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  • in reply to: Excuses for not isolating. #1863831

    “Also, the longer someone waits to get sick, the more the medical establishment knows how to treat it”

    A great point. I can’t put my finger as to what it is, and look forward to data that wil eventually emerge. but without question the covid pats Iv’e seen over the past month did a lot better than those a month before. Again this is purely anecdotal , and I can’t tell you what it is that seems to be helping (remedesvir ? convalescent plasma? stopped giving axithromycin? heparin?) But without question patients who a months ago I’d have thought were doomed (based on then current experience) are doing better when they arrive now

    in reply to: Anti-Vaxxers #1863829

    “If you were overwhelmed why didn’t you send patients to the Javits or the Comfort? ”

    1. We did send some to comfort
    2. As health pointed out They weren’t accepting Covid patients at first so the bulk of patients that were overwhelming the hospital couldn’t even be off loaded
    3. By the time the comfort allowed Covid pts the worst was over. While waiting pts had been transferred upstate to ease the pressure (unfortunately without always notifying the family)

    in reply to: Excuses for not isolating. #1863558

    Syag excellent post

    Thank you

    The only minor quibble is regarding “Finances is NEVER a good reason to put any lives at risk. Suffering long term health and emotional damage from losing everything on the other hand is a legitimate reason to weigh which is the lesser of two tragedies. But people saying the economy overall is worth more than a life are nutcases.”

    I’m conflicted (and I’m not sure I disagree with you given the middle sentence there ) . It is a common refrain that “saving a life trumps everything*” but that isn’t completely true. Fro example in regard to pidyon shevuim, do we give everything to save a person? shulchan Aruch YD 254:4 says this is assur because of “tikkun olam” (Now it depends on what the reason for this tikun olam is: (Gemara gives two reasons too much pressure on the community or to prevent further kidnappings. distinction wopuld be if a individual can afford it so there is no pressure on the community can he do it. Achronim seem split as to how we pasken ) As to how much it relates to a virus but clearly “”saving a life trumps everything” is not 100% true.

    It is clear to me that preventing the overwhelming of the hospital system was worth the shutdown. I donl;t think reasonable people can disagree on that.
    I am not so sure about shutting the economy overall” to save ” a life” I am even less sure about where that line would be drawn 2 lives ? 100? 1000?

    Again I dont think we disagree, because the “financial pressure” the Gemara discusses isnt (I dont htink) money to go to disneyland or something like that. Without an economy society can’t function leading to many problems including, as you put it, “Suffering long term health and emotional damage” I think (hope) the people who say “the economy overall is worth more than a life ” mean it that way

    * yes except 3 cardinal sins

    in reply to: Excuses for not isolating. #1863511

    Doing my best
    Here is another illogical excuse
    “Stop worrying about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. YOU should only be concerned about YOURSELF”

    in reply to: Anti-Vaxxers #1863510

    “but it is certainly easy to find actual information to support that. ”

    It is easy to find information to support any claim you want. There are tons of online posts claiming (falsely) that hospitals are empty there are a whole group of video labeled #filmyourhospitla showing calm outside the hospital as if that somehow shows that inside it is business as usual.

    Of course just becasue you find support for a claim, doesn’t make it so, whether for (or against) global warming or whether hospitals were overwhelmed.

    in reply to: Anti-Vaxxers #1863503

    “No Republican, ever, has said that the Republicans are an anti-science party
    No not literally in those words.

    “Trump is still not a typical Republican and never will be. ….t, do not reflect on the party.”

    Semantics. Tes he reflects on your party. you cant elect (and support a candidate and say ” he isnt really one of us”

    “And no, the hospitals were NOT overwhelmed, not even in NY.”
    they were.

