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  • in reply to: Jews Owning Guns #960795

    I owned guns for protection, and for nuisance control while in NY and for fear of complications, when I left for EY, I disposed of them responsibly. From my present perspective in EY, that was irresponsible, although for my “nail em to the wall” gun, it was hard to get that caliber in NY, and probably impossible in EY.

    in reply to: Prove G-d in One Sentence #959639

    Baruch sheamar vehaya haolam.

    Look at insects under magnification.

    Look into a large telescope and ponder the vastness of the universe.

    There are many who have seen that which posits a creator, but for many reasons, they may not give that inescapable idea a voice.

    in reply to: Homemade Vegetarian Meatballs (Parve and Pesachdik) #959221

    That’s a lot of eggs for a vegetarian recipe, even for chag ha-cholesterol.

    in reply to: Reincarnation #959496

    Mareh mokom for R Saadya Gaon is Emunot vDeot, mamar shishi/chet

    in reply to: Reducing Fever #958225

    I remember being swabbed down with alcohol to bring dowm the high fevers of my childhood. I can still recall choking on the vapors. In my recent bout with the flu, a retired doc told me to just stick my feet in cold water if the fevers go too high. Didn’t need to, but I tried it once, and it works.

    in reply to: Reincarnation #959471

    Or you can avoid the question, taking the high road, that gilgul is not a Jewish idea, and thus maybe not real.


    Akurperma, you missed the point, even as expressed eloquently and bedarchei noam. On the institutional level, and on the individual level, it could work wonders, and slowly introduce some sorely missing menchlichkeit into both sides of the nasty political divide.

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1057757

    And that yarok can mean anything from saffron yellow to leek green

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1057756

    PaturAvalOsur, from the Rambam you cam also say its dark, and a Tosfos in Hullin that “ookmah”, which in all other contexts is black, in lungs it is blue (k’kuchla)

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1057755

    PaturAvalOsur, from the Rambam you cam also say its dark, and a Tosfos in Hullin that “ookmah”, which in all other contexts is black, in lungs it is blue (k’kuchla)

    in reply to: A homemaker's daily chaos #958138

    Not to belittle your trials, try to reflect that you are raising Jews, and that mischief is a predictor of creativity, intelligence and great character. I can almost love them from afar. Also know that they will grow up, and you will then miss their antics. May you have nachas from your children, and also other people should have nachas from your children.

    in reply to: Pickle Recipes #957479

    First, get the freshest produce that can be had. Wash, remove flowers (on cucumbers) and pack tightly into a jar. If you can get wide mouth canning jars and lids, it helps. Add pickling spice, and 1-2 garlic cloves to the quart. Boil up a solution of kosher salt at 1 cup to gallon (or 1/4 cup per quart) and pour, filling jar to rim. Cap tightly, cool and refrigerate. the cooled jar should have vacuum sealed. Consume in two days to a week. When you get the hang of this, you can mix your own spices, and graduate to other vegetables and to non-refrigerated cured pickles. Bteavon.


    147: with less (or more?) controversy, the dilemma can be solved with shabsos–bom all three times.

    in reply to: BYA Cancels Biology Regent #959791

    The elephant in the room is the question why they did not want teach this. Darwinism and other theories, even the big bang theorists, do not require nonacceptance of a creator or primal cause. If it is in error, it is not quite avoda zara. Methinks the educators suspect that any exposure to other belief systems will bring the edifice crashing down. Similarly they fear in EY that to put a yeshiva bochur in the army, he will be shmadded up in the blink of an eye. This is a resounding self accusal, of producing a substandard product, a generation whose yahadus can be damaged with the brush of a feather. Where is the concept of a Jew with analytical thought, with confidence in his knowledge who can withstand any nisayon? 0rur oseh meleches Hashem rimiyo!

    in reply to: Chiropractor�Believe It or Not #973142

    In my days of slipping on ice and working with and moving fantastically heavy objects, chiropractic was part of my overhead. I found some of them rough, until I crossed paths with an osteopath, who literally tore me limb from limb. After him, I settled on a cautious female chiropracter who was slightly more gentle. I have since learned how to unlock the lower back problems on my own, but when I started getting thoracic mishaps, I sought out a new provider in EY.


