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“It seems another couple of weeks wait from the video I saw.”
super excited!
will check in thenJune 12, 2020 9:02 am at 9:02 am in reply to: Are Law abiding minorities affected by police racism? #1870973ubiquitinParticipantshady
“No, law abiding minorities are affected [primarily, albeit indirectly] by NON-law abiding minorities.”
so your answer to the OP is “yes” Just you argue that it is not the fault of the police, The police have to treat all law abiding minorities as suspects because of the non-law abiding minorities.
ubiquitinParticipantI don’t understand how anyone can oppose removing confederate statues. and spare me absurd arguments about “erasing history” We don’t need a statue to rememebr people, A statue glorifies people. nobody suggests Renaming a military installation fort John Wilkes Booth so he isnt forgotten, or building a statue of Mohamad Attah.
Kneeling in protest before a US flag is wrong, but taking up arms against the US and firing upon that flag deserves a statue?
please help(I dont disagree with the opposing cancel culture and shutting down free speech that is taking hold of the left, and don’t get me started on the gleeful public excutions of people who do or tweet something, that may be offensive (and often isnt), but the statue example is one that I don’t get the support for.)
“Remember, I didn’t Write Minn. 2nd degree Murder Law!”No but you are making it up and misapplying it, and not even in a logical and consistent way
“In the first case – there were 2 Felonies. Arson & Murder.”
Yep like by Floyd Assalut and murder (an unintended consequence of the assault)“In the 2nd case, there was just Murder (One Felony).”
But he never intended to murder, (in the kidnapping case) so are you saying he cannot be charged for the murder?ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“You need to do 2 things (Felonies), NOT Just the Murder by ASSAULT!”you are making this up and it doesn’t make any sense
If a person intends to commit Arson and didnt know a person was inside the building R’L are you saying he cant be charged with second degree murder because it wasn’t a separate act You need to do 2 Felonies?
If a person intends to kidnap someone by stuffing him in the trunk of a car and the person (unintentionally) suffocates he cant be charged with second degree murder becasue it wasnt a separate act You need to do 2 Felonies?ubiquitinParticipantBTW the authors of the NEJM study (Boulware et al) have submitted a A Randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on early outpatient treatment w/ HCQ.
Any idea whats taking Dr. Z so long?
ubiquitinParticipantsorry you lost me
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
A prophylaxis is “action taken to prevent disease, especially by specified means or against a specified disease” It has nothing to do with the presence or absence of an immune response. If a person has a disease, then by definition (see definition above) it is no longer a prophylaxis but a treatment.
Are you arguing? are you making a new definition of “prophylaxis” that you are trying to sell?
do you have a question?ubiquitinParticipantHealth
You lost me on the difference between taunting and being sarcastic with.“Yes, we cleared it up already – I wrote for #3 “other than” for the Murder.:
We did clear it up. but you seem confused. If a person unintentionally kills while committing a felony, that is the literal defintion of mmurder in the second degree.
yes other than “for the murder”
If you plan kidnap, rob, assault commit arson (all felonies) and in the process unintentionally kill that is murder in the second degree” He wasn’t even unconscious until the last 3 minutes. The first part it was a Legal Restrain”
Lol so those 3 minutes are some sort of freebie? They get to retrain the suspect while resisitng + 3 extra minutes?“we don’t need a Fake Trial – He’s GUILTY From the Git Go!”
He sure is. but everyone deserves a trial. Maybe he had reason toe believe oxygen was harmful to Floyd and by choking him he was saving his life? (after all he never had EMT training)
As you said “he’ll have to explain that in court.”
ubiquitinParticipant“Post-exposure it MAY or MAY NOT be prophylaxis”
Yes obviously.
Of course not every medication taken before or after exposure is always prophylaxis We are in full agreement there.ubiquitinParticipantready
“Ubiq then wrote: “But I have absolutely no clue what you are trying to say in your last post.””
Still holds true. repeating it verbatim doesnt help .
Are you arguing? agreeing ? asking? repeating what I said in a different way?2scents
thanks for your kind words.“this is not real life”
totally agree with your sentiment.
Plus in real life I dont really repeat the same thing over and over for 2 months 🙂ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“….a sarcastic challenge or insult”
I was trying to tell you that I think he meant the #2 definition, not the first.
I don’t think he was mocking or insulting him.”Got it. So he meant it as an insult but he wasn’t insulting him
“Are YOU Sure You Understand ENGLISH?!?”
Gotcha. So you are, of course, wrong.
to quote te law yet again: ” Causing someone’s death without intending the death of anyone, while committing a felony”
Assault is a felony. IF you attend to commit asssault (a felony) and you intentionally kill the vicitm , yo uare guitly of murder in the second degree .I am so glad to have cleared that up.
No charge!Now you know!
“I think it was Sarcasm, Not taunting.”
