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  • in reply to: Please explain Ivermectin #2005115

    I don’t know the answer to your question, but I’m not sure how relevant that is. There are lots of medications regarding which we are not sure the exact mechanism. If the data supports them working then they work and if not not.

    Tylenol (acetinominophen) is one of the most widely used drugs out there, yet its exact mechanism of action is unknown. I don’t think that is an argument not to use it .

    One thing that bugs be though is the incessant description of Ivermectin as a “horse pill” It is FDA approved for humans (though not for Covid-19) It shouldn’t be used because data doesn’t support its use not because it is a “horse pill”
    (Of course horse doses and formulations are “horse pills”)

    in reply to: Comedian in Chief #2005116


    ” are people who are happy the war is over feeling that it justifies the Taliban takeover or are they just stating it as two separate points”

    The two are synonymous. It is clear at this point that The war wouldn’t end without a Taliban takeover. If 20 years and billion of dollars couldn’t prop up the Afghanistani govt it is a bit silly to think just a few more years or just a few more billions, we can still turn this around.

    So the choices are:

    Indefinite war
    end the war and let the Taliban take over

    I think a reasonable argument can be made for both views .

    However there is no ending in which the war ends without a Taliban takeover . so the answer to your question “are people who are happy the war is over feeling that it justifies the Taliban takeover” is yes, by definition.

    in reply to: wearing a yamulka in a professional setting #2005049

    “It’s convenient to ignore logic and go after ad hominem attacks instead…”

    Lol. Is a great summary of most of your posts.

    Take a look at this thread.

    The OP asked a simple question:

    “Question was raise about wearing a Yulmulka in a business setting, I think this is more a generational issues vs a hashkafa issue, the younger generation feeling more comfortable wearing a yalmuka in busniess setting,”

    He clarifies “I am not asking about the halachik angle of this,”
    meaning the wasn’t cooking for a halachic stance. It could be that all who do not wear a yarmulka are violating all 613 mitzvos with every breath and chayiv al 4 misas beis din. That in no way changes his question.

    Sure its fair to point out that they are reshaim (if you believe that to be the case) or to offer possible reasons for why the shift took place (Satmar influence for example)

    But the question is a fair one
    If you don’t think his question is relevant (“of what relevance is there to note how someone or another feels about it?”) ignore it. I find many threads irrelevant, I ignore them. There is no law that requires you to hijack every thread with your “look how much frummer I am”-hangups, save it for your therapist

    As to the OP
    It does seem to be a generational divide more so than a “frumkeit” divide. I know several older doctors who do not wear yarmulkas at work while younger (even more modern ones) do.

    in reply to: Piyutim at the end of slichos. #2005010


    “ll our tefilos, including selichos are critical to our very existence.”

    Do yo uhave a source for this statement? I would love to see a source that saying every selicha is critical to our very existence.

    It seems to be against an explicit Mechaber in the very first siman in Shulchan Aruch “Tov me’at tachanunum im kavana me’harbos be’lo kavana”

    in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2004613

    It is easy to be frummer, it is much harder to be frum.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2004552


    “-no, only your comments are”
    True, though not “only”

    “dont be sneaky, Rav Kanievsky is a tzaddik so the answer is obvious. The problem is they are giving him wrong or at least one sided information and manipulating answers I’m sure.”

    I’m not being sneaky. If he’s wrong he’s wrong I dont think he is an expert in vaccines, and certainly can be misled by wrong information.
    However you characterized the vaccine “debate” as good vs evil. Exact quote: “This is the final war and it’s a war on humanity. Good versus Evil.”

    That, I have a harder time accepting. R’ Chaim Kanievesky falls squarely in the Pro-vaccine side of the “debate” . The fact that you think he was misled, and that you can see things clearer than he can doesn’t change that. Are yo u saying he was misled to join the forces of evil?

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2004224

    “Even YouTube comments on both right and left wing news ”

    Yes YouTubecomments always a solid bastion of reasonablefor thinking

    “This reality has changed and it will become difficult If not impossible to find truth”

    Especially if you’ve already decided what truth is, and are just looking for opinions that support your narrative.

    Earlier yiu said this was a fight between good and evil. I asked you this before which side would you expect R Chaim Kanievsky to be on?

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003955

    “Prepare for a whole new list of restrictions in the coming month”
    Absolutely right!

    prepare by getting vaccinated

    Thank you for the encouragement

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #2003890


    “ubiq, tochacha is a chiyuv regarding any aveira. Your being able to ignore the aveira by simply not engaging in it, doesn’t absolve you from your chiyuv to give tochacha. And the obligation is upon every Jew.”

    absolutely right! Thats why I’m giving you tochacha…

    You, on the other hand, are not. 1) for all you know none of the transgressors are here, and 2) no aveira took place.