    A golden (expensive) opportunity to shed some of the gashmiyus and gluttony of the west. And it is supposed to be “Eretz asher lo techsar kol bah. Really, you don’t need to smuggle cottage cheese, drained gevina levana is more than good enoough.

    in reply to: What if you weren't Jewish? #974484

    I have, lo aleichem, relatives that are jewishly aware, but woefully ignorant and as secular and disconnected as gentiles. When they speak to us of their kids’ achievements, their cultural and social involvements, we smile and nod, and feign interest, but inside we are flabbergasted by the hollowness of their lives. I could not conceive finding out that I wasn’t who I was, and not seeking a path back to that fulfilling, meaningful existence. And I am fairly certain that I am 1/35184372088832 Khazari, descended from geirim.

    in reply to: Oh vs Oy #953957

    OP, note the eleventh commandment: You shall not mess with other people’s religion. And don’t even think of chastising those who insert a dagesh under the dalet of “echad”.

    in reply to: Maalot Dafna jerusalem #953777

    Just be aware, if it turns into a long enough time, the level of gashimius there can be held against you when registering for gan or school, if not a spiritual treat at the outset. But no worse, than say, Flatbush, or Cedarhurt.

    in reply to: Motion Sensors on Shabbos #953514
    Participant in some situations, you can cheshbon in psik reisha d’lo ichpis lei.

    in reply to: The difference between Matan Torah and Kabolas Hatorah #952853

    And on Yom Kippur, we received torah shbaal peh, making it a day of intense joy and celebration. The maftir for Shavuos is uveyom Habikurim.

    in reply to: Best Chocolate #952603

    Noir, 70% with no vanilla flavor artificial or otherwise, is hard to come by, but far beyond the ubiquitous junk.

    in reply to: Women Shtieging on Shavuos #951694

    Reb donniel, if the men are up all night, who is going to be there for davening with kavonnah and energy, and who is going to be there to honor the halacha OC 529 (tav kuf kaf tet)?

    in reply to: Black knitted kippa? #951054

    Years ago, there was an article in JO about the difficulty Americans faced in aliya. They highlighted the cultural markers of Americans and American Jews as forgiving, non-confrontational, and NON-JUDGEMENTAL

    in reply to: Longest date #952475

    613Torah613: Fresh dates are bright yellow, and with drying they turn to the dark color. Like many tropical fruits, they are eaten both ways, the fresh is the consistency of an apple, the taste is mildly sweet and astringent. After learning the sugya of lungs in treifos where a lung peeled “like a red date” is discussed, I found such red dates in the bik’ah on a trip to the Golan. They were half ripened, and of a burnt orange to red color.

    in reply to: Do any charedim wear straw fedoras? #950350

    Once upon a time, in Litvish NY, it was acceptable even among the yeshivish to have some sartorial color to them. As a child I spent my summers in the Catskills, and straw hats were standard shabbos attire for most shul goers. The older adults in my child’s world came from the generations where hats were worn by every city dweller as a part of standard mens attire, and back then straw was the hat for the hot summers. An octogenarian from then shared with me his nostolga for a custom of his time and place. It was fair game for boys to snatch straw hats seen after labor day and to feed them to the horses on the street. And once upon a time, as a bocher, I wore a blue pin seersucker suit with a white straw hat for shabbos… Jus sayin

    in reply to: Do any charedim wear straw fedoras? #950330

    Brown Fedoras: I EY you see brown hats and brown outerwear, it is because it is bleached out by the sun. And also, because these items are so expensive here, there are many who can only purchase say, a new hat once in a Yovel. While it is no shame to be poor here, I feel this still represents a problem of bizayon hatorah. Hareidiwear should be na’eh v’naki, cheap and localized. If we could get rid of the uniformity meshugas, there would be no price fixing in the market.

    in reply to: Tefillin Shel Rosh poll #1226098

    Sub thread poll: What is the size of your batim.

