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  • in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933678

    I’m not sure why you are ignoring my question. I’ll rephrase

    Are you saying that Joe Biden in 2016, (and for that matter 2012), Dick Cheney in 2008, Al gore in 2000, etc all had the power to appoint any President they wanted and there was no way to stop them. And the fact that they didn’t was just out of their tzidkis or something?

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933667


    “No court can tell Congress how to handle its internal policies”

    I dont know what this means. If congress made an internal policy that no Jews can sit in congress, you can bet the court can stop them.

    I’m confused where you came up wit hthis difference that the court only has say over that which that ” involves multiple branches of government.” Executive orders dont (by definition) involve “multiple levels of government” and yet the Court can, and has (FDR comes to mind) overrule it.

    This distinction is one that you made up. You cant just make up facts and then make up more facts to support those

    and I’m still trying o understand your view
    you seem to think the vice President can just do what he wants. Is this correct?
    In 2000 Al gore (then vice President) could have just chosen himself as President?
    For that matter in 2016 Biden could’ve just chosen Hillary? or himself? Or Mickey Mouse?
    Could he have chosen Obama for a third term (after all it “cannot constitutionally be judicially reviewed.”) ?

    Hoping you can take a moment to clarify these (or just some) questions, Thanks

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933556


    “All of this is basic constitutional law.”

    A bit too basic, and of course it is not correct. Congress, the President, vice president all have to follow the constitution. that can’t just do what they want. The Supreme court rules if they followed the constitution or not. so If congress passed a law saying all Jews have to leave the country. Or if the President signed an executive order barring Muslims entry. We dont say well they are equal branches , nothing that can be done. the court would rule if said action was constitutional or not

    THIS is is an undisputed and basic principle of constitutional law since Marburry vs Madison in 1803

    Anyway, aside from adding more misinformation on your already wrong statements, I cant help but notice that you didn’t answer my question(s)here it is again:

    you think the vice President can just do what he wants? In 2000 Al gore (then vice President) could have just chosen himself as President? For that matter in 2016 Biden could’ve just chosen Hillary? or himself? Or Mickey Mouse? Could he have chosen Obama for a third term (after all it “cannot constitutionally be judicially reviewed.”) ?

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933449


    “His ruling is that final ruling and cannot constitutionally be judicially reviewed.”

    where in the world does this bizarre notion come from? (Ive heard it elsewhere too its part of the cult of Trumpism but it isnt in the constitution thats for sure)

    lets think about this for a second
    you think the vice President can just do what he wants? In 2000 Al gore (then vice President) could have just chosen himself as President? For that matter in 2016 Biden could’ve just chosen Hillary? or himself? Or Mickey Mouse? Could he have chosen Obama for a third term (after all it cant be “cannot constitutionally be judicially reviewed.”) ?

    in reply to: I voted today. Tell me about the fraud. #1933326

    I love this thread

    Trump supporters insisted for years they weren’t cultists but they liked some postivie aspect of Trump’s policy or disliked some aspect of the Democrats. I supected this wasnt quite the case but they made an ok argument.
    Now the cat is out of the bag.

    Trump supporters repeat the same old nonsense that was debunked weeks ago. and just say “So you think saying they aren’t true is debunking? ”

    A poster can literally cite numbers proving the counter claim is bogus and the response is “you think saying they aren’t true is debunking” A poster can provide detailed explanantion of why the claim isnt real (see OD’s post 12/29 8:55 AM regarding the garbage bags

    Not just here. In real life I have several friends who think this is al part of Trump’s plan he planned on losing 60 court cases (they weren’t really him is my favorite response)

    amazing stuff !

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1933218


    A more pressing question, with a longer time delay ( day as opposed to waiting longer on line) would be can he go get vaccine on Shabbos? Drive? sign for one? Administer one etcd.

    I believe Israeli poskim said no

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1933156


    “Constitutional Law 101 for you — Harris doesn’t become president after Biden is impeached.”

    If he is removed she does

    see U.S. Const. amend. XXV § 1
    “In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.”

