Forum Replies Created
December 15, 2020 8:23 pm at 8:23 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1928927ubiquitinParticipant
“Which one are You?!?”
I’m the type who knows not to take anything Powell says seriously
December 13, 2020 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1928237ubiquitinParticipantMeno
I think he was replying regarding a keurig, which is waht DY was reffering too
ubiquitinParticipantNot really
It isnt “your thread” You don’t own it, you didnt pay for it . You start a topic that interests you, if people like it they comment if not they don’t. Sometimes, as is the nature of human conversation, topics shift usually m’iniyan linyan be’oso inyan, but sometimes over time it changes and moves more from the original to a new inyan . You can try to bring it back and if people like your comment they will reply. But I don’t think people are required to reply only within the narrow confines of the orignal OP.
December 7, 2020 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926840ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“I’ll repeat …”
Yes I know you’ll repeat thats your specialty. Please provide proof of some kind
“Polls are meaningless in this Country.”
national polls were amazingly accurate both in in 2016 and 2020“Obama grew the country, but Trump was against that. And with the Pandemic the USA wasn’t so much more populated.”
So I have this straight: You are sying that Obama “let the flood gates open to this country” increasing the population but this increased population couldn’t vote for Biden becasue they died in the pandemic?
December 7, 2020 5:32 pm at 5:32 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926783ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“The reason why Trump beat Obama is because Obama let the flood gates open to this country (more pop.)”
I dont follow wouldn’t that more population viote for Biden? Maybe thats How he won!
At least try to sort of make sense sense in your nonsense“The only way Biden could beat Trump is with Cheating!”
So stick to that prove that ignore all the polls that has Biden ahead, and prove he couldnt win with cheating that is the task of this thread.
I know you think repeating things over and over with exclamation points is proof. But it just isn’tAll I am replying to is one specific point. Namely the Fderalis comment that It is unlikely for Biden to have beaten Obama
Which his completely true. BUT it ignores the (more unlikely) fact that Trump “beat” Obama too. Can you provide any poll that showed Trump at a higher approval rating on election day than Obama on his?
December 7, 2020 2:59 pm at 2:59 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926701ubiquitinParticipantHealth
Your’e confused. this comment “Trump got more votes because the Country saw what Obama did for 8 years.” doesn’t make sense Trump isnt running against 2012 OBama
LEt’s back up
The argument is in a sense How could 2020 Biden have beaten 2012 Obama. That Biden beat Trump (nationally) isn’t really surprising, and isnt the argument in point 1, after all he was up in almost every poll. IF it is so hard to believe Biden beating Trump nationally, the argument would have been THAT.What is surprising is that more people voted for Biden than Obama in 2012 (and I grant it is surprising)
In other words we would expect Obama to have most votes then Biden then Trump (and undoubtedly thats how most American’s would vote today) . That Biden beat Obama is the surprise. so Biden must have cheated THIS is the argument in point 1.
With me?
BUT Trump beat Obama too. So to square this you need to take one of several options
1) There was something different about this election that led to more turnout so Both Biden and Trump got more votes than the far more popular Obama (possibilities for this listed above)
2) Biden cheated and Trump cheated but Biden cheated more
3) Biden cheated but was worried that people would say “how could you have gotten more votes than Obama?” So he also cheated giving Trump more votes than Obama so that intelligent people couldnt argue “How did biden beat OBama” If Trump did too. Strangely people are ignoring the fact that Trump beat Obama and saying “how could Biden beat Obama” anywayDecember 7, 2020 2:12 pm at 2:12 pm in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1926680ubiquitinParticipantsame as Goldilocks
Ive toiveled several George Forman grills sandwich makers , hot water urns, the pizza maker from betty crocker over the years. LEt them sit for week before using and havent had any problems.
Never anything electronic with a display screen like Keurigs
December 7, 2020 12:16 pm at 12:16 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926636ubiquitinParticipantrational
part 2
Their third point ““Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.””
Has since been retractedTheir fourth point
“Biden Won Despite Democrat Losses Everywhere Else”Not sure why this indicates fraud Biden might be stuck with a Republican Senate. If your cheating just go all the way and grab a few senate seats. Why cheat half way?
