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  • in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083717


    והנה בב”נ קי”ל דנהרג על העוברין אם כן אני מסופק בב”נ המקשה לילד אף דלא יצא ראשו אפשר דאסור לחתוך העובר כי הוי נפש ואין דוחין נפש מפני נפש ורודף לא הוי. א”ד דבאמת כיון דחזינן גבי ישראל דלא איקרי נפש רק דגזרה התורה שופך כו’ באדם אבל נפש לא מיקרי שרי להציל עצמו כמו שאר עבירות ול”ש מאי חזית דדמא כו’ דלא אקרי נפש אך לפמש”ל דאסור להציל ב”נ אחר שיעבור עבירה בשביל חבירו אם כן חי’ או רופא עכו”ם הם אסורים לחתוך הוולד בשביל סכנת האם כיון דלא הוי רודף ואסור להם לעבור בשביל הצלת חבירו כנ”ל ואי”ה לקמן בדין רודף נאריך בזה ואין כאן מקומו

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083695


    “I wasn’t aware that the סברא to be maikil is bc they say it a חבלה. Not רציחה. If indeed this is this סברא it is an untenable position.”

    Luckily the crises preganncy center in Boro Park doesnt look to you to determine wha tpositions are tenible and what aren’t.
    The Maharit says abortion is chavala (he leived pre 20’t century
    Chavos Yair says Hotzaas zerah (based on this the Tzitz Eleizer says IF an abortion is require r”l better a woman do it sicn e she has less of an issur Hashcasas zera)
    Nishmas Avrhama quotes R’ Shlomo Zalman as saying its stealing

    Among other reasons. Relatively few say it is murder.
    To be clear NONE of the above are muttar for the sake of convenience nor career.

    “bichlal that something should be classified for a goy a certain. Way and a yid a different way makes no sense על פניו.”

    Try to be careful how you phrase things .
    For a goy abortion might be murder (he is certainly guilty of capital offence) and some assur even to save a mother’s life (Minchas Chinuch)

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083669

    You have me mixed up with someone

    you said “Anyone who promotes abortion rights is a racist on a genocidal level”

    I found that comment funny, and was curious if you meant it, SO I asked a follow up question
    You then made a few other untrue statements, which prompted more questions.

    If you want to back peddle and say your main point was something else “There is really one main simple point here. And this is why this gets me so upset…” A point that I do not disagree with that’s fine of course. (Though your side issue that you are not defending included some harsh criticism of me ” smug racist such as yourself” “Ubiquitin the Eugenicist” thats the kind of think intellectually honest people would back up or apologize for not just run and say, oh that wasn’t my main point)

    Just please don’t make any assumptions about me or my position “And what is stated as a curse in the תוכחה regarding נשים רומניות you glorify.” “Glorify” ? what are you talking about? If you have a question for me I, am happy to answer, elaborate, explain.

    If you don’t have a question form me thats fine too, I will bli neder answer this is a topic I find interesting from many directions.
    All I ask is don’t stick words into my mouth

    (As an aside you’ve thought through this issue so little I find it irksome. The Sevara you mention DOES NOT apply to abortion . We DO say the mother is סומק טפי compared to the fetus, as you may know when a mother’s life is in danger prior to the Fetus being born (I know drawing lines makes you nervous but the Rambam helps, as mentioned (An opinion you dismissed as that of “of a medieval Spanish Jewish Talmudist” one that was “clearly illogical ” R”L !!!)
    to be clear obviously that in no way means career is דידך סומק טפי a position I did not endorse, let alone glorify)

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083541


    “If it’s not murder, then go and celebrate it ”

    I don’t understand this. Amputating a leg isn’t murder, does that mean it should be celebrated with balloons?

    Why cant something not be murder but still not worthy of celebration?

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083519


    your comment seems geared to me “Today the argument has migrated to they can’t care for their children so we should encourage them to kill them. This was actually Margaret Sangers actual stated philosophy. You were mechaven to that monsters daas. Yasher koiach. Ubiquitin the Eugenicist.”

    But that isnt what I said. Newsflash MArgaret Sanger is dead. Her views arent relevent .

    I noticed you didnt answer my question nor address any of my points
    Here is my question again:

    Just So I have this straight. The guys waving swastikas, chanting “Jews will not replace us” who say Blacks are inferior and should be slaves, but opposes abortion, Is less racist than , say a black single woman trying to put herself through school/ work to get ahead in life who is saddled with an unwanted pregnancy ** Is that correct?