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1933067


    I’m not sure the answer to your question (Its a good one)

    a related (strictly hypothetical) question would be is it muttar/appropriate for the administrators of the vaccine to let you cut the line ? help you cut the line?

    This seems like less of a question to me. For YOU to cut you can argue chayecha kodem, you come first and if there are limited vaccines, you want to take care of yourself, a principal that certainly has basis in halacha (Though I’m not saying that would be the final decision in your hypothetical case just that there is a legitimate discussion) for them to help you or even let you cut seems less justifiable

    (None of this comment is directly related to the subject of the OP whci his not really described in Meno’s question

    in reply to: Midda k’neged midda #1933029

    The comparison between people who make a chuga around traveling to a gravesite on R”H, and last week’s goyishe chuga is an apt one.

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932872

    “he’s a member of the opposite party.”
    Yeah, so thats not why he was impeached.

    I’m not sure if you didnt follow the news then or forgot. Breifly
    The democrats impeached Trump over his using his office earn himself personal favors. his role as President is to carry out congresses laws. congress passed a law sending aide to Ukraine. Trump tried to use that aide to curry a personal favor for himself.

    These facts aren’t really in dispute, Trump was caught on tape. Several Republicans conceded that this occurred

    What is debatable is if these facts rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors”

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932825


    “Sorry. I never meant it to be definitive”

    thanks for the clarification.

    “ubiq I was simply pointing out the absurdity of lumping all Jews”

    lumping is wrong .

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932771

    (in a pending comment there is a refrence to R” Moshe’s Teshuva although relevant it isn’t as cut and dry as my post made it sound and does not prove my point please ignore)

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932769

    My post #1932741 is more rambly than usual

    I’ll try to put it more succinctly:

    IT seems clear to anyone (or should have been*) in the healthcare industry that not everything was on the up and up with their getting the vaccine.
    As such they should have been more judicious with their criteria ,advertisement. and especially administration

    *IF it wasn’t obvious to them and they were convinced everything was fine (a possibility that may be true) , then THAT is a problem too. how could they be so out of touch

    in reply to: VP Pence Sued – By Republicans! #1932770


    What are they going to impeach Biden over?

    If Biden is caught on tape conditioning foreign aide on personal favor, He should certainly be impeached and removed

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932768


    “But how should the non-Jewish religious observance of New Years Day affect us as Jews?”

    I’m not sure what you mean by “should” If it doesn’t it doesn’t. I never said we all should be wishing each other New year’s greetings at this time.

    LF said And I quote ““It’s not our new year at all. We are not allowed to consider it as such” That we are NOT ALLOWED to consider it a “new year” surprised me. IF you say it is inappropriate , we reall shouldn’t, it doesn’t pas. I hear that (perhaps agree) This idea that we only have the New years in the mishna isn’t true (as you agree) The idea that we are not allowed to commemorate additional New years surprised me, and I would like a source

    (“because all of those new years are religious in nature,” speaking of quibbles, I’m not sure thats true R”H leshanim is how to date financial documents, shtaros etc arguably this isnt ” religous”)

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932762

    My post #1932741 is more rambly than usual

    I’ll try to put it more succinctly:

    IT seems clear to anyone (or should have been*) in the healthcare industry that not everything was on the up and up with their getting the vaccine.
    As such they should have been more judicious with their criteria ,advertisement. and especially administration

    *IF it wasn’t obvious to them and they were convinced everything was fine (a possibility that may be true) , then THAT is a problem too. how could they be so out of touch

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932761


    “But how should the non-Jewish religious observance of New Years Day affect us as Jews?”

    I’m not sure what you mean by “should” If it doesn’t it doesn’t. I never said we all should be wishing each other New year’s greetings at this time.