    You need to work on yourself, take my tochacha to heart do teshuva, learn more, as you know so little about most topics you comment on (present thread included). Spend less time looking for faults in other see the good, work on your ayin Tov, work on your honesty.

    It isnt too late! take this opportunity to be a better person try to “turn over a new leaf” as Rosh hashana approaches .

    Best wishes for a kesiva vechasima tova

    You are most welcome for my heartfelt tochacha, I know how much you appreciate it

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #2003800


    “if anyone’s hocking a kup, it’s people who come with reform-esque innovation and then get upset at people who dislike mesorah being trampled on”

    I don’t think you know what hocking ah kup means. And there’s Noone here (as far as I know) who started this,reform esque innovation nor is there anyone here who cares about mesora (nor for that matter is anyone trampling your Mesora , frolicking selichos aren’t your cup of tea? Me neither ! don’t go problem solved this isn’t some aaveira that requires your tochacha)

    All there is is a trouble maker looking to stir machlokes. Nothing more nothing less .

    I agree completely with your last paragraph.

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #2003784

    “They didn’t do this in Europe ”

    Didn’t do what? Waste their time pre selichos hocking ah kup online?

    Probably true though don’t you worry, I’m sure there were drey kups wasting time then too

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003341


    “You have drifted from the Covid discussion to a general anti-vaccination or anti-medical establishment discussion. It so seems that target wasn’t really Covid treatments or the Covid vaccine as this thread initially indicated, it was an attempt on furthering your anti-vaccine agenda.”

    In my experience it always is. I’ve had many many discussions with anti-vaxxers, minds dont get changed. Thats becasue they are coming from emotion not reason, its like the recent thread on boycotting German products, it is an emotional thing, you cant use facts or reason to change thier mind.

    sure they occasionally say, I’m just asking questions , why is everybody afraid to discuss it. In my experience it always always ends this way.

    discuss if you enjoy it, but if you think you’ll change minds you are wasting your time .


    “”Yes, only Hashem can save us. This is the final war and it’s a war on humanity. Good versus Evil.”

    Since you are dragging metaphysical gibberish into the cholent; Which side is R’ Chaim Kanievesky on? Good or Evil?

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003184

    “Patents since the 1980s for work on the coronavirus gain of function here in the US, pharmaceuticals involved in production of the coronavirus vaccine for decades before coronavirus”

    Great! So it wasn’t too quick. now you can get the vaccine, without worrying that it was developed too quickly!

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003163


    “Avi and ubiq, you each attempted to rebut one point out of Avira’s 25 detailed points.”

    I did not attempt to rebut anything. Nor will I

    This is not a topic that interests me.
    I just found his self importance funny especially when mixed with misplaced priorities. I found the “shtuch” that “MO people are very into business honesty” very amusing.

    If you don’t find it funny. That fine, hopefully you can see how one might find it funny. IF you cant even see that, that’s fine too

    If you dont think its true, again thats fine too, though he said it not you.

    “the strong taainas Avira presented in his other 24 points.”

    I must have missed them, sorry.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003131


    “The scary part is that Bill Gates warns of a new pandemic after COVID-19 which will be much worse and we are not prepared for it. Wow, really?”

    No that is nt the scary part. The scary part is that in spite of these warnings, people don’t listen. Then when it happens, in stead of saying “Wow you were right, maybe we should listen next time” you say “Well I guess that means you caused it”

    Same holds true for Weather like superstrom Sandy, Scientists have warned fo years that New York was going to have such a storm. It happened does that mean they caused it?

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003080

    “bentched outside, and never returned to that sin-agogue.”

    You should. “The rabbi said that chazal talk a lot more about honesty in business than they do this issue. Apparently preaching to the choir (MO people are very into business honesty) ”

    The Rabbi was right. And definitely being into business honesty is more important than being into other’s people’s Torvalds marriage
    Its the very first question youll be asked in the olam haemes. Return its not too late. It’s confusing thst you think “MO people are very into business honesty” is a bad thing

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2002268

    “medicine and once you have the qualifications, you can practice”

    So if I have the qualifications and can’t be bothered to apply for license. Or am unwilling to pay. If the government says I can’t practice is that infringing on my rights?

    I can not buy food without wearing pants. Is that infringing on my rights?

