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  • in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946794


    “And again – how do you know that”

    I’m smart? From reading, following the law? also see below
    You dont always need a navi to predict the future. If you drop a glass it will break.

    “Don’t tell me that you don’t know the difference between mistaken and lying.”
    I do, as I told you, I do not think you were lying.

    “IDK of any Court Case with Powell.”
    Its been all over the news. You should follow the news more if you want to be more informed. This you you wont be mistaken as often, and wont call other people names, while you are the one who is mistaken.

    “Tell me whether it’s Federal or State”

    ” and where was this case filed.”
    US district court for DC

    “Also the Docket number.”
    Case 1:21-cv-00040
    Also the Docket number.

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946703

    Healt h dearest

    “Don’t put words in my mouth!”

    I am not,
    Help me understand

    You claimed her case would be heard by the Supreme court, and that “she will” (note: not that she did already) release her evidence then.
    you said this Dec 20 AFTER her briefs were in. She has provided NO new information since then.

    I replied (correctly) that her case won’t be heard.
    what did You think I meant

    “At that time I didn’t read her file – so I didn’t know that her motion contained her evidence.”

    Lol. so when you said “she will provide evidence” You were lying correct? ( To be c lear: you are big on calling people liars, I dont think you were lying (then) . I think you were simply mistaken, and perhaps hopeful that somehow things would go your way. but inexplicably view it ias a weakness to admit it now, and instead come up with increasingly bizarre explanations and redefinition.

    “Btw, the case is Still pending,”

    Yes, as I told you confrence is scheduled fro 2/19 (note: nOT a court case)

    ” but you know that the SCOTUS will give a Judgement of “Moot”.”
    no not a judgment of moot, but they will dismiss it without judgment (probably for being moot)

    How do you know that?”

    What can I say, these are things we learn in kindergarten

    “If you had a drop of honesty – you’d ask her.”
    I dont have any questions for her. I do have a question for you though : When (if?) Powell settles or loses her court case against Dominion, and either agrees that she lied, or it is ruled that she lied.
    Will you then agree that she lied

    in reply to: Lindsey Graham’s Stupid Argument #1946622

    The part I don’t get Is he wasn’t impeached before leaving office . He was impeached (for the 2nd time) on Jan 13, he left office on Jan 20 (at noon) , he was impeached before leaving office, period.

    (Though I do think the impeachment is silly, a better idea would have been censure they probably wouldve had a few decent Republicans (yes there are some) joining )

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946413


    ” that your interpretation ”

    Interpretation of what?

    “Moot is a judgment”
    not in the sense that we have been discussing for months. And it certainly isnt a “court case” being heard. It is literally the opposite .
    And you really thought all this time I was saying the court was just going to ignore the case , without formally dismissing it?
    cmon, even for you that is a stretch ,
    (Furthermore Your claim, of what you meant isn’t plausible since AFTER her briefs were submitted, you still insisted she would reveal more evidence in court when her “case is heard” (an event I told you wouldn’t happen) Even if the conference counts as a court case, no new information will be provided by her, so your claim is still wrong)

    but, Ok
    So lets pretend a case being dismissed as moot, is the same as a case that is heard. (though even typing those words out as a hypothetical is bizarre)

    Fine moving on, back to the subject at hand

    When (if?) Powell settles or loses her court case against Dominion, and either agrees that she lied, or it is ruled that she lied.
    Will you then agree that she lied

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946377


    “This is called having a Court Case.”

    It what language?
    definitely not English nor Yiddish , French or Hebrew, In none of those languages is ruling a case as moot called “having a court case”

    I don’t know what the rest of your post about “PC law” has to do with anything

    And again, although you are redefining words to try to fit your wrong point. It STILL doesn’t help you. You said she would be hard in court. Surely you must grant she won’t b invited to said conference. So even if we suspend English, and redefine “having a court case” to include “dismissing a case for being moot”
    I STILL didn’t lie when I told you (over and over) that her case wouldn’t be heard

    so back to the topic at hand

    When (if?) Powell settles or loses her court case against Dominion, and either agrees that she lied, or it is ruled that she lied.
    Will you then agree that she lied

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946343


    Lets keep it simple
    On 12/20 you said ““Then that will be the first time in history – that SCOTUS accepted a petition, but didn’t have a Court case afterwards””

    today are you saying:
    1) that there was/ will be a court case (on the topic in question)
    2) there wasn’t/wont be and this is a historic development – “first time in history”
    3) Your assertion on 12/20 was mistaken

    I cant think of another option

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946313


    “Who do you think dismisses cases – you or the Court?!?”

