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  • in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956795


    giving all girls dates might not help them ALL get married, and we will cross that bridge when we get there. (My guess is enough guys marry girls their age or older to alleviate the “gap”)

    So you agree chasidim have a “age gap” albeit smaller but no crises. According to your numbers at 4% increase pr year even if 19 year olds are marrying 18 year olds, that should leave 4% of chassidish girls unmarried.

    What you are missing is you are skipping to the end of the process whent he backlog is earlier.

    Shidduchim is a process. A girl/guy wont get married until they o through the ENTIRE thing. You can not skip a step. I outlined the steps before I will do so again:

    a. Shadchan suggests girls to the boys side.

    b. Boy looks into girl(s) and agrees to go out with one

    c. Girl who has been chosen looks into guy and agrees to go out with him

    d. They go out for a few weeks

    e. They get engaged

    f. They get married

    Do you have any quibles with the above outline?

    assuming you dont. In your opinion/experience at which stage is the biggest problem. Obviously this is the first step to determine the cause of the “crises” (Sure their are those who get stuck at each step along the way for example engagements that dont make it to marriage e -> f, but i dont think anybody would say that is where all these single girls get stuck).

    The article you quoted, and I agree, that the BIGGEST (not only) backlog is a -> b.

    What do you think?

    AZ feel free to answer too

    in reply to: Writing and Sniut #953117

    It is fear.

    good luck

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956790


    I am still amused since in an effort to promote this “age gap” nonsense you are now making stuff up. Chasidim are generally older than their wives. Granted not as much as among their Litvish counterparts but older nonetheless. According to the “age gap” theory why wouldnt they have a shiduch crises albeit less than in the yeshiva world?

    Nice try but no cigar.

    hint: Compare the way they date vis a vis the way the yeshiva world dates. There you will find a significant difference.

    Also note that you have yet to address why this “crises” is new. Although if you will resort to making stuff up, Id rather you didnt and just say you dont know.

    I told you I dont know the reality though i am willing to accept that there are more older single girls than guys. This is logical and inevitible and likely not to change since guys have an easier time marrying people younger than they. Age gap or no age gap. thus for example a 30 year old guy is likely to marry any girl in ages 23 – 30 (very rough estimate obviously) while a 30 year old girl has little chance at marrying anybody younger than say 28. (Although obviously anything is possible, here i am discussing liklihood. Thus as they age it gets harder for Girls to marry than for guys thus obviously there will be more single girls.

    You can call it the definition of the crises, it is still wrong as Ive explained.

    while asking if i agree, I’m curious if you agree with the assertion that there are many girls (at all ages) who are having trouble getting dates (I have taken a stance on your observation twice as of this post)

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956788


    a few things first of all are you saying there are 10 times as many girls as guys? Ive heard wild numbers but that would take the cake are you really suggesting 10 boys for every 100 girls?

    also in your world over 5 years are their are no additional people entering the datign pool? My what a strange world you live in.

    On this thread I am strictly discussing reality. In imagination land, sure the “age gap” is the cause of the “shidduch crises” why not. Though Im not sure how much effort it is worth expending to solve a crises that exists in your imagination

    I love how you couldnt answer my simple question regarding chasisim, not surprised but still amused.

    Agreed the goal isnt to get dates. However as i stated at the onset one of the biggest segulas to marriage is dating. If girls arent getting dates they wont get married. Of course getting more dates doesnt automaticly mean they will get married (at that point we can discuss “age gap” but without dates they certainly wont get married. Period.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956781

    AZ, unsure but it is irrelevant.

    If I had to guess I’d say there are more girls (though I and my family know of more boys so I cant be sure) simply because Men tend to marry women younger than they.

    Though as explained at length this has little to nothing to do with the “crises” in its current form which stems from the fact that women aren’t getting dates in spite of the fact that there are plenty available.

    Now your turn to answer a question or 2, why would chassidim not have this “crises” Is it because they marry the the same age or their numbers arent increasing?

    Similarily why the sudden talk of “Crises” which of the above variables changed?

