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  • in reply to: Shockelling trouble #978859

    It is said about Rabi Akiva that he would begin davening in one corner of a bais medrash, and finish in the opposite corner, but when shaliach tzibbur, he did not do this, meaning, one’s kavana should not be dependent on anything. I, personally don;t shukel, as my rebbi did not, and he described his rebbi davening as “a shtekel holtz”. For concentration exercise, I sometimes daven in Sfardi bet knesset, where there is a constant chatter from the shatz. This helps me, I cannot be disturbed by “other chatter” or. someone’s shukeling. Air raid sirens are still a problem, but not a big one.

    in reply to: Shidduchim for children from broken homes #978413

    crisisoftheweek, that concept is based on ignorance. Moshe Rabeinu came from a ‘broken then fixed up home” and at the time of Har Sinai, he and Tzipora were separated. Poor role models.

    in reply to: Gehennom #978157

    I believe Wolf of Wolfish is the local authority on these things. He often claims to have a reservation.

    in reply to: Why no mention of Rav Ovadiah in Monsey/Lakewood, etc. #978773

    Chacham shemes, bais medrasho batel. Nasi shemes, kol batei Medrash beteilin. Moed Katan 22. You couuld be melamed zchus, maybe they didn’t hold this to be ‘nasi’. Or maybe they did not hear in time. Or maybe beshita they hold its ‘everyman for himself’, Or we could be melamed chova, that batel could be just for a little time. They could have been yotze both ways with a moment of silence, at least learning in silence in recognition of the stinging tragedy that befell the Torah world of EY.

    in reply to: Lost Tribes. #978138

    There is a memrah that Yirmiyahu went and retrieved the ten shvatim. Also, prior to the their galus, there would have been individuals seeking torah and truth and stability migrated to Yehudah and to the metropolis Yerushalayim. So they are among us thru Bavel, or thru galus Rome. And the thirteenth tribe, the Khazari, are among us as well.

    in reply to: Tzitzis #978434

    I like big strings, once upon a time I liked small strings. I like big esrogim. I get really picky about my succa and matzo. Maybe I am just picky. You have something better to be picky about?

    in reply to: Why no mention of Rav Ovadiah in Monsey/Lakewood, etc. #978761

    About a moment of silence. This has a bad rap because of its use in the secular world, and the Israeli siren meshugass. It is nevertheless, a legitimate expression of avelus or tanchumim. We learn aveilus from Iyov, and not to speak before the avel speaks. I once asked a shaila if I was yotze nichum avelim if I just sat silently, at a loss for words. I was told that the essence of nichum avelim is to identify and share the avel’s tzaar and this can be by just being there, even if silent.

    in reply to: Bushy Weasels #983594

    Redleg, in addition to the echidna/hedgehog present here, there is an Asian version of the great porcupine which although rare, is found in EY from time to time.

    in reply to: Changing tfillin from right to left #977588

    Nothing wrong with it, you might need a notch in the titura of the shel yad to get the yud knot up close to the bayis, and if so, you should have a professional do it.

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978485

    If y’all, come my way on pesach, here’s and invite for home made peanut butter, I buy in shell raw and roast them myself. I would serve corn on the cob, but here in EY, it a problem with bugs, and most corn is GMO bad stuff anyway.

    in reply to: Leah Weiss, energy healer? #996388

    Reb Doniel, and WIY, I would love to introduce you to my lead pouring neighbor. I am generally sensitive to things AZ, and karov leAZ, but i am also trained in T’ai Chi, and the things I saw were real enough, and with my partial link to medicine, I have used “beamed energy” to correct certain situations. I don’t know if it was my part that helped, or if it was benign as chicken soup, but there was improvement. There are ideas in this that use latent energy, and those that “access” other latent energies. Those energies are not a force, and entity or a neevad, just energy as in electricity, sunlight, and other solar and other atmospheric and earth processes.


    in reply to: Ami's article on gilgulim #1117415

    Rav Saadya Gaon mentions it as something that ‘some Jews’ picked up from the Greeks.

    in reply to: Outdated Industrial Knitting Machine Needles/Parts�Junk Metal? #976512

    Early in my career I did some compressed air and gas piping for a mill near Willy on Metropolitan Ave. There were rows and rows of carousel machines, some spitting out sweater bodies, and some doing sleeves. A floor boss and an army of Hispanic women sewed them up and packaged them. There was a senior citizen yid, who floated among the machines, adjusting feeds and belts, and tweaking the bobbins. I thought at the time that his departure would cause the business to collapse. As it turned out, GAAT and NAFTA came soon after and spelled doom for all the local factories. I was also a frequent visitor to all kinds of facilities in Maspeth, many with old rail connecting tracks out the back door, and some still with massive steam equipment that had been reworked to electric. I was witness to the dying gasp of American business, as it all was scrapped or shipped to China, and raw material with a ‘Made in USA’ stamp became a rarity.