    LF said And I quote ““It’s not our new year at all. We are not allowed to consider it as such” That we are NOT ALLOWED to consider it a “new year” surprised me. IF you say it is inappropriate , we reall shouldn’t, it doesn’t pas. I hear that (perhaps agree) This idea that we only have the New years in the mishna isn’t true (as you agree) The idea that we are not allowed to commemorate additional New years surprised me, and I would like a source

    (“because all of those new years are religious in nature,” speaking of quibbles, I’m not sure thats true R”H leshanim is how to date financial documents, shtaros etc arguably this isnt ” religous”)

    ” as is New Years Day.”
    R’ Moshe disagrees see Even Haezer 2 : 13 (Though he notes a Baal Nefesh should be machmir this is clearly not “We are not allowed to consider it as such”)

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932741


    They probably did, . However if they believed it they are clueless (which was my point). It is possible some pencil pusher authorized it, but they should have had the brains to keep it secret. That is my point The CDC decided that Healthcare workers and Nursing home residents should go first (I’m not convinced this was the right decision) . There are not enough vaccines for all healthcare workers. The state gave hospitals the authority to choose who gets it. It is a big mess. hospitals are giving their own so administrators, security guards etc are getting them while “outside contractors” who care for Covid patients but don’t work for the hospital are not Similarly outpt physicians who don’t work for a hospital although they may be the first ones Covid + patients see, have no way of getting a vaccine.
    All this has been going on BEFORE the advertisements went out. As soon as I saw the advertisement it was clear that Someone goofed, and if the outcry would get loud enough there would be a problem. I don’t understand how they didn’t see that. See NYT story 12/24 Hospital Workers Start to ‘Turn Against Each Other’ to Get Vaccine” for an example of how crazy it is

    Again I’m not saying the CEO committed fraud (though the picture of him getting one doesn’t help he isn’t over 60 , however to be fair I don’t know his underlying health conditions)
    Someone did, and they should have realized it, as anyone with connections to healthcare suspected someone dropped the ball.

    (again to be clear “Dropped the ball” doesn’t equal fraud, my point is they shouldn’t have been so brazen)

    2) That would be justifiable
    That doesn’t seem to be what happened though. I know (relatively) young people healthy who got them. They weren’t put on standby and told to come wait if their were ones about to be discarded they could get. They had an appointment went and got it.


    “They clearly stated they will not give it to anyone not meeting one of the three criteria they listed as qualifiers to receive it from their clinic.”

    The 3 criteria were ones they made up not approved by authorities (which is the thrust of R’ Hoffman’s article protesting that strongly).
    This is what NYS said “The first New Yorkers to receive the vaccine will be high-risk hospital workers (emergency room workers, ICU staff and Pulmonary Department staff), nursing home residents, nursing home staff, followed by all long-term and congregate care residents and staff, EMS workers, other health care workers, coroners and medical examiners. Staff at every hospital will have access to the first vaccine allocation.””

    note NOT elderly NOT preexisting conditions (outside nursing home)
    Again we can argue that those groups SHOULD get it first (Which is R’ Hoffman’s point. and I’m not sure I disagree) but that isnt what the State approved

    it isn’t what happened

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932680


    I’m not sure the author is right. Though I’m not sure he’s wrong either, I am sure it isn’t as black and white as he makes it sound .

    That said if the current policy is murder It isnt a chilul Hashem to violate it in a justifiable way.
    The problem here is 2 fold

    1) the brazenness. it was advertised, the ceo posted a picture of him getting it on twitter. This is baffling to many and speaks to a complete lack of sechel and understanding

    2) They gave people without any criteria at all. If they said we are vaccinating the elderly before healthy healthcare workers I would have no problem with that ( some still would but not me). This isn’t what happened I know several young healthy people who got them. I am still waiting for mine, many of my colleagues /coworkers who spend hours wit hCovid+ patients daily are waiting for theirs. Giving it to a patient at risk is justifiable in my opinion (even against CDC) , but giving it to young healthy people is not

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932679


    “It’s not our new year at all. We are not allowed to consider it as such”

    3 related questions if I may.

    In addition to the 4 Rosh Hashanas you reference In September, I wish hatzlacha to the new year in school. I and they consider September to be the start of a new school year Ialways wish them success on the new year in September, or Elul as the case may be. Is this allowed?