    This was discussed on another thread. doctors did not have time to tend to all coding patients. Hence the “mandatory DNRs”
    I can tell you first hand I did not have enough dialysis machines for all the patients that needed them I was forced to choose who gets dialysis and who doesn’t (there was simpley not enough machines and nurses for everyone) IT was very overwhelming. Critically ill patients were manged in hallways. You are simply wrong Look at posts from other physicians. I get it if you dont believe me. Look at Ellie Bennet’s post. Ditchek talk to any NYC doctor

    you cant just dismiss facts that don’t fit your narrative. This is becoming a pattern with you.
    At least with global warming yo u have “evidence” on your side fine so most scientists accept it but some hack blogs disregard it for such erudite reasons as you detailed. I can live with that. . and the side the scientists support is the “anti-science party” got it, makes sense.

    but hospitals not being overwhelmed? Trump not reflecting the Republican party
    amazing stuff

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1863443

    ready nkw
    Yes that’s his point but us hogwash. in both cases it should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.
    This is not controversial with lupus. But first some reason with covid people support everyone take it unmonitored based on one doctors say so

    in reply to: Minyanim Legal in New York starting tomorrow #1863242


    “Would the epidemiologist please explain the danger if everyone attending employs safeguards of masks, gloves and distancing?”

    Joseph answered your question “How can the gabbai most politely inform someone who it is a sofek whether he’s kosher to be counted as part of the ten, that there’s no room for him?”

    People are sending around a video from Rav Asher Weisss that the virus isnt gone etc.
    It surprises me that people don’t realize this. (almost) no virus is ever gone .The virus that killed millions in 1918 is STILL around killing people from time to time. In 100 years from now as some other epidemic sweeps the globe people will say the same Covid 19, the one they all get vaccines for (yearly?) .

    In theory if people wear masks perfectly sanitize well dont touch shared items etc then no it shouldn’t spread. BUT the reality that it is impossible to keep all of that, and it will spread and more people will get it and some of them will die.
    Hopefully not many since most of us have been exposed and have antibodies, but most is not all.

    I am not an epidemiologist, but I dont see how the above could possibly be in dispute.
    that is the straightforward part.

    The harder part is what level of risk do we tolerate? to me it seems the risk is low enough that reopening shuls is warranted. but I am not a posek, so I am not willing to make that decision (not that anybody asked me)


    “When I said “disease,” I WASN’T referring to covid-19”

    I’m sorry. I completely misunderstood.

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1863004

    “So I was correct”

    About what?

    I have no idea if we are arguing or what it is about. But no you are not correct about anything,, as literally every post you write has at least one inaccuracy.

    “ut the risks are relatively downplayed in relation to Hydroxychloroquine, ”
    what does that mena? downplayed compared to what?
    and don;t put words in his mouth. The vie ois there I quoted it verbatim.

    He said “there are no warnings to patients” when used for lupus.
    This is plain and simply not true (or he is a bad doctor)

    ““monitored for risks” means “please let us know of any untoward side effects you may experience while taking this medication ””
    No it doesnt. it means checking an EKG before treatment starts, repeating one after. Telling patient to call if they start new meds particularly antibiotics like Azitrhomycin which increases the risk. (plus of course there is retinal toxicity but not relevant to short term use)

    in reply to: Anti-Vaxxers #1863000

    “Where on earth could you possibly have got that idea? ”

    I spend most of my time interacting with Republicans. Your posts are no different post exhibit a ““Climate change” is a deliberate fraud, perpetrated by a small number of outright con men”

    “Trump is hardly the typical Republican”
    This statement may have been true 5 years ago. Today you can’t just dismiss him as not being typical. He represents your party (as much as you may not like that) , those who don’t support him (eg Lincoln Project) are labeled “Rinos”*

    “You can read all about it on Power Line.”
    I dont have to. I saw first hand how close the hospital system came to breaking, as mentioned elsewhere it some ways it did.

    “Read some articles on Watts Up With That.”
    sure will thanks

    in reply to: Anti-Vaxxers #1862887

    your post is funny

    “Democrats are the anti-science party. T”

    I thought Republicans were proud that they were the anti-science party. You yourself proudly state how you deny climate change (sorry just saying it isnt real doesn’t make it go away) “They are the party of anti-vaxx, ”
    Yo uelected a leader who dabbled in Vaccine autism conspiracies. (I’ll give you anti-GMO, though I’m not sure what you mean by Democrats being the party of astrology and you other example isn’t a science issue)

    Its ok to get worked up, I’d be ashamed too if my party’s nominee said “When I was growing up, autism wasn’t really a factor And now all of a sudden, it’s an epidemic … My theory is the shots.”

    “We’ve just ruined thousands of lives because of a very wrong model that,”
    what very wrong model?
    there are nearly 100,000 deaths and climbing in the US. and that is in spite of Social distancing. yes lives are made difficult, but many more were saved.