    “Who said you have a right to practice medicine”

    You. We are discussing. Rights you claim forcing you to accinations infringes on your rights. I asked what right.. you Said right to buy food. I pointed out how this right is not being infringed you can still buy all the food yiu want just vaccinate first. (I also pointed out 2 other reasons why this claim was nonsense).
    You then compared it to practicing medicine.

    I mentioned I don’t really understand the connection. Since we are discussing rights I assumed you were presenting it as a right. Otherwise I don’t get the connection.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2002183

    “Number one you are completely ignoring the 1905 Jacobson v Mass which all the pro vaxxers try to bring up, I included this in my post and proved that he wasnt forced to vaccinate at the end and the court case was about paying a fine since he refused the vaccine.”

    I dont get this. I am ignoring a case other people brought up that you think is relevent to my point?
    whats your question for me.

    My question for you is simple:
    you say you are worried about ” being shunned from society and have all his rights taken away from him.”


    You mentioned the right ot purchae food.

    Yet you concede that “for the time being” tnobody took this right away. So stop hocking a kop.

    (nevermind the fact, that I’m not sure the U.S recognizes this right, so it doesnt really exist AND nobody is suggesting taking it away, you just need to be vaccinated much like you need to wear pants to buy food)

    “““Driving is not a necessity ”
    1) In my isolated town it is”

    -Then get a drivers license”

    If I cant do something because of MY choice. That isnt my right being taken away. Just get a driver’s license! Agree completely.

    similarly just get vaccinated.
    nailed it!

    I dont understand your practice medicine post “With your ideology you should also have a right to practice medicine without a license ”

    No. There is no “right to practice mdciine”
    I could be the best doctor in the world. Maybe I was even trained in the top University. If I dont apply for an get a license I cant practice medicine. period. This is not a violation of my rights.
    Both because there is no right to practice medicine AND just apply for a license and practice.

    Even if you cant buy food if not vaccinated (which isnt a thing) I still wouldnt be a violation of your rights (though again don’t think the US recognizes such a right)
    Just get vaccinated.

    “You are totally mixing up so many things and drawing for straws.”

    True, because you make illogical statements to further explain your illogical statements.

    When asked what right is being violated.
    You replied with a right that doesn’t exist AND isn’t being violated (as you concede) AND even if you had to be vaccinated to buy food that still wouldn’t be a violation of said right just get vaccinated.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2002083


    “and we don’t know the long term effects of these “vaccines”.”

    1) How long of a time frame would satisfy you to consider it safe?
    2) I can’t think of anything that has a “long term” side effect. If I told you I have a headache from a medication I took six months ago, I think you’d dismiss me as a loon. Even if said medication was injected.
    Can you think of anything that taking a small few ml dose or two can lead to effects much later that don’t manifest themselves for a “long time” ?
    (note, I’m not taking about lots of cumulative doses over time. I’m talking about take something now, no problem then months/years later it causes a problem

    I’m also not talking about rare side effects that aren’t discovered until enough people take it )

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2002067


    1) You are free to buy all the food you could possibly want even if unvaccinated .
    2) The United states is not a party to the ICESCR

    “Driving is not a necessity ”
    1) In my isolated town it is
    2) neither a necessity to not being vaccinated (again That is the right you claim, the right to not be vaccinated)

    You don’t like my car example fine.

    Here is another.
    I refuse to wear pants*. If Hashem wanted me wearing pants He would have created me wearing pants. The Government says if I stay home I can keep my pants off. but outside I will be arrested for not wearing pants. I am thus prevented from buying food. Is this a violation of my “rights”?

    (*lashon mealya)

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2002043

    “Doesn’t say the worst that can happen is being shunned from society and have all his rights taken away from him.”

    I asked you this before. what rights? “rights” isnt a magic word that lets you do what you want. For example, there is no right to drive. I live in a small town, there is no food available in walking distance. I did a study and it turns out most drivers who got killed in car accidents had drivers licenses. SO, simple! I refuse to get a drivers license You expect me to carry a death causing card? No way!.

    Yet the state says I am not allowed to drive! Would you believe that? I am basically stuck at home , I cant go to work I cant go get food. What about my rights?

    That is how you sound.

    The only “right” of yours that you can argue is being violated is the “right” to not be vaccinated.
    If you make this claim, you will have to cite chapter and verse where this right can be found. I don’t think it exists, though you could probably use a liberal interpretation of the constitution to support it, as a form of “right to privacy ” But there is no other right of yours being infringed

    (unless you claim not being vaccinated is part of your religion , (though If you are Jewish of course the reverse is true) The right to practice your religion Does exist it is in the first amendment to the constitution. Though worth noting courts have ruled this (like most rights) is not absolute)

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2001792

    Hakatan you are completely wrong

    Hospitals were completely overwhelmed, not just with places to keep patients, but with staffing and equipment as well.