    in reply to: Three days eating and davening, why #976569

    And the year following this year, we should live and be well, is a 5S7 model, also with RH on Thurssay, Pesach on Shabbat.

    in reply to: Three days eating and davening, why #976561

    Oh Shreck, it is like the meraglim because of statements like yours, “I have nothing against our holy land BUT x, y z, and those nasty other Jews”. It is not that it is un-doable for most, it is that they don’t WANT to. As Moshe Rabenu accused the Dor Hamidbor “Velo avisem laalos, using a verb that is nearly always (two or three exceptions in all Tanach) denoting negativity.

    For those allergic to three day issues, internalize that while chol is nice, kodesh is better, and more kodesh is more better. We are told to hold chag, for seven days, and indeed Sukkot is only seven days. Shmini is a seperate chag, with its own Yom Tov sheini. The sandwiching of a erev shabbos between a thursday yom tov and shabbos, is not all that easier than a three day affair, and about the three day Rosh Hashana, there are those in EY that still blame some French Olim Hadashim for that. (Chachmei Provence in the eleventh century liminyanam uprooted the local one day Rosh Hashana).

    in reply to: Bamboo Schach for cheap(er) #976097

    There is minhag not to use nesarim because of ‘gezeras tikra” and according to Rema, you certainly should not use them if u are ashkenazi. It has nothing to do with mkabel tumah, a poorly understood and much abused (in the chumra direction) concept.

    in reply to: Up Close And Personal #975903

    Hi eclipse, most anything worthwhile and effective lies in the “lifestyle change” paradigm. Ir requires effort, and forever. Start slowly, and when you overcome the first few challenges, you’re on the way. It is somewhat like the teshuva process. An external conscience (jimmeny cricket), coach, or buddy can be very helpful. Moadim Lesimcha.

    in reply to: Up Close And Personal #975901

    eclipse: most effective and worthwhile stuff is in the “Lifestyle change” paradigm. Lots of work, and forever. Once you make it over the big hills, you’re on the way, but an external conscience (jimmeny cricket) can help. Moadim Lesimcha.

    in reply to: What did you cook/bake today? #1007843

    veg mock chopped liver, fried peas (leftover hydrated dried split peas) potato salad, butternut squash pie, and hope to get the honey cake done today also.

    in reply to: R' Avigdor Miller & The Holocaust #975246

    Lakewood, how did you just come through a Yom Kippur davening with the idea that we can understand the concept of Hashems justice? If we are to take the account of Churban bayis shenei in Masches Gittin as plain meaning, that was on par or greater than churban Europe. Yet we say kinnos for it, and in most of the kinnos, there is Tziduk Hadin. Why can’t we manage the same?

    in reply to: R' Avigdor Miller & The Holocaust #975237

    lakewood001, the gemara in some places and the medrashim in many places express that when certain means of reckoning are unleashed, there is no differentiation between tzadik and rasha.

    in reply to: Learning during Chazoras Hashatz #1089032

    Lets peek into an imaginary bes knesses. Two are learning, one is preoccupied (spaced out to those under 50) two are talking and poof, there is no minyan for the CH. The shatz, paying full attention to his chazara, does not realize he has made 19 brochos levatala, in EY, add a bracha levatala for the cohanim. In my humble nothingnes’s opinion, the shatz not saying modim out loud, or a shatz that is too fast for the theoretical am ha’aretz to follow, this is also not k’takonas chazal, and all brocho levatolo. I have similar issues with the singing in unison with the shatz on yomim tovim, or with the shatz reading piyyutim silently. I have a very lonely existence with my shittos.

    in reply to: How to survive a three day yom tov? #974204

    Acclimate to kodesh. Walk far to do mitzvos, bikkur cholim, lhakbil pnei rabo, go to a distant shiur, and not overeating starts with not overcooking.

    in reply to: When strangers try to set you up #1009628

    Perhaps the OP and her like minded posters would do well to consider the last mishna in Taanit and related gemara. (why a girl would want to learn Talmud thread ha ha)

    The fifteenth of Av AND Yom kippur were joyous days due to the flush of clenched shidduch deals. ( young ladies would dance in the vineyards and the young men would say “that one please”). There did not seem to be a shidduch crisis, and “you don’t know me” and randomness, or weird did not seem to matter much. It is interesting that the Mishna has it as “Bnos Yerushalayim, (those naughty Jerusalmites!) and the gemara has it as a general custom, Bnos Yisrael.