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956773


    Yes exactly!

    however the problem is two fold firstly “If we would all seriously be interested in making a change that would result in more dates for girls” Many people dont realize that there is s problem in girls getting dates they focus on the “age gap” and arent even interested in discussing it. See some early posters on this thread. I have spent a few posts trying to convince DY that there is a problem in getting dates (a prerequisite for marriage)but he is just not getting it and is harping on the “age gap”

    Secondly i think you underestimate the magnitude of the change in equalizing the playing field for boys andgirls. For better or for worse our society has grown very wary of any change, especialy when you can always find a Gemara to make your case. In this situation you will have to overcome “derech shel ish lachzor al isha” as a source taken to mean that girls should be forced to wait patiently until they are chosen by a boy for a date.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956771


    boys arent limited there are always new ones entering the pool, the numbers aren’t stagnant.

    focusing on the numbers is a sham. The numbers have not changed.

    What has changed is the rigidity involved in dating, the amount of research that goes into each date, and limting of venues for boys/girls to meet. The way our shiduch system is set up, the ball is complelty in the guy’s court and the girls are at their mercy. This allows boys to reject girls for inane reasons, read the Yated’s shiduch forum you will find plenty. (example a few weeks ago there was talk of someone rejecting a girl because her father wore blue shirts to work). However becuase it is so rigid and the girl cant really make a move before the boy does, thus out of 112 girls many arent getting dates, and obviously wont get married. Limiting the number of boys wont change that unless some other societal norms are changed.

    Note they dont have to be “left-ward” changes getting rid of dating and just setting up pairing up boys and girls likre chasidim too wold get rid of the crises too. This is why they dont hve a crises. They have the same “age-gap” yet no crises, what they do different is their style of dating, whcih is what we do differently compared to our parents as well.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956767

    AZ a couple of points:

    1) I didnt choose to define the crises that way that is often how it has been presented, see the above lengthy article DY quoted and catch the author doing a bait and switch.

    2) I outlined above shiduchim is a process, a leangthy one at that It goes something lke this “shadchan suggests girl, boy’s side looks into her, Boys side agrees, girls side looks in and agrees, they date, get engaged and married” To analyze the “crises” We have to see where in that line is there an oddity, where are people being left behind? Are the boys not hearing of them? That does not seem to be the case. Most boys I know/knew have long lists of available girls. On to the next step are many girls not being chosen to date? By asking around yes this seems to be where the disparity lies. Some girls have plenty dates while others, to quote the above cited piece, have “relatively infrequent dating” This is the casue of the “shidduch crises” and it cant be explained by “age gap”

    MArrying girls several years younger is not new, increse in population is not new either. The “shiduch crises” is new. Therefore some other new societal changes that did not exist 15/20 years ago have caused this situation.

    in reply to: Celebrating Mother's Day #952522


    hooray so we agree “If she expects a mothers day wish There is a mitzvah deorisa to wish her happy mothers day.”

    change expect to appreceiate, point is the same.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956762


    That is point 8. No problem I’d be happy to elaborate.

    first of If point 4 didnt confuse you you now realize that, if out of 112 girls who have 300 dates available There is still a problem of “infrequent dating.” It is hard to imaging how an even number of girls and boys ie 300 dates available to only 100 girls would significantly later that.

    The “age gap” is built on the premise that marriage occurs 1:1. However dating doesnt . I have dated 18 girls, and I know of others who have dated far more (I am sure you do to. There still are girls who arent getting dates! This can not be explained by any “age gap” There are more than enough dates avalable to all gilrs.

    In other words while the “age gap” may explain why girls aren’t getting married, it does not at all explain why they aren’t getting dates

    Secondly the “age gap” isnt new, yet the “shiduch crises” is. why do you refuse to examine other new societel norms in dating as the potential cause of the “shiduch crises”

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956760

    We have been through this, I know he says that but it doesn’t make sense. note how he switches what he is addressing in his piece he first identifies the problem as “infrequent dating” His mathematical model addresses a “situation in which elements of two distinct sets (think of single men and single women) may be paired in a one-to-one manner (think of marriage)” dating is not done 1:1

    It cant be a result of the gap. I will walk you through it very slowly, please let me know which point confuses you:

    1) dating is a prerequisite to marriage

    2) 100 23 year old boys are trying to date 112 20 year old girls

    3) On average a boy dates 3 girls

    4) That means there are 300 (3x 100) dates available to the 112 girls.

    5) Assuming things are equal Each girl should receive a rougly equal number of dates.

    6) “many single women struggle with short lists and relatively infrequent dating”

    7) Without daing these girls who aren’t being chosen for dates (despite the overabundance of dates available) will not get married (see point 1)

    8) This has little to do with the “age gap”. Since even with the “age gap” There are more than enough dates to go around.