    The court does. The court doesn’t rule on theoretical cases neither on issues that have not materialized (ripeness) nor on things that already happened, and cant be undone (mootness) in Both of these situations, the court does not issue a judgment. Instead the case is dismissed

    ““provided it does not fall within one of the recognized exceptions””

    Lol! I told you (months ago) that it did. you called me a liar. You only YESTERDAY said that. Way back on 12/20 you said ““Then that will be the first time in history – that SCOTUS accepted a petition, but didn’t have a Court case afterwards””
    I told you then (and many times since) there would be no court case, you called me a liar.
    You did not mention any exception until yesterday.

    Of course time proved me correct. Do you have the resolve to say “Wow Ubiq you were right when you said the curt wouldn’t issue a ruling, I’m sorry I called you a liar” ?
    Lol! of course not. Instead you redefine basic words

    “I think I explained it so well, even a First Grader can understand my posts!!!”

    You do! I understood every word of all that you’ve posted. Do not worry

    Repeating my new questions
    When (if?) Powell settles or loses her court case against Dominion, and either agrees that she lied, or it is ruled that she lied.
    Will you then agree that she lied

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946185


    you wish

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946057


    new question

    When (if?) Powell settles or loses her court case against Dominion, and either agrees that she lied, or it is ruled that she lied.
    Will you then agree that she lied

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1946055

    “Do you have a problem understanding simple posts?!?”


    “She put all her proofs in her Files/Motion.”

    You changed to this position later, at first you insisted (over and over) that she would have a hearing. and that if her case was dismissed it would be the first time in history remeber when yo said this “Then that will be the first time in history – that SCOTUS accepted a petition, but didn’t have a Court case afterwards!”

    It is quite a redefinition of ” a court case” to include a case being thrown out as moot, as coun

    “So either you are too Lazy to read the File”
    read it already

    “Is it because that you have a Lot of Gaiva?!?”

    No. It is becasue I find our discussions fascinating.

    “I tried to explain this before to you – if the SCOTUS decides that a case is Moot – that is a judgment.”

    Yes, I got your new definition of judgment. And I suppose it is also “hav[ing] a court case” correct?

    I’m not sure why you are copying wikipedia. I know what a moot case is, As I told you months (literallly) ado that the case wouldn’t be heard since would be moot.

    There was no judgment and will be none.
    As You correctly quote from Wikipedia …a moot case must be dismissed,…” there is no decision, there is no judgment it is “dismissed”

    See later on in Wikipedia whci h YOU quoted) where they compared t to “ripeness” where it is even more explicit “..that holds that judges SHOULD NOT RULE on cases based entirely on anticipated disputes…”

    The question posed was whether enough evidence to support claims of violations of elections (among other things)
    What did the court decide?
    What will they decide?

    They of course won’t (as I’ve ben saying for months)

    They aren’t “deciding” it is moot. That wasn’t (and isn’t) the question
    The case will be dismissed (because it is now moot)

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1945781


    Putting aside the fact that you are flat out wrong. As there is no defitnion of a case being heard that includes a case being thrown out as moot (can you please provide a source for this new definition)

    That was not what we were disagreeing about.

    I’ll remind you:

    This conversation began with your post 1928872 on 12/15 when you said that Sydney Powell Would prove fraud. I said not to take anything she says seriously since she is a proven liar.

    The lie I identified was that she claimed she would release evidence “soon” and “soon” had already past.

    You redefined “soon” to include at a supreme court case (whenever that may be) putting aside the fact tht NO defintion of soon” includes “at her supreme court case” (this is a recurring theme of yours redefining words instead of just admitting your error, its fascinating really)

    To which I replied, her court case would never be heard

    To which you replied (as late as Jan 7 !!!) that she was still “… going to SCOTUS and I even posted the 2 case numbers here, because you were too Lazy to look for them yourself!” (note NOT that she went already and submitted her briefs, but that there would still be a hearign in the old, ordinary defintion of the word)

    To which I replied, that no her case would never be heard

    To which You called me a liar.
    And as late as Jan 18 still thought Trump had a chance.

    I have to say, I thought when her case is finanly thrown out You’d have to admit that I wasn’t lying when I said her case wouldn’t be heard. Never in a million years did I dream you would go so far as to redefine “case being heard” (See I’m not so smart I can be wrong sometimes)
    Though I’m not sure If I should be impressed or disappointed with your dishonesty

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1945605


    “Btw, this is called a judgment.
    You sure don’t know legal terms!”


    for months the right has been saying that dismissing a case on procedural grounds doesnt count as a judgment . but fine its a juddgement.