    For example, I did not have enough dialysis nurses not machines nor even catheters to provide dialysis to all those who needed it. I had to choose whether to give shorter treatments to more patients, or full dialysis to fewer patients; and if so which ones, the sicker ones? The ones less sick who were more likely to survive? These are decisions I hope to never have to make again.
    (And ALL these patients had received HCQ + Zinc )

    I have faced several flu seasons, (and more seasoned collegues have faced dozens) nothing came close to this.

    Making matters worse is that Covid-19 causes a severe hypercatabolic state, requiring more dialysis. normally patients who need dialysis get by on Dialysis three times a week. Here I had MORE patients who needed more frequent even daily, dialysis

    in reply to: Loving your spouse #2001477

    While not indicative of a chiyuv.

    One of my rebbeim pointed out as a mashal of the love we have for Hashem (which is certainly a chiyuv) shir hashirim uses the relationship between man and wife .

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #2000496

    ” driving in the faster lane because you have an ez pass is definitely the same as being allowed to live in a society because you were forced to get a vaccine”

    Nope, not the same. But they are much much much more similar than comparing “being allowed to live in a society because you were forced to get a vaccine” to being allowed to live becasue you aren’t Jewish.

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #2000476


    “What’s wrong with robotic appendages?”

    c’mon try to keep up, its part of the modern equivalent of the dor haflaga

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #2000471

    “these dangerous “you to the left, we to the right” set ups ”

    We have those set ups all the time. Fast pass ticket holders this way, first class passengers up front, EZ pass only. There is nothing wrong with separating people to the right or the left.

    (in caps, it is a critical distinction)

    only if it is done by their choice, Differentiating based on Race, gender, etc which hare not choices Like whites to the front, (not to mention the Holocaust), are not remotely similar

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #2000350

    “So you are welcoming in this new world for your own ego without even realizing how much it will affect you as well!”

    How will it affect us as well?
    I already get a yearly flu vaccine (as I recommend you do) So I’ll get yearly covid vaccines too (if indicated) , may be they’ll even be able to combine them? Is that the war on humanity you mention?

    in reply to: Why can’t we TALK??? #1999656


    ” partly because of its evolutionary ability to sift out the garbage”

    The problem is for whatever reason it hasn’t been working. Chazal say people don’t lie if they will get caught. Yet we see this is no longer true. A fellow publicly said by morning of August 13 , Trump would be reinstated. Yet here we are, why put an exact date, he knew nobody would care, will he lose followers ? not many.

    A doctor has said that in 2 years 75% of those vaccinated will be dead. Will he lose credibility in 2023? I doubt it. He publicly and repeatedly lies about NEJM studies, for example he claims a NEJM study shows a increase in miscarriages amount those vaccinated, it didn’t say that but it doesn’t matter. People still quote him as an authoritative source.

    I don’t know how to reverse this trend, but unconstitutionally forcing private companies to provide platform to lies is unlikely to help.

    and given my experience discussing vaccinations in the past, I am very skeptical that if only more public discourse would take place minds would change.

    in reply to: My friend just died #1999498

    I’m sorry at your loss.

    Don’t be mad at the kids. It is a common human reaction to look for someone to blame, it seems a bit misplaced. One, they did the right thing. two It is generally safe to assume they feels the loss of their parent more than one does of a friend

    May you only know besuros tovos

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1999401


    “Now I see why you can’t get find the articles about mRNA transport into the nucleus as I originally did because I can’t find them all these articles either,”

    No, that’s not it.
    Ive been looking since this conversation started over 2 months ago. I too couldn’t find them . you probably made the same mistake you did yesterday, and assumed “transport in” meant “into” and didn’t actually read the articles. I don’t blame you they are not light reading.

    “It is indeed a pity that I didn’t post my sources when you asked for them”

    It is, though to be clear, I looked then. I didn’t ask you becasue I was lazy

    “It seems like you enjoy reading these comprehensive articles,”
    Its not that I enjoy them, I want to learn more, to know hte truth.

    That said, good job sleuthing and thanks for sharing your finds. As noted in the article the process is quite regulated, and doubtful that it is relevant to our topic.
    But yes it seems that in some cases mRNA can be imported into the nucleus. Thanks for the push to learn more

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1999010


    apologies, I was wrong. carry on the disagreement.