    in reply to: I don't like eating silver foil #973365

    Big yesh omrim that aluminum in cooking, the amalgam in your teeth, and Bisphenol in canned goods and glass jar caps is really bad stuff. Do some practical tshuva in the kitchen and have a gezunte new year.

    in reply to: Machnisei Rachmim #974375

    I do not say it, nor would I say the yehi rotzon in Hineni as a shatz, and the slicha Midas Harachamim is either truncated or reworked. Also from the principles of less is best, and not to utter untruths, any slicha referencing shachar or boker, if said at chatzos, such stanzas should be omitted.

    in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #973819

    OP: The old add supporting African American education that ended with “a mind is a terrible thing to waste” was a universal mussar schmooze. It matters not whether that the abode of that mind is fueled by estrogen or not. We, and BY in particular have for a long time not handled this ‘what if’ very well. Our history is peppered with legends real and not, of gifted and inquisitive women that pursued and earned vast Torah knowledge. The astute analysis in the essay Destruction and Reconstruction of Rav Soloveittzic sheds a great light on this. We have moved from mimetic (don’t treif up my kitchen with your shulchan aruch!) to textual, but BYA and others want it both ways, textual and ignorant. Do not say the doors are all practically closed. I know of one yeshiva where the women would attend the hashkafa shiur (with the men) and aishes chaver k’chaver has real meaning. You can start on you own, or find a mentor. If your are BY literate, you can comb through the Medrashim, ALL the Neviim, the great works of Haskafa of the Rishonim, and, as we are now textual based, there is no limit of study aids and secondary adjuncts to Talmud study. Be matzliach, enjoy and inspire the whizbangs that will follow after you.

    in reply to: Single Girl Doesn't Wanna Cover Hair #1036101

    I had the misfortune today to cross paths with one of the local “burka women” who by the looks of her wanted to be invisible (though her ‘statuesqeness’) made that improbable. Including some contraption of a veil that covered her face. I recall a halacha saying that a woman cannot be compelled to cover her face, and in the textbook case of Tamar, it is taken to the mark of both tznius, and znus. And chazal disapproved it from a similar angle, “lolam yehe adam ragil bikrovosov, so invisibility cloaks are improper.

    in reply to: Up Close And Personal #975891

    Here are two techniques that are for specific groups, but they might just work well for everybody. 1) Increase muscle mass, specifically upper body muscle (no simple thing over forty) by means of body weight exercise (no machines or gadgets) More muscle mass that you tone and use uses up more caloric energy just being there. This is really for guys wanting to get six pac bellies, but it is sound advice just the same. 2) A diet that you must stick to, and it is a lot of work shopping and prep. Raw food only, obviously plant based. Nothing cooked, low temp dehydrated is ok, and soaked and sprouted grains beans and peas is your protein source. This was tried on a group of lost cause diabetics, they were “locked in” in the sense that they had no other choice and could not run away. With moderate exercise over a three week period, most had lost weight and showed beter blood levels, some were able to go medication free or reduced meds. And welcome back eclipse

    in reply to: Existentialism�The Worm-Less Apple. #972595

    Beware the GMO corn, the xenografted modification being the worm…

    in reply to: Lace on Kittels #971621

    I have no problem wearing pink shirts, but I would not wear lace on my kittle, so I cut it off, not to bad a job, but not to good looking either. When I was younger, I heard a rov comment that at least for Yom Kippur, the kittle should be more than just similar to tachrichin, but have closed front and be linen like tachrichin. (in my limited experience as stand in chevre kaddisha, I never saw linen. So I sought out a place that sewed them and asked for a set. They chased me away. Maybe it a segula for long life.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176725

    I was zoche to learn mornings through my college years and then some till a few years of marriage. My rosh yeshiva was against the concept of pubicly supported kollel (the tax really belongs to “asarah batlanim”). In most of my working years I was zoche to spend 3 hours in a bais medrash(including a shacharis). Today I am in EY and I try to keep my hespek in a local (sort of empty at that hour) bais medrash. Because they are my community, I support the kolelim that fill the place at other shifts. As a supporter, they send me a yearly compendium of their stuff. I found it lackluster and boring. Maybe they just need better editing?

    in reply to: Why do you believe in Science? #976708

    OP and others re the “article of faith” From Yirmiyahu 33:25 and Shabbos 33a it emerges that the natural laws are immutable FACT, but for their dependence on Jews learning.

    in reply to: Psak regarding using a motorized wheelchair on Yom Tov #970566

    And there is a shitta, that where you need lishma, battery powered equipment is less groma removed and more lishma than throwing the switch on the AC.

