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  • in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2340938

    “He’s actually correct by the way.”

    1) It isnt Chazal it is a later machlokes as you correctly point out as to what chazal meant by “skiya” what we call sunset or something later (or earlier according to the Yereim) .
    Most do hold like Rabbinu Tam that shekiyah is not at sunset, however Rabbienu Tam isnt generally reffered to as “chazal”
    nor ormost of the opinions who hold like R”T
    however this brings me to the bigger inaccuracy:

    It is a stretch to say ” to keep Shabbos from when the Sun goes under the horizon (an opinion that has NO basis in Torah or Chazal, ” Again it is a machlokes as to What Chazal held . so chazal certainly MAY have held shekiya is at sunset (or earlier) . and Many (though not most) DO pasken like the Geonim that shkiyah is sunset Most notably perhaps the Gra as well as the Baal Hatanya (in his sidur which was written after his shulchan Aruch, and rishonim incluidng the Ramabm and Rabbinu chananel held this was as well . To say “NO basis is Torah ” [sic] is at best inaccurate if not flat out wrong

    “In any case, it’s not nogeia to this discussion”
    agree completely. particulary since if anything it undermines his point .

    Though it doesnt matter, if it is “BIG problem” then it is a big problem regardless of exactly when shabbos starts . I was under the impression like you said “the devil they know. It’s the problem they’ve already sorted out,” I was surprised to hear otherwise.

    in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2340640


    “Closing the gap would help. It’s not something that needs to be tested. ”
    while it might help
    I dont think that is the main part of the problem I also dont think there s a way to actually close it.
    That said I understand their is a dogma associated with this and questioning it and asking for real data, not to mention provinding data that undermines it is met with fierce opposition.

    My question is at what point do we say ok, it isnt clossable, lets look for another solution. 10 years ? 20 years ? 30 ?

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2340648

    The gist of it is we arent oiver even a D’rabanan to prevent someone else’s issur. so while its true “those less committed who might compromise shabbos when it is really hard. ” that is not a reason for us to forgo Tefila Btzibur, Tefilin B’zman etc.

    I can hear people disagreeing, and the point regarding Shofar on Shabbos is a fair one, (though Im hesitent to expand gezeira chazal more than they did).

    I am curious about a point you and other posters have made though
    one poster said “And most frum people live in places when sundown is at 430 nowadays. This is a BIG problem.”” you said ” ignores those Yidden who work high intensity jobs and get into major difficulties”

    IT certainly is difficult. I guess I didnt realize its such a pressing problem

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2340157


    FWIW R’ Moshe explicitly rejects this argument. in the Teshuva referenced above

    in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2339756


    “You’re still incorrect. The minhag in the Litvish community is for girls to be 5-7 years younger than their husbands,”

    Is this borne out by data?
    The admittedly limited data ive seen (and anecdotally asking around) this does not seem to be the case

    More to the point though.
    I’m not sure hashing out the same argument again and again is productive

    Bottom line, can anyone answer UJM’s question?

    This has been discussed again and again and again for well over a decade

    here we are all these years later
    Did “closing the gap” help ? what has been accomplished?

    Has it helped?

    If not is it time to try something else, or are we still going to insist on the status quo ? If so how long until we next reassess?

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2339678


    “This is a bad argument,”

    I guess thats where we disagree. The Agudau (hopefully) responds to its constituents . If tEarly Fridays was a big problem they would know Rabbanoim would know and deal with it. You are suggesting we allow a definite problem to avoid an issue tha t you “are sure there are cases of…” and a few anecdotal well known stories. I dont find that persuasive.

    I agree though that it isnt the biggest deal and we’ll adjust ok so daven beyichidus at work put on tefilin at a bedieved time for a few months (anyway we rely on that if theres shaas hadechak etc) it isnt the biggest deal.

    I was surprised to see the Teshuva from R” Moshe encouraging they fight it vigourously.

    My bigger concern is that it was tried before (year round DST) and it became very unpopular in a few months with congess quickly swithing back.

    Happy New year
    putting aside the inaccuracies in your post regarding Shkiya
    You say “And most frum people live in places when sundown is at 430 nowadays. This is a BIG problem.”

    Can you eloborate ? while certainly challenging, in what way is it a big problem?