    If you can’t or won’t answer my question thats fine. Just leave me out of your comments .

    I don’t understand most of what you wrote as you use “You” and “your” a lot but nothing you said relates t o any of my numerous points I made to you .

    Again I don’t expect you to address m actual points, I realzie you are merely repeating Rigth wing talking points, without actually knowing what you re talking about (eg ““It created a constitutional right out of thin air “) this was another winner “because blacks can’t care for themselves we should make it legal to murder their babies” Who is “we…murder”? and why limit to blacks?

    But at least a simple question deserves an answer.
    Or not, in which case move on

    here it is again

    Just So I have this straight. The guys waving swastikas, chanting “Jews will not replace us” who say Blacks are inferior and should be slaves, but opposes abortion, Is less racist than , say a black single woman trying to put herself through school/ work to get ahead in life who is saddled with an unwanted pregnancy ** Is that correct?

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083394


    Your last comment rasied more questions than your first:

    “It created a constitutional right out of thin air sans amendment.”

    so not quite. It further expanded a Constitutional right “to privacy” previously upheld in Griswold (1965) preventing laws against married couples buying contraceptives.
    Pierce (1925) Stiking down an Oregan law requiring all children attend Public School
    Meyer (1923) Preventing laws against teaching foreign languages

    Now you can argue that there is no “right to privacy” and that all these cases were wrongly decided, and that the State can legislate all these things. You can’t argue that it was “out of thin air” It was based on decades of precedent.

    Do you support overturning all those cases?

    “The abortion issue is not church and state. Abortion is murder. Period”

    no not period. It is murder based on your interpretation of Halacha, According to some it isnt murder, according to others it is murder for goyim not for Jews (try explaining that to a court)
    Imposing your religous view on the rest of the country is church and state issue.

    “bc hey, where do you draw the line?”

    Lots of choices, can draw at birth (as Teh Rambam says until head leaves) can draw at viability outside the womb, can draw at 40 days . Not sure why being scared of where to draw the line is a reason to ban all cases.
    No driving cars! Driving to fast is deadly! where would we draw the line as to how fast is safe. Ban them all/. I don’t get it

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2083355

    “They are pretty stupid racists if you ask me”

    Wasn’t asking you But your post was very very funny,so glad you added it

    Just So I have this straight. The guys waving swastikas, chanting “Jews will not replace us” who say Blacks are inferior and should be slaves, but opposes abortion, Is less racist than , say a black single woman trying to put herself through school/ work to get ahead in life who is saddled with an unwanted pregnancy ** Is that correct?

    * to be clear According to Halacha there is no such Autonomy, like many factes of life there are restrictions on what we (all people for that matter) can do we are not free to eat what we want, wear what we want etc etc, this isnt my view I just find your take on their view amusing

    ** Not saying that is a valid reason for abortion. Just trying to wrap my head around your take regarding racisim

    in reply to: Abortion Decision – Less Retzicha in America #2082885

    “Abortion bans will not apply if the mother’s life is at risk. There will certainly be exceptions permitting abortions if the mother will otherwise die.”

    I am not sure how you knw that. Many do not believe there should be such exceptions. How are you so sure?
    There was a famous case of Savita Halappanavar Who died as a result of being denied an abortion under Irelands’ then restrictive anti-abortion laws. This was in 2013, not all that long ago.

    I grant that probably there will be such exceptions. But there are other complicated factors that come into play
    What if the risk isn’t due to the pregnancy directly, but rather an extraneous cause (eg Cancer that requires chemo)
    Of course you were careful to leave off mental health.
    Sure in those cases not all poskim allow it As is true in any area in halacha (Though in practice both are unfortunate necessary and practiced in our community though as I live in NY this will not change with the pending Supreme court decision)

    The question is ultimately who should decide what defines “life at t risk” The Government/courts ? OR a Woman’s Rabbi.

    I find it a little surprising that people who get nervous at a whiff of government intervention in schools, and want the government to stay out of chinuch (a position I generally agree with) suddenly want more government oversight

    To be clear Not trying to convince anyone here. I’ve said this piece many times before. people who don’t know/believe this is happening won’t believe an anonymous online poster. It is easy to dismiss the concerns of a bunch of faceless people who engage in “lack self control and irresponsible, immoral choices,” and lump the other cases in there. There are how many thousands of frum girls living in Say Brooklyn, ask yourself if you really think none of them ever got stuck with an “unwanted child” not due to their own lack of self control but to someone elses’ r”L ? Sure its rare. Very rare. Ok very very rare. But do you really think it hasn’t happened?