    ““global warming” until they could no longer convince people that the world was in fact getting warmer because all their predictions faile”
    I didn’t realize climate change was even controversial anymore. I thought even Republicans accept it but don’t believe it is caused by man. IS the average global temperature not rising?



    Its good your not a posek. As your assumption is way off base. BH poskim saw the truth
    I’m baffled how you even came to such a bizarre assumption . Have you seen the shiova listing s on misaskim? the death notices on ywn over the past month? Dis it really seem like the same number of people that die from car accidents

    That said. Thank you for answering the OP’s question
    OP here is the answer doimg my best did an excellent job as well but here is an actual example

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1862703

    “Hydroxychloroquine, HOQ’s use with lupus, compared to the huge outcry when the same medication is used to treat covid19”

    I am not aware of any media blitzto push HCQ for all lupus patients. If there was you can bet there would be a outcry slow down discuss it with your doctor there are risks

    Even pharmaceutical ads warn of riks “including death” and “discuss with your doctor whether xyz is right for you”

    AND even if there was such a push.
    1. There a re fewer patients lupus patients so side effect would be rarer.
    2. The benefit is well established so the risk is justified.

    “The patients are always told of possible risks as that is routine,”

    YEs! and monitored for those risks! Now you get it.

    but anyway this is a long digression.

    what is it that we are arguing about?
    What point of mine do you disagree with- Is there one?

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1862662

    The quote in question is at 8:00 into the video
    “These drugs have been used for millions of patients for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and malaria and malaria prophylaxis. Even to this day. notice that there is no warnings to these patients that they shouldnt take the medication only if you take thsi medication for covid19 does it kill people.”

    There are only three explanations I can think of to make sense of this statement:
    1) He doesnt prescribe it for lupus (and is mistaken (lying?) about the lack of warnings
    2) He warns patients and is lying when he says he doesnt.
    3) He is a bad doctor.

    I can’t think of another explanation. can you?

    Of the three options I’m being dan lekaf zechus and going with #1

    Again, just because a medication has risks is not a reason not to use it (with zinc)

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1862620

    “HE DID NOT LIE, no negative effects were reported.”

    He did. did you watch the video?
    He said it is given for Lupus and nobody warns about the risks.
    This makes him either 1. lying and he hasnt used it for lupus. 2. Lying and he does warn about risks or 3. a bad doctor



    you havent answered my question.

    “will raise the annual death rate in the USA from around 8 per 1000, to perhaps 11 per 1000 ”
    The deaths in NY in april was 200% higher than a year ago. That is IN SPITE of social distancing. Hospitls came close to breaking (and in some ways did break a bit) . If not for social distancing it would have been far worse.


    ” suggest that perhaps 90% of all people who “get” Cover19 do not get sick”

    you keep repeating this, I just don’t understand it. Can you please explain to me why that changes anything?

    say you live in a city of 1,000,000 people If R”L you had to choose a disease to infect the city. would you choose disease a. where 100% get it it and 10,000 die a fatality rate of 0.1% or b. A disease that infects 5,000 people and 5,000 die a fatality rate of 100%

    (for purposes of this question lets assume you want as few people dead as possible)
    Why does the fact that 90% of those infected w/ the coronavirus don’t get symptoms make things better?

    in reply to: Post Corona: The New Frum Community #1862446

    a couple of points:

    “I’m sure the switch to permanent remote learning can be a possibility, and even be successful.”

    I doubt it, it is clear (to me and all I’ve spoken too) that remote learning is not nearly as effective as in person. This is even more true for “weaker” kids that need more individualized attention.

    “The question, then, is obvious: Why not move to a cheap small town somewhere and start a new community?”

    Schools is but one item keeping people in larger communities, shuls easy access to kosher food are probably the first 2.

    “I’m done with high costs of living, high costs of school, traffic, the social and economic pressure of the large communities.”

    So go for it!

    in reply to: ARE CAMPS SAFE THIS SUMMER #1862295


    so what is the end game?

    when the lockdown started the reason was to “flatten the curve” this was a critical goal. I can attest firsthand that several new york area hospitals came close to breaking, and in some ways they have.
    It worked the curve is flat.

    now what?

    If in fact antibodies don;t last more than a few weeks (or don’t confer immunity) then what? A vaccine won;t help (someone should forward Dr. Ditcheks;s report to all those working on a vaccine to get them not to waste their time) We are all doomed. So why continue social distancing?

