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  • in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672666

    AZ, I realize that there is something unique about the mitzvah/chesed of making a shidduch in that it is expected (rightfully) to pay the baal mitzvah (shadchan).

    Yet I have to wonder

    – are there any other chassadim that we should pay for? Not just show our appreciation (a friend I drive on a regular basis occasionally buys us grape juice, candy, etc. but just that, occasionally and irregularly) but flat rate compensation? (Not talking about gas and driving expenses, let’s think about other chasadim or mitzvos.)

    – in whatever literature there is about shadchanus, is there a precedent for paying before the shidduch is cemented?

    – did you or your parents compensate all the shadchanim you may have used (assuming you went out with more than one girl; if you didn’t think of your siblings) similarly? Is it because they are less evolved than you? Because the crisis wasn’t as acute and by golly we got to get these girls dates by any means necessary? Other?

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672664

    AZ, it may not be a lot of money from the shadchan’s side but what if it’s a lot from the parents’? And is this just parents of the girls, or both sides?

    As it is, I’ve seen amazing, beautiful efforts for hachnasas kallah in US communities, but if this is going to be added to the burden (and I’m talking about the working poor, who get help from the community to make a simple chasuna – not support, furniture, just the chasuna, rather than let the girls go unmarried) I think that’s absolutely untenable.

    in reply to: Finding the Right Seminary #1101643

    Potpie, from what I can tell, Darchei Bina is a bit more intellectual and academic than Chochmas Lev. (Leaving frumkeit, or farfrumkeit aside.) So the girls may be more focused and intense to that degree.

    in reply to: Finding the Right Seminary #1101637

    Detroit really sounds like it could fit the bill; unfortunately it hasn’t seen the growth it really deserves. Maybe this year, if it’s true that BYBP is closing…?

    in reply to: Should We Give The H1N1 Vaccine For Kids #671973

    Which vaccines? I would love to know what he has to say about H1N1.

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672654

    GREAT! Ask the question! Of course. We’ve bought flowers or otherwise expressed our gratitude to shadchanim (in this case, lay shachanim), and they found it appropriate enough that they came up with names again.

    But it is really disingenuous to bounce around such an idea, say that you spoke to rabbanim who will start implementing this in various communities (Watch this space!) then say, nah, all I meant was to get people to start showing hakaras hatov. What gives?

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672651

    AZ, based on your comment on the first page, can you stop being disparaging to people who haven’t redt 5 shidduchim in the last year? Pots, kettles, black, and all that.

    Now maybe you are the front man for the gedolim, bouncing off an idea, and a week later they will come out in public. Want to tell us the time frame? Because again, unless we have names upfront (and your name too might not be a bad idea) you should not be taken seriously.

    in reply to: Don’t Judge Someone Unless You’re in His/Her Shoes! #685100

    Pashute, my apologies. It too me another reading to get what you’re saying.

    There’s thinking outside the box, broadening your horizons, etc. but if you know your kids, what they’ll need to build a happy bayis neeman, then I’m sure you’re doing everything you can. May you dance at your kids’ chasunas b’shaa tova (and it should be obvious it couldn’t have been any sooner) and see many doros yesherim.

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672646

    AZ, could you give me some advance notice of when the rabbonim will go public with advocating this, this, whatever? There’s a Rabbi Frand shiur on leitzanus/cynicism I’ll want to chazer to strengthen myself from totally giving in to cynicism.

    in reply to: Another Shidduch Related Question #675471

    IF, and I say IF, the mother in law asks for it with full knowledge of the girl, she must provide and pay for her own handwriting sample. (If both are maskim, it’s probably a shidduch 😉

    And heaven help us if she uses an old sample from a yearbook….

    in reply to: The Dybbuk – Real or fake?? #671729

    Jphone: bingo. Something is really weird about this, beyond the weirdness of a dybbuk.

    in reply to: Maaser #671785

    May I suggest changing the name of this thread to Maaser, as masser has different meanings?

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672611

    P.S. to my homework assignment: extra credit if the rav is any of the NASI signatories.

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672610

    This would be fascinating followup to anyone who wants to try:

    Go to a local rav. Propose this idea. Include the comment about the community coughing up if a person is unable to foot the bill. Ask what yashrus dictates as far as implementing this. Share details with us. If at all possible (anyway to do this anonymously through the moderator to protect one’s ID?) share the rav’s name.

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672586

    Oh, and I forgot the FLIP SIDE!

    Ya think there’re shadchanim out there who won’t push kids who are both absolutely sure it’s a no into a third date?


    in reply to: Don’t Judge Someone Unless You’re in His/Her Shoes! #685088

    I feel for you. But could you clarify what you mean?

    in reply to: Pay the Attempted Shadchan? #672584

    I really, really don’t like the idea. I fully support paying a shadchan for a completed shidduch, and showing appreciation for efforts regardless of how it turns out. But what kind of precedent do we have for this tremendous burden, on top of everything else??? And what if a shadchan didn’t spend all that much time and effort in it? How unfair!