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2339232

    no its the year before a leap year when it is Dec 5. ie last year

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2339230

    “It is not. You are free to run your own business at any time you want”

    This is silly
    1) many people aren’t in charge of their own hours
    2) even those that are are at the whims of the public

    “With all due respect, I’d give more weigh…”
    Thats fair, thats why I introduced that point with “FWIW…” (for what its worth)

    “What argument? That Shabbos matters more than zman hatefilla? Zero chance.”

    Yes. read the teshuva (though he wasn’t talking about your exact concern, which seems like less of a concern than his)

    Is that a real issue though among people you know ? they are mechalel shabbos Fridays in the winter? (not is it hard, have they come close etc)

    “Why? The Sun will still rise and set as it does. We will just refer to it by a different number on a clock. Nothing is changing astronomically; it’s purely mental as he said.”

    Because the “number on the clock” matters more than the Astronomical time
    Meaning yes If all of society changed their practice and woke up at 7 instead of 6, “9-5 workday” became 10-6 schools started at 9 instead of 8 ended at 5 instead of 4 etc etc then he’d be right

    but that isnt what will happen (obviously) We (society) will keep waking up at 6 with work day being 9-5 etc etc but with difficulties with zemanim

    Will we adjust? for sure It isnt the biggest deal but society is largely driven by the clock not the sun. It is bizzare to suggest otherwise
    what you say “We will just refer to it by a different number on a clock. ” is what drives society while yes nothing changes astronomically (obviously) we dont fucntion astronomically

    And memah nafshach, if the clock doesn’t matter. S owho cares if the clock changes teice a year. Ignore it! after all “Nothing is changing astronomically” You can do it today chaneg your wtch back to DST 2 PM becomes 1 PM go to sleep. go to work tomorrow at 10 AM EST ie 9 on your clock . Tell your bos like AAQ that your coming in hour late tomoorw (he said early but presumably he menat late) problem solved.
    sure it will be confusing if others refer to your 9 as 8, but it shouldn’t be confusing nothing is changing astronomically its all purely mental

    (dont get caught up on these exact times probably arent any real 9-5 jobs left, and I dont know what time you get up just using 6 as example)

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2338791

    A few points

    1) “One proposal they are considering is to switch to year round Daylight Savings”
    Ive been trying to find exactly what their proposing, while saw they agreed with social media posts to stop changing clocks, Couldn’t find any mention of which change they would stop . did you see any clar discussiion? ( To be fair I doubt they know what they want)

    2) “but it seems when goyim talk about ending the “spring forward, fall back” what the talking about is year-round DST.”
    That is generally true, but the medical organizations prefer year round Standard time which is more in tune with our circadian rhythm. People of course liek the later sunsets but in the 70’s when there was year round DST it became wildly unpopular quickly.
    while annoying there is a reason why we have this setup . People dont have such long memories

    3) “The change is merely psychological.”
    this is a bizzare claim .
    It isnt true halachicly socially, physiologically. I’m not sure what it means
    and of course it is against the Gedolim see below

    4) “People feel like Shabbos isn’t “as much of a problem” just because it’s the devil they know.”
    Yes. Of course.
    Obviously if there is year round DST we will figure it out. But it will be challenging . In Detroit sunrise will be close to 9 AM (though they will probably revert to Central time where they belong)
    also FWIW R’ Moshe rejects this argument

    5) see “Agudath Israel Helps Stop Permanent “Daylight Saving” Bill, Exceedingly Disruptive to Orthodox Jewish Life”

    Where the Agudah describes their advocacy on this issue and posts a Teshuva from R” Moshe encoruaging fighting against Year round DST

    in reply to: The Net Results of the NASI Project and the Shidduch Age Gap Scare #2337983

    Thanks for briniging it up
    it HAS been a while

    years ago I pointed out some flaws in the idea behind the Age gap TM theory.
    I predicted that therefore efforts to close the “age gap” would not help .
    for reasons not entirely clear to me this really upset people at the time, and they refused to entertain other solutions that might help (that may be why they were so upset)

    Since then Yosef sokol has released data essentially debunking the premise

    At the time I said lets revisit this in 10 years (sadly knowing that were just kicking the can down the road)

    has it been that long already ?

    would love to hear an update from NAsi or @Az and its other ardent defenders

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2337393

    Thank you for the reminder

    To calculate take Tekufas Tishrei according to Shmuel which this year was October 7 count 60 days (October 7 was day #1) giving the satrt day yom chamishi of this week
    Yom Chamishi starts Wed night with Maariv, thus at Maariv on Wednesday night Dec 4th is the start date

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305969

    “The reason we sit low is because it is a sign of availus and has nothing to do with comfort.”