    However that was not our disagreement. I told you over and ovver that her case would not get heard, and that she would not be releasing any evidence she claimed she had , making her a liar.

    You called me a liar for saying that.

    I stand by that claim, her case will not get heard. She lied to you

    “I just posted that I was just quoting from the Evangel Xitians.
    They believe that Trump will still be president for 4 more years.
    They think Biden will be removed.”

    yes, and like almost everything you post, that is nonsense.

    “I personally don’t have an opinion either way,”

    Lol Sure you do. And you express your wrong opinion quite strongly, with lots of name calling.

    “But if they end up being right, are you going to Sue Some DemonCrats for Traumatizing Your Hopes?!?”

    what hopes? I’m not traumatized. I dont still harbor any irrational beleiefs that Trump will still win . you have us mixed up again

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1945427


    In case your wondering it was distributed for conference 2/19.

    When case will be thrown out as moot (previous statement was fact, this is opinion (for now)).

    Sydney Powell tricked you.
    I’m curious to see how much she settles her case with dominion for.
    You shopuld try suing her, her lies prevented you from properly processing the elction and reality as late as mid January you thought Trump still had hope, it must have been very traumatizing for you to watch your hope quashed.

    Unless you still think The election will be overturned ?

    in reply to: boycott amazon? #1944260

    Amazon has every right to shut down Parler
    You have every right to boycott Amazon, twitter and Facebook

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943362

    aoish you need both a math refresher and a civics refresher

    The math checks out. In fact it is mathematically possible to lose ALL 19 of thsoe counties by 100% and still win the election (need to win other counties STATES determine electoral winner not counties)

    The President is chosen by the Electoral college. The electoral college voted for Joe Biden on Dec 14 and was certified on Jan 6. These facts are not in dispute.

    in reply to: Democrats are scared of trump! #1943361

    I’m not sure the chidush of this thread.

    Of course Democrats are scared of Trump. He is an unhinged (something many of his supporters agree too!) liar with a lot of support. That is dangerous

    He said it best “I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any support” (parpahrasing)
    That statement is probably true. and It is scary.

    in reply to: Democrats attack our Constitution #1943073


    you seem a bit confused about the constitution
    1. The constituion protects you from the government. Twitter (and YWN) can silence nay view they want. In fact those who oppose this right and insist on usint the government to force Twitter (or YWN) being forced to publicize views that they don’t want to , are in fact agaisnt the 1st amendment

    2. The 2nd amendment for the 1st 2 centuries of its existence was understood as applying to States not an individual. Granted in 2008 this original interpretation was overthrown by 5 activist justices legislating from the bench So currently that is the law and any attempt by Congress to regulate (dont forget “Well-regulated milita” ) will need to conform to that. It is disingenuous to say that the original 200 year interpretation before it was overthrown by what Burger described as a “fraud” is “destroying the 2nd Amendment”

    in reply to: Will trump ever be president again? #1941088


    “I can’t for the life of me figure out how impeaching someone soley to prevent american citizens from having their choice of president isn’t interfering in an election.”

    Here to help!

    There is nothing wrong with “interfering in an election”

    Every time a politician says “vote for me” he or she is “interfering in an election” certainly endorsements from other politicians from newspapers etc is all “interfering in an election”

    Nobody ever said interfering in an election is bad.

    What they did say is bad is FOREIGN interference in an election. The idea being that Americans care best for American interests, and Russians/Chinese/Israelis/Togolese would put their interests first possibly underming American interests. (you can of course disagree with this argument and say there is nothing wrong With foreign interference, but that has nothing to do with impeachment)

    Of course ILLEGAL interference is bad too, such as illegally making it difficult for people to vote .

    But “interfering” in of itself when done legally isn’t really a thing . let alone wrong.

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1940695

    “The burden of proof is [supposed to be] on the accuser,”

    Yes I provided proof. His words that Literally said to “go fight”. that you reinterpret them is without question your right.
    But the proof is there if you want to see it

    In the quote you provided he said “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

    Of course there are other quotes as well “Republicans are, Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder.”

    another one

    “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1940436


    “The way i interpret the above, is that he meant everyone should protest ORALLY with “gevald” in similar fashion as lib’s do, … If you and other lib’s choose to interpret it otherwise, that’s your opinion,”

    That’s great that you interpret it that way. And as I told DY in a court of law he can probably claim thats what he meant

    But You an I are not the only ones who heard (read) the speech. His supporters many of whom DID FIGHT heard it too. how did THEY interpret it. and is fighting a reasonable interpretation of “go fight” ?