    in reply to: Buying tefillin online. Need help. #985158

    Tefilin BetEl is a truly quality product, unless the level of mechanization and technology they use bothers you, and the company supports a community of yir’ei shomayim. They also have a transparent operation, open to the public. I am sure they have an operating website from which you can order.

    in reply to: Your Report Card Comments #1030907

    I was marked “indeed an individual” very young, a nice way of saying “smarter than the average bear, aloof and above the fray”.

    in reply to: Is it tznius to #947119

    When printing was new and type (until fairly recently) was hand set, numerous sefarim were type set by women and girls (oi vey) as a cottage industry. Attention to detail and knowledge of the text (gulp, cough, ahem) made them naturals at it. And when life expectancy was 30 to 50, no one noticed the lead poisoning factor.

    in reply to: Chutzpa!!! #946793

    a daf-yomi magid recently told me that the value of the daf is the almost daily golden lekach you can extract. I had a question on a famous story surrounding R’ Shimon M’shklov, is a person allowed to abandon his responsibility to sustain his family in favor of learning. I found my answer in Eruvin 22a:

    Among who do yo find them? (skills of drush)Said Rava with one who, as a raven, is cruel to his children and wife, as the case of Rav Ada bar Masna was off to bei rav ( to go study long term). His wife asked, what will be with your children. He replied are there no more karmi (an aquatic plant with edible roots {rashi}) in the swamp?

    Note: in Babyolonian culture reaping things from the swamp was the lowest of menial work)

    This is also an answer to the good Minister. Are not the mothers capable of picking weeds?

    in reply to: How long will a hot water dispenser dispense hot water? #946591

    It depends on the wattage, and on the cleanliness of your water. The ISE is not designed as an instantaneous heater, since it has a tank. And the heating element is subject to decline with corrosion. If there is lime and magnesium in your water, the reheat time will get increasingly long. It also depends on the temperature of the incoming water and effiency of heat exchange.

    in reply to: Challah Making Appliances #949831

    I am moche for the kavod of the good old Kitchen Aid. When way back wife was doing 5 lb egg challa recipes, the machine with dough hook did the job fine. It has the yichus of being sized down from the Hobart, a massive behemoth of catering machinery. I have seen a little brother Hobart roughly twice the stature of a KA that easily did ten and fifteen lb recipes. You csn also find refurbished machines, and with a new hook and bowl, you’re set. Just do a counter top “garage” for it so you don’t have to shclep it up and down with arthritic hands. Refuah shlema and may there be a bracha in your dough.

    in reply to: Orange cell phone in Israel #946040

    Orange, and other large cell companies that held the market before it was opened up are all a pack of theives. The contracts are designed with traps in small print that constitute their business plan.

    in reply to: PHOTO: Orthodox Jewish Man Covers Himself In Plastic Bag On Plane #945854

    There are cases in halahcha where we are don plastic as k’ma she’eino, and the case of Eruvin 31 for the cemetery itself is mukaf mehitzot, lav davka a top or a bottom, and not hermetically sealed. Could be that is so he is not maahil to the sides, and it would not work in a bais hapras. Whether this chaver was right or wrong, he was mezake the oilam to do some iyyun on the daf. Close to BGA there is the Givat shaul cemetery, which is big, and Yarkon which is tremendous. We can also count on some bodies in the Hiriya dump, as we have here, mobsters that anyone could be proud of, nusach Meyer Lansky. In NY, I am nearly positive that some flight paths of JFK pass over Beth David and Montefiore. This is not a new issue, and this ‘psak apparently is. Why?

    in reply to: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, #944814

    Indeed snow white. There is a anthology of Jewish folklore and “fairytale” out there with commentary at the back that show that most of the common tales are Jewish in origin. It is misplaced in my double row library, all I can remember is one of the editors is Dov Noy.

    in reply to: Girls' Names #948058

    From nach? Hatzlalponi, Achsa, Eglah, Hefziba, Shlomzion, Hulda

    in reply to: Halachos if majority of Jews live in E"Y #943429

    Maybe it would be time ripe for re-establishment of government by local bais din and Sanhedrin. It would be harder to evade the responsibility of bringing Korban Pesach. What to do with challa becomes more urgent. Clarifying some things in Yehexkel would be proper.