    This is absolutely incorrect

    See Yoreh Deah hilchos aveilus

    in reply to: Why does Yiddish butcher Hebrew #2301518


    Even before the Holocaust, there was a disdain for Yiddish. It was called Jargon.

    Not sure why this is news. Sure anti senites exist. Mazel tov

    in reply to: Should the President be Immune from Prosecution #2294880

    “Ubi, President needs to lead, especially in international crises. See the discussion between Yidden and Shmuel regarding the King.”

    I disagree (and the yidden were criticized) but I hear the perceived advantage of a strong executive unencumbered (Ok less encumbered) by laws.

    What I dont understand is how this helps commies. Are you saying it helps foregign commies like china? Because that isnt what BY1212 said. s/he said

    in reply to: Should the President be Immune from Prosecution #2294652


    “Typical communist dictatorial claptrap.”

    I understand why people may feel an unencumbered executive with fewer checks and balances makes for better leadership

    but how does limiting a President’s pwer or as you put it “handicap”ing him lead to a communist dicatorial claptrap?

    in reply to: Going to the zoo on pesach #2277468

    Happy to help

    “Why would anyone go to the zoo this chol hamoed?”
    some people like zoos, many children do and even adults.

    ” The only day that it’s not an erev something is Thursday”
    There is no issur to go to a zoo on Erev shabbos or yom tov

    ” and why waste it going to the zoo ”
    Again, some people like the zoo

    “(especially since the Bronx zoo is only free on Wednesday)”
    Wednesday is yom Tov, Orthodox Jews dont generally travel on yom tov, so the free zoo on Wednesday doesn’t help us. Plus many live far away from teh Bronx zoo, so much so that it may be cheaper than paying for their local zoo than to travel to the free Bronx zoo

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2275552


    any idea why Hashem is using a Goyish numbering system to point to a passuk?

    Moreover why is He referring to April as “4” is that being over an aseh according to the Ramban? I understand you don’t care for mitzvos but Hashem?

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2274943

    “This might be a fine point, the kind that you’d dismiss if you see it from a stranger but would give more thought of it came from someone you admire in some way. Therefore, I cannot help this last problem.”

    This is the point we disagree. Your point is contrived. (iv’e heard it from others)
    Why does an earthquake/comet/Thunder/lightning get a bercaha but eclipse doesnt?

    My answer: “I dont know why chazal didnt establish one” maybe its a siman ra? (rainbow is different the text of the veracha isnt on the rainbow per se rather on Hashem keeping His promise kivayachol) But I dont find this convincing, in short I dont know why.

    your answer is because it isnt actively coming across Hashem’s creation and it doesnt explain display of His Power and Rule.
    why not? kacha

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2274916

    “The Yesod is very clear and it clears everything else. The Bracha is about coming across the Hand of Hashem.

    There’s עושה מעשה בראשית blessings for when you come across original creations, and כחו וגברתו or דיין האמת when someone has come across the display of His Power and Rule, בורא מיני for witnessing His support.”

    Eclipse seems to fulfill BOTH of these.

    You aren’t explaining why an eclipse isn’t one of them

    Why isn’t a horse galloping? Might be a good question but not the topic of this post

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2274702


    “But a phenomenon which is not a mark of creation, nor a consumption of Hashem’s world, but an effect, doesn’t elicit a Bracha. In what way did you encounter Hashem’s hand now more than before? In fact, there are many enjoyments that we don’t bless Hashem upon enjoying them.”

    Your explanation is a bit arbitrary, and seems forced to fit the conclusion.

    Why isnt an eclipse part of creation? Who then set the sun and moon in motion?
    Why is The blotting out of the sun midday less impressive than an earthquake?
    which category does earthquake fall into is it a mark of creation or a consumption of Hashem’s world? It doesnt seem to fit your narrow criteria
    ditto for a shooting star/comet ?