“Biden Overcame Trump’s Commanding Primary Vote”What primary? Against Joe Walsh? Against Rocky De Le fuente? Sure Trump has a small vocal fired up base that likes him. noone denied that. not sure the relevance
So to sum up out of their 5 points
#3 isnt true (as they concede)
#5 & #2 are meaningless and silly
#1 is true for both Biden AND Trump
# 4 is arguably “proof” that he DIDN’t cheatDecember 7, 2020 12:06 pm at 12:06 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926633ubiquitinParticipantrational
“One good article is by The Federalist titled “5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms”.”
It isn’t a good article it is fluff disguised by fancy wording
Lets start with their first “anomaly ”
“Candidate Joe Biden was so effective at animating voters in 2020 that he received a record number of votes, more than 15 million more than Barack Obama received in his re-election of 2012.”
Now this is true. But Trump also got millions more votes than Obama did in 2013 6 or so million more. Obama was far more popular nationally in 2012 than Trump is in 2020. SO unless you are arguing that the fraud gave millions of extra votes to both candidates but more to Biden than Trump this argument doesn’t make any sense.
Trump won the 2nd most votes from any candidate in history, sadly his opponent got even more. But that shouldn’t be surprising .Nationally Biden was ahead in (nearly) EVERY poll. As many votes as you’d expect Trump to get, you’d Expect Biden to get more (of course the nationa lvote isnt wha matters but that is what this example discusses)
As to WHY there were so many voters this year , thats a fair discussion population growth? Ease of voting by mail? After decades of being told “This is the most important election in our lives “people believed it? Hatred of Trump ? Hatred of AOC? Love of Trump? Any combination of the above.
But any argument that alleges fraud because Biden got more votes than Obama has to explain how Trump pulled the same feat.
Their second argument
“Biden is set to become the first president in 60 years to lose the states of Ohio and Florida on his way to election”These kind of “rules” are silly. things change. There have been only 46 presidents elected in the US history . see xkcd’s excellent cartoon entitled “electoral precedent” wit h a fellow making his predictions 1788 “no candidate has ever been elected”
1792 “no incumbent has ever been elected”
2000 “No republican has won without Vermont ”
2012 ” No democrat can win without Missouri”December 5, 2020 10:47 pm at 10:47 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926084ubiquitinParticipanttorahvaluesoverparty
I’m sorry about the name I thought it was funnier than mean. I misjudged, thank you mod for fixing it.
“But I would love to see some more of you try to defend this video”
I did not defend the video. all I pointed out is that you don’t KNOW what it shows. Sure if you want your guy to win no matter what then you see what you want. Ditto for me.
That’s why I said, make sure Bill Barr gets it, make Sure Gulliani gets it and can show it to a judgeI’m not sure why saying let them investigate is a controversial position
December 5, 2020 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1926061ubiquitinParticipantTorahvaluesoverparty
” Then this happened….”
then what happened? Whats in the box? Is it dinner menus? Trump Tax returns? Rolodes with plumbers who operate late at night? Who knows
Make Sure bill Bar gets the video (hopefully he is on Yeshiva World and has access to this wiki) Send it To Gulliani so he can bring it to a 42nd court hearing or however many they are up to.
But You (and I) dont know what you looking out just because someone narrates it.
Fixed it for you
ubiquitinParticipantThanks DY!
December 4, 2020 2:35 pm at 2:35 pm in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1925946ubiquitinParticipant“I want to open a forum to discuss the facts alone”
The problem is this is almost impossible to do.
I’m skeptical that anyone here is equipped to investigate a allegation. Weve all seen video of People walking around a room as a narrator says “here is a poll worker taking Biden votes counting them again, taking Trump votes throwing them in a shredder etc” Is this a fact? OF course not.
We can share all the various allegations from today until tomorrow those who support one way. Is it at all plausible that a Biden van showed up full of ballots that they carted into a polling place in NEvada? Did the star witness the Trump campaign put up in Michigan , Melissa Carrone, who appeared drunk and had to be shushed by Guilliani seem even remotely credible?
If you want to beleive then of course it is plausible and of course she does.
But without the ability to investigate we don’t have any real way of knowing. so listing thess ” “allegations” and yes, allegations is pointless.
What is more useful is creating a wiki of those who CAN and HAVE investigated .
People like judges who have heard evidence and ruled one way or the other – these are useful facts. Certainly pointing out party of affiliation of judges is fact too that may be relevantso here is one fellow who unlike people here CAN actually investigate allegations Attorney General Bill Barr (appointed by Trump) said “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election”
This “can be factually confirmed and verified with sources.” so it satisfies your criteria.
ubiquitinParticipantIf a person accidentally starts Baruch aleinu tonight (*Friday Dec 4th) he completes the beracha.
does he say Vesein Tal umatar livracha?