I dont see the diferenceTeling your vicitm sarcasticly “Get up” knowing he can’t is taunting
“I answered that on the First page.
Here it is AGAIN:”
Answered what? what question whats the answerWhy are we repeatign the same thing Yes I cited the relevent portion, you repeated it , I repeated it two more times now you are copying again
“A felony other than the so-called “Murder”!
ObviouslyDo you understand the English language?!?”
Pretty well
“Eg. – While robbing a store.
Or assaulting someone….Say Tom (not a cop) assaulted Harry, without justification, and Harry died As a result. wouldnt Tom be guilty of second degree murder?
ubiquitinParticipant“IDK , he’ll have to explain that in court.”
You must be glad he was charged then“He doesn’t have to believe ”
so why was he repeating “get in the car” Just to taunt him?
And what was he hoping would happen? what was his intended end game“I asked you what the charge was. ”
Oh I thought you followed the case. There are multiple charges :
third-degree murder
second-degree manslaughter,And at any rate As for 2nd degree murder here is one of the definitions that I had supplied, then you repeated (its in your post June 8 8:56 PM)
““…. 3. Causing someone’s death without intending the death of anyone, while committing a felony…….””
The fact that it was “an accident” is not an excuseubiquitinParticipant“There’s one shot from a distance.”
Yep saw that one. By defintiion if “from a distance” you cant see what’s happening in the car. I understand the police had body cameras though Those have not been released though Isaw refrences to lawyers refferign to audio it contained.
however , from footage “shot from a distance” you cant see whats happening in the car. At least I can’t
“It’s an Excuse, because we have only 2 EYES. Didn’t you learn Anatomy? 2 Eyes on your Head?”
Why couldn’t he use one of his 2 eyes to look at the suspect he was assaulting who for a full 3 minutes was completly motionless and for a time prior to that said he would cooperate?Sorry, I didnt know is not an excuse. In fact “unintentional” is one of the charges. It is strange to argue your way out of unintentional manslaughter by saying “sorry I ddint know” yes , that is the Charge!
“You Libs Always TWIST the TRUTH! They gave him that chance beforehand.”
Lol what is this some kind of no backsies?I cant heklp but note tyou didnt answer my question
If A suspect resits arrest, for how long after that (once he stops resisting) are polcie still allowed to assault him? a week? a day and hour?“Another LIBERAL LIE! EMS came on the Scene. The EMT went over & checked his Pulse
Yep he checked hsi pulse but the perp kept his knee there for another minute“Ask one of your Lawyer friends.”
I did It use of force is while the suspect is resisting. not for the rest of the day” you do what you’re told or YOU Suffer the consequences!”
you should get a lawyer. Thast not how it works You don’t lose all your rights just because you wind up in custodyubiquitinParticipantSchnitzel
Theres a WAPO piece “There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.”
Updated 4/19′ whcih is essentially a lsit of studies on racism specifically in the criminal justice systemIT paints a very ugly pictrue
I can’t say I’m prepared to defend them all, even if you can quibble with one here or there still a good strarting point
Love that your backyard minyan waits for the women to finish shemoneh esrei.
“Or does my avodas Hashem come first?”
Avodas Hashem is always first. sometimes Your avodas Hashem may be to not inconvenience other people sometimes it may mean daven longer. Weighing whcih aspect of your avodas Hasehm trumps the other is your question.
however I don’t think you provide enough details to answer
ubiquitinParticipant“I prefer to argue and discuss stuff on the merits and context of their post and dismiss the argument of authority.”
I happen to have a medical degree, but I don’t think I ever (intentionally) used it as a way to validate my opinion . I dont think I even let on to that fact until recently, though it may have been apparent from some of the debates IVe gotten more animated about.Just like I’m entitled to an opinion on any myriad of issues unrelated to medicine, (s a quick perusal of topics I have commented on would indicate) anyone can comment on medical issues.
OF course it goes without saying nobody should take medical, legal or halachic advice based solely on some anonymous poster’s claim to be a doctor/lawyer/Rabbi
as you know I would love to continue any and all conversation and continue to answer nay questions that still linger .
But I have absolutly no clue what you are trying to say in your last post.I do have a question for you. Any idea when Dr. Zelenko is releasing his study? He said “2 weeks” about 2 months ago
ubiquitinParticipant“The Video.
For s/o who claims he watched the video – I Guess you didn’t watch all of them.”which video shows what happened in the car?
I thought I saw all of them. where can I find this one ?“Again he probably didn’t know that. It was a Volatile Scene. He probably saw his eyes closed – SO WHAT?”
“didnt know” is not an excuseIT was 3 minutes that is a long time. Try it sit thee for 3 minutes. and for a few minutes prior As Chauvin said “get in the car” and Floyd said “I will ” I can’t” why didnt Chauvin let him get up and into the car?
“When EMS came he gave over care to them.”
After another minute“I worked in NYC EMS. The rules & laws are probably the same all over.”