    What am I missing?

    in reply to: ARE CAMPS SAFE THIS SUMMER #1862151


    “It’s a realistic possibility they’ll never come up with a vaccine. Or that it’ll be multiple years before they do”

    Of course! I’m not sure why you thought I felt otherwise .

    All I said was IF antibodies disappear after 2 weeks. Then a Vaccine won’t help (when/if it is developed)

    in reply to: ARE CAMPS SAFE THIS SUMMER #1862096


    “Two weeks later there are no antibodies”

    So what is the plan then everyone to stay hunkered down unitl there is a vaccine? And then once there is a vaccine, we all get it every two weeks?

    Viruses don’t just disappear, Covid19 will be around for a long long time . If antibodies wane after two weeks (and I’d like the source for that statement please) we may as well go out with a bang and let the kids have a blast of a summer

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1862095

    “Please respect the Dr, he has no motive to lie,”

    so why did he?

    And again, becasue you keep forgetting this point. This thread is not about whether HCQ works (yes with zinc ) nor whether it is ok for doctors who think it works to prescribe it (with zinc). Of course all doctors should prescribe medications they think work (with zinc) and as I said I prescribed it (with zinc)

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1861743

    ” He is giving it short term, and he has encountered no side effects, he said so”

    He also said That when given for lupus people don’t warn about side effects.

    “Why do you keep forgetting the zinc sulphate?

    i havent forgotten once. I’m not sure why you think I have.

    “So why are you not shocked?”
    I don’t find it shocking when a someone who spends weeks trying to be in the media limelight says “shocking” things to drum up more views. I was a tiny bit surprised that he cannot talk rationally and calmly and has resorted to blatant mistruths (nobody has ever seen complications from HCQ? I prescribed it to a handful of people and one of them already had changes to his EKG) but “shocked” nope, Perhaps disappointing

    in reply to: Our Stupid President Trump #1861111

    “then it turned out they are more likely to kill than heal.”
    This is not true.

    “He bought the line that this is a hard to catch plague (meaning lockdowns would be effective),”
    This is not correct. If it is hard to catch, lockdowns are not needed. Just wash your hands be a bit careful and you’ll be fine.

    “it turns out to be easy to catch (meaning lockdowns won’t help much)”
    Again, This is not true (and I can’t make sense of it, I assume there is a typo. If it is hard to catch there is no reason for lockdown. It is BECAUSE it is so easy to catch that lockdowns were needed. )

    “, is closer to the annual flu that kills thousands ever year”
    This isnt true . For example last year 34,000 died from the flu in the Us Covid 19 has so far killed 87,000 (thats more than 34,000) and this is IN ADDITION to flu deaths.

    “Trump may be a fool”
    This is true

    in reply to: Crorona Shidduch Dating #1860971

    Joseph I’m surprised your so modern.

    My much older family minhag is to go to a well and find girls there,

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1860970

    ready “We can all see that you ubiq, change your stance at every turn.”

    Nope No change.

    From my very first post I made clear I am not opposed to giving HCQ here is the quote “For more moderate patients is questionable, I’d err on the side of giving.”

    I then repeated this point approximatly a dozen times to make sure it wasnt getting lost.

    I have no idea how this line ““He states its used for lupus with no warnings. What is he talking about?”” Is even a contradiction to above. I use it for lupus but not “without warning”
    . I doubt Dr. Zelenko treats many with lupus . Lupus is generally treated (and diagnosed) by a rheumatologist I’ll bet I see more lupus than he does. (Though to be fair in a “small town ” as a General practitioner he may not refer to a specialist as much as physisicans do inn the city, though its not like KJ is in yene ek velt) And yes when prescribing it I always make sure they arent on any QTC prolonging medication, and I warn them if starting a new antibiotic to call me. I send them for yearly eye exams (not directly relevant to short term use for Covid) but he is plain old wrong when he states it is used without warnings he is either: a. lying b. doesnt use it or c. a bad doctor or d. a combination of the above)


    “All to “prove” that Trump is inefficient and ineffective. ”

    We all know Trump is inefficient and ineffective. Whether or not HCQ works will not change that.
    At any rate, Trump has since moved on from HCQ,