At first glance. Of course he does, it is the 60th day after the tekufa so we start asking for rain. Of course we don’t actually start until Motzei Shabbos only becasue we dont say baruch aleinu on shabbos. In a scenario where you would say Baruch aleinu (like above case) . Seem like you SHOULD say Vesein tal umatar
However I vaguely recall seeing in Ishei Yisroel that the fellow doesnt say vesein tal, since Klal yisroel hasnt started yet, so should continue to say vesein beracha. I looked and can’t find it. Does anyone know any sources that address this ?
“know me too well to use the term cult member on me”The distinction between Trump’s 19 books describing how smart rich and good at deal making he is, as not being indicative of a narcissist personality because they are not “memoirs” but Obama’s 2 memoirs are sign of narcissist could only be made by a cultist
Thats fair, and in academic literature this year which seforim refer to as “kesidron” is referred to as “normal” (though a 384 day long leap year is also refereed to as “normal” )
There are a few minor inaccuracies in your discussion on the calendar
“whereas Jewish holdays are determined through the moon. Pesach is spring and Succos fall time”
This is a bit contradictory if holidays are by the moon then they have nothing to do with seasons. The truth is holidays are based on BOTH the moon and the sun. The DATE is based on the moon but has to be in right season based on the sun.
“that lunar year having normally 354 days”
There isnt really such a thing as a “lunar year*” we take 12 months and call it a year these years can vary 353, 354, 355 years of course there are leap years with 13 months with 383, 384, 385 days. I’m not sure what you mean by “normally” having 354 days. This isnt the most common length for a year (mode) nor the average (mean) . The average length for a year (rounded to the nearest whole number) is actually 365 exactly as you said to keep it in sync with the sun.This is why the Gemara in Makkos says Hasatan = 364 corresponding to the days of the year minus Yom kipppur. Many wonder why use the “goyish calendar” or the “solar calendar” The answer is simple. The number of days in an (average) Jewish year is 365 (rounded to the whole number). There is no such thing a “Days in a lunar year” A lunar year doesn’t have days it has 12 lunar months . For example see Megillah 5a Where we learn “lechodshei hashana” that we count months for a year not days. see RAshi there. If we DID count days the number of days in a year is 365 and if someone made a neder not to drink wine for a year if you count by days would have to wait 11 days longer . But we DON’t count days we count Months so after 12 months can drink wine again. it might be 3 53, 354 or 355 days but we dont count days.
“The variation of the two months above causes the movement of Rosh Hashanah as Adu lo Rosh,”
The opposite is true Lo Adu Rosh (and other dechuyos) determine how many days are in kislev and cheshvan . the Molad for Tishrei 5782 is Monday Night. Because the molad is after noon Rosh Hashana is pushed to Tuesday. Because Rosh hashana is pushed to Tuesday (not pushed because Lo adu rosh, but principle is the same), and thsi past Rosh Hashana was Shabbos we need a calendar with 353 days So we make both cheshvan and Kislev chaser with 29 days “subtracting” a day from the 354 days we get by having 6 months of 29 alternatign with 6 months 30 ( (6×30)+(6×29) = 354).
The reason why we don;t want Rosh hashana on Friday or Wednesday is to avoid Y”K on Sunday or Friday which see R”H 20a(* Similarly, there isnt really such a thing a solar month. We take a solar year (approximately 365 days) and divide it into 12 arbitrary chunks of time varying 31/30 days (and one 28) )
These are admittedly minor “inaccuracies” and forgive my nitpicking. I just enjoy the topic
“Why did we change our calculations for VTUM based on the Pope’s decision?”
We didn’t change, we use the exact same calculation. However the Calendar you use changed.
SO for example Lets say someoen decides that its too confusing to call December “December” since it isnt the 10’th month and for now on we will call December “Dodecamber” Naturally we will start Saying Vesein Tal umatar on Dodecamber 4 or 5th. But not becasue WE changed our nomenclature, but because they did
We count 60 days from Tekufas Shmuel We always have. and still do . Tekufas Shmuel Assumes the year to be exactly 365 days and 6 hours. The Julian Calendar assumes the same. Society follows the Gregorian Calendar. So we use a different date, not because we changed, but because they did.