Probably not. especially if the rule is evil and insane. Also “I worked in NYC EMS ” is not a source given your poor track record of statements that don’t stand up to facts . where can this rule be found that even if a suspect is no longer resisting, even if he is unconscious (even if he is dead?) You cannot let up until you hand him over to EMS ( or the coroner I guess if he is dead?)“Stop LYING! Placing a guy under arrest with Restraint, when two minutes ago he was Resisting, is Legal, Not a Felony! ”
Interesting. How long does this magic once -you- resist- you -can -be -assaulted rule last? Can they still assault him a day later a week later?
ubiquitinParticipant“Do you work for the Lying Muslim AG?”
no“If NOT, Why post Lies?!?”
no lies
“The PD had to remove him from patrol car because he couldn’t behave in it.”
a. I’m not sure how you know that
b. Even if that is the case, how does that allow for assault after he is unconscious?“FYI, when you resist, the Police are legally allowed to restrain, including the Neck Restraint.”
Yep. Key word …”WHEN YOU RESIST” not after
“They took it out of the Police Protocols after the death of Floyd.’
The internet has a long memory. If police protocols allowed for assaulting unconcious suspects it would have come up by now. you are making this up.
“You can only release restraint when s/o can take over the custody of the Perp.”
source please
“Here is the law in Minn. for 2nd Degree murder:….”
thanks I already cited the releent part to you.
“…. 3. Causing someone’s death without intending the death of anyone, while committing a felony other than criminal….. conduct ….or a drive-by shooting….”So you see how Libs Lie to fit their AGENDA!”
No sorry I do not. I do see how I correctly cited the law implicating the perp Chaauvin
Thank you Health, for resupplying the relevent code confirming without question Chauvin’s guilt:
guilty as charged.ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“Your wrong.”
citation needed“You mean on 2nd degree Manslaughter?”
no I mean the added charge of second degree murder:
Under Minnesota law this includes: “the death of a human being, without intent … while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense.”
Chauvin committed a felony offense when he assaulted floyd (the fact that Floyd resisted arrest a few minutes prior is not license to freely assault him later on) In the process of commiting this felony he unintentionally (I assume) killed Floyd.
ubiquitinParticipantNo one is saying that minorities have some disadvantages.”
great I love when we agree
“My parents that immigrated to the USA had zero, they were subject to a lot of discrimination.”
sure and obviously I don’t know the specific circumstances your parents faced but buying houses and college admission was probbly not one of them“a) this still exists.”
I am not saying this still exists (in all facets) I am saying the sequela of those discrimination is still felt today
“Explain that on the banks”
Again, its not one issueSchnitzel
” I agree that there are vicious cycles of poverty in the black community that originated from oppression”so there you go.
That is the answer to your question.
Yes the vicious cycle of poverty is bad regardless. but when the vicious cycle of poverty is bad as a result of systemic oppression (that existed years ago) that is worseubiquitinParticipantHealth
Im not sure if something got transposed in your reply (it often happens to me so I understand complelty)
the reply you wrote does not in any way relate to the opening line.What I replied was even if Foyd’s comorbidities played a signficant role in his death (whcih they very well may have) that would in no way lessen the culpability of the perp who murdered him
In your last comment you were mistakenly under the impression that if there were multiple factors at play in a victim’s death the perp gets to walk. Sort of a zeh vezeh gorem. This claim does not hold water.
I’m glad that is settled.On to the actual charge. you do raise a good point. This may answer the OP’s question.
3rd degree murder may be harder to prove due to the “depraved mind and malice (wanton disregard for human life)””
2nd degree on the other hand just got easier. There is no question that the perp Chauvin was committing a felony. It is impossible to argue he was merely tring to get floyd to comply while simutaneulsy preventing him from complying (The victim said several times he would get in the car but couldn’t because of the knee in his neck) While committing this felony on Floyd sadly he died
“the PERP was resisting ”
that would never fly if anyone saw the tape. unconscious people cannot resisit.
I thought you were finally going to watch it? wh y do yo u keep saying things that the tape shows not to be true?ubiquitinParticipantSchnitzel bigot
Even if this one specific example weren’t true that is but one piece.
Secondly “chances are” doesn’t help much to people in that position. and aerguing that Jamal is a “low socioeconomic” name but not a “black name” doesnt really hold water“Washongton is like 100% black”
no not 100% Though by far most.2systemic
“That is very not recent.
Today, is there is any evidence of systemic racism against the black community?”It is very recent and it is still felt today.
I have a leg up thanks to a home my parents purchased in the 80’s A black person my age does not have that advantage. I will IYH be able to leave more to my children thanks to that home.
It is an advantage that I have today, it doesnt get more recent than thatRuby Bridges is the first black child to attend a desegregated kindergarten in Louisiana.
she is only 65.