    “Why did she whisper?”
    Probably becasue she had laryngitis, perhaps due to covid19 ?

    cent cent
    “Of course each life is precious and we try to do whatever we can to save it. ”

    lol clearly not “every life”

    “It’s very likely that the lockdown actually will cause more deaths in addition to the economic harm”
    If this is your argment (and it is a reaosnable one) stick to it. Offer real numbers to back it up, not made up ones. But dont fill your posts with nonsensical “filler” like not shutting down for flu or people dying every day regardless (then pretending “every life” is precious”

    Im not saying you are wrong. And as the ICU’s are no empty some colleagues are arguing to open things up “we will fill our ICU’s with the next wave, save who we can and bury who we can’t” Again, I’m not saying this is wrong per se ( due to reasons mentioned though I find t hard to believe halacha would support sucha n approach) but this is your plan be clear about it: Yes more people will die but less people than protracted economic downturn and delayed cancer treatments etc. .

    I also don;t understand the obsession with mortality rate.
    Simple question. If you somehow had a choice between two diseases: A. will infect 1,000,000 people out of 1,000, 000 in your community and 10,000 will die r”l ie a 1% fatality rate. B will infect 1000 people and 500 will die ie a 50% fatality rate (eg Ebola) would you say B is worse since fatality rate is 50%

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1860812

    “So, okay to treat coronavirus, short-duration medication,”

    Was this in dispute?

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1860215

    “Listen to every word, you will be shocked,”

    I did . Wasn’t shocked. which part did you find shocking .

    Other than the fact that he isn’t complelty knowledgeable (I’m not sure what he means by nobody has seen complications, depending how you define “complications” if you haven’t seen them then you haven’t been checking EKG’s) He states its used for lupus with no warnings. What is he talking about? Everybody who prescribes HCQ is well aware of the risks. I understand he is angry but if he is lying about this. What else is he lying about

    Hy I guess you were right. It is a bit shocking

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1860216

    Friend sent me this:
    rightwriter you may be on to something

    A lot of people have been asking me what it’s like being on the COVID wards in the hospital, so I figured I’d share what a typical day looks like for me:

    6am – Wake up. Roll off of my pile of money that Big Pharma gave me. Softly weep as it doesn’t put a dent in my medical school loans

    6:30am – Make breakfast, using only foods from the diet that gives me everlasting life by avoiding all fats, sugars, carbs, and proteins. For details buy my book and check out my shop.

    7am – Get to work, load up my syringes with coronavirus before rounds.

    8am – See my patients for the day. Administer the medications that the government tells me to. Covertly rub essential oils on the ones I want to get better.

    9:30am – Call Bill Gates to check how 5G tower construction is going, hoping for more coronavirus soon. He tells me they’re delayed due to repairs on the towers used to spread the Black Plague. Curse the fact that this is the most efficient way to spread infectious diseases.

    10am – One patient tells me he knows “the truth” about coronavirus. I give him a Tdap booster. He becomes autistic in front of my eyes. He’ll never conspire against me again.

    11am – Tend to the secret hospital garden of St. John’s wort and ginkgo leaves that we save for rich patients and donors.

    12:30pm – Pick up my briefcase of money from payroll, my gift from Pfizer for the incomprehensible profits we make off of the free influenza vaccine given every year.

    1pm – Conference call with Dr. Fauci and the lab in Wuhan responsible for manufacturing viruses. Tell them my idea about how an apocalypse-style zombie virus would be a cool one to try for the next batch.

    2pm – A patient starts asking me about getting rid of toxins. I ask her if she has a liver and kidneys. She tells me she knows “the truth” about Big Anatomy and that the only way to detoxify herself is to eat nothing but lemon wedges and mayonnaise for weeks. I give her a Tdap booster.

    2:45pm – Help the FBI, CIA, and CDC silence the masses. Lament the fact that I can only infringe on one or two of their rights. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow.

    4pm – One of my rich patients begins to crash. Laugh as I realize I’ve mismatched her spirit animal and zodiac moon sign. I switch out the Purple Amethyst above her bed for a Tiger’s Eye geode. She stabilizes. I throw some ginkgo leaves on her for good measure

    6pm – Go onto YouTube and see coronavirus conspiracy videos everywhere. Curse my all powerful government for how inept they are at keeping people from spreading “the truth”

    6:10pm – Go onto Amazon and see that a book about “the truth” is the #1 seller this week. Question the power of my all powerful government. Make a reminder to myself to get more Tdap boosters from the Surgeon General next time we talk.