    Chazal said those get berachos and eclipse doesnt, so be it, but your categories seem a bit forced

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2274651

    ““molad is not an astronomical observation, but simply adding a fixed average lunar month time that may be hours off a “real” rosh chodesh”

    Potentially days off. The only rosh chodesh that is directly tied to the molad, is rosh chodesh Tishrei (better known as Rosh Hashanana).
    If the molad occurs in the afternoon, , R”H is pushed to the next day. If the next day is sunday, Wednesday or Friday, R”H is pushed yet another day (Lo Adu Rosh)
    so If the Molad occurs 12:01 noon on Shabbos. Rosh Hashana (“Rosh chodesh tishrei” ) will not begin until the start of Monday (ie sunday night) over a day later.
    Molados of Teves and shevat in particulary can be off by a long time, over 2 days potentially

    (Of course even if the molad was exact, Rosh Hashana/rosh chodesh Tishrei occured on the day of the molad and an eclipse occurred, still wouldn’t recite Hallel on that day)

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2271297


    you do not dissapoint
    You are now postign comments that you must know not to be true

    “Ubiq, do you think the chachamim would have fought the romans when they went to meet them? ”

    Yes of coruse, you must have heard of Rabi akiva and Bar Kochaba

    “Milchama was a strategy when feasible.”
    Yes exactly, as I said

    “But did the zionists do the first two options? No – they were like the foolish baryonim who went straight to fighting.”
    Again, you cant possibly know so little about Israel history, Balfour declaration was obtained without fighting, There was plenty of Zionist diplomacy

    “And during the Holocaust, fighting would have only ensured that no one survived r”l… Look at what happened in Warsaw.”
    There were survivors from Warsaw ghetto uprising. there were (almost?) none from Treblinka
    You cant possibly not know this but your wrong ideology forces you to cherry pick and even fabricate points

    I find it fascinating

    Note at no point did I say fighting was ALWAYS the correct approach

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2270864


    You provide another great example of what I mentioned in my first comment
    “The problem with these discussions is everyone has their preconceived notions and cherry picks Pieces mamarei chazal to fit .”

    you recently said “Smerel – that was AFTER the gezerah min hashomayim was batul and they were given permission to fight. If such a thing had happened during the Holocaust – great, but it didn’t”

    Yet In one of your earliest posts in this thread YOU said “Chazal learned the parsha of Yaakov and eisav before meeting with the Roman rulers, to learn and remind themselves of the yesodos, the ways one must behave in galus to be safe.”

    Of course Yaakov prepared for milchama, yet you cherry pick and deny milchama as an option
    not to mention the idea of milchama is of course brought halacha lemaseh in Orach Chaim 329:6

    You have your preconceived notion which doesnt have to fit with halacha nor mamarei chazal that YOUI cited

    It makes these conversations pointless, though fascinating


    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267915

    “It’s more than a bad idea, it’s an abrogation of the ratzon Hashem”

    could be, but unlike a clear/cut and dry halcha, “ratzon Hashem” is harder to ascertain. That same gemara says all who live in chutz Laa’aretz is as they do Avoda zara, Zionists focus on thsi gemra and come up with tirutzim why the other isnt really Avodas Hashem you do the reverse. Im sure you have very creative tirutzim (probably better than the ones youve shared so far, – note I’m not asking you to share them Ive heard them before I rely on them, I dont live in EY)


    “With all talking past each other, there are some statements here that look like real debate!”

    First half is correct
    Second is not.
    There is no real debate. There has been no new information uncovered. ALL the se arguments have been made over and over for over 70 years.
    Nobody is changing minds.

    I do find it amusing though when in an effort to defend an untenable position all sorts of strange arguments get mad.

    you do highlight a great one, that I pointed out earlier
    You point # 3 though is only partially correct, the UN voted to create a State, the possessors who conquered Eretz Yisrael (the British) had tunred over the issue to the UN.
    For reasons yet to be explained, although normally Kivush of land is a kinyan, this is an exception

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267846


    “Ubiq, you’re going back to the knee jerk “no issur no problem” thing. ”

    nope, and I explicitly said that “So Its just a bad idea” I’m not sure on what planet “bad idea” means “no problem”

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267773


    Your moving the goal posts

    Lets back up

    Square said “The Three Oaths are Agadic Midrash, and therefore they are
    NOT Halachically obligatory [they are not legally binding].”

    UJM replied “he Oaths are quoted L’Halachah in numerous sources, including but not limited to: Piskei Riaz”

    I commented how unusual this topic is, as I cant think of any other halachic discussion where a Piskei Riaz was te first mareh makom

    You replied “is that they aren’t dinim, but they are realities that chazal warn us about.”

    To which I replied “So Its just a bad idea, not assur.”

    so we agree! . The shalosh shavuos are not a halchick issur in the classical sense, just like Square pointed out.