    In medical training July is the start of year Medical students , interns, Residents all get “promoted” July 1st, and at the time we considered this a new year (and today when I interact with trainees I still reference this new year) wishing them health and success on the new year Is this allowed ?

    For financial stuff I consider January the start of a new fiscal year and separate finances based on this goyish date. Is this allowed?

    In short in addition to the New Years as outlined in Rosh Hashana. I recognize several other new years over the course of the year. you say “We are not allowed to consider it as such” do you have a source for this?

    ( please note the source you do mention is not at all a source for your assertion, if anything it undermines it. As you probably know the passuk is referring to Nissan, yet We DO NOT keep New Years in Nissan. Rosh Hashana the start of the year in Tishrei. Showing clearly that although Nissan is the first month, and it might be wrong to label January, July or September or Elul as the first month. IT is not wrong , based on that passuk to consider other new years. )

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932647

    There is a lot of confusion in this thread .

    One comment in particular stuck out “pikuach nefesh is doche limud hatorah and tefilla betzibur, and basically kol hatorah kula. Why don’t they find that pikuach nefesh is doche a possible chilul Hashem?”

    Lets count the errors:
    1) no one said related to thsi pandemic that pikuach nefesh is doche limud hatorah. I did not miss a single day of Limud Hatorah this entire pandemic, if you did that is on you (unless was an ones) no one I know said not to learn, don’t try to hang your bitul Torah on what imaghinary commenters told you
    2) pikuach nefesh IS doche limud hatroah, I was not aware this was controversial For example if you are a doctor and were tending to a patient then YES you do not ignore your patient to learn . Iwas not aware that this was a controversial idea. Aside from the above I cant think of a way the pandemic would have prevented one from learning Torah
    3) Pikuach nefesh IS doche tefilah betzibur I was not aware this was controversial.
    4) pikuach nefesh is NOT docheh chilul Hashem. In fact the mitzvah of Kidush Hashem includes Afilu hu notel es nafshecha
    5) Delaying the vaccine a few weeks or months is not pikuach nefesh just keep social distancing a little longer

    “a few years ago all Jews were anti vaxxers and thereby spreading measles. now this same religion is stealing vaccines?”

    no one said ALL Jews were anti-vaxers. some where that is too many. No one said “the religion” is stealing vaccines. some adherents may have been that is too many

    in reply to: Corona Chillul Hashem (again) #1932349


    I agree something seems off,

    “Either they are incredibly stupid or arrogant to think they wouldn’t get caught. Or there is more to the story”
    It is probably the former. They didnt realize what a fuss people would make

    within hospitals there are fights over vaccines. Do security guards get? receptionists ? administrators etc. Everyone insist they are in contact with Covid pts

    I am not eligible yet , the distribution in NYS is being done by hospitals. I am not a hospital employee, I am in private practice aka “voluntary staff” I see Covid + pts daily (not suspected, positive) many of them daily. I get to watch politicians and others who have sero exposure to covid get theirs.

    see NYT story “Hospital Workers Start to ‘Turn Against Each Other’ to Get Vaccine”

    Then I get forward that some group in boro park is giving it to “health care workers” those “at risk”

    now I dont care that much, since I am young, had had covid and giving to elderly /at risk might make sense but the state was clear that at this vaccine was for “The first New Yorkers to receive the vaccine will be high-risk hospital workers (emergency room workers, ICU staff and Pulmonary Department staff), nursing home residents, nursing home staff, followed by all long-term and congregate care residents and staff, EMS workers, other health care workers, coroners and medical examiners. Staff at every hospital will have access to the first vaccine allocation.”

    Note: NOT for elderly, or at risk (yet)

    When I got word that friends who are not healthcare workers but older than I, fine . but many doctors/nurses I know seeing Covid pats daily were Livid

    This was (or should have been) predictable

    naturally many complained to the state

    in reply to: Nittel Nact #1932271

    ” making a thirteen day difference, so December 25 inclusive becomes January 6″

    The Orthodox church celebrates January 7th the 13 days are added Dec 25 + 13 = Jan 7

    ” After 2100 it will change to January 5.”

