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And what about all the young men still in full time learning who would leave if they could? And they wouldn’t leave for the streets. They’re 25+, want to finish school, work, learn 1 – 2 sedarim a day, but noooo, the type of decent BY girls they want won’t have them. (And on the flip side, what about the girls who would look for that, if THEY had permission to?)
This isn’t a parents/kids dichotomy, it’s the parents AND kids vs. society one.
And no, I don’t believe the system’s failed if there’s a bachur who would voluntarily leave the beis medrash a nanosecond before he has to.
tzippiMemberI saw a letter sent to an oot community about a visiting shadchan who will only be working for the 21 y.o’s and up now.
If girls don’t want boys who are younger than 22, they will have to wait till 21, 22.
Perhaps the number 21 would be better. Combing through the archives, i do have to get to work now, but there was mention on the You can help solve the crisis thread about 19 y.o’s being passed over in favor of older girls. And boys prefer girls who can support them already,i.e. have their masters.
Sorry, I’m in a rush, wondering if anyone else has picked up on this.
tzippiMemberSinglePicky, I can’t say, but the young women I know who did marry men who were previously married may have complicated their lives, but did not compromise.
tzippiMemberRockymts. it sounds like an idea whose time has come, especially since it allows the girls to experience Tishrei (and let’s hope a happy Av).
Fabie, you can probably find the menahel’s number on line – Rabbi Eli Yelen, Oak Park MI.
tzippiMemberDo you mean first year out of high school?
I get the impression that many boys go 3rd year or so. If you mean straight out of high school, he should go with a very strong chevra to a yeshiva with a good dorm and serious hashgacha.
Ask the hanhala to explain the discrepancy, and what you should say to your son and how.
tzippiMemberAZ, far be it from me to belittle genuine pain. But question: at what point does a girl become an older single? There is a grassroots movement to get girls to delay dating till 22. How long does it take for them to cross over to the other side?
And about the older singles: the age dating won’t work. We need to BROADEN their options as much as possible. However, for the entry level singles, there is clearly toeles to a phase of TRYING. (I wouldn’t limit anyone’s options under any circumstances.)
tzippiMemberI was thinking of the original turntable albums, didn’t realize that new releases on CD, etc. were still called albums.
tzippiMemberAnd aries, they don’t want to wear flat flats all the time. Doctors report seeing a fair amount of stress fractures.
tzippiMemberCYLOR. I know my local rav (reputable, just want to stay “anon”) isn’t keen on it for Pesach.
tzippiMemberAZ, please elaborate. I’m not being sarcastic. And I’m not belittling loneliness.
But if I were a young man I would much rather go out with and marry someone who radiates simchas hachaim. Then again, maybe the single older guys are also wallowing in their misery, crying in their pillows, waiting for Princess Charming to (figuratively, of course) sweep them off their feet.
tzippiMemberAlbums?!? Glad I’m not the only dinosaur here.
tzippiMemberAZ, I don’t often get the Yated before Monday (out of town mail delivery).
I am intrigued by the torture line. Perhaps I need to see the total context but at what age does being an older singer young woman become torture? Or is it the demoralizing shidduch scene, in which case, how long does a young woman have to go out unsuccessfully or it to qualify as torture? As there is subtle and not so subtle encouragement to delay dating, will girls reach the torture stage earlier in their shidduch phase?
I don’t mean to downplay this. I know that even the young women with the biggest smiles and stiffest upper lips will have their down days but what are we doing to our girls by such rhetoric? Aren’t we raising them to have simchas hachaim and feel productive regardless of their marital status, especially as they get older and more skilled, professionally and personally, and may be able to make even more contributions in their communities?
Am I missing something?
And just for the record, I DO have kids in the parsha.
tzippiMemberDid I say who was paying?
tzippiMemberYoudon’tknowme, if the date involved a plane ticket, the parents are in their rights to see if it’s in the ballpark. (Yes, I know. Shidduchvision!)
tzippiMemberHaifagirl, who’s that email from?
And Youdon’tknowme, nothing wrong with parents being involved in research and vetting, but there’s a difference between saying yes to kids going out, and pushing into marriage.