    What should be done in that case? And more importantly who should decide? A Judge or a Rav?

    good to see you
    I miss your comments I feel like things have been less interesting (not sure if that is cause or effect of your laying low)

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2082378


    My apologies, when you said “the Balfour declaration was not agreed upon (insert italics) by the people who lived in eretz yisroel, and their surroundings,” I assumed it was relevant to the halachic discussion specifically as to whether it occurred with “Consent of nations” (according to those who say it matters), as thee way you wrote it sounded like you were replying to that point.

    That there was no “consent of the nations” since the inhabitants and neighbors (!?) didnt agree. to which I asked why does that matter, they were not in control.

    apologies if I got that wrong

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2082309

    do you have a source for your claim that halacha does not recognize Goyim’s conquest?

    in reply to: Unusual occupations for frum people. #2082244

    Troll hunter

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2081901


    “By time the British later gained control of the land, they did not espouse or support the principles of Balfour.”

    not quite true

    From the Mandate for Palestine Assigning the British control over Palestine at the San Remo conference . (Signed by the British)

    “Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, …

    Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; ….

    The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion….

    An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration to assist and take part in the development of the country.

    The Zionist organization, so long as its organization and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty’s Government to secure the co-operation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home….”

    “And the UN declared Jerusalem to be an international city not to be controlled by the Zionists or Jews.”

    Ok so limit that comment to parts assigned to be a Jewish State.


    “Ubiq – the UN decided on a Homeland, not a state. There was also provision for an arab state in the area. That makes the Arabs, according to your reasoning, baalei devarim too.”

    I don’t know where you are getting your information from UN resolution Resolution 181 (II) athat was voted for by the UN after the British handed over the issue explicitly called for a “Jewish State” (You might be mixing up with Balfour which said “Homeland” not “State”

    And I don’t really get your comment regarding arabs they are baalie Devarim. Ok mazel tov.

    You said ““the Balfour declaration was not agreed upon (insert italics) by the people who lived in eretz yisroel, and their surroundings,”” My question was why does that matter?

    in reply to: Denigrating Gedolim #2081740

    “the Balfour declaration was not agreed upon (insert italics) by the people who lived in eretz yisroel, and their suroundings,”

    Why is that necessary? I was under the impression that halacha recognizes conquest as creating ownership. The British conquered Palestine from the Ottoman’s it was theirs not the inhabitant’s and certainly not the neighbors (not sure why that would even enter the equation) ?

    “They were mesalek themselves from the whole issue,”
    Not exactly, they handed the “question of Palestine” to the U.N. Now the U.N gets to decide. The U.N voted to create a Jewish State

    in reply to: 2 Luchos on Shovuos? #2081450


    Yes its an old question, but its a good one, I was just saying I thought thats what your question was going to be. I was surprised the question was on “Kindergarten & Cheder pictures”
    they are alos often drawn with letters aleph Beis gimmel… etc As far as I’m aware there is no shita that says the luchos had 10 letters. for that matter Even when it does say the dibros it is always “Anochi Hashem “Lo yiheye” Never the full dibros



    So you approve of the Millitary Chazzanim being prevented from recitil El moleh* ?
    If it is meaningless (a strange assertion since IF people find meaning in it then it isn’t meaningless) surley the less people that partake, especially reciting shem Hashem the better?

    (I have no idea if the story is true)

    in reply to: 2 Luchos on Shovuos? #2079869

    The luchos represents the Torah which was given on shavuos

    Or was it….
    (I thought this was going to be your your question) when where mikadeish al pi riyah shavuos could have been on 5, 6 or 7 Sivan. Theres’ machlokes if Matan Torah was on 6 or 7 Sivan.

    So According to all 2/3 of the time Shavuos was not on the day of Matan Torah, possibly even occruin 2 days before .

    in reply to: I took the 2 shots & 1 booster should i take the next one ? #2076912

    “I presume if you ate 2-3 meals yesterday, but now you are hungry – I hope you are not going to do the same mistake again -I know many people who ate and died within several days! And you need to pay for that expensive food!”