Tekufas Shmuel on the Calendar we use fell out Oct 7 3 AM. count 60 days (Oct 7 is #1) and Day 60 will Be Shabbos Dec 5th. So at the satrt of Shabbos ie Friday night Dec 4th we would have started Vesein tal umatar if we said baruch aleinu on Shabbos
If you prefer to use the Julian Calendar and ignore Gregory’s change.
Then Tekufas Shmuel this year was Wed Sep 24 3 AM. (on the Julian Calendar) 60 days later is Shabbos Nov 22 on the Julian Calendar (that is this week PArshas Vayishlack Nov 22 Julian = Dec 5 Gregorian) and Vesein tal umatar is on the same dayubiquitinParticipantsyag
“Im not a cultist”
you are .
Normally your posts sort of make sense. When it comes to Trump you throw all sense out the window. for example “He didn’t say book, he said memoir. Bush wrote one memoir. Only 497 pages. Obama wrote at least 2. Trump wrote none.”
In this context what’s the difference between a book and a memoir? The books Trump wrote aren’t novels they are books extolling how great he (allegedly) is. Ive read several of them. They are not much different than memoirs (Except less heavy on fact)
This is how one review described ArT of the Deal . “Part memoir and part how-to, this is the first book by Trump, the billionaire New York real estate developer who looks like a movie star and acts like a showboat gambler. ”And don’t forget how we got here it was in response to someone pointing out “I think mainly he is a supreme narcissist” [regarding Trump]
Is there any doubt that a person who says “I alone can fix it” is a supreme narcissist? There shouldn’t be for non-cult members .ubiquitinParticipant“Even I took a case to SCOTUS & I’m Not even a Lawyer!”
I heard Trump is going to the same imaginary SCOTUS you did.
Maybe he can win and be an imaginary President! Wouldn’t that be nice
ubiquitinParticipant“Give me liberty or give me death”
what an interesting maamar chazal. Where can it be found? is it Bavli? Yerushalmi? Medrash?
Are You sure we pasken that way Lemayseh? I cant seem to find it in Shulchan AruchubiquitinParticipantCT Lawyer
“Lawyers have to deal in precise words to avoid litigation and conflicty.”a. this isn’t a courtroom
b. You are wrong. Can you please point to a dictionary that defines “Antisemitism” to include Palestinians?
Although when it was first coined in the late 1800’s in very rare instances included other groups. today the only people who say “I can’t be an antisemite Palestinians are Semites” are themselves antisemites.ubiquitinParticipantBYM
congratulations on almost graduating. Enjoy 4th year it is a much needed break between the bust years behind you and the busy years ahead. MAzel tov on your children as well
Years ago we had a discussion
as to whether “calculus, chemistry (maybe?), physics and organic chemistry” were ” necessary for the practice of medicine”Now that you have completed your some actual rotations in third year. I’m curios how often any of those subjects came up in the “practice of medicine” ?
November 1, 2020 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915827ubiquitinParticipantHealth
nothing you said in your post contradicts anything Ive said in this threadIve discussed abortion many times before what Iv said in those threads hasnt changed
In this thread I was correcting a misstatment you made namely that there is no such thing as a pregnancy endagering a mother.
There is as you now clairfy
thank you for your clarification.The next question is who decides what constitutes a “threat ot he mother” is that strictly a medical question or is it halachic too?
Again IVe discussed this in several threads so there is no reason to repeat it hereNovember 1, 2020 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915766ubiquitinParticipant“So it is – but that’s the point of the Wiley article. The people that use it, whether in the Medical field or not, Should Stop using it!”
Meh. This may surprise you Oksana H. Baltarowich MD does not get to regulate speech
and more to the point, regardless of what you want to call it. Ectopic pregnancies in the uterus exist. See the Wiley article.“A.- I don’t care what some dictionaries do – let them read the Wiley article.”
It doesn’t matter what you care about. It matters what lawyers who write the laws (and judges who interpret them) care about, and what dictionary they read What if they dont stumble across the wiley article like you did?
“B. – You can’t call Interstitial pregnancies – Intrauterine, because they are outside the endometrial cavity.”