That part wasn’t clear to me.
tzippiMemberBenLevi, what can’t you find locally?
tzippiMemberbored, grams I don’t know; I buy yeast in bulk. But I mentioned on the other thread, one packet is 2 1/4 tsp.
tzippiMemberBored: 2 1/4 tsp.
tzippiMemberTo add to hello99: I don’t do the numbers crunching bit so I’ll take what you have to say seriously. And add that since this thread is dealing with OLDER singles, who should definitely be thinking outside the box (NOT compromising, just being open to new ideas) the age guidelines are intriguing. After all, to a 30 y.o. young man, how big a difference is 32 to 28?
OTOH, since we’re dealing with older singles, the LAST thing they need to do is NARROW the prospective pool of shidduch possibilities by LIMITING to this narrow age frame.
tzippiMemberLook, it’s not like people don’t know I have issues with the age gap theorists. However, the gedolim did come out supporting the theory and we can’t disparage them.
Originally, when the age gap buzz started a reasonable recommendation was made that the first few girls a guy dates should be within range. After that, age should not be a major factor. Again, sounds good to me.
Now since this thread is dealing with older singles, it seems logical to assume that the young or not so young men in question have probably gone out with their quota of girls within the range, so the age gap issue is irrelevant to this discussion.
tzippiMemberTo wordofthewise: sorry if my tone was a bit confrontational (“ever heard of work study?”)
But this is not a bad thing for our boys. I’m not saying you subscribe to this, but there seems to be a school of thought that feels that if a boy concentrates on absolutely anything but learning, he has to go back to square one or something or he won’t reach gadlus (or his full potential). I beg to differ.
tzippiMemberTo wordofthewise: ever heard of work study?
If this is the appropriate time for this boy to go and the parents can’t afford the whole nine yards, the boy should be resourceful enough either to pitch in with savings, or live as responsibly as he can while there.. If that means working part time, so be it.
Do you have a problem with a boy/young man working while in the US or otherwise chu”l during the zman, e.g. haircuts, tutoring, or whatever he can find?
tzippiMemberPoster,funny you mention that. When my husband was in the dorm, if he didn’t like what was being served he just went hungry. (He was pretty skinny at the time.) Wonder why the boys now won’t make do with pas b’melech, or pb, at least a good part of the time.
tzippiMemberAZ, I guess I’ve got to read the kol koreih again. Meanwhile, maybe you can do a service and find another thread wherein you explained this and snip, etc. so we can reference it.
Rather than be patronizing, maybe you’d like to try to concisely explain, especially for the newbies here.
And to those who disparage the age gap as being the primary issue, I have to put my money where my mouth is. I have emunas chachamim, have seen the kol koreih and so, have to treat it seriously, even if I don’t focus on it exclusively.
tzippiMemberFor someone determined not to comment…well here I am. I just want clarity and realize that I need to clarify something.
There is a shidduch crisis and the contributing factors, and I realize the need to focus on the age gap. I wouldn’t be so dismissive of the pie chart, there is serious buzz about, say, the learning gap. But I’m not an actuary or sociologist and can’t crunch the numbers some feel is necessary to fully address it.
But I wasn’t referring to the other issues contributing to the shidduch crisis in my earlier post. I wasn’t in crisis mode at all. I was simply referring to certain ikrim that can’t be trampled on in coming to a solution. Kind of like getting a prescription filled and you want to be sure that there won’t be negative repercussions. Some ikrim include emunas chachamim, chanoch l’naar, middos, etc.
I’ll refer to the first two examples of ikrim. IF and when my boys go to E”Y they will not be dilletantes out for an “experience.” They will go to a specific yeshiva to learn under the hanhala there for their growth as bnei Torah. We will not set arbitrary cut off dates. I’m apprehensive about advising people to do something without knowing if it’s good advice for THEM, there’s this lifnei iver thing.
There is emunas chachamim. If it were at all possible in galus for something like this to occur, if there was uniform, specific, targeted lashon by a vast majority of gedolim, of course I would listen. (And listening doesn’t preclude going to an adom gadol and getting clarity as an individual, BTW.) If there was a takana that could have legs saying go for nine months only I could be machshiv it. But otherwise, I have to be leery about blanket solutions that are contraindicated by the ikrim.
tzippiMemberAZ, what do you mean by the ROOT causes? Is there any way to prevent more girls being born than boys?
tzippiMemberI’m going to try to hold back from commenting on these inyanim. While I do post anonymously occasionally when forums allow, I’m consistent enough and enough people know me I don’t want to embarrass myself further when I get carried away.