    7pm – Time to go home. Before I leave, sacrifice a goat to Dr. Fauci and say three Hippocratic Oaths.

    9pm – Take a contented sigh as I snuggle under the covers made of the tinfoil hats of my enemies, realizing that my 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency training have been put to good use today.

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1860103

    “SORRY – Not enough Zinc!
    You need at least 200mg/day PO for Covid19.”

    nope I and they don’t. They did fine with 100.

    “I’m really bored with this entire non factual back and forth. ”

    Are you being forced to read this thread? blink twice if you need rescuing

    “So Ubiquitins “Shkoiyach” in his last post about nursing homes”
    the shkoyach wasn’t about nursing homes. (I’m not even sure what you thought I was referring to)
    It was about unsolicited advice about what someone else would have done in a situation not related to the one I was in.

    “and much more of what he’s been saying”

    I am saying one thing and one thing only: Dr. Zelenko’s patients report does not prove that HCQ helps. That is all.
    All the rest is commenting on follow up questions.

    “he has not researched from a common sense one”
    what does that mean? how do you research from common sense perspective?

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1860021

    Health just noticed your reply.
    “I personally wouldn’t stop it, just have them monitored. It doesn’t have to be in a hospital, some nursing homes can do it.”


    “I want to know – “What was the dosage of each medication & length of time of the administration?” Zinc – Was it given PO, IV? Also, what type of Zinc – Eg. Zinc Gluconate, Etc.?
    400 mg daily HCQ x 7 days (I did not give a loading dose). 100 mg Zinc acetate PO. These were outpts .

    I saw the Jama study . No surprise, reports what IVe seen first hand (though no mention of Zinc , which (almost?) all the inpatients IVe seen were prescribed

    Though worth noting there is a report coming out of NYU titled “Drug Combo with Hydroxychloroquine Promising: NYU Study” which looks at HCQ + Zinc and at least initally reports some + findings.

    in reply to: English tips. #1859856

    “When I see someone write 12PM I ask them what they meant.”

    Have they ever meant anything but 12 noon?

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859528

    “Didn’t they wear those surgical masks for their own protection?”

    Yes. As mentioned surgical masks do provide some protection to the wearer.

    to illustrate (these numbers are not at all accurate just to illustrate a point) Say a mask reduces your odds of catching covid-19 by 25% . If you are seeing many patients with covid 19 (Ie healthcare workers) and your odds of catching this contagious disease with no protection is 100% (for illustrative purposes) then reducing it to 75% is significant.

    If you are not a healthcare worker and are not in contact with anyone who has covid19 and are going about the community where your odds of getting it are 10% reducing that to 7.5% is not that significant.

    Again just for illustrative purposes, I made up these numbers .

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859435

    I hit submit too early
    furthermore, even regular masks protect the wearer slightly as I said earlier.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859432

    Medical professionals wear n95 which are fit tested to each individual.
    These do protect the wearer.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859365

    There was a thread recently asking why people post.
    Changing minds was not one of my reasons.

    I enjoy this thread, if you don’t (and I fully understand why most wouldn’t) feel free not to click it.

    Don’t worry you won’t miss much this thread started off absurd and things went downhill from there. You won’t miss a thing.just ignore it

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859294

    “-theres a difference when something is inside the body and once its expelled out it changes”

    source please

    “Theres a reason for going to the bathroom. I would not advise putting that stuff back into your system”

    I don’t know what “in your system” means. Obviosuly if it ends up where it wasn’t before it can cause problems. If it goes to where it was before obviously it wouldn’t

    anyway we are going down some strange rabbit hole where you back up one absurd statement with another built upon a wrong assumption resting on a misconception.

    LEts back up this tangent.

    You said ” wearing a mask makes you sick by “activating” the virus. ”

    Don;t answer mumbo jumbo about CO2 or bacteria.
    how does the virus get “activated” by leaving the system ?