Stop grasping its in the uterus. period. (and again even if it wasn’t it is still a pregnancy)Look this conversation is boring. You are the first I’ve heard claim there is no such thing as a pregnancy that threatens the mother’s life. though I did fins a quack who made a similar argument online though she since retracted (referenced above). I have enough experience with you to know you arent capable of retracting.
I have Chazal, and poskim on my side who all refer to cases where a mother’s life is endangered. Sadly I have real world experience too. Nobody I know in real life thinks these things don’t exist. If you are forced to redefine basic words like “pregnancy”, “abortion” and “uterus” to back up your bizarre claim (and if any ONE of those words maintains its Webster’s definition your point is wrong)
If you have any specific question. I’d be happy to answer otherwise believe whatever you want
November 1, 2020 11:29 am at 11:29 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915606ubiquitinParticipantHealth
““The Term “Cornual Pregnancy” Should Be Abandoned”
Yes it should be , but it is still used, and I mentioned “interstitial pregnancy” to avoid this confusion .
As you correctly noted “The term “cornual pregnancy” …. 3 of these are intrauterine pregnancies”
It is an imprecise term, BUT as you correctly noted it is used for intrauterine pregnancies.So to sum up
“Abortion only applies to Intrauterine pregnancy!”a. That isn’t necessarily true (sure some dictionaries may take a more limited definition but not al do)
b. Some ectopic pregnancies are intrauterine (eg interstitial pregnancies sometimes imprecisely referred to as Cornual pregnancies)BTW see “Is Abortion Really Necessary For Treating Ectopic Pregnancies?” On the federalist dot com whre the author argued against allowing abortion even for ectopic pregnancies (Though to be fair, she has since apologized after consultation with doctors, hopefully if Roe gets overturned whoever writes any law will consult with Doctors BEFORE they write it and not correct it after like this author)
October 31, 2020 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm in reply to: character vs policy Which is more important? #1915492ubiquitinParticipantpolicy can always be undone
I have heard from most of my friends that Obama was the worst President for ISrael. Yet these same friends extoll the virtues of Trump, and how Israel is in the best position it has ever been.Changing character is much much harder. Trump has had a corrosive effect on Americna politics, undoing it is much harder than undoing any policy that you dont like. 4 more years of this would make it almost impossible to undo
October 30, 2020 5:45 pm at 5:45 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915355ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“Do you see the word Uterus?”
I did , and as always you are wrong
1. That is one definition and of course it isnt exact. for example Abortion can occur spontaneously as in “spontaneous abortion” clearly your definition is lacking. (I provided a better definition earlier, Webster’s is fine too)
2. Some ectopic pregnancies occur in the uterus, I realize this is advanced stuff that isnt taught in ambulance driving school . Look up “cornual pregnancy” or “interstitial pregnancy” which occurs in the uterus thus would be labetled an “abortion” even according to your inexact definition“Either you believe in Abortion, ”
what does “believe in abortion” mean?October 30, 2020 8:04 am at 8:04 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915221ubiquitinParticipantGH
” but our newest Associate Justice refused to classify Roe in her listing of “super precedents” such as Brown v. Board of Ed”
Brown vs Board of Ed is another great example of “originalists” abandoning their originalism. No “originalist” would dream of saying it was wrongly decided although obviously the 14th amendment was not meant (nor intended). As you point out Amy Coan Barret labeled it a “super-precedent”
Scalia would often be asked about this, which angered him once complaining “Waving the bloody shirt of Brown again, eh?” He did try to defend it on numerous occasions, though not very convincingly.October 30, 2020 8:03 am at 8:03 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1915220ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“There is Nothing Wrong to Remove this condition, whether acc. to Halacha or Xitianity”I never said there was
YOU said “there is no such thing” (as a mother being endangered by a pregnancy)
your definition of abortion applies to Ectopic pregnancy “An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus.”
Since you obviously don’t know, Ill fill you in. If diagnosed early then medicine is used “to remove the embryo or fetus” (usually methotrexate) if late then surgery is needed. Regardless this is an abortion according to the definition you supplied.October 29, 2020 4:57 pm at 4:57 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914987ubiquitinParticipantanon
“It applies to Federal and State legislation as well the Constitution, and they oppose judicial activism”
Yes obviouslyYet Kavanaugh engaged in judicial activism, when it suited him. I didnt say the entire opinion was an example. I specifically said his third reason
In his third reason he makes a case that we need the results of an election right away. including this bizzare sentence “want to avoid the chaos and suspicions of impropriety that can ensue if thousands of absentee ballots flow in after Election Day and potentially flip the results of an election”
THIS argument is pure judicial activism No where in the constitution does it say results must be available on election day.