    Great point!
    It is all a conspiracy by Big fooda to get rich.
    And would you believe it? the Government says I have to feed my child even though I sadly know of people who died as a result of eating True Aspiration and choking are rare, but why take the chance. Time to get the Government out of our kitchens

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2076909


    “If the dough is just flour and water it should be hamotzi even for one bite.”

    If it baked that way you are correct. It seems some frozen pizza is like that they bake flat disks then add sauce/cheese These would be Hamozi.
    Fresh pizza is generally not made this way, rather they take dough cover it with sauce and cheese (sometimes other toppings) and bake it that way. It is not, and never was bread. Thus is not ALWAYS hamozzi, rather it depends on how it is being eaten.

    ” I’ve never seen anyone eat pizza as a snack.”

    So when a man eats one slice what is he doing? you said “Average man eats two slices”

    Also keep inmmind ” I’ve never seen…” isnt really a raayah . TS baum hasnt seen it either. Yet I, Gefiltefish, Avram, Rabbi Belsky Z’L, whoever wrote the OU article on the topic, whoever wrote the Kaf K article, the Star K, the pizza shops polled by those agencies have all seen it

    in reply to: shidduch prospects #2075671


    I know a few that even got married

    Is it common? Probably not

    in reply to: Will you eat Quinoa on Peisach? #2075670


    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2074497

    TS Baum

    Nobody I know eats one slice as a meal.

    If I have a late dinner planned (example before wedding. and I’m hungery I’ll warm up a slice of Pizza, to “hold me over’
    This is not uncommon.

    both The Star K nd OU write on their website they polled Pizza stores Quote above “ur Kashrus Kurrents pizza poll of current consumer eating habits indicates that the average person consumes one slice of an 18″ pizza (alone, without any sides) as a snack and three slices of an 18″ pizza (alone, without any sides) as a meal. Two slices of an 18″ pizza (alone, without any sides) was questionable. Most pizza shops were in agreement that the average consumer orders 2 slices of pizza with a side dish for dinner.””

    Now I understand YOU don’t do this. But that in no way changes the reality

    you say “But I will try to be dan l’kaf zechus that you really, sincerely consider pizza a snack, so you believe that you can make a mezonos.”

    no it isnt “me” It is EVERYBODY Ive spoken too including poskim, it is EVERY kashrus website. It seems a stretch to say they re all in on this big conspiracy to avoid washing .

    Isn’t it more likely that they are telling the truth, and you just don’t do this?

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2074313


    ” we don’t pasken out own shalos by reading a halacha book or asking a bunch of random people online nor do we do our own root canal by reading a dental textbook.”

    not every shayla is a root canal.

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2074194


    “that is called draying ah kup not asking a shalah on a halacha lmasah”

    Nu, so what’s the problem? you want him to dray his Rav ah kup? thats not nice.

    some people dray ah kup about politics, some about Daylight savings time, and some like disucssing halacha. Fargin. IF it doesn’t interest you feel free to skip this

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2074133

    TS Baum

    Your whole comment was a bit childish, and doesn’t make a lot of sense .
    nonetheless lets explain

    “do you see your phone number when you step on a scale?”
    That would be an uncanny coincidence

    “How can you consider it a snack?”
    Because one slice of pizza is not very filling

    ” If you do, then you mean to say a meal of pizza is 4 or 5 slices?”
    This question was strange. I told you what most people considered a meal “and that Two slices with a side dish (eg French fries) would be a meal.” How did you get from there to “4 or 5 slices”?

    “I guess you send your kids with a few slices of pizza JUST FOR SNACK???”

    What? Why? I said one maybe two slices was a snack We are talking about adults. how did you make that leap?

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2073901


    “There are only 2 possibilities as you must concur.”

    I do not concur at all.
    I am not even sure where you got this idea from.

    There is a third possibility it is like bread and sometimes requires washing and sometimes doesn’t there are a whole category of foods that all into this group. See Avira’s inital post

    Or Search for articles on “PAS HABAH B’KISNIN” The OU, Start K have nive articles. Halichipedia has an excellent very detailed page

    that is interesting , I like it shkoyach

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2073583

    “If it is bread,then it is bread and if it is cake then it is cake or babka? Why the confusion?”

    no confusion. It is neither bread nor cake. It is something in between. Therefore it is treated as something in between, so it depends on how it is being eatedn if it is eaten like cake (ie as a snack) then it is treated like cake, if however it is being eaten as a meal then it is treated like bread.