    (though I still think it is a waste of time, since you aren’t making a reasonable/logical argument. It is impossible to argue against emotion using all the logic in the world. )

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998976

    I dont really understand this thread

    Is anyone saying Common saychel is wrong to boycott companies that distress/upset him? (or for any reason for that matter)

    CS is not saying there is a logical reason to boycott as he essentially acknowledges in his second post “do you have any close family memebers who were in the camps or lost family members during the war?” His boycott is driven by emotion.

    There is nothing wrong with that (obviously)

    Similarly, there is nothing wrong with thinking past emotion and not boycotting because it isn’t logical. I dont think CS is saying everybody SHOULD boycott.

    What is the point of disagreement ?

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998969


    A few quick points

    “who doesn’t know that mRNAs can be transported into the nucleus,”

    no shame in not knowing. You cited a article from June 2021 that said it was the first article to ever suggest this. So You cant really fault me for not knowing it can you?

    “I have bought many sources of natural mRNA entering the nucleus…”

    Of the four sources you cited only one said that. And it seems rather limited. And certainly requires further validation

    “Furthermore, DNA and protein are also located in the nucleus so how can we say that for sure the shots DNA or protein don’t enter the nucleus?”

    RNA and DNA are not interchangeable. We are not discussing DNA

    “And some “facts” are plainly understood. ”

    often plainly understood facts are wrong. Ace inhibitors are good for patients w/ hypertension and CKD, ARBs are good as well. LEts give both will be super good! Nope further study showed this wasn’t true. Keep ALL plainly understood facts at the door. (or at least acknowledge that it is your theory and not in fact, a ” fact”)

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998916


    Thanks. I googled. Little came up. Same for you I see

    “PNAS published an article Nov 22 2005 titled “Mechanism of mRNA transport in the nucleus””

    This is on mRNA transport OUT OF the nucleus. As I mentioned several times mRNA is formed in the nucleus (transcription) it is then used to make proteins the cytoplasm (trasnaltion)
    Obviously there is a mechanism to transport mRNA OUT OF the nucleus.

    In fact this undermines your contention (a little). mRNA transport out of the nucleus is quite involved. In the absence of evidence of a reverse mechanism there is no reason to think one exists

    “Pubmed published an article on Nov 2005 titled “Mechanism of mRNA transport into the nucleus””

    I couldn’t find this one, Google brings up the same article you previously cited “…transport in… ” not “into”

    “An article published on viralzone titled “viral penetration in host nucleus” talking about viral RNAs, DNAs, etc pentratrating the nucleus.”

    Yes As mentioned (first pointed out by you I believe Viral mRNA can and does enter the nucleus. This is mostly thanks to various proteins the virus supplies. If you look at the excellent source your provided (thanks!) You will see a nice table listing viral factors and host factors that enables the mRNA to enter. Obviously the vaccine lacks those viral factors, thus yet again yo uhave helped prove that vaccine mRNA DOES NOT enter the nucleus

    “An article titled “Extracellular mRNA transported to the nucleus” published on June 16 2021 on nature .com .”
    Thanks a lot for sharing. This one was a heavy Basic science article. I haven’t read one of those in quite some time. Thanks for the push.

    At first glance it sort of supports what you’ve been saying “This study demonstrates for the first time that mRNA is itself utilized as an intercellular messenger molecule with nuclear functions.” (You are really ahead of the curve this study showed it for the first time and was only published in June 2021! AFTER you predicted it kudos!)
    Sadly, it though it is a bit limited . The study looks at a specific protein ZC3H12D and its antitumor effect in natural killer cells (as I understood it, as mentioned it is pretty advanced stuff, Some of it went over my head). Using this to extrapolate to all cells is a bit of a stretch.

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998843


    “you showed ignorance in telling me that natural mRNAs do not enter the nucleus which is wrong, they certainly do enter the nucleus”

    source please.
    You told me to google it I can’t find anything. Could you please help?

    “You said that these shots do not effect the nucleus of the cell which is wrong, the entire premise of this “vaccine” stands on the fact that it is supposed to “teach” the cell how to respond to the virus.”