This is not an argument neither based on a textual nor originalist interpretation of the constitution. IT is pure activism driven by his desired outcome(GH, yes they are different but they are related and in this conversation the difference is largely inconsequential . furthermore “originalism” is sometimes used to refer to “original intent” and sometimes “original meaning” while original intent would include secondary sources , motivations behind the law etc, “original meaning typically does not and is pretty much the same as “textualism”)
October 29, 2020 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914986ubiquitinParticipantHealth
google is your friednd
Ectopic pregnancy “a pregnancy in which the fetus develops outside the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube.”
define abortion “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.”Sure I grant that you didnt mean ectopic pregnancy in your comment
BUT it is a pregnncy and it does pose risk to the mother these are indisputable facts
October 29, 2020 11:23 am at 11:23 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914821ubiquitinParticipantakuperma
“There are five originalists, but that doesn’t guarantee a right wing decision,”I like the gist of your post but this isnt true. “originalist” is just an excuse used by the right when they want to limit the protection of the constitution. It works to their favor, that the framers had more limited view too . nobody argues that Free speech/press doesnt cover internet speech, (although originally it didnt obviosuly) because that isnt something they want to limit.
Look at the great originalist Scalia, he creatively reinterpreted the 14th amendment when he wanted to give the Republican the presidency.
If that is ancient history for you, look no further than this week Kavanaugh’s decision thrid reason makes a passionate defense of having results counted by “election day” however this is not mentioned in the constitutionOctober 29, 2020 9:40 am at 9:40 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914807ubiquitinParticipantHealth
“Removal is not an Abortion. So Abortion could become Illegal!
I think this is an idea people could get behind. Make abortion illegal.
Only embryo or fetus “removal” , reduction or termination would be allowedOctober 29, 2020 9:39 am at 9:39 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914779ubiquitinParticipantHealth love it!!
“Removal is not an Abortion.
So Abortion could become Illegal!”Lets make everyone happy.
Abortion is banned, only embryo or fetus removal is allowed .
I assume reduction and termination would be ok too. But no abortion!Akuperma
I liked most of your post. It might make you feel better though to consider that “originalist” isn’t really a thing. Nobody would argue the constitution doesn’t protect internet speech although originally obviously it didn’t. “Originalist” is used as a magic word to reduce protections by interpreting the constitution as narrowly as possible. If they want to protect something they forget to be originality (like scalia in Bush v Gore with his creative reinterpretation of the 14th amendment)
So bottom line is it depends more on what the judges want to protect than on how they claim to view the constitutionOctober 28, 2020 10:26 pm at 10:26 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914675ubiquitinParticipantThere is a lot of confusion in this thread
“Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), Lawrence v. Texas (2003),” will no be overturned, and there wont even be cases brought (to the supreme court) to overturn them.
” and Roe v. Wade (1973)”
Doubtful it will be overturned.
Though even if it is, keep in mind it will still be up to states. In most states it will remain legal in a few states it might be curtailed.“I’ve Posted this Before – with Modern Medicine – there is No Such Thing!”
This is pure ignorance. To use the least controversial example tubal pregancy. (Yes Yes I know you will say it is different, and I agree it is, but it is a pregancy and it does endanger the mother to say “there is No Such Thing” is wrong.
“Even before Roe v Wade mother’s whose lives were endangered were permitted to abort to save their lives. Reversing Roe v. Wade would not change that.”
Who decides what constitutes “lives were endangered” ?October 28, 2020 10:25 pm at 10:25 pm in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914673ubiquitinParticipantThere is a lot of confusion in this thread
“Obergefell v. Hodges (2015), Lawrence v. Texas (2003),” will no be overturned, and there wont even be cases brought (to the supreme court) to overturn them.
” and Roe v. Wade (1973)”
Doubtful it will be overturned.
Though even if it is, keep in mind it will still be up to states. In most states it will remain legal in a few states it might be curtailed.“I’ve Posted this Before – with Modern Medicine – there is No Such Thing!”
This is pure ignorance. To use the least controversial example tubal pregancy.
“Even before Roe v Wade mother’s whose lives were endangered were permitted to abort to save their lives. Reversing Roe v. Wade would not change that.”