    in reply to: Psak regarding using a motorized wheelchair on Yom Tov #970565

    This name and gofer: Tzomet routinely uses gromo dgrromo and randomization (anti psik reisha devices) to rig all kinds of devices for shabbos, including scooters and wheelchairs. For a panoramic view of what is the issur of operating an electronic device, you could dig up an old sefer Toldos Meori Hoaish about the advent of electricity, and them make the jump to electronics.(and then the more modern Shu’t)

    in reply to: Eggs�Davar Shebiminyan #970142

    Toi, not the metzius on the ground, at least in the many places I shop. Eggs are a huge part of the average diet, mostly sold in trays of 30, or multiples therof. In case you need one or two eggs last second for a late kugel, you would ask your neighbor who might have 60 eggs sitting on top of his refrigerator.

    in reply to: Why all Alone? #968150

    I settled in a large community in EY with the intent to move out to the miniburbs. I have become a rolling stone, davening in many shuls, connecting to them all, but not fully. I have two Rabbonim I can access but I do that only rarely. My take is that in the city, without constant and serious effort, you will always be ‘other’ and certainly if you don’t willingly conform to one of the labels that local society allows.

    in reply to: Round Challah #968130

    oomis: most water challa recipes have no eggs, and you can spice up just about any dough with sprouted grain, pine nuts, hydrated rosemary, or poppy/onion. A really crowd pleasing top for my (sorry) whole grain sourdough challa, is salted tops. Leave out some salt, spray the tops with water and sprinkle with kosher salt. And I made round ‘challa’ for this last shabbos, closed bagel style saluf from a half whole wheat pizza dough recipe. With a sprinkle of zaatar, they went like hotcakes.

    in reply to: Eggs�Davar Shebiminyan #970131

    Toi, unless it is a hole in the wall makolet stuck in the 60’s, no normal place sells eggs by the single anymore. Dozens, 18’s and trays of 30 are the ruba druba norm. The old ‘how many eggs do you want’ was from a time of rampant poverty and poor supply.

    in reply to: Water fountain on Shabbos #1030582

    in water coolers, such as wall mounted, if there are electronics, you may hear the clicking of relays or solenoids, and flow switches, apart from the hum or grind sound of the compressor.

    in reply to: Water fountain on Shabbos #1030580

    The MB takes a strong stand against sugar in coffee before davening. In this very MB oriented world, and in a really frum, MB oriented oilam, I saw them do coffee, milk, sugar, the whole mashke, before davening, and in this place, the coffee was of the quality that MB would have assered for surpassing sugar in luxury.

    in reply to: B'dieved Mezuzahs #975644

    am also a seasoned baal koreh, and have seen ksav from ancient to new, from east to west, and I understand how letters spring, fade, crack, and wear. Buy mehudar, but never have it checked without planning to replace, because given the qualities of the ink and the klaf, when unrolled from that tight wrap, the letters will have vertical cracks. This is also somewhat of a problem with parshiyos shel rosh. A hardedned liquid applique to a flexible base, it does not fold well.

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1057822

    Plenty of sufferers of hypoxia, particularly dark complexioned people look blue.

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1057776

    There are very many plants, grasses among them, that are dark green/blue.

    in reply to: Naming people using two names #967364

    I went through life with one name until som MOD decided to add a name after his uncle Getzil.

    in reply to: Turning 13, 20, 30, 40, etc.�Shas Ratzon? #961057

    C’est le Coffee room, n’est pas?

    In seriousness, I would think that for an adult, any birthday ought be, midarchei hamussar, a yom iyun nefesh, taking an account of what justifies one’s continued existence.

    in reply to: Whom did the shevatim marry? #1040411

    being human: Chazal stress that they were not Canaanites, but from Egypt (similar quandry i.e. benei Cham) Midyan, Edom, (other semites and assorted cousins) that Shaul ben hacananis was either the only exception, or perhaps a son of Dina, and the mother of Er and Onan possibly the only exception.

    in reply to: Girls: Like a guy? #961129

    I was lassoed and caught by her gift of zuccini cake early in the dating process. Its been thirty three years now, and she has not made it, nor have I eaten any since. It wasn’t bad, just like honey cake with emerald highlights, and it served its purpose.

    in reply to: Jews Owning Guns #960808

    And like all well intentioned gun laws, it fails the individual. It only works where the law rules. In most arab villages, there is more metal than rock, and this posts a huge risk to anyone living in proximity to such a village (such as the entire perimeter of Jerusalem.)

    in reply to: About the RCA, I do shudder. #961932

    It is unfortunate that the RCA used such language, however, that is the likely way this is playing out in amcha. Being somewhere on the chardal/amerikaner meshooga scsle, I don’t exactly have a clear take on the “secular” mindset, but Rav Stav is much beloved in many circles, people who the untrained eye would take to be rahok, or lost to the cause. They cannot be now blamed for thinking just what the RCA let out. So in fact, the RCA is correct in the analysis, they should have sat taanis instead of publishing.

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