peh.
It is called “mishne Torah” because it is second to the Torah is Torah Shebichsav which is Tanach
in the original:
לפיכך קראתי שם חיבור זה משנה תורה. לפי שאדם קורא בתורה שבכתב תחלה ואחר כך קורא בזה ויודע ממנו תורה שבעל פה כולה ואינו צריך לקרות ספר אחר ביניהםMay 10, 2023 9:15 am at 9:15 am in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2189086ubiquitinParticipantZetruth
let that be a lesson for life . Eveything is recorded thnk before you speak.
When you record your foolishness it remains there for all to see and laughubiquitinParticipantYW fan
there are many minhagim with sefira. some keep from begginign until LAg baomer some until Lad Ba’aomer some from Rosh chodesh until then end etc.
(as an aside “listening to music” is a later addition to the minhag as well though dancing is brought earlier so your point stands)
Similarly there are many minhagim with Lag Baomer. According to the Mechaber there is no dancing at all not by day nor night. According to the Mishna berura’s understanding of the Remah you are right about Lag baomer night. But not everyone agrees (MB also brings cholkim that haircuts are allowed at night, no reason for haircuts to be different than music)
in short all of sefira is based on minhagim, and there are different minhagim
May 8, 2023 3:17 pm at 3:17 pm in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2188287ubiquitinParticipant“You can do avoda zora for darkei shalom?! You have to die rather than do avoda zora!”
who did Avoda Zarah?
thats awful! though maybe start a new thread about that?
ubiquitinParticipant“Neville: Every Ben Torah has a little bit Joseph in them.”
Thats true but our avoda is to be kovesh our Joseph and stand up for whats right and emes
could be that could explain why I don’t remeber
“Way back those days (40+) no one had any festivities besides Stolin and maybe some other very few.”I dont remember a fire in the 90’s. They had music and dancing yes. Are you sure they had a fire 40 years ago?
ubiquitinParticipantSeems unlikely
Can you provide any primary source ?
There must be some mention of this in the past 100 yearsApril 26, 2023 12:30 pm at 12:30 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2184365ubiquitinParticipant“He is counted twice since his two terms were non-consecutive.”
I never understood that:
Counting Presidents can be done by counting people in which case Biden is the 45th person to serve as President
If we count terms. Then Washington was President twice, he won 1788, 1792 Adams was the third president Jefferson the 4th and 5th etc .
Why do terms matter only when non-consecutive. Either count people or termsApril 26, 2023 12:22 pm at 12:22 pm in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184359ubiquitinParticipantI thought this thread was going to be about Ozempic
ubiquitinParticipant“If they decide the case under the Civil Rights Act…”
right, and that was exactly the question the court was asked: “Whether the court should disapprove the more-than-de-minimis-cost test for refusing religious accommodations under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act ….”
now of course the court is required to specificly address that anc could just ignore that aspect. But it is deffinitly to premature to conclude, as you did, that “A precedent would not be that significant”
“may” not be that significant, yes its possible that it may not. “Would not” No way to determine at thsi time
Nope you got it wrong. You didn’t look carefully and mixed up zeros and O’s (which was my point I’m just surprised the point came across so well )
Question was
40 + 2O – 0 x O = ?
where O = 2Translates to
40 + 2(2) – 0 x 2 = ?
40 + 4 – 0 =44But the truth is its not your fault it is hard to tell zero’s and O’s apart, and (near?) impossible to do so in writing. So the fault is not in you but in the unclear question.
Similarly 2x/3y-1 if x=9 and y=2 ?
Is unclear:
is it 2x/(3y-1) ? ( = 3.6)
is it (2x/3y) -1 ? (= 2)
(2x/3)y-1 (=11)
2(x/3)(y-1) (= 6)
among othersGranted some of these make morse sense than others but more than one could have been meant. when typed out it is impossible to convey in a way that is clear to all what the numerator/dividend is and what the denominator/divisor .