Who decides what constitutes “lives were endangered” ?ubiquitinParticipantTo be clear
it is a free country and you have the right to announce your preference for whatever you please. And of course a sign on a lawn is more limited than a parade driving throughout the city.But the underlying motivation behind them are the same
You’d be hard pressed to convince me (or anyone) that you put up a Trump sign on your lawn simply as a matter of taste. Ie you find it aesthetically pleasing like you do your rose bushes
It is pretty clear that the sign is there to announce and publicize your political preference. Granted the announcement is limited to your neighbors and whoever passes by but it is the same announcement made by the parade to non-neighbors in Manhattan.
I’m not sure why owning the house is relevant, I’m pretty sure all thoe Trump flags where on cars owned by their owners too.
ubiquitinParticipant“was it to be in your face? ”
Yes. Obviously
Though isn’t that sort of the point of lawn signs. nobody says “i’m not sure who to vote for, let me see who common saychel has a sign for that’s how I choose”
Obviously lawn sign is less “in your face” than a parade in Manhattan but its the same ideaubiquitinParticipantBy what measure did you declared that Yitzchok Dovid Smith is a “very smart person”? That he sounds smart?”
No that is definitely not the reason
“So, you are not above manipulating voters if needed, ”
You mean like encouraging chants of “lock her up” or “MExico will pay for that wall” when obviously neither will happen?
I’ve learned to live with it. thats politics today. So be it, you want Democrats to be the better ones and stop? pass.
And nobody is being manipulated. If having a candidate who promises he wont pack the court is important to you. Then don’t vote biden. thats fine.
“and you are not really outraged by R- senate,”
I am, but outrage doesnt mean, I dont want the democrats to respond in kind. Im am outraged that Republ;icans are changing their tune to “steal” a seat. BUT once it happens it is fine for the other team to do the sam.
Say we play a gam, you get caught cheating, I say “hey dotn cheat, that isnt fair” and you cheat anyway. Then next time I cheat, it is silly for you to say “Ha you dont mind cheating” I do! but if you cheat I will do the same
” I don’t think this is a great place to get extra votes for your candidate,”
not looking to.
“what is it about R- and D- judges? beyond political preferences, this seems to be an argument between “originalists” and “live constitution”.”
THIS is an empty talking point. (Not blaming it on you, people have been saying it for years) For example Obviously “or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;” did not include the internet. Yet nobody (to the best of my knowledge) argues it should be interpreted as originally intended and doesn’t imply to typed speech online. The only question is how broadly to interpret the constitution. does freedom of speech/the press apply to internet speech? Does it apply to campaign finance? NOBODY says it ONLY applies to spoken word and literal press.
So in reality originalists ARE a bit “stubborn outliers who try to reach out back to outdated time” whol like liberal justices are motivated by their biases. They DO expand the constitution when it suits them. Perhaps a better example is bush V Gore when the Equal protection clause was expanded to suit the “originalists” desire. and so much for States rights…
As for the Torah.
Lehavdil elef alfei havdolos. Torah lechol hadeos is “living” As even Justice Scalia noted “A Talmudic maxim instructs with respect to the Scripture: “Turn it over, and turn it over, for all is therein.” 8 e Babylonian Talmud: Seder Nezikin, Tractate Aboth, Ch. V, Mishnah 22, pp. 76-77 (I. Epstein ed. 1935). (footnote omitted). Divinely inspired text may contain the answers to all earthly questions, but the Due Process Clause most assuredly does not.” (Capperton V A.T. Massey)ubiquitinParticipantalways
what is your view on the updated Biden’s position on packing – he will tell us some time before election. That is, he can’t say he will not to lose one group of voters, he cannot tell us he won’t not to lose another group and, well, he apparently cannot say nothing as he is losing a third group …
maybe we can find his positions on Hunter’s Mac?Love his position.
I personally hope we will pack the court. However as it would scare some people away, I dont want him to lose votes over it. And I dont feel strongly enough about it that his not willing to pack the court would make me vote against him (hard to imagine any such person)
So not saying anything is the perfect strategy.Avi
No the democrats are being (more) consistent. Their position is simply: follow precedent
in 2016 the precedent was to nominate and hold hearings even in an election year.
Then it changed that we no longer do that.