    “…is no less hashkofically flawed to state a future event as if it is fact. I agree that it is incredibly more likely, but it’s still hashkofically wrong to state it like a nevuah.”

    Thats silly. If I tell you don’t drop the glass it will break, don’t forget to charge your phone it will die. There is nothing hashkaficly wrong wit that. Yes you are technically predicting the future, but we know how the world works, glass breaks when it hits floor phones don’t work when they lose charge. similarly Elected presidents get sworn in on inauguration day

    “but I’m not being fair to him if I don’t bother to consider the “facts” he’s asking us to look at”
    There is no fact that he mentioned to “look at”

    “Stop with your Kefira. I didn’t say I believe the Goyishe Prophets.”

    you did on more than one occasion, quoting them as a way to hedge your bets.
    You think Trump has a chance becasue “goyish prophets” claim he does

    To be fair I assumed you were joking, but don’t claim you didn’t say it

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1940432

    “Are you saying that they won’t give a Judgment?”

    Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying (and have been for > 2 months)

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1940164



    did you really write both of these statements :

    “You have a very serious problem with any reality.”
    “‘Do you mean you think Trump will get sworn in Jan 20 2021?’ – I have no idea.”

    Amazing stuff!

    Well I have an exact idea of what will happen next, and I don’t lie.

    The case “pending” doesn’t mean anything

    On Jan 20 (tomorrow) it will certainly be irrelevant (arguably it was irrelevant on Jan 6 or even Dec 14 (this is one argument made by the City of Detroit and the Governor in their briefs )

    This is why they were hoping for an expedition, it was denied.

    The case will not be heard.

    I’m sorry you have been relying on Goyishe Prophets. you really shouldn’t. youve been lied too, and sadly you can’t even see it.

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1940101

    “Look – I told you many times that the Goyishe Prophets …”

    I don’t care about Goyishe prophets

    You have said On more than one occasion, that she would have her case heard by the Supreme court . you called me a Liar when I said she wouldn’t .

    I’m curious if YOU have changed your mind.

    It sounds like you haven’t “but I don’t count them out – that they aren’t telling the Truth!”

    Do you mean you think Trump will get sworn in Jan 20 2021?

    I did see a report from Q that biden was arrested and his face switched with Trump, so that “Biden” who will get sworn in on Jna 21 is actually Trump. Thsi is why he will stutter alot becasue Trump is adjusting to biden’s voice . Is this your view?

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1940041


    “And why not?”

    They won’t as I’ve been trying to tell you for months.

    Even if someone was in denial until now. That denial should be gone. The Supreme court doesn’t hear cases that are moot, ie theoretical cases with no practical ramification (Article III section 2 of the constitution limits court’s scope to “cases & controversies” . Any election litigation is now theoretical Biden won (even if unfairly) There is a zero percent chance that the case will be heard.


    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1939986


    Got it
    so you still think they’ll hear it.

    in reply to: Re: Election Fraud, How would we know? #1939864

    The short answer is “We” wouldn’t. None of us (at least most of us) Do not have the the ability to investigate claims ourselves. Sure We can see a lcip claiming to show Discarded ballots for Trump as “proof” that those were illegally discarded or accept the explanation that those were improperly filled out therefore discarded, bu t none of us really know.

    The longer answer is to put all the facts together and come to the more reasonable conclusion:

    Scenario A. A President whose approval rating has never crossed 50%, who “oversaw” the deaths of hundreds of thousands in a pandemic that he admitted to have downplayed (if he was actually responsible for deaths is irrelevant) , where most economic markers are worse than when he started office (Not necessarily his fault), actually lost the election as was predicted by almost all polls going into the election. and in order to save face, as he said “I Don’t lose well” alleged fraud took place as he said he would before the election took place both in 2020 AND in 2016 as well as in primary races he lost.


    Scenario B. The Democrats coordinated efforts to steal 6 states elections, but left the Senate in deadlock (not to raise suspicion I guess) lost seats in the house. Trump’s AG, head of election cybersecurity, as well as many Republican appointed judges not to mention most senators and congressmen, As well As Republican officials in those stolen states are in on to too.
    Trump of course knew the election was being stolen, yet Inexplicably instead of hiring real lawyers to litigate these cases, perhaps people who specialize in election law (Like Gore and Bush did during a real case) Trump chose to hire incompetent Showboaters who are great and talking big but clearly were not going to deliver

    Is scenario B POSSIBLE? of course!
    is it more likely ? of course not

    in reply to: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? #1939857


    “She is going to SCOTUS and I even posted the 2 case numbers here,”

    As I told you over and over she isn’t going to the Supreme court- Her motion to expedite was denied on Jan 14

    To which you replied “Ok – she isn’t Lying – You are! Now why would you lie? Are you Afraid she’ll win those cases?!?”

