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  • in reply to: Ideas for Sheva Brochos Theme? #663923

    Actually, I heard that Hava Nagila is a very heilige song. Check out its source.

    in reply to: Shabbos Siren #663864

    To fialkoff: any updates?

    in reply to: The Working Poor Crisis #663827

    Newsflash to havesomeseichel: there are working poor out of town too. And many of these cities really, really don’t need a third pizza shop. (Not a bad thing, nothing to do with the economy.)

    in reply to: Shabbos Siren #663856

    Curious who the “we” are. If anyone is around who is close to channeling Rabbi Neuberger, zt”l, please bounce it off him first.

    in reply to: The Working Poor Crisis #663812

    Jothar, you’re right but…

    Those studies are geared to kids, not adults. Separate educational venues that are practical, affordable, etc. are great but if an adult has no choice s/he should be able to handle mixed classes.

    in reply to: The Working Poor Crisis #663805

    Cantoresque mentioned the gorilla in the room. I’ll add the zoo with the elephant in the room.

    Another factor is that when people leave kollel, the men might start out at entry level jobs equal to or less than what they were making when in kollel (no more bein hasedorim for the odd jobs). Unless they’re getting supported until they’re on their feet fully they may well end up part of the working poor.

    in reply to: Working Mothers – How Do You Find the Strength? #663362

    This thread has been hijacked (by the men). We’re not having a referendum on women working, let’s take that to the kollel thread. Women ARE working, whether to keep the men in kollel or because of a desperately needed second income, among other reasons, and this thread was started for support, especially practical.

    But since we’re already off topic, I’ve got to disagree with Joseph. We have to focus on batei neeman. Of course we can’t have them without Torah at the core, but we can’t downplay how important it is for the women not to be bearing the entire burden. We have to see what our kids need.

    I’m not trying to guilt any women here, just trying to put things in perspective. Let’s continue this on the kollel thread.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664544

    To cherrybim: the letter was a two page spread in both Yated and Hamodia, I think the yom tov edition. Too many names for most of them not to be legit, IMO. However, read it carefully.

    in reply to: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading #665198

    I googled “snopes revital avraham” and didn’t get any hits, yet I did find a reference to a coffee room mention of this girl, with the allegation that the poster checked Snopes and it’s true. YMMV.

    in reply to: Smoking Habit #670605

    Thanks, mod. I’m heartened to see how careful you are with clean lashon. May I say this in my defense, in case people are wondering? It was a five letter word for fool, ixxxt.

    in reply to: Smoking Habit #670603

    Ronrsr: I agree. When I see kids who are starting to smoke, I think, fools, if only the people who could help them fill the void would, etc. but I only have rachmanus for confirmed somokers.

    EDITED in blue

    in reply to: Men Wearing Colored Shirts #669330

    Re the gezaira in Poland: What exactly was the gezaira? What levush was being changed? Who was proposing to change it, and why? Who had established the levush?

    I don’t know if this is perfectly analogous to the colored shirt debates, especially in families or communities that don’t have the mesorah of levush.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664514

    Azoiis: I wrote, “significant minority”, not “insignificant minority.” As I said before, the gedolim have spoken and I will not belittle the problem.

    However, I will take issue with distortions, exaggeration, and fear mongering.

    Re the cherem: it was determined that marriage with two wives was not good for shalom bayis, hence the cherem. Az asserts that it is not good for shalom bayis to have older unmarried children, particularly daughters.

    a) It is not INEVITABLE, or close to it.

    b) It is also not good for shalom bayis to have financial problems. Ergo, we should consider abolishing kollel. (Just following the same logic.)