So Democrats say ok, fine follow the new precedentRepublican’s are now saying No we changed outr minds again, “Do what you can changing the rules as you go.”( my choice C above, As always grants) Democrats will know once again follow this precedent Ok do what yu want to get ahead, this includes court packing.
Simple question what is the republican view on holding confirmation hearings in an election year?
A. Hold them
B. Dont hold them
C. Do what you can changing the rules as you go.“We are not talking hasidut, just plain din: …”
I’m not saying what Mcconell did was illegal. but again it cant’ work both ways. If all that matters is “din” then there is no reason not to pack the court . Which you grant “re: packing. It is justifiable,”
as to whther it carries a heavier political price. you are probably right, time will tell (though obviously thats why he is not giving a straight answer)ubiquitinParticipant“Part of that rejection means – in plain language – Senate is in R- hands and they have power to withhold consent”
Again, that’s not what happened. Mcconell didn’t even hold hearings. He didnt allow the senate to consent or reject. Mcconell isnt “the senate” he is but one of 100.
“. I think the future court packing part of the argument is more interesting”
Its not. It is 100% justifiable based on Republicans actions.
Simple question what is the republican view on holding confirmation hearings in an election year?
A. Hold them
B. Dont hold them
C. Do what you can changing the rules as you go.Right now Republicans opted for c. You should expect the dems to follow suit doing what they can to get ahead
this wasn’t ancient history
So did they consent? We will never know because the issue never came up. Mcconell chose to ignore it. Never bringing the nominee to the senate for its “advice and consent”
please don’t rewrite history
Mcconell and Grasley wrote an oped explaining their position “McConnell and Grassley: Democrats shouldn’t rob voters of chance to replace Scalia”
At no point in their op ed did they mention this distinction they said simply
“Given that we are in the midst of the presidential election process, we believe that the American people should seize the opportunity to weigh in on whom they trust to nominate the next person for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. ”now they changed their mind
“They didn’t confirm the communist judge that Obama appointed ”Except that isnt what happened.
Republicans didnt hold any hearings because they said “no nominations in an election year”
Now they changed their mind, because, by definition, Republicans are liars .
If they held a hearing and didn’t confirm him because he “was a communist judge” THAT would not be inconsistent (unless today they did confirm a “communist judge” )
but that isn’t what happened. Stop lying, you sound like a republican chas veshalom
ubiquitinParticipantRead every word
““providing all people of the united states with – (i) high-quality health care; (ii) affordable, safe, and adequate housing; (iii) economic security; and (iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.” ”
Each word sounds glorious! sign me up
Are you sure you arent campaigning for Biden?
Also, how do you keep bringing up “clean water clean air” Is that really controversial now? Does Trump oppose access to clean water and clean air? I know he opposes providing all with high-quality l healthcare , but I was not aware that clean water was controversial too . Interesting
“here’s just a few parts of the green new deal thats not “standard in the civilized world…”
so sorry youve been tricked and lied to by republicans“(i) high-quality health care; ” – standard
“(iv) access to clean water, clean air, healthy and affordable food, and nature.” – standard (surprised this is even controversial really your opposed to clean water and air now?)
” (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transportation; ” standard
“iii) high-speed rail. ” standard
and of the other items listed. although not (yet) standard all seem like excellent ideas and goals. Granted not feasible, but neither was a border wall with mexico. At least these are worthy goals.
“FYI it seems you didn’t learn this in first grade but the government can’t just print out trillions of dollars it just doesn’t work like that”
Mexico will pay for it.For space force, you found money in the budget but for “clean water” (your post) thats where you draw the line? spare me
ubiquitinParticipant“So my question to our chavarim on the other side of the isle is;”
Here to answer all your questions!
” do you support all this?”
no of course not. I doubt anybody has ever supported “All” a politicain represents or supports.” Do you support the burning looting and destruction that has taken over some cities?”
no” Have you donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund(bailing out the violent thugs who have been “peacefully protesting” in riots across the country) promoted by Kamala Harris?”
no” Do you support the Democrats abusing their power to pack the courts and add states for senators?”
Yes. After the blatant hypocrisy displayed by the Republicans in first saying Presdients shouldnt nominate (and refusing to hold a hearing for Garland) To quote Graham “”I want you to use my words against me. If there’s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,’ “” after that blatant hypocritical power grab anything goes. abuse of power is a two way street.” Are you ready to usher in the New Green Deal?”
Yes. Much of this is standard in the civilized world.Let me know if you have any other questions