    This line doesn’t make any sense. As has been explained to you over and over, Translation (forming proteins using mRNA as a blueprint) takes place in the cytoplasm not the Nucleus (you are confusing translation with transcription which is when mRNA is produced using DNA as a template this takes place in the nucleus) .
    So the way the vaccine works is it injects mRNA encoding for spike proteins into the body. This is not much different than viral mRNA entering the body which does the same. the mRNa is taken up by the cells and spike proteins are produced in the cytoplasm (not nucleus). Once the spike proteins are produced, the immune system recognizes them as foreign, and produces antibodies against them.
    Now you have antibodies against the viral spike proteins

    ” I clearly said it can change the way our bodies naturally respond to viruses that is coded in the DNA.”

    Yes you said that many times. But it is meaningless. It isn’t just that it isnt true. It is pure gibberish similar to the sentence “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” It doesn’t mean anything. There is no natural response to virus coded in DNA, and if there was nothing is being changed.

    “I concede that you are right, they may both travel to the brain, I”

    No concession is necessary. We aren’t arguing. I’m not trying to win (meaning I don’t think I will or can convince you of anything) . You are making statements as if they are fact. You are repeating statements from Anti-smites to support your pre concieved notion.)

    I grant I don’t understand the need to vaccinate those who have had Covid. You will note , I never argued for this in any of my posts. In fact, I don’t think I even argued to support covid vaccines at all (although I certainly support them) Just don’t make stuff up. That is what is infuriating People just lying (on both sides) in support of their position. I don’t get why people can’t resort to support their position without blatant lying. Chazal say people don’t lie if they will be found it. We have stopped beyond that. I have heard a doctor argue that a NEJM article showed an increase in misscariges. The article did not show that at all. Yet he still repeats it with no consequence. That is what I am responding to. Blatant misrepresentation.

    OF course if in fact you have a source for your claim (that mRNA from the vaccine enters the nucleus and can somehow exert an effect on DNA) by all means please share it. If you don’t please stop saying it.

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998574


    ” I believe that…”

    Yes I know what you believe. It is a free country you are free to believe whatever you want.

    I don’t know enough about the long term effects of Covid vaccine boosters to have a strong opinion. but I am always interested in learnign more.

    In your many posts on the subject you have made a number of surprising definitive statements as to how the vaccine works. Most (all?) of these are not grounded in reality or based on fact. Of course it is possible that I have it wrong, and that mRNA can somehow modify DNA, or that vaccien mRNA can travel to places viral mRNA cannot, that is why I ask for sources for these surprising contentions of yours

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998567

    “They said that these gene-based injections cana travel anywhere in the body including to the brain.”

    Thanks, though this is nt what we are looking for. sure there are side effects reported from the vaccine. That was not the question. My question was regarding your surprising contention that vaccine mRNA travels to different parts of the body than viral mRNA.

    There are a number of case reports on CVT due to the covid 19 virus see Tu TM, Goh C, Tan YK, et al. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Patients with COVID-19 Infection: a Case Series and Systematic Review. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020;29(12):105379.

    So while there are documented reports of same after vaccine (you dont need to take the word of an anti-Semite , try to find real sources eg See I, Su JR, Lale A, et al. US Case Reports of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia After Ad26.COV2.S Vaccination, March 2 to April 21, 2021. JAMA. 2021;325(24):2448–2456.) This is NOT an example of vaccien mRNA traveling differently than viral mRNA

    (note your premise is flawed I’m not sure that mRNA needs to travel to the spot where the thrombus forms, but that is beside the point)

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998465


    “These are mRNAs … they travel all over the body to places you don’t want them in, to places the coronavirus doesn’t travel to”

    do you have a source for the statement that the Vaccine’s mRNA travels to places that the viral mRNA doesn’t?

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1998323



    putting words in caps doesn’t make them true.

    see for example :
    Krissy K. Moehling, et al
    A randomized controlled trial of antibody response to 2018–19 cell-based vs. egg-based quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in children,
    Vaccine, Volume 38, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 5171-5177,

    Eun BW, et al
    A Randomized, Double-blind, Active-controlled Phase III Trial of a Cell Culture-derived Quadrivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Healthy South Korean Children and Adolescents 6 Months to 18 Years of Age. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2019 Sep;38(9):e209-e215.

    Also you quoted CNBC ““The CNBC reported on July 30th that 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated.””