    “Anyway keep inhaling your own carbon dioxide seems to be doing wonders for you”
    not just my own., everyone. Ambient air contians mostly nitrogen and O2 some argon , Co2 and water (earlier you said “You breathe in h20.” not much, but more than Co2)

    Also If you dont have questions for me.
    I have a few for you that you havent answered
    1) how does the virus get activated by going into a mask?
    2) Do you supprot maks use now., in your last post you compared breating in your own brea h to “a runny nose and mucus” Why would you spread your runny nose on mucus on those around you?
    3) On Friday the weatherman reported it would snow on Shabbos. It Did!
    does that mean he is controlling the weather?


    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859242

    “Thanks for clarifying that doc,”

    Absolutly no problem.

    ” but yes you are inhaling carbon dioxide since its in a confined space between your nose and mask.” The mask is desinged for gas to pass through Carbodn dioxide doesnt get trapped it flows out (I mean sure a few molecules might hang around and get re-inhaled but so what)

    ” Oh the bacteria you already exhaled? Then what a great idea to inhale it back into your system genius.”

    what would the harm be? These are bacteria that were already in your respiratory tract they doidnt pose ham on the first go around, why would exhaling them and re-inhaling the cause harm the second time?

    ” How about when you clean your runny nose or cough up mucus into a tissue just rub it back into your nose and mouth great idea. After all you it came out of your own system whats the harm in putting it back in?”

    Seems gross but I’m not sure what the harm would be.

    But I’ll throw this right back at you. How about clean your nose or cough up mucus and rub it on someone else’s nose. Because in the absence of a mask that is EXACTLY what you are suggesting.

    “-oh thats right because thats what we were trying to treat with fresh air my mistake”


    “Oh so before it was ineffective to wear a mask since there was a shortage”
    Wearing a mask does littel to protect the wearer. Before it wasn’t fully appreciated how contagious asymptomatic people are. So given that there were not enough masks. Wearign it to ptotect yourself (when it doesn’t offer much protection) didnt make much sense. Save them for the far more exposed healthcare workers.

    “masks are nothing new they have been around long enough for there to be enough research on them.”
    No the masks arent new. but the virus is.

    “Thanks doc. ”
    You are most welcome.

    “Would you be so kind as to appear on TV interviews and Youtube”

    Please let me know if You have any other questions.

    I have one for you though.

    On Friday the weatherman reported it would snow on Shabbos. It Did!
    does that mean he is controlling the weather? Thanks

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1859133

    “What was the outcome, if you know?”

    It wasnt a lot of patients. 1 I stopped because it QTc rose a lot. the rest did the same as the patients who didnt get it.

    “What was the way they got O2 – mask, intubation or other?”
    The few I prescribed were all outpatients none got oxygen

    “Was it given on or near the onset of the virus, or later on?
    probably onset they had mild sx (fever/cough) tested positive so I started it

    “Was it given with Z-pack or not? ”

    That said almost all the hospitalized pts I have seen got it. Few did well. But I see a biased sample, as Ive said from the onset I wouldn’t extrapolate from my cohort to others.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859124

    “When you have your mask on all day as they “recommend”, you are breathing in your own carbon dioxide and any other bacteria that is piling up inside your mask”

    Carbon dioxide doesn’t stick to your mask. and any bacteria is bacteria youve already exhaled
    And at nay rate what doe these wrong statments have to do with the question
    which was how does the virus get “activated” by wearing a mask.

    “Did you forget about the old fashioned remedy of just good old air when you are sick to freshen yourself up and kill germs? ”
    no never heard of that. Ar you suggesting using “fresh air” to treat those with sepsis?

    “What happened to opening up the window every now and then or taking a walk for some fresh air?”
    Fantastic. Keep doing it nothing happend to that.

    ” How do you do that when you are wearing your muzzle all day long?”

    I’m not wearign a muzzle(nor a maks) all day long. Who suggested that?

    ” Isn’t that a bit counterintuitive? ”
    No it isn’t. Though it is nonsensical.

    “What happened to Fauci’s “do not wear masks! You are depleting the supply for the medical staff”
    hospitals are currently well stocked.

    “it will not prevent you from getting sick it will not do anything””
    Recommendations change all the time, as new data/information becomes avilable. That is a good thing not bad . While masks dont do much to prevent you from getting sick (though helps a bit) they do prevent you from infecting others which you can do even if asymptomatic.

    Ask all your questions. Its ok to be uncertain in these scary times. but get reasonable answers that make sense . We are here for you it will be ok.

    do you have any other questions that puzzle you?