    It will change to January 8. 2100 Will not be a leap year on the Gregorian Calendar it will be on the Julian Calendar. so that Gregorian year will be 365 days long that Julian year wil be 366 days long. This will make the difference between the 2 observances 1 day greater, not less.
    Lehavdil ad lanetzach, The difference between the Gregorian date and 60 days after the Tekufas tishrei as calculated by Shmuel (which h corresponds tho the Julian Calendar) will also grow by 1 day causing vesen tal umatar to be recited on Dec 5/6 instead of the current 4/5
    (there are some groups Amish, Mennonite that celebrate Jan 6, but as these groups were not existent “in di heim” nobody that I am aware of keeps nittel based on their date)

    “It’s not about the Goyishe celebration. It’s about Tekufas Teves.”

    I have never heard any source tying the Tekufa to Nittel. Some observe nittel Dec 25, Others Jan 7. Tekufas Teves according to Shmuel is Jan 6 , based on Rav Adda it is Dec 26


    in reply to: President Donald J. Trump: A Modern Day Alexander the Great #1931633


    While Always ask is correct to an extent. The same phenomenon (I think its worse but that may be my bias talking) is found among Trump supporters. I have many friends who really believe Trump is planning some master genius move involving the “kraken” Scotus etc and that losing 60 some court cases was all “part of the plan” to weed out Rinos or something

    Or another example Take the “distinction” between Trump’s writing 19 books extoling his alleged skills as a dealmaker compared to Obama’s memoir of his time as President (something all recent Presidents have done). Believe it or not some posters on this forum argued that Obama’s 2 memoirs was more narcissistic than Trump’s 19 because they weren’t memoirs. Granted trump’s books weren’t strictly speaking memoirs, since memoirs are meant to be factual and Trump’s are largely not, but they are designed to appear as memoirs, in this context the distinction is arbitrary

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1931108

    “If she does & she can prove…”

    And if she doesn’t….?

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1931107

    “could you give an estimate and a source?”

    Approximately 0% risk rounded to nearest whole number. source is years of practical experience both my own, and many friends and family

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1930968


    “Well then, she’s obviously doing a good job doing it!”

    No argument there.

    “on exposing the “Kraken”!”

    Perfect metaphor. The Kraken is a myth, it isnt real. but keep on waiting I’m curious to see wha you’ll say Jan 20

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1930744

    ” and yetzer hatov to risk both money and personal safety for a mitzva of tevilah”

    The good news is the risk to both money and safety is negligible

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1930568


    “Can we agree that by jan 20, if she hasn’t released her evidence, she was lying when she claimed she had it?

    Fantastic see you then!!!!

    Just to answer some of your questions that may be lingering until then

    “How do you know what’s going to happen?”
    I’m a smart guy, thanks to Trump university

    “Are you a Novi?”

    “She made 2 court dates and she is a seasoned Lawyer, she obviously has evidence or why make Court Cases?”
    Attention, and to sow discord.

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1930526


    “manufacturers just don’t want to deal with it”, “they don’t care”, or “trust me, I know what your child need to learn”.”

    I’m not sure who you are quoting. Nobody said that.

    you do not have to use a George forman, you will live there is no chiyuv, mitzva or even chumra to buy one.

    IF you do buy one, the question is how to deal with the tevila issue. Some allow one to rely on the fact that it is plugged in, most don’t. Some may rely on that if combiend with selling to a goy most don’t. You can try taking it apart as others have suggested (though I would bet this would void any warranty just as much as immersion would)

    I have toveleed probably 20 or so electric appliances (urns, George formans, Sandwich makers, pannini press, Pizza maker) with no problems. does that gaurantee none of them will break? OF course not .

    If you don’t want to risk it and feel the tevila is not worth it. That is 100% fine. NO ONE is telling you that youhave to get a George forman and risk anything. Don’t you aren’t missing out much

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1930471


    “Ok; you say she’s Lying.”

    YEs, weeks ago she sad she would release evidence “soon”. “soon” has passed Therefore she is lying. period full stop.