That is young, these policies are very recent. and repercusions are still being felt
I cannot do two much justice to the subject so this won’t turn into one of thsoe endless ubiquitin repeat loops (I hope)
schnitzel if you answers to your questions with link s to specific studies wikipedia has a piece on “Institutional racism” with many links to said studies
no not to one study that shows systemic racism exists. But to many small pieces that put together created this edifice.ubiquitinParticipant“Surely there would be a good study that proves one way or the other.”
No there wouldn’t be becasue it isnt just one issue. It is a deep history with effects that linger until today and manifest itself in many different ways. One excelent example that you cite.
“The issue with this is that Jamal & Lakisha are a specific kind of black (urban ghetto poor).”
That isnt an issue with the study. That is the point of the study. Even once theyve made it having grown up in an “urban ghetto poor” neighborhood makes it less likely to get a job. Arguably it should be MORE of a reason think of all the struggle Lakisha urban ghetto poor) overcame to get the same GPA as Karen, Lakisha should be MORE likely to get the job
I am not sure why you dismiss this very real problem so fast.“thoae last names are only used by Blacks”
Are you being serious?“Is there a different study that I missed?”
sure there are plenty
One of the biggest tickets to prosperity is home ownership. for decades minorities were deprived of this via redlining
As recently as 1980’s Banks were still more likely to lend to a lower income white family than a middle blacvk one.
So you have a group more likely to grow up in poverty poorly educated parents in poorer neighborhoods where property taxes generally fund schools, with worse teachers and worse access to tutors and extra help.
those that overcome all this are less likely to get a job thus perpetuiating this cycle, and you have a recipe for “systemic racism”ubiquitinParticipantHealth
““cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression.”
This is the TITLE of the Report.”Yep it is A title serves as sort of a summary of the report. A report titled “The many lies of health” will list many lies health has told
The report does not list drugs as a specific cause of death. In fact it doesnt list a “cause of death at all. Outside of the title .
The report lists ALL the medical findings
I -blunt force injuries
II Natural diseases
III No Life threatening diseases identified
IV viral testing …
V Hemoglobin S….
VI toxicologyAre you suggesting they mean one of the causes of death was covid-19? Having sickle cell trait ? the mucosal injury on lip? All these are listed in the exact same manner as the toxicology
not all the findings listed in the report are causes of death.AND
even if they were
Chauvin is STILL guilty as you helpfullly point out “Then it goes on to say there was Multiple reasons for his DEATH. It lists Drugs (some Illegal), restraint”So restraint did contribute to his death. If I shoot someone and he dies because he has a serious heart condition that plays a role. It would be an absurd to try to defend that well a younger healthier person may have survived that gunshot wound so ubiq is innocent.
bottom line if if those other factors did play a role (and they may have) if not for the unwarranted and illegal restraint Floyd would be aliveubiquitinParticipantreayd now
words have meanings. prophylaxis means a measure taken to prevent disease.
It can be pre or post exposure. After symptoms develop it is no longer prophylaxis it is treatment.I don’t know where you got your definition it doesn’t make sense. How can a patient possibly produce antibodies if they were never exposed in the first place. Biologically this makes no sense
ubiquitinParticipant“Did you read it? ”
That is a verbatim quoteand you are a bit suspect, you claimed you watched the video when you clearly hadn’t , and here ou are denying what is written in black and white (literally) for all to see.
“You have to understand who the AG of Minn. is!
He’s a Friend of Farrakan & a Muslim, who doesn’t like Jews.”
I don’t follow so therefore we should lie about what the autopsy report says?ubiquitinParticipant“After exposure before symptoms. that is what “prophylaxis” means ”
This line is unclear.
prophylaxis means before disease develops, ie before develop symptoms. could have pre or post exposre prophylaxis but not post symptom prophylaxis At that point it is a treatment not prophylaxis.
ubiquitinParticipant“I repeat: asking posters to join you in ignoring someone is a bullying tactic. It’s wrong.”
Completely agree.
Comments are there for all to see you say “Health has been backed into a corner that defies logic, (self-contradiction) ” Let people determine that
DMB you say “When someone is simply repeating the same dumb idea over and over without even bothering to listen to logic, then it is time to end the debate”
so end the debate, you do not have to add any more comments if you don’t want to .
If you are afraid of “ceding the last word” you can end off with something to the effect of pointing out that another poster is simply unaware or misrepresenting the facts (which is clearly true) and that further discussion is futile
If other posters agree they don’t have to continue the discussion if they don’t they can
. but rallying the troops to ignore someone is wrongubiquitinParticipant“The study was withdrawn, so let us ignore it.”
but you did ask some questions :
“I wrote-the population was told to self-distance to save their lives, but the study group did not.””
Yes but the study group was NOT compared to the general population. the Study group (those who got HCQ) and did not self isolate where compared to a control group (those who got placebo) and did not self isolate.