    Which point confuses you/ do you disagree with?

    in reply to: Celebrating Mother's Day #952517

    It is up to your mother,

    If she expects a mothers day wish There is a mitzvah deorisa to wish her happy mothers day.

    If she doesn’t why would you?

    Don’t ask us go ask her

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956758


    If the issue wasnt a lack of dates ie girls were getting a roughly equal number of dates, yet some just werent getting married. Then, MAYBE the “age gap” could explain the problem.

    Similarly if Guys dated only one girl.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956757


    The probelem as expressed by the good Dr. you quoted is “many single women struggle with short lists and relatively infrequent dating.”

    If 100 boys are DATING 112 girls all girls should get equal number of dates (though not marriages) The entire “age gap” theory falls apart once you realize this this it is based on a 1:1 match which isnt the case with dating, since the average guy dates more than one girl

    what is happening is of those 112 girls “many single women struggle with short lists and relatively infrequent dating.” There are more than enough dates for them! yet they arent getting dates for whatever reason.

    Closing the “age gap” will not change the reasons they arent getting dates. If 100 boys are going out with 100 girls the same group that has had trouble getting dates in the 100:112 scenario in spite of the fact that there were plenty of DATES available will still have trouble getting dates if other societal norms remain in place.

    Keep in mind these societal norms are more recent than the “age gap” thus better explain why the “shidduch crises” is a recent phenomena.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956754


    Furthermore keep in mind the key to all this is determining what has changed that there is a crises now

    Is the “age gap” new?

    Or is the increase in, as you put it, “common criteria” new?

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956753


    “Besides, who cares who dates often? The point is to get married!”

    agreed! Though as you may know the biggest segula to get married is to date.

    Anyway you finnaly hit the nail on the head

    ” boys are using some common criteria to choose with whom to date (if we accept that Lakewood girls don’t have a problem, they seem to posses those criteria)”


    And many of those criteria are silly. The solution to the crises is to get people to look past these silly criteria or to give women an equal footing in choosing whom to marry.

    The “age gap” is a minor part of the problem and doesnt explain the dating disparity at all. Focusing on it ignores the real issue

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956747

    DY out of the 112 girls the 300 dates that the 100 guys can provide (assuming an average of 3 which admittedly I got from a very un-scientific poll) Should more than cover all girls. The issue shouldnt be girls struggling with “short lists and relatively infrequent dating” All girls should get an equal number of dates though a few dont get married.

    The calculations made in his article assume a “situation in which elements of two distinct sets (think of single men and single women) may be paired in a one-to-one manner (think of marriage)” This holds true for marriage but not dating. By far most Guys date more than one girl And some a lot more.

    Therfore the age gap can not be used to explain why girls aren’t getting dates.

    what is happening is within the set of 112 girls some girls are getting a lot more dates (with the 100 guys) than others. Some hardly get any. This has absolutely nothing to do with the “Age gap” Needless to say if girls have trouble getting dates they will have a harder time getting married. But again this is not because of the “age gap”

    In short, the boys are going out with a subset of the available girls. Not because there aren’t enough boys.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956743


    (Thanks for the info though I was looking for actual hard numbers this is interseting nontheless)

    However his conclusion is wrong

    Here is the money quote:

    “Anecdotal evidence suggests that most single men in the various circles of Orthodox Jewry today have long lists of potential shidduchim and continuous dating opportunities. At the same time, many single women struggle with short lists and relatively infrequent dating”

    This can not possibly be explained by the “age gap” If the boys are dating frequently the girls should be getting dates in spite of the “age gap” True wehn the music stops some girls may be left without a chair but they should be getting dates if the boys have long lists.

    Yet he writes, and Ive mentioned in point 3 in my first comment on this thread “many single women struggle with short lists and relatively infrequent dating”

    If 100 boys are going out with 112 girls and the average guy goes out with more than one girl all the girls should be getting dates.

    If the trouble is getting the girls dates something else is the problem.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956735

    Dy You are right my point 2 is not the best since it applies ot the girls I misspoke. If 11% of Girls marry their age or younger their is no age gap, but admittedly that is probably the case and is impractical. Although it does mitigate the “age gap” somewhat

    as to the the fertility rate I dont want to google anything, those numbers are irrelevant since they have little bearing on frum society. The numbers that matter are frum high school graduates (These are not the actual numbers we care about but are the closest that can be accurately obtained)

    At any rate my point #3 still stands. The problem is girl aren’t getting dates. This has nothing to do with the “age gap”

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956725

    mop, I agree serious discussion never involves debate, and rational people when pointed out the flaws in their opinion dont discuss either.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Solutions #956721

    Mop we dont!