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664507

    AZOI, from what I’ve heard about the cherem, it was clear that it wasn’t working and in the best interest of a strong Jewish home, on an individual home basis. Age gaps between spouses is NOT a risk factor for shalom bayis. Many people have strong marriages (raise your hands if you grew up in such a home; my parents were four years apart). On a COMMUNAL level, the numbers seem to be pointing to a problem for a significant minority of young women. Apples and oranges.

    in reply to: Smoking Habit #670600

    Haifagirl, I don’t think that’s the problem. The girls know enough about smoking – like lung cancer, second hand smoke issues for kids, etc. – to avoid smokers. The problem is the desperation being fomented that makes girls still opt to marry a smoker if it means getting married to SOMEONE and avoid being a statistic.

    in reply to: Is the FBI Anti-Semitic? #663382

    To Just a guy: no no no. Every gentile is a POTENTIAL anti semite, just like every Jew is a POTENTIAL spy.

    in reply to: Struggling with Hat and Jacket #663271

    Re Wolfishmusings: I agree, the problem is the rest of the world. The boy may not be in a school setting that feels that way, etc.; and you can’t discount the possibility that there’s a subtext there of dealing with a real, imperfect world without getting disillusioned.

    in reply to: Working Mothers – How Do You Find the Strength? #663333

    Smart cookie, there’s an elephant in the room no one mentions. Usually a guy leaves kollel because they can’t manage anymore, on primarily the wife’s income, or because she wants to be home. Problem is, the guy isn’t going to make more without training than he was when in kollel (unless parental help continues). Women will HAVE to continue working.

    And truth is, in many cases a second income is still needed, even if living modestly.

    I guess the best answers are some of the great ones that have come up already, like the last two, the understanding that husbands will have to share some of the responsibilities, etc.

    in reply to: Is the FBI Anti-Semitic? #663377

    To Just a guy, what gets me nervous (and for some reason my comments aren’t going through on the homepage, despite repeated attempts at contacting via the homepage) is that there has apparently been a long term follow up and fear of selling out to Israel. This shows how Jews are viewed, for better or worse, true or not. And I have to wonder if similar efforts are made in other communities, vis a vis other countries (not necessarily so friendly).

    in reply to: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading #665188

    This is why I belong to some women only groups, and I try to avoid the party threads on CR. Not to reinvent the wheel but there is something about separate forums in many, if not most, arenas of life.

    in reply to: Canadian group advocates banning burkas #663189

    Thanks, ICOT, I needed that.

    I’m ambivalent about banning burkas myself, leaning towards NOT banning.

    I’ve seen some women in “levush” a step or two down and it’s actually quite attractive, and they show their full faces. Clearly seeing the face should be law, at least for licenses.

    in reply to: Smoking Habit #670597

    Mazca, I think there’s something called Berger’s syndrome, a horrible condition smokers can face that just shows how addictive this is.

    That smoking is considered an outlet for a boys is a travesty that should be countered with as much energy and vocals as the age gap. If our boys need outlets, or show latent talent, let’s give them music, shop, etc. Now there’s this condescending attitude, nebach, your son NEEDS that mishegas. That mishegas can be valuable tools for life (e.g. shop) or vehicles of great chesed (e.g. music in nursing homes, etc.)

    in reply to: What to Look out for While Dating #681911

    Looking at the topics here should give you a good working list:

    Colored shirts?

    Brooklyn eruv?

    Does s/he compliment?



    in reply to: Kollel – Talmud Torah Kneged Kulam #1177552

    To Joseph. I believe you’re right about taking money for learning. I started – am trying to save for Shabbos but probably won’t succeed – reading last week’s Yated chinuch roundtable, in which one of my favorite members suggests funding more generous stipends for kollel men to allow the wives to stay home. He doesn’t mention this, IIRC, but it would seem to me that the only way to achieve this would be to downsize kollelim, establish some sort of merit standards, etc.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680891

    To AZ: why not get paid for that, you ask.

    There are sources, I’ve heard, for paying shadchanim. I remember one kallah, the day of her chasuna frantically making sure the shadchan was paid. I don’t know where or what the sources are. Are there sources for actually paying, and how much, if it doesn’t come through, other than a token out of sincere hakaras hatov?