    You accidently forgot to quote the more relevant part of the article:
    “Roughly 97% of new hospitalizations and 99.5% of deaths in the U.S. are among unvaccinated individuals,”

    Just to clarify 97% is not the same as all. Yes there are (relatively) few hospitalizations among the vaccinated. Nobody ever denies that. Nobody ever suggested the vaccine (or any vaccine) is 100% effective . In fact the opposite is true. Your comment helpfully points out the need for more to vaccinate. IT isnt just well You are vaccinated so, why do I have to be. Because, again the vaccine is not 100% effective. so the more vaccinated the better.

    in reply to: Boycotting Companies #1998226

    “I don’t really understand the reason for boycotting companies ”

    That’s because you are approaching it wrong.
    It isn’t a rational decision it is an emotional one. And it isn’t about “punishing” the company nor its long dead previous owners, it is about the purchasers feeling uncomfortable driving/using etc said items

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997261


    No benevolent condescension was intended. Thank you for taking the time to explain it

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997152


    “Deblasio announced you need to be vaccinated in order to participate in society starting next month.”
    Got it so no freedoms taken away. Except the freedom not to be vaccinated, but I am not really familiar with this freedom.

    “And yes they have built covid detention camps it was openly on the news.”

    I missed it. Source please?

    “They maybe haven’t used them yet”

    ah so fear mongering. Got it!

    “The ultimate purpose is power and control.”
    That’s it just control for control’s sake?

    “Look up communism and wonder why the leaders never stepped down from their position.”
    I looked it up. Its because they lived well, they took advantage of the system and people to enrich themselves.

    “Notice a pattern?”
    Yes. It isn’t hidden. The goal is to convince everyone. meaning everyone. It isn’t a secret conspiracy you uncovered it is the stated goal.


    I’m sorry I still don’t get it. The Government is encouraging and paying for the vaccines (yes with tax payer money obviously) what are they gaining? Are they getting kickbacks from the pharmaceutical company. Is that the plan? So De Blasio is being paid by the pharmaceutical company to mandate their vaccine?

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #1997066

    Syag, true but I think rightwriter really believes it

    rightwriter, Ive enjoyed your comments many made me chuckle. This one in particular threw me off

    “At first the mask mandate was a conspiracy, then the lockdown was a conspiracy, then the covid passports was a conspiracy, then the vaccine mandate was a conspiracy…STILL a conspiracy? I feel like we are living in a science fiction novel. I guess we will see what happens after the summer as I predicted would get much worse since they cannot control the masses in the heat of summer. Once they start “enforcing” these mandates the store owners wont even have a say it will be city workers at the doors waiting to see your papers.”

    As I skimmed through the thread I assumed it was an opponent pointing out the fallacy in your argument.
    For over a year now, you have been decrying all measures as a “threat” Masks will lead to limiting free speech! lockdowns will lead to people never being allowed to work as they please! You (and those similar minded) have been proven wrong again and again and again, all closed businesses have been allowed to reopen, no Covid detention camps, You are free to continue spouting whatever nonsense you please.

    I’m curious what is the matter now. WHY does the government want you to get a vaccine? Do you believe there is a tracker? Is it to get people sick? Why would they do that? kill people? again why?
    Just control/power for its own sake? With no deeper goal? to what end? What is their ultimate purpose. I don’t get it, help me wake up

    in reply to: House January 6th Commission #1995375


    be careful up there on your high horse

    Especially given this strange balancing act you’re attempting that high up; as you are as bad as the worst TDS out there.

    I know I know like any comment aimed your way this further supports your contention. Pity there are no mirrors that high up

    in reply to: Politicizing kashrus #1993890

    “Should the hechsher be withdrawn if these issues come to light? Or do we consider the hechsher limited to the kashrus of the food?”

    I dont think those are the two exclusive sides.

    There is no question (in my mind) that a hashgacha is not limited to the status of food. nobody would support a hashgacha supervising a place of ill repute , as long as the food was kosher. A hashgacha stamp of approval on an establishment certainly certifies that the “establishment” is kosher. This includes decor , ambiance all of which go into making an “establishment”

    That said. things unrelated to the “establishment” are not the kashrus’s purview. So if the owner cheats on his taxes, while certainly bad, the fact that the store has an OU (or whatever) doesnt mean, they support that. (unless of course the Store is called “Tax cheats and eats” coem get tips how to cheat taxes while havign a delcious lunch. In that case a hashgacha saying we only cerrtify the ood would be wrong)

    Yes, of course there will be examples that are hard to neatly fit into wehter it is in or out of kashrus’s bounds using this metric, but I think it is a reasonabe lrule of thumb.