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1859061

    “In short, brain death with the lungs being able to breath on their own, does not exist.”

    correct. by definition If someone is breathing on his own he isn’t brain dead.

    “I thought the resistance to using brain death today, is a fear of hospital bias.”

    That is partly true but a very low extent, and easily remedied, (eg. devise better tests, use multiple doctors to assure done correctly etc) . The bigger issue is most poskim hold if the heart is beating (which a brain death patient’s is) the person is alive (or safek alive ) even if the brain isn’t funtioning and even if patient isn’t breathing

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859059

    “They never dreamed it would play out as bad as they hoped”

    trying to keep up with your “logic”

    So you think those beind event 201 where behind it because ” See their “predictions” which played out so well by these “prophets”” (your words)
    now you are saying “They never dreamed it would play out as bad as they hoped. ”

    Did it play out exactly as they predicted or not?

    Though I lvoe how whichever way you reply it “proves” they were behind it.
    I love conspiracy “thinkers” the more facts hat would ruin a normal person’s way of thinking only strengthen your view.


    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859003


    Mikowitz’s video is so full of lies (eg AMA said doctors who prescribe hcq would lose their license. Never happened aaaand AMA isn’t in charge of medical licensure)

    And nonsense (eg wearing a mask makes you sick by “activating” the virus. What? How?) That it is safe to dismiss all her statments particularly , as she provided exactly zero evidence to hack them up.
    And the ones that can be researched are demonstrably false (eg she claims she was held without charg. This isn’t true the charges are widely available online)

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858998

    “Hospitals are stubbornly not treating the patients with certain drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and Remdesivir which have been proven to be effective”

    This is a lie.
    I’ve rounded at 4 hospitals in the past month all are giving hcq and zinc.

    How is mitkowitz video available I thought “they” don’t want us to see it. For that matter how is she still alive?

    “They never dreamed that it would ACTUALLY play out as bad as this. They hoped it would be worse though.”

    Waaait so they’re not behind it? I thought you said the organizers of the event were behind the outbreak?

    in reply to: English tips. #1858869

    1) “where “by” is used in the sense of “near”. I’m still not sure about this.”

    I think so too.

    2) got it!

    thanks for persevering

    in reply to: English tips. #1858832


    I really want to get this 2 questions

    so the phrase “Please stop by my office” is not correct?
    you say “you stop by at her home.” So I stopped by her office” is not correct should be “I stopped by at her office” ?

    2) Webster’s defines “by” as “at or to another’s home” They literally define “by ” as “at”
    Am I reading it wrong? Are they wrong?

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1858836

    “Everything I post, IMHO, I try to the best of my knowledge is accurate!”

    so to keep that perception don’t ask “Now why do I have to back up my claim?” If you make a claim back it up.
    Again, you don’t have to. but it doesn’t make you sound like your posts are accurate if when asked to back it up you get angry and defensive

    “How many years did you post that my Court Case was never reviewed by SCOTUS?!?”
    See above

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1858741


    “I don’t care if they listen. My own family doesn’t listen. They only come to me, at the last minute.”

    a. you do care. Yo u take every opportunity to pad yourself as “working in a health field” and putting down others “obviously you arent in healthcare” so that people should view you more as an expert.
    A better way to achieve that would be to source your medical claims than to just say “trust me I’m a health care worker”
    b. If you dont care then you don’t care thats fine too of course. I’m just answering your question as to why you should provide sources. Though perhaps a disclaimer would be nice. “I dont care if they listen” and ” I dont care if what I say is true”

    “As a doc are you going to tell the pts. the ideas from the AAPS, even though (acc. to you) they’re a relatively obscure group?”
    No of course not. There are literally thousands of “medical associations” I don’t think every proclomation by all of them warrants being shared. Especially if not built on sound data.

    Again, just to be clear since although Imentioned this over a dozen times on variosu threads, it is a while since I have. I am not opposed to giving HCQ nor zinc nor both. I am SOLELY responding to the OP “Does anyone understand why doctors don’t want to give hydroxychloroquine even though it is working throughout the country ”
    I don;t think government regulating agency should stop doctors from giving a treatment that they think will work. nor do I think doctors are bad for not giving a treatment that isnt based on any solid evidence.

    In fact I have prescribed HCQ yes with zinc

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