    I get that you are delusional and enjoy redefining things so you redefine “soon” as at her supreme court case. (although I double checked dictionary that is not a definition) .But ok lets go with it.

    Would you concede that she was lying if/when her case isnt heard, Biden gets inagurated and she still hasnt released her evidence?

    “Now why would you lie?”

    I wouldn’t

    “The best thing is for Congress to disregard the Electoral College and put Donald J. Trump as President for the Next Four Years!”

    could be the best thing. But isnt going to happen

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1930463


    “Ok; you say she’s Lying.”

    Can we agree that by jan 20, if she hasn’t released her evidence, she was lying when she claimed she had it?

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1930315

    he cant prove fraud

    There is a spectrum of how long people are willing to hold on to the fantasy that he can. some gave it until the Electoral college (a reaosnable benchmark as outlined above) others are giving it until Jan 6 still others until JAN 20. others even after that.

    “I mentioned faithless voters in 2 separate posts”

    I guess I’m dumb and blind, but I don’t see it (I guess thats what you meant by Clinton reference , not sure whay you mean by “nixed it”

    “1regarding courts directing states or discounting votes that was all depending trump could prove fraud.”

    He can’t. period. there is no otherwise, its imaginary. Some were holding out hope. If Trump could have he would have. He isnt biding his time for a good opportunity

    ” and if he does prove fraud, it ain’t yet over. congress will discredit Biden’s win instead of the courts directions”

    Yes obviously. but he won’t Thus it is over .

    LEts say Trump knew there was never any fraud and Just made allegations to rile his base/save face/cheat them out of money for “legal fees”
    with me?

    now until the electoral college voted there was a tiny bit of hope maybe a state legislature would direct electors one way or another. Maybe some faithless electors would jump ship.
    Maybe maybe there was enough questions that a judge woudl disqualify some votes.

    All of these ships have sailed (if there was evidence theyd have shown it in one of the 60 or so cases they’ve had)

    These ships have sailed.

    I’m not sure why you are getting all bent out of shape . you said
    “pretty dumb that everyone’s acting like the electoral college voting changed anything”

    This was obviously a dumb statement. you dont need to bend yourself into a pretzel to defend it. big deal we all say silly things from tiem to time .
    A simple, “yes obviously the Electoral college is what counts, thanks ubiq for taking the time to point it out” is an easy way to save face

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1930284


    “How did you get an advanced degree?
    Who did you Pay off?”

    Only the finest for me! Trump University!



    I’m glad you enjoyed..
    Date please? Can we settle on Jan 20th?

    “Then that will be the first time in history – that SCOTUS accepted a petition, but didn’t have a Court case afterwards!”
    she’s lying

    “Acc. to S. Powell it will,”
    Yes but again, she’s lying

    ” but her case wasn’t heard yet by SCOTUS!””
    I’t wont be. Unless of course you mean secret SCOTUS

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1930285


    ” I said nothing changed”

    Yes you said that, and you said it was “dumb” to say otherwise. Of course you werent correct. As it isnt the people who elect PResident in the US the people vote for electors who elect the PResident.

    Until the electoral college voted Some were hoping court cases would direct states to appoint electors one wasy or the other, some hoped votes would be discounted, some hoped there would be faithless eelctors.

    All those ships have sailed.

    Now some hope Congress will do something, Some are banking on an imaginary Supreme court case some hope Trump willl declare martial law there are all sorts of hopes dreams people have, as time moves on these dreams will fall by the wayside one by one.

    ” I used ‘nothing changed’ to mean ‘nothing final changed”
    This is correct. As no it isn’t final (and in the mind of some Trump voters it wont be until Trump dies they believe he will lead a group of army loyalists to take “back” the White house, I’ll bet there will be some who still hold on to that hope after Trump dies)

    “or even got closer to the finalization”
    This is obviously wrong

    Please let me know if you have any more questions, or need any of the above explained.

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1930236


    ” it yet you cling to this fallacy that the electoral college finalized ”

    nope, you have me confused with someone else inever said it finalized anything . In fact in my first comment I explicitly said the opposite “all that is left is for Congress to formally count the vote….Now it is theoretically possible for congressmen to slow things down make trouble etc”

    ” I stand with my comment that nothing changed.”
    I know you do, but it was and is wrong.

