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What also concerns me is how little awareness there is of everything that’s in there. One democrat said that he didn’t have two days and help to read this, he was going to vote anyway. President Clinton spoke to a group of politicians urging them to vote for the bill even though it was rough as that’s what amendments are for (not sure if the amendment line was from him or someone else).
tzippiMemberDoes universal health care automatically = rationing? Are we headed there anyway?
Witness the controversy over the new screening recommendations for women.
tzippiMemberIs Azamra Rabbi Cohen? I thought it was more hashkafa and laid back, and I don’t mean either in a bad way.
tzippiMemberBombmaniac, I feel like I read that one already.
tzippiMemberI’m not advocating wrestling, but there’s a difference between a sport wherein you can win by pinning down your opponent, and one where you inflict bodily harm.
Before you say I don’t know what I’m talking about, I know of public schools that had wrestling teams, but none with boxing teams.
tzippiMemberShidduchworld, thanks for clarifying. I had no reason not to believe you aren’t doing this l’shem shamayim. Hatzlacha.
tzippiMemberOomis, watch this space for MrsRonsr’s hashgacha pratis shidduch story 😉
But seriously, it’s sweet, heartening, and may the year see the building of many more beautiful batei neeman bYisrael
tzippiMemberIf we were rooting our own team, we would daven that this guy get out of the business. If you have no issues with it, daven every day that he emerge unscathed, without any lasting or dormant neurological or other issues.
tzippiMemberWow. Maybe I’m naive, or poor, but it’s amazing that people who can spend 4k a year on this site are having problems getting shidduchim redt.
tzippiMemberShidduchworld, by redd the shidduch, do you mean that you get a yes from the other side before presenting it to the customer?
tzippiMemberI’m sorry he got hurt but remind me again, why should we be bent out of shape that we Jews aren’t the best at inflicting physical violence on others?
tzippiMemberHavesomeseichel: and what’s wrong with sizes 8 and 10?
tzippiMemberAZOI.IS: maybe better chinuch for the boys, from the home and at the institutional level?
tzippiMemberThe Islamization of Europe is definitely enough to give one pause, but doing the tit for tat thing, a western version of dhimmitude, will just backfire, badly. So I can’t support this.
tzippiMemberWow, guess it’s a good thing reunion only comes once a year. I know that at the stage your friends are at, it’s just a relief to get out and have someone to share experiences with but it’s also a relief to get out and have adult conversation. Surely there are things you can talk about, from the newest Jewish movie to books, to current events, etc.
Why they act strange? I can’t say. It’s not like you’re wearing a T shirt that says “last one single”. So you’re not married yet. If you have the smiley face you claim as a name they should be returning it. Keep smiling and may Hashem be memalei kol mishalos libeich l’tovah.
tzippiMemberThere’s a lot of overlap in girls applying to all the sems BPTotty just mentioned. BUT besides the academic vs. hashkafa oriented issue, there’s also the matter of the types of girls they attract (all the same mold as far as backgrounds) and how strict the sems are in supervising. While to a parent the strictness is quite appealing, it may not be good for your kids.
December 3, 2009 1:19 pm at 1:19 pm in reply to: How to Greet Non-Jews During the Holiday Season #671453tzippiMemberB”H we’re living in a world where if someone says, Merry etc there’s no malice or ill intent at all. I have no problem smiling and saying thanks, you too. If you have to greet someone first, happy holidays is safe; you never know anyway, and in this PC world many people might prefer it.
tzippiMemberI’ve learned from gleaning recipes from various sources that the ones I’ll risk spending the money on ingredients for have been through reputable test kitchens (if it makes it into a cookbook, that passes).
How will you make this cookbook available?
tzippiMemberWe out of towners simply can’t get everything from intown vendors. But again, kol hakavod to people who make the effort.
tzippiMemberHavesomeseichel, you’re right, a sem says a lot about the girl. One thing it says is, this is the seminary, of the three I applied to, that I got into!
tzippiMemberTo Ben Levi: kol hakavod but I can’t afford it, and they don’t always have a good enough selection in my size.
tzippiMemberI’m all for supporting the heimishe olam, but let’s not discount ye old Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Syms, etc.
tzippiMemberLuv2laff: yes.