    Do you still think a court case will take place? Or are we witnessing history in the making ““Then that will be the first time in history – that SCOTUS accepted a petition, but didn’t have a Court case afterwards!”” ?

    Now granted she will be sued for the lies she told (that you fell for) Though I doubt a court case will take place there either, she will probably settle.

    You may have seen the apology from Right wing American thinker:

    “American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on www. AmericanThinker .com that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

    These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.

    It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error. ” *

    I’m so sorry you had to find out this way. I know how deeply you beleived her eyes and were hoping things would turn out different, and hoping that her obviously blatant lies would be true.

    Maybe Secret Supreme court will still hear her case?

    (* note no copyright violation 1) because I am telling you what I am quoting, if I pretended it was may own it MAY be copyright violation, 2) a small Quote like this is protected under “fair use”)

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1939801

    “…, and never mind the gross election fraud. … the so-called “non-proof” of fraud wouldn’t hold up in a real court”

    Lol, Trump (and his goons) tried in court! and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and a few more times

    “When people have their minds set, they’re often set in stone.”

    Truer words have ever been spoken

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1939800


    “Syag, thanks for taking on ubiquitin’s response, as i couldn’t tackle it!”

    she didnt sorry to let you down
    Here is my response again

    “Seriously though they aren’t interested in debate. and we dont need them:
    I provided quotes and context.
    If you think when Trump said “Go fight” he meant a friendly pillow fight say so. IF you think he meant “Go right ” (ie towards the lincoln memorial) but his word slurring tendency make it sound like “Go fight” say so. I’m trying to understand what you think he meant:”

    (note “seriously though”, the pervious part wasn’t serious)

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1938788

    Thanks Flowers, DY, and Avram

    I was confused by some of the accusations.

    That isn’t to say I am completely innocent of cranking up the rhetoric further (I’m not)

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1938781


    “wrote suggesting that if someone wants privacy then theh must be doing or saying something wrong.”

    I did not mean to suggest that.
    and your bathroom analogy is getting me confused again. My question was NOT about the desire to “take back” something that was said. We have all (at least most) been there. Nor about the need for privacy. My confusion was when you said that 80% of what you text are things that you later want to “take back”
    worth noting , that if a person spends 80% of his time in the bathroom something is wrong. That doesn’t make him a bad person, and I am not judging. A doctor MAY be able to help, but should definitely be consulted.
    similarly if 80% of what a person texts are things he later regrets, that isn’t typical. Again it isnt “bad” but something is atypical. That is what prompted my question. I couldn’t imagine why a person wanted to retract so much of what was said

    You response answered it, now I see

    “-then why is it ok to request it for a picture but not message isn’t it the same concept?”
    Pictures are different for several reason
    (Note not all these differences apply to all texts vs all pictures just generally speaking)
    1- Text that you sent – by definition – was wit h your consent. If you later regret it that is “your problem” not mine , as opposed to a picture we I take where you look “unflattering” you never agreed to the picture in the first place
    2- You cant control how you look in picture maybe you were scratching your nose and from angle looks more embarrassing , certainly a person should delete that and wouldn’t be weird for someone to ask . Text YOU composed you have no one else to blame (I’m not sure that this is different than #1)
    3- Picture is unmistakably you. Thus You “own it” more than words which even if I were to forward it would lose their connection to you .
    4- Pictures have a tendency to live on, words are typically forgotten about. I cant imagine someone scrolling back to laugh at the time so-an-so was constipated. If they dont look for it they wont find it. Pictures get saved in album, often transferred to cloud, and live on on a computer pop up when google reminds you of this day 8 years later etc etc

    If you don’t think any of these differences are real, thats ok to of course.
    The gist is the same. In both cases you cant FORCE them to delete it and in both cases they should delete it

    “I don’t see what the big deal is or why someone would get offended.”

    Its not a big deal, and I dont think people would get offended, it is just “odd” ie atypical. I text 20 people daily probably another 30 people I “chat” with in groups. I can recall 1 time someone asked to delete something that was sent and a handful of times that a message was deleted from the group. It isnt typical that things are later deleted. and certainly not near 80% (for most people) which is what prompted my question

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1938675


    Since you so patiently addressed why you want 80% of your text s deleted .