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664491

    To AZ, but the data can be used by anonymous bloggers and commenters to inspire even more frantic desperation?

    in reply to: Talking With Members of The Opposite Gender #663151

    That was Mrs. On ben Peles. But AFAIK we don’t pasken from a medrash. The source for covering hair is the sotah, where it says her hair was “paruah.” Some explain it to mean disheveled, as a basis for NOT covering hair. But to be consistent, even those people would wear hair in a more demure style, I would think. (I base this on an intriguing book whose title I forgot, by Lynn Schreiber, Aura Press.)

    in reply to: Men Wearing Colored Shirts #669289

    To KTzoys: I’d welcome you but see the taaruvos thread.

    Who are the gedolim who have mandated this, and what exactly have they said, i.e. what are the age parameters, etc.?

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664488

    Is there any way we can post our daughters’ school (maybe anonymously, through a mod) to get a profile?

    in reply to: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading #665160

    Funny how the short pencil skirt wearers (always dark skirts) wear opaque same color tights, which was assur a few years ago in sem….

    in reply to: Men Wearing Colored Shirts #669250

    1) Is this for real?

    1a) Is it mutar for men in white shirts to surf the net?

    2) It’s become accepted (not mandatory, B”H) for bar mitzvah boys, who might be in 6th grade, and up to wear white shirts. Any younger is sadistic, for the boy, mother, society.

    in reply to: Struggling with Hat and Jacket #663227

    Also meant to ask, any sensory issues? A dear friend whose son has Aspergers had to deal with this.

    in reply to: Struggling with Hat and Jacket #663226

    To Jax: thanks for both your responses.

    I think that unless we have a generations long mesorah of levush (and even then…)what we have to emphasize is the need to daven “kempt” as opposed to unkempt – tucked in, laces tied. That is clearly understandable as kavod appropriate and necessary. If one’s son is doing that, and davening with kavana and sincerely, one is way ahead of the game.

    When you ask someone experienced and wiser, make sure to include all details necessary – age, milieu, etc.

    Rabbi Yakov Horowitz would also be a good person to contact.

    May you, or whoever, see great nachas.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680881

    There are gown gemachs that have SUGGESTED prices but not flat prices. We paid for the cleaning (which they get at a great discount) and a modest bit more for their overhead etc. These are people who know us and know what we could(n’t) afford.

    in reply to: Frum and Gluten Free (Egg Free?) #810801

    IR, if someone’s dealing with Crohn’s or colitis they probably should take it a step further and look into the specific carbohydrate diet, and the book Breaking the Vicious Cycle. (There’s a dot com website by the same name.) This is the “Crohn’s” diet. Some people with extreme celiac have found the diet helpful but for celiacs it’s recommended for life, and from what I’ve seen, not necessary for most people.

    There is a kosher business in Monsey called Digestive Wellness that sells prepared foods and some basic ingredients, as well as a cookbook. The Weisses, who run it, are very helpful and l’shem shamayim, though there may be cheaper outlets for some of the ingredients, a lot of the products are for advanced dieters, and many people find it simpler and cost effective to make them themselves.

    in reply to: Designer Labels #662863

    It’s funny, I read some semi-upscale women’s magazine. One just had a fashion spread called, The $30 Purse. They mix it up, a little. Occasionally you can find Target, Kohl’s, even Payless on those pages.