    Many don’t buy in to the “age gap theory” or at best view it as (a minor) part of the problem.

    consider the following:

    1) why can’t they provide real numbers it cant be that hard to ask a few schools to anonymously report how many students are in their graduating classes. We aren’t stupid we can handle numbers they claim a 4% growth rate where did this number come from? Ami magazine ran a several page “expose” on the “age gap” Not one real number was thrown out just colorful bubbles demonstrating a growth rate several magnitudes higher than any imagined by “age gap” proponents

    2)Even Accepting their numbers the problem only holds true if ALL boys marry girls 3 years younger. If as little as 11% marry girls their age or older there is no “age gap” If less than that marry girls their age or older or girls a little younger than themselves the “age gap” would become an even more minor problem. Ask around this is certainly the case.

    3) The shidduch process in our community works something like this: shadchan suggests girl, boy’s side looks into her, Boys side agrees, girls side looks in and agrees, they date, get engaged and married. Asking around the problem in the chain is that girls arent getting enough dates. (Generally, admitedly I dont have real data to back up this anecdotal evidence but hey neither do the :age gap” proponents).

    Now going back to the numbers pushed by the “age gap” people assuming a 4% growth rate, that means 112.5 23 year olds are trying to marry 100 20 year old girls. The average guy dates 3 girls (some less some mouch more) that means 112.5 guys go on 337.5 dates. That is more than enough dates for all 100 girls. Yet the gilrs who arent getting married arent getting dates either. This cant be explained by the “age gap” at all

    in reply to: Jewish Radio Station�KY 100 #951104

    Why “Jewish” What is it really?


    nfgo3 the source of the post is irrelevant. It is the information itself that is importnat. As the Rambam says “ushma haemes mimi sheomro.”

    All medical associations are in agreement that folic acid decreases the risk of spina bifida. The generally recommended dose is 0.4 mg for average woman. Women who are at increased risk (older, have had affected child) should take 4.0 mg.

    It is important for women of child bearing age to take this if their is a chance of them getting pregnant since the benefits are within the first 28 days (this is when the neural tube closes). For many women, beginning taking the supplements once they find out is too late.

    in reply to: Sleeve surgery #950153

    I’ve done it (well helped) what would you like to know?

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950697

    Sam 2 and Halevai,

    even if the correct girsa is eiruv tavshilin, it isn’t a stretch to accept that the avos observed Rosh hashana, and made erev tavshilin.

    Keep in mind particulars of erev tavshilin are learnt from psukim in nechemiah about R”H.

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950695

    Halevai thank you for proving my point, obviously that gemara isnt literal. No, the gemara is not saying Hashem LITERALLY wears tfilin. According to the Rambam (and most Rishonim) saying that Gemara is literal is kefira, since Hashem doesnt have a head nor arm, thus He can’t literally be wearing tefilin.

    On the other hand to say the Avos literally wore tefilin is not kefira, though it may be silly.

    If you are saying that the two gemaras are similar in that both cases aren’t literally talking about wearing tefilin, and the Avos did not literally wear tefilin, thus did not literally keep 613 mitzvos, then we are in full agreement.

    Otherwise while we can disagree about tefilin (ie you can say they did literaly wore tefilin) we can move on to other mitzvos like zechiras amalek which they can not have literally kept.

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950689

    Halevai, its a yes or no question. I’ll take your response as a yes. Certainly not impossible but strange to say it said “shema yisroel…” I wonder if avrohom ever wondered who yisroel was. (note: if it didn’t say shema it isn’t Tefilin in which case your answer would be no, “accomplish in another way” means he didn’t wear Tefilin. If I accomplish Tefilin by meditating with sticks or tantzing ah kezatzke that may be beutiful but it isn’t Tefilin)

    Ok next this one is harder, was he mikayem zechiras amalek. Yes or no?

    (only 611 to go)

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950685

    Halevai what you are saying is nonsense.

    simple question: Did Avrohom Avinu wear tefilin? it is a yes or no question.

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146986


    I know a frei yid who has served as a mashgiach to make milk chalav yisroel when the regular mashgiach couldnt make it.

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950680

    Halevai so you are saying the avos didnt keep the torah. They can meditate with sticks fun heint biz morgen, thats not wearing tefilin.

    Keeping “secrets of the torah” is beautiful but meaningless (to us).