    I will answer some of your questions although not addressed to me.

    “Now do you understand the concept of how some things are meant to be momentary but we use texting which is a great way to send material, but the drawback is that its saved.”

    YOU have to understand the concept. WE all get it. Once sent you cannot retrieve it period. If you want it to be “momentary” do not text it.

    YES You cCAN ask people to delete it ( Though ” Would that also be an “odd” request on your part to ask them to delete it? ” – unquestionably Yes )

    and nice people would oblige your request. But they don’t have to as you correctly point out “which I can see is a bit intrusive”

    “Personally I dont like clutter. That includes digital clutter which includes conversation and messaging threads. So I basically delete messages daily. Thats one reason”

    That has nothing to do with other people’s deleting.

    “Would it be odd for you to request that they delete a picture in which you dont look too flattering, or at least crop you out?”
    YEs, though not as odd (depends on how unflattering) Though I dont think its odd to ask them not to send it around, regardless if they are decent person they wouldnt send around such a picture and would delete it.

    I’m sorry I upset you (though I’m still not quite sure what it was) I hope we can be friends again

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1938668


    “quite simple, ubiquitin wanted to share with us that he can only think dirty.”

    for the life of me I don’t understand how you got that from my question.

    I asked “why is t 80% of what you are saying stuff that you wouldn’t want a record of?
    Even 20% seems like too much””

    When I first saw your question, I thought back to maybe 2 texts over the course of a year that I wanted retracted. considering I text multple times daily (aside from Shabbos and Y”T) Your question related to < 1% of things I texted.

    I didn’t reply, because Flower’s points seemd so obvious (namely if yo uwant people to delete it they should but they don’t have to, they dont belong to you)

    I asked my question when you said that 80% of what you want to text are things you had to withold if they wont be deleted. This baffled me. So I asked what you were referring to.

    You answered in a needlessly hostile and angry way. Though you did answer. so thank you.

    in reply to: Bracha for Covid-19 vaccination #1938645

    “that’s kind of like a Reform-Judaism type of thing to do, Shehechianu for nearly anything and everything (a birthday, an anniversary, a new job, a graduation etc). It certainly cheapens the beauty and rarity of the bracha.”

    I dont care for calling the desire to thank Hashem for something reform.
    First of all The examples You cite are rare, birthday, anioversary is once a year each. And most people Don’t get new jobs or graduate often. None of thsoe would cheapen the beauty or rarity of the beracha.

    That said, like everything in our lives there are halachos. There is siman in shulchan Aruch OC 223, 225 with halachos of when the beracha is made, including buying new clothes , “keilim” , house and of course fruit. (I didn’t see mention to try to avoid eating too many fruits in order not to cheapen the beracha, in fact the opposite is true many have the minhag on Tu Bishvat to seek out fruit to make shechiyanu)

    As to whether the vaccine qualifies as “keilim chadashim” or “good news” is a fair question. Most poskim said no, a few say yes.

    as always speak to your LOR

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1938334

    “Ugh, why did this conversation turn nasty?”

    I don’t know either.
    But it did help me understand the op , his question , and why 80% of his texts are things he doesn’t want a record of

    in reply to: terrorist coup mob unable to fly #1937959

    While those who attacked the Capitol have only themselves to blame (the fact that they were incited doesn’t absolve them).

    The public shaming and ridicule rubs me the wrong way.
    They committed a crime (allegedly, there have been wrongful arrests in the past and people have been placed on no-fly list wrongly) , that is between them and The FBI who do they need to be videotaped ? and publicly mocked .

    The LEft is very bad when it comes to this public shaming

    Reminds me of medieval public executions. I don’t like it


    keep dreaming. not going to happen

    in reply to: Food Fight #1937850


    “The chosson’s father said he agreed that it’s a good idea, and that they should split it. The kallah’s father responded that he will pay the two thirds line the rest of the chasunah.”

    Lol DY I KNEW there was some catch with this thread. I assumed it was some mashal that I coudlnt put y finger on.

    IT was far better!
    Nicely done

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1937720


    ” Wait I thought I was a ” such a tzaddik ” – ya so you thought”

    YOU said I was “such a tzadik”

    “No you silly silly person I was just giving you examples of normal conversation in which a person ”

    It isn’t normal that 80% of your conversations involve troubled relationships

    “Since you can only imagine that non tznius topics would be the only reason. ”
    Um again, no that was your suggestion

    ” So I had to make it clear.”

    you’ve made it crystal clear. I have no more questions for you on the subject. Thank you for taking the time.

    all the best

    I sincerely hope that Your relationships, constipation and all that may ail or trouble you get resolved bekarov

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1937654

    “What if you discussed a medical issue which you didn’t want recorded.”