    Make no mistake there are those who will say nothing has changed Jan 6, there will be those who say the same Jan 20

    “oh yeah, sorry for offending Mitch.”
    The opposite! I cant stand the guy You should insult him, was the most correct comment youve made in this thread . but it is silly to say he doesn’t understand the electoral process

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1930208


    “ubiq it still has to be counted and ratified by congress. if there’s proven fraud, they won’t .”

    Yes, As Ive said.

    But it shows a profound lack of understanding of basic US civics to think it is “dumb” to assert that the electroal college changed anything

    “you make it sound like u asked me about Mitch before…answer: yes it was dumb of him and Putin and op and others.”

    Yes I mentioned Mcconell in my first comment on this thread (its still there have a look)
    And iI hate Mitch Mconell as much as the next guy, but if you think he doesn’t understand the electoral system as well as you, well then you shouldnt call others dumb

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929963


    “Do you know what “State Response” means?!?”


    Her tweets like her claims are gobbledygook. Scotus isnt giving her a date. The only court case she might be involvedi n is the one in which Dominiion may sue her for her baseless allegations.

    So back to my simpel question.

    At what point, if she hasnt released her evidence, would you say “Hmmm maybe she was lying”? Jan 6? Jan 20? Januray 2022 ? 2120? Surely at SOME point if she had something hse’d have shared it. When?

    Please give a date, a milestone anytime marker. Not Cryptic copy/pasted haiku’s from twitter. name calling is fine if it makes it easier for you. I’m just looking for benchmark please. Thanks

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929854


    So to be clear By January 14th, when she hasn’t released her secret evidence, it is fair to call her a liar for saying she has evidence that she will release “soon” ?

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1929674


    “ubiq you’re a cool one just don’t cut my paragraph in half in order to preach to me.”
    no preaching, just explaining

    The second half of your paragraph doesnt make your incorrect statement true. Yo uwrote “if trump proves fraud it won’t matter what the college voted. if he doesn’t prove fraud, so then what changed? was anyone phoning their hopes on the Clintons8 to vote 4 trump and now conclude they didn’t?”

    This is of course incorrect. It doesnt matter. IF I voted for Trump becaue he promised He would build a wall and mexico would pay for it. Turns out I was duped. anything I can do about it? No. The eelctoral college is not much different. They voted the votes were certified. PEriod end of story

    Of course if it turns out there WAS fraud Republicans would make a ruckus in congress (as they should) but that won’t chaneg the electoral college vote that already took place.

    So this statment “pretty dumb that everyone’s acting like the electoral college voting changed anything. ” remains wrong.
    and again. to be clear, are you saying McConnell is dumb?

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929675


    “She’ll produce evidence to SCOTUS.”

    I cant help but notice you havent answered my question.

    Here it is again :

    Simple question: At what point, if she hasnt released her evidence, would you say “Hmmm maybe she was lying”? Jan 6? Jan 20? Januray 2022 ? 2120? Surely at SOME point if she had something hse’d have shared it. When?

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929676


    Not sure Why you copied her Twitter?

    We know she is lying you dont have to keep proving it by posting more of her lies. Maybe she filed in wrong Scotus, she needs secret SCOTUS can you please forward her contact info..

    “She’ll produce evidence to SCOTUS.
    Not to You or any Lib!”

    The clock is ticking, Why would she kep it hidden? Is that how it works in secret Supreme court? In real supreme court there is no “secret evidence”

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1929572


    “pretty dumb that everyone’s acting like the electoral college voting changed anything. ”

    You need a crash course in civics.
    In the Unite States we dont vote for President we vote for electors. The outcome of that election was originally in dispute

    The electoral college, the group that chooses the President elected Joe Biden. This is not in dispute.
    all that is left is for Congress to formally count the vote.