    (Cake too if enough eaten and eaten as a meal you may need to wash and bench since cake is also often pas habah bkisnin )

    Common saychal
    your comment is puzzling to me . “do you go up to random strangers in the street and ask for medical advice?” There have been literally dozens of threads on Covid19 all sorts of topics. Al thsoe are ok. chas veshalom a little torah should be discussed, and you try to shut it down.
    You arent interested skip it , that is ok. Why the need to shut down a worthwhile discussion

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2073496

    “did rav belsky tell you specifically a “side dish”? In yeshiva everyone quoted him as saying “2 slices and even a bite/ma shehu more””

    It wasn’t to me , he said it at a Q/A forum, Ive heard it more than once. He may not have used the words “side dish” he may have said “2 slices and something for example French fries” and I changed that to side dish deffinitly implied more than a “bite” but he didnt specify how many French fries .

    My point to TS Baum regarding apple Juice was even assuming it had a significant amount of Juice (a doubtful assertion) that affected the taste (an unlikely assertion) it STILL would require Hamotzi if one was having it as a meal.

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2073421

    “Some people deny this-but it’s true-NOBODY, and I mean nobody-eats pizza for snack”

    This is nonsense
    Nobody, sorry NOBODY* eats one slice and calls it a meal.

    In fact years ago I heard from R” Belsky Z”l that even two slices was a snack and that Tow slices wit ha side dish (eg French fries) would be a meal.

    See Kashrus Kurrents “PAS HABAH B’KISNIN: PAS OR PAS NISHT” from the Star Kwhere they say similar “Our Kashrus Kurrents pizza poll of current consumer eating habits indicates that the average person consumes one slice of an 18″ pizza (alone, without any sides) as a snack and three slices of an 18″ pizza (alone, without any sides) as a meal. Two slices of an 18″ pizza (alone, without any sides) was questionable. Most pizza shops were in agreement that the average consumer orders 2 slices of pizza with a side dish for dinner.”

    (* Nobody Ive met, including my kids once they reach about 8, it is a big planet and I’m sure such poeple exist but there are so few of them that its faitr to say Batlu daatam, so that practically Nobody eats one slice and calls it a meal)

    in reply to: Washing on Pizza #2073422

    TS Baum

    “Now, where does making a mezonos come in?
    When the pizza is made with fruit juice so it’s not considered dough l’halachah. ”

    I dont think this is correct.
    Fruit juice or a filling (topping) are two differnt ways to defien pas habah B’kisnin. EITHER defitnion would suffice
    If Pizza was made wit hfruit juice or if it had cheese (and not fruit juice) the halacha is the same, if eaten as a snack it is mezonos.
    If eaten as a meal Hamotzi (even if made from fruit juice)

    see Aviras post

    in reply to: BACK PEYOS OR FRONT PEYOS? #2072356


    1. – 4

    It is not completly clear, There was a Russian ban on peyos in trhe 1850s many beleive this is when attempts were made to “hide” them by putting behind ear, under yarmulka etc.

    5. Long enough that hair can be grasped ie a few mm

    6. They are less influenced by kabalistic ideas, al pi kabalah peyos should be long, not ever cut (some allow burning)/. al pi halacha as long as not removed completely (defined above) the peyos are long enough

    in reply to: Food and other #2071508


    in reply to: Daylight Savings time #2069892

    “The Agudah also points out another problem of endangering children who are having to go to school when it is dark.”

    They need filler so it isnt just about our unique needs
    especially when you consider y they don’t explain why going in the dark is more dangerous than coming home in the dark, which they currently do, and DST would alleviate

    in reply to: Daylight Savings time #2069745

    I think klal yisroel managed when this was done in the 70s we will survive this.

    The time you mentioned was in NYC, cities in the western part of time zone (eg Detroit) will be much later reaching 900 AM in late dec/early jan

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069565


    “Marx and ubiq; I thought it was clear that I’m being only semi serious”

    don’t worry it was.
    Half of my reply got removed, defeating the point

    probably was for the best

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069551


    “Marx and ubiq; I thought it was clear that I’m being only semi serious”

    don’t worry it was.
    Half of my reply got removed, defeating the point

    probably was for the best

    in reply to: teenagers drinking on purim #2069130

    “Daas baalei batim is “hepech” of daas torah(rav chaim brisker), so if you’re an average jew, just flip what you consider to be common sense and you’re probably thinking in the way the Torah want you to.”