Actually, no, but it seems that way. And the dynamic duo, whose conversation was recorded earlier (and what about the rest of the convention? We want to hear about that too!) seemed to imply that someone explicitly said that there are advantages to marrying an older girl established in her profession. Advantage to the boy I guess. What advantages are there to the girls? What bonuses are they getting? I know, B”H, a boy who is seriously devoted to learning. Shouldn’t that be the norm? Back in the day the term ben Torah did NOT just belong to someone learning in kollel. It meant a person living his life according to the Torah who was seriously committed to growth, and learned significantly in his discretionary time. Are the girls supposed to be so grateful to find SOMEONE who will marry them that that’s what’s in it for THEM?
tzippiMemberShould have added, I don’t know how many girls go there straight from high school; I may be wrong but I get the impression a lot of girls go after sem in E”Y or elsewhere.
tzippiMemberRockymts, do you mean Dr. Shkop? It’s more of a college with strong Judaic classes that are requirements. I heard that they really care about and mentor the girls.
tzippiMemberHavesomeseichel, I don’t totally agree. Personally, I know for my kids that out of town sem is the best for them. But a good friend told me that her outstanding daughter – who did go away for sem, went on kiruv programs, etc. – was looked at askance shidduchim-wise because for whatever reason she never went to sleepaway camp (?!?!?). This may be your hakpada for your kids but I don’t see it as objective.
tzippiMemberI sit corrected. I remember car phones but not cell phones. Did they fit easily into pockets?
tzippiMemberOK, I just read the “dialogue” on the homepage but YWN’s intrepid convention-goers. (I would comment there but despite repeated messages to the editors my comments don’t go through there.) (Oh, and for some reason, I “heard” the dialogue in my head to the voices of NPR’s Car Brothers.)
Were they serious about the girls and money? Used to be guys – good guys – would wait to get married till they knew they could support a family, since it wasn’t appropriate in the secular world for pregnant women and mothers to work, and who would have dreamed of asking the parents for such kind of help?
tzippiMemberI would totally entrust my daughter’s chinuch to Rabbi Aisenstark. BUT I heard, as of a few years ago, that if the girls are NOT on the college track there is a lot of discretionary, unscheduled time, which is an issue for out of towners. Maybe that’s been changed.
I’d hoped for some info from the second article on the homepage about the Thursday sessions but it wouldn’t open.
tzippiMemberI only mention that so that if there are future printings, they can rewrite that bit.
tzippiMemberAwomanoutsidebrooklyn, I had issues with that book. I don’t want to say much. There was one anachronism, a character having a cell phone in the eighties. I don’t remember the eighties that way.
tzippiMemberWilli, I remember reading The Gordian Knot. That first third was amazing… and then it turned typical thriller on you. His full length fiction novels are fine escapism, and his story collections are a wonderful contribution, but it’s not what I think people here are hoping to cultivate.
tzippiMemberMazca, I’m trying to remember what I spent on the boys that I didn’t on the girls. Here you go: Tefillin, a kiddush in shul (would have done one in the house if possible), homemade food for the family that came to town for Shabbos (who didn’t for the girls).
We made the same seuda for the girls and their classes that we did for the boys; didn’t do an arts and crafts project for the boys 😉
That’s about it.
(Husband taught the boys how to lain, so no spending there.)
tzippiMemberKeep the lines open, and celebrate. Not to tell you how to spend your money, but maybe next time he comes home let him find a new CD on his pillow 😉
November 24, 2009 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm in reply to: A Wife’s Obligation Towards Her Husband & Kids #902273tzippiMemberFunnyBunny, I second the motion!
tzippiMemberLotsa talmidei chachamim out there who have 9 -5 jobs, especially among the 70 and 80 somethings (who married older, FWIW, many of them) who had to start working full time early as it was pasnisht for obviously pregnant women to work.