(which group a person entered was completely random)“After exposure OR after exposure and showing symptoms?
After exposure before symptoms. that is what “prophylaxis” meansubiquitinParticipant“but you have made two very cofounding statements nevertheless.”
No I have not
I repeated the same thing in various iterations over and over.
The question was “Does anyone understand why doctors don’t want to give hydroxychloroquine even though it is working throughout the country ”I replied that there is no reason for doctors to prescribe a medication just because one guy claimed anecdotal success.
I also said If a doctor thinks his patient will benefit from a medication he absolutely should prescribe it.
I have repeated various iterations of the above now fewer than 29 times in this thread alone (see separate post)
“Also, you made out they were randomized in all respects, they were not”
I don’t think yoou know what randomized means. they were NOT a random sample, they were randomized to treatment or placebo .“So biased candidates for study., may give a biased result.”
Of course! Though not really “bias” what you mean is is this group generalization to the general population? perhaps not.“Re: self distancing-because, the population was told to self-distance to save their lives, but the study group did not.”
Unlcear how that would change the effect of HCQ. They weren’t being compared to “the general population” comapring to similar patients who did not self distance and id not get HCQubiquitinParticipant“but you have made two very cofounding statements nevertheless.”
No I have not
I repeated the same thing in various iterations over and over.
The question was “Does anyone understand why doctors don’t want to give hydroxychloroquine even though it is working throughout the country ”I replied that there is no reason for doctors to prescribe a medication just because one guy claimed anecdotal success.
I also said If a doctor thinks his patient will benefit from a medication he absolutely should prescribe it.
I have repeated various iterations of the above now fewer than 29 times in this thread alone (see separate post)
“Also, you made out they were randomized in all respects, they were not”
I don’t think yoou know what randomized means. they were NOT a random sample, they were randomized to treatment or placebo .“So biased candidates for study., may give a biased result.”
Of course! Though not really “bias” what you mean is is this group generalization to the general population? perhaps not.“Re: self distancing-because, the population was told to self-distance to save their lives, but the study group did not.”
Unlcear how that would change the effect of HCQ. They weren’t being compared to “the general population” comapring to similar patients who did not self distance and id not get HCQubiquitinParticipantReady now:
Here is a compilation of the many many times I have said the 2 not contradicting statements
A. If a doctor thinks a certain treatment will help. He should prescribe that treatment.
B. Just because one doctor claims success doesn’t mean all doctors must follow(mods, to make your job easier these all or verabtim pulled from previosuly approved comments, spelling mistakes left alone just date added, (lots of free time at hospital bh))
April 6 “That said for a sick pateitn the benefit (possible survivial) outweighs the risk so might as well give it. For healthy patients, the vast majority, the benefit doesnt outweigh the risk. For more moderate patients is questionable, I’d err on the side of giving.”
April 6 As I said in my first post “That said for a sick patient the benefit (possible survivial) outweighs the risk so might as well give it.”
April 6 “Does HCQ help Pts with Covid19? Maybe some anecdotal reports say yes other say no. Lets study it. Whats the harm in giving it? So for some youre right there is no harm as IVe said several times ) “
April 7 “Again, I’m not saying not to give it in all cases. but his “data” proves exactly nothing.”
April 11 “At No point did I claim to know, let alone to “know for sure”, that Hydroxychloroquine wasnt helping.
In fact In my first post on this thread I explicitly said the opposite “For more moderate patients is questionable, I’d err on the side of giving.””April 13 “Again and toeb crystal clear: He may be right (as Ive said in the first comment and about every other comment since then). but his data does not show that “
April 13 “Again to be clear: I am not saying he is wrong. I am not faulting him for not doing a proper RCT. I am solely answering the question, why just because he says he has success others aren’t convinced.”
April 13 “Dr Zelenko would agree. It is not proven, his argument is what the harm, and I;m not sure I disagree.”
April 13 “I’m not criticizing the doctor, I am not saying it shouldn’t be prescribed (both of which I’d understand why people would get riled up)
All I am saying is why although one person may have had success, it isnt so cut and dry”April 14 “and thats fine. I’m not trying to dissuade you from following his advice. that is not the topic of this thread.”
April 17 “At any rate this is way of topic.
If you like the study (that was halted early) go ahead and give low dose HCQ.I’m not interested in a discussion as to whether HCQ is efficaicous or not (since there isnt enough data)
The topic of this thread. Is solely why not everyone is following Dr. Zelenko’s reported success.”April 19 “I’m still not clear on what your point is.
for the10th ? 20th? time I never said not to take, it nor that it doesnt help with or without zinc. That isnt the subject of this thread”April 19 “And again, as Ive said from the onset Im not “against it” let alone “so against it” I’m just poitning out to the lack of data.”
April 21 “does this mean the benefit outweigh the risk? – Maybe “
April 23 “Neither his experience nor mine puts the issue to rest.