    Today I learnt the Torah wants people to drink and drive.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2069071

    “(chapter 24 the 7th sentence) what can we learn from this?”

    nothing. The chapter numbers come from a goyish source, and while we use them for convenience they don’t carry

    “Now please tell me, who made it be this pasuk? Was it the Anshei Knesses Ha’gedola, Moshe Rabeinu or did it come straight from Hashem?”

    It isnt exactly clear, the chapters were finalized in the 13th century, some attribute to Archbishop Stephen Langton.

    note this is referring to chapters/perakim.
    Pesukim are of course from Moshe Rabbeinu at har sinai, as are the parshiyos: pesuchos/stemos

    in reply to: Eating Gebroks on Pesach #2068845

    “This year will be the problem for those who only eat gebrokts the last day which is on shabbos, when will it be made?”

    Not a problem, we will do the same thing we did 2019, 2018, 2015, 2012
    We will make them on Friday, don’t forget an eruv Tavshailin*

    (* No reason to say Hoil doesnt apply, many eat Gebrokts on shevii shel PEsach (as can be seen in this thread) kids can eat it, choleh shein bo sakana etc )

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2067540

    “How many days are there in the Jewish calendar year?”

    Which year?
    This year? 384
    Last year? 353
    Next year? 355

    If you say “average year” what do you mean?
    If you mean the mean? that is a bit less than 365.25 days
    If you mean the mode? 355

    You wrote 354 but this is true for some years, not all not even most, nor the average year

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2067024

    “The Gemara in Rosh Hashanah says that Tishrei is Rosh Hashanah for non Jewish kings so when referring to a non Jewish king reign it would be the 11th month”

    Your post was written fine. I understand you completely.

    However the Gemara (almost explicitly) states not like that.
    In the tzad that Daryavesh is considered like non-Jewish kings The Gemara quotes passuk reffering to Tishrei as “chodesh hashvii” and asks why it isnt a new year. The Gemara doesnt even address, and takes it for granted that even if it is a new year, and is the first month of the new year it is still “chodes hashvii”

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066981


    “The Gemara in Rosh Hashanah says that Tishrei is Rosh Hashanah for non Jewish kings so when referring to a Jewish king reign it would be the 11th month”

    IT wouldn’t
    (I have a pending post which is similar, here i think I phrase it better, and provide two rayahs)

    If you look at the Gemara there (actually earlier when discussing Nissan)the Gemara asks
    Maybe the Aron’s death that occurred in “chodesh hachmishi” of the 40th year occurred after “chodesh ha’ashtei assar” of the 40th year.

    Clearly the numbers of the month don’t have any relevence to their position in the year.
    If the year started in Tishrei then yes The 11th month (shevat) would come before the 5th (Av).

    Similarly The Gemara asks Daniel makes mention of the 6th month of the second year of Daryavesh then the Seventh month of the second year of Daryavesh.
    IF King’s years start in Tishrei it should say Seventh month of the THIRD year.

    Please note the Gemara does not say it should say the FIRST month of the THIRD year. Tishrei is the seventh month period. but if new years start in Tishrei then the month follwoing 6th month of the second year should be 7th month of the Third year? Gemara answers Daryavesh was tzadik so count from Nissan like Jewish kings .

    But again if Daryavesh DID count from Tishrei . Tishrei would still be “chodesh hashvii”

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066961


    This is not correct (and is the same mistake he is making).

    If you look at the beggining of Rosh Hashana the Gemara goes through several possible rayah that We start the year for Jewish Kings from Nissan , and for Goyish kings from Tishrei you will see this clearly.

    for example The Gemara says how do we know Jewish Kings are counted from Nissan?
    Answers Hekish to Yetzias Mitzrayim.
    Asks How do we know Yetzias Mitzrayi is from Nissan?
    Answers It says Aron died in the 5th month of the fortieth year ie Av then says Moshe spoke in the 11th month of the Fortieth year ie Shevat So you see within a year Av is before Teves which means new year cant be Tishrei.

    CLEARLY the fact that the Torah calls Av the 5th month doesnt tell us anything about when the year starts. In fact the Gemara entertains the possibility that the story of Shevat (ie the 11th month) precedes the story in Av (the 5th month) all in the 40th year!
    In other words if the year started in Tishrei (as it does for most things) The first month is “chodesh Hashvii” the second month is “chodesh hashmini” etc etc
    these are the NAMES of the month .