You see, this is the albatross around my neck. I grew up with too many role models of men who truly made Torah umnasom, even if they worked. Guess I need some serious deprogramming….
tzippiMemberAnd what about the out of town girls who don’t have in town options? They need something solid and (especially if you don’t qualify for FAFSA, etc.) it does add up.
tzippiMemberI like Faye Kellerman. I heard her speak, she’s an engaging person who would make a great neighbor (not that I could afford to live in any of her neighborhoods 😉 But to ronrsr: have you read all her books? Do you really think so? I can’t see it at all. And there are subtleties, like the younger daughter’s choir recital in the last book attended by her father – this is not for the mainstream Judaica reader. Between the expense in getting the rights (how much will Harper Collins or whoever make from it from being sanitized) and the impossibility of getting the job done, not gonna happen.
tzippiMemberI agree with everyone:
– Not great for a bar mitzvah either.
– Are they setting the bar for everyone else? There are some people who just do these things, the rest of us smile, and if invited enjoy the evening out; there’s NO question that we or our kids will feel a need to keep up with the Cohenses.
The story goes that Rav Shach’s son was a year older than his sister. The kiddush that week was in honor of the son, the shalosh seudos for the daughter. Anyone heard this? And was it de riguer to make a shalosh seudos for a bas mitzvah?
November 24, 2009 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm in reply to: A Wife’s Obligation Towards Her Husband & Kids #902271tzippiMemberThis is very interesting. In my home, we don’t keep score, just show our appreciation.
I think that in this economy there are many husbands who are the primary breadwinners who, to their great dismay, can’t bring in enough to provide as they’d like to. But the wives truly respect their husbands’ efforts, their middos, their commitment to being b’nei Torah, and the men respect the women being cheerful, upbeat, raising their children to be healthy, and doing the best they can, or close enough to it.
tzippiMemberThe curriculum is definitely more rigorous than it used to be (not a judgment, just stating the facts). They’ve attracted good girls. I think there’s a bit of overlap with Chocmas Lev. Rabbi Belsky wrote the chinuch column in last week’s Hamodia for people wanting to find out more.
November 24, 2009 1:23 am at 1:23 am in reply to: A Wife’s Obligation Towards Her Husband & Kids #902259tzippiMemberHow would you answer the question?
tzippiMemberMaayan Devash, this is a separate issue. In my day the principal would read EVERY thing that issued from the school office. It is so sad to see the deterioration of usage of language.
tzippiMemberLet’s not bring the secular writers into this. I believe that there can be quality lit without the raw language and scenes (and errors, even if unintentional). Sun Inside Rain is a case in point. Dual Discovery was outstanding, and for younger readers, The Stars Will Guide You was great. Meir Uri Gottesman is a compelling writer and a rollicking read. This short list is not meant to be definitive. (Avner Gold is fantastic though I hope his new emphasis on the history and gedolim will not be at the expense of the story; I wonder how many other readers wanted more of a glimpse of Sebastian’s later life. But halevai other authors should come anywhere close.)
tzippiMemberStriving, what kind of plots geared to what ages would you like to see?
tzippiMemberSo if a kallah is 25 months younger than her chosson, or 24 months and a day, she won’t qualify for such a discount in setting up her bayis neeman?
It’s one thing if the shadchan gets a bonus for such a shidduch but it’s scary to think of some poor couple thinking, wow, we can get help if we go through with this.
Mybat, do you think that such shadchanim would only be allowed to redt close in age shidduchim, even if they think of a perfect idea out of range?
tzippiMemberAZ, maybe I should have qualified. Everything seems small compared to Lakewood, but I consider NIRC a larger yeshiva. Can you get your numbers people to find out where the others have gone? (FWIW, that was the yeshiva I was referring to in my earlier post.)
I realize it’s too frightening to contemplate but I’m a baalos bitachon and I would like to start contemplating. Could you spell out what the frightening implications are? When you crunch numbers are the non-fulltime learners part of it all, or is the shidduch crisis the domain of the fulltime learners and those who want to marry them?
Really, trust me. I can handle it.
tzippiMembersmh1: thanks for mentioning Toronto, I forgot.