We need studies.”April 24 “There is not enough data. period Dr Zelenko would probably agree. (though hed add what do we lose, which is a fair point as IVe said from the onset)”
April 30 “Again to remind you we are not discussing whterh HCQ works. We are not discussing whether it is reasonable to give it anyway and hope for the best. So if you are now saying “Ok it might not work, but what is thee to lose. ” Well I said that in my first post in this long repetitive thread”
May 8 “Again, just to be clear since although Imentioned this over a dozen times on variosu threads, it is a while since I have. I am not opposed to giving HCQ nor zinc nor both.”
May 12 “I am saying one thing and one thing only: Dr. Zelenko’s patients report does not prove that HCQ helps. That is all.”
May 14 ““So, okay to treat coronavirus, short-duration medication,” Was this in dispute?”
May 15 “From my very first post I made clear I am not opposed to giving HCQ here is the quote “For more moderate patients is questionable, I’d err on the side of giving.”
I then repeated this point approximatly a dozen times to make sure it wasnt getting lost.”May 19 “And again, becasue you keep forgetting this point. This thread is not about whether HCQ works (yes with zinc ) nor whether it is ok for doctors who think it works to prescribe it (with zinc). Of course all doctors should prescribe medications they think work (with zinc) and as I said I prescribed it (with zinc)”
May 20 “Again, just because a medication has risks is not a reason not to use it “
May 24 ““if the life would hang in the balance with the threat of coronavirus. The risks have to be weighed”no question. I literally said this in my very first post way back on April 6. Go check its still there”
May 25 “Again, as a reminder what this thread is about (it has been running for 250 posts for almost 2 months so easy to lose track) The OP asked “Does anyone understand why doctors don’t want to give hydroxychloroquine even though it is working throughout the country”
I am not arguing to use it I am not arguing not to use it (I said this explicitly over a dozen times )”May 27 “Reminder this thread isnt about whether HCQ helps (with zinc) Its whther everyone should prescribe it becasue Dr. Z said so.”
May 27 “Again to reiterate I am not disputing the study, and I am nto saying HCQ doesnt work.”
May 27 “I was never opposed to it, IVe given it before if patient wants it I’d prescribe it”
June 3 “note even if you think following one doctor’s anecdotal report is reasonable ( and I don’t disagree as I made clear over 2 months ago and dozens of times since) “
the two statements are not at all contradictory and are two of my statement Ive ben saying since day 1
““medical decisions SHOULDN’T (necessarily) be made based on anecdotal reports by one doctor with promise that data will come later. ””
Absolutly true . do you disagree? I don’t think anyone does
“if you think following one doctor’s anecdotal report IS REASONABLE ( and I DON”T DISAGREE as I made clear over 2 months ago and dozens of times since).”
Absolutely true. do you disagree? I dont think anyone does.
to sum up:
A. If a doctor thinks a certain treatment will help. He should prescribe that treatment. (second statement above)
B. Just because one doctor claims success doesnt mean all doctors must follow it. (first stament above)Ive been saying this over and over and over and over
what if any of the above are you disagreeing with?
” Both the recent studies we have debated in the last few posts”
I havent debated any study. you must have me confused with someone else. True I pointed out numerous errors and oversights you made but I’m not debating any study., just trying to help you understand them.“they were not a cross-section of society.”
no they are not. so?“They were THEN “randomized”.”
Yes, As I pointed out to you.“so that is why they were not a random group ”
No they were not a random group, I believe they were all healthcare workers.“were not self-distancing by the definition of the study”
If youre self distancing why do you need HCQ to prevent you from getting Covid. Who would you get it from?“In a climate where the opponents of President Trump”
why does the Lancet care about Trump?
and aderaba they retracted! could you imagine Trump retracting anything he’s ever saidanyay this is all a side show
My main point is :to sum up:
A. If a doctor thinks a certain treatment will help. He should prescribe that treatment. (second statement above)
B. Just because one doctor claims success doesn’t mean all doctors must follow it. (first stament abovewhich if any of these do you disagree with ?
“I wasn’t there!”
lol! to quote you “It’s obvious that you didn’t watch the video”
“I told you before a lot of PD’s in the US, aren’t even trained in Basic First Aid.”
Yes you said , that seems silly. But if thats the way it is so be it. why are you telling me again?“““Resisting” can be as simple as going limp,” So maybe he thought he was Still Resisting?!?”
On what planet is “maybe” and “he thought” justificantions for death!
“because the opposite Lawyer would Cut you Down SO BAD!”
I hope you ARE the lawye in a court caser :
Health why did your client shoot those people?
Health: ” Maybe he thought the gun had blanks and the people where ghosts wearing bulletproof armor”bottom line:
Was he resisting yes or no,’?
don’t say you werent there, go watch the video.
If you dont want to watch the video thats fine too, just say you arent interested in the truth.