But food for thought: True, Rav Shteinman shlit”a used a very shtark word, agunos, to bring home how serious this situation is. But I can’t believe that he and the other signatories would advocate, by any means necessary.
The other week there was an article in Yated about the proverbial cat in the aron. I have to wonder – and I’m not in a beis medrash, or around the right people to ask to confirm, as AZ and AG, et al are – might there be some thresholds that the gedolim feel are in the go without saying category? What are some fundamentals that can’t be tinkered with lightly?
tzippiMemberAZ, my apologies. I was too rushed, too tired, and frankly, annoyed. You are right, and I guess I don’t do the cause of focusing on other aspects any good by lashing out.
I will just say, that lmaan Hashem, as people float ideas, they have to take the other issues into consideration, e.g. there is massive financial hemorrhaging due to support. Is institutional encouraging of boys to start dating earlier without a concurrent effort to instill maturity and resourcefulness productive, or counterproductive? I don’t see any of this in any of the ideas being bandied about.
tzippiMemberOomis, very true about the need for preschool. However this wacky new plan would essentially result in an extra year of playgroups for girls.
tzippiMemberI feel for kids stuck with big bucks furniture that once they have a chance to actually live in their home a while and get to know each other better may not work for them or be what they really want.
tzippiMemberOK, new round of putting words into the mouths of people much greater than we:
So Rabbi Aisenstark (my apologies, a hundred times!) would advocate possibly sacrificing the chinuch of a generation so that hundreds and hundreds of girls may (because without chinuch in the best interests of the kids who knows how messed up things will be) get married in the next generation.
tzippiMemberAZ, are you sure about the Rabbi Aisenstark thing? I know his kids so I can find out if you know because you know him well, or because you can read his mind.
tzippiMemberAZ, perhaps I was wrong in making such a definitive claim. But from what I see, little boys need to stay with their mothers as long as little girls do, this may give rise to an extra year of playgroup for girls who need socializing, and as girls are ready to learn just as early as the boys are, it will not be an easy last year of playgroup for these kids who are ready to learn. Takeh, Rabbi Aisenstark has said that lechatchila kids should be home till about 5 (years old, not PM) but this isn’t the world we’re living in.
And I really don’t think we’ll get the uniform compliance needed for this to work.
And I’m very leery of social engineering. As it is the system could use more work in the chanoch l’naar department.
tzippiMemberAZ, I am going to try, really hard, to be courteous. Hope the favor’s returned.
On another newssite, one of these grand ideas to even the gap is being floated – changing the age of school admission for boys and girls. I don’t know which educators the author contacted and I can absolutely guarantee it won’t work. But what do YOU think about it? Just wondering.
Anyway, you just keep working on the age stuff, and I’ll handle the rest.
tzippiMemberYoudon’tknowme, that’s ok, my 22 y.o daughter only wants a guy 24 or older, so you guys cancel each other out.
tzippiMemberOomis, I think this point bears repeating:
The age issue is a major factor. But if we’re going to create a pie chart, let’s say that it’s 30% of the problem, and the other important factors you mention are the other 70% (say, 5 – 10% each). Now these numbers may seem silly, they’re not based on ANYTHING other than to illustrate that while age may be a major issue, it is not necessarily the MAJORITY issue, and yes, if the other issues aren’t addressed concurrently we will still have problems.
Now, how to address the problems? I wish I knew. Look at the plethora of good, really good books written on building a bayis neeman, all the workshops, the CCHF shiurim about bein adom lachavero, et al. Good people have made good efforts! We’re still in galus. We’re still imperfect people influenced by mishagasin. All I can say is, keep on trucking. Keep talking about and keep raising healthy children, resourceful, with good middos, who know what it takes to build a Torah true home.
tzippiMemberMaybe more for the grownups than kids, but Rabbi Reisman’s shiur last motzei Shabbos on the Anshei Knesses Hagedolah was amazing.
tzippiMemberAZ, I just saw a letter in the Yated in response to the 3@150 proposal. The author made it sound like the whole reason for that was so that kids would take things seriously and not go out excessively. Personally, I think that’s ridiculous, take your time is a very important message to hear. But was there any truth to that?
tzippiMemberOomis and Squeak, there’s another angle. True, from the “client’s” side, gratitude is important, and tangibly mandated if the shidduch goes through. But if this becomes the norm, then no one will make shidduchim unless they will be compensated early on. It will be what a generation or two will have grown up with as normal. Talk about creating a shidduch crisis!!