    I wouldnt text it. And that is very rare maaaaaaaaybe 2% of things I text?

    “What if you were constipated and we’re embarrassed of having it recorded and remained in a chat history.”

    I cant imagine ever texting about being constipated. And I don’t get whats embarrising about being constipated

    “What if you were feeling very low and in a negative mood and shared which you didn’t want on record forever.”

    Ok this makes sense I guess. thanks for your answer

    “What if you had a relationship issue and needed to get something off your chest for the moment and didn’t want it there forever.”

    80% of what you text?

    “Should I go on? ”
    no, thats ok. 80% of the time You text about what a low place you are in. That makes sense given your wildly rude reply .

    “I bet in your dirty mind you thought the 80% of the conversation was something non tznius”
    Interstign that you went there . Wait I thought I was a ” such a tzaddik”

    “Thanks for projecting your own thoughts on us.”

    who is Us?

    So to sum up 80% of what you text is abou tmedical issues, being constipated , low mood, relationship issues and occasionaly somehting not tznius.

    Thanks for your detailed reply .

    I get it now

    in reply to: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… #1937595


    I don’t really understand this topic which is why I didn’t comment
    flowers 3 points are all true and obvious .

    What piqued my interest was
    “You can be careful with everything you send but then you will have to leave out 80% of what you actually needed to talk about. ”

    why is t 80% of what you are saying stuff that you wouldn’t want a record of?

    Even 20% seems like too much

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1937593

    Ywn judy

    “Be that as it may, they’re intellectually analytical, and they dispute the claims of incitement.”

    Lol. Limbaugh and Levin are the opposite of intellectually analytical.

    For example while I didnt listen to Limbaugh on THIS topic I have it on good authority that he “pointed out that [the lib media hardly ever, if at all, air the actual speech Trump made at the protest, and that’s because accusations in their own wording have more propagandist impact].”

    I know crazy to think that a human would complain that a speech that incited violence wasn’t broadcast more ! But thats how unintellectual Limbaugh is. He totally would say something that silly.

    Seriously though they aren’t interested in debate. and we dont need them:
    I provided quotes and context.
    If you think when Trump said “Go fight” he meant a friendly pillow fight say so. IF you think he meant “Go right ” (ie towards the lincoln memorial) but his word slurring tendency make it sound like “Go fight” say so. I’m trying to understand what you think he meant

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1937591

    The shady

    “Your quotes from before, even as out-of-context as they are, don’t come close.”

    I agree, they do not come close. “Go fight” is faaaar more direct than “take care of that guy”
    Take care of that guy, someone who didndt know the context could make a mistake and not recognize the incitement. With Trump it is much easier, he was far more direct.

    Obviously context matters too, if a deli owner tells guy at counter “take care of that customer” and the guy kils him, obviously the deli owner isn’t guilty though he used the same expression as the mafia boss
    SO you can yell up and down that the mob boss who said “take care of him” said nothing wrong. Without knowing the full context though, you’d be wrong.

    Now while You dismissed my explanation, but you didn’t explain what he meant. When he told the crowd that had been manipulated into thinking there was still something that can be done to change the election, that they should go to the Capitol “be strong” “fight like he[ck]”

    Can you explain what he meant (that was nebach so misunderstood by many of the rally attendees, several of his supporters, cabinet members, and GOP senators) what DID he mean?

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1937584

    “Do you think that the Lib Politicians bear some responsibility for the Presidential Election to be Stolen?!?”

    Can you provide a politician who told thousands of supporters to go out and steal the election?

    Otherwise I don’t understand the connection

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1937548

    BTW Shady

    When a mob boss tells his underlings “Take care of that guy”

    Do you not think he bears, at least some, responsibility for their actions.

    Granted legally he may have plausible deniability (“I meant buy him a birthday cake! not kill him!”) which was DY’s question. But obviously he bears some guily


    Sounds like youv’e been through rough stuff wishing you refuas hanefesh and refuas haguf

    in reply to: Telegram vs whatsapp #1937479


    From my limited time there that is unquestionably true there is a feature that allows you to find people nearby with telegram. sure you can turn it off so yo ucant be “found”

    but you, or anyone wit hthe app, can turn it on, and find or be found by anyone nearby and share whatever you want (or dont want)



    IMPORTANT – READ THIS: Should We Be Leaving WhatsApp?

    in reply to: Would Mike Pence pardon Trump? #1937473


    ““Incitement charges” for what? What incitement. Please do quote.”

    quotes were provided on the other thread.