    They either wore tefilin or didn’t, and sticks aren’t tefilin.

    in reply to: Brand Names�Wasting Money #948591

    DR, you are making an assumption ” you can basically get the same product”. You may think it us the same, I do too. But to them it is not the same. Period. This is the answer

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947996

    Big deal,That was fun. Its hard to defend something so nutty but I admire your attempt.

    All the best

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947993

    It is solely because of the NRA that this bill didn’t get passed. They have the blood of the next innocent children on their hands. A majority of the US supported the bill, it passed the house a majority of senators did, even they themselves supported it a few years back. Yet here we are EXACTLY where we were Dec 13. After every shooting the slight silver lining is that it pushes people to acknowledge we have a problem, and to start fixing it would be closing a loophole that allows ANYBODY to get a gun.

    Also I’m not going after them, they are thoroughly evil people who will one day have to answer for any deaths legislation theyve blocked could have prevented, but I support their right to be evil

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947990

    wikipedia has a category “gangs in europe”

    You can read about gangs in each country we’ve spoken of.

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947988

    No gangs in Europe? You have got to be kidding their inner cities look the same as ours. (google gangs in europe)

    I’d like to think our legal system is more similar to England and France than Russia. If we get our act together their is no reason we cant achieve homicide rates that are closer to theirs

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947987

    Ok lets start by taking back the contry from the corrupt lobbyists such as the NRA.

    Let me tell you a story that will really make you mad, many americans where getting shot, much more than any civilized country. Finnaly the american public had enough and most of them said it is time we make sure we stop selling guns to bad guys. The NRA once supported this idea, but have since become more power hungry and have decided to stop it. They bought off politicians and in spite of the country’s best interests, and in spite of a majority of the senate supporting the bill it failed.

    You say the law would place “restrictions on normal law abiding citizens who would actually go through the background check.” This is laughable if the person is normal and law-abiding then they pass the background check. If they dont pass it is either because they aren’t normal or law abiding.

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947984

    I’m sorry I see how that was confusing. There are two distinct classes of homicides in my mind and i’m sure you’d agree since it was you who first identified 1 of those subsets.

    There is one group of gang related these are mostly (all?) with illegal guns. You indicated that this accounts for less than half to half of all homicides. These would probably not be limited by background checks. These are a result of deep cultural norms and societies with values completly different than our own. These (the pereptrators and victims)are generally people who are part of that culture/society with little to no hope of breaking free solving this problem will take a lot more than gun control laws. I dont quite get why they should be excluded from US stats but not foreign stats. again though even if we did you still have to fudge the numbers to make them close.

    There is another larger group which includes most other homicides. These would be drasticly reduced by preventing the wrong people from getting their hands on guns. If we enforce are current laws we wouldbe sitting ducks for mentally unstable people who want to gun down innocents. They cant just walk into a gun shop and buy a gun (B”H) but they can take advantage of a gun show sized loophole and buy as many guns as they can carry no questions asked.

    Neither of these groups are a result of culture as in TV/movies (which is what I assumed you meant when you first brought up culture way back when)

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947982

    Nobody is taking away weapons. Nobody. Nobody.

    First of all you provided the numbers and no I did not say 50% of murders are illegal weapons. But it doesnt matter.

    You can buy all the weapons you want as long as you pass a background check. Using your analogy, it would probably be a great step towards disarming the middle east (Not that I believe that is a good or plausible idea, im just following your anaolgy through)if the world began a policy that for now on if a middle eastern country wants to buy a weapon, they can’t have had a history of mental illness etc. Who would oppose such a policy?

    in reply to: Academies of Shem and Ever #950651


    They don’t mean literary kol hatorah kula,

    did he write a sefer Torah?

    Was he mekayem michiyas amalek? zechiras amalek?

    Was he mikayem sipur yetziyas Mitzrayim?

    At any rate your statement “he studied the same torah we have nowadays! the same gemara the same chumash” Cannot be correct, as you conceded in your second comment “chumash must have been a little different”

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947980

    I wasnt being sarcastic suicide has a lot offactors involved. Though several studies have shown that making barriers to suicide prevents them from occuring (this is usuallyin the context of barriers on bridges/ buidlings).

    I dont mean dont care about, just that they are not my number one concern. Those are deeper problems often involving cultures with no way out. As you have mentined in the past the guns involved in these incidents are generally illegal and all the background checks in the world wouldnt help.