“of a cardiopulmonary arrest. In plain ordinary English that’s what we call a heart attack”Ok so. in short no.
A heart attack is a myocardial infarction. This occurs when (most commonly) a blood vessel to the heart is to narrow for blood to be supplied and part of the heart muscle (myocardium) is deprived of blood (infarcted)
At no point did any autopsy report that I’m aware of say this happeend.Most people who die, die from “cardiopulmonary arrest. ” ie theri heart and lungs stop (unless they are brain dead) . Now what can casue cardiopulmonary arrest? lots of things. Certainly a myocardial infarction ((heart attack) can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest, so can shock so can high potassium levels (a common cause in those with kidney problems), as can hypoxia (low oxygen levle) for example from asphyxia
Yes his heart stopped (as it does for most dead people) . but why. NOT from a heart attack (myocardia infarction) This was your misinterpretation.
The report said a cardiopulmonary arrest while being restrained by law enforcement officers, who had subjected Floyd to subdual and “neck compression”
Ie they said he died from his heart stopping while being retrained….
why did his heart stop? it doesnt really say it kind of blames multiple factors (which is what I do when I dont know the exact cause,) including intoxicants but ALSO the “subdual and “neck compression””This was cleared up in he final drafts, but at no point did it ever say he had a heart attack.
“Does anyone know if he was in cardiac arrest prior to the ambulance showing up?”
Did the officers do CPR on him?From what I understand he still had a pulse when EMS showed up
ubiquitinParticipantDo most white kids grow up wishing they could be the next Madeline Albright, Antonin Scalia , or Milton Friedman ?
ubiquitinParticipant“The only mistake I made was when I wrote 1 minute, it was close to 3.”
thats a pretty big mistake .
watch your clock for 3 minutes thats a long time.“This is a Civil War. ”
dont’ change the subject we are talking about George floydyou said “All I saw was his eyes were closed. Maybe at the last second it looked like he was limp.”
at that point was he resisting yes or no?
yes for sure schnitzel is correct too, otherwise it would be far to great a risk .
ubiquitinParticipantto answer the OP:
“As sick as what Chauvin did was, does anyone actually believe that’s what his intention were? ”Here is why I think they had to bump up his charges:
The 3rd degree murder charge is a slam dunk, as several posters pointed out any sane or competent person (and most insane and incompetent people too) recognize that holding a knee against the neck of a person who is not resisting is not ok (even if he had been resisting earlier)
That part is easy and straight forward.
Intent is harder to prove. clearly Chauvin had malicious intent (how else do you explain his telling Floyd “get up” and not letting floyd do so when he said “I will” “I cant move” ) but he can easily claim “I never intended to kill, I just wanted to rough him up, toy with him, a bit to teach him a lesson”
The harder part is the other officers. Thou looks like he served as the lookout making sure no bystanders came to save the victim (Someone argued he was outranked there was nothing he could do, that charge didnt fly in Nuremberg 1946, I doubt it would fly today “Just following orders” isnt a defense) .
Thus he seems to be aiding and abetting. But aiding and abbeting what? Negligent homicide ? that doesnt really make sense.
so they bumped up Chauvin;s charge to the harder to prove (but still plausible) charge
“As sick as what Chauvin did was, does anyone actually believe that’s what his intention were? ”Here is why I think they had to bump up his charges:
The 3rd degree murder charge is a slam dunk, as several psoters pointed out any sane or competent person (and most insane and incompetent people too) recognize that holding a knee against the neck of a person who is not resisting is not ok (even if he had been resisting earlier)
That part is easy and straight forward.
Intent is harder to prove. clearly Chauvin had malicious intent (how else do you explain his telling Floyd “get up” and not letting floyd do so when he said “I will” “I cant move” ) but he can easily claim “I never intended to kill, I just wanted to rough him up, toy with him, a bit to teach him a lesson”
The harder part is the other officers. Thou looks like he served as the lookout making sure no bystanders came to save the victim (Someone argued he was outranked there was nothing he could do, that charge didnt fly in Nuremberg 1946, I doubt it would fly today “Just following orders” isnt a defense) .
Thus he seems to be aiding and abetting. But aiding and abbeting what? Negligent homicide ? that doesnt really make sense.
so they bumped up Chauvin;s charge to the harder to prove (but still plausible) charge
“How is all that random?”
From the study: “Within 4 days after exposure, we randomly assigned participants to receive either placebo or hydroxychloroquine ”See if you can spot the magic word.
did you catch it? Here it is again: “Within 4 days after exposure, we RANDOMLY assigned participants to receive either placebo or hydroxychloroquine.. ”
“And only 20% of people in the study were self-medicating with zinc”
The study wasn’t looking at Zinc“How much Zinc were they taking?
The study wasn’t looking at Zinc.” Were they democrats or republicans?”