    I don’t think Ben and Jerrys are defining themselves as an anti Israel company. They are taking “liberal stance” one that I disagree with, but nobody would see a chaf K/OU on their ice cream and think hey I guess the OU views the land as “occupied”

    furthermore, I am a bit worried about the perception of pulling the hashgacha. Kashrus is largely supported by Non-Jew as documented in several recent books (Sue Fishoff’s Kosher nation, Kosher USA and Kosher private regulation in the Age of industrial food all come to mind).
    There is a push among the anti Semites to avoid kosher as it is a “kosher tax” many of them claim as well, that this tax funds “Israeli occupation” If a kashrus orginazation pulls kashrus certification because the company wont support “Israeli occupation” it certainly lends credence to them.

    To be clear: Pulling the certification would not be for that reason, and its not like these groups have much support – yet. It could be a problem later and it rubs me thewrong way.

    That said continuing hashgacha is a bit funny vis a vis the company, here we are boycotting, and publicizing the boycott then “The Rabbi” comes in and says ok lets talk business we are here to certify you as kosher.

    I vote keep hashgacha, but I’m not convinced. Just offering food for thought

    “while ignoring actual genocide of Chinese Muslims and other atrocities?”

    Ben and Jerry’s doesn’t sell in china

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1992439


    I love learning things I have been googling all these phrases for weeks now (Though admittedly I took a break) and cant find any that discusses mRNA transport INTO the nucleus.

    could you be so kind as to provide one such example. You say “There is no one source, there is a mountain of sources ” Surly it is no trouble to just provide one.

    thank you in advance

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1992437


    “As far as bringing into the discussion what came first when to prove my point, so what?”

    It doesn’t prove your point, at all it is completely irrelevant.

    As a reminder to our discussion.

    This was your initial comment
    “DNA produces RNA so the vaccine is affecting and modifying the DNA’s natural response.”

    Whether or not DNA evolved from RNA or was created before or after RNA has exactly nothing to do with your unsupported assertion that mRNA affects DNA (the subject of this thread)

    “I do very much believe in gene therapy as a resort of fighting fatal diseases certainly I am pro gene therapy when the gene therapy stays localized in the area”

    you don’t understand gene therapy. How would it even stay local?

    “My opinions are based on facts even if you don’t agree with them, unlike your supposed “fact” that natural RNAs don’t enter the nucleus which is totally false.”

    would love a source please. I tried googling but I have been unsuccessful, could you please help?

    “Kol shekein I certainly don’t believe in “potential prevention” of coronavirus ”

    That’s a fair distinction.
    Though to clarify, Are you opposed to all vaccines?

    “I believe that every individual should be able to make their own decision regarding getting the coronavirus shot or not.”

    that’s an entirely different discussion, and not one that I replied to

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1992357

    Phil, welcome back

    “As far as me talking about DNA producing RNA, where does evolution come into the picture? Nowhere”

    you are right it has nothing to do with the topic. However you tried to mix it in when you were called out for one of your many factual errors. See your post “There is absolutely an ongoing debate in science which came first DNA or RNA. ” June 21 2021 10:59 AM (I replied later that day )
    similarly, what Hashem created first is completely irrelevant, and is merely a distraction you are throwing in.

    The bottom line is in human biochemistry DNA is not produced from RNA. Period. (Of course with Reverse transcriptase it is possible, but humans do not have this enzyme. Similarly of course there is a disagreement what historically came first but that is not relevant here, your mixing it in is either confusion on your part or dishonesty)

    “There are many doctors and professors in this field who are against this vaccine. There are many doctors who do believe that taking the vaccine is the right thing”

    And that is fine. IF those opinions are fact driven. Many of your comments on this thread have been devoid of fact.

    ” Yes, one should take medication to treat disease but I believe that messing with the human body on a cell level verses targeting a specific disease already in the body or strengthening the immune system through regular vaccines, are completely different things.”

    I don’t understand the difference.

    Are you opposed to gene therapy? immunotherapy? I was not aware these treatments were even controversial they also “mess with the human body on a cell level”

    “Calling people names is what the liberal reshuim do…”


    in reply to: Universal Health care, Obamacare, Managed Care #1989884


    “If you do not define market solution l’hathila, then public sector will take over the whole industry, like it happened with education.”

    That is what I think should happen.
    Because as I mentioned most health care expenditures (and almost all of the procey ones) are not governed by the free market as I mentioned a few times.

    As to why they aren’t implemented I dont know. Trump passed regulations requiring prices be available, are people now choosing different hospials? Are prices coming down? It may be too soon to tell. I just dont believe this will have a major impact . Though I do think its a good idea

    in reply to: Universal Health care, Obamacare, Managed Care #1989859

    Why the name calling?

    why cant you have a normal conversation?

    Especially when we agree “I agreed with you before – we Need a Universal Paying System,”

    Great so we agree!
    alll the best

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