    . Much like there is no halacha obligating one to engage in Tefila*/doron/milchama when in galus and dealing with goyim (your example, though one I was surprised to see you mention) , it is good advice, in fact the best advice, who else to get advice from, if our mesora. Same is true here,

    As an aside the whole Ben Hecht thing is odd. Ben Hecht was an ardent Zionist. He was opposed to Labor Zionism, using his book as an anti-zionist argument is nonsensical

    (* tefila of course is an obligaiton bshas tzara, but not because of Yaakov)

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267567


    “Ubiq, there are many answers as to why it’s not mentioned in the rif, rosh and rambam’s yad. One of them, which my rebbe rav belsky said, is that they aren’t dinim, but they are realities that chazal warn us about. If we do X, we will he hunted, like the gemara says, as animals in the field. Slaughtered. And that’s precisely what happened.”

    sure there are reasons for anything you want to be true. Though these reasons, like the one your Rebbe Z”L gave tend to be weak. you say thye “aren’t dinim” there goes the entire argument. So Its just a bad idea, not assur.

    and the bad idea is further weekned when you consider that its not like there want Jew hunting going on in Europe pre State.

    Again I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Though Hopefully you can see that these arguments tend to be a bit forced and built on preconceived notions. You arguments n this thread are PERFECT examples

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267113

    BTW This works in both directions

    The Satmar Rebbe had his shita, but R’ Aryeh Kaplan disagreed and he must be right because he “was a GENIUS, and his words should be listened to.”

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2267112

    The problem with these discussions is everyone has their preconceived notions and cherry picks Pieces mamarei chazal to fit .

    I can’t think of any other issue where a “Piskei Riaz” is cited as THE first Halachic source. Never mind that it isnt brogught in Rif, Rosh Rambam (halachic works igeres teiman becomes Kodehs Kedoshim to fit the agenda), Tur, Mechaber . its a Piskei Riaz!

    Another great example

    “The Balfour declaration (and even the UN partition plan) are irrelevant because when the zionists took over, the british were no longer baalei batim on the land.”

    It is hard to imagine a reasonable person making such an argument. It is clear that halacha recognizes kivush as a form of kinyan. Britain conquered Palestine, they handed the “problem” over to the UN the Un voted to create Israel. Simple, finished.
    But no for this we ignore kivush and you need permission of neighboring countries. why? Because otherwise it doesn’t fit the preconceived agenda.

    I’m not trying to convinve you that you are wrong, I can’t. My point is when you see htese types of arguemnts (Especially the scond) we arent dealing with logic, rather emotion.

    in reply to: Women davening with a minyan #2266921

    “Why would you say it doesn’t hold water?”

    for several reasons here a re a few:

    1) I dont understand the connection to kibud av, because she is patur in kibud av she should forgo the oppurtunity to be mevatel potentially 70 year bad gzar din? Again. I’m not saying she is chayav to go. But if she isnt doing anything why doesnt she go? I dont get the kibud av connection
    2) Even if patur generally women I know do mitzvos they are patur from sukkah, Lulav shofar . (With a beracha). So ok they are “patur” from saying amen yehi shemie rabba becasue of some hekish? gezeira shava? Mah matzinu? to kibud av, why not do it anyway
    3) If her husband isnt makpid she is chayav in kibud av
    4) It doesnt answer why single/divorced women dont generally go

    in reply to: Women davening with a minyan #2266750


    non of your minor points hold water

    1) At a chasuna it’s usually difficult to have an area for a minyan where you can have a mechitza.

    I’m not sure that an ad hoc minyan needs a mechitza, and even if want one EVERY chasuna Ive been to has had a mechitza, and even if for whatever reason that mechitza cant be used (band is noisy or something) ok so they dont daven stand quietly answer amen yehei shmei rabba

    2) And, while it might involve less effort than taking care of multiple children, even after the children left the house the wife’s first obligation is to serve her husband. (That’s the reason she’s halachicly exempt from Kind Av V’Eim, while married, since she must serve her husband first.)

    agree, I’m limiting my question to when she isnt engaged in prior commitments say Friday night the table is set, the food is warming why not go down the block to chap arein an amen yehei shmei rabba or 2

    in reply to: Women davening with a minyan #2266675

    Its a good question

    Although clearly not a chiyuv. what a zechus, Amen Yehey shemie rabba can destroy a bad gzar din, oopurtunity to say kedusha even a “simple” amen.