So there you go! Dr. Z’s regimen only works on republicans. Maybe THAT’s why it isnt generalizable to the general population!“And while everyone was self-distancing, the people in the study were not self-distancing by the definition of the study.”
got it so HCQ might help you if you self distance
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
What statement are you referring to please ?ubiquitinParticipantI think I have the answer to the OP
“How is it possible that many yidden have almost no sympathetic feelings to George Floyd?”
doesn’t seem to know what occurred. He describes floyd resisting even on the ground.
Millhouse didn’t see the autopsy report. He mistakenly thinks it says Floyd died of “a heart attack”So there you go. nobody who has the facts doesn’t acknowledge Chauvin’s guilt (at least to some extent , see Joseph)
ubiquitinParticipant“All I saw was his eyes were closed. Maybe at the last second it looked like he was limp.”
Watch it again.
USe your extensive health training
The NYT has an excellent video putting together the whole event. entitled “8 minutes and 46 seconds”
At 8:25 Floyd appears to go unconscious (“All I saw was his eyes were closed. ” was he taking a nap? Even so STILL should remove his knee, napping suspects can’t resist, was he meditating? )
he keeps his knee there for nearly another 3 minutes.simple question: Was Floyd resisting after 8:25 PM?
Also when Cahuvin said:
Get in the car. and Floyd said “I will” Cahivin sayds “get in the car” Floyd says “I can’t move” was he still resisting then? (this was obviously before the above)ubiquitinParticipantMillhouse
“The autopsy.”
Sorry, neither the preliminary nor final version of the medical examiner’s autopsy nor the private autopsy ssaid he dies of a heart attack.
Do you have your own autopsy? where can it be accessed?
The medical examiner report said “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint and neck compression.” There was never any mention of a heart attack
ubiquitinParticipant” I felt very uncomfortable turning the page without even taking a look at one Rashi”
SO look at Rashi. Nothing wrong with that. In fact it is great
“I don’t see this type of learning as being anymore connected to other Yidden than the fact that we al daven from the same siddur each day.”
so very connected. got it
ubiquitinParticipant“He died of a heart attack,”
Source please
ubiquitinParticipant“Yes, he was actively Resisting.
It’s obvious you didn’t Watch both videos”Lol try to keep up. (there are more than 2 at this point, currently there are more than 5. the NYT did an excellent job piecing them all together so the sequence of events are pretty clear. Please watch it it is 8 minutes long.
“The last minute on the video – it was obvious Floyd was unconscious.”
please watch the video he was unconscious at least 2-3 minutes. You claim to be in “health” surely you can recognize lack of consciousness That was BEFORE the ambulance arrived
He was unconscious. Unconscious people cant resist, by definition.
did you watch the whole thing? He was held down by the murderer for several minutes after he was unconscious. He was even held down for a full minute after the EMS arrived“““Resisting” can be as simple as going limp, holding onto a pole or just saying “no” to being handcuffed””
sure can.
Can’t see what was going on inside the police car. for arguments saek, lets grant he was actively resitting.That in NO WAY justifies compressing his airway AFTER he is no longer resisting, let alone unconscious.
“Chauvin was not looking at Floyd,”
He was, and bystanders pointed out that Flod was unconscious. He didnt even let up once EMS arrived! cmon are we talkign baout the same event? Chauvin had 18 prior complaints, your description isnt about this one. Maybe you confused them?ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“No, because that’s the Truth!”
what makes you say that? you stick in “The Final Report was probably Done…” Why do you say that?
“”No; their just LYING! ”
why do you say that? do you have some inside information
you are making lots of assertions do you have anythign to back it upOf course the claims you try to back up you get wrong too…
“He followed the Protocol.”The protocol is to continue to hold unconscious individuals in a choking restraint? and not to check for a pulse?
citation please. I don’t believe you“5-311…”
thank you I supplied that to you alreadyWas he going for a conscious neck restraint? If so it is to be used on a subject ” who is actively resisting”
So not Floyd at that point.If you say it was an unconcious neck restraint that is to be used “On a subject who is exhibiting active aggression, or; For life saving purposes, or; On a subject who is exhibiting active resistance in order to gain control of the subject; and if lesser attempts at control have been or would likely be ineffective”
Obviosuly not in floyd’s case
Baruch Hashem there is still a sense of justice in this country and the officers who aided the murder have been charged as well. Tou looks pretty guilty too, (probably not coincidentally both of these mmany complaints filed against them for excessive force in the past you like bringing up Floy’ds past curiously you don’t bring up theirs) ) had prior the others its hard to see wha t they saw from their vantage point.
All deserve their day in court though Chauvin’s guilt is clear and as you point out NOT in
ubiquitinParticipant“Are the rioters and protesters all taking hydroxychloroquine?”
Tear gas is loaded with zinc. Its the zinc that really stops the virus
Seriously though
a/”open up society that the world will come to an end and all of us will be sick..?”
nobody ever said that
b. give it a week or two. hopefully not -