    Sorry, I have to add this to the lunacy of the shidduch scene of today. No one ever dreamed of anything like this 25 years ago. Is this only because of the “crisis”?

    And what kind of pressure will we know be putting on our kids? How many shidduchim will break off after 2 dates because of worry over the burden of having to pay the shadchan, when a couple might need an extra few dates, and who knows, maybe those extra few dates could turn things around, but maybe not…

    in reply to: Jew V.S Muslim #671448

    600kilo, in some way, I get how these frum boxers make a kiddush Hashem. But it’s still terrible to make a parnassa in a job where you know you’ve succeeded if and only if you’ve done some physical harm to another person.

    in reply to: Singles Over the Age of 25 Should Deal Directly With the Shaddchan #671709

    Oomis, you’re right, and yet, in an ideal world, with good communication and parents who are focused on the kids’ best interests, parental involvement is a fine thing. Their opinion should always be valued, even if not carrying majority weight.

    And it’s a lot easier to walk away from a job that’s a bad fit.

    in reply to: Singles Over the Age of 25 Should Deal Directly With the Shaddchan #671676

    I would say, like HIPPA, let the kids decide who they want to allow to talk with the shadchan, even informally. I think that my kids, if older, would still value my opinion.

    in reply to: Shidduchim – Meshugas or Acceptable #673721

    WADR to Joseph, do you think you hampered your sisters in any way? Or could you have at any point? (or maybe you didn’t fall under the rov category so they were safe….)

    in reply to: Shidduchim – Meshugas or Acceptable #673710

    Devil’s advocate, we don’t know if he catches the shmuz, or listens to kosher radio and the occasional shmuz, etc. For all we know, he may do exactly what you’re saying.

    Do you mean, BTW, to advocate a fellow sitting in yeshiva with a Midrash Says to pass the time?

    Chasdei Hashem, that while for whatever reason he can’t get into learning, he’s still committed to staying on the derech. That says a LOT in my opinion. AND another factor is not so much a situation like this but how the family handles it. Sounds like they’re getting an A on that score too. Sounds like a GREAT family to be meshadech with.

    in reply to: Recipes for People Who Don’t Know How to Cook #672155

    SJS might be too busy with the baby (let’s hope, and happily 😉

    in reply to: How to Greet Non-Jews During the Holiday Season #671483

    To bombmaniac: I don’t give a lecture. Not worth the effort.

    This morning I was in the gas station and the cashier wished me a blessed day when she handed me my receipt. I smiled warmly and said, Thanks, you too. (You can smile, omit, the thanks, say back at you.) What did I lose? Maybe she’ll treat the next overtly frum customer nicely. Who knows?

    in reply to: Recipes for People Who Don’t Know How to Cook #672152

    I really like the Nitra cookbook too. I got it as a chasuna gift years ago. But note to the novice cook who tries to make compote: 1 gl. water does NOT mean 1 GALLON of water, it means 1 (who knows what ounce size) GLASS.

    in reply to: The “Comments” Section on Each Post #670977

    The comments section is kind of like instant letters to the editor, difference being that since space isn’t an issue, most letters will get “published.” I have to weigh the fun of that aspect with being intellectually honest (I basically agree with you).

    in reply to: Greatest JEW of the Decade Award #712216

    Halelukah, if the comment section here grows like it did in other fora you will get an incredible variety of answers. Most people won’t think in global terms but smaller, i.e. on a community basis or a personal basis.

    in reply to: Smoking Habit #670724

    aj-briskdude, it’s a sad state of affairs that outlets like music and shop are no longer in for the good boys. I don’t know if it’s still done but a quarter century ago it was the really good guys in a major yeshiva who visited and performed in nursing homes erev Shabbos.

    So we’ve got to the point where it’s either or, huh, smoking, or pool…

    (I wonder if this is contributing to the shidduch crisis.)

    in reply to: Good Bachurim Can Smoke?! What’s the Purim Heter? #671244

    An acquaintance who stopped smoking and went from a small petite size to a (low end) plus size was told by her doctor that she’s still infinitely healthier than had she continued to smoke.

    in reply to: Low Profile #670229

    to PY: just pointing out that a lot of famous people have Jewish sons in law, or intermarried themselves. Does it give you that kind of pride, or warm fuzzies, in every case?

    in reply to: Low Profile #670227

    To PY: do you feel that same sense of pride that JFK had and Al Gore has Jewish “eidim”? And didn’t Gracie Allen show excellent taste in choosing George Burns (or maybe not, from a story I heard).