    You ignored them, you are of course free to keep believing whatever you want

    If you aren’t interested in quotes don’t pretend you are

    in reply to: Telegram vs whatsapp #1937266

    I don’t fully get it
    I switched to Telegram too why?
    do we think this free messaging app is doing it out of pure chessed and isnt interested in our data?

    Is it just to show Zuckerberg whose in charge (don’t get me wrong I’m all for that) ?

    in reply to: What incitement?? #1937265


    ” He did not think to much…He just did not think so deeply…”
    so you agree he is dumb. that could be but that doesn’t change the reality of what happened .

    whether he has a din shoteh, that could be, All the MORE reason to enact the 25th amendment or impeach.

    The shady

    “Again, from all the news sites out there, can anyone, anyone, find these news sites actually quoting Trump with any incitement to violence??”

    I provided quotes. Note ote “your quote” these aRe Trump quotes.
    I know it is shocking to think The President encouraged his followers to go to congress and “fight” but that is literally what he did. “walk down to the Capitol…fight much harder…”
    sure you can ignore them, but don’t keep asking as if you are interested in replies

    “Expression of free speech.”

    seems you didnt listen to the speeches. That was not mentioned by anybody as far as I can recall.
    I listened to several speeches and Read most of them.
    Strange to have a rally where the reason for the rally isnt mentioned, isnt it?

    in reply to: The fat lady has sung #1937241


    “in your prev post to me you say “nah this isn’t a deadline not so sure what this is saying.”
    now reread post 930315.”

    Great question! keep asking. dont forget Lo habayshan lomad.

    There is no deadline Trump can bring evidence whenever he wants (post 1936857)
    Trump never had any evidence it was all a charade*
    with me ?

    Now some supporters were hoping that he had evidence. different supporters had benchmarks that THEY created by which it would be apparent to them that there was no evidence (something most new almost right away).
    Note these benchmarks or “deadlines” are not legal ones . They are benchmarks or deadlines by which he would have supplied evidence* if he had any or as I wrote in post # 930315. “There is a spectrum of how long people are willing to hold on to the fantasy that he can. some gave it until the Electoral college (a reaosnable benchmark as outlined above) others are giving it until Jan 6 still others until JAN 20. others even after that.”

    Perhaps you do well with mesholim.

    You invite your friend for Shabbos Lunch you tell him We start the meal 11:00 but come whenever. now this friend is a bit flaky and he has a tendency not to show up.
    11;00 He doesnt show- you say well he certainly wont be on time lets give him some time
    your wife says He never comes he’s not coming
    11:30 People who davened at his minyan pass by your house
    your son says, forget it hes not coming
    You say no give him time theres no deadline of 11:30
    your wife says He never comes he’s not coming
    2:00 You’re done your meal deciding if you should go to mincha
    your daughter says meal is over, hes not coming
    You say no give him time there’s no deadline of 2:00
    your wife says He never comes he’s not coming
    6:00 Youve made Havdolah
    you say ok I guess he isnt coming
    your wife says yes I told He never comes
    of course some wil lstill say maybe the supreme court will bring him.

    Now. Was there A Deadline” by which he had to come, in one sense No. The meal starts at 11:00 maybe he’s running late. but on the otherhand everybody has there own benchmark by which THEY HAVE given up hope. You son isnt dumb for thinking that he would have come by 11:30 , althoug h you never told him He had to come then same for your daughter at 2:00

    Hope this helps**

    *Note Never had evidence, or the courts weren’t interested in evidence, or never had enough evidence are practically speaking all the same for this thread

    ** No mashal is perfect don’t get to caught up in it ITs supposed to make it easier for you to understand If it isnt helping forget it.

    (also note: There are other reasons that make Dec 15 important too like faithless electors, and that legally I’m not sure it can be overturned even if was in errror, but I’m not sure about this last point, and the first more obvious point is giving you such a hard time it is probably best we steer clear of more advanced stuff) youve been ignoring too like faithless electors (other than the Clintons which is one point youve been write about See you can say smart things! Don;t be so hard on yourself they were unlikely to vote for Trump I grant that)

    “this time it really is my last time”

    all the best!
    and refuah sheleimah to your stomach, but don;t neglect your blood pressure either

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