But I don’t see it happening.
tzippiMemberPY, the Torah doesn’t say don’t kill, it says don’t murder.
That said there is a concept of Hashgacha pratis, and klalis. May fit in here.
Luckily, you and I don’t have to explain this to the Haitian children; we can just continue to daven for them, and if able and moved to, send money to a legit charity.
tzippiMemberPotpie, to answer your questions –
yes, it is as good
and I have no idea what’s the better fit.
tzippiMemberDB has some of the best teachers around – Shira Smiles, Rabbi Orlofsky (at least it used to). I have to say that CL has phenomenal teachers too.
As far as being pressured – nonsense. You know who you are, and you will be embarking on shidduchim well past sem. Will they give you food for thought? Sure. I know of lots of Michlala/Stern grads who are supporting their husbands in kollel. Lines are blurring, in a way.
tzippiMemberHappyooter, the beauty of the frum leagues is the playing – for fun, not for blood, like jphone mentions. I think that as long as the kids recognize that while there is excitement in following the WS, this isn’t the way they should enjoy playing, no problem.
tzippiMemberOooh, I knew I was gonna get in trouble for that run. I have a good friend whose daughter went to CL and she’s davka looking for a working boy. I wouldn’t call that modern. And I wouldn’t necessarily call all DB girls modern. Just trying to give you a thumbnail sketch of the shnit.
tzippiMemberHard to give you an answer. I do know that the local girls who went to Darchei Bina have excellent middos, academically focused, and more likely to marry working boys (i.e. no kollel) than the Chochmas Lev girls. Not a judgment call, just trying to clarify who goes. The CL girls have excellent middos and are solid academically too, BTW 😉
tzippiMemberSorry, since the other thread was closed, a message to AZ:
It is appalling that people don’t pay shadchanus, if not the full amount something substantial, WHEN A SHIDDUCH GOES THROUGH. There are mekoros for the need to do it. I had no idea that people stiffed the shadchanim without explaining themselves or trying to work out something (head checks?).
And yes, this is as important as tuition.
tzippiMemberMy apologies. I think your question was what if I was reflecting calls all day for me drive people. I would limit the amount of people I drive. Also, it’s important to point out that there is never an opportunity for the occasional $1500+ bonus in my driving.
I am still not sure about this total paradigm shift in the paying. Of course we’ve always been courteous about thanking our shadchanim, sending flowers or a gift certificate to those who’ve gone above and beyond (not talking about the shadchan involved in a successful shidduch). Isn’t this what your parents did too? (If you don’t mind getting back to one of my questions.) Or did/do they pay along what’s being suggested?
And perhaps it’s unfair to put this all on AZ’s shoulders. Let’s hear more from our original poster, Lo Yitzloch (hey, I didn’t choose that name).
tzippiMemberHello99, thanks. I chose to ignore that nugget but should have commented on it far earlier. I was dan l’caf zechus that there was some overwhelming passion l’shem Shamayim at work here.
tzippiMemberAZ, my understanding is that is quite traditional to pay the shadchan, pro or not, for a shidduch. The going rate in many areas is 750 from each side. The pros may charge more, I don’t know. NO ONE is saying don’t pay a shadchan when the couple gets engaged.
There are people who have their reservations about the 3 dates/$150 chiddush.
My apologies to any shadchan I’ve offended, or disgusted. I would take to heart what you have to say very much if you choose to contact a YWN moderator and go anonymously through a moderator if that could be arranged. Tizku l’mitzvos!
tzippiMemberAZ, I takeh haven’t dealt with too many pro shadchanim. But gotta wonder if some sort of natural selection is taking place, i.e. the nudniks aren’t exactly given precedence.