    It doesn’t send me that it’s hip to be Jewish.

    in reply to: Low Profile #670222

    I’m just including this here if the mods allow. There was a thread on the meeting with Obama, the professor and policeman. My comment was the one that seemed to have closed it. I was merely commenting on a previous comment that I though might have been intended to be offensive. I did not mean MINE to be, and hope no one understood it that way.

    It was what was starting to come in after your post that closed it. -77

    in reply to: Dessert for Shabbos Chanukah #670166

    Smart cookie: wonderful, but how do you keep it in prime condition for a few hours for Shabbos dessert? (Or for the next morning?)

    in reply to: Low Profile #670220

    About Morey Amsterdam: Didn’t he have a real life bar mitzvah in his seventies?

    in reply to: Social Work School #1024778

    Find a mentor in the field, AND a rav.

    in reply to: Beer Diplomacy #670070

    Wow, four months already?

    And how many more kegs has the pres. gone through? I don’t think it’s gonna happen.

    in reply to: Please Share Recommendations For Children’s Fiction #670149

    Mazal, I assume it’s ok for parents to get out books for the kids? Because otherwise, it is unlikely there’ll be enough to read. Many Jewish and school libraries have limits that are not enough for the reading appetites of most kids I know.

    in reply to: Low Profile #670213

    To Pashuteh Yid: Have you read Shtickshift by Simcha Weinstein? Interesting take on the impact of Jewish humor in America.

    in reply to: Most Moving Jewish Song In Your View #1096812

    Oomis, I’m with you. Gunther’s moves me for personal reasons, but Yerushalayim Shel Zahav puts me over the top, especially with the memory of newsreel I saw of soldiers running to the Kosel after the Six Day War, then dancing and singing this song. Got to tell you, I’m crying just typing this. (And Yehoram Gaon… hasn’t “made” teshuva yet as far as I know but about ten years ago I read a transcription in Yated of a monologue in his show. At least at that point, you could see that Sephardi purity and inner connection to authenticity; one can cry over his songs in complete good conscience IMO.)

    in reply to: Dessert for Shabbos Chanukah #670154

    What does the olam like? If this is a gathering of family and friends who don’t always share your Shabbos table, make an old family favorite. Repeat yourself if it went over well. Go with a theme only if it won’t bring you lots of stress; or better yet, let the theme be Shabbos…dessert.

    in reply to: Please Share Recommendations For Children’s Fiction #670139

    To Mod: type in secular book list in the search engine. You will have to register and log in.

    in reply to: Please Share Recommendations For Children’s Fiction #670136

    Actually I don’t know you well enough to say I would use your judgment. Should have just been, “use your judgment.”

    in reply to: Please Share Recommendations For Children’s Fiction #670135

    I would go to and look for the secular book list.

    I would also use your judgment.

    in reply to: Low Profile #670204

    If a person is acting in a way that “shem Shayayim misaheiv” al libo, I doubt levush is an issue. But the public menorah stuff is a different story. I’m sure there are places where it’s handled well, is still so far overshadowed by the dominant culture that it’s not in anyone’s face, etc. and in those cases, kol hakavod.

    in reply to: Please Share Recommendations For Children’s Fiction #670131

    To bombmaniac:

    There’s the list from Yeshivas Darchei Torah of Detroit, and a longer list from .

    Some great new Jewish books that might be fine for a 12 y.o.: The Stars Will Guide You and Dual Discovery.

    in reply to: Most Efficient Way To Eliminate Warts #670938

    Have you been to a doctor/podiatrist?

    And have you tried duct tape? Even doctors say it’s effective.

    in reply to: Where are all the Boys? #670010

    AZ, boys ARE going to some shadchanim. The shadchanim have lists of boys – where are they getting them from? And I’ve heard that part of the entrance procedure for BMG is meeting a shadchan.

    in reply to: Health Care Overhaul #669696

    Es chatai ani mazkir, but I listen to liberal radio. It is clear that the public option is simply a stepping stone for single payer; that IS the ultimate goal.

    Right now I just heard an interview on an Air America program with Marlo Thomas, focusing on her work with St. Jude Hospital. The hostess gushed, look at the success rates with childhood cancer they have – see what happens when no one is turned away and money is spent! If it weren’t erev Shabbos I would call in – all that money is from private funding and philanthropy, isn’t it? What comes from the government? Can someone crunch the numbers and see what would happen if they would rely on government funding?

    in reply to: STOP BLAMING THE BOYS!!!!!! #674908

    Sorry but

    a) I heard this from a rav who was speaking about shidduchim

    b) I’ve dealt with enough shadchanim myself who wanted us to look into it and give a yes from our side (re daughters) first to save the boys time.

    in reply to: STOP BLAMING THE BOYS!!!!!! #674904

    To melechmalko: what you have to say is interesting. I’ve heard that when boys usually look at a few girls, these are girls who have already said YES. This is why girls often do their checking out and give the yeses to the boys first.

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