    I understand when there are children at home, that is her primary tafkid but for the majority of her life often there is a shul close by instead of sitting around at home why not get extra easy zechusim.

    It is very puzzling

    Strangest of all, is when they are there. At a chausna or simcha there is often a minyan formed the women are there they can join answer amen etc , instead they hang around and shmooz yet it isnt even on the radar. I find this very strange

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2262872

    It is hard to imagine how many Jewish lives would have been lost in the past few months alone, not to mention the past decade or so if not for the Iron dome which Obama is responsible for

    Obama has likely save more Jewish lives than any individual since Esther Hamalka.

    Cant even begin to imagine the zechus he must have

    in reply to: If You Were a Goy #2248255

    Fun game!!

    “If you were a non-Jew, would you want your town or city,
    where you have lived your entire life, to become like Boro Park?”

    – I would want a country where people are free to live where they want

    “Would you want all the stores to be closed on Saturdays and Jewish Holidays?”

    – I would want people to be free to open and close their stores whenever they want

    “Would you want kosher food stores,
    where the prices are higher than for non-kosher foods?”

    – I would want store owners to proice thier foods as they please

    ” Would you want public signs in a language that you do not understand?”
    All Public municipal signs should be in english plus whatever language there is a need/demand for

    “Would you want all your neighbors to speak Yiddish or Hebrew?
    And even when they speak English,
    they use many words that you do not understand?”

    I would want them to speak whatever they want

    “Would you want all your neighbors to be people who
    are not interested in forming meaningful friendships
    with non-Jews, or even talking to non-Jews?”

    I would want to be friendly with them

    “Would you want to live in a place where most
    celebrations and events are for Jews-ONLY?”
    Private events can be for whoever is invited

    “Would you want to become a minority in
    the place where you lived your entire life?”

    – I wouldn’t want other groups baned or restricted

    Just becasue you are biggoted doesnt mean all goyim are, or more importantly that they should be.
    Let me know if you have any other questions

    “If you were a non-married non-Jew,
    would you want all your neighbors to be people
    who you could never marry or even date?”

    – I wouldn’t want there to be some restriction that my neighbors can only be people I’d date, that sounds creepy to even suggest

    Would you want to be used as a “Shabbos Goy”?”

    in reply to: About Yahya Sinwar #2246600

    Lashon kodesh is read Right to LEft

    So Sinwar is actually Rawnis

    Raw because he is a gangster who doesnt fully cook his food rather eats it partly raw like Ben Drosai

    Nis because he has a life steeped in chet , chet is gematria egoz which is a type of nut or nis in Yiddish

    in reply to: New refrigerator #2246228


    1. Why isn’t it a psik reisha dnicha lei?

    – OF course its nicha lei, You want the compressor to turn on when the fridge gets warm, thats how fridges work. If it doesnt do that you need a new fridge.

    2. If it’s lo niche lei, can you rely on it or only Al yidei akum?
    – No psik reisha delo nicha lei is not automatically mutar

    Meno is right on older fridges where it takes some time for compressor to go on, so not neccerarliy if you open fridge for short while would it trigger the compressor thus it wasnt a psik reisha.

    Today though apparently there are all sort of monitor and sensors that are triggered ever tiem door opens, it isnt just the light/compressor.

    As for keeping it in Shabbos mode all the time, the manuals all say that ruins the fridge which makes sense, these functions are there for a reason

    in reply to: what is the origin of chanukah gifts? #2245274


    Its been a while

    Yes BH success
    did you ever get the present I sent you years back? It was a Yoreh deah chelek beis .
    Hope your using it

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244997


    “We add 14 from 2100”

    Yes my #5 is wrong I tried to repost without it but both went up

    “So let’s use the rule that it is Dec 4th. except before a leap year when it is Dec 5th.”

    Yep that is the rule.