    And BTW, if anyone spots me with a Coach purse I got it at the thrift shop (where I do a good bit of my shopping).

    in reply to: Ta’aruvos in YWN Coffee Room? #667659

    Personally, when I remember, I usually respond directly to someone by saying, To Ploni, or Re Ploni. Though if it’s someone I suspect I’m a bit older than, I’ve done it directly.

    in reply to: Tznius Support Group PLEASE WOMEN ONLY, even reading #665123

    Anyone know the missing words? (I can sing, we’re all women here)

    Tznius, it is our battle cry

    Tznius something or other do or die

    Tznius, don’t show your kneeus

    Or you feet or your ankles or [upper legs]

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664481

    Dr. Pepper, in my time, a good quarter century ago, boys started dating at about 23, girls at 20 (2 years out of high school). There was presumed to be a similar level of maturity, sophistication, experience, what have you. People weren’t so focused on age. Or maybe my friends who set me up were all married to guys a few years older than they, I don’t know. All I know is, many of my friends and relatives (including older relatives) married guys 2 to 3+ years older than they.

    in reply to: Designer Labels #662848

    Mazal77, B”H things are different here out of town. I can think of one extremely wealthy family that lives well below their means, still well above mine, and frankly, there is no trying to keep up with them, or others with means, at least among many of the people I know.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664474

    AZ, the problem is that there are many issues the gedolim have commented on, e.g. takanos for chasanos, and there has not been uniform compliance. Many people have reservations about this. It is one thing to SUGGEST that one should try to date within the age range. But to MANDATE marrying within the age range, i.e. ONLY considering shidduchim within the age range, gives many people pause. It is social engineering, and requires a level of unity and maybe even ruach hakodesh, if not outright nevuah. No one wants to be the guinea pig.

    There have been other suggestions as to how to pull this off, e.g. have boys coming back from E”Y at an arbitrary cut off date, regardless of where they are in their learning (and what if they don’t want to start dating that early, anyway?). The buzz gives many people pause.

    in reply to: Tznius #662521

    Thanks Jphone! I needed that 😉

    in reply to: Designer Labels #662801

    Ames, gotta tell you, I’ve never spent a hundred on a pair of shoes either.

    in reply to: Kollel – Talmud Torah Kneged Kulam #1177527

    Am I the only one who’s curious about Joseph’s CV (and how long his kids have been in kollel and their menu this Shabbos)?

    in reply to: Shabbos is Free #703528

    There’s going the extra mile, and there’s going overboard. There’s also inconspicuous consumption. But basically, most people can’t be that extravagant, especially if they’re not consistent in fulfilling their obligations (e.g. tuition) – reminds me of the mashal of the two brothers going to their other brother’s wedding, father sent money to the rich man to cover the costs of both the first brothers, etc.

    in reply to: Kollel – Talmud Torah Kneged Kulam #1177511

    Jes curious: these your musings or quoted from somewhere?

    The last dor had a mandate to rebuild the lost Torah. I think that this dor has a mandate to rebuild the true Jewish home, which is of course centered on Torah.

    OK, coffee room, raise your hands on this one: how many of you know “working men” who are talmidei chachomim and mechabrei seforim? (Like my father.)

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680821

    Oomis, there is a going rate, but for the done deal.

    To be paid by the hour is NOT a good idea.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664431

    P.S. To be dan lekaf zechus, I remember hearing that even apikorsus can be used for the good. When doing chesed for another person, one has to put forth enormous efforts, as if ch”v Hashem wouldn’t help – you can’t be a baal bitachon on someone else’s cheshbon.

    But even so, it’s AS IF. We also have to keep Hashem’s role in it. I have to check the letter again. I can’t believe it doesn’t say something like that somewhere.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664430

    To AZ: Ask some of these gedolim if they think we should downplay Hashem’s role as being mezaveg zivugim. I always thought that when hishtadlus was required, good old fashioned bitachon was the essential tavlin.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664408

    AZ, I TOTALLY disagree with your suggestion to pay shadchanim $$$ after only 3 dates. PERHAPS people should give some MODEST tangible thanks ACCORDING TO WHAT THEY CAN, such as flowers, a gift certificate. I say this not just because I can’t afford this but because it is just WRONG!

    I wish I had more time to elaborate but I have to run now. Hopefully someone will carry this further who is not as RILED UP as I am right now.

    I am trying my best to go along with this program, but please, if you are going to posit yourself as spokesman, don’t make such suggestions without clearing this by people who are willing to be NAMED!

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