    Keep in mind the appointment of electors is up to the states. In theory a state can appoint eelctors for whomever they want regardless of outcome of state vote, in fact there is a movement that many states signed too to give all the states electors to the winner of the national popular vote., regardless of who won the state.

    Now it is theoretically possible for congressmen to slow things down make trouble etc. But to say “pretty dumb that everyone’s acting like the electoral college voting changed anything.” (I assume you include Mitch Mcconell who congratulated biden after electoral colege win)
    shows a profound lack of understanding of elementary US civics

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929567


    she hasnt.
    Yes a bunch of affidavits were released (most that werent pertinent credible or both) . While afidavits are not nothing, my gut tells me you don’t accept affidavits alleging Kavanaugh’s wrongdoing

    At any rate in more than one of her press conferences she alleged she had actual hard evidence of vote tampering which she said she will release “soon”

    She lied .

    Sure you can believe whatever you want and come up with all sorts of contrived distinctions that the court rejected based on “standing” not “merit” as if that is somehow better

    “The most recent case docketed at the scotus”
    name of case please? I cant find it

    ” includes the forensic audit from michigan,”
    This wasnt released by Sidney Powell

    in reply to: Biden is Senile #1929453


    “Mock it now if you wish, but when it happens remember you heard it here first.”

    a. I heard it elsewhere first
    b. My question for you though, is what is the “penalty” if your prediction doesn’t materialize? Do you start a thread saying “WOW I was wrong”? Can we put an asterisk on all your posts noting that you don’t really know what you are talking about?

    why should we be impressed by your astute prediction if it turns true, when there is no down side to your having made it?

    in reply to: Student Loan Forgiveness #1929422


    that argument can be made to oppose any policy. don’t ban abortion, what about all the previously aborted fetuses, don’t get rid of the draft, what about all those previously drafted ? No tax cuts, what about those who paid the higher taxes etc etc *

    It is a silly (albeit emotional) argument. If it is good policy, it should be enacted asa soon as possible those who “missed it” well life isnt fair. If it is not good policy, argue why it isn’t. But your argument is an emotianla not logical one.

    (*yes these aren’t EXACTLY the same)

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929418


    “Who does she have to prove it to – to you?!?”

    she doesnt have to do anything. She isn’t going to the Supreme court. (Of course perhaps secret SCOTUS, but admittedly, I don’t know much about secret SCOTUS. Maybe she will win her imaginary secret SCOTUS case and Trump can be secret President, and we al live happily ever after. Wouldnt that be nice

    Of course if she was serious she would have shown her evidence looong ago As you may know the Electoral college already voted, the votes will be formally counted Jan 6, then Biden gets inaugurated Jan 20.

    Simple question: At what point, if she hasnt released her evidence, would you say “Hmmm maybe she was lying”? Jan 6? Jan 20? Januray 2022 ? 2120? Surely at SOME point if she had something hse’d have shared it. When?

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929415


    “After the 2016 election the Democrats claimed foriegn intervention was the reason that Trump won”

    Noone (serious) claimed that. ALL (including Trump in rare moments of candor) agree there was foreign intervention in 2016. As to how much of a role that played is impossible to know Noone (serious) claimed it was THE reason he won.

    “hey even impeached him and it wasn’t substaniated. ”

    They impeached him over another matter entirely

    “Now it’s the Republican’s turn and they are claiming voter fraud. What is the differance?”

    the difference is The Republicna attorney general and after 60 court cases several of which presided over by Republicna justices, no evidence of significant fraud was shown.

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929292


    she said on more than one occasion that she will be releasing her evidence “soon” proving fraud she said she had evidence that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, had taken bribes and conspired to orchestrate Trump’s defeat.

    It is past “soon” she hasn’t released all this evidence she lied

    Thanks for proving my point

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1929138

    “Is it just Powell & Trump or is it all Conservatives?
    Or is it Anyone who Disagrees with you on any Topic?!?”

    People who, on more than one occasion, have shown that they say things that simply are not true. With particular case for those who say things that are מילתא דעבידא לגלויים.. and again not just once or twice it has to be a pattern.

    Both Trump and Powell fit that bill perfectly

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