    AaQ I don’t understand .
    The calculation doesn’t work because it isn’t the way to calculate.
    It’s 60 days from tekufas Tishrei using Tekufas Shmuel. Not 61 days from the autumnal equinox. Yes they often overlap but shpukdnt expect them to be the same .
    Tekufas Shmuel is known to be flawed There is a more accurate tekufa of Rav Ada, bit we font use it for this because too complicated (Chazon Ish says this)

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244895

    I just realized a mistake “I made
    I got the dates from “timeanddate . com”

    The times given are Coordinated universal time which is 5 hours ahead of New York time.
    Thus for New york the above dates are not accurate
    Some chnage to become correct for you

    for example last year 2022, equinox was Sep 23 01:03 UTC (which results in incorrect Dec 5th) but in NY this was Sep 22 9:03 PM (which results in correct Dec 4th)

    Nonethless my point still stands:

    1) Your rule is limited to certian time zones, making it not such a good rule, in London my list above with the 14% error rate is correct.

    2) Correcting for time difference makes some of your years more correct (eg 2022 becomes right)
    Others become wrong, for example 2039 in London your system works : Equinox will be Sep 23 03:49 UTC which results in Dec 5th according to both your system and the halachic one. but in NY the Equinox will be few hours earlier (local time) Sep 22 11:48 PM which would lead to Dec 4 start date using your system while Dec 5th using the halachic system (though to be fair it is more accurate in NY than in London )

    3) If you use it as a cute trick that usually works fine. But this is a-halachic in Halacha when counting days we always (almost?) count the first day as day 1. If you say ignore that and just add 60 it works fine. but to make it sound like this is how the cheshbon works when it is not true makes me squeamish.

    4) You say “I am trying to find an easy way of calculating.”
    This is the part I really don’t get, it is much easier to check your siddur and see “Start saying Vesein Tal umatar on Dec 4t hat MAariv unless it is before a leap year in whcih case it is Dec 5th” or google “When do we start” seems os much easier than relying on your method although it usually works.
    Who is this easy calculation for?
    for those who want to understand how Dec 4th was chosen and why this year its Dec 5th give them the correct answer. Who gains from your incorrect sytem (although it usually works)?

    5) Your system will fall apart in 2100

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244892

    I just realized a mistake “I made
    I got the dates from “timeanddate . com”

    The times given are Coordinated universal time which is 5 hours ahead of New York time.
    Thus for New york the above dates are not accurate
    Some chnage to become correct for you

    for example last year 2022, equinox was Sep 23 01:03 UTC (which results in incorrect Dec 5th) but in NY this was Sep 22 9:03 PM (which results in correct Dec 4th)

    Nonethless my point still stands:

    1) Your rule is limited to certian time zones, making it not such a good rule, in London my list above with the 14% error rate is correct.

    2) Correcting for time difference makes some of your years more correct (eg 2022 becomes right)
    Others become wrong, for example 2039 in London your system works : Equinox will be Sep 23 03:49 UTC which results in Dec 5th according to both your system and the halachic one. but in NY the Equinox will be few hours earlier (local time) Sep 22 11:48 PM which would lead to Dec 4 start date using your system while Dec 5th using the halachic system (though to be fair it is more accurate in NY than in London )

    3) If you use it as a cute trick that usually works fine. But this is a-halachic in Halacha when counting days we always (almost?) count the first day as day 1. If you say ignore that and just add 60 it works fine. but to make it sound like this is how the cheshbon works when it is not true makes me squeamish.

    4) You say “I am trying to find an easy way of calculating.”
    This is the part I really don’t get, it is much easier to check your siddur and see “Start saying Vesein Tal umatar on Dec 4t hat MAariv unless it is before a leap year in whcih case it is Dec 5th” or google “When do we start” seems os much easier than relying on your method although it usually works.
    Who is this easy calculation for?
    for those who want to understand how Dec 4th was chosen and why this year its Dec 5th give them the correct answer. Who gains from your incorrect system (although it usually works)?

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244905

    For fun I redidi it using NEw York

    Equinox – Correct date – your date – match?
    2000 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2001 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2002 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2003 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2004 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2005 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2006 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2007 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2008 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2009 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2010 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 5 Y
    2011 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2012 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2013 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2014 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 5 Y
    2015 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2016 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2017 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2018 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 5 Y
    2019 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2020 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2021 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2022 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 5 Y
    2023 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2024 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2025 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2026 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 5 Y
    2027 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2028 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2029 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2030 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2031 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2032 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2033 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2034 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2035 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2036 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2037 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2038 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2039 Sep 22 Dec 5 Dec 5 N
    2040 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2041 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2042 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2043 Sep 22 Dec 5 Dec 5 N
    2044 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2045 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2046 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2047 Sep 22 Dec 5 Dec 5 N
    2048 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2049 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y

    The accuracy of your system goes up slightly it is 88% accurate. wrong only 6/50 times

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244869

    I randomly grabbed the first 50 years of this century
    Here are the dates of the Autumnal equinox, followed by the correct date for start of vesein tal umatar (some of these are Friday night when of course start is delayed for an unrelated reason)
    Followed by the start date using your system followed by a Y if the y match and N if they don’t.