    However your research proves my case a resounding 70-50% of homicides in the US are NOT gang related! In other words with the right regulation these are the ones we can prevent (again, granted not all of them). That is a lot of homicide even the lower edge of that range is still a higher rate of homicide than any of the countries you have brought up in the course of this conversation (France, England, Norway, and Spain) I would love to emulate their homicide rates.

    Japan btw has a much much much more violent TV/movie culture. and a much lower homicide rate.

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146973

    DY, according to you and many poskim it is not subject to changeAnd that us fine I rely in them too. Even R’ shechter relies on them and yang moche when the hashgacha he copaskens for allows it.

    (there are other things as well)

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146972

    Benign, thanks I haven’t heard from him in awhile and missed a point

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947978

    I’m sorry I’m supposed to accept your data-less assertations while you deny factual data.?Both France and England have lower homicide rates than we do (about 4 times lower).

    (again in spite if same violent movies/tv).

    You are right about suicide though, for example Japan has very strict gun regulation (and thus a very low homicide rate) but a very high suicide rate due to a bizzare cultural thing.

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146965

    Pba, the rov tells you the status of the cow. Assuming rov cows (ie more than half) are kosher, each individual cow’s milk is kosher and doesn’t require any bitul

    If less than rov cows are kosher then each individual cow is assumed treifa unless you check.

    The gemara says rov cows are kosher, some poskim feel thus metzius has changed and currently rov cows are treifa.

    In other words if 14% have this problem, each cow is assumed to be from 86% non stapled and all milk is fine. However if 51% are stapled we MAY have a problem

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146963


    I think the issue is the metzius MAY have changed. The gemara assumes rov cows are kosher. I don’t know remember the technical details but R’ shechter’s holds this to no longer be true and that rov cows are treifa. Therfore every cow would be assumed to be a treifa unless checked, thus making all milk treif unless came from a cow that was checked and found to be kasher.

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947976

    The homicide rate in both England and France are lower. I know that you don’t believe it but that doesn’t make it less true.

    I’m not saying there is a direct link beteen gun control and murder, there is a general trend though.

    Ths law would have been good for the country. Most citizens supported it and even most senators. It was the nra who turned it down.

    Gang violence is lower on my concern list, since “innocents” aren’t as affected. I want to limit mass shootings, domestic disputes and suicides all of which background cgecks and waiting periods would help.

    Would he have used bombs? Who knows probably not. Countries with limited gun ownership don’t have an epidimic of bombings.

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947973

    1) Even if that would work (it wouldnt as ive pointed out several times europe and Canada have the same violent movies and TV).

    Do you view the “right to bear arms” as more important than free speech?

    2) I suppose i agree. I think this law would have saved lives.

    4) Ca in of itself doesnt prove. it but comparing it to the states with looser restrictions and more homicdes does.

    BTw read up on australia, they have a resounding success story with gun control

    5) The law the NRA turned down explicitly banned such a database.

    6) agreed!

    I second the thanks to the mods

    in reply to: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed #947970

    Many with intent to kill will kill without a a gun. But many more will not. and of those who do, more victims will survive a stabbinf and there will be less innocent bystanders.

    For example if Adam Lanza did not have access to a gun. would he have gone through the school stabbing? Maybe maybe not. If he had though what would the outcome be? On the same day as Sandy Hook, in china a mass stabbing took place.

    Here are the results:

    Sandy Hook: dead 28, injured 2

    chenpeng: dead 0, injured 24

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146947


    i’m not sure what you mean by “worse.” If you had milk that you KNEW was froma treifa cow (say you shechted it right after milking it and found it to be a treifa) then it would be treated a any treif milk and requires 60 to be mevatel.

    If you dont know the status of the cow (which presumably is usually the case as when you walk into your local grocery and pick up some milk there is no way you can know what the status of the cow is) The gemara says that rov cows are not treifa. Therfore every living cow can be assumed to be a member of that rov and all milk is Kosher.

    This is the halacha as codified and according to most poskim is equally applicable today.

    in reply to: Weird, but I don't know if this has any halachic implication #1146945


    I dont think so, and even he holds there are tzdadim lehakel. Keep in mind he is one of the OU’s poskim and would obviously leave if he felt he was certifying treif milk.

    R’ Reisman on the other hand is more chamur in this sense as he really feels there is little room for heter in regard to chalav stam due to this concern. i have heard him on more than one occasion viewing it as triefus gamur due to the above mentioned concern.He has said to avoid keilim as well for this reason.

    Although again R’ Belsky holds it is fine. I dont know the details of the metzeius.

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