    in reply to: Can a Golem Speak? #945044

    Of course they can speak. Just about every other political office is filled by a golem, and some just never shut up.

    in reply to: Schissel challah? #1071917

    HaLeiVi: As explained to me by a chemists, with non stick cookware, you are eating that stuff too. It doesn’t stick because a molecular layer of the pot liner comes off with the would be stuck stuff. I treasure my pyrex, and stone stuff.

    in reply to: Separate Yeshivas for the Kollel Families #944835

    It would be an interesting sociological study, and the obvious best specimen would be EY grade school. There is the tribal identity theme, such as if you shovel sewage for a living, they will reject you for not doing so with a black hat, not for the nature of your work. Or you can be rejected for working at all. Then there is the fear of gashmius. I you are G-d forbid a foreigner, and you own sort an upscale dwelling, out you go. There was an infamous case of a Jerusalem BY that separated the children of Anglophone olim into closed class. This is a huge slap in the face to these people who feel no conflict between money and frumkeit, as most can manage the gashmius quite well. And there is also a parallel midos-sphere where the true currency is not money, (because there is none) but rather raw power.

    in reply to: Schissel challah? #1071911

    Halevi, when you have lo alenu machalos in the family, and pharmocologic medicine has no answers, you go to the yesh omrim. Amalgam fillings, other sources of lead, fluoride, chloramines, and aluminum are all suspect. Another potential threat are estrogen mimics such as the BpA in jar caps and tin liners. Acidic foods easily pick up the soft metals.

    in reply to: Schissel challah? #1071908

    This is a complement to the Lead Pouring idiocy. It fails to pass the avoda zara smell test. And would’nt ya know, this also can lead to lead poisoning from the brass key leaching into the bread. And if you wrap the key in aluminum foil, (if that does not mess with the segula wavelegnth,) aluminum is a close second to lead in brain cell killing.

    in reply to: Contest: How Long Can You Go Without Chometz? #944697

    I once went chometz free one week after Pesach to test/confirm that I react badly to yeast. A suedas mitzva interrupted my test after one week. Now, I am just real makpid not to waste or toss food, so the matzo leftovers and stam leftovers are sustaining us, till i make a pizza or bake erev shabbos.

    in reply to: What do you use for Zoreah? #941038

    Pickeled beet spears. Once something is for a zecher, anything can be invested with meaning and association. It also has great color to it, tastes much better, and we eat what is on the seder plate.

    in reply to: Very interesting Kasha�Makas Choshech #942179

    Or a Maharilian concept. That galus is an unnatural state, and therefor it must have a cause. Until the cause is removed (correction of midah) the unnatural will persist.

    in reply to: Having Children Without Money #940495

    In my little village of 50,000 (according to US Dept 0f Stare we are settlers) there is a large majority of haredi, and a good chunk of those are kollel people. When the local kupa appeals in shuls, before the yomim tovim, they document cases they serve where there was no milk and no bread in the house at the time of checking. Hunger does not need to be constant to be a danger. Episodic want can do enough damage, and as of today the Kupa was 50k and change NIS short on their pesach target of kol dichfin.

    in reply to: R' Blumenkrantz Pesach Digest 2013 #939920

    There was much more to the Rav than this guide. I have had fly-on-the-wall status by a few Rabbonim, as they would calmly give kind and sagacious counsel by phone and in person, sometimes on subjects that put mildly, turn the stomach and raise your hair. Rav Blumenkranz was one of these giants, and I am grateful for the shimush.

    in reply to: K'zayis #1146876

    Rambam chametz umatza 6, haloacha alef: Umisheachal kezayit yatza.

    What you do after you are yotze? Why delay the next mitzva with stam eating?

    and to the original subject, nowhere does the Rambam specify the size of the kezayit he cites, because it was obviously the size of the matzui olive. not needing further elucidation.

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