    They are aligned 43/50 which is 86% pretty good but as a “rule” to keep sharing when it is wrong 14% of the tme I think you should stop sharing your system

    Equinox – Correct date – your date – match?
    2000 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2001 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2002 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2003 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2004 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2005 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2006 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2007 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2008 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2009 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2010 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2011 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2012 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2013 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2014 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2015 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2016 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2017 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2018 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2019 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2020 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2021 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2022 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2023 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2024 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2025 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2026 Sep 23 Dec 4 Dec 5 N
    2027 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2028 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2029 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2030 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2031 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2032 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2033 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2034 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2035 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2036 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2037 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2038 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2039 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2040 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2041 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2042 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2043 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2044 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2045 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2046 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2047 Sep 23 Dec 5 Dec 5 Y
    2048 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y
    2049 Sep 22 Dec 4 Dec 4 Y

    (I did this by hand so there might be a typo or error or 2, though doesnt change my overall point)

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244813

    RE it is against an explicit Remah

    See OC 117:1
    Mechaber says we say it on the 60th day after the Tekufa
    The Remah says the day of the tekufa is included.
    The Mishna Berura points out that there is always 2 days between the day of the tekufa and the day we say vesein tal umatar. His example is if the Tekufa was Sunday then we start vesein tal umatar at Maariv of yom revviii (Ie Tuesday night). This is not wah twe did according to your incorrect caclulation. Sept 23 was Shabbos, if this was the tekufa we would have started Monday night

    Do you not remeber discussing this last year? and the year before? and before?
    soem of the comments are in this thread

    in reply to: Tal Umotor Reminder #2244772

    As in every year past your calculation is wrong.

    in reply to: Rally in Washington #2238631

    R Aron Feldman shlita said bal habatim (as opposed to yeshiva leit) SHOULD go

    in reply to: Obama: Sonei Yisroel Par Excellence #2238469

    Its hard to imagine the how mcuh worse current war without the Iron dome, that Obama had requested funding for
    Obama has likely saved more Jewish lives than anyone in history since Mordechai and Esther. Thank you Hashem for sending us this shliach

    in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238215

    the Ribono shel Olam is a Democrat
    He is the Malbish arumim, someich noflim, zokef kifufim.

    try to emulate the Ribono shel Olam, its a mitzva Deoraysa Veholachta bidrachav. Mah hu Rachum af ata rachum

    in reply to: Daas Torah in gemora #2235034

    ““Conferring with a Torah expert on matters that do not relate to halacha or hashkafa” An example would be asking a talmid chacham business advice.

    Does anyone like that?”

    Not really because it is lacking some critical elements:

    1) Is this a form of Ruach Hakodesh? or Is it that learnign torah sharpens your mind so you can grasp things quickly and covers many facets of life so have a grasp of Human relationships, business etc? Or something in between?
    Meaning the idea that if you explain say the pros and cons of different shiduchim to a Rebbe who knows you well, it is very logical that he can help guide you. I don’t think this is particularly controversial and wouldnt really promt arguemtns over whther here is such a thing. Just like your accountant can help guide you which medical treatment makes more financial sense for you.
    That was my trouble with the OP’s example. R’ Yochanan met R’ Zeira he met his own daughter. I dont understand why his suggesting a shidduch shows somesort of special power gained through Torah?

    2)assuming there is such a thing as Daas torah is is there some sort of imperative to listen.

    These points have been debated ad nasueum, and dont really interest me (any more).
    Im caught up on the specific example provided

    in reply to: Daas Torah in gemora #2234689


    “here r Yohanan is the godol hador and he tells you this is a good shidduch, would you not listen?! and to add to that – his own daughter …”

    So all shadchanim who propose a shidduch have daas Torah? Is it only if they propose a shiduch to their daughter?
    I don’t get it

    He saw a talmid chacham, so he wanted him as a son in law. what does that have to do wit hdaas Torah?

    in reply to: Daas Torah in gemora #2234326

    I don’t understand.
    Maybe I’m not sure what daas Torah is, suggesting a shiduch is daas Torah?

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