So none of these answers (3.6, 2, 11, 6) are incorrect per se*. The question is unclear much like 40 + 2O – 0 x O = ? (especially when handwritten) is unclear
*Ok some are silly, but definitely more than one especially the first 2 can be equally valid
ubiquitinParticipantWell put Yserbius
PEMDAS isn’t optional it is a rule like + means addition
using / for division is ambiguous . It would be like saying solve this equation
40 + 2O – 0 x O = ?
where O = 2while solving it here is doable, imagine it handwritten
It would depend on what how court decides if more narrowly limited to 1st amendment then I agree witjh you
but if they add that it violates the civil rights act of 64, somewhat overuling TWA v Hardison that seems significantApril 18, 2023 9:08 pm at 9:08 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182100ubiquitinParticipant“But my statement is fact, each new supreme court ruling further entrenches it,”
absolutely. It is a fact Ive said many times. no argument at all
but the same way courts can entrench it, courts can dislodge it.“As for my practical answer i would have left it on the books.”
thanks for the reply
Kudos on the consistencyKriger
“I live in the town of Beitar, Israel.”
guns are very regulated in Israel. If we enacted their regulation Id be fine with that.“America feast on violence,”
this isnt the answer. Europeans have the same violence Japanese movies have more They simply don’t have the same number of mass shootings as we do. This theory doesnt hold waterApril 18, 2023 1:48 pm at 1:48 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2182034ubiquitinParticipant“(might as well have said “since everyone murders anyway , do you support….””
Yes I agree that would be a fine comparison. though I used a better one .
Would you accept that argument for abortion.
A year ago it was legal. States made laws making it illegal. why isnt this something that worries you? Or is it?you said you are ” more worried about millions of law abiding citizens being persecuted for something that is currently legal”
You mentioned to Yserbius
“First everyone here with their heads in the clouds are ignoring the fact that the second amendment is only becoming more entrenched in law”
The oppsoite is true./ IVe pointed out over and over how the reinterpretation of the second amendment as applying to ordinary citizens is relatively new.
Granted at this point it is more of a historical argument and not practically too significant since the court gets to decide , though a new court can undo Heller and revert to the original interrepations. The Left should approach guns the way the right did abortion.
(Though probably wouldn’t be quite as successful I dont think anti-gun camp is quite as fired up as the anti-abortion camp)April 17, 2023 4:06 pm at 4:06 pm in reply to: Mass shootings, and non mass shootings, must stop. #2181647ubiquitinParticipantmentsch
would you accept that argument in any other realm?
Eg making abortion illegal would just make criminals out of all the people who will continue to get abortions therefore they shouldn’t be banned? as history has shown, will they be more likely to ignore the govt, and all you have accomplished is making millions of citizens into criminals
April 16, 2023 10:09 am at 10:09 am in reply to: After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900% #2181259ubiquitinParticipant“Rav miller was saying this since the 70s btw.”
I dont beleive Rav Miller would have said something so dumb
I’m moche for the Kavod of Rav Miller.ubiquitinParticipantDr P
” it seems as if different textbooks teach the order of operations differently.”This hasnt been my experience. And today although people calim there are nobody has ever been able to identify these alleged textbooks (although IVe asked)
I think people (myself included) forget the order of operations (most of us havent done these kind of problems in decades) So we get the question wrong. Then when reminded we feel silly that we got an elemntray school problem wrong.
Instead of saying “” wow cant beleive I forgot the rule” The responses are “There must be other rules” “the rules are made up its up to each person if they should follow them ” etc (these arent verbatim quotes from this thread)“(I can not recall seeing a textbook that gave an order of operation that would yield a number other than 1 but from Google searches it seems like there are.)”
I could not find any such rule for order of operations. (a few posters said “PEMDAS is a convention, not a hard and fast rule.” and “Following the system where multiplication is deemed a higher order operation than division:” These are verbatim quotes. and not based on any thing real
however I did find some debate over Flaming’s Pitfal #2 with some fellow (who seemed well reaosned) arguing that 8÷2(4) was not the same as 8÷2×4 (which would absolutly be 16) rather that 2(4) was one unit equaling 8 (thus leaving 8÷8 = 1) not two seperate units 2×4 (which would require first dividng the 8 by 2)
For interesting sources see Slate’s “What Is the Answer to That Stupid Math Problem on Facebook?
And why are people so riled up about it?” (3/12/13) where he argues (wrongly in my opinion) “none is incorrect.” the thrust of the article is that histoically there are different ocnventions, and sure in 1919 a different answer may have been correct but that has no bearing on today. -