    The Torahs’s name for Av is “Chodesh hachamishi” whether it is the 5 th month of the year or the 11th,. The NAME of the month is Chodesh Hachamishi.

    Many over the years have discussed why we no longer use these names/ and not all agree with the Ramban. but to actively change the number system doesn’t seem right

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066964

    another example
    The school year starts in September (lets say September 1) . Nonetheless on the first day of school the teacher writes on the Board 9/1. Throughout the first month pf school the months is labeled “9” the second month is “10”. The teacher doesn’t say well its the first month of school so lets call the date 1/1 then label October 2/ etc

    Lehavdil the first month of the Jewish year is chodesh hashvii. We don’t change its name to “1”

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066879


    “Today’s generation and for the last thousands of years we change the year number to a new year in Tishrei with the new Year starting and counting Rosh Hashanah as the start of the new year ”

    Incorrect you are mixing up two things

    The year starts w/ Tishrei (for most things) Yet Tishrei is still the Seventh month.

    Tishrei is called the Seventh month even though it is the first month. In the torah the months don;t have names. Much like days of the week We use sunday Monday etc. In Hebrew today the months don;t have names just yom rishon/Day one yom shieni Day two etc Except for shabbos.

    with me?

    so Biblical months
    wha twe call tishrei is chodehs hahshivii the Seventh month. This was and remains the name of the month. Even if the New year begins in tishrei, it still begins with chodesh Hasivii the seventh month

    (Lehavdil September is the ninth month even though it is called seven/sept – lehavdil not a perfect comparison don;t get caught up on it.)

    bottom line is Av is never called 11, it MIGHT even be a bitul aseh to do so.

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066888

    “What Hishtadlus exactly are we all doing together as a nation in today’s generation to be deserving of the coming of Mashiach bkarov? ”

    I am teaching Torah to yidden. specifically the correct numbering of Jewish months.

    in reply to: Stealing your neigbours cleaning lady! #2066655


    My question wasn’t about my leaving
    It was about the headhunter. The headhunter who approached me seems no different than someone approaching cleaning help.

    There are no doubt halachic issues Ani hamehapecha becharara comes to mind, yet the yonly seem to come up in thse cases. I’m wondering why that is. Is there a halachic difference?

    in reply to: Stealing your neigbours cleaning lady! #2066593

    Why is this thread limited to cleaning help?

    I got a call from a headhunter this week telling me about a job availability that paid more.than I currently get
    I yelled at him “Is this halachically permissable?? How can you sleep at night when you know that you put another person through so much tzar for your own selfish needs. Yes we know how desperate you are but did that give you a right to offer more pay in order to leave my original employment?”

    Was this the correct response? OR is there a special rule (legal or halachic) governing cleaning help ?

    in reply to: Is It A Coincidence? #2066591


    “Who decided on the names of these countries?”

    You did. some you chose to use their English names (Russia, Libya) some you chose Hebrew names (Mitzrayim)

    some not sure what you are using, In what language is Europe “yireh pe”? I guess yiddish is close but that isnt English nor Hebrew.

    I’m all for good Purim Torah, andthe above is pretty harmless, made me smile

    however this part of your Purim Torah:

    “B”Av is the 11 month of the year from how we follow for the last thousands of years starting from Rosh Hashanah as Tishrei as the first month.”

    Is probably a bitul mitzvas aseh according to the Ramban. Although there are heterim to use other months or names etc, if you are activly assigning a new numbering system to Jewish months that seems to be an active bitul aseh

    in reply to: Simple Solution #2065657


    “said absolutely no one.”

    If only that were true.

    If you look under this rock https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/simple-solution#post-2065264 you’ll find this gem
    “It turns out that those claiming to be moral are the most immoral of them all.”

    other gems in this thread include
    “Only extreme chauvinists can argue otherwise. Seems the west is full of said chauvinists.”

    in reply to: Ukraine Fundraisers #2065635

    “for me a refugee is someone who was born and lived in a place which for some reason becomes uninhabitable. ”

    1) I see plenty of kids, they were born there
    2) I’m not sure why being born the place you are is a requirement, my sibling was born in Brooklyn moved to Baltimore, if R”chl he is forced to flee he isn’t a refugee because he wasn’t born there?
    3) Why was Ukraine “harms way” 5, 10 or w for that amtter even one year ago ? IS this a war you predicted when these people moved there?

    “